Rimworld: XCOM Part 1: XCOM In Dinoland [Modded]

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hey there everybody set here and welcome to that plays rimworld biotech XCOM Edition I think that's what I'm calling it if we're I'm not gonna call it I'm not gonna put diet in there rimworld XCOM yeah that's what we're doing we it's modded we're back with the mods there's a lot of them behold ignore the ones on the left those are from a previous series but we've got mods these just a couple of them you get them you'll get the XML file you'll get the thing in the um they keep playing one was not compatible I haven't seen a problem yet I tested it you'll get a list of the mods on Steam in the workshop of course as we do you know I want to make sure if you want to play along with the mod list you can mods config will be in there somewhere too anyway let's get into it we're gonna do a new Colony I got a got a little scenario down here ready to go XCOM I'm the offensive land in the world the cleansing of hostile alien life you see as you're aware the new XCOM initiative is centered on our offensive capabilities you see I decided to just make up you know how XCOM 2 is based on the assumption that XCOM lost the first Alien Invasion the initial Alien Invasion from XCOM uh it's not UFO defense XCOM anyway Enemy Unknown yeah yeah so let's see some super xcom2 what if they won what if what if XCOM won you know what if the volunteer actually did get on the ship and they killed the Uber ethereal kind of a terrible name for a final boss whatever uh and you know he sent the ship out in the space where it imploded into a black hole far away from Earth what if that weird stuff happened yeah well obviously XCOM would have still want to go out and find the alien threat so that's what we're doing centered on offensive capabilities who are not capable of true Interstellar travel because that's a rim World thing uh we have the means to send squats out to Distant Worlds with the mission of removing any sentient uh alien life hostile to humanity you'll be dropping with some basic supplies enough to keep to establish a base camp and keep them alive for several days so we'll look to you for guidance as they establish a foothold drive out hostile aliens and claim the planet for Humanity adapt survive win your effects will be new arrivals five people between uh these ages with drop pods 100 survival meals 750 Steel Two conventional assault rifles a conventional pistol a conventional snipey these are from an x-com mod titanium long sword because the swords didn't come with the mod I don't know why uh 100 Capone's and 25 Med kits also from the mod which are kind of like a burst of instant accelerated healing they're kind of neat anyway we're gonna do that scenario uh I have the hot seat mod so we'll be swapping between all of these you got uh bestless bestower Igor Invader Perry persistent Hildegard heroic uh saren is sadistic uh sipitter accidental Victoria valkyria which is an interesting one Empress evil and then of course old Randy Phoebe and Cassie we're gonna start with Randy I think cause we're gonna strive to survive and reload anytime mode because if you're playing with a bunch of mods you should not do uh Iron Man mode all right I'm gonna do our I'm gonna do I could spell UFO defense as our seed for this world real 100 coverage we'll just take a long ass time let's do 50 coverage yeah you take over half the world that's enough crowded up please now as far as enemy other not an enemy but other civilizations factions they're gonna deal with they've got the Orion core we got civil Commandos which is from like a crawl Tech mod or something no crawl tech industry no it's not from that I don't remember where this one's from oh well crueltech that one is from crawltek it's its own mod apparently it's the it's kind of powerful but whatever uh Outlander Union rough rot fish tribe neat swords pigs you know what they are let's take out the gentle tribe hey Neanderthal tribe maybe we can keep that one it'll be fun to Wild hordes impedes dark hordes which are cursed in neanderthals yeticons waster Pirates Xeno human pirate gangs the shattered Empire of course the Zipit hive mechanoids and insects is there anything else that we should put in here Growlers yes wolf-like Growlers it reeks a wet dog give them to me Neil uh let's see Savage tribes Nyan kind these cat girls I think these are cat girls I don't remember all the mods I have in here but yeah we'll throw the cat girl tribe in there why the heck not Orcs yeah orc Clan they're not Savages all right you know as far as you know Elfin settlers a sad tribe of elephant all right why not okay well that's another one I might have to regenerate the world a couple of times there's a little bit of pollution here but that's fine we got waster Pirates so it makes sense I might regenerate a couple of times because sometimes faction control doesn't really give me the amount of settlements I'm really looking for but let's see what happens you'll give it a nice shot shall we give me the worldiest world that ever in the world now one big mod that's in this group that I'm basically bringing back is the srts mod which allows you to create basically drop ships big ones they can do things like Drop and ship it's great um you know I wanted to build upon the whole thing where you know XCOM you go out you you get in the sky ranger you go to a place you land there and you kill everything in it it's great we're gonna try that except for the humans that's what I'm talking about look at this planet baby we also have um Rim knots and universim I think it's called that uh gives you asteroids too look at this planet it's full of people and non-peoples tribe up here anyway there's there's some cat girls uh okay so there's your factions most of them don't care about us yet but to be fair we haven't selected our idea Legion but you're gonna have some and these refutans always hostile the Zipit hide always hostile you know basically always hostile ampids The Door chords you know the nians are apparently naturally hostile as well because there's supremacist Raiders I did not know that well there you go you learn something every day hit me up with a random location if you'll do me that favor um is this Eric shrubland what the hell is this Bongo oh extreme pollution no thank you uh yeah no uh who's near us um start me near some enemies there you go the uh napaka path pact who is that who the heck are you you're the swords okay yeah let's start near the swords there's also these guys lanceler who are the Commandos the fun Thicket hey look there's some sad elves over here I think that's who they are is it Northern Shaboom the sad elves they are yeah their moral guide is named Jaguar it's pretty great yeah well I'll start around here let's give me I feel like some places with growing zones would make sense you know less I don't know last time we did that too and it just kind of ooh small hills and a creek large Hills in a creek it's in a valley let's go settle down in the valley I like I mean this is a little close to the The Pact actually that might make them mad never mind I don't want to start on the road so I guess this place it's not a valley search for landform nearby oh you could choose one well that's neat A Lone Mountain what does this mean I I don't know what that means um I don't know if I want the Lone Mountain kind of want the forest with a creek that seems neat all right let's do this yeah this place okay ideologian load saved because you know you got x-cam yes I changed my mod list since I created the idea Legend I know leave me alone all right we're gonna prepare carefully here we go okay we're gonna get rid of all these people I don't know who any of you are but you're not in my Colony sorry all right and then we're gonna load in some people who are gonna be in our Colony please understand so it's what we do okay okay as you can tell I came prepared so I wouldn't have to spend like 400 years between recording part one and part two of this because that's what I had to do in the past anyway so let's look at things see what we got first of all we got the ideal engine of XCOM when aliens invaded Earth in 2015 the Council of Earth Nations convened to approve the activation of the x-com project to oversee our first and last find of defense against the alien threat don't initially outclass an outgunned by the alien menace human Ingenuity and tenacity allowed us to turn the tide culminating an operation Avenger where XCOM defeated the Uber ethereal ends of the sacrifice of the volunteer prevented the instructor the destruction of Earth Millennia later Humanities reached back out to the Stars will do not come seeking War we can't prepare to fight and to win you know go never go quietly into the night no longer defensive project x-coms ah I did a typo look at me I'm awful new initiative is to seek out hostile alien life and destroy it before it can do the same to us okay so medical drug use autonomous weapons are cool don't like insects don't like blood feeders don't care about tattered apparel it's wartime uh let expectations are low we don't like alien slavery um we don't like any kind of slavery dude that was what was a pain in the ass this is why I have these three up here loyalist collectivists and human Primacy I want to do like xenophobia but then xenophobia was like yeah we hate aliens let's enslave them all and it's like not really what I'm looking for you know not really my goal same thing with all the rating um memes as well it just didn't work out don't like um nerve stapling don't like slavery rating is Honorable so we're expected to raid every 25 or so days uh to avoid a mood debuff so you know something to keep in mind it also lowers our Global work speed by four percent which is kind of annoying but it is what it is Charity's worthwhile don't like cannibalism what else is worth pointing out here uh corpses are ugly don't care about execution one way or the other if it happens it happens dating aliens is horrible um but aliens themselves I should have changed this one um no lesser maybe I couldn't I don't know maybe it has to be neutral unless you have xenophobia anyway uh what else is here research is normal dumb labor and different don't care about no fungus it's food it is what it is violence is acceptable uh let's see leaders lieutenant commander chief advisors the moral guide we have a chief engineer we have Christmas it's pretty great we have freedom day oh yeah uh we have two relics the uh we have centrals multi-purpose combat rifle and the volunteers Psy amp baseliner so the preferred xenotype I think that's all we need to know for now all right and we have a group of bass liners here ready to go we have uh Reynold Ray Ray of the night he's got a lot of melee he's got a ridiculous amount of melee I'm not gonna lie um but he is a squire turned star Knight so it makes sense I guess he's desensitized he's the kleptomaniac so he might end up you know stealing things every once in a while he also really likes the blade he studied the blade he studied it a lot uh dismiss over here he's got the shoot juice street urchin turn Hired Gun bloodlust Steady Hand so he's good at the shoot juice he's abrasive though he's also desensitized as well so you know dead people it's whatever to them skip over wingus real quick see vasila over here our resident uh careful shooter steady hands is gonna be hopefully a resident sniper but as also a gunsmith um you know some talent in medical but this goes away quickly after he hits level 10. uh doesn't care for cooking at all well apathetic towards us even worse uh mining construction some shooting skill it's all pretty good pretty good and uh we're bringing back Fran from the last one because I hate myself apparently bloodlust substance tolerance expect some battles in between our own people she's a killer and a Healer uh a past natural affinity for melee which means learns quickly also forgets quickly good with medicine also does plant work and then finally wingus mcdingus he was a character who I had the Discord Channel vote on one of the characters from an older series to bring back it was wingus or it was Holmes from the vanilla biotech or it was nyberg from the SCP series or it was Wrath burger from darkest dungeon and XCOM 2. uh and wingus got the most votes he's a hacker kid who's also an involuntary hermit not very good with people he has an annoying voice he doesn't like women he's also on he's really not good with people vulgar jokes lack of manners and sleazy demeanor he's also lazy this is what you asked for this is what you wanted chat this is what you wanted Discord I hope you're happy uh he's his skills are not great but he's also the only one with any passion in cooking which is probably going to be a problem all right that's everything I think we need to look for we don't need to worry about the relationships because the ones we imported don't have any equipment uh looks like Randy's not giving us anything other than the base item sometimes it's like one or two extra things on this list but Randy nope he's going by the book right now so we're just getting the stuff we start with in that case let's start all right part of me almost wishes I selected the valley but I'm okay with not doing that we're fine we'll be okay it's good cool you know he's gonna land on the planet lots of aliens lots of fighting probably maybe oh I mean yeah there's gonna be lots of research to do too so you know I thought about getting the transhumanist meme so I could get a head researcher as well but I feel like I don't I feel like I didn't have to do that necessarily and I play transhumanist a lot so I figured I'd just go without that for once all right that's the same one you saw on the other thing so we're fine okay we have arrived okey dokey then dismiss you get the conventional pistol wingus vasila and Fran you get oh no no um vasilia you actually get the uh sniper Fran you get this assault rifle and Reynold you get the titanium long sword there's our Med kits check this out immunity gains feet 200 healing factor four thousand percent it apparently lasts for one hour but it like greatly speeds up healing kind of neat and of course our steel it's pretty great what do we got around us we got some blue crystalline uneven bricks interesting some nice some nice niece uh dinosaur Dimetrodon ah yes prehistoric biome so that would that would that would do that yeah okay we have dinosaurs a lot of them we've landed on a Dinosaur Planet but there's also raccoons protoceratops look at that little beak look at that her beak's adorable I love it it's bird like beak may have inspired the myths of griffins they are known prey of velociraptors well that's unfortunate for them what else we got around it's got some red some cyanite I like cyanite ancient ethereum I don't even know what the heck this is what the heck is this it's from the philox xenotype mod strange metal forsaken Crags with this energy his channel it can provide a dim yellow glow uh well stats Wise It's kind of garbage almost like garbage it's like not much better than steel other than it's not flammable so probably not the thing I wanted to see there silver gold okay is there seriously no okay I was gonna say is there seriously no steel over here I was gonna be very annoyed is that titanium oh that's a huge vein of titanium sweet oh my God this is all the water we got oh no wait we have a shallow River like through most of the map okay thank goodness I was concerned for a minute got a lake as well so you know we got some things going on I guess we could finish this room you know build around this whole thing turn it into a proper room do something with it hey go ahead and equip your weapons seems like a fair start give me some steel walls and let's go ahead and just finish this up don't home area this place though I choose where the home area is thank you very much okay close this place up that's step one uh uh oh I see you're replacing the granite wall with a steel wall actually don't do that the granite wall is stronger yeah you know the steel is patchwork and that's fine thanks for starting us off with a little bit of a base like area here game appreciate you steal sarcophagi will get us some extra Steel it's pretty good pretty good hey we ain't got Sally doing how are we doing already what is this wingus made a comment about vacations to Reynold like hey is this like a vacation Ronald's like no no you idiot this is not a vacation this is our job this is why we're here um let's see man France the only one who's good with plants but I should have at least the other people who have some skill which is going to be facility and wingus work on plants Reynold can help with construction Fran can help with construction I I'll eventually want to go to the numbered um task here but or numbered work priorities but for now I think we're fine hey there's some honey you'll be nice all right yeah once this place is all done up I want to make sure to claim it as well this belongs to us now whether you like it or not and if you don't I don't know if I care let's go ahead and clear the home area by the way dubsmit menus and uh the mother gives me this beautiful love this love these menus love modded real world who doesn't though okay I'm curious as to how much actual Roofing we can do here we might be able to rip up the whole room but we might not and you know while we're here um let's get rid of this granite table they're all normal we only need one for now that'll work let's put it over here we'll put some chairs in there Reynold corded friend man wasting no time over here dude settle down you're gonna get your mood destroyed immediately unsightly environment low expectations all preferred xenotypes I mean yeah what is that a lystrosore let me talk to weigh under 200 pounds the synapse had fed on the stems and leaves of plants neat it's a popular pet on synapsid populated worlds well it is kind of cute I'll give you that all right I'm thinking like you know put this together and boom you have one bedroom and then well I gotta have a door to it not a granite door because we don't have Granite but we do have Steel so behold steel door here steel door here we'll tear down that Granite for it because I'm lazy all right dude what is this music I feel like I'm having some x-com problems right now holy geez all right that'll be a start hey there's Apple's sweet okay and while we're doing that let's go ahead and slap down a stockpile Zone over here okay base camp pretty much established at this point hey you do quit flirting like every five seconds this must try to attract to sell it seriously guys settle the hell down okay now we need beds but here's the good news we can we can do this much more easily now because now we have bunk beds so we're gonna put a triple bunk up here because we can um you know what with this shape let's go ahead and do it like this wait we're gonna get enough Granite for that probably not let's do it like that and then a tremble bunk can go here and then the ladies can just have a double bunk down here nice all right things are going dude what is this music it is bopping grimworld is serious today uh where'd we get this apv-1 rifle oh the components yeah I definitely gotta get those in all those urgently please same thing with the Packard survival meals and the medkits because I do not want those to go bad [Music] not sure where this came from but it's a hell of a weapon AVP rifles they could set people on fire and non-people accuracy is not the greatest but they're still pretty damn good [Music] okay there you go there you go triple bunk bed okay This one belongs to Ray Ray this Miss and wingus and I think the order that you do that is the order they sleep on it too so I guess wingus gets top bunk lucky him huh if you want to call them lucky okay Rim World Rim World Rim world I what is with the music volume dude holy cow man trying to blow out my eardrums over here all right put in a hall things order for everything in here get it out okay this bedroom or bed too also normal but I'll take it uh Fran you take a bottom bung facility you take top bunk since facility is a sniper that makes sense right what do you mean that's not how it works I know you have to tell me uh let's put in some proper flooring in these bedrooms too just because we can here we go the rest of this can be floored up later oh Ray Ray you can gain expertise that is a mod that lets you it's vanilla skills expanded it allows you to basically get even stronger in your skills once you get to a certain level so I could give him armor piercing to his melee weapons or I can give him faster slaps I'm going with faster slaps because armor piercing can be gotten with better weapons it's the way I'm justifying it all right getting there getting there uh when did this become Granite wall that was my bad Randy what are you doing Randy Randy you can't just stop the game like this we just started Battle of Brew blue Braga oh so we already have a fight going on okay yeah I'm dumb I I picked steel instead that happens sometimes please ignore dumbled me honestly no let's go up to here make the room just a little bit bigger and then we can take this down and Battle of blue Braga be Heist on forces are about to engage the red oyster osga oh can I see this I can see this battle too I love this mod that lets you see these battles so Minotaur so heistan is the orc Clan so there's some Orcs what are Orcs strong melee High libido apparently fertile okay um aggressive all right neat you're a bass liner okay yeah it works def what two strong melee ones holy crap so strong melee skill and strong melee damage what are you apparently they're uh yeah that's right you're a Minotaur bovine temper higher chance that mental breaks are violent uh apparently they just produce milk periodically and they go into heat during April May it's very specific group of uh traits you got there Herculean ah there are some weapons of only Herculean pawns can equip gotcha and over here purifier what what are you you are accursed they have a strong sense of tribal identity apparently very they're ugly and they live they love the kill they are built in with killing intent okay this is a slug or author arthropod it's neat okay is this a Minotaur as well he's a Minotaur all right well we're getting a good little taste of battle here are there any other xenotypes I should look at you're uh what are you you're a satyr virtuoso capable of uh excuse me what did that say range of powerful songs Okay horizontal pupils uh only bushy style beards and they are all on couth apparently and vulgar all right well that's cool holy cow I have no idea what is this red stuff blood of okapi like blew up that dude are you carrying dual loots this person was carrying dual loots it passively increases artistic seal okay I want to loot now I want to give someone a loop oh all of her ears on fire sucks to be him all right well red oyster Oscar are leaving they got destroyed by the people with guns so you know no surprise there dang the high stands destroyed on this one so the Orcs it says they're not Savages they were not wrong these Lads have technology they've got giant tuning Forks so hold on to your butts what is this dude muffalo Ultima armor plating plate Armor All right well that was all impressive wasn't it well that's and I are you repairing this thing that you're gonna have to deconstruct Ray-Ray my dude what's wrong with you conquer yeah of course a uh they lost the area no duh they kind of got their butts kicked pretty darn hard okay at least now the barracks is considered awful and dull uh this dining room is considered awful currently as well hello there dimetrodon how you doing okay so we're not going to lose any of our materials now I guess the next step is really to probably consider dividing this room a little bit into more rooms you know we could use a proper dining room for example uh we can make dining chairs you know we have wood outside we should probably collect some that was this big ass tree a podos tree Hardwood takes a long time to grow but their wood is strong all right I'll take it apparently there's a lot of them all right when they get me all podazed look at that it works like a charm see through the bunk bed mod it's one of the it's it's the simple things you know you love the simple things occasionally I thought Randy was sending another fight honestly thought that for a minute anyway this is day one we got some blue crystals from the ground which I guess would be collecting more of these they have good hit HP for items melee cool down as fast and sharp damage is good so they're good for melee swords and other sharp melee weapons Spears would be good too uh lots of extra work to make stuff out of good Beauty to them too what about value well market value 60 so they're not worth a lot of money okay good to know good to know you know these more titanium oh my gosh these are the things you gotta know you know especially when you're on a brand new world and you don't know what's going on yeah you gotta learn right now it's you know 2 A.M there's not much to learn right this second nieces fine I think it's not like the best rock as far as I remember but uh actually can you it's kind of funny you can't like see what the Rock itself is good for as far as HP and stuff but whatever is what it is and that's all that it is there's a good chunk of Steel right there I feel good about that now it's not growing see season all year round so we're probably going to want to what is all this bush Bracken okay just garbage then hey marble sweet move that move that around let's make ourselves a nice little starting growing zone here do a four by nine grow us some delicious what the hell is this real like fungus okay resembling an ear of wheat one of the earliest vascular plants so we have old plants we could grow here too Aqua melon aquamelon all right Abyssal grapes uh-huh it doesn't seem like something we should oh God fire lavender all right that's neat um can I just grow some regular food let's grow some rice for now or actually let's grow some carrots carrots yeah let's do carrots carrots are good all right it's daytime and wingus has decided it's time to chop baby oh yeah I was gonna say did you get any wood from that you got 27. all right good stuff we can use that wood I'm gonna use that wood to make some of these chairs uh we require wait we got Ironwood we got 45 Ironwood is that what's coming from the podos trees or something I honestly don't know bran has decided to start with oh we have a berry bush right here nice basically free food right there all right Ray Ray this Miss and vasilla are on a repair Frenzy Fran is on a growing Frenzy dimetrodon is on a dimetrodon Frenzy Revenge chance on tame fail 15 percent might as well give it a shot someone here is good with animals right handling basilla five wangus you like doing it five so wingus it's your job I mean it could be either of you but still someone do it the hell is that sound oh oh the dimetrodon is fighting with the lystrosaur it does huh function of the sales disputed okay I didn't know you were a meat eater for some reason off top my head well don't eat my meat please you need that thing though although we'll take it for later all right now we have a good amount of regular wood what does this give us wait are you cutting down the poda As You Are that's regular wood okay I was wondering if it gave us iron wood or not it does not so put some chairs around here boom dining room is done at least the initial dining area something said something about Claymore sedismus you like Claymores I like Claymores they're neat okay we got some steel urns in here too just some extra things all right let's go ahead and get an end table for these lads you can link to this right oh you got a link up here that works a dresser and then for the ladies as well dresser end table okay you know you gotta be trying to be efficient over here with the space there's a raccoon there's a monkey puzzle tree grows very fast predates both monkeys and puzzles in case you didn't know uh ancient razor wire over here that's interesting hey can we fish we can uh let's put a fishing Zone over here let's put it nearest to the base there we go bass eel trout koi perch piranhas all right does anyone actually fish uh yes wingus and vasilican probably is mainly the animal skills so this is fine all right all these are down there we go good dresser okay there's still Barracks but they're Barracks worth keeping at this point or at least somewhat worth talking about okay what's next oh we're right next to a steam guys I didn't notice that before but we could probably use power soon all right now choices are wood chem fuel or turbine and honestly Wood's looking really good right now because we're in a forest let's tell you what give me a a wooden turbine right here make sure it's in home area so that we repair it and maintain it and all that good stuff uh still is out here fishing how's it going Priscilla you got anything is it coming down show me that oh okay you didn't get anything well you tried at least I hope oh you did get something you got 15 Bass you got an amazing haul I'll shut up then love this shrub right in the middle of our area here okay so let's see when you're thinking of the hierarchy of needs we got food but we still have plenty of package survival meals we got shelter so that's good defense would come up next on that list we also need Recreation so but that's something the game says you need not not Maslow Maslow doesn't care about Recreation until a little bit higher on the totem pole but whatever just throw down a horseshoes pen right there and we're fine uh it says we need beds but I think that's because it just counts the amount of furniture that are Titleist beds as opposed to how many actual people you can sleep I don't know because it works with a double beds so it just doesn't work as the for the bunk beds for some reason honestly not sure now I think about it anyway we need to get some research popping soon too I can take this column down I'm like 90 sure it's made out of fungus okay yeah we're still a little wait yeah we have we have all the meta kids that we should have okay for some my brain thought we should have had more for a second repair defenses or what Randy's gonna attack I mean probably okay so now we're gonna have that what I would love is a few sources of light we'll put a lamp in here right here right here look at that perfect fit 10 out of 10. kind of conduits too yes yes it's out of juice I know okay uh how do I want it to look this one's a little kind of steampunkish oh old style that's why it looks Turbo double uh centered and this is the classic one um give me the turbo yeah there you go now it's pumping got smoke and everything uh uh different light styles I mean honestly they could both be the same one which is apparently this one the wide post cool okay and then we can start looking at I didn't mean to adjust that whoops and then we could start looking into where we're going to put the research area and honestly this plate this space right here is calling to me if I had 20 grand it I could do it there [Music] is there any other granted I can take down like for free plenty of Steel some more fungus fungus good mushroom logs fungus is garbage it has good door opening speed which means it's about as good as wood for that do you guys make sense that's why it's called fungus wood but other than that it appears to be trash like straight up got some cyanide over here ooh probably have an ancient danger over there and it is hidden behind granite and it's the only other Granite around here huh all right fine we'll do it at a steel then whatever uh no we don't want we're out of steel we need to mine all right well thankfully we have a spot for that get the work lads who Minds uh only vasila well congratulations wingus dismiss you two can mine as well you can learn to get better at it all right nobody's currently idle so we all got stuff to do 3.3 days okay [Music] it's fair should probably come up with some other uses of electricity in the meantime you know see we got the Horseshoes pan up combat dummies would be a good thing to have to have one for melee and then one or range so the melee one can go like right here a little alcove right here okay and I guess the ranged one can go like up here for now foreign tried to attract Reynold by describing him as a fine Bluff all right I guess she's tried two other times before all right said something about fat people to Reynold you all are something hey I need this and this to be in repair zones though because what they're gonna do is they're gonna I'm gonna make this one the ranged one they're gonna shoot at it to train and then they have to repair it afterwards they don't have to but it helps train two skills so this one's usable for melee and then someday Ray Ray will get that one done Mingus recited a distasteful rhyme about vampires excuse you sir there's another dimetrodon here stegosaurus me yeah now Ray Ray's gonna start training he's like yeah I'll punch this thing and when it's about destroyed I'll repair it something like that but yeah he gets dueling skill from doing that so it all works out hey maybe get this poplar tree out of the way of your game [Music] when Ironwood tree too sweet okay well let's just assume I'm gonna build this out of steel with a wooden door because it opens fast [Music] and this will be our initial research area I can make fish traps too simple ones I also do planter boxes which would have good good fertility don't necessarily need a milking machine all right settle down game oh that's right I need steel for this that's a pain in the butt ski isn't it I mean we'll eventually be able to get it done but uh it's gonna take some time oh that'll actually connect sweet okay well all right I was gonna see how much steel we had there but that's fine too that works we have enough to get most of this done I guess that's what's important there you go different kinds here we got the kind with the simple folders simple centrifuge simple beakers and then the classic give me the folders one yeah there you go cool laboratory it sucks but it's it's a start give me a chair here it's the basic ass chair okay give me a light in this room too because right now we're eating in the dark and nobody's gonna love that oh I like the little bar stool it's not the kind of want for this but I like it yes a spinny stool there you go beautiful it's still a bar stool type but you know there we go got a little bit of light in here now okay need a research project yeah we do draken laser drill tab thing but it costs 200 2 000 so I think we should start with something simpler we don't know how to Smith somehow batteries of course would be great water mill generator we do have water over here let's start with that that way we won't have to be as as reliant on that wood now I'm genuinely surprised that Randy hasn't thrown anything at us yet minor break risk on wingus no beautiful Pawns in the in the colony it's hard work being the most attractive one here my friend who are these friends that you know made a dirty joke about heel root oh my God vulgarity failed to romance me uncouth annoying voice did have a nice chat at one point [Music] oh my God oh wangus like is that from the uncouth it might be oh my gosh he's gonna be he's good he's gonna be a whole thing isn't he his entire existence is going to be a thing in and of itself I can tell oh boy at least his mood is going back up very comfortable mediocre barracks yeah they don't like it but it's it's acceptable for now all right and then people wake up they come over here they eat and they have a good time so far so good and then Reynold goes and trains and now he's at 20. his long sword is now a Mythic item called long sword of Reynold the mighty I mean it's not currently in future colonies it can you can find this one with that name right now it's just a titanium long sword with a lot of attack power okay give me the numbers um wengus your research is at two now okay for everyone else I think we're good where we are let's go ahead and tear up all of this Crystal I don't know if it's good for anything I assume it's not but we don't need it presumably there you go good stuff good stuff all right and I think I could take all these columns down now yeah they all went down oh hi samyon Kent from heistan he's an orc right yes he doesn't work he has stuff to trade a homelander AR pistol oh my God this accuracy what is this gun that is a heck of a gun I might need to try to buy that if we can okay well where are you gonna come up what when was that a Troodon that's a name hi Troodon how you doing small predator species mate wingus how you doing better yeah good enough for now who's our best is social not winkus not vasilla not Fran dismus and Reynold they're about equal okay well Reynold you're less busy right now go talk to Kent don't arrest him you know we're not here to purposefully bite there we go train there although we killed him we could get this um oh that's right we have the app one rifle though we have a good very good rifle on our own side I think we're good for now okay now they'll actually use this for training there we go Fran's already started which is good because she's good at melee not so good at range though she could use the practice all right thank you dismiss we're getting this all done up any uh any mountain nope okay Mount this Roots is what I was looking for all right research has begun wingus starting to work on the Water Mill generator once we have that we can put that over here and have a much easier form of electricity for the type being all right the hard part is going to be the rating especially since they're the ones closest to us to 1.1 day or take what everyone else is really not an enemy necessarily except for Venom Ford over here which is a two and a half day trip in September no they got the uh Nyan people over here too 1.4 days oh are these the the brains they're the oh yeah we got some evil Guys near us have some interesting things happen eventually we need to research rsts or srts eventually but as you can see there's a lot of research that has to go first so we got a lot on the docket here to get taken care of all right well we now have 240 of this blue crystal crap again not really sure how useful it is but it looks neat all right well everyone's nice and alive news of peace between those two factions good for them good for them indeed visitors from the Coalition of heistener leaving okay see ya apparently you could just make crystal out of crystal it can give both indoor and outdoor Beauty it's apparently easier to clean hmm so like I could put it here and make just a crystal floor made purely F Crystal why not give it a shot make something pretty while we can okay now we need to look at what else we can be producing here Crematory you can make that out of the crystal as well that sounds great and useful oh you know what we are gonna have to be able to cut blocks aren't we do we have the electric one we do there's a lot of components but I think it's worth it brand you should not be shooting from all the way back here I'm gonna say I'm just gonna throw that out there okay can I move this is why by the way so I thought I had this move far enough away where they wouldn't do that but obviously I was wrong and she keeps shooting our generator damn it Fran ugh now we'll have to think about what we could do about that honestly the best place for the table would be right here and I know work penalty because Outdoors but it'll still be they'll still work plenty quickly I mean it looks neat it raised the dining room to Awful three from awful negative okay foreign well if we have a dining room we should probably have a kitchen at some point too just have to think of where and how to place it honestly it would probably make sense to like have a room like this where you can just have the butchering take place like just raw meat goes in here and gets butchered or something and then the kitchen is in a slightly different area I mean I could divide this off right here but I don't know if I want to do that necessarily this shrub is still here get rid of it I don't want that shrub not sure I ain't doing nothing for me you kidding me uh yeah that's why we need to get ready to actually use this fish and such I'm pretty sure you can use it directly path cost for flying okay uh you use it directly for cooking so yeah we're gonna want to stove at some point this would technically be the easiest place to put the stove too you know you put in we have 700 steel now so you just put in a area here with a nice steel door and then it would be best of course to do sterile tile but we don't have that yet that requires research so I guess for now [Music] I guess we'll have to just do regular old paved tile yeah we'll make that happen put a stove in there uh electric stove with a light okay right now we're not using that much power I mean right now we're literally using none [Music] because everything's turned off you know if you do that and then put in a storage area over here with a deep refrigerator [Music] a place to put all of the uh all the raw food [Music] and then we could have a meal tray area right here where we put the meals themselves [Music] it all comes together like pottery all right [Music] we're also low on medicine technically that is technically true oh I like the look of this one look at that two double ovens and four burners this kicks ass um okay so now we can cook our simple meals and our less simple meals if we want to well I don't have very much in the way of veggies yet so we're gonna be cooking you know simply for a bit let's put some on the docket you know we'll stop eating the survival meals for a while storage raw food critical importance that's where the fish goes from now on we could use more but that's not here nor there I guess start we got research going we've got training for both melee and ranged already popping off Fran taking advantage of it as much as you can got mining going on getting plenty of Steel probably more than we need I'm gonna cancel this one up here I don't think we need to work on that okay work on the stuff down there talk to each other about the fate of mankind that's all that's the perfect perfect topic for you to talk about there goes the last of our koi but at least now we can we can cook the food moving forward I will say let's go ahead and get a butcher table an electric one we'll make it out of wood but we're gonna have to get it made so that's fine here we go make stone blocks make any stone blocks do forever it's usually a bad idea but we'll see and then get us more wood and that'll be something you could do there you go that's something you like doing and then we can start actually hunting which considering we're hunting dinosaurs will be an interesting concept needless to say uh let's move these over when we get the chance uh okay well Reynold thinks you should give your facts your name I mean obviously we're gonna be x-com but uh b x comes first and finest on this planet sounds them defend it Echo worth liar Birds Hamlet let's see grace City yeah backgammon town I thought about Grace City it was tempting Crockett bell pepper Brooke encampment by the plateau I mean it is supposed to be an encampment or a base I guess toots Mesa bodyston Devil's Gorge some of these names are not bad and then there's Amherst instead which is not great let's see Dryden thy Brad Guerrero hudspeth boom rats rock that one's pretty good carrots Forest eggplant land that you're not even trying now uh shot hitther shot hitter uh hubby royalty rivering togetherness town all right some of these are I'm gonna be honest not great okay solidarity District cardstown Finlay Angeles all right not loss White I made fun of that one before rimtown rimtown and rimworld yes I mean that makes sense right hmm let's see now we should give it a a nice name right we'll call it uh Reaper's rest there you go okay and I think on that note that is gonna be it for this first episode of rimworld XCOM we gotta planet to take over mostly we got some aliens to defeat put it that way if you enjoyed this first episode though our initial outing make sure to let me know by giving it a like you haven't already feel free to subscribe for more because it'll keep coming it won't stop till it doesn't and it will and something else will come probably thanks again for watching this episode of rimworld XCOM Edition my name is that and I'll see you in the new episode dismiss the vasil are now lovers huzzah see you in the next yo everybody owes
Channel: Thet
Views: 38,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thetwodud, Thet, Let's Play, Thet's Play, Rimworld, Modded Rimworld, Rimworld XCOM, Let's Play Rimworld, Let's Play Modded Rimworld
Id: XID44BGt3Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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