RimWorld: Anomaly - (Eldritch Colony DLC)

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let's play some roomm world before we get into some worm World though I want to tell you a story uh today I spent like an hour today unclogging my my bathtub and my sink and I was feeling a little drained um but then my wife came up put her hand on my shoulder and she said Earth that meant the world to me speaking of worlds let's play some Rim World anomaly this is out April 11th that's today uh so this is a horror themed Rim World DLC I'll start at the very beginning if you're not familiar with worm World Colony Builder sci-fi we're landing on a world normally we're standing on a planet and trying to just like survive terrible things well we're here kind of on purpose we'll get a story here but this is um sort of the Lovecraft version of R world there's lots of weird things going on with this one and we're going to see what's what that's all about so a lot of that's going to be happening raas and D let's try it out we have a new scenario to choose from which is the anomaly which is um the research Expedition has finally arrived at the source of the anomaly signal an ancient architect monolith on a distant planet as you survey the structure from orbit the scanner audio speeds forms garbled syllables which repeat your own name over and over your crewmate screams as our flesh begins flowing and reforming a binding beam of energy reaches up from the planet and tears your research vessel apart you have Disturbed Disturbed something ancient and inhuman like that dead joke this is a difficult scenario not recommended for new players that's okay I got this so we start with two people we start with a ghoul which we'll talk about in a second we also start with Twisted meat so if you're not if you're unsure about what we're getting into that should probably that that that that should answer that question for you all right we're going to go with uh we'll go with Cassandra we'll go with strive to survive I'm fine with that and we'll see if we can survive here Vera is the name of a planet I like it I'm going leave everything as it is everything's in there good let's build a planet I have no no uh no mods here we're just playing with the uh the DLC all the DLC um and we'll find ourselves to go in as in in my typical Rim World fashion I'm going to hit random sit and I'm going to start right there how is it it's cold there's berries there's like nothing around me there is the gnat mountains I like the sound of that we've got some folks sort of over there but we're kind of off over here all by ourselves uh berries around it gets cold it's a cold place growing period uh April made to September September septober um yeah we're kind of all by ourselves over here I like it I like it um I do want to go with the smaller place though because I like the smaller ones and begin all right so for the ideology um I think this isn't we're we're not focusing on ideology today I want to focus on the new anomaly stuff and the cheese that she's holding there in her hands we're going to go with the classic style and we can kind of work our way into it but we'll leave it kind of simple for now um okay so we got Sarah here we got katsumi and we got Lucy who Lucy uh not only has a flesh tentacle arm but also is a ghoul um the thing about ghouls is they basically do nothing but fight and eat flesh and regenerate that's what they do so we'll see how this goes uh I want like to find someone who doesn't have like a terrible thing like maybe we're going to throw in normally I would just take these guys but the old I don't know you aren't violent should I just take should I just do my usual thing and just take what I get I think I'll do it I'll do it this is this is this is my my normal way I come in take what I get I'm up for that all right uh Naza is our uh our ghoul um katsumi is uh I do change it this way um who we got over here um um Mr and uh um Mr oh Mr no arm should be one of the ones with tentacle arms and then we've got who's the other one we got here uh woot dog yeah yeah excellent oh dog okay who was that over there um oh Mangus uh Mangus didn't you shout out no no I I'll get you in there Mangus as soon as I can and as soon as soon as uh as soon as I get someone else we'll we get mang don't let me forget because I will forget no arms dog Mangus so Mangus you'll be the next one that shows up if we get another person coming in here anyway so there we go so we got uh three people who are certainly going to die very [Music] soon see if they can make it the ancient monolith Unleashed an energy pulse that tore your research vessel apart mutilated your crew only a few of you made it to the Escape pods despite the setback your mission is far from over if you can learn more about the monolith perhaps you can find a way to shut it down or harness it's inhuman power [Music] all right let's take a look around so we have we a nice little water spot over here good good um we got so we got like a bit of a a base there we can take down we got some steel all over all over the place um I want to been a while let me let me remember my buttons here allow some of that I I get my my rim World finger memory back like those uh what do we got we got black rights all right uh medicine proximity uh detector I think we also have in here have some turret packs which I think we can like lay down I'm just going to undo everything here and we'll let them kind of pick up whatever they've got it's out there there's the strange Twisted meat uh we also have a holding platform which is going to be very interesting that we're going to find out here in a second uh the whole game is is or this scenario anyways is sort of built around this so we got to come in here and we're going to to investigate this thing and then things are going to get weird things are going to get weird real weird um I think what do we have with us we got a bunch of wood here we just quickly dig out a base I think right here just to get something set um oh look at Nas's freaky arm there okay okay uh who's good one of you didn't one of you doesn't shoot it's been a long time since I played Rim world go get yourself go get yourself a gun woot dog does not do any sort of um um fighting chop some trees down here grab us some wood and this is going to be our main thing so we're going to do is oh there's even like weird uh oh the he looks does that look different they do look different don't they that get changed uh and there's other things out here also that's a little bit different so anyway I think what we'll do is is I'm debating whether I want to go dig into this rock and build our base in there I think for this for the quickness um we could also tear that Limestone down I think we'll just grab the wood we'll just build a wood base around here probably in this open spot here um fertility is not very good really anywhere yeah it's okay oh there's a good spot right there we can build there and like garden over that way that's might be okay and we we have a vent somewhere I'm not seeing one anybody seeing a vent there's the tree there's a vent right there okay that'll work yeah we'll just we'll just Camp down like right in there so let's get to building oh man I've been waiting to play I've been wanting to play R world for a long time but I knew this thing was coming well what a month ago or so I was going to play enough like pretty recently and I I saw this was mentioned and I was like well I got to wait for that now let me go ahead and get a stockpile placed down and we'll just throw it in we'll just get it like right there for now throw all our junk over there we can dump things down this way all my stuff in swamp water oh no the swamp water is over here our stuff's fine on some Sandstone yeah I like swamps I like building Towers on swamps it's best place best place to build stuff and actually this this actually isn't a bad place to defend because we got a mountain on on this side we got swamp over here it's not a bad place to do some sort of defend stuff so we might use that actually I say that maybe I should build my base like right in here cuz nothing can really get to me well I mean they can but we're reasonably defensive this way and um I don't want to spoil anything but um we want to be defensive I'll leave I'll leave it at that yeah you know what I'm changing my mind this is a little small so we'll have to grow outside of it but for now I think it's probably pretty good in fact I was going to build something a little bit prettier but I think first little spot it's like stash like do something like that slap a door in there home very Cozy home chop these trees down I wonder if we we could always move it out make it out of steel we got a bunch of Steel laying around here we'll get this stuff moved around Naza so the way that this Naza here Works he doesn't do anything um he's really good at killing stuff he's really good at killing stuff uh he shoots faster than others he doesn't have a gun uh he is incapable of all work the thing about him though is he needs food and he needs a specific amount of food he has a flesh tentacle yeah um what does it do flash tentacle has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed okay excellent so this would be a good thing to have on like a human not really a big deal for him uh but he'll regenerate so he he heals up 100 hit points per day and he is a murderer machine so he needs to also in addition to murdering he needs to eat they they cannot work they only fight they must eat raw meat if they go hungry they turn hostile so we want to keep him keep him fed that's what that mystery meat I guess there is is for uh is for him let's um yeah deconstruct these things and I think we we'll have like our our intro base here we throw this stuff we actually just throw our junk our stockpile inside here just so it's inside you know uh and build like a separate little house outside or even even mine a little bit um are we good at are we anybody uh good at mining here Mr no arms Al also has picked up he's he's reading right now but he's also picked up a turret pack which I can deploy this turret a wearable pack that allows the user to deploy a p battery powered turret contains a propulsion device letting the user launch the turret a short distance they effective for flanking and distracting enemies their turret limited AI can't be directly controlled so it can cause Friendly Fire incidents that lasts for several hours so that's our defensive thing this is a very like fighty uh DLC I think what I'm going to do I think I'm gon I'm gonna do that I'm make this just sort of indoor just to kind of keep all of our junk in here for now and we'll get a room and all that kind of stuff later maybe we'll just turn that into a room over there or we just mine the stuff out a bunch of Steel in here let's just let's just get the Min in for now okay woot dog you're doing nothing why don't you go investigate that thing woot dog to do it wo dog the the uh the researcher W dog doesn't fight oh I don't know I think wo dog's going to do it hey maflow woot dog want you go investigate this monolith tell me tell me what's going on here the monolith dark metallic surface is warmed with a touch woodog thinks she can hear a faint hum emanating from inside the lines on its Dusty surface seem to squirm and unsettling patterns woodog focuses on the shapes trying to uncover their meaning the hum strengthens the shapes begin to flow into wood dog's vision but the surface isn't changing power begins to uncoil in this empty space all around a black shape is forming in her mind the anomaly is stirring oh keep focusing keep focusing hey chapi and hay ma BL that Bunny's about to get fried I think excellent all right as the monolith twist in change wotog is overcome with a horrifying Vision in an instance she understood the month is a doorway she barely cracked it open now something dark Beyond imagination stirs on the other side seeping into our reality terrified but excited woot dog is convinced she can learn more if given the time to study the monolith we now have unlocked the the um the building category of anomaly the research tab of anomaly a entity codex unlocked and we can now study the monolith for more research we've AC the monolith there we go it's a conduit for psychic energy partially active in order to advance the monolith Next Step you need to discover eight basic tier entities and those are not sure where those actually are listed me see if it shows me hey cheap now you'll know why you fear the night so that's the monolith there's the there's the there's the entries okay so we we know what a ghoul is we know what a monolith is there's lots of other things that we will find and that's what's going to unlock uh things once we discover this stuff um that's the quest what else we got over here and we can attune to it send a colonist to attune to the monolith this will attract new and more dangerous entities we won't do that just yet so the there's a reason we want to do that and that's because we have this thing this holding platform um that is uh going to come in handy here surely going make a steel wall like that oh the music they got new music is great oh that's creepy I just broke my my thing turn that up okay I tried the medieval overhaul yeah I played a um and also hello Levi I played the um I did a medieval one I think I've done medieval a couple times but yeah a long time ago that needs power we'll get that set up here I think we may build our base like up here storage and then base up here we'll move our our um this will go out go away way is that all closed in yet get all stuff put in there so it won't get deteriorated you know so much and then we'll get our windmill around we'll just kind of build around this monolith it seems like a nice thing seems like a nice place we'll focus on this first and get everything moved in then we'll do some [Music] building it's very very dark isn't it this is a this is Advanced Darkness BL of gritty fog is descended on the area the fog smells ancient somehow and stings the skin unnatural greyness of it invokes a sense of dread we need warm clothes colonist beds the we need an anomaly project and a holding platform which we need to build that thing uh this is in here so now we've got normal Tech you know we also have anomaly Tech it's got quite a bit of it too was that Harbinger trees have sprouted nearby these gnarled trees grow flesh likee coverings and can feed on corpses and raw meat placed nearby if well fed the Grove will continue to grow in a tribal myth these trees are the emissaries of shapeless of a shapeless God who rules an endless Black Ocean the myth ends after the shapeless God reaches up from the water and tears down the sky well that's nice that's nice we consume corpses and meat plac nearby okay um yeah corpse stock well I don't want to all the corpses but yeah put like these things over there saw someone who had zombies shambled onto his map and they died in a day yeah we'll see how long I can survive this and hey anadar I don't have high hopes for a long life here uh this one it's pretty big but we can we're going to stash it in here somewhere I'm going go ahead and plant out my uh my wall here and I think I'll just set it up like I want to have a little bit of a gap so we can kind of walk around stand here and shoot things that come at us from that way so we'll do something like maybe like that that be enough for a bit I think so that's a good bedroom there we have like a double Hall double door thing couple beds that's not right do that instead something like that I can't really build on the swamp can I then is okay to build on next to that monolith hey skull has G sight stealer revealed a twisted creature has appeared out of thin air there he is he's going to go chew on woot dog wo dog does not do a lot of fighting oh you can't even put the turret down because you're I thought I was hoping that would be your defense you can't even put it down okay well I need you to come over here oops come over here uh Naza go get him what dog run don't run into him okay there you go run run run run research available we've unlocked proximity detector because we like because this thing happened yeah the monolith has been has been awoken okay you come over here uh no arms come here Naza bite why don't you like not not shoot your friend why don't you not shoot your friend uh there we go nice okay um I can't get my platform done um W dog I need you to build this thing do that now okay Naza you just s to hang out with this guy we're going to go and we're going to grab them in a minute so I yeah like I don't know how far this goes it sort of makes it sound like oh I need the walls up here sound the way the the steam page makes it sound it makes it sound like things are going to start kind of like the world will be affected by this as well I don't I haven't seen that part of the game I've only just seen like the very beginnings of this um and so I think that's how this how it's going to work uh this thing here you notice well house containment strength is now 66 so we can we can lock this guy in here and you know uh tie him up in needs medical treatment without though they will die so we dog are you treating him yeah tend to that guy how's he feeling we got to we got him cut up a little bit by by my ghoul n is going to have hang over there and just sort of sit tend to this guy and then we can like I think we like we like research this guy study we study him yeah flesh trees are here and they are numbing on those uh those things mhm mhm I feel this I was going to put this like up this way couple maybe we do one more room over here didn't really come out like I was like I was planing I guess we can we can come over here and connect this up and have like a a research room or something you know like that uh I want I want the doors whoops there and there this hallway will extend out we can have another room here when we get another person was Naza go wherever you can you can sleep wherever you want putty let me get you guys some beds I didn't give you a sleeping spot did I I probably I probably should do that whoops uh can we make a make a wooden bed make me a wooden bed dog what are you doing um plant cut yes please all right let's let's go do this okay uh we got two good doctors actually you're the top doctor you'll be backup doctor Child Care mhm um flicking switches is important put you on that uh handling no so cooking is going to be W doogs going to cook and construct you are no one no one really knows how to grow yeah both bad at growing um we should turn these on for now dark studying research is very good dog okay turn this on for now we we'll fiddle with that a little more later on okay will you go make chop that tree chop that tree okay so we got a friend over here now he just Twitches a little bit don't worry about him how you feeling there buddy he's all rotting corpse up on the ground it happens make chop that tree I want those first first chop that tree constr that wall too I know you're tired take that wall down I wa too make that bed I know you're tired you can do it okay um here that thing down I know you're tired you be just you'll be you'll be okay I need more wood I need just a little bit more wood though um how much more do I need that's 30 that's 42 I need 45 so like yeah that that'll do it yeah this is the new stuff that'll be enough okay yeah yeah you've arrived you arrived at your new apartment and you got there late and now oh we've all been there oh you you botched it yeah that's accurate you just bought this new thing from Ikea you get home it's like it's already 2: in the morning you got to still have to build your bed you build your bed you end up breaking one of the little wood little wooden dowel things in there and then nothing holds together oh man Mr no arms I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry buddy for the first time Mr Norm has showed up a few times and this is the first time that his name has ever been appropriate as as appropriate as it is uh yeah get your snack with dog and then we're going to get to work on the other thing um is my thing off just a little bit or is it right looks like it's good oh he's out just sort of running around who knows where he is there he is sleeping I hear just sleeping in the swamp feels good though he will need to feed sometime soon so we'll have to chew on something there's some animals around we can chew on a muffalo or a bunny we may let him do that I'm sure we'll get a visitor here in no time and he can he can go chew oh he's also got the the Twisted meat he can chew on W do how you feeling sleep's pretty good I I um I have I have 300 hours in the steam version of R world I played it I played it quite a bit before then also I I don't know how much time I played you know like early Alphas Alphas 8 n 10 whatever yeah modist yeah which from there's several mods that are already already working okay now I need to build that go build that bed what is that biof farite metal like fibrous substance both organic and metallic properties produce by microscopic mechanites as they process organic metal is it um does it count as as like steel or is it used for other I don't I don't know what that is Mr no arms get up and go to bed or just get up need fenses yeah we do uh let me get so let's focus on oh what do we want we need to get like food food is important we can put food in here let's go ahead and just get the power going we get a turbine we'll slap this thing out here I think I'm trying to decide maybe we should throw it out here just because it'll be over the swamp you know let's do that do that 2600 hours of gameplay yeah my 300 hours for the steam version is um it's probably light compared compared to a lot of folks this is one of those games where like when folks ask hey what what game should I buy room world is is usually my pick just because it's kind of like you can't go wrong with room world that's not so important uh do I not have any I don't I start with there's some biof farite components I may not maybe I don't start with them with this start uh there's a couple right there though we can get fact that'll be enough go mine that mine Vin is in there how long's that been in there it's been a long time I'm trying trying to remember last time I played this I think the last time I played this was whenever the last what was the last was wasn't ideology what was the last update last DLC oh yeah he's real slow he'll learn he'll learn this is now um no arms bed biotech okay yeah yeah biotech yeah yeah that's when I added all the yeah and that was that was probably my that was my favorite I like that one a lot that one was really good of of the DLCs I think that's probably my the best one hey Glenn how's it going playing some Rim world uh Rim World anomaly today those be storage we might turn into a cooler at some point we can always expand this out a bit more um I need to get a kitchen probably next I'd like to get some research going but let's get the you know let's get like the Necessities electric stove will be fine I'm going to put it in right over here and we will butcher oh I'll leave it well we want the butcher table outside don't we what happened yeah I'll throw right there I guess visitors we have an artist um um wait from attan visi in the colony her name is Sarai Sarai has things to [Music] trade who's the one with so [Music] social nobody no well dog go have a chat wake up go have a chat what do you have I can give you a t-shirt or no you give me a t-shirt I can give you some gun some books what do these do book provides useful information about guns takes you through the step subject step by step oh like TR train us okay I do have components I knew I had them I don't know where they are but I got components cuz that must be what just he what he just mined out hey no do that say I didn't have any components reading the thing they can do now is that new with um with the DLC or with the update [Music] like that I think we probably put we could probably stick our cooler like here for now I don't know it' be nice to have the kitchen and the cooler kind of close by yeah I know um I know a lot of things came out with the update cuz I was considering playing it with with the update also rather than just doing the DLC I don't remember what all it was [Music] though here's our anomaly stuff we can what we can make we can make a holding spot which actually um which is not one of those it's something different spot for holding dangerous entities not as good as steel holding platform but a lot better than nothing I'll throw one in there for now just to have it set up [Music] for extra Zoom oh yeah look at thato what we go in further go zoom in further give me you see there's wall lights oh yeah look at that wall lamps oo that's fancy oh nice that's so good this my favorite part my favorite part of this update already wall [Music] lights here we go I'm putting them outside too oh [Music] man can't power yet we don't have this thing yet but we'll get there and go make that need get this tree chopped extract tree plant it somewhere else oh can I do that with berry [Music] bushes no yeah we don't need Farm we have to get some farming done real soon it's tough with only like really only two people it's kind of a it's pretty tough I was going to go and and do my growing over here where it's fertile but we need a small plot somewhere [Music] nearby so we'll just like set this thing in here for now I'm not going to get rid of that berry bush [Music] though there we go and this is going to be um I think I'd rather do I want potatoes I'm just do Rice just get some rice in the ground what's wrong with it construction skill too low Mr no arms oh no can't construct wind torine construction skill too low oh no that's what I get for just choosing random oh boy urgently hungry all right let's go get our gun I can probably just run down and chew on a bunny if there's a bunny around the flesh flesh trees are looking very strange and very freaky there's a there's a bunny right there can you go um can you just go eat that bunny how much is that going to feed you okay now eat that bunny is it cut off it should be good how's that how's that looking better I want to make sure you get every pixel yeah he's he's jiggling it's very un very disturbing well that's a problem how am I going to make that thing how am I going to get power in this place oh man um okay cancel that then let's put in I think we'll just we'll just eat what what skill do I need to get that what what is it does it say I'm sure it does I need four section three okay so we can get there uh let's just build let's build more room let's just build out here and build something you you oh yeah you're piging out right right right um I'd rather you not do this because well you're almost there also actually you're real close to being there okay there he goes he got it okay good uh let me get my my that thing back then I hope those aren't too much power those wall lamps electric stove right there we'll go ahead and give him a chair I mean not a chair we'll give him a stool uh let's get some trees chopped oh dog have a good i' would like you to butcher things forever now was that was that satisfying is that do that do you any good not really uh is there any more bunnies out here we can chew on this would be you know it' be real tough if you like started in a like a biome like I don't know like an Arctic one or desert you got no food running around be real tough with one of these guys we got basically have to wait for or we have to just chew on everyone that comes by like that Trader that came by to chew on everybody n n some rhinos there it's funny we have this thing uh that consumes the the corpses but we also have Naza consumes [Music] corpses different color are too isn't it okay so is that running not with a pine tree resting chop that pine tree down first these guys are in the way too who dog is still pigging out I really don't need you pigging out right now I don't have any food for you yeah it's not going to it's not going to go until these trees get chopped you pecking out you're reading look like you're reading are you eating that book now do I have to it just happens right just every two days every time between escapes it's affected by the containment strength okay dog I need you to snap out of it buddy snap out of it power these consume 30 Watts that's the same as a bulb isn't it it's like a t like a standard uh lamp is 30 Watts okay like normal research speaking of normal research I do want to get a research bench in here uh where is that one there it is I have room for anything um I'll just put it over there for now hey wood doy finally done another Harbinger Sprout Oh yeah they're going to they're all over the place are these going to do I need to chop these things down should I keep these things around consume corpses and meat placed nearby there it is okay do I do anything with with them I to advance they don't have to be around just I just discover them right me put this jug in here um we'll set it in like oh we'll put it here in the middle of the floor and then I need to go and put a table in actually um me do that that's school desk uh table what is an astronaut's favorite part of the computer oh the space bar obviously kind of eer to try that that thing on their backs out I'm going see what that does let's get some power in this place uh I can't do batteries yet right batteries is the thing I go to I got to do later on uh wood dog thinks we should give our faction a name we're going to call ourselves the um oh the uh the [Music] T tentacle of unen name of this settlement uh Nook void or the name of the so yeah the faction is tentacle of onun community Nook void praise onun if we're lucky onti will bless us with a warm tentacle Embrace I really got to get some food in here at some point um or should I put that in there should I dig out this thing or I can just throw like a um I'm going to put in here it just seems like seems like a nice a nice cooler you know do have to be giant just yet somewhere to stash our our our food over this way um I may actually get some better walls like we'll take these things apart I must have have construction on a high priority tear those things apart and let's grab that Limestone and and put a limestone wall over here the ideally if it's like let's just do that why not what little spot this little spot here in the swamp water in the marsh put that in there that's that's why that's cut off um [Music] don't seem to be affected by the fog wood dog told a joke about crazy chimpanzees I want to hear that [Music] joke a negative mood is it it's probably gone by now [Music] hey oh yeah Recreation right put that in the middle of the field okay research is done let's go research now the this thing is are these so let's do sure void provocation that one skip abduction okay okay draw animals draw uh and then for the other one I would like batteries do we have oh we do start with batteries okay okay I always start I always do tribal runs I always forget what I start with uh what do I want what do I want then what's xenogenic gen assemblr no we won't do [Music] that generator let's just get some beer brewing I think bows are cool you know what let's get some smothing n Naza is urgently hungry yeah you're always hungry I guess I got to keep it doesn't I don't get any popups for that so I guess I got to be like on that good thing you're here in chat and you can keep me on it oh there's a a yak you think you can handle a yak come chew on this which one do we want to chew on let's chew on the baby first don't attract the whole herd [Music] please are you act mean animals no they seem fine um yeah seems really [Music] mean bleeding out we'll go we'll go chew on it when it's done Bleeding Out na you got beat up uh we'll get it in seconds hopefully I have enough enough uh time for that where's that Bunny at or go eat that rat it'll bleed out we'll be fine uh yeah we're a little low on food this thing's running now sort of what's in the way that little tiny oh that's in the way too isn't it okay go chop those I have to go pluck some berries in real mint real quick did you eat it eat the rat I'm getting low oh that fed that fed a decent amount I wonder if it changes like the bigger you get or something if you need to eat more is any more rats around here um how do I see what's isn't there a wildlife there's a rat go go eat that guy oh hey look there's a dead deer there do I need to I need to Baby him the whole game is that what's going to have to happen here some of the power's coming in we don't have to reach over here not sure it's going to reach um we do that okay um this is working so we'll go ahead and get some meals done we just want some simple meals um no wrong one that'll be all right and the battery don't forget the battery right there did you eat it tasty tasty okay do whatever you want to do watch out for that cougar okay now we got power coming in and power is f power is charging up the battery excellent we got some tasty Ibex meat apparently good good all right some Decay pests a group of waers from DK pests you aren't oh yeah you're kind of strange I thought you were like uh something really weird going draft you send you over here uh woot dog yeah you're worthless no arms come can I tell you to deploy it over okay so come here oh we just going to hanging out for a bit here he comes I want you to deploy that turret I'm assuming I can pick the thing back up I don't know I've never I don't know how this works put it there you throw it out it's actually not coming isy come here buddy now come lure this guy in here come lure him over so our turret will work you ask about the steam deck my um my son has a steam deck he like he think he likes it uses it quite a bit he actually has it set up like like basically as a computer has a monitor and mouse H up to it come here [Music] buddy am I supposed to eat you if you don't join in the fun can NAA handle this guy come here yes yes come here NOP no no I want to see what my gun does Norms go uh do I want to how do I how do I pick this thing back up I hope I can do I do I do that I don't I don't know how to do it it's the only button I know though that looks like it does anything deconstruct but I don't want to deconstruct it back into it I'll try it oh let's wait just in case he comes this way I hope this isn't a one time use thing I don't know how it actually works yeah those two need to go chop those down na apparently is very hungry I could can I give you a knife or you just to use your claws a melee 12 scratching going on there you go buddy um oh yeah he's that's a new thing he crawls now they crawl away now take a knife can you can you can you have that knife no go chew on him well maybe we don't want to chew on him let's let's take a look at him is he okay he need's a little bit of pain he is very artistic he's got some social he can't do dumb labor I don't really have a place to put him yet I could throw him in like can just put a thing in there and then try to try to turn this guy but I need food for that I really need somebody but Naza is hungry na he's all yours buddy now if I turn you off will you just eat him I should I should have stripped him before I cuz he has a hat Che on that guy pop my no you have a good snack oh he's still there okay got a full belly why is there a tentacle sticking out from our ghoul he has a tentacle arm that thing's still here yeah and we're still researching them right that's um that's part of this research yeah we're doing stuff with it which will give us a psychic ritual spot and void provocation commun with the void attracting an entity which can be captured and studied okay place for for performing rituals all right yeah the steam deck seems to have like it doesn't see like doesn't seem it would have like the controls like you would have with a mouse but um my son um plays like D and D with us with tail spire and like it requires some pretty fine movements left click like right click you know and end mouse controls and it seems to be [Music] fine okay Let's uh let's get this stuff mined out what are you doing you don't have snack let's mine this stuff out and get our our food place go mine this stuff are you any good at mining I don't think anyone's good at mining mining H you got passion for it so we'll get there soon enough also you are a very good doctor both of us are good doctors go kick that wall a little bit and I might as well go ahead and set it up even though it's tiny this is going to be food I prefer food go there let's get this field done and and I almost forgot this is going to be a cold place it's going to get real cold soonish uh what we at we're up here pretty pretty far north so we're at where's I do I see the um there it is so it gets real cold in the winter okay affiliate link for steam deck no I nothing steam doesn't do anything affiliate wise thanks for asking that's not I know of anyway I mean I guess I don't know yeah I don't know if I don't know of anything like that okay let's get some stuff done so we'll turn this this we'll keep this as storage it'll change eventually um this will be food Land what else am missing all of our prisoners will be locked up in here we don't really have a good defense spot um I'm going to try deconstructing this and see what happens and hope that it comes back into a backpack and it's not I didn't just waste it looks like I just wasted it is that how that works you get one you get one use out of it I think so I don't like that unless I did something I'm sure I could have done something wrong here but you don't need it you can't use it anyway so I'm going to have you drop it and I'll give no arms the thing go grab that put that on don't waste it this time and over here we've got uh we got one of these sight Steelers okay lights are on battery's working yeah looking nice hoay let's get some food moved over there what about these meals a lot of berries that can get picked hey come uh Harvest these berries get them out of the ground and haul them into their new spot is there a is there somewhere we can find like a stat for how uh how well things how well spaces will hold how um what's the word how um likely things will deter how less likely things will deteriorate or whatever we have a stat for that somewhere there's a deterioration rate oh there's the there's the place I was looking for [Music] that mine that one out uh let's get one of those 14 days yeah but I don't know how do I know if if this room because it's like it's like in the cave I know it's better because it's it's underground I think it counts as underground here maybe not cuz they did build a roof there is it better than being out here they did bu put a roof that there didn't they it might need to go further in I may move my kitchen to like right over here so it's right next to it eventually there'll be my cold room we can expel it outside here hey op Tom how's it going we looking by Birch uh what's everyone's trick here for this do I place down oh like a growing zone that's that's the trick isn't it like that and then we throw in something like ancient danger something like I don't know it does anything and that'll and that'll work let's put in like I me potatoes are fine you know keep it clear and need to grow one more and also save that from having to um and we'll get some veggies out of it yeah you can pave it that'll save like fires from burning it down or whatever I think another one I've seen I've seen folks do there's something else I forget what it is some sort of like um like r or something like smooth surface maybe that's what it is I don't remember to to keep it cleared out this thing has no power [Music] [Music] we go I'm not sure really what that does maybe it's for those for those this guy oh yeah it's got be for this guy cuz he was invisible and he dis appeared so now we know what to do with him okay how's our research doing with the anomaly not really we've been busy we got three whole meals in this place we should have more than that power's up no arms uh come [Music] and harvest that one any more berries around here Harvest that one how's Naza looking Naza is looking a little hungry ooh oh it's uh do you mind if it's rotting is that is that bad for you how do you feel about that all that work for no reason any more animals for you to chew on muffalo up there I need something like you know a nice tasty bunny there we go can meet that guy okay A little bit of little bit of food the um the rice will come in oh at some point Auto cut on the windmill this is the anomaly the anomaly DLC which adds in a bunch of like weird love crafy and stuff like uh like this freaky dude that just showed up um we can study this thing more which is bringing in the more Tech that work and we also we also study these guys I'm not sure how it decides which one to study no arms is being hunted by a cougar uh no arms is is right here Naza go chew on that cougar hang on put your gun down buddy and just blast that thing what's the range on this thing Nice Shot time to eat Chomp Chomp yeah I got him okay you good Naza um yeah why don't you eat him oh you're fed you're good can I just tell you to melee him well I don't know he stays fresh as long he's there he may get back up at some point but if he does we'll chew on we keep down again but we'll keep him keep him fresh and alive I don't know I never tried that can you make a pin around a muffalo and just keep them in they eat all my stuff if I do could I just put in a fence and keep these guys [Music] in not sure how that works um can I make coolers yeah so we need one of those to be like over here four more [Music] entities this one battery is holding up pretty well or is like full the whole time a light ball cool dog it's a dirty cooking area yeah it kind of is yeah kind of is um especially with the blood there you know okay so can I put in this has to be on a wall yeah that works uh yeah you can flip the cooler around use as a heater yeah uh but a heater is better for [Music] that okay tiny food spot um what do so am I going to leave it like this I just leave all my scraps in here I think I'm going to get rid of this one um sleep uh and then we'll I think I'm just put some flooring [Music] down to help that out a little bit so it's not so um dirty keep it cleaner and nicer in here I'd rather you not bar fall over the kitchen stove yep yep okay if you didn't do that no arms doesn't really do anything so I think maybe no arms other than doctoring you do you do all kinds of stuff but I think I want to make sure that let's keep things clean and let's let's set that as a priority hauling is also a good one to have a high priority sometimes let's not worry about like some of this stuff in The Home Zone okay so then you just just clean the stuff that's like you know around this way let's try that uh little meds we do have meds they're right there um low food yeah how much long do we have they're at um take a while to plant those things they're only at 30 aren't they okay let's go do like a like a big berry pole uh is this cougar still out here oh let's go get him he for pen oh all the cougar Naza is urgently hungry you know what Naza I changed my mind na is gonna have to eat that guy unless there's like a squirrel around here we can eat what is that oh looks blue here weird eat the Benny TR have to feed you a lot yeah ranching would be would be a good one wouldn't it some sort of animal handling and then oh it does zoom out and like light them up blue so you can see things look at that well look at that okay we going to eat that cougar yeah cougar meat blue means non- hostile oh and then red and then they'll light up red if they're hostile Ah that's nice yeah that's real Handy Is it feasible to have like a rat Farm just like lock them into a cage here and just have rats in there so we can just chew on them whenever we want yeah I wonder if we can just like grow yeah like we got we got meat trees over here well it consumes meat anyway I wonder if we can just like grow a meat tree or visitors we can eat them [Music] too right 76% grown yeah we're almost [Music] there I know if they have meat on them they got something I guess May those are just [Music] flowers yeah yeah gnarled tree that grows a flesh-like covering Maybe not maybe not actually flesh but it looks like [Music] it's any more nice things around that we can grab and throw into our [Music] house um come here he makes a good Explorer oh a nice table a normal table I'm sure he can't handle a muffalo on his [Music] own yeah like I wonder how feasible that is to like get some bunnies and just make a bunny Farm or just eat Paulo Pao is an artist he cannot clean things is he attacking right now no he's going to hang out for a bit we'll let him hang out for a bit we'll go get him in a minute um are we any we're we're not any good at handling animals are we no got a two I wonder how how um we may not have problems with animals I don't know we'll see how the winter is they not be any showing up and we want to eat [Music] poo we can always just go shoot a muffalo may I need to do that anyway so we can get some meat is this still a feasible thing is putting like a dumping stock pile and making this as walls that's still an acceptable strategy here we shouldn't be there dumping stockpile go beginning there assault is that my only dumping yeah so I want all the rocks to throw over there hey Uncle Sam Naza over here no arms uh just shoot the guy he's got a knife you got a shotgun if you can shoot straigh it' be a little better all right that'll do it is he dead he dead dude okay the Naza he's all yours stay wild but we could always tame like tame a rat or a couple rats try to tame a couple rats or bunnies or something to keep them alive when it gets cold outside looks like that's all dug out there um do want to go any further into the mountain I don't know I just kind of want to get this Steel we'll add like an order of of mining here just kind of keep that keep that going how's everyone feeling let me see your um your mood here bedroom's awful huh I don't think it's so bad which one's be Beauty it's not awful it's nice this one's awful this one's not too bad let me see what I can put in there real quick to make it nice [Music] um I'm not sure what we uh what we put in there they make things nice cooler needs power still yeah oh yeah yeah um yeah there's a dude tied up in the cave yeah yeah don't worry about that cop pots that's the one here we go yeah don't worry about that guy um well I got my um I got I got got a a comment from my wife today told me that if I I buy her one more stupid gift she's just going to burn it well I went out and bought her a candle ah Shaman Merchant I don't know what that is speaking of gifts I might have to eat this fell oh it's a whole bunch of them oh they got some cool hats too yeah emergency rations that's what he is exactly spoils in two and a half days so we can get we can get several meals out of him uh go chat with this fella uh how you feeling are you you tired we'll get our nap first then we'll go chat with him it's a bunch of them are they not they they're not going to stop yeah they will they all have the same hat who dogs in poor health well not really uh I can buy some donkeys cow pig nothing else oh there's a Harbinger seed if I want more of those eat any corpses or meat plac nearby what's this bio far do I'm temped to just maybe I'll need it at some point I'm going to sell it CU I want some money scavenge fragment of dark Arco technology useless by itself it can be built into devices that harnesses its power to produce exotic effects I guess I should keep it cuz that's expensive I keep my books all right I'll just I'll just sell that uh there's a big plast steal mine I might sell some of this just so I can get some cash I'll just do this this will give me 47 bucks for whenever next time hopefully I don't need that stuff I think I think it's just sort of laying around though I think I just saw it some laying around I know I didn't so I'm assuming it's okay it's okay to just leave that stuff laying around or sell it I mean guess I'll find out real soon okay back to bed why is what's talking about your your bad Health you're fine sleeping in the cold is it that cold outside already it is 4° um I guess I can put a a heater in we'll need it soon anyway I think where I where I put this thing I just set one there and that hopefully give enough enough heat to kind of keep us warm I think I'm going to eventually build this up here and around I can't build on that unless I put in not have the ability to do it a bridge bridge would do it we can build out a little bit come up there yeah it's cold it's a cold cold place let's go to like I don't know 13 don't need to be like cold cold and I think I want I want this I want this to be freezing I'm not sure what well I guess as long as it's we'll put1 what's wait I don't no what's Celsius four four below is that is that Celsius weight -10 is what you should do with Fahrenheit I I don't know below zero is all we want how's our Rice doing o it's almost there we don't have any food left so we should probably go uh worry about that there's some berries coming in Naza how you feeling you're all right go get another snack okay that's done uh I'll build on it in a minute but I want to put another wall in here and I think we're just going to go so I go right up against this thing and then over here I don't have to go that far I was thinking like maybe another bedroom here so we can get a new guy actually there I suppose hang on he's going too fast that would be a bedroom we could stash in there let me put my door here we'll have another door right there we'll have another wall preparing a so I think maybe if I if I plan this right and I and I believe that we'll survive long enough longer than what I usually last maybe we will chop those down let's go ahead and get the floors in here that's good um we get to floor that in a minute let me just floor this and we got a big space over we should use it let's uh let's go aad and mine this out and keep smooth that out we have our place to eat it's kind of nice in here I would like flooring there keep it clean in this place let's do some outside flooring also why' the drum go to bed it was beat nice I will uh this this is a bad bed this is a normal bed we go ahead and make a couple beds and we'll take the good ones will swap them out okay and then um like let's set a order to uh to haul some of these rocks [Music] that oh that one's already there um I'm going kind of stashed onto our line here and make a make a nice wall unless unless things have changed which they may have um that was like the it's like I think it's actually better than sandbags just throwing your rocks up here as a defense rice is almost done yeah we're all right we don't have any [Music] food I can't give you that right no so if they've done this but yet want to make sure we do this study that that fella okay study study our knowledge is is 1.7 strength has gone has gone up is that feeding into this research is that what just went up I think it was make sure we do that and I'm not sure what the difference between this one and that one is cuz I think we can search we can research this one too no we need more okay okay yeah we can study it but we can't attune to it yet who starving W dog starving oh yeah I don't have any food no arms you awake [Music] oh Harvest those things Harvest that [Music] one there you go [Music] Harvest botched we're we're going to have a lot of that I think cuz nobody's really good at plants plant cut three and a three yeah no one really good we're going to have a lot of botched harvests for a while um I think I think we're going have to go get ourselves a muffalo are these how tough are these seem pretty tough he's chewing on that guy pretty [Music] well yeah I could be oh yeah I could be a good a good animal to like tame if I could do it there's a 0% chance they're going to they're going to Revenge I think I'm going to go let's let's do this new arms and Naza where you at okay let's go get let's go get a muffalo nothing else out here [Music] don't stand too close to that tree I'm not s what's going to happen um you go behind these rocks and shoot that one nope nope good job good job you got both of them angry at you now no not that way okay nice um I'm going to let you come here I want you just finish finish them off train some skills nice okay now haul him na you're free let's get muffalo meat which he can eat muffalo meat as well doesn't have to be raw or it doesn't have to be off the bone you know what I mean where'd you put it did you haul it oh you hauled it over there don't do that no no no bad place for one um I would like uh okay yeah that's yeah that's that's uh I forgot about that I should set like a spot dumping spot pile I just set it like right there uh that already used isn't it let's shrink that one just a little bit and I'll make a new stockpile just like that no is that is that a different same one like that and this one is going to be preferred uh corpses not human corpses though actually I'll put any corpse in there that way uh we make sure that nasly gets first dibs at [Music] it some meat hanging around over there no arms all that stuff no not nope haul all of it okay so Frozen Frozen good good [Music] good so I know that like an airlock system is is best maybe maybe I should go ahead and do that well I have a bunch of stone right here what was is that place anywhere I don't see it there I might have used it um let's just go ahead and finish using this and then we'll throw in a an air lock what was that that was limestone and then we'll throw in um may we just put two there door and I know that if you double wall it that's even better that keeping that helping our value or whatever yeah double air walls and a lock the do is never open to the other room yeah require dextrous keyboard skills no you don't really use key you don't need to use keyboard for anything I'm I'm pretty much do everything my mouse and you could you could go in and like there's you know like allow is f i h and y there but you don't have to I hope I got a big enough uh plot here there's only two of us so I'm hoping that that's enough and those those change too um the the uh gra the Sprites you can use wdi to move him around or I just I mostly just use middle Mouse button here we go there's some nice that's that's allowing me to have a I'm going to grow this because I've got frozen stuff now expand this a bit and just get as much rice as we can so I won't run out of food I do that a lot right yeah you can pause whenever I'm playing on kind of a faster speed but on like speed one things are manageable okay that should make your room a little nicer what do you think of that uh had to rebuff no arms eight without a table what you that for is it still cold in here it must be an old one cuz it's 12 in there right now what's the um at what temperature do they whine about being cold pain from your your scar tentacle is kind of freaky there we go um uh carrying a ravenous hostile ghoul has landed nearby on close appears that Erica a previous member of your crew currently in shock will soon recover and attack anyone it sees it can be captured to a holding platform for further study okay dog go cap go go capture her look we got a we got a a buddy for Naza we'll string her up in here and and uh and study her nice can you go study her right now study her that is doing that okay what do we want after that create special void there it is ritual deadens Target psychic sensitivity void sculptures from biof ferites enhance quality of psychic rituals ah there's biof farite harvesting har gener gener generate from captured entities contained in holding platforms you know what maybe that stuff's pretty important I shouldn't be squandering it okay maybe it was I thought I saw it laying around am I losing my mind I know I saw something laying around but it might have been the stuff that I just sold into DEC containment yeah we can actually maybe cuz we can we can lock them up cuz this one's not a very strong spot spot um I could expand it a little more here fit another one in there like that and then we'll um put another one in there I might just remove that and we can put three from there if they fit that going to fit maybe maybe go one more out okay we have this ritual spot spot for reporing recyc rituals can be cast if the area around their spot is unobstructed does that count as unobstructed a standable space on all sides because that tree there I'm going to change you over instead of cleaning number one I'm put you hauling number one get stuff hauled and then we'll we're about getting get clean what's in the way oh the bush maybe cut that bush is that a good spot now sure what it want what does it want go it can go there oh oh oh hey that's a good spot right there right in the middle of my potato field excellent spot for it [Music] I think it needed I think what it needed is an open spot out like on the ring outside of it well that that's not true cuz then that's well maybe that wouldn't work yeah maybe every Square no cuz that's there no cuz that's in the corner anyway it's going to be back there that's a good spot for it cornfield yeah okay we got meals excellent uh let's eat is there any more animals out there that want to get uh brought in urgently hungry [Music] always okay um no arms I know you're tired we got to go hunting the ghoul's hungry [Music] okay we go okay you're done eat the [Music] muffalo stone hinge oh this little this little thing here yeah fed okay no arms what you doing back to bed um okay I won't wake you up again are you happy about your room now it's cold in here it's four degrees there it's 12 there okay so we got to work on can I make Vince [Music] yeah had six below right now and it's it's oh yeah the harvesting season is over we got to get stuff y out of the ground oh it's all going what time is it 3:00 in the morning wake up everybody it's harvesting time oh our plants die hey Harley how's it going yeah we got a we got quite a bit of anomaly stuff like when you do the anomaly um scenario it's it puts you right in the thick of it oh we're botching so many harvests so much rice gone the waste so many please learn how to harvest things this is this is like our food supply for the year please stop botching it here we go yeah okay what are you doing uh simple meal no no go go Harvest this is going to be a cold cold place I'm going need more heaters which is stockpile Zone one what are you called oh you're going there uh let me put you as like a low priority didn't I set you as oh stockpile Zone one corpse stockpile Zone one okay I get it okay I need instead of cooking I need no not sewing that it get all of them harvested let's get them out of the before the Night hits cuz otherwise they're all going to freeze just in case they do get them all inside potatoes are probably going to they're 62 they may not survive I don't how cold they can get min is there what do where do they die at do they not have like a at temperature that they die at I don't know I don't know what it is hey Vector it's great I love these these roll DLCs they're so they're so different they're not like I don't know they they're so different but and yet they're so there're so room world you know it's not just like there's no minor content updates with room world you can get those with mods whenever they go out with a DLC and they're not just like rebranding mods with a DLC they they like they go all in with with their DLC and I love it change how you play stays true to the nature of R world yeah exactly yeah well said and that's that's it exactly [Music] it okay there's our food for the winter NAA is going to go Chomp on some meat I bet you're not Naza but that's okay I guess I maybe we should we have a freezer now maybe we should go hunt some more what's the yellow bar there am I missing something is that is that his mood is that the new mood bar the yellow no that's the gray one what's the yellow plant I at1 okay oh so like right now Harvest yeah you're right the whole map is a freezer now yeah exactly yeah it's going to be unpleasant uh let me get uh me another battery in here let me get like two more batteries in here and then let's do let's do a heater in the hallway think we might vent that and that just to make sure that we keep heat flowing through this place I don't I don't care about this room over here U over there probably use some heat also does that not need built no it doesn't cyclically commune with a void attracting an entity which can be captured in study there's a chance the invoker will fall into a coma for several hours am I out of this stuff no that's Steel that once that gets built up there we'll deconstruct this I don't know maybe we should leave that there um you know what for now I'll leave it there and I'll just put in the other one so if this one escapes you know it's like doubly it still says only 78 I guess because of that wall there but it's like double walled maybe that doesn't matter roof is it done how how about now is it still 78 that's the case it doesn't seem to matter 13 let me bump it up a little bit to like 18 shelves for oh yeah shelves for storage I forgot about shells for storage I completely forgot I've been i' in the old timey worm World days I completely forgot shells for storage n going to eat all our meat Naza eats a lot um I'm going to have to go we got one more room one more oh we got a whole bunch of muffalo over there and of course those Yaks I think are you up yeah come over here bring Naza yeah throwing stuff on the ground between orbital beacons yeah that's that's how you do it I completely forgot about shelves that tell you melee nice shooting buddy oh you made a mad or scared okay melee that guy down okay you grab all that stuff and in whoops oh look at all that stuff stored in there this holds so much yeah I made him out of steel didn't I yeah well steel shelves you know this is like a utility room we're not fancy enough for wooden shelves he's Frozen and you know um he's here I'm going to go ahead while I'm here let's shoot another [Music] one how's I get over here just don't don't anger the whole pack you okay what did I just say what what did I just say um oh yeah look they're all red or pink actually okay okay run run oh no arms oh he's crawling craw okay okay okay um W wo dog doesn't fight uh we got one of them yes so we crawl now they're all like they're all injured maybe they'll bleed out yeah they're all pretty that the gun worked not in the way that I wanted it to work but it worked well uhoh okay good good good these muffalo are showing Mercy they're not chewing on no arms uh what's Naza doing yeah you hide out over there buddy I wouldn't move either I'm worried he's going to go inside here though and he's going to open the door and they're all going to come in dog what are you doing okay don't go outside real scary out there here he comes coming in close the door look muffalo I just wanted to eat you it is a little it's a little it is a little strange isn't it okay loot dog go medical him how's I just hanging out okay we we made dinner really angry but I think I think we'll be good dinner will eventually bleed out in 5 hours 4 hours 8 hours yeah yeah 12 hours there we go we going need a bigger [Music] freezer arms yeah how you feeling buddy oh he's fine he just got a little bruised he's just a big baby what how does this work shouldn't it be like saying hey it need 75 watts is it does it only seek out for these [Music] things you're not going to move I guess oh you shouldn't be outside oh yeah I can put shelves in the freezer oh yeah I will never I will never remember I can have shelves shelves of course how long have shells been in this game a year I'll never remember I'm still going to make them out of steel can I put it up there is that is that doable can they reach all that that looks cool there we go that one's down we've got what three left nope yep that one's bleeding out okay nors you you okay yeah you're patched up go build those shelves stash of supplies worth some money some hyperweave is where we down there and we don't especially in the mountains yeah we ain't doing that we got our own problems there's one left got scared and dropped it let me go get inside go get your gun back okay there he goes nice we got enough food now to keep us happy for a long time no there'll be no starving today I I I um I may have starved a time or two but but not today make that shelf can I put a shelf right there and like load it up with muffalo why is there why is there Steel on my shelf oh I got to set it this way don't I oh yeah yeah they're putting they're putting everything else I got to redo this you can put medicine in there where's meds there we go so like like these these four can I do this um those four how do I do settings yeah fine I'll do this way um I want them just be normal well I guess it' be preferred we won't prefer for the shelves and it can carry it can carry anything yeah those are fine anything in there are these guys going to freeze cuz it's too cold out here let me throw a let me just throw a vent there how do you how you feeling there buddy well you're not going your problems what about you you okay with this can we fix this thing let me the one over here too my power's gone I got all these dang heaters going now I need more am I good to do I'm good to do that right I have these over these are okay okay to overlap just not the actual turbine fine like that let me do it let's do it that way or I kind of like the swamp very defendable that way this might be more doable fig of my bush well you know what okay I expand this out to be more prison land oh what do I want to put it well I can't defend it if it's up here as well but here would be all right I'll just stick it here most difficult decision in this game where put the dang turbines is that is that okay Birch Birch Birch where what by birch tree you see a birch tree oh that little guy right there okay let's do this and just expand this Zone in all of that okay and then we want some more of these things there we go [Music] okay um yeah we're not getting anything done with this wonder if I should get the better containment we get the we can since we haven't made made him yet maybe we should do this one let's do that real quick ship to the stars all right care with that one boot dog come over here and do some research so they can study all of these things study you and you can also study this what's the difference so that's like 33 is this doing anything different 44 looks like it's better there we dog began to to fix it on the void and wishes to investigate it using the void provocation ritual how do I do that ritual how do I do that ritual I have the that's it right place a psychic ritual spot perform the ritual oh um that's it and then perform the ritual I don't know how to tell you to do the ritual this is blocked by birch tree there's no Birch there's some bushes around birch tree there's no birch tree is that one right oh there one right there sneaky one it should be I think it's patched in I think I got it all yeah it's all in there I think yeah Auto cut menu oh look at that oh well that sure is Handy okay oh Mr Norms is doing some studying as well now is going to go have a snack we anything else uh oh I got to get these things pulled in um Mir yeah go go haul these things and then I want this rack to not be I want you to be important that animal corpses go there no no no that's not where it goes can you not put it in there oh probably because it's full here just do this we should get a um like a clothing industry going we need warm clothes anyway we should probably get that running soon uh will you will you clear these out I tell you to read whoops okay put her again sure okay yeah grab that one before the tree eats it up thank you and then that it that's all of them yeah okay minor break what's going on over here major break no arms what's the deal buddy I know I sent you out you're tired okay I have your meal and go to bed okay good and it's it's a it's a bad bed I haven't made you a new bed yet I'll get you a new bed in fact is anyone good at construction yet well wo dog's a six out of now so wo dog go make a bed missing some wood go chop some trees ghoul seem to eat quite a bit they have a seems like they have a a pretty small bar like a like a a rabbit was doing about half of its food but it went down fast so he's eating a lot got a ton of meat in there luckily now that is a poor [Music] bed okay so let's go get the clothing industry in here I guess I can do I want to do electric guess I can do electric okay now we'll start with something warm for our head heads I'm thinking like a toque or a hood I got plenty of that blue whatever does anyone have does anyone have any sort of like needs for it uh what do I see there um um pants and a shirt pants nothing nothing I think it would if they needed something it would say it would say on their [Music] needs yeah so we're we're good so let's just let's just get some stuff done we'll get like a coat it's probably an easy one to [Music] do I'll make some dusters uh just do until we've got I it's just one as long as there's one laying around we will make it out of anything and we want a hat I don't know what the best hat is but I'm sure a touque is probably pretty good let's get a let's make a hood that's cool make a hood and then I don't know anything else we need in a bank pants pants okay and we have a really good crafter in no arms in fact I'm going to tell W dog to not craft it will let no arms do do the crafting we're going to do mostly hauling though for a while okay I got to figure out how to do this oh there we go physically psychically commune with a void attracting an entity which can be captured in study there's a chance that the invoker will fall into a coma so we want I we want rooot dog to be the invoker no no arms has to do it so hopefully he doesn't fall coma because Boot dog doesn't know how to shoot things okay let's chant oh yeah get your candles this is important some strange chanting going on over here no arms is in a coma grab quick grab his food what you say the guy I want you Romancing him I want you to rescue him grab his snacks okay complete what happened no arms has finished it sending out a psychic pulse that will attract enemies prepare for what comes next in the process no arms Glimpse something horrifying Beyond human understanding the psychic Darkness shocked him into a short-term coma I hope it's a real shortterm because um W dog does not fight and Naza is not like he he'll heal fast but he doesn't fight very fast yeah that's definitely a rim World moment grab a snacks them shelves are full aren't they I might need to put more shelves in does it say how long you're going to be out is just an hour oh that ain't so bad is an hour really a coma it is if the rat shamblers are coming in group of shambling rotting rat corpses is approaching some inhuman inhuman for has Reed these lifeless bodies and set them to murder they will now wander the area if they see a human they will attack if not they will leave in a few days if you capture it you can study it oh look is it just [Music] one perfect timing perfect timing we now know that because we know what rats are we can now do draw shamblers we can like summon them I guess oh we can oh zombies okay that's what a shambler is back to bed hey there's a tasty tasty raccoon outside why' you eat that raccoon where's that rat at there he is just one that's no problem there is a cold swamp when do I get a um I had the the colonist drop one that we normally we normally get but it was a ghoul maybe they'll maybe they'll deal with the rat I want to capture it is no arms back up yeah he's good oh wait put that grab that in fact how you feeling are you uh you in good shape yeah you know what let's go get that rat now don't kill the rat I want you and Naza wherever n there's Naza let's go get that rat before the visitors get them this is my favorite new feature is is the red and the blue my favorite that's the best thing ever is that a is that a a mod that got added in I think I'm going to let Naza just do it no arms will be there just in case this thing's a a nasty rat rather you not shoot it cuz I don't want you killing it skull's a little concerning you killed it how am I supposed to study it if you kill it can you eat it no well all right this we still calling the shamblers all right he got some donkeys and a camel I'm not selling that Shard see per increases the number of death rest buildings a per person can connect to during death rest I don't know what any of that means lots of books tells about how the author came to create the schematic raising the OU of dead lens um this this does what geothermal power 40 per hour what is it does that like increase how much geothermal we get out of it I don't quite understand what that means I get that one mining hand Talon these are all cool things do we have something we can like remove that I the will not fight guy the pacifist guy remove his his his desire to not fight these guys have nothing that I want death rest is for vampires in the last DLC oh okay okay yeah okay I have the money for any of this stuff okay I don't want any of your garbage if we can convince nza to eat the corpses before he eats the meat you think we can it's really cold in here and I it doesn't seem like they care it's 11 below in there it's actually nine below in here in here a gentle duck Duchess of The Exodus Empire is making a request she wants you to take care of her favor pet a duck for 15 days we get some honor we get or a Venom Talon enjoy wire or just some Goodwill with him take care of a duck for 15 days scratching en while squirting Venom into the wound Talent designed for install in the middle finger it's fast but poor penet your armor I do want that I'll take care of your duck he's down uh where's the duck going to live I guess the duck's going to live in here um me get a duck spot one spot for duck hey uh duck do you like do you like meat you okay there buddy yeah he's fine 39 days he's going to be out for was that in the was that in the thing and I just didn't read it 39 days that's a long time to be a a sleeping duck all right I guess I'll feed him some corpses add a little extra challenge to your short shoes with bushes between you and them concerned that the power isn't isn't charging quite as fast as I I'd hoped it would uh let's make some more meals um you know we can make like nice meals I think we might have enough stuff for it let's do oh no we'll set it on there just and we'll get to it eventually baby food um okay REM make more meals though because we all that meat hanging around most of it will be saved for Naza but we'll get some of it done nope no mods duck is depressed maybe just feeling a little down you should be ashamed of [Music] yourself oh my medicine I'm going to copy paste paste paste oh is there food on those too yeah there we go whenever I was uh I was a manager at this pizza place and we did did this thing where we had like a kind of like a thank you thing we took the um the employees bowling you know thank you for their hard working kind of stuff but let me tell you it was a huge mistake they were they as soon as we were done they were all striking no I told that wrong you you get the punchline but I told told it wrong this supposed to be a pre I I have it written down as a present tense but then I started telling it as a past tense joke it didn't work it didn't work cuz the key word is striking not struck or now I'm taking my uh what was it no taking my employees to the Bowling Hall as a thank you for the hard work was a huge mistake now they're all striking there you go oh man I know you think I'd be better at this by now I'm not I'm not I can't I can't tell a joke um wonder how much um get a stone dude in there or we can go get this Limestone taken down I'm thinking about double Walling my my base cuz it's cold out there I struck out that's for sure it's cold outside and that would help the old insulation Factor be nice if we had oh I don't know someone else what's animal filth oh animal filth producing animals indoors on a clean floor put them on straw matting while they will produce less filth can I do that or would a straw matting be is that something I um oh hey look at that I need a hay for that I no hay we just get him a box there you go buddy have a box nope Naza just needs food and uh he likes to likes to chew on things he just and he needs food he likes to kill things there you go duck I'll have to put you over there won't I [Music] yeah it's still there it's okay though it's 20 below outside I think I'm going to have to double I can double this whole thing yeah I'm going to have to it's going to be cold it's it's only it's SE it's the 10th of septober it's just going to get cold okay uh let's my my biggest problem is not going to be freaky things coming out of the ground it's going to be coldness where's the bridge there's a bridge going to bridge that I'll move that butchering table let's bridge over there and we can kind of double wall around there um can I move the Alis we got a I think it's okay we'll put our wall up to that I I think it about I'm just going to move the remove this let's just take this thing apart that's slate what is that some ancient fence take that apart all those I don't think there's any rofes there I don't see a roof since I don't have a stone dude yet any more buildings I don't think so should spare you from jokes that bad man if I had told it right though you'd be thinking man that's the funniest joke I've ever heard that's what you'd be thinking that I ruined it I can only apologize not for the joke for how how it was told Mangus I I keep looking over and seeing your name on my list I'll get you in here I promise I'll get you in here if we don't die this little scrappy carpet right here a steel slag chunk I don't know why it's there um let's do what do I have a lot of uh it's going to have to be wood there who dog we're not really getting this research done at all and I I probably should turn you okay let's turn it up so you're busy doing everything else I need resource let's do some I I don't care about the other stuff I want dark study let's let's dark study get as much dark study done as you can and then go do whatever else you need to do have a smoke when you're done with that then you can go get other stuff there's a normal bed I should move nors Norms over there going be colder up there well actually no it's not too bad it's actually colder in this room cuz cuz that's by the why is that it's a mad IX I think that Naza can probably handle this can you handle like a ram a big Angry deer I think Glory uh oh um that's fine oh it's better than mine my local sewing Club went to the bowling match must have been a close one they on pins and needles okay yeah feed the duck are we good on food still yeah we got tons of food in there we got to find meal for somewhere I guess we learned how to make them Yeah clean that clean that that thing up wor worship that or whatever you're do to it I'm going to move the butcher I'm just just set him in here there's too cold outside we'll uh we'll make sure we Butcher and then we'll kind of stare at the duck when we do it also we have ornate doors and security doors cool I'm want an ornate door that's neat yeah can we do it orate doors require adjacent walls to function well you know what okay then it's an orate door what's it need just just wood or whatever [Music] yeah do one here too oh yeah security door for the containment area yeah I bet you're right and we need more wood uhoh there an invisible creature it's [Music] happening we don't know where it is it's just somewhere around here in this Zone they make all kinds of creepy noises down here there he is oo that's freaky oh man the way he just got came charging out of there please shoot that thing and not and not our friend music hey uh can we capture that dude do we want to capture that dude sure [Music] music do they gold oh they do acire gold oh yeah okay going little prepare for him eventually oh yeah research time okay let's get some some harvesting here uh so now we can make this into something better actually going to go ahead and oh wait inhibitor Erica can I like tame you spacecraft I can release you or I can execute you okay here well I want to get rid of this one I a new one in so we have a Shard inhibitor what do that do Platform for holding we know what that is what's The Shard what's The Shard inhibitor do links to these places we use The Shard for um deserted the army of The Exodus empire being hunted by a loyalty Squad wishes to join me at Nook void so i' like to do this but I don't really want to do The Exodus Empire like I don't I don't want to be against The Exodus Empire that sounds like I don't think that's a good idea I really want him to join us though are you any good I you think I should you think I should do that or is it even worth like the the hassle of being attacked over and over again where are where even are they they're way down here you think it's worth trying to do that well you think it'll even be a problem or should I just forget about [Music] it it's only one guy not really sure what this does either like a wall [Music] um need seven construction for this thing but we get a security door and that was probably what we want for that like that and come in this way some strange noises coming can you hear the the the moaning and groaning from these things hey power's finally topped off um have your snack and I want you to haul this oh I'm out of space okay just double it up uh whoops now this fed get that rat should look and see if there's any animals laying around cuz it's so cold outside some of them probably have died we can scoop them up for some free food does it say anything here about it like if they die do they show up in Wildlife still I don't ever use that tab um or yeah or like a cougar bite or something biting one or something and it bleeds out look I would like stuff to be there not on the floor I mean just cuz we're living in a place with this freaky Obelisk and like ghouls all around does mean me you can't have nice things like food on shelves Zach the Lost Refugee named Zach is approaching claims he's woken up by from crowd of sleep all alone and friendless he begs for permission to stay at Nook void for 17 days in your rest a group return he's going to work for free during that time if I make him happy he'll join me might maybe or he'll just reward me I can choose to kill arrest or sell him I will take him let's keep him happy buddy here's your bed Zach tell me uh tell me how you are you got a nice hat a nice beard you're wielding a marble club which you such a detestable weapon well put it on the ground then buddy what's the deal with that do you not want to what's the deal you don't want to fight or something oh I see that I don't know where I see what he I think it's just because is just because it's a weapon I didn't like that oh no okay rain okay you saw it oh there it is range you want range you despise melee okay well Zach um are you good at shooting no not really I you can put you can put the thing down I won't stop you that makes you happy yeah you're cold but you won't be in the cold in a second so we got a bed for you um we should probably get a light in there for you also put it on the wall cuz that's how that's how classy we are around here I need to redo this bed Zach are you going to building things uh where's your bio production zero nobody you like animals hey hey um I would like are those Yaks still around [Music] no why would we have some deer we can't really tame deer I would like tame some animals and I wonder if a bunny is a good idea we could have a whole mess of bunnies in there and just have endless food for Naza yeah passion for melee combat despises melee weapons yeah yeah know that's R world try to get the sloths do bunnies reproduce real fast also we got a male bunny we have a male bunny can we keep them alive by letting them eat outside I think we can do this we can we can lock some bunnies in here can we build a fence uh structure fence out of yeah Wood's fine we'll put it over here we'll let these Bunnies be free I mean not free free but you know and we get a fence post I don't know where those are Z is that a Zone thing we need like a um a marker I forget how to do that this there it is build menu has a search function does it it does have a search function oh what do they think of next all right so Zach the paramedic you have those things you are a good doctor but you're not as good as you're not as good as my doctor what kind of paramedic are you I got three good doctors living here just a basic doctors you like animals we're going to let you that's what you're you're going to do um if you want to shoot some things I'll let you hunt as well um I'd rather you not cook but I'll let you butcher things growing I'll let you yeah you know what when it gets when it comes time to it do that okay uh did you make looks like you've got where's your gear Okay so we've made uh we have pants did we make those pants we made anything over here no no arms is a very busy guy 100 L of range weapon we don't have one we have this the shotgun but I'm going to let no arms keep it um oh sorry fragel I missed your comment uh D and yeah it was supposed to be our last I'm going so I'm going out of town for four week um in a couple days and um it's supposed to be our last day but um a couple of our uh players weren't going to make it and well it wasn't just their fault it was partly my fault too I had to I a lot of things I got to get like done for the trip so I didn't get my last day I'll be back on the uh 13 15th somewhere in there wherever that day is miday I'll be back mid May for d and d and early May for normal streaming ever gone to a k a game convention I haven't nope I've only ever been to like one convention and that was I think I think I've only been been to the one and that was a Star Trek convention um a long time ago like a real long time ago um who was there Walter kanig was there and Nichelle Nichols was there oh I take that back I've been no I take I've been to two conventions and they're both they are both Star Trek conventions um I've never been to like a a game convention if I me to games C in Germany in August well that's a bit of a [Music] drive but thank you for the [Music] invite yes um so I I like I had I I thought you know okay this is the year I'm going to go I'm going to go to E3 this year this was a few years ago you know this is pre pre-co like I always like you know that's the one back then that was the one like I I'll go with to this year and then and then that was in 2020 and so it got canceled and then never happen again so I was like ah you know what maybe conventions aren't for [Music] me um he's resenting the con conversion uh attempt Zach I got to make you happy buddy cuz if you if you decide to leave us well then you're going to get eaten ratty apparel we'll put on some different stuff then Pax is good my nerd is showing yeah yeah I [Music] know I'm I'm just so unconventional I don't even know what what convention I would go to um I don't know what what like I have no desire to go to like twitchcon um there's a couple like the indie game type ones that that'd be pretty neat yeah there's a few of those would' be cool to go to but nothing ever I guess maybe there's there's the occasional one I guess in Dallas that's pretty close to me um I have to like fly anywhere else I want to go and that's just I don't know I'm I'm that sounds like [Music] effort hey bof farite harvesting nice okay we're on the next one what do we want draw a herd of animals voidcraft void sculptures from biof farite yeah I want that let's make our ritual room like fancy we can do one of these rituals I think we're going to do it Zach is here now with us let's go let's go do [Music] it oh it's too cold oh maybe I should put that inside can I move that can deconstruct it I might need to make a whole like a whole room for [Music] this can you go and can you go do that what are you praying at is see he's praying [Music] my reason you haven't gone to a good con because I'm in the middle of nowhere pretty much pretty much middle is is the term there yeah pretty much you know what I think it's time for some more shelves have a little hole back there don't mind that I didn't mean to put them out of wood yeah I need I need nowhere con con 2025 I'll be there child named Dan's crashing nearby suffering from hold an autonomous funeral for ice even though the body was lost who who ice okay let's read these uh Dan crashed nearby Dan suffering from paralytic abasia unable to walk C is naturally after many days chance of a lucky quick recovery be cured by a special operation willing to contribute once he's recovered but will not leave voluntarily if you don't want Dan you can banish him sell him slavery or him to die other calls might find this disturbing I mean I'll accept him CU he become oh yeah he does okay so he is uh Dan this is where you live now Dan oh Dan is a child okay hey new guy go rescue Dan who's ice ice is corpse um okay we another this this one too free holders and became a request this is from the Empire they've been harassing the Caravans in the area ask that to send him a challenge message attracting them to attack and eliminate the threat yourself first group scavenge Gunner is this going to be a lot of groups [Music] artistic bonus is it worth doing this thing two groups of waers the first one is just one guy with a gun I don't have a lot of defenses fact I don't really have any [Music] defenses autonomous funeral for ice even though the body was lost I don't know what that means I don't have a funeral spot [Music] set that thing there marriage spot um isn't there is not a burial spot that's an empty grave to more in the passing okay yeah I don't have had a need for Graves we just eat all the bodies here we go get Dan picked up yeah like pretty much anytime I have to like fly anywhere um like you can fly out of like Oklahoma City it's just expensive real expensive so normally we go to Dallas to fly out next become overwhelmed with horrible Visions rambling about things that only he can see he'll snap at it in a few hours cuz he's so cold well Zach you know what this is a cold place you shouldn't be here we're Flo we're going to one of the places we're heading to First is Orlando Oh my ant are ESC they're escaping I can't tell my story okay let's grab no arms come here oh no arms you got to save Dan uh W dog can save Dan poor Dan let's get you over here anyway um so like to fly to Orlando from here for a family of five it's like a lot it's like 1,600 bucks 1500 bucks however to fly out of Dallas to Orlando round trip I did it last time for like 300 was like a huge difference flying out of Dallas okay okay um I don't want to deal with all three of these guys how I going to do this yeah they all Escape yeah definitely separate rooms needed I guess we'll hang out back here these things are kind of tough I don't know do I just let him go I'm just going to let him go we get Dan patched up Dan you all right there buddy yeah he's fine let's see if we can just let them go this with inhibitor does are they coming they're coming are they coming for Zach Zach you're in trouble buddy he's hiding out in there okay Zach bad place to stand buddy man Zach I need you oh Zach you're such a bad shot no arms no no Nazo run run run this is no good no arms is crawling away creepily don't eat them please you're not eating him are you he's back up he's back down again W dog you just cook meals okay oh there's blood streaks everywhere oh it's it's horrible yeah I know now just doesn't doesn't give up is is it possible for him to die I don't think so he's just always up running around yeah cuz he's going to keep on healing and he heals a ton that freaky music oh Naza died oh no Zach can you crawl your way over here okay go resc you new arms invisible creature can they come inside can you uh patch him up okay um I got to get Zach but I can't go outside Zach just crawl Erica is staring at you I lost my ghoul no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no [Music] no is this all terrible W dog you idiot nothing to do with me it's all boot dog's fault where's your gun it's over there what are you doing outside can't you see there's terrible things out [Music] there oh no Get Your Gun W dog oh poor Dan oh don't go that way oh no a man in Black has arrived all right Rand Randolph how do I change your name Randol Mangus has arrived Angus of [Music] Mangus all right buddy oh I need you uh I don't think you're going to do me any good but wo dog what are you doing don't go out there buddy you can't walk well don't go out there I don't want you to go out there any why is he going out there is that is that safe that's not [Music] safe found him okay maybe that was safe okay I need you to blast that thing blast it harder more run away I'm real bad at timing that oh here they come oh they're so fast they're so quick we lure them outside at least remember our defensive swamp that didn't work out very well did it let no arms get inside get inside well we got we we self tamed an elk I always like to look at the bright side okay can I just um how about we don't go outside anymore let's just stay inside outside's bad oh they going to go Che on my deer now yeah the defensive swamp over here they walk real slow over here nothing ever came from this way so I could stand here and shoot things but nothing ever came from over here and actually I I'll leave that Zach I wish you could crawl buddy can you um unconscious I can't go outside we know they're there oh who just died Zach is dead crawling to bed I can't help you I can't do anything with you yeah I know it's real bad uh can you self tend [Music] I is eating my food excuse me oh can you get off me please hey Dan how's your stay [Music] yeah trampled by elk I saw [Music] that man well I guess we learned a lesson don't leave them all together things are nasty oh he oh the elf chomped him down nice that's not blinking anymore are we safe do they leave stop stop standing on me did it w dog is dead oh who dog is dead it's not blinking anymore can you walk yet no yeah got a lot of free meat but no arms is going to starve to death Mangus Mangus well done well done you you saved us you pull them out so that no arms could crawl inside oh they are still out there so no could crawl inside and uh well and die in in bed [Laughter] okay no arms oh you got an infection in your arm oh that's good that's good can you um can you fix that when are you going to be able to walk I'd like you to get up and walk what in the um in the arm um yeah you're kind of bleeding still I appreciate if you wake [Music] up we have one other option this one or um either one of these this supp to be a little more difficult we get a [Music] gunner this doesn't no this one doesn't get me anything this one's getting this one gets me somebody I'm going bring him in I'm bringing him in I have no other option gentle duck is no longer oh is it my it's my duck now all right all right uh osus I'm going to I watch with going to happen he's going to come in here he's going to be like I refuse to fight or something look he has a good gun though P of death it releases powerful chemicals to dissolve gear in contact with the okay oh you love to fight oh nice you don't talk in fact you don't talk you walk in and you shoot stuff it's exactly what I needed osus oh yeah I forgot they're still here uh osus can you um they're too fast shoot what is a Hellcat burner oh my oh the music is so good they're here already nice thank you okay run run run there's another one maybe they go chew on him instead run faster no no well rsus is about to about to be in for a surprise he's about to have a real bad day [Laughter] okay uh Oscar uh you all right there buddy 7 hours if I had someone I can walk maybe the duck can help you 6 hours where's that other sight s steel or whatever thing 6 hours you think the other one left I haven't had the alarm in a while and I would think he would go chew on him but maybe he just doesn't see him I know there's a medical emergency no arms you get up yet you got a major infection in your arm you're not going to get up anyway we're going to die those ghoul claws he stole my elk he bashed my horseshoe pin once stole my elk that's pretty low stealing a man's elk he's gonna die and all his stuff is gonna fall it's gonna burn away M gu I could have named you that guy well I think maybe this might be this might where we call it quits we'll see if no arms can pull it out the infection is probably not going to let that happen though about the other Quest um didn't did that one was that was the other tr faction though so I don't think that was going to do me any good um where's my quest quests that's that one yeah I just have this one I don't get a person for it I just get a book oh no arms is dead the only thing we have left is Dan the kid who can't walk what this is going to go well Dan you can crawl Dan just just get up use your arms or something he's at 10% 33 days yep well so ends the um Colony not yeah I guess it was because of anomaly things because they all broke out at the same time all right well we learned a lesson it's important to separate these things it's very important to separate these things and I thought I had a pretty good pretty good defense like it was I don't know I don't I don't know what it it's containment strength I don't know what like zero to what I don't know what a cap of that is I'm I assumed that 70 was like average steel walls that seem safe I'm kind of surprised they didn't go out this way I thought maybe that might be the weak spot and they would chew through that well Dan's not going to make it too much longer yeah everything's pretty good until everything fell apart yep yep all those animals out there just taunting Naza yeah one containment thing per room and I guess you could do like um each one and then have the security door on the outside and then there's also the inhibitor device emits specialty tuned electromatic field magnetic field numbs the neuroactivity of captured entities long as it's power it improves the containment strength of any holding platform that is pointed at field does not affect humans oh so okay so you set that and then you have those Inhibitors around it and then The Shard does the same thing oh do we got to get someone new well we can't because we can't we can't get them Lea's just going to die okay so yeah we should have had that and then there's the Harvester larger entities produce more biof ferites draws biomass from the held entity and converts it into the biofit we use that to to farm them basically okay neat there's some really cool stuff in here too bad we don't get to see [Music] it game over man game over Dan's dead oh Dan every's dead are gone story is over perhaps someone else will find a use for the ruins of this place create new wanders must wa 6 hours what does that mean what does that [Music] mean if um how do I um can I just pass time if I hit keep watching that's the new Option okay when when is 6 hours 3 hours we can just keep our our place and just bring in new people every they are gone perhaps someone will find a use for the ruins of this place choose new wanders to arrive at your colony and continue the story yeah oh we do it all over again oh look at that and we've got a flesh we got a right shoulder flesh whip a medieval lady a medieval slave and a mute all right and then three new people show up look at that that is kind of cool so you basically have never ending a Never Ending Story okay Freez inantly yeah it's a mess it's a messy messy place feed that duck Duck's the most important thing play horses shoes on top of that guy that's Mangus he's important all right well what do we want to do do we want to continue this a little more I think it might be a good time to it might be a good place to end it because it's basically my bedtime um and well obviously obvious reasons um what we could do though let's let's do this let's can we have a can we have one of these it's too cold outside so we can't have one of these right now I to put walls around and all that in order to get that Going H kind of want see what else is going to come out of what else would show up free eth ethicist role activated number of just cars in your colon reach three you now assign the role of free ethicist when you're colonist where do I see all that stuff there we go that's heard of Ethics yeah raing is required that's the only thing different is before we had kind of like nothing and now we're we're in here animal Slaughter is horrible killing innocent animals disapproved meat eating disapproved well they're going to be in for a treat when they see what's in our [Laughter] freezer all right well I don't think there's any way of it's 32 below outside it's cold doesn't it need to be chance of being V let me see if I can throw in a wall I don't if I can though because of that trees around I don't have a good spot for it I can set it there and I can wall around that just to see what we can let's just do that just to see what we can bring in let's let's just see if we can get some other strange thing to come in uh it's going to be a wall it's not going to work it going to be a wall in front of my thing it's fine just want to see what it does okay I know it's going to I know interferes with that and all that okay so now let's get that done build that stuff uh why are you orange you're shivering awful bedroom corpses all around yeah I mean that yeah that's just the way things are around here I don't need those cuz we can put put them over there we get a nap let's get this thing in here gter killed Ambush he escaped and now he's being followed by a man hunting rat keep him safe come on in buddy okay here's that man hunting rat Cassandra feels feels bad for me anyone have a gun no um who likes to shoot things you like to melee things where's that club at wrong with all this these things I can't see where anything is go get your knife knife and tentacle let's go take out that [Music] rat okay go finish building that coal is sad I'm going to go UND do one rituals and see what we bring in cuz we we've done zombie rats and you got here we done zombie rats uh we saw one of those shade I gu I guess the only thing was the zombie rats that we summon in that we summoned in let's see if we can find something [Music] new it's really cold outside [Music] yeah it's really cold outside it's real cold outside am I out of steel oh I I got tons of wood now okay shamblers approach oh this is a new one a group of three shambling corpses is approaching an inhuman force that animates them is fading they will collapse within a day if you capture one you can study it three oh yeah yeah there they are they just hanging out any have a gun get that you have a knife and you're freaking well okay so you have a gun let's let's just see I know it's terrible I let's just see what happens head shot well that that's what you need those are fast zombies someone was saying early on that yeah three of these things took out someone's base oh yeah that they're tough huh pain capture because the only way to down them is by disabling their spine okay man they're tough head shot didn't do anything to him her spooky music again what's going TI zombies are knocking I don't have anything else I can really defend him we're just kind of hosed here you ready to shoot maybe they'll go for the duck [Music] instead nice man they're tough though [Music] [Music] we're getting good getting good at shooting next [Music] what's range on that gun let's use [Music] it okay we're we're going to freeze the death out [Music] here oo oh sh that gotten too much better maybe maybe we won't oh oh they got me maybe we won't see what this [Music] does hey Cole's no longer sad Cole uh do you like um where's that shotgun at where's that shotgun how am I supposed to how am I supposed to find anything I don't see it there's the club I let go get a [Music] club fire works really well do I still have that thing over here is it still it's lay right there coal oh it's bio coded ah [Music] oh we got [Music] one Co you get your Club get over here Cole killing time I they not not shoot coal there we go we got him it's like XCOM music now it's room R got him hooray you know what I like to end on a high note now that that's that's our high note we didn't really have any high notes today but I'm going to call that a high note on oh man oh man Rim World good stuff uh who went down I'm never going to get this thing ma all the way out there oh yeah because you were like losing your mind okay we get you brought in Cole I may not be able to do this people are all like falling apart yeah you know what I should ended on the high note I squatted it oh wow died right there yeah the trees almost ate him oh yeah yeah he died right he collapsed right next to the trees you're right anyway you know what there's room World anomaly oh kicked me straight out didn't it uh it's out now and it is weird yeah that's that's what happened I look at those things I want to see what else is out there okay okay was like one of my death matches from here there's a lot of weird things I was hoping to see is there a picture of it in here we'll see if I can find it there's some zombies we kind of kind of saw something sort of similar to that but not all those um is that an underground like infestation thing yeah that come out of the water I don't know it's Raining Blood there that flamethrower gun that was cool okay okay that one the hole thing's coming out of the hole what a crazy crazy
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 18,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld: Anomaly game, RimWorld: Anomaly gameplay, RimWorld: Anomaly, RimWorld nookrium, RimWorld, colony sim, city builder, simulation, strategy, lovecraft colony, nookrium
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 29sec (12209 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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