RimWorld Frost and Fire - Mortal Combat // EP 5

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hey everybody rodoman here thanks for tuning in to frost and fire if you'd like to follow the community challenge rules which i'm doing here here are the rules and the goal and of course just a little reminder if you'd like to play along frost and fire can be found on the steam workshop or my website protomont.com frost and fire picking up where we left off i would like to go over some feedback i received from you guys so one was from a whole bunch of you but i will accredit uh ba gang uh he mentioned that it would be good for me to roof off the airwalk entrance to my mining uh in truth this is really not all that vital because i have three doors and the two of them are roofed but yeah that's fine i did receive a lot of suggestions about putting the smelter in the cave but i will give you two very good reasons why not to do that in default rim world the behavior is if you are hypothermic or heat stroking you finish your current task before seeking shelter in the case of an electric smelter that would mean that we would have to complete an entire smelt cycle before we seek shelter the issue with this of course is that an entire smelt cycle is very fast in a well-illuminated well-heated internal room in a dark tunnel such as this one it could mean uh death if you have near severe levels of hypothermia let's say you're 34 hypothermic uh what that would mean is that at 34 hypothermia you're already slow you're in the dark you're cold you have manipulation penalties and then you're going to try to finish an entire smelting cycle it's probably it could actually generally get you killed which is why i'm not going to put a smelter in here but the other reason would be that everything in here is at infestation destruction risk because it is overhead mountain there is a non-zero chance that it has an infestation when the temperatures are above negative 17 celsius which currently there they they aren't but soon as we progress towards the spring and summer they will be meaning that anything i put in here is subject to be destroyed and for that reason and reason alone i don't want to invest any infrastructure in that area one thing i do want to do though is come morning i want to put i want to have jd start to mine jd and gabe start to mine this uranium this uranium is going to be utilized for mini turrets uranium mini turrets are far tougher than steel ones and they're also non-flammable uh they can't get caught fire anything made out of ply steel ore or uranium cannot burn you may have noticed i have a heat map overlay here it's a little weird it's a little cramped uh just because of the massive temperatures that i have to deal with but that was a suggestion by jared and i figured i'd might as well put that in there i'm also on suggestion of crack gonna put these heaters inside my bedrooms and have the heat leak out to the general workshop instead and in that way i will be able to not have these slept in the cold debuff that sometimes we get and it sticks around for for quite some time so i'm gonna have to be a bit of a helicopter parent over gabe here or jd when he comes out to make sure that they do not mind themselves to death because again for the same principle that i don't want to include a smelter in my tunnels gabe would not have sought cover for his hypothermia which he's now getting some frostbite he would not have sought cover until the mining job was done which means instead of just a little bit of a spite it could have actually cost him his entire life i also would like to update the stay inside zone it is wrong there we go [Music] and now gabe is moving the heaters to inside bedrooms and jd jd here is not going to get full yield as a capable amateur for mining um as you can see mining yield is at 91 and therefore i don't want him to finish mining any of these nodes i want him to do progress but not actually physically finish them just to bring them low enough for gabe to strike them maybe once and then be done and i'm going to send him inside as well for the same reasons to say gabe for hypothermic reasons [Music] i also have at the start of this episode i allowed butchering of the blood spiders and i'm going to queue up the mega spiders to be hunted this is for their foul meat now i did mention in the past that fowl meat is in no way would i suggest that you eat it in fact you shouldn't you definitely should not eat foul meat if you can help it there's no reason to eat it but um what i can do with the falami is to feed it to pets make kibble out of it make chem fuel out of it there's other very valid uses for foul meat that aren't necessarily uh for personal consumption and to that end uh it is worth obtaining even if i don't intend to eat it all right so here gabe comes out with a little bit more mining and then soon jd as soon as his hypothermia drops to zero so these uranium here i'm going to put towards uranium mini turrets which are and i'm going to be building these inside and then moving them outside uranium mini turrets are tougher as i said so i would also like to because i'm building them inside put a uranium stockpile zone just to keep the materials for the turrets indoors building anything that takes a while like uranium mini turrets if you can reinstall it indoors two outdoors do it there's no point in setting it up um and building it outdoors that's just going to bring trouble uh bash here is indeed in trouble his hypothermia actually climbed a bit higher than i should have allowed gabe once they hit minor i'm going to have them head inside i'm going to be extra cautious i don't want hypothermically lost fingers and toes that sounds like a needless um health penalty i also am going to want to get uh power ran and i'm gonna have it be redundant power ran to the edge of my entrance here so that i can have turrets on it okay i did not let gabe's so gabe if i check his mining yield is not full either but that's because of a lack of manipulation so i also want my miners to not have hypothermia when they complete the mining task or their mining yields will be less than ideal so in fact what i'll do is send gabe inside jd will continue a little bit longer just to make further progress but then be sent inside as well he is just about ready to be sent inside i think around 30 is probably uh ideal so here's my first uranium turret which is going to help me in cases of uh oh and let's let's install these uh here maybe i'm gonna go as far up as i can like that and then i also want uh dead power dead power is going to allow me to turn them on and off or remotely where are you going with that okay uh dead power is gonna allow me to turn them on and off remotely which is uh pretty important to me little little exploitative but it's a tactic i've always used and i'm always going to use it so it's just the way it is now soon we're going to have a steady supply of psychoid uh raptor is researching microelectronics microelectronics are going to be very very useful because of the comms console and orbital trade beacon that it will offer which will allow us to obtain resources that are otherwise rare like wood now i know i'm treating my wood poorly right now because it is stored outside uh you know what i could do is let's remove the wood from here and put it in if i could select this zone oh my god there we go uh put it in the low stockpile um so it doesn't decay it it does take five years for wood to decay but it is flammable so that does mean that a would-be raider could waltz by and destroy it all right so now if we take a look at gabe without any medical conditions his money yield is a hundred percent um but it will be dependent upon their manipulation which means that if i uh my yield now as a little cold is still good but as soon as he drops into minor um hypothermia um that money yield drops from 100 down to something lower something non-beneficial we do have a rate of reapers okay so there's a sizeable amount of reapers they're all ranged reapers it seems uh what i am going to want to do is not to have any of my guys get cold and instead i am going to quickly throw together some additional turrets so bash stop what you're doing i have enough uranium on me already for two more turrets i think it's going to be paramount for me to get those built now so i'm gonna have gabe stay inside so that he isn't hypothermic these guys here are gonna be coming from this area this way this type of raid is a prepare a while raid so i do have a little bit of time to build my defenses up and uh i very much would like to i also might want to get some barricades so what i'm going to do is a steel wall and barricade mix i think now i think i'm actually going to move some of this stuff here oops i didn't mean to do that i think uh because they're coming from the south turrets uh installed down here are going to be more useful and i need to make sure that they can get plugged in i also need to manage my hypothermia so gabe would you start to deliver so this can get plugged in good okay so then what i'm gonna do is security barricade wall barricade barricade barricade with a wall and um and do the same over here so that i can take cover behind the walls and barricades for health and security reasons i'm also going to cancel the mining there and start working on the immediate defenses trying to spend as much time constructing as i can bash you're losing your hypothermia um all right i really need to focus on the uh turrets themselves so bash and raptor i'm gonna have you start um delivering to the uranium turret as well it's going to be important for us to get these built so uh slag should be off jd you go inside okay bash is delivering all of the components needed and raptor all of the uranium needed for these construction projects and jd you are now going to be stay close and let's get the barricades built and then actually jd first just go straight for the uranium turret and then build these surrounding areas okay so their beginning of their assault all the more reason to get this constructed up um gabe and raptor i don't think i'm going to have them stay inside so they stay warm for now and yeah i hear these guys come maverick leading the way i do see that i'm starting to get sort of dangerously hypothermic but i don't have much of a chance or choice all right let's get these plugged in taking a look at my power supply my power supply does seem good all right uh bash you stay inside and raptor and gabe get ready to fight i'm gonna leave this door open for a little bit of heat because here here they come all right get this plugged in all right gabe and raptor and jd is going to go inside to eat so we have accidental aggro maverick uh setlist bin coal and buzz oh and lagging behind uh curvin all right and they are running basically point blank to shoot me i don't much like that due to my defensive setups it is a somewhat of a um a blind spot but once i get more oh boy that right leg is not doing well once i get more defenders uh it should be far less of an issue or want more turrets rather i'm getting bash to come out and help with uh brawling i'm gonna have gabe tried to put some distance between him and his shooters and then jd you're going to come out and start firing as well now my turrets themselves are holding up but this southern one isn't going to stay up forever it's it is slowly getting downed uh checking the health of everyone the raptors health is low i'm going to turn this turret off uh it is not going to be able to take much more gunfire without exploding on me gabe has a lot of little wounds individual wounds i'm going to turn this turret back on now that um now that the ones above it have more attention more [Music] priority okay i have a blight that's super bad bash is down now one of the issues here is obviously this tree needs to go this tree is acting as a a pretty good uh source of cover for these raiders and now raptors down too but that's primarily because he is a um he has uh critically bad um hypothermia so i am taking cover okay they didn't make it in let me rescue them three people downed don't worry the uh oh raptor's up a lot of it was because of the pain that we were experiencing from the hypothermia is a result of uh everybody else collapsing so at this moment they are trying to kidnap and they are going to be um breaking their them their way in to my base uh through the walls gabe is up and bash and raptor uh they're gonna get rescued jd with the last of his okay let's get this plug back in and plug this back in and then i'm going to valiantly try to home zone this and repair the really damaged uh mini turret which is not likely to be um repaired all that easily raptor you are our intellectualist and medic uh let's have you tend to bash while you're conscious as you see curve in here is um okay maverick might be leading leaving curving here is being shot by our uh our turret and we're just trying to stop him from being able to um to get inside the base okay maverick are you okay maverick is mining his way out or it's well i guess it's a male robot his way out of the base which is odd um i think what i'm gonna do is have uh jd let's i'm going to haul this bolt e here so that the door can close for installation and close the other door behind me as well actually don't close this door repair this wall i'm sure kervin is going to beat me to it and break in but i'm going to have gabe yep here he is now there is going to be some holes here where maverick is mining his way out there's not much of a way around that gabe let's have you grab a bolt-action rifle uh kervin is going to try to kidnap jd but uh the mini turret should stop that and if it doesn't gabe will try to stop it yeah all my mini turks there it is they all acting in in harmony in unison and uh getting [Music] my guys secured okay so these turrets did their job pretty wonderfully i'm very very very happy that i rushed to build them because otherwise this would have been maybe significantly different um in terms of medical uh this is a little gnarly because everybody's kind of bleeding jd i'm gonna have you tend to gabe now if i had someone healed up enough i'd might shoot maverick uh raptor's gonna be attending to bashes out of the woods these bedrooms are gonna need to be cleaned of blood uh because they are going to be a massive infestation risk if not all right mavericks are gonna he's he's mining his way up he's leaving okay before my two doctors are both passed out due to blood loss i'm gonna try oh and jd's already got an infection uh bash he's unconscious uh so here's what i'm gonna do gabe everybody's gonna have to be a bit of a medic right now [Music] now one of the things i wanted to do which i hadn't done yet and obviously this whole farm is is ruined i i sort of accept accept that um okay bash can be on his feet so let's go rescue and then gabe u10 jd very very very and no he's hiding the room okay gabe you are going to then tend to raptor that room is not very good might i point out and then when uh raptor's conscious uh raptor will do the really good medical tension so gabe you are right now just bruised so i'm gonna have you primarily um clean up the blood from bedrooms because your wounds are not going to fester i don't think and you are in a daze okay that's all right oh boy well with him in a daze pretty much all of this all these crops are forfeit but that's partially the reason why i got so much excess rice was so that if i did have four fit crops i could afford it um as far as bed rest goes i need everybody on bed rest or jd is going to lose his leg and i'm waiting for raptor to become conscious uh one thing i could do to help raptor become conscious is to administer a psychic tea in an extreme scenario i could administer um i could administer uh go juice now that the goju's got delivered but uh i hope not to have to do that jd you are definitely going to need to get in bed and at the at the moment i don't have a a doctor that can help jd but as soon as i do jd is going to get treatment with regular meds he could tend to himself but that's probably not sufficient all right i think due to the emergency uh i'm gonna have jd administer go juice and get a raptor on his toes on his feet so that raptor raptor is unconscious mostly due to blood loss but that blood loss is about to levels are about to drop to uh to allow him to move around yeah right now i think yep there he is okay so raptor go 10 to jd okay that's good we tended to the important part now do it without meds so we don't waste the rest of the meds and let's clean up the rest this blood the catharsis on everyone else uh will be good all right so we're catching up immunity with infection with jd here raptors trying to clean everything up jd is now in the clear he's uh ahead of his infection and it does remind me that uh once gabe snaps out of it all my crops yeah all my crops are forfeit once gabe snaps out of it um you know what i could do actually let's kill these crops the manual way uh which would be yeah let me put in dead power here and that will be the really really really fast way to do it i'm gonna rather than to cut them just to to literally kill them from uh turned off hydroponic basins because once the hydroponic base is off long enough uh the crops just die uh so raptor let's have you tend to bash and uh gabe making sure that they are fully patched up and heal quickly because there's no telling that the raptors won't uh the reapers rather won't attack again and sometime soon so it's best if i have everybody fully healthy and ready to go okay gabe should be snapping out of his days soon i hope and i can also turn off the sunlight i don't need that on yeah these plants these plants are going to die in their own pretty soon blighted plants do not yield uh anything so there's really no point in okay jd is now immune there's really no point in in in harvesting them because it wouldn't provide resources i am gonna wake jd up just to replace some of these um uh replace some of these uh walls that are going to keep my base a little bit more insulated and then spend a little bit of time repairing the turrets so that in the case of a a follow-up raid soon i have some defenses because my guys are are mostly out of commission at the moment raptors fully healed and back to normal and then bash is soon to be i'll have bash repair some some turrets man that was a brutal fight now some of the turn some of the weapons that they had equipped with them uh out ranged my uh uranium turrets and there are going to be there are some ways for me to deal with that uh going forward and i'll have to set up for that that scenario [Music] all right raptor i want you to rearm these turrets and then equip your revolver so it doesn't decay out there and then haul the plastic knife in great [Music] okay so all of the blight has been cleared mechanically through the lack of power [Music] uh i am going to want a butchery table set up so that uh bash can butcher the reapers and i'm gonna have instead of pushing my uh research oh boy never mind i was gonna say instead of pushing my research i want yeah raptor caught a little bit of an explosion off that and now he's burning oh randy you were very nice to me last episode in the episode previous and now you're mean that's why i pick you so some of my power is gone uh bash i'm gonna have you oh and it's saying that i'm lacking steel for repairs lovely lovely lovely lovely i'm gonna i'm gonna move these batteries so that they can power on my base because death from hypothermia is very much a thing [Music] there so now i have some backup power and we'll be replacing that battery shortly [Music] untended uh untended burns have a chance for an uh pretty decent chance for infection in fact so i'm gonna wake jd up in ten to those gabe has an untended uh wounds as well so i'll have uh jd do that as well most of his untended wounds were let's be honest sort of self-inflicted because he decided to go dazing i mean partially because he was wounded and hurt and i was in a bad way but still it was his days that did it [Music] all right at this point i would say it's less important for me to um it's less important for me to bed rest and more important for me to get uh things back on track like my batteries and the like so i'm having my guys get out of bed and start working i'll bed rest once things are repaired and sort of back to normal so i'm having raptor do some smelting so that we can rebuild that battery that blew up fire from poppers would have been a good solution for that um one of the problems of course is that everything is made of out of metal metal is fairly flammable and as a result um you can have scenarios where you have fires that sort of rip out of control and that's that's by design and part of the challenge all right we are going to be butchering some of these uh some of these uh reapers that came to fight us for steel and i do believe who's hypothermic i just got a hypothermia warning but it's the hypothermia disappeared it was on raptor i think [Music] yep all right so i'm gonna have raptor stop smelting after this i'm gonna have gabe cut down that sessile mechanoid tree [Music] okay that's the last slag last corpse [Music] bash is going to do some basic repairs although he is fairly hypothermic here why don't we clean some of this up and uninstall the butchery now that we don't need it alright let's work on the battery and then let's turn on all of this all this back on so that gabe can nope sorry gabe go back inside so the area all right so let's organize our plants a little bit more carefully now that we have a fresh plate so down here we're going to have cotton in this cluster cycloid in this cluster i'll put cotton as well okay so that will be a little bit more orderly than previous bash is rebuilding the batteries that we lost and once the south batteries are charged up i will move the north batteries oh we're throwing a party good just get those repaired up and enjoy our party so raptor's full healed uh after getting burned yet again we still we have um mostly or fully repaired turrets mostly reloaded turrets out front we still need to set up some of the um the structures some some of the walls to keep keep them better protected and then i would also like to set up what amounts to be a more formal kill box uh once i have the the time and resources to do it and the temperatures of course so this party should help it's not that fun of a party but it should help with the mood and it does remind me that i should have a uh a party spot i don't need a marriage spot because these are all straight males so no one's going to get married until i have a female that joins jd is now fully healed that's really good all of them are rearmed again and then these bedrooms here are uh they're not cold so that's that's good as well the workshop's a little cold but that's because i moved all the heaters out of it i'll get one heater one token heater in there i also want to run with some of the steel i have i want to run um redundant power and then it wouldn't hurt to have redundant power out here as well um that would look something like this just in case i have a loss of one power line uh i would have backups i'd have a way to power up uh keep the power on through one cable or something like that okay so we're just almost out of slag in our mining tunnels and that means we'll be able to resume mining and we have a deserter quest so the trouble with this dessert request is part of the community challenge rules are that i stay allied with all factions which means i cannot host a deserter despite the fact that a neuro farmer two neuro farmers would be amazing i can't host the deformer the the deserter without violating the community challenge rules so unsurprising to probably many of you i won't be doing that [Music] getting some meals out i'm gonna be turning off my smelter i'm a little worried about um power shortages but given that i have a little bit more backed up power available to me uh that should be all right another thing i would want to get back to doing is um i'm gonna have gabe well look at their moods their moods because the catharsis and the party uh i have some really really high moods here um [Music] all right so jd is mining down here and i'm gonna have him seek cover now bash is the only one left wounded bash when you're done cooking there i'm gonna have you tidy up the outside okay gabe finish off that node of uranium and haul it in and this will be for the fourth turret now there's a lot of space here for me to have exploration tunnels i want to stay away from the edge of the mountain because sappers won't go through really really really thick mountain or or they will but only in extreme scenarios so the more oh i didn't catch you in time the more careful i am about that the better who's hypothermic bash all right you stay inside jd you stay close you are going to build this uranium turret and let me check the all right so stay close we'll allow them to now mine the extent of these tunnels we are getting gabe here is getting a little hypothermic in these binding tunnels because as they expand uh this one single heater is not going to be able to support the entire mining tunnel but we're also uh towards the end of december now so um i am far less concerned about um about trying to keep the heat on actually we're even heating up right now okay raptor as much as i want you to get uh microelectronics i think what i'm going to do is to add a home zone around here i do have some more trees to cut that could offer defensive uh boons to would-be raiders but the reason i'm cleaning up all this blood is if i am defending out here i have to look at this blood and if i leave all this like blood and debris out um it could make the zone hideous and lower the moods of my defenders which could hypothetically be dangerous right you know if if my guys are um [Music] if my guys have a mental breakdown because of all the blood uh that could be fatal so we've got uh agave fruit way up here i will allow it but obviously we're not gonna be zoned to carry that in no one thing i had intended to do which i have not yet done uh raptor you should get inside is to hunt and butcher some of these bugs before it gets warm so that's something else that i can do with jd in fact uh i'm gonna have him go for one right now i think given his uh insulation this is not a one-way trip to ice ice coffin town yeah he should be all right so because they're uh unconscious uh let's not continue to do that because they're unconscious i can just cut their heads off oh it's pretty dark but yeah i i can execute them and then haul them back he's going to be a little hypothermic but uh hopefully he makes it back okay keep your toes keep your toes okay i got lucky there it's not quite the right temperature for us to make that run is still pretty dangerous but let's go ahead and get the steel butcher table so we can build up uh insect me and bash is basically full healed uh so here for up butcher creatures we're gonna allow insect creatures and that will allow us to um to build up our our meat and then another thing i need to do is to go into my fine meals here and make sure fall meat is not selected because foul meat would be very bad for us to use all right untreated hypothermia let's tend try to be cautious about not losing toes as movement speed is so critically success uh needed all right so here's some foul meat uh foul meat yes okay our battery banks are almost full which means i'll switch power sources soon and our redundant power is getting constructed one more cable and we'll have fully redundant power and then it's going to be a focus on out here i'd like to get rid of those sess out trees as well all right bad rest down to four i wouldn't mind having one more solar just because it seems like my batteries are struggling to keep up with load and one more solar might be um all it takes to really top up my batteries every day full batteries are just i would feel a lot better about all right now that it's midday i'm gonna keep um jd i'm gonna make sure his hypothermia goes away and then i'm gonna make a run for this mega spider i'm just keeping them inside except the hypothermia fully disappears all right unrestricted and we'll just go for a straight haul don't stop anywhere just just just haul so of course the trouble is if he faints out here he could be rescued but it is a harrowing attempt uh taking a look at the others so there's this mega spider as well and then most of these guys here i think all of them are rotten rotten they're all rotten rotten run run okay they're old corpses from back when it was not winter so that stands to reason that to be rotten so jd is making it back which is minor uh but definitely you should go inside and then bash will be able to uh to butcher that my who just got hyped with me bastard okay my um butchery speed is really low do the hypothermia but my uh what was i going to say my components are rather low so i got to be careful about not building too much more with components because any lower and i won't have enough for these sort of periodic repairs of broken down things okay let's try one more run out to this mega spider i i think it's warm enough that we'll be able to make it and you go inside gabe let's have you mine some uranium having backup uranium for replacement turrets or more turrets is not a terrible idea so the rest of these bugs here are all rotted yeah they're all routed uh over here i think there's one blood spider that is not or two blood spiders that are not uh and then the mega scarabs that are not but the rat and and the value the meat value of that oh here comes some more reapers and that there is gonna have to be a bit of a cliffhanger i apologize but i am out of time thank you all so very much for watching frost and fire if you have any feedback from me let me know if you want to discuss how your own playthroughs are going join discord the link to discord is at rodomont.com for watching everybody i'll catch you all next episode farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 23,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Community Challenge, Frost and Fire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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