r/EntitledParents | "YOU DON'T KNOW THE LAW!" "but I'm a lawyer..."

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what is going on everyone that welcome back to my channel now at the time of recording we are currently just 25,000 subscribers away from the big half a million so if you aren't subscribed already hit that button now without further ado let's get into our first entitle parent story I know the rules better than you I'm calling my lawyer so I am a director of a daycare I've been the director for the last eight years this week I've been dealing with an entitled mom who thinks she knows how to do my job better than I do her first problem was that we require all children to be fully vaccinated and she doesn't want to vaccinate her child I told her she could find care somewhere else she complained that I was violating her personal beliefs and breaking the law no I'm not we have the right to turn away personal exemption cases she decided she would vaccinate but only because I'm forcing her to put poison in her child's her second problem was that she didn't want to do the legwork to get tuition assistance from the states she wants me to email DWS all their info and her child start dates I told her we don't do it that way she needs to contact DWS to tell them her child is attending and then they will contact us to verify she is yet to call them but calls me every day wondering why I have an email DWS yet every day I tell her she needs to contact them she gets mad though and says that it's my job to email them we've had this conversation every day this week her third problem just started last nights she now believes that she is making too much money to qualify for tuition assistance and once her non-refundable registration fee refunded I told her it's non-refundable she told me that I have to return it because her daughter might not be starting since I didn't do my job and contact the states I reminded her again it's her responsibility and the contract she signed states the fee is not refundable she told me that I was reading the contract wrong and she said she will be talking to her lawyer about me breaking company rules and that I'm just picking on her because of her vaccination beliefs I told her to be my guest and I'll be happy to talk to a lawyer about everything she then told me we weren't good enough to take care of her angel and hung up on I'm glad I only had to deal with her for a week but even a week was far too much well it sounds like a good thing that she's now off your hands to be honest a week of her sounds absolutely terrible I mean someone that doesn't believe in vaccinations that is not a person that you want in your day care that is for sure moving on to our next story you stole cheese so you should give it to me so a little background information I am a 22 year old female and I work in a pretty big cheese factory now every month we get a huge block of cheese from the factory to take home with us since the cheese is made in the factory I work in it is wrapped in plastic foil and it doesn't have any brand name or logo written on it or anything whatsoever this will be important information for later in the story today was a day we received the block of cheese and when I was done with work I went to the supermarket to do some groceries my cheese was in my backpack when I was using the self-checkouts that thing where you scan your own groceries and pay without having contact with a cashier while I was scanning my groceries there was a woman next to me the entitled parents who looks well like a 40 year olds who still think she is 15 she was giving me weird looks while I was putting the groceries in my bag but I thought nothing of it since people often look weird at me after I go somewhere after work as you can expect working in a cheese factory doesn't exactly give you a nice body odor I've been giving comments about this from strangers from time to time but when I say I work with cheese they apologize and say they understand until she then decided to speak to me excuse me sorry what's the problem madam I think you forgot to scan that block of cheese she points to the block of cheese in my bag oh sorry but that's not from here I work in a factory where we get these every month for free but I understand the confusion so you stole it umm no madam like I said every employee gets cheese from the company I didn't steal anything by the time I was done with checking outs I was feeling kind of anxious because of the entitled parent and her accusation so I grabbed everything and left quickly to refrain from the discussion getting out of hand I then went to the customer service counter to buy cigarettes in my country you have to buy them there at this moment I thought it was all over but as always within sight of parents it's never over when you think you've lost them as I was paying for my cigarettes the entitle parent decide to show up behind me and started screaming in the most awful voice she is stealing I caught her but she is lying and it tried to get away with it this is why this country is becoming more of a trash show I turn around with the biggest really breath face madam I just told you that check her bag there is a huge block of cheese there that she is trying to steal the store attendant faces towards me madam may I check your bag I say no problem and grab the block of cheese while I explained to her about the free cheese deal from my company all the while the entitled parent is screaming lies in the background in the meantime the store manager noticed the ruckus and came to ask what was happening of course the entitled parent immediately faces to water and starts ranting about how they dare to allow the use in their store the store manager faces towards me and asks miss is this true not in the slightest like I just said to your colleague I get this cheese from work every month you can even check security cameras if you'd like yes do that she is trying to get away with it and then suddenly the store attendant decided to say something manager I think the young girl isn't lying this cheese is wrapped in plastic foil and it doesn't have any brand name nor do we sell fresh blocks of cheese here they only sell packaged blocks after hearing this the entitle parents face turns pale and again one I thought it was over it wasn't well then if you got it for free you should give it to me since I'm a stay-at-home mother and I deserve it more give it to me me the store attendant and the store manager all just take ten seconds of absolute silence to think about what the heck was actually happening the store manager said madam please keep it down this girl didn't steal anything nor bother anyone just let her be or else I'm going to ask you to leave but it's not fair I'm a stay-at-home mom so I'm an essential worker I deserve her and not this young perhaps but she got this from work and if she is still working doesn't that make her an essential worker after this the entitle parent you same bolted out of the store while mumbling something about immigrants getting everything they want I'm not an immigrant but since I have dark hair and eyes people never believe me when I say I don't have roots from another country I thank the store manager and attendants and apologize for wasting their time on such a weird matter well Opie while that is kind of you to apologize this is certainly not an event that you need to be apologizing for it's kind of rude that that entitled parent just got out of there she should be the one of mixing to her mistake this is the main problem that I have with a lot of entitled people yes they are entire to it but even when they've realized that they're in the wrong finally after all the ruckus and all the confusion they've caused you know wasting staff time like in this event right here they still then don't apologize at the end of it I mean in a very few rare occasions they do but in the vast majority of stories like this one they just go about their day and you know leave behind the catastrophe they've caused kind of horrible if you ask me and again we see that argument of I'm a single mom I'm an essential worker I mean come on get out of here with that BS man come on moving on to our final story now entitled dad demands a meeting room to speak with his daughter sir you aren't allowed to see her so background info I worked in a high school in a low socioeconomic area for a while now when you work at a school you have a database of students names with basic information like parent contacts medical issues and restricted access notes restricted access notes just mean that the child is not allowed to be seen by certain people whether that be due to divorce or something worse this day was a day like any other and I was absolutely flat out trying to get work done and deal with phone calls then this dad walks in around third period and takes a seat scene I am very busy eventually I call him over and ask how I can help him yes I'd like to use one of your meeting rooms to speak with my child please I'm sorry I'll have to check if meeting rooms are available for such a thing without a staff member presence they weren't allowed by the way no it has to be just me in her he started to fidget at this point I knew something was up now what was the students last name and what was your name he gave me the names and I looked her up in the system she had a restricted access notes for her father who was the man standing at to me obviously I can't see the detail on the notes but it does state that there is a restraining order against the father I'm sorry sir no one by that name attends this school no I know she does this is the only High School in this area just let me freakin talk to her again sir there is no one by that name here I can't help you I'm gonna talk to her mother you bunch of idiots trying to keep me away from my daughter she's my daughter and I can see if I freaking want to he called me a few other derogatory terms before leaving the office in a rage I just ended up sighing and calling the mother to let her know what happened before writing up a report our interaction in case the police were involved the mother eventually came to pick up her daughter early wow that is a potentially very scary in a very dangerous situation yeah as you said you've seen that there's a restricted access no on on the pupils profile it says well you say that you know that it's to do with a restraining order but you don't know why that restraining order is there it could be something you know quite trivial you know to do with the divorce and the mum not wanting the dad to see the kid just for that benign reason but it could be something way more serious you know abuse etc etc it literally could be anything yeah you've done the right thing there for sure I assume you have some sort of policy in place where if you see that sort of note on on a pupils profile you have to say no this this people is not there not at this school for their own safety yeah I just worry about if someone had done a different thing in your situation and said no you're not allowed to see that student you know admitting that there at that school the dad could have gone crazy could have you know tried to break into the school went and found the daughter in their classroom it could have been absolutely horrible and yeah like you say police could easily be involved in a situation like this overall opie you did the right thing for that was it that was a close one that's for sure anyway guys that is gonna do it for this video I really hope you have enjoyed it if you did show your support by dropping a like down below comment your opinions on these three stories and to subscribe if you haven't done already as I said in the intro we are now 25,000 subscribers away from the big family that is just so close I really want to hit that by the 12th of June which is my birthday will be pretty cool birthday present so yeah if you want already hit the button and turn notifications on to keep up with my content every single day
Channel: Redditor
Views: 178,523
Rating: 4.9488192 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, lawyer, law
Id: vicv3WY6BzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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