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life-size six foot three cardboard cut out of donald trump ordered what i thought was one for my son's birthday and apparently i ordered one dozen nah dude you gotta live with that decision [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash insane people facebook without any further ado let's get right in there and take a look at the insanity it's like an instruction manual for creating a madison cothorn advice for young people skip college learn a trade get married young join a small biblical church have babies as soon as you can homeschool your kids cat cat shot date your spouse don't own a tv and go camping oh this person is about as deluded as can be yikes dr dre has four grammys and eminem has an oscar kid rock and ted nugent have oh i don't know syphilis [Laughter] 10 to 20 years old many different types of meat but i forgot to label it defrosted a couple of times over the years but probably still good 10 to 20 year old meat that you have defrosted and re-frozen yes terrible things are happening elsewhere but don't take your eyes off canada this is when they get sneaky oldest trick in the book look over here is someone really concerned about canada right now they don't ever do anything without a single degree they built us roads that have lasted an eternity and then the engineers arrived right the age of consent was created by feminists because older women can't compete with younger women simple as huh one more time but in english if you please this time around thank joe 45 gas go up i day joe go down to hell have fun joe yeah my husband is slightly irritated with me because he couldn't find his watch this morning and i told him i let our 11 month old carry it around the house yesterday because he screamed when i tried to take it he's now looking for his wallet which he doesn't remember he left on his nightstand our son definitely took it because i saw him with it but my husband's always forgetting where he puts his thing so right now he doesn't suspect the toddler should i tell him i know the baby took it and make this my fault or try to find it before my husband does and let him think that this is on him oh gaslighting i love this game you two need a divorce the simpsons waylon smithers makes history on the cover of attitude as springfield's most famous gay resident introduces the world to his new boyfriend stop pushing homosexual propaganda on our children please and don't forget to thank a heterosexual person for your existence man i can't even imagine how it must feel to be this pathetic i like it must physically hurt i challenged dr fauci to a debate 44 days ago it is fouchy right and still haven't heard a thing from him i challenged serena williams to a tennis match 44 days ago and still haven't heard a thing from her dr oz is such a quack teach america's future generations real history in our schools not woke leftist propaganda like crt and the 1619 project hiv is not a good thing no matter how you rapid it's not a moral failing it's avoidable by being moral my friend has hiv from getting her ears pierced in the 80s my other friend got stuck by a needle in the sand on a beach people have gotten it from partners who didn't know their status try again don't get your ears pierced to places immoral people go to don't go to beaches immoral people go to also how did your friend survive hiv in the 80s try again wow this person's actually about as smart as a cup of dirt why it took this long 15 years to add ethnically diverse player characters to world of warcraft no one wants to play as a character with mental illness and games not so hard to understand oh i see you're just racist attention all guards i have been told that you are not at your posts for the full 13 hours you're scheduled for please note this is unacceptable and have requested your employer to confirm the same your break time is before you arrive or after our site this is the same time you should enjoy meals please do not let me hear about a what hold on is he saying that you have to take your break before you start working and then you can't take one and you have to eat before or what you millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky you made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets um we're not entirely sure what this tweet is supposed to mean and we're the dictionary that is yeah i have no way to respond free i use an expired visa gift card and see the cashier to get around the pre-purchase wait what yo what sounds like this post is going to be evidence in a future legal case but okay i've done time for it once i can't be charged for it again double jeopardy no mcdonald's is apparently serving human meat not only human but specifically children bones found to be small child-like bones it says 90 of meat tested contains human remains where are the nearly 1 million children that go missing a year there's people that believe the moon is natural lmao deleted that moon tweet only because i'm not in the mood to have dumbass normies on my page again you believe nasa you're a fool good night satellite is the key word i'm crying because the moon is literally called earth's natural satellite thankful for all the sweet friends and family that came out today to party with our baby he's so loved and the presence in the living room oh sorry i glanced at the photos before i finished reading that yeah clearly the baby is in love with all the trump it's definitely the baby that requested all of this garbage with all due respect please read this then read it again then teach it to your children and grandchildren history is not there for you to like or dislike it is there for you to learn from and if it offends you even better because you are less likely to repeat it history is not yours to change or destroy why do people feel the need to tell everyone what their sexual preferences are why even report about it if you lose friends or in this case fans over your sexuality then they weren't worth having the same reason your profile says i'm a mom with six children everybody talks about their family and relationships knowingly or not true but you can say you're a mom or a dad and not say what your sexual preferences are why tell everyone your parenthood status it's just as arbitrary right that's my point if trump was still our president and i believe he is we would not be in this mess what mess are we in right now why the hell does this weird owl song have woke bolt in it i thought it was going to be one of the good ones but no of course not i'm disgusted this song is seven years old the gender ideology is poisoning everything i cannot believe this keep your politics out of your parodies go back to making the best parodies in the business and even better poke em if you know what's good for you um wow this video is clearly one you need to watch a few dozen times man also who goes after weird al for any reason man you're gonna lose every time the man's bulletproof white privilege systemic racism virtually all racism was non-existent around 1990 then the false narrative that it still exists was pushed on us by the leftists starting in 2008 and still being pushed by the leftist media damn you know steve's right racism was officially cured and abolished in 1990 did you not know that please if you think trump lost to badan you need your head checked aerial view of trump's rally you know i think the best part about this photo is if there were enough people to cover the entire surface of the united states that'd be like 30 billion people looking for a female roommate to pay zero dollars rent i will not charge you money but i will be sharing my bed with you as the other room is being used by my parents they are aware of this arrangement as i have done this before dude why don't you just try dating you know this is the creepiest i've ever seen why don't you just try and date someone because that's what you're hoping for here sending unsolicited picks is now illegal in texas and could result in a 500 dollar fine wow texas of all places so ruin young men's lives behind a toothpick but breastfeeding in public is allowed although it makes some uncomfortable people need thicker looking skin if you don't understand the difference between breastfeeding and some dude whipping his dick out you are beyond hell i thoroughly believe it i thoroughly believe that my favorite thing they say when you speak the truth cite your sources as if i have time to go back and pull up all the videos and emails i've been sent just for them the videos and emails you've just been sent are not big sources to cite some dude on youtube with nine subscribers is not the source you want to be citing man i was really looking forward to trying chick-fil-a until a commercial popped up on my television in spanish i have no problem whatsoever with mexican people but the fact is we live in america and you should stick with english i'm sad to say that i will not be eating at your restaurant after you present yourself in this way like i said this is america we're not called america it's the united states of america and the way i see it it's a privilege to live here with that being said they should learn our language and not the other way around man people really erased the whole melting pot culture about eight seconds after the country was founded didn't they tom brady holds hands with who on a romantic beach stroll down in costa rica wow such big news tmz how about you cover your president liberal's views and cancel what not a couple holding hands i'm sorry that really hard to read you came to tmz thinking it's an actual news outlet they don't cover the news it's always been celebrity gossip and harassment i was a kid in california when the government announced we could no longer burn our trash my dad wasn't happy about having to pay a trash hauling company to pick up the trash instead here in arkansas my grandkids can still burn trash smell that smells like freedom blank tending to the fire and blank keeping the smoke at bay with a baseball bat yeah president trump is a modern day founding father that's not necessarily a good look man how many of them own slaves didn't george washington have like 50 of them or something like that six years old no problems if you were born after 1985 don't respond if you live in your mom's basement and have to check if uber will deliver don't respond if you want to electronically make a payment don't respond and yes karen it's a smoke-free home enjoy the view of the american flag as you pull up the drive the armed gentleman at the door is a nice guy what is this for hope you don't sell it this is what weakness on the world stage looks like okay this is exactly why some dudes be turning gay it's cool to show your son how to be a man but in some ways you gotta hate your pops a little bit when somebody shows you affection you start to love them your son might see something in you to make him like men um fellas is it gay to love your children they'd better not be turning at pc by mixing races where tolkien didn't it'll ruin it for all long time tolkien fans keep it as he intended pc belongs in the bin and the thin skinned in a psychiatrist's clinic dude it's lord of the rings it's lord of the rings just go cry into a pillow i guess have you noticed that these little cuck carts are starting to appear in stores across the u.s more now i think that there's a sign that there are more single people shopping for themselves than shopping for a family how can we stop the cuck-cart phenomenon fellas is it gay to not need a full-sized cart when i go grocery shopping for myself just receive the nnec electric bill this has to be the largest charge for electricity ever get solar panels that'll cut your bill down dramatically and will pay itself off in the long run well i did consider solar energy but from a biblical perspective for example matthew 24 29 and other verses support nasb 1995 but immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken i figure solar would not work well in the long run the other thing to consider is the volcanic dust and the incoming debris from space which will not all burn up in the atmosphere the lack of sunlight will also add to the food shortages coming in the near future i'm sorry i have no idea how to respond to that and that's completely fair i do not care about the environment i just want cheap fuel and energy independence everyone we know will be dead in 100 years let the ones after us figure that out i hope you die soon and i hope it sucks why is reddit so overwhelmingly left how do reddit and cora differ in the composition of their user audience and sociopolitical values and makeup because the kind of people who spend time online forums are overwhelmingly children and tweens most americans who have traditional values mind you and lean more to the right don't have time to comment on reddit forums unlike many on the left they actually have jobs or better yet family they don't spend all day raging at a keyboard on reddit forums with their pseudo-intellectual academia brainwashed viewpoints i hope this helps explain why reddit is so infected with children and left-leaning types you don't have a wise grasp of reality as decorah it's become more of a safe haven for free speech where unlike places like reddit you don't get censored as much for hate speech also known as facts honestly at the end of the day didn't ask plus your profile picture is the [ __ ] confederate flag gay marriage has been around longer than your little fan club thank you bro you know what a wonderful note to end today's video on before we get out of here though we gotta take a look at some fan art decided to do an art all right let's take a look at this n art i'm a big fan of the colors very appealing always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video to consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon huh and if you want to hear or see more of yours truly you can check out the links in the description down below and until next time we'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 237,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Insanepeoplefacebook
Id: Jbl7Yj-2yIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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