Rimworld: SCP Part 1: A Strange New World [Modded]

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hey there everybody that here and welcome to that plays rim world that is right this would be i don't know like my eighth or nine rim world series been there's been quite a few today however we got us we got a mod set of ready to go uh you could see there's a lot of mods in here not as many as i've had before i mean i've had hundreds but i think it's about a hundred and somewhere between 130 and 160 in here now something like that but the main one that we're having fun with here today is actually we do have the uh only clothing thing for the clothing because this one doesn't come with clothing either way secure contain rim world is a fun one that i'm planning on uh really utilizing today as well as a couple of others you'll have the full mod list of course in the description which will lead you to the steam workshop where you can get the entire collection and play with it as you would like thankfully does have the mod manager included which helps you get the mods in the right order because friend world has really good modding support thank goodness for that all right so let's get started what's the plan for our newest colony well like i said it's going to be a scp focused colony so i've uh actually took the idea of another scenario i saw in the workshop that didn't load i'm guessing because it was made for like an alpha version of rimworld and i just made some changes to the story here so basically the foundation was investigating into people disappearing in the city of redacted uh led foundation personnel to the headquarters of paramilitary research organization there was a uh some hostilities they had to deploy a uh task force to secure the location they found some kind of arch doorway resembling a wormhole and that there appears to be a planet with breathable atmosphere and signs of life on the other side so the council authorized the creation of a special task force assigned to explore the other side and document their findings you cross over the other side and the portal disappears you start with six people you will uh they'll be within a certain age ranging you get 50 package survival meals 30 medicine 30 components four automatic rifles two frag grenades some steel and some wood to start building up your colony so that's how we're gonna start and now when it comes to the storyteller someone called it in the discord they were totally right on that we have we're going to be using a storyteller switcher it's one of the mods that we have we'll start with cassie classic just to start us off uh with stride to survive and you got to do reload anytime when you have over 100 mods but um there's a lot of other storytellers here as well that may just decide to pop in to make our lives better or worse yeah empress evil here just believes in the concept of evil not in the concept of good bad things happen when this storyteller is chosen we have nobody which is apparently the scp-related one uh very interested in scps will send them your way more than normal for better or for worse that's interesting apparently they are specifically difficult we got uh acepeter escipiter maybe it's a sippider ascipita accidental um a press agent of yanwa precision sense of storytelling strange sense of storytelling yeah okay you'll have a thriving colony if you take care of your colonists and then she'll destroy you okay we have uh sadistic who likes the story of characters struggling in agony do the overlapping minor misfortunes lots of small annoying events but less raids hildegard heroic who i believe is the opposite more big events less smaller events we have perry persistent from the vanilla expanded um he will constantly keep you on your toes every day can bring you to the end of this investigation so from what i understand he sends you [Music] not like major colony destroying events but consistent events you got igor invader who just sends you wave after wave after wave every couple days and we have uh basilicus vestor i honestly don't even remember what mod he's from uh but he has epic ballads that become even more fantastic if everyone has access to psychic powers so he likes the psychics all right like i said we're gonna start with cassie classic and who knows when it will change of course in case you're forgetting uh we also have phoebe chillax and old randy over here who might pop in to say hi as well all right we're gonna go ahead and just give us a random seed here for our scp you know what actually no let's not randomize it let's do a seed scp we'll do a 30 world i'm not too worried about that when it comes to size i want a little bit of every tribe here yeah all of them i know you're gonna be mad we got faction control i can decide to break all the rules it's pretty great can make it uh pretty big disable faction limits heck yeah we have the goc over here the chaos insurgency a couple of scp enemies we have the orion corporation to deal with they're always fun yeah we might end up having a good time it might end up being completely horrible and awful i honestly do not know i just know rim world is back baby uh and we're at well we could be at the red stump tiger i actually no if you've seen the thumbnail it's kind of desert like looking i kinda wanna keep that theme in here and make us a desert-like tile although there are scp plaguelands over here as well that's probably not a good idea to start in one of those but we could venture to one eventually um i do like this area because it's like near an imperial spot but i don't know if i want to be bothered with it you know how about now my problem is like everyone lives over here uh i guess you could pick a spot over this way near the long hathenstein you know maybe a desert area with a river could work could work yeah there's a couple of tribes nearby you know that's not bad yeah let's let's do this this is like right on the cusp of the desert we'll do that ideology system we're going to be playing with one we got an ideology ready to go it's the scp ideology which other other one would you pick case you're wondering secure contain protect the narrative is the one of the main text on the wiki for what the scp foundation is we secure we contain we protect i've decided to make them loyalist collectivist quest to this culturist which is probably the big one they desire reading and writing to document their findings and of republic because it makes sense it would have more than one leader even though we are a small contingent of the main group who knows if they'll ever make it home they'll probably need to set up their own group maybe i don't know i don't know who these people are but uh they gotta go we're gonna prepare carefully here we're gonna just kick out everyone over here sorry uh for you there hampton and zippy especially because zippy's a great name lightly tempted to keep light slightly tempted to keep it as i'm trying to say good lord we're gonna load in some characters that uh i may have already made if i may have i mean i i did i did i like how we have silver man because i couldn't fit silver mane in the entire uh thing for the nickname i think i could change it actually in the game so our doctor here our head researcher dr nathan nyberg i basically left him with a default randomized name he was an amateur astronomer turned navy scientist i don't want to be a pyromaniac though so i'm just going to change this to something else i didn't realize i left that as pyromaniac i changed it for everyone else hey uh let's see stop giving me pyromaniac damn it um so metabolism careful shooter eventually he doesn't like shooting you know what why not let's see what vengeful gets us uh okay that way that works he doesn't need as much that's that's pretty good so amateur astronomer turned navy scientist and then turned a member of the scp foundation uh both nyberg and parent over here because they are the researchers i made sure they had relatively high certainty because they probably are doing what they do because they believe in it whereas everyone else i let it be whatever the default number is which seems to be between 79 and 83. which is fine now for our characters i had just a couple things in mind two are researchers so that would be uh nyberg and parent they have high intellectual and then everyone else is a guard which means they have relatively decent either high shooting high melee or at least um a passion one of those just realize nobody has a passion in medical but cecil's okay at it so i guess that'll work but yeah yeah no implants or anything so we might not have a quote-unquote balanced team for what you would call a regular rimworld adventure but we're just gonna have to deal with that aren't we we have a parent craft over here as our second researcher scientist uh sickly child turned army scientist who's too smart but has a refined palette again likes intellectual also like shooting just not that good at it we've got our wilgar silverman over here in our third position here love shooting likes melee there's some extra icons over here that you might not be familiar with they are extra trait um signifiers so for example he just does not he's completely apathetic towards construction like just doesn't care it won't even go up that quickly see passion apathy he'll forget it way fast whereas with shooting natural he's a natural shot learns very quickly but also forgets very quickly you know it kind of goes hand in hand thankfully we do have mods that will allow the train to shooting either way silver main bodyguard trainee turned army sergeant he's a fighter thick skin and duster she probably got the best roll of traits in the entire colony but yeah it's pretty good we got uh vasila briggs over here midworld skecher give us some artistic uh strength here and a military gunsmith combat medic also trigger happy so shoot fast if nothing else likes construction likes mining those would be helpful you know what's this one critical will not forget learn everything else much slower oh i want to have that with someone um we'll do a minor in in that i'm almost tempted to like yeah change this to critical like silver main silver main is a shootsman we'll see how that works out for us uh we have sai bulgari over here military cadet turned anarchist rebel he's an insomniac he's a lush likes to drink also a night owl also talented in shooting i'm gonna take away this fire for intellectual though um i feel like that's just not going to be good for us because that we would learn everything else more slowly uh we'll just make it blank i think that's fine he's also is he our best socialite he actually is which is interesting okay uh he doesn't do art doesn't do crafting doesn't do cleaning that's fine and then finally we have uh cecil kane in the fourth position we're taking away any uh conditions or injuries these people are gonna be in quote unquote peak human condition so sorry about your arm here you'll probably get one down the line he was an abductee apparently uh forced to do menial labor and then he became a combat medic later on he likes spring he's a defensive fighter also has a passion for shooting just not as good at it yet because he's one of the newer recruits on the shoot side uh thankfully he's a weak professional when it comes to medicine because we do need a combat medic on the group because we don't really have one then finally with the equipment i'm not adding anything new i'm going to stick with what we have in the scenario some wood some steel grenades rifles componies medicine package survival meals let's do it i'm excited we're back on the rim baby and it ain't going to be easy i'm not i'm not playing with kid gloves here the sap foundation began investigation such as multiple missing persons reports in the city of blank redacted united states investigations led the foundation personnel to the headquarters of apparent military research organization currently believed to be funded by prometheus labs the organization refused to cooperate with our investigation and increasing hostilities resulted in the deployment of mtf gamma 13 to secure the location mobile task forces managed to secure the site suffering moderate casualties noting that the organization and firepower are far more advanced than current technology following a perimeter sweep foundation researchers arrived and discovered a device resembling an arch doorway when power this device appeared to open a wormhole or equivalent portal initial tests indicated that the other side of the portal contains a planet with breathable atmosphere and signs of life the o5 council authorized the creation utilization of a special task force designed to explore the other side of the portal and document their findings over two days this assignment included a squad from mtf beta 4 as well as two researchers provisions were provided to create temporary housing if required upon crossing the threshold the device maintaining the portal appears to have malfunctioned severing the portal and leaving us on a strange new world our new assignment survive and try to find a way back home head researcher redacted which i guess would be nyberg in this case all right we got rocket man too as you can see it's starting up okay we're here we're ready we got uh cyanide and pegmatite apparently as well as some limestone near us and some compacted steel so let's see how everyone's doing because right now looking at our uh look at our colors up here at the top uh our moods are not phenomenal to start with i'm sorry did you start with an apb-1 rifle did you all start with one because that was a whoopsie all right i'm not complaining i'll take free weapons um i almost feel like i have to anyway low expectations initial optimism uh it is spring apparently it's april may so cecil's happy let's see psy neutral my rivals are alive why should they deserve to live oh my he is gonna be he does not like psy immediately because addict oh boy that's uh he's not even like direct t-tollers which is a little strange but yeah that's that's rough start apparent doesn't have a negative at least okay so we got some frags we got some auto rifles we got some medicine the apbs are probably better weapons overall but we got simple sidearm so we can pick them both up all right let's see yeah you're you have a regular sidearm right now why don't you go and pick up one of those everyone else is with an apb rifle but maybe we'll put those away we'll see actually wait oh you could just pick it up i see i see now we're fine we have 50 food as well to start us off well some wood some components and some steel [Music] apparently [Music] oh apparently nyberg and silverman are already smart enough in their respective fields to know see if i can get this e in here now there we are uh to get an expertise so how does that work click to jump to the problem i wouldn't say he's a problem but how do you how do you do that do you go to the star oh yeah so expertise allows you to get just a little bit better in some of the traits that you're already building up so with shooting he become a sharpshooter accuracy when firing both high-tech and low-tech ranged weapons aiming expertise oh and fire yeah expertise and accuracy expertise in aiming which is the um warm up and then reloading to shoot faster let's give him yeah shooting accuracy point one aiming time down verb cooldown factor zero that sounds awesome um let's let's give him a better aim he shoots faster oh that's its own wow that's neat and with nyberg apparently you can become a special type of nerd complex drugs hacking terminals of systems researching new technologies he's a researcher that one was easy all right now we've done that let's go ahead and get some basic uh buildings up shall we um get me a actually you know what let's we have a room that's partially done here let's actually work on this there we go we got the wood right there uh don't yeah we'll do that work with what we got first you know and then we can work on other things uh i got the right click menu which i do appreciate i guess this will all be our initial home area we'll start with that but yeah that's going to be our first hey nyberg how we doing over here just kind of overseeing the situation right now i mean i think it looks like he's going to be fine mood wise it's just not looking great vasilla's mood is actually going up because she loves she loves doing work apparently yeah no complaints here this was just like it's springtime man what's not to love all right we're gonna have to get some work done though we got some compacted steel over here we got some uh compacted machinery got some gazelles so uh you know scp log we got some regular animals over here some cyanide got an emu everyone hold on to your butts we got the prisoners tab which might end up being useful we have an scp over here scp-160 a living quadcopter drone that hunts small animals true okay so uh yeah there it is hopefully we don't have to kill it right away but you never know all right now that we got that done let's make some let's make an initial stockpile zone over here we'll make this good size room our initial stockpile uh let's make a dumping stockpile zone as well outside just for now all right at least this is actually a pretty good start as far as surviving goes okay while we're here let's go ahead and just turn these into proper rooms as well there we go this this can probably come down all right that was actually a pretty phenomenal start we do need to deal with or at least we're eventually gonna need to deal with uh eight without table problems but we could deal with that in a little bit by building a couple tables i think we have the stuff for it we also have lts furnishings which are other types of tables do you ever want a sturdy table that will withstand the test of time this is not that table but uh it's a typical strange scandinavian name and that is much better i kind of want to build it just for that lovely description that is great uh you can make fire pits nice fireplaces hey you got some good stuff here you can make some actual arch doors yeah we got a lot of neat stuff extra furniture regular furniture uh we do need to start with a table and a two by is actually a perfect start here so you know what give me the wooden narration there we go you have some chairs in this section though yeah you do you have the uh i don't even i don't know why they have strange skin and it's like that's built into the mod description and i'm not sure why i just know they are give me some square chairs hey look there's enough space to make a chair for everybody this is actually a really good start probably get some light in here too genetics power security cavalry spikes shields we're probably going to need to make these pretty soon you know be able to do some proper flooring some recreation give me a simple uh do we have are we out of wood already maybe [Music] here's hoping we got enough uh cactus to make some wood [Music] we do have cacti around they look nice though got some visual mods making that happen that gold that's straight up gold all right that's pretty cool yeah absolutely gonna build us a nice table there you go it is nice look at that you can zoom all the way in and it still looks nice that's well done all right we do have a couple of apparent you okay he's cloud watching all right we have a couple of extra like events that we can do our first quarter review the annual foundation i could say words i swear i've done it before and the mid-year review as well these are all just good things to start with start with knowing [Music] about what we can and can't do we got temperature stuff we got gardening tools we've got storage we do have deep storage which is very nice by the way probably probably one of my favorite mods just because it it adds a lot and it looks good there's a lot going for it just put it that way now production that's what we need to look at what is it going to take to make our first research station because you know that's going to be the important part steel and wood and a room this big all right well that's where we're gonna build it we do need more wood already and believe it or not so let's get some more wood are there any trees around here there are some they're like a few trees not much that's uh ancient centipede cells good things i have to research here uh we're also of course gonna need beds and we don't have enough room for beds for everyone so we're gonna have to build a whole new structure too concrete foundation foundations are structure our structures are built on mud quicksand etc okay they allow for easier building in desert and swampy biomes [Music] you can't put floors on top of foundations good to know good to know okay we're probably gonna have to build a proper barracks for the soldiers it might probably i mean we are gonna have to so let's just plan on uh like a seven by seven place for them [Music] maybe we should build it out of steel i mean we do have 425 steel here how much would it take to build that kind of fine walls eh nice all right regular steel walls oh yeah we could we definitely have enough to build this okay with a steel door as well uh you know how about the fan how about a fancy door [Music] how about a simple fancy door yeah that's the sauce and then we'll just do [Music] some kind of easy man there's a lot of nice looking floors here kind of nice freaking mods that i pick um yeah yeah we'll just do [Music] basic concrete right now we're surviving here at the moment [Music] you know we still don't have any beds built and it's almost nighttime so perfect start of the day actually you know what go to all and type in bed and see what comes up aha we have a hemnes bed huh is it better 105 110 100 basic bed 110 oh what about the wood version yeah it is a little better there's a hanging bed not as cozy as a regular bed but better than the floor often used for that prison feel all right well i need cloth for those and i don't need cloth for a wooden bed so try to build a couple of beds get those out of the way still need more wood so start killing more cacti when we can fortunately or unfortunately that's basically all the cactus is good for all right vasilla's doing all the construction is that yeah that's that's how it is uh nyberg you can do some construction help sigh you're good enough to do something too we'll go and we'll break this down into like you know the numbers the advanced research tab yeah priorities we'll break that down the priorities later right now i just want to make sure that we're getting some baseline stuff done you know all right very cool very cool there's gonna be an ugly ass room but that doesn't matter and they're sleeping on the floor i mean it's a start oh no sigh you goofed up the research vent bench my dude that's awful it's like the one thing we did not need broken up nyberg of course is in a bad mood he is fairly likely to break first let's be real which is too bad because he is our prime researcher but when he when we get to the point where he can research there's some shifts for you we get to the point where he can actually do some research he'll be very happy because one we have a lot of things to research and two [Music] it's a passion of his so that should help a lot you know what do you start with here mythic mythic neolithic i mean it sounds fun to say got some uh questionable ethics stuff we got some scp stuff of course i say uh what do we have in terms of power nothing wow yeah we gotta we gotta learn how to make this stuff ourselves first tranquilizers would be a good idea reinforced walls and doors yeah yeah but apparently we don't know how to make the more advanced power even so we got a ways to go here let's learn how to make solar panels we're in the desert so that should be helpful and let's put uh batteries in the queue that way you know we'll be able to start kicking things into higher gear eventually all right all right once that's done a couple of beds for our peeps we'll have a nice solid foundation going on um the little things over here it can open doors this this scp could just go in and out and open doors all at once what in the world okay i mean eventually we can go after wildlife this thing is a predator it's very small though so it probably won't hunt us no quest yet of course but that's okay and i wish you had like a oh boy slept in the darkness well something the cold also in the darkness in the cold the brisk 17 out man you're okay that wasted wood i think hurt us way more than i realized so what are you doing oh he's breaking this apart it's a good way to train his skills so that's good he's gonna try to put together one of these beds okay and he freaked it up all right thanks priscilla okay maybe we should just have her do all the building right now um actually nyberg's better at building the psy at least he didn't frick up the bed you know 75 wood for that yeah the bed's more important you know you gotta think of your hierarchy and needs what's the most important thing not eating without table but after that what's the most important thing and it's gonna be a place to sleep and a roof over your head i mean we're knocking out the normal stuff which i appreciate oh of course vasila our best constructionist made the poor bed all right well this is nyberg's it's an awful room but it's small and it's a start this is an awful barracks so we'll get this one built don't screw it up say we need more wood once again we need more wood please all right a lot of cacti around here to destroy he hasn't goofed it up yet he's doing it uh he did it that parents already started researching all right that's awesome she loves doing that too so it's a big mood boost for her actually nyberg's mood went back up too decent rec room oh okay they like this room it'll be better when we have a proper floor in here but the fact that they like it right now is great normal bed all right well this one's parents okay yes these rooms suck for now i you know to tell me what i already know and we don't really have a good source of light either yet oh i could do a wood fire generator i guess we have turbines as well yeah mean yeah i guess we do have a couple of options for that um structures no no furniture i think that's where lighting is there's a torch lamp bamboo torch lamp lantern post okay these all take power i mean the fireplace wouldn't we don't have enough shist for this unfortunately but it would look nice and maybe we should i mean i don't know where we get more schist we get pegmatite walls put some destruction orders over here for all this stuff anything else around here there's a lot of there's a lot of old tanks interesting uh this is steel i believe which we can't use for a fireplace but we could use it's a good chance to explore while we're here i thought everybody would be sleeping but apparently not it's not a complaint just an observation all right we have 221 steel it's easy enough to get more steel honestly pairing your moods looking i mean your mood is fine you just slept in an awful bedroom actually we're doing surprisingly okay all things considered people don't like the awful barrack uh psy has alcohol withdrawal feeling shaky everything pisses them off ah that's gonna be rough we have to deal with that somehow oh yeah he does not look happy all right let's try making a oh we could do a fire pit too if we wanted to like put it in the middle of a room i kind of like the idea of uh a pigment fireplace right here on the wall and then later we could put in a fire pit somewhere you know ooh that's big that's less big but all good all good so research has already started on solar panels we're gonna learn how to at least power ourselves here soon all right how much uh pigment do we need 80 how much do we got not 80. like that two it's worth two can we cut can we do stone cutting do we know how to do that or are we too dumb still um no we know how to do that thank god at least then we can make some proper things uh i know i have to put this in a room eventually but for now we'll just put it outside we're gonna need a butcher table eventually we're gonna need a stove we're probably gonna want to start planting but problem with that is we don't have a lot of fertile space most of it's over here that's that's a little bit of a problem needless to say all right but let's let's make ourselves a quick growing zone grow something fast like rice always a uh nice strong quick start assuming i can find it there it is all right apparent's gonna put that down for us she's got a four in plants she's the only one who does plant cutting too oh boy um you have a four in plants you have a foreign plants yeah everyone can help plant actually it's the plant cutting where things get a little bit funky you know all right we got some idol colonists here let's go ahead and make any stone blocks until we have like oh not that many yeah 400 to start making stone blocks psy is at a major break risk well he's a night owl you should probably fix that as well schedule [Music] society between like 11 and 18 i think it is i honestly don't remember that's a guess what are your hours 11 and 18. all right yeah go to bed unload your inventory and go to bed or don't whatever i mean his rest is pretty high right now it's at 92. so we're cutting up cyanide instead huh all right that's fine as long as it's something we have actually a nice red fireplace would look sick so sure do that up actually it's gonna be more pink but it'll still look good that'll give us some light in this room now we're going to need some light over here and i guess the only thing we really have is a torch lamp so we'll put one up right there just as a little starter unfortunately psy's not more tired which does kind of suck because if he was you could make use of that does anyone do mining yet um parent can do mining priscilla has a small passion for it cecil's good enough to do it why does parent have all the skills like all the skills unlocked but freaking everyone else has like an equivalent level of it it's weird right it's some mining wait wasn't there there's a visitor already okay i don't want to mind the gold if i touch the gold the gold becomes part of our value and that hurts the colony and by that i mean bigger raids uh we have from the be a bruin union turtle hi turtle how you doing nice beard uh he's a pantheist he's a clumsy snob apparently he considers uh plant work critical to his passions he's a part of the blazing eaters oh a cannibal group okay who worships fire very cool they're also egalitarian about it so they eat everyone equally good for them good for them looking forward to this fireplace okay we got a little bit of light in here this is gonna keep nyberg happy for a bit i think we do need to work on their rooms but we're gonna do that that's just gonna come in time you know we'll we'll make things better don't you worry chop more wood please i need this so what's the plan what's like the overarching plan and i think the overarching plan it's gonna be to do research yes i i believe there is a a way to not leave the planet on a ship and another way to kind of get things going we might do i don't know could be the empire could be something else i'm probably not going to do the regular ship ending or at least move toward that i just don't i don't see that being the way we go for now yeah so now it's night time sye's mood is a lot better he's still got some major alcohol withdrawal going though and that is hurting him but he'll probably be fine hopefully it is nice to have a night owl though on this group because now we have someone who's you know taking the night watch while everyone else sleeps he guards cecil has inspired cooking who cook twice as fast for the next eight days all right is he good at it not really okay still i guess it would be nice to be able to cook um let's see what we have for that i mean i guess we'll have the fueled stove for now it's the main one we have they did get us that steel very quickly which i appreciate so with that in mind why don't we go ahead and pave tile up this spot actually all of this can be paved tiled bedrooms can be something else got asphalt too very easy to traverse no it doesn't give a negative like uh concrete does huh well that's good to know i should i mean it does cost a little bit more but it's probably worth it okay let's do let's do tiles in here too and then the outside will be asphalt you know just for starters yeah we'll give uh cecil a place to cook then we need to give him stuff to cook with and i don't know what's here maybe some agave if we have with what else we've seen uh there's some berry bushes can i select all of them there are 35 on the map that is or 36 that's not a lot oh boy that is not a lot at all all right so we're gonna harvest as many berries as we can [Music] uh there's some beehives all right select them all there are two beehives they're great i mean it is better than none ancient razor wire over here and of course the animals was this oh was this killed by the scp it was ah psy's got an insulting spree he has decided to chase around vasilla and insult her while she builds asphalt the asphalt actually looks really nice okay obviously our people are not getting along super well right in this minute okay so now we have this we can cook simple meals we can cook lentils and now they're fighting yay try to keep some like 10 simple meals well this is what you get so oh my god she kicked his ass he didn't land a single blow on her which makes you know actually makes sense considering uh he drunk as hell or no he's withdrawal as hell he's the opposite he wishes he was drunk as hell then he wouldn't go on a freaking mood spree hey nyberg's making some food nice all right those will last for four days which will probably get eaten way before then too so that works that's right nyberg's one who likes to cook the most and he's the best at it technically okay now we need a butcher spot which i think is exactly what we're gonna make yeah we'll just butcher them out here for now we'll make a proper spot for it later all right we got food hey we got a fireplace look at that 50 wood apparently gives it uh 10 oh you could cook meals here too well spooked man cook them here hey we got honey too nice well then in that case get rid of this stove we'll cook simple meals at the fireplace yeah i'll probably be a little bit more efficient in the short run plus we could put a storage bin somewhere over here let's see storage do we have like a we have a food basket problem is it's a size two i'd rather have a size one place to put food we could also make the refrigerators already which is helpful hmm we do need to use those components eventually all right so how you recovering over here pretty rough pretty rough for him right now yeah this room's slightly impressive the kitchen's all right feeling it over here uh cecil you loving these blocks huh i can see that seem to be having a lot of fun with that i guess cyanide is going to be our current building block of choice hopefully they're it's a relatively strong wall 480 that's pretty good ain't granite but it's good okay let's make a small ish room for now there we go i made that a little shorter than i wanted to actually [Music] do that that's the size i want it okay then we put a door right here please understand steel door will be fine i like it i like it a bit the rice is 26 percent grown it's gonna take some work you know what i haven't done and i need to is claim uh all the stuff here that way they'll repair it there we go that'll be better [Music] man everyone is fine-ish psy's recovering slowly but surely cycon indicates that mod settings have not been configured yet that's okay basic settings are fine for simple sidearms i can live with that yeah i want to put in some like proper flooring over here eventually i don't know when that's going to be able to happen but eventually it will of course we need some mild entertainment over here take down this acacia [Music] it's just a little bit of extra wood all right how how we doing here this room barracks is almost completely done it's a fine start [Music] we are not getting research done very quickly and that's because of the way people are kind of having to go through things but we did looks like we did get uh solar done okay and now we have the power of solar so we're gonna use it there we go get three panels going be a fine start and eventually we'll transform this room into something else or we'll just tear down this wall here and make a different area for storage that would also be cromulate this gazelle never got done oh well that's too bad okay since it looks like you'll be here for a while nyberg thinks you should give your faction a name dang i never picked up what the planet's name was that last guy should have told us oh well this is our faction name so uh well our faction is you know scp foundation i guess i wouldn't put the in front of it yeah and this place what should this place be called solidarity town uh let terthy by the prairie that's a fun name i will say that blackjack dale roulette worth it fun oh yeah i like that one i'm going to call it fun because that's what rim world is right it's fun it's a dumb name but i'm going with it now welcome to fun [Music] all right it's a story about losing it's fun i mean i'd prefer not to but we have to uh major break risk big shockers uh zasai hit sigh at this point i just assume he's gonna have a hard time don't worry about the butchering for now we're not even hunting right now [Music] this room almost got done very quickly cecil what you making a slate nice the watto confederation group of travelers passing by hey how y'all doing psy is uh going to destroy a pistol yeah uh silverman you ain't doing nothing uh let's let's go ahead and say the [ __ ] he is confirm stop in the name of the law why were you holding 492 silver prison labor mod introduction i don't this is not really the right time to need it you need to enable a prisoner labor in the prisoner tab then you need to adjust the work priorities in the work tab and then you need to make sure that people are watching them yeah yeah i get that designing a prison encampment yeah i'm not too worried about that we may have to use prison labor in the future i understand this i do okay forced to work work and recruit work and convert yeah release him hey great come on you dumbass there you go all right i'm assuming that's just going to keep his mood low but well no did give him catharsis so that's good at least now he won't be breaking our pistols all right yeah let's get some power now i mean it's night time so it was the worst time to get power but hey we got some power now now we can run conduits around here and put some actual lighting in some of these areas and light this room over here okay we are still working on fuses or batteries fuses will be next bumper clear unwanted insects oh you could use that to keep the insectoids away cue up basic fuses yeah circuit breakers are going to be way farther down the line which is fine which is fine price is at 41 no i mean we have 10 simple meals we're good on that front i guess we're doing all right really psy's working on this one spot here he got it everyone bothered everyone but he got it i'll take what i can get you know okay let's throw up some simple storage over here for these things um a pallet would be freaking great does not protect against the weather actually you can still put that outside [Music] um yeah put a pallet right here we'll start putting completed things on that palette i wonder when the storyteller is going to change or how often it changes i might have to look into the settings for that because i didn't really touch the settings too much for anything you know we're just getting started i kind of wanted to to see where things were going to go how things are going to look right now except for psy screwing up the building of a damn fuse things are going pretty pretty okay vasila seems to be the only one who can reliably build anything worth a damn but i guess that is what it is now there is some research we're gonna have to other research we're gonna have to do let's see what do we have waste disposal modern furniture we are going to need to learn writing this will allow us to actually write books to allow other people to learn things so i want that on the docket i mean there's a lot of fancy stuff down here i need some basic things though quick draw weapons non-lethal weapons that could be useful later genetic research sample turrets see rimchinale stuff mythic prosthetics vanilla turrets nah it's got to be somewhere in here that i'm looking for hydroponics ieds machining gun smithing which will be useful eventually hopefully we'll be able to get some recruits because uh having some people that know some other things would be nice right about now biosculpting climate control security glass it's very advanced stuff down here i don't even know what an ms belt is magnetic belt apparently terrain rehabilitation make underground greenhouses that's neat huh let's see looking for gene trainer repurposing there should be a way to be able to allow us to train but i don't know which one it's going to be off the top of my head probably not tree sewing but that would be helpful to know too sterile materials that'll be useful geothermal reactors there are some vents around there usually are so i'm pretty sure i saw some so we should be good there can make some shields could learn how to fabricate fabrication gives us exoskeleton frames fancy okay that actually sounds pretty cool for something down the line you know here's smithing that allows to remake some of the equipment it looks like yeah i think we need to get smithing on the docket too that gives us a lot of this defensive stuff we need or at least that we want what is this prestige playtime fancy the fancy boys around you know if you need it yeah prosthetics will be really good and there's a lot of vanilla expanded stuff that we can eventually go after modern furniture basic electronics farming techniques you know a scarecrow keeps small animals away it's actually i laugh but that would actually be useful eventually mass drivers that could be fun you know for the future man i i know there's a way i know we got a mod for training i just don't know how to utilize it yet oh well it's fine we'll find it in time it's like we do with every everything else when i tend to add like way too many look at this circle carpet well okay fine i don't have the material for it you got me game you're right i tried to build a thing before i had all the things for it but should be right it is right here ah so dumb sometimes uh yes get me a combat dummy no make me a steal one all right you could apparently use it for both melee and shooting skills containment room ah so this is how you make a containment room for scp purposes okay that's good to know because eventually we're probably gonna want to try to oh we got knocked down scp-160 almost got destroyed hey um parent can you contend to this thing see if you could fix it because it's going to quote-unquote bleed out okay yeah it's it's not going to bleed out anymore it's going to take a while to well oh god a raid run he does not look happy look at his face healthy routines fast learner lush should we have a lush fight no silverman doesn't have anything to do let's give him something to do shall we besides you pick up your weapon no you didn't go pick up your weapon dude yo they randomized the solar generators so they look different that is awesome i love the fact that they can do that anyway hey who the hell are you oh and the uh icon showing what gun they have shows up down here now we do have running gun of course and we have search and destroy holy [ __ ] silverman one shot uh sorry i got some news for you we got beer good god one shot right through the brain he's like holy [ __ ] beer immediately goes to drink it give me give me give me i need it oh yeah that's the stuff used recreational drug it was it was an offense against my beliefs did i oh medicinal use only is the regular thing but that's all right went from 13 to or he went from negative 35 to negative 15. that is plus the alcohol warmth gives him 20. it's worth it it is totally worth it he probably gives no shits but yeah that's good stuff uh hey grab some grenades as a sidearm silverman you do that too thank you get some out of inventory for one okay here i want to put stone blocks in here please stack them up thank you up to eight stacks very nice very nice uh let's do dead i guess we bury him and we don't have to but yes double movie facility you're not doing anything you do this there we go and i got i think i need to go to storage human like yeah that should work yeah shove them in there psy of course is doing the burial because he's grateful for this person after all this person did bring him beer thank you friend thank you for the beer okay that worked out shockingly well i like these designs these are sick oh you could change them too like this is the default one uh huh just okay it does a random one i see i kind of want all the hexagon ones you know can i make that happen yeah i like that one too um give me all hexagons i don't have a reason to want this i just do there you go neat can i change the graphic of this i can yo some of them are more basic than others i'll say that much okay give me the one with yeah i don't know what these tanks are but i want them i want them now so can't take them away from me okay we have electricity now so i guess we need some lamps within tables how much wood do we have 49 not enough for everybody to have one but you know there's a start i should throw a dresser over here dad put it in the corner that makes more sense to me actually put it put it up here okay that's a start hey hey i can set these for ranged or melee but i'm going to set them to deranged okay so now silverman during the day in theory should have something to do which is train his shooting skill so that'll be nice rice is growing it's a 57 house food situation four simple four packaged uh let's hide the four package for now or not hide it but you know forbid it because they don't need to be eating that right this minute oh he's training all right then ah that's how it works huh we have to oh wait we're automatically expanding the home area please stop doing that okay that down there should not be home area it's fine for this to be home area but outside of that no so short this up just a little bit here we go yeah and no home area here because that yeah he doesn't need that but that'll make sure that we end up repairing that thing too he did get a shooting level up from it and now he's repairing it which will work on his construction skill awesome he learns very slowly and he forgets very quickly so he's not really great at that which is too bad [Music] okay now i got all of our blocks in one place which is great we do have the ability to make weapon racks too so we should probably do that [Music] for storing in an aesthetically pleasing manner um i don't think i want to put the weapons outside i was thinking about it we finally deconstructed the stove which i think is fine we do need to make more food though eventually requires cooking skill of six ah crap of course nobody's good enough all right cook simple meals do until we have ten move this up one or the other stop eating raw food i think that was pemmican not raw food but still diaper do we have anything to cook yeah cook we have berries cook them oh god cecil has a loud ass weapon dude and i can see that we need to move it somewhere else because uh yeah how how wide is the home area up to here here move this up to here okay jeez i mean he is building skill from doing that that's great yeah let it get repaired every once in a while all right so we're uh eight days so we're that was the first week so far of the colony it fun from our little scp organization here so that is going to be for this first episode of that please rim world secure contain protect or secure contain rimworld i don't know which one should i call it but if you enjoyed it please let me know by giving it a good old like if you haven't already feel free to subscribe if you want to see more because it'll keep coming oh it'll keep coming and it won't stop coming i don't know where we're going yet but we're going to keep going uh and also we are probably going to get new uh new colonists here in the future i don't know how many depends on what the storytellers feel like giving us but if you want to be part of that make sure to let me know down in the uh the comment section we're only really well we only started with fighters and researchers but who knows what we'll end up with you know 10 20 200 episodes down the line you never know thanks again for watching of rim world scp my name is that and i'll see you in the next video everybody owes
Channel: Thet
Views: 209,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thetwodud, Thet, Let's Play, Thet's Play, Rimworld, Let's Play Rimworld, Rimworld Modded, Rimworld SCP Mod
Id: TPlXsFt111s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 52sec (3892 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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