RimWorld Mining Empire Episode 1 The Red Wedding

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foreign dear sister I hope this letter finds you well the northern Winter Winds have not been kind to me here the recruits are cold and hungry but unfortunately I cannot say my many years of service make me any warmer or Fuller those young Souls who are foolish enough to voluntarily join me here in this white frozen hell are much more Brave than I was when I had enlisted and sister unfortunately it is with great displeasure I must inform you I will not be in contact for several months possibly even several years the high commands are sending me farther north with a new team among our ranks will be two seasoned slaves we are to begin a mining operation to help fund the war effort in any way possible I am afraid my failed efforts in the South against the Bootleggers have earned me this Exile I love you dear sister and I hope to speak with you again very soon sincerely your brother Hawthorne thank you foreign [Music] Captain Hawthorne his team and the slaves all finally made their way to the northern mountains the journey was long and they are all extremely weary from the travel now the only thing left to do would be to find the mountains that the REM World Marshall service have deemed acceptable for their mining operations finally days later as the snow began to thaw from the ground on the 1st of April May 55 43 we arrived naturally Captain Hawthorne had the slaves begin digging out a nice spot for us to lay our weary heads just as well everyone else began cutting down trees and deconstructing some local runes that way we could use the materials to try and begin building our mine it was ever so kind of the overlords with the rimworld Marshall service to provide us with essentially nothing to come here and start a mine that way we could fund their War efforts although I do suppose it is our war now as well as we are the Pawns in their game no pun intended but a big part part of them not providing us with essentially any resources as well is the fact that we don't have any food so we sent our slave happy Oak as it were to go out and collect some berries for everyone to enjoy Captain Hawthorne also ordered the slave to build a fire inside tonight so we don't freeze to death then just before everyone laid down for the night the captain wooed our soldier konar into becoming his lover the two of them have been traveling for a very long time together with the rest of the group so it seems that this was a long overdue now it is worth the mentioning of course that the roomworld Marshall service has rules against falling in love with your subordinates but I suppose Captain Hawthorne and Conor just decided that ah what's it going to hurt they'll never know that we're up here in the northern mountains playing hide the hot dog with each other so I guess they just decide to fall right in love now of course these rules could be overlooked if the two of them do decide to get married but that'll be up to them and we'll have to see what happens in the future of course but the very next day we began mine finding out a massive section of the mountain to begin clearing way for many rooms such as a production room where we will be turning slate blocks into stones that way we can use them for furniture and other things because as it stands right now without any rooms we're having to butcher our Wild game outside like a bunch of savages and then bring it inside to our lonely little campfire and begin cooking meals for everyone which as you could imagine is not very sanitary interestingly enough while our slaveler cot was digging out a production room he managed to strike coal ore coal would be extremely valuable to us here because there's not many trees that grow so it's the perfect substitute to wood for powering any steam generators or anything for electricity sometime later our soldier Sandra began building a stone cutting bench which was perfect it's exactly what we needed to turn these chunks into blocks so we can finally begin making some furniture and other things now a moment ago I mentioned steam powered generators now that won't be possible without any components so we had our slaveler cot go and start digging at some compacted Machinery later in the evening Captain Hawthorne decided to take his men out on a hunting trip yes wild snow hairs and berries were sustaining them for now but this wouldn't last we would need something much bigger such as muffalo lucky enough for us there just so happen to be a herd of muffalo tucked into the hollow between these two mountains so of course our soldiers opened fire upon them and it took a little while because there were many many muffalo but this would just mean that there'd be plenty of food after we slaughtered them all after that was done of course we began hauling all of their corpses back home however later that night while everyone was sleeping we had a surprise raid from a bunch of thrombotians they were going to prepare for a while and then begin their attack on us it was quite obvious by the size of the raid and the fact that they just had some simple archers and no Elite death squad members or anything like that that these thrombolians had no idea that they were facing down an entire Marshal Service Squad unfortunately for the thrombolians but luckily for us and our soldiers this lack of information would cost them their lives with their leader defeated and another member dead the remaining two decided to try and flee back to their tribe to tell them what had happened here today unfortunately for them though we couldn't allow this to happen and the damage was already done Captain Hawthorne shot the injured leader in the head and then began going about his day as per usual with the threat no longer present we could finally begin working on our steam-powered generator once again this steam powered generator would be perfect and we would finally have some light inside this massive whole wheat dug inside the mountain which is great because now we can actually see where we're swinging our pickaxes in the southern section of the mountain we decide to begin digging out some massive hallways as well as some individual rooms for the soldiers and at some point of course we'll get around to digging out a nice little room for her slaves but they are going to be bottom of the bucket it here because we are to kind of show how big of we really were the slaves were still sleeping in the production room next to all the rock rubble and we decided to build the captain and konar a beautiful little fur bed for them to lay on which in comparison to where the slaves were sleeping was pretty awful and by awful I mean an awful thing to do the bed is not awful look how comfortable Captain Hawthorne and konar are now that bed that is a nice bed and very comfortable I might say but on the opposite side in the production room this is where our two slaves are sleeping very unfortunate they're having to use pieces of slate as pillows and not very comfortable now some time later we had a weary traveler named Burl offered to join us they stated they had nowhere else to go and they were more than happy to enlist in the roomworld Marshall service so we happily accepted as we needed all the hands we could get realistically Not only would we accept any help that we could get here by having someone enlist in the Marshall service but also just the the rim World Marshall service in general could use all the help it could get in the war that is currently going on against the Bootleggers thrombosians the settlers basically just the rebels as a whole a little bit of time later we had konar build us some wonderful food baskets out of slate that way it's indoors away from any animals or things like that but then out of the blue our slave were caught decided to rebel against us two of our soldiers came in to stomp out his rebellious flame and even Captain Hawthorne said that we could forgive this transgression but we would not forget it we would only forgive this simply because we needed him as lurkat lay there on the ground bleeding happy Oak tended to him and tried to explain to him that now would not be the moment for Rebellion but that time would soon come of course though lurkat would not Heed These words unfortunately sometime later though Captain Hawthorne and konar decided it was time to tie the knot they were going to do things officially in the eyes of the rimworld martial service then shortly thereafter I suppose inspired by the love story of the captain and konar Sev and Vern also decided that they were now in love and were going to be lovers so that was great I guess everybody's just falling in love here under the mountain to celebrate the engagement between Captain Hawthorne and konar we decided to build them a wonderful slight bed which would actually be much more comfortable than laying on the dead muffalo carcass on the ground we would then give that dead carcass to Sev and Vern now that they're lovers and now we weren't slave drivers I mean we technically were but not for our soldiers we would allow them to have small little breaks like this where they could huddle around the fire and not freeze to death it was also around this time that I remembered the golden rule of rimworld never let your pawns eat without a table there were so many close mental breaks and I had forgotten this Golden Rule so the next thing on our docket was building some steel chairs and a slate table and it ended up turning out pretty great but now we have these wonderful chairs and a very nice day able and nothing to eat on it hmm Mega sloth Stakes perhaps yes yes Mega sloth would go perfectly with a side of fried berries that we have out here in the wilderness so we decided to hunt one Slaughter it and well it ended up working out pretty easily seeing how we had about six guns aimed at it but now things weren't always Mega slot stakes and daisies we ended up having another raid from the local thrombolian tribe this time they knew our presence here was much larger than they originally anticipated so they sent a thrombouian death squad with a chief but of course Captain Hawthorne and our soldiers stood bravely in the face of this danger for we had put down many thrombolians before several of them being thrombotian death squads and a few of them also being Chieftains this was nothing that we couldn't handle our bullets flew through the thrombolian death squad's pitiful insect armor like butter like hot butter that just came out of a microwave our slave happy Oak even managed to fend off one of the Dead Squad members with his pickaxe the thrombolians of course were very loyal one of them stood over their chieftain's body firing their bow and arrow at us until they eventually died now with the death squad eliminated and the threat was no longer we could go back to working on our wonderful mining base we began building a beautiful chandelier over our table I think this would help with morale of our soldiers seeing how this place is a frozen hellscape any other time and staying on the topic of a frozen hellscape winter is up and coming so it's a great thing that we finally got some rice crops in we can begin storing this for the harsh winter ahead speaking of which it is also worth mentioning we should have someone coming from the overall Marshall service pretty soon to collect some type of resource or tax from us it was expected by this point that we would have something to provide the government with so we need to try and prepare for that as well but I do believe that the gold our slave just found inside the hill would be perfect to pay off the tax to the government and we finally acquired the resources to build an electric stove which was perfect because up until this point we have been cooking on the campfire a little bit of time later though in the late evening we ended up getting a word that Seth was pregnant Captain Hawthorne was none too happy about this we would have to hide this from the rimworld Marshall service because having a child out of wedlock is awful for the rimworld Marshall service and just as well Captain Hawthorne could get in some deep for allowing this to happen under his watch the two of them gathered in the dining hall to discuss their options on what to do in the meantime though we would continue our tireless work of buildings and beautiful floors in the rooms of our soldiers as well as through the hallways and whatnot and also we would begin working on a new storage room just to the east of the hallway why did I say the word East instead of right well I was just trying to be fancy and then fancy enough let's see what I did there we ended up having a private from the rimworld martial service government come to collect our taxes now of course as previously mentioned we're going to Fork over the gold that we found under the mountain I do want to mention though that this tax is not a monetary tax I keep calling it that but realistically it's the resource tax that the government basically sent us here for so these privates and whatnot they're coming to collect it the size of the Caravans are going to get much larger and things like that the reason this time that there's only one private coming to collect our resources is so simply because the government didn't provide us with anything to use here when setting up the mining encampment thus of course they are well aware that we're going to be using most of the stone blocks and things like that in the beginning to go about setting up our actual mining encampment under the hill but with that being said that does mean at some point instead of just providing them with gold and things like that we're going to have to begin giving over our resources like slate and steel and things like that we may even get to the point at some some point where we're making enough product to sell to local settlements here and we could actually give the silver to the government as well but with that being said it'll be a while before we get to that point we're still trying to build some simple light bulbs and other things for quality of life under the hill just as well something we began building that was well long overdue with some defenses we started with some marble barricades and some plain leather sandbags of course it's nothing too fancy but eventually I would like to get to the point where we could possibly build some machine guns or something like that of course no automated turrets or anything like that as during this day and age things like that haven't been invented yet so if you're a dear viewer who's worried that we're going to build a massive kill box or have automated turrets fret not my friends however with that being said don't think that I am above littering this entire place with plenty of barbed wire to ensure that we are safe which is exactly what we did now unfortunately late one evening our slave lurkat once again decided that he would attempt to rebel against us this time we disregarded the chance that we could kill him because that was a secondary thought of course he did not die but I can tell you that Captain Hawthorne is becoming quite tired of these advances by him sometime later after lecat's pitiful Rebellion we ended up having some Travelers who were requesting herbal medicine to save their friend's life after an attack this was obviously complete and we would not stand for it and as if this fabricated story wasn't bad enough the interruption came during Hawthorne's very own wedding no no no no no this would not stand Hawthorne came up with the idea that he would make an example out of these filthy lying Beggars this way maybe lurkat would understand what it meant to cross him unfortunately the rimworld martial soldiers gathered around the Beggars including one child and began opening fire upon them even the poor child was not safe from the wrath of Captain Hawthorne and the rimworld Marshall service and I know what you're thinking this is a horrible awful thing and I understand that and I completely agree with you I hope you understand that I am simply the narrator and that the soldiers do as the Marshal Service instructs them to do this of course was not given by the higher government but by Captain Hawthorne I can assure you though that this happens very regularly with the Marshall service in general the rimworld Marshall service is willing to do anything whatever it takes even if it's something as simple as getting a point across instead of beating lurkat as they had done many times this would get the point across seeing innocent people killed an innocent child for his wrongdoings or what they explained as being his wrongdoings lurkat was ordered to carry the child to the body pile but he could not bear to do it so happy Oak of course offered himself up to protect Young locat from this traumatizing event as happy Oak stood next to the child's body he monologued to himself about how he will make the rimworld martial service pay for this in the meantime of course we would continue mining out sections of the mountain we would also begin working on a very small medical room for all the soldiers as well as our slaves that way in case anyone is injured in an upcoming raid and things like that of course they would be able to have a nice place to rest and heal but my friends we are winding down to the end of the episode here and I want to take a moment just kind of discuss the series um you know previous series and things like that I thank you guys of course so much for watching I hope you're enjoying the first episode and I hope you're going to be enjoying this entire series if you're new here and you have no idea what's going on what's up with these characters it kind of seems like we've seen them before and things like that this is going to be part of our shared Universe of rimworld Series so this is what we are calling the rat Knight rimworld Universe I almost forgot what we're calling it for a moment there but this is our Cinematic Universe essentially that we're creating within rimworld so there are actually two series that came before this one if you you want to look and check those out we have our logging Empire series which is what started it all and then we have our alcohol Empire series which takes place right after the logging Empire and then this series comes right after the alcohol Empire so it kind of goes within that order so logging Empire alcohol Empire mining Empire so the story continues from the beginning of the vlogging Empire we are currently 40 uh wait I'm so sorry 43 years into the future uh I almost forgot there so this actually takes place 10 years after the ending of alcohol Empire which ended in the year 55-33 and we are currently in the year 55 43. now for those of you who have been here and who have watched the other series I am hoping you guys are pleased with episode one I tried to make it a little bit longer if I could I just didn't want to give too much away or Pat too much into one so I think this ended up being around about 25 minutes long something like that um I'd like to keep them kind of closer to 30 minutes if I could around 20 to 30 minutes just depending on how much time I have I know 15 minutes is not a lot of time for an episode so I'll try to make them a little bit longer if I can around 20 to 30 minutes something like that in between there as much as possible of course right um with this series though guys I hope you guys are enjoying like I said um really fun to play this and to you know film this for you guys and narrate over all this I'm having a lot of fun continuing this story for happy Oak Handler cot and of course we're going to see plenty of familiar faces throughout this series as well and now with that being said a lot of you guys want to see us play as the rim World Marshall service and I thought that this would be a good way of going about doing it and then our previous two series we've always done um so like in the logging Empire we've done a logging Empire just for money the alcohol Empire we've done it for community and things like that to take care of the people but in this series we're doing it solely for the government and for the Marshall service and I've tried to do that just to kind of keep things interesting right because with the logging Empire we you know hoarded all the silver and kept it for Birch right Birch kept it for himself and then with the alcohol Empire we hoarded up all the silver and we would use it to buy things for our community or we would give it to Travelers and you know things like that but for this series we want to use that money to fund a war for the overall dystopian authoritarian government right so I thought that that would kind of keep it pretty interesting that we're doing all this work and whatnot just to give our resources and our currency away to a much larger government a larger power and something pretty cool I don't know if a lot of people know this I think I mentioned it maybe in our Discord a long time ago when we were doing the logging Empire I wasn't expecting the logging Empire of course to get the attention that it did and I'm glad it did of course I love it I'm so happy and so grateful for you guys um and you could probably hear this going on outside my home right now and I know you could probably hear this awful echo in the room I would love to have another room to recording because I know this is this is so frustrating and so you know Annoying to you guys I apologize for that um but just outside my home they're actually doing some logging just above my home so it you know around Christmas time I just thought to myself I was like what's something I could do for the channel for the few subscribers that we actually have our small community um that would just you know be something fun that we could do and it'd be over with and it was the logging Empire so and uh you know that's that's something I know I've mentioned the Discord and to a few people but I don't think I've mentioned it to the overall audiences just there's logging going on above my home and I was like you know what let's just do a logging Empire that's something quirky and funny and I can just do an episode or two and let that be it and it has morphed into this Cinematic Universe which always blows my mind and I'm so grateful that you guys enjoy it and I'm just so grateful to have you guys as part of our community now I do did also want to give a massive shout out to our good friend who is going by the moniker I suppose of zinner or Zen I suppose as I pronounce it zener z-e-n-e-r thank you ever so much we really appreciate everything you've done xender here has actually provided their service and their musical talent for free for this series for the wonderful intro uh song that you've heard the battle music and also the Ambiance I did not use the Ambiance in this video of course I plan on using it in the future but I just want to thank you ever so much once again for your wonderful service to us and to the series and for your amazing musical talents thank you ever so much but guys this is going to conclude episode 1 of the mining Empire series thank you ever so much once again for watching I love you guys and appreciate every single one of you I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope to see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Rat Knight
Views: 133,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld challenges, rimworld, rimworld biotech, lets play rimworld, lets play rimworld biotech, rimworld 1.4, rimworld 1.4 biotech, riwmorld biotech episode 1, rimworld 1.4 episode 1, rimworld 1.4 gameplay, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld biotech dlc, lp rimworld biotech, lets play rimworld 1.4, biotech, rimworld empire, rimworld empires, rimworld modded, rimworld modded lets play, rimworld mining empire, rimworld mining, rimworld expanded universe, rimworld mining mod
Id: UtIglUYYa6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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