KeeperRL 1.0 - (Dungeon Keeper & Evil Colony Builder) [2024 Full Release]

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keeper RL today 1.0 is upon us well it'll be upon us here in a couple days on the 29th of February 11 years this game has been in Early Access I have been playing it since I can remember here on the channel I'm very excited to check out 1.0 and that's what we're doing today if you've not seen the game before uh we're uh we're a fell a wizard who has moved into this land and you know the humans and the dwarves and the elves they're kicking out all these folks like the goblins and the and the undead and we have decided to give them a home and once we get enough of them housed up we have decided that maybe we should just have everything and so we're going to go and conquer the world keep our RL style D Fortress kind of light I suppose it's a good comparison with this thing if you're into like d Fortress or Rim World those kinds of things then then this is or Dungeon Keeper for sure then this is going to be kind of your thing well we'll check out some of the new stuff um the kind of classic style here is just being a wizard out in the world you can be a knight as well um there is a you can build a castle you can be the good guys um and build a castle with dwarves and elves and all those things uh you can be the undead and raise hordes of Undead things which is a lot of fun uh the Gnomes build automatons there's ton so much stuff in this game 11 years of stuff uh you can go and do a colony of dwarves no immigration you're just 12 dwarves uh you can be Orcs uh or um you can be a zombie group you can be an adventure running around the world sort of in like a door Fortress Adventure Mode kind of style or just one fellow one lone Cyclops today we're going to be a uh a wizard and our name is going to be it's 1.0 so we're going to be Nook let's begin uh another new thing with it with 1.0 you familiar with the other versions of this game um used to be you could you could have one save file and that was it that's the RL the Rog light Rog like sorry part of this um now you can have multiples um let's go choose a place to call ourselves home so we can roll this if we want but uh the main goal of the game is to kill a few of the enemy places like the the the green dragon I guess there's two of them here the green dragon and the elves once we kill those two we're good there's some unicorns out there and there's a cyclops and there's a Hydra as well uh that we can go and kill but those those two are the two we need to kill that seems Seems seems doable um we can we can change this thing around if we want we can go to like an oh an Island map I haven't seen that before is it going to Work loading Necromancer is just a really late doctor oh oh it is look at that cool so this one we got three now we can adjust these things and you can also bring in like your old dungeons in here we got Knights was some tough Knights does that say 81 it does um we got some Elves and we have some lizards we have to take take care of this time the um the elves are going be difficult because of their dang arrows we can kick everyone else out though this is cool I haven't seen an Island map before let's do it yeah I'm just going to be sad if you don't add any your tire dungeons yeah it's fine let's generate a map so that that uh retired d like if if I play this and I win then I can retire my dungeon and you can go to like the Steam Workshop pull my dungeon in and add it to your to your game and play against my dungeon I'll probably do like I might do like a tutorial video for this one like a little 30 minute tutorial like of this just to kind of get you into the game here um this is this is not um oh yeah yeah there there you go patch 17th of there so so we're like we're a few days before the 1.0 but it is mostly 1.0 um but I'll I'll go and just play it as here and I'll do the uh I'll do the the um tutorial stuff for that but I'll cover some most most of our things here here's our world it is it is real time um I am this guy here a couple different ways of controlling we can control this guy individually run around if we want turn base style um or we can just sort of let things kind of do that we can just kind of command them and so we'll command them to do a little bit of digging and so let's go like for instance dig right here and we'll build in a um you know let's do a whoops um like a little bit of a side and then we'll go this way and then we'll have our our entrance there that seems good so a little little uh a little imps go running around first imp he is a bit heroic backpack is his name and this is where backpack comes from for those I'll take that you dang chicken uh that's where he comes from this game so we're going to going to mine our way into here and uh get ourselves a dungeon the other things out here we can see there are some some granates up above We There are Z levels we can go down well we eventually go down um and dig for greater things which has also been added in quite a bit um of new stuff let's go get ourselves some trees and grab those things up these are things popping over here these are the these are how we get new people immigration is they're going to come in they're going to ask ask to join us because we're such a he likes my hair do I guess um and we'll invite him in provide him a bed not necessarily in that order and then we go out in night time and and hack and slash sideways there is an update 1.0 is the update yes a big update after 11 years 1.0 is here speed this thing up a little bit y y so I played a like a beta a beta update of this 6 months ago or so it was like beta 1.0 and there's been a lot of updates even since that that uh since I played last so I'll try to cover what what what I didn't cover last time um this one of those games where you can like like it can be a fast game it can also be kind of a slow paac kind of thing where you're building up your army and all that um but it also is a very like I get a question all the time like if I want to play du War Fortress um but it's a little it's a little much you know that kind of thing and uh and keeper RL I think is is that's does does is what does that well is what is fills that hole um I want to get a uh we're going to build that there a hallway there I'm just going to build a I want to build a a room here for my for my my new folks I'm going to bring in my warriors uh plus five damage when drunk and he hates all elves don't we all I think I just a d yeah remember my buttons here so we're going grab these rocks here and we'll use these to build all kinds of stuff uh this is now built so we can come in we can go get ourselves a bed we'll get a few of these in here we need beds in order to hire somebody we need beds we need a storage don't we uh I'm start some storage here for now that and we'll throw in um just a little bit of equipment we'll get some of that eventually most lik we put this into a training room we'll move some stuff around in a second grab all that wood build those things up my imps are doing all the work at the moment um they do all the big all the digging and um hauling and then once we get to having like uh Smiths and things then we'll have like gnomes and goblins not gnomes goblins okay there we go beds are here so we can hide these guys we're going to bring in the goblin Warrior who was drunk extra range damage potential sure he also has an extra head that's fantastic he needs a wooden training dummy uh yeah let me let me get that in here training room wooden dummy we're going to throw in just a couple of these there we go what different starting decisions your play style Alters um I think they probably Alters the play style the most most is um is whether you Cho CH to be like a wizard like like I'm playing here kind the classic mode or you're going to build a castle outside or you going to build you know that's going to change some things and what you are fighting so we got to deal with knights we got to deal with elves they're going to be shooting arrows at us we just going to figure that out and we got lizards across the way as well I'm assuming we can just like go over here on our own without worrying about anything also also normally you have allies out here and I don't see any allies so we'll see how that works okay so they're going to come in here they're going to train so we got got uh gag with the two-headed Goblin Warrior what a hero uh there's his stats as he trains he's gaining some abilities we'll get him better dummies which means better abilities and better weapons better gear we can give him a horse uh some eventually um we bring in another Goblin Warrior and let's get to work on a place for my um my learned my learned folk a library don't try say uh I'm going to put my my stockpile I think we'll just build off over here that can be stock pile land I think it's probably fine uh plus five damage when drunk he can swim and he hates elves you know you're really these feelings towards elves is just tearing up my heart the races and such have different buildings and looks to how they build no um well I mean like out in the world yes so the elves are living in the trees you know the dwarves live underground um our people it's all kind of going to be the same sort of idea we're basically building the same thing um cuz whoever we bring in here doesn't really matter I'll make this a library we'll put in um I can also get in like a graveyard and bring in some some Undead also um which we might do I think I can actually put let me do this back here and we'll put in like a like a place for some um animals and Undead oh yeah torches torch torch uh let's torch over here weapons from my minions yeah yep we will get attacked by things we also need to go and kill things by killing things is going to give us uh the ability to uh level ourselves we're a wizard and we get abilities by we get science research by killing things and so we can learn new um new spells and things that way speaking of wizard wizard hates all elves oh man okay okay all right and if you're thinking man you know what I really like elves I don't know if I want to play a game that has all this hatred towards elves well you can be the good guys if you want to you want to go down that path also the term good I'm not sure how I feel about that with the elves but let's clear that out a little bit uh so in this room here I think I want to put in um we can put a couple coffins in we get those bones and throw the coffins in we'll put like we'll put a couple of those in three of those and then we'll get a a hay pile is that what we want for the uh the animals I guessing so it used to be cages what do we use for that I don't know we need what we use for that clear the rest of this stuff out Stone Bridge yeah dig some pits uhhuh uhhm an owl out there uh this Goblin Warrior has smelly breath we have a priest who's very good yeah I'd like to have him Keep Us Alive and he'll go to he just like the other guys are going to the training dummies and learning up he'll go and learn over here at the at the uh books and learn some spells here we go um we can go do a little run around and see if we can find something out here cuz there probably something in yeah there's two things on my map probably Bandits and we can probably take those guys out somewhat easily that H is noisy isn't he um there's my research so as we kill things we get to add Tech new texts in here this guy over here is going to learn he's got the ability to heal at the moment and as he does more he'll learn new new spells um I need to get a a gnome in here and the reason for this was my storage but also we'll do like that um I actually I'm going to do that and then I'll [Music] move equipment there we'll make it even bigger or we'll make this the workshop or right there actually be would be good think grab the stuff dump it off over here this is just Storage Land oh yeah treasure right I got to stash my money um stashed in there for now and um let's see what else we want what else do we need immediately make sure I got everything here racks um oh a grave we might need a grave that might be what we need not the not the coffins coffins are for vampires Graves I think for for skeletons priest extra spell damage training potential that's the kind of guy we want need extra B extra bookcase EAS for so he wants he needs a bed he needs a bookcase and then then we can hire him and we need to have have space for we can only hold 10 people in this place so far we'll get more eventually but for now it's all we can handle another wizard so I'll bring in the other priest with the extra potential if we get one that like if we get another one that's got like some extra potential I'll bring him in but otherwise we'll leave it um I would like some doors right now we're just living in a cave but here in a moment heavy doors torches outside look spooky torches in there um I want a door uh we have some we got just that so we'll just build a wooden door put a door there as well so I was um was doing some interviews today um YouTube channel is growing you know I need to need to bring some people on board um and uh this um I'm in need of a waiter I don't know where I'm going with this I was interviewing a waiter today and um I was curious first question out my out of my mouth what do you bring to the table that was I no that was shameful that I was that was was horrible all the way around I'm sorry I'm sorry I need to just start apolog apologizing before I tell the jokes then I'd feel better let slap an eyeball out here so we can keep an eye on what's going on outside population cap raises by either building we can build a um uh where are they a throne will give us 10 more um a do stat statues both the statues will give us more and the uh the pigs building pigs will give us more there we go actually a chicken coop we can oh guess we don't have the tech for it do we Battle of Escape okay we'll let them kind of get the job get the the work done get that uh going um problem is with with plus 24 is incredible insane is a problem we can like if we could like lock him into his room perfect but in order to get there it's going to be a problem so yeah it's not going to happen uh I need get a uh a workshop what's the difference leather and Equipment this is Bruce's improved leather and wooden equipment place near an enchanted pool okay okay put two of those in there and then we we'll get ourselves an artificer here soon I want that guy but he's just going to go and he's going to start killing people I'll hire him we'll see what happens he's going to come in is that him right there he's going to come in and he's going to start like attacking people we'll make we'll make three clubs and we'll make some armor some helmets some boots some Shields some gloves and torches hey goat how's it going what happened and might did did he attack somebody what's going on over here yeah the artificer is wounded he's insane he's lost his mind he's going to kill everybody what's he doing this is why you don't hire insane people insane goblins um oh yeah he's going to die yeah he's he's going to die yeah he's dead well we got some bones okay let's bring in a regular old fashioned artist officer after I asked the question to the waiter did he just silently did he just leave silently in the elevator if so they're probably a dumb waiter oh look another insane artificer that's going to be helpful oh man that's that's better than my [Music] joke I'm going to start running this by you first six okay you help me improve them we'll throw in a a a row of those um I'll put in a couple more bookcases also just in case we get to that point I can train there as well by me I mean I mean the keeper and I'll learn some spells also eventually I've got a few um hey look a vampire Warrior a telepathic vampire Warrior he needs an iron dummy okay yeah we need to get some stuff so let's let's go ahead and dig um I don't know why I put those there um there and then we're going to go down we need some iron that'll be a Stairway down level there everyone's all hurt cuz they got attacked by the jerk down here we have no iron again H all right not used to seeing no iron at the beginning [Music] unfortunate grab some Stone uh and I think we'll just go down again uh this one see what we can find down there what do you need for that for you oh the iron dummy and I'm at my limit population [Music] limit okay well we got a bunch of uh B Granite which we eventually use in here I think give me some of those for my for my Wizards oops what I doing there oh yeah poort table we can do some of those give people some poetry time some painting canvases up [Music] here he you know we're very classy Around Here auto save I'm going to I'm going to bump the auto save up a little bit it seems to happen a lot um there's a shaman and a priest I don't have a shaman yet I need I need more uh more space before I can really build too much but we're going to go ahead and expand this can do that safely line another line of beds can just go right there that's that's good that priest is real good but I can't have him I think what we'll do is we're going to grab our people and go out and for a little little killing we don't want to hit we don't want to hang out too long cuz then we're going to start dying we'll get behind so let's go grab everybody I'm going to throw in my Wizards into a team my Warriors my priests and I think I will stay behind cuz I don't want to die I'm going to control ghog Merkel let's grab Merkel okay mle come on buddy what do you have you got a club that's it add something okay this might be kind of a kind of painful least we can do a little exploring so we'll run around this way we cross the map cross the bridge and we'll see what we have over here like if it's dwarves we're in trouble but if it's just like peasants like I think it is yeah sleepy peasants is even better sleepy peasants with gold five gold and keys there's a bandit corpse there who killed the who killed the bandits can I wield this no let's go and knocking what was that no we're slaughtering cows okay knock knock nobody's home all right yeah there's a lot of dead [Music] donkeys hello shouldn't stand there nobody should stand there you're going to die buddy why you standing there my priests uh I think we can like click on this guy I want to I don't want to I don't want to do that I got like no health so I need some some healing here oh I died okay I'll take this guy almost got him we got like one guy left people are are you asleep unconscious wounded thank you priest got him okay Bandit's dead we lost a few it was a rough fight but we got him Al sure is noisy okay who's screaming get that scarecrow out of here all right uh control mode exit we got a whole bunch of things dead and we can pillage the I guess we got two of them humans and bandits oh that was like a bandit Hut is that all both of them oh it was okay so it was like a little human Village and the bandits were there and it says I still have a population of 10 I know some Warriors died though oh I guess they just got like knocked over and they weren't completely dead huh huh yeah we're the baddies yeah yeah all right so we can go get one thing um we can get Advanced sorcery which gives us better spells archery gives us bow traps very good at saving ourselves by putting traps in the front row here uh distillation gives us alcohol and and um uh potions and things iron working gives us iron stuff metal things uh chicken braining gives us the more more people in our base and there's Alchemy for potions I guess this maybe dis distillation is just make rat room M make rat moonshine for your minions um it's always tricky what we want to go first I think that um iron work is going be pretty important but I don't know I don't know which I'm going to do first the the the um the magic is usually a pretty good one to go with also sorcery okay we have oh we got like tree shrooms down here and still no iron no iron in this place okay we can we can get deal it cuz we can come in we can I guess this is wood we can go in and we can um we can just take it take weapons from people you know do it the old fashioned way let's run over here and see what cuz there's somebody living over here we'll go to see what they can figure out what they are iron may be move down forther levels I know that there was some there been some changes with downstairs stuff so we can see if the um maybe the Iron's going to be further down that's fine all right I don't have any room for these guys I'm go ahead and put some beds in we'll put in some basic beds no need for luxurious yet just for whenever we do have the availability put some more population in we'll do that um I got five bucks right now which doesn't get me much guess me a canle la room that's it judging by the question marks underground it be it would seem very much possible to dig too deep and too greedy oh yeah oh yeah yeah um you can go way down too like the um you go way down there was that like a crow um yeah but you can get some real good stuff down there real good stuff um okay so we go we got elves they're goingon to be too much for us dryads are going to shoot us as well um unicorns may be doable not need to be doable Lizardman will be probably be the easiest I guess no no lizard the um I guess the Unicorn is going to be the easiest thing to get try it we going do something because we're kind of stuck here there's going to be other things like Bandits and things at the other Maps also no surprising to see they like what if I need it wonder if I need it all that stuff like dining tables and things must take a dining table right there inter to see them not die and just fall over I was going to change that I forgot it is a um like a pre-release 1.0 build so it's chances are things are going to break up a little [Music] bit we can also do different flooring not that does anything for us anymore got a bunch of stone though let's make some Stone floors at least for in here and our bedroom you know must be classy okay um I don't have any traps we learned um what iron stuff so can we make anything we don't have any [Music] iron get some more of those I seem to gotten the one guy who didn't have any uh any [Music] abilities what a houp about slaying gorbal the goblin artificer by the goblin wizard yeah it was good time good time okay yeah there's wood what do we crossing here there's gaps I guess there just sort of like oh yeah there's stuff down here we'll take some trees mushroom trees oh yeah yeah there like a whole cave system down here cool wonder if there's iron out there we just don't know it wonder if we have to like because in the olden days in this game you had to like do some prospecting to fight you didn't know where everything was you had to kind of prospect your way through it um so I wonder if they have have added that in when I say they this is all done by one person you may have a few more working like helping out with various things but for the most part I think it's just one person developing this [Music] we take a beat and see what going on over there may something exciting okay our um floors are in there now um okay we we'll see we'll see what's going on down there before we go on an adventure mine out over here you guys done over this way here we go and you you know you could go in like I built in like on the top level top uh floor but you could easily dig down and and build down here it'd be probably safer because we're going to get attacked by things and they're going to come CHP St through if we could build some more traps be go okay um you know it's very possible that a a dragon is going to come stomping through here and kill us I I hope not but it's very possible make all okay bunch of armor laying around there's a helmet we got some liic so everyone should go pick this stuff up like this guy here he's got his helmets armor boots Club yeah he's all set he's got two kills activity oh yeah um he's trained I think about as much as he can with with what we have in order to get better stuff we need iron I mean that's what we want an extra extra training potential guy that's what we want I'm tempted to banish somebody just so we can get him in here who who do we who do we banish craigle you get get damage when he's [Music] drunk maybe uh he's got he's got a name by him by himself by him two-headed guy all right never mind can kick him out we could kick out like a wizard but I think I'm keep them around too we know what it is yet this grant is tough to dig through get my priest to heal these guys uh you know what I think we can heal them by putting in whopping posters for morale healing totem 60 bucks though this could be our friends could be not not necessarily bad things down here it could be friendly things yeah weing post from morale hey buddy oh ni I want to I want to control this guy what was the controls here what' you see what' you see down here rat folk okay right Folk uh let's call in the uh call in the squad right everybody I will control Merkel again might Lon get a little more um [Music] training I don't know bring your merel though okay let's go downstairs there's rats down there I didn't actually look at their abilities are they good rats okay let's give it we'll give it a minute let everyone kind of pile up here before we go charging in there make sure the priests are here you know there they are how tough are you defends at 11 attacks at 17 I attack at 23 defend 25 I'm fine take that my spirits are lifted yeah they are oh yeah so lifted can I go in this way too oh we can go around both sides they're spawning [Music] rats did we get them [Music] all anyone see any more rats they they have a this wasn't their home they just live in a hole I guess they're rats does that count as them being killed we killed the king rat king this is quite a thing caves all right a little look around here make sure we got all this there's so [Music] much all right um ex that did I lose an imp I did bring him back it wasn't backpack was it okay okay they don't count as um a group I guess because we didn't get the that you killed them pop up okay okay let's go uh let's go down one more just peek and see if we can find some some uh iron no new iron Granite I hear drips there's something else over there too um okay before we do that let's go um let's build a prison build a prison and then we'll go on a little bit of a hunt and we can we can capture some folks I don't I can't do a uh a what what was I looking for um a um what you call it uh a horse place I don't think I can do a furnace though smel unneeded things I don't think I have any those like Forge I can't do any of that stuff cuz iron doesn't exist okay uh we I do want to put in the um the whipping post right here in the middle let's go put in a scroll shelf cuz we got a lot of those what was that that was in um storage weapon rack yeah we'll get a couple of those around or one of those bow rack eventually we'll get some bows may they could go down here too uh anyway so we're we're good we're good for killing let's go get something let's go bring in everyone there let's go on an adventure why is lon getting such good stats plus four why is he so better at fighting than me he's a plus six I guess he has extra training poent extra training potential okay we'll take marle he's our guy okay so let's go should we go to the unicorns they are the Lesser the Lesser one I think we got to go there yeah okay so there's unicorns out here everyone will be on guard but there's there's other things as well we're probably not going to take out any unicorns today but we can handle what is that we can handle like Bandits what is that elves tax to 20 I got a problem I got a bad feeling about this elves have bows no no no no no um I can tell him not to chase I don't know let's just go get him it's going to hurt it's going to hurt but they're like peasant elves so so that we can maybe we can get him I'm going to die oh man this is why I don't like I don't like elves now there's kagr the Archer Slayer whoever that is is like the hero of the elves oh he's the tribe leader that's why he's the leader the hero I think I'm not going to get him I got to run away got to Shield oh okay if I what if I what do I do with my wake up um he's going to be unconscious for 200 turns I'm going to go run away for 200 turns getting chased by a by a by him I don't have any healing we find a healing mushroom there we go so want let me go Chomp on this okay didn't go well didn't go well at all okay I'm feeling better but I can't handle any any shots I wonder if I run away does everyone come with me I think they do oh what do we just wake up Spirits okay we're get out of here uh oh man can we run away now okay yeah they got us they captured us didn't they we killed a horse and three archers they killed a lot more of me than I killed of them that was the worst this guy aggravates enemies okay that's fine I don't see anything wrong with that bring him back we got what two people came back kagr oh no just one kagr came back this guy can see in the dark perfect perfect okay no big deal we're early on no big deal just that was kind of a rough rough place to be do I have an artificer where my artificer go did he die did I bring him in there without thinking about it we got to get someone making these weapons yeah I'm curious now um do we is our I wonder if our P our our prisoners are there I never made by prison we can bring a zombie in attacks at 17 or sorry defend at 17 attacks at uh 19 he's blind it's not a good trait to have not when you're a [Music] zombie okay maybe we'll get some better folks in here um I think what we maybe need to do so we know not to go there um we can check out one of these other ones and and hopefully not anger the the main Knights or whatever and see if we can pick these guys off oh there is a cottage down there maybe we need to go there there any other spots I missed I don't think so this map I think grows as well yeah obviously so we only see a small part of [Music] it travel command while controlling minion yeah so if we go and we we explore wonder if we explore like this one maybe we'll uh we'll get we'll see more of the world going to make some more weapons though got some garbage stuff here what's with you buddy you don't have you don't you have an extra head but you can't walk looks kind of a damper on the [Music] killing we put we're at we're at five we got space for five more I need uh I need some priests I want to come by there but I want a special priest there's an extra training potential guy ranged that's something [Music] you guys training over there don't don't do that plus eight defense against non-h humanoids excellent that's the good stuff uh Warriors I want you guys to not where's my abilities here I want you to not craft no crafting for Goblin Warriors just train okay that so once he levels up he'll be he'll be much better yeah L guys 33 look at that guy that's the guy that was in there before right he's the one that came back damage went drunk I'm going to save my other three for like priests or Wizards surpris nothing's coming in unless unless we get like a really good one okay luckily nothing's come at us yet nothing is has like angered us is this everything that's in the game oh do we have to kill all 12 of them now oh that has changed used to be you had like a there you go we've killed two miners but you had to kill I think like three you would that maybe I maybe I did I missed that so we can see the unicorns and the lizards I guess we can see all these guys oh it's going to be tough so there's a there's like a there's a dragon there's a bunch of dragons out there we don't have to kill a doxy do we we just have to kill 12 of the main ones not yeah there's more than 12 here maybe not these are our allies down here there are some other elves there's a Yeti 7 8 9 10 11 12 yeah so we have to kill every one of those that's nasty that's tough I never killed a doxy before he's he's bad news I've killed well I've killed I guess maybe I have there we go we want that we're to do we're going to do some more digging while they're training up let's dig I want some iron and so let's go down until we find some iron freest we need one of those prob just what caps population in keep RL see you're you start out always at 10 well assuming you're playing on the classic one like I'm playing here and um more trees um you have to expand on that and the thing only way doing that is going to be building like uh getting gold gold is what's going to do it for you essentially most mostly there's an artificer who has smelly breath I want him the more further down we go of course things are more deadly if this is a way to do it now maybe we need to go down here first hates All Humans aren't I human is that the good stuff that's the good stuff okay and gold okay we made it I got one more spot I'm going to save it for someone special want that priest but I'm going to save it okay so let's go get not that one go get some gold and iron most [Music] importantly we a lot of digging to do okay what's up with you disarms traps hey that's pretty good is that is that as good as as it's going to get yeah and then we got something mystery mysterious over here which will work our way towards and they're already working on it excellent okay so while they are doing that um let's go and with our 10 folks who are somewhat trained not really we're going to grab them not the artificer and we're going to run out and you can see why if so if you lose the keeper game over that's why I didn't bring it that's why I'm not bringing them with me um marle is dead so I'm going to bring I'm going to be larash I guess this time and we're going to go run down to here this Cottage can I go there oh in the desert okay knock knock night time is night night time is good time because everyone is sleeping he's really tough he's really tough but there's a bunch of us that's okay what' you have that's not very good stuff I'll take your cash is that armor better than mine no if he's got more friends we're going to be in trouble if his friends are sleeping we'll be just fine 43 attack is nasty is that it just the two I'll sleep in that bed okay okay enough of that stop stop stop stop how do I get out get get out of bed I didn't mean I didn't mean to that okay what are you going for what are you getting what are you charging after what do you see birds okay okay no no no no no chasing we're a whole bunch of idiots chasing birds around okay well that there we go that's that's one done um let's go snooping around is there anyone any more question marks is this it this is the whole thing just the a few little um lizards minding their own business okay and some snakes all right let's get out of here come back Victorious we will pillage them we'll take all of their juicy skeletons not enough to advance to advance my research though does that give me any any new no we just ruined it we just it's just not there anymore um h I have real troubles with uh with range things as you can tell and uh until we get like proper armor I don't know what we can do um I should be able to make some if I get that iron downstairs I'll be able to make some iron or some some armor if we can defend against it it's okay be tricky though oh we found water [Music] I'm writing some obscene [Music] poems Wonder water lake down here I wonder know what what the mystery man is down here hey it could be a buddy no one died on that whole thing [Music] either and I still only got 10 bucks Bo which gets me nothing cuz a um oh Stone statue I forgot stone statues I can do those I got do stone statues I forgot I was thinking iron where my stone statues going to go we're going to go and build them [Music] here we make one Moran but for now we'll do [Music] that here we go there's the um four I can put in right now which going to give me four more people I'll take a wizard and I'll take I think I want another priest priests are good keep me alive I'll take a zombie oh that's right vulnerable S I forgot yeah yeah let's go at night with [Music] him and a skeleton archer requires an archery target which I don't know what archery targets are that'd be cool I'd like to have some some archers what's over here hey you come here what's your name dumb bull okay hello skeletons and prison bars okay okay what a lovely place [Music] more prison bars hello archers join your team excellent who supposed behind that door okay um that's great um I want you over here we're going to get everybody that who who knows what's behind that it might be somebody friendly it might be somebody not friendly so we're going to go say hello I'll just grab who was that dumbull control him we're going to wait for a while yeah fantastic what just happened um I want to be [Music] Baga [Music] knock dwarves dwarves dwares are going to kill me dos are real tough you can chase if we can keep ourselves alive two down get up buddy stop [Music] sleeping oh he's sleeping okay excellent sleepy dwarves are good good uh dwarves have good good good weapons I'll take your sword please give me that we'll get the dwarf Ladies as well I'm going to wait a minute see if my oh oh no oh got him any other uh what kind of gear we have here just some good swords nothing better boots wise or anything okay can I get a heal please can control them and make him heal me I suppose I can just switch [Music] over I have a feeling we're going to come across like a um King dwarf be in trouble okay got the ladies I go get these archers The Archers will probably be good good to have [Music] here I'm a little nervous about this maybe we should just let him be we'll let him be for a minute let me captured we do you mean [Music] captured wa they not ours now oh okay that's kind of funny uh how that works because we were there but I guess I counted them as captured because they were to in their territory before you ran off that's not cool uh it's okay we got a we got a better wizard here I didn't didn't end like I wanted it to um we lose our guy with all the weapons he did no I guess lash is still there okay we'll re build ourselves up then we'll go back down there yeah there's my guys there running around we get that iron now I got pop up for it hey look gold you just kill my you just killed my Archer that was laying there me from one more guy yeah how do I get you out of there he's captured by a hustle trip so if we go in there he'll he'll join us okay let's see if we can do that it's going to be a real tough killing that um that dwarf in there lash so as soon as he sees us they'll join us that'll help out so going to fall back collect my gear and go in there so they're there and they're awake there he is is he attacks at a 35 defends at a 36 I attack at a 42 defend 42 hey he ain't so tough gundan he ain't so tough hello boys we're here to save [Music] you minions freed yeah they are okay go kill the uh the dwarf ladies all right did we get him are we we good now I think we're safe now I'll break their break their door down just to show them okay did I lose both my archers I did didn't I all right um [Music] good yeah both those archers died okay well how we don't get to collect this stuff up I don't know be easier if we just did this I don't dig through there just build a bridge there like that then we'll connect up all those uh do we lose an imp I guess we down to can I build another another imp okay still doesn't give us that that didn't count as like a kill for some reason well all right advanced healing my favorite kind of healing um what's next stop I think we have to go to those unicorn herds those dwarfs didn't give us uh didn't give us anything we actually have exceeded our population limit we got 300 iron now though and if that's the case we can make did I get did I get the swords I hope I did we can look at people's what they're carrying now we can make some iron dummies that'll help us out so we can train a little better we'll make two of those and can't do the iron bookcase yet but I can do a forge to make some better gear hey awesome World how's it going so there's the plus eight stuff and glyphs uh armor sounds like a good deal though so let's get three armor couple Helms some gloves gloves are cheap get a bunch of gloves we have enough we still have enough um okay eight pairs of gloves we got to work on all that and we have one artificer yeah long as he knows that's his only job you're not like training for anything are you you can eat that's fine you can go get whipped you you do whatever you want to do there but crafting is what you need to be doing fangs of poison that's good stuff too that [Music] guy couple statues in I want this Fang is a poison guy and extra training potential guy is that um oh is that half a one is that what that was increas it by one oh I can do one more Max possible population size I don't know um I think how how high I've gotten it I've got it like in the 30s you know maybe maybe 40 maybe hit 50 before um I mean you could you could go nutso with I mean you could get a lot I suppose cuz every statue was an additional person I they cost 50 gold and pretty soon we'll have a lot of gold haven't really gotten much yet but we will eventually let's go down One More [Music] Level we'll dig down and uh see if we can find some more stone or iron no lots of trees down here okay we'll go one more [Music] look for more iron that's the good stuff again no iron I know I I was reading through the patch notes for 1.0 here and I know that the underworld has received a lot of treatment used to be real tough to upgrade your population and it's it's gotten easier say you haven't played in four years yeah used to be a lot more difficult to get uh more [Music] people it's easier but if I remember like the last few times I've played having more people doesn't necessarily mean anything anything good you need to have like especially towards the end game you need to have just a few really good folks CU if you can if you've got like a you know um a fighter that's trained out and geared out you really just need one guy like wubo starpath not wubo who was uh um Nash tank that's where his that's where he came from so if you get like one really good fighter you can do pretty well or a few a vampire Warrior that's what we're talking about give me that gold I can get this before he goes away get that stone brought in isn't there more Stone here oh yeah and there's more stuff here oh I didn't get that done hey a skeleton archer [Music] too why this doesn't count as being [Music] done H that's good stuff too this means they'll learn next the next level up so like this guy here who does they all do you have swords where' all the swords go going control you come here join me here just just in case well I don't need the corpses like where's all the stuff there's some swords I'll take those more swords no carrying too much huh well let me switch over to you then come grab some things we'll bring them back to the top I want the corpses but I'll do want the swords for [Music] sure okay no that's backpack's job to go pick that stuff up almost there um this guy's still available extra training potential Warrior for 100 ticks we won't get that guy in time that let me put one there is there a Max do we have a Max of those oh up to four there is a Max of those is there a Max of gold ones no okay all right so he's whipping out some gear plus we got all those other weapons that came up we got a bunch of gloves apparently hanging out how is um how's my Warriors looking are you guys geared out yet swords all around um you're going to pick up a shield good how you guys are in different batches here not sure why there's two different groups there cuz cuz you oh cuz you got clubs and you got swords is there no no swords around um the priest don't need swords wait oh Clum um yeah pretty there it is take the zombie sword only B like has has actually no everyone will have a sword now good and then Shield take it from the keeper and you can get a shield from that guy gorat go get yourself a shield well wooden Shield to finan better than nothing you guys have hats on okay so we got the boot to make one more glove and then we'll be set and then uh we got more of this stuff coming in so let's make a couple Shields s there's a harpy archery target for those we need to go kill something we got to get more more um Tech what's telepathic do oops I didn't mean to that that kicks him kicks him out here let's go before nighttime completely goes away do we care or we wait another day cuz out at night let's go now if we're out during the day this my my um my Zombies going be in trouble but we'll grab what we can gra everybody here don't and hopefully not get attacked while we're away I've died more than once to that uh larash I control you and we're going to go to the unicorns I got armor now I can handle the unicorns these dang elves is the problem okay so I want everyone to not Chase let's go down this way and let's get these it's night time lots of sleepy elves oh and my my my U my my friends that have been captured get him okay now you can chase him get him don't let him get away destroyed but we didn't kill them all oh we did Kill Them All excellent okay get that guy before he murders all of us there we go Freedom okay we know there's we know there's ghostly um things around here so I'm going to watch out for those what you got in your chest pair of little leather gloves okay so there's something else over here across the way we know there's unicorns around here they're going to be kind of nasty we got 158 ticks until nighttime comes around do we want to go take a look I think I may tell one just to stop I'll go take a peek hello murder that owl okay okay come [Music] along just some Elves my spirits are [Music] lifted another elf get him don't let him get away they shoot and it hurts got him my mood goes back to normal oh somebody's shooting at us more elves so many elves out here what what kind of what kind of thing is that Panic mushroom a doggy I'm sorry doggy but you're an elf dog so I'm sorry that's the way it had to be zombies are very slow um oh look at that Elven sword I like that like that bow even [Music] more oh I should have captured the horse capture the horse um capture the horse okay [Music] you killed the horse Okay so that's where's the unicorn's at is this Unicorn Land uh we got 10 10 ticks till night time so we got to get out of here so we're going to get Rel I did say we did capture a horse so we captured and killed so I don't know if we have a horse or not okay let's pillage some Elves and more elves and more elves okay I might lose some zombies here daytime is hit and they're where are they here they come yeah both my zombies died I don't see a horse I think we had a horse oh there is a no that's not that's not a horse that's a that's elk if I were to say or capture I'm not sure if we have anything we can do with those things or where we going to put them anyway we level up we level up um so do we want I think I want the advanced sorcery for the better magic that's good stuff warhammers and battle axxes are really strong but chicken breeding will give me more people but we can get that more more gold archery is good I want I want that more magic okay so they they should swap out their um their Gear with the better stuff well maybe not do I have a horse no plus eight sword do I have any plus 9 one playing around keeper got one keeper can be really good but keep your [Music] sword what was that saying [Music] all his [Music] kills okay well we'll dig that out and then we'll put in these uh these iron ones actually what we'll probably do is just remove some of these um [Music] I forget how to remove [Music] things my imps at there we go oh I forget how to remove things we got to put a iron bookcase in here there you go two of them is good enough a resistant to Magic Goblin priest seems pretty nice we don't have any we got we're way past our capacity people keep cap captured and then brought back I guess that's a way to cheese it okay bunch of iron cool more iron gold well um we never found the unicorns did we they're in there somewhere but we never saw them do we go back we go back already do we want to wait everyone's fine in fact we got we actually gained people because we had those ones that ran out ran away if I were to make a where was that at a stable that's is what what I [Music] need then we can grab those uh elk or deer or whatever and we can ride in ride in on horses that's even [Music] better there's some torches in over there need some more torches over [Music] here surpris we haven't been attacked yet surprising I'm assuming I need a fence like right there wonder if I need to go all the way around probably not okay so we we maybe we can capture them now what's oh what does that cost oh wood okay we're learning teleport lots of lots of spells going on because of the iron iron things um I want some more storage I want to get a we got a scroll shelf need it eventually uh I want an armor rack I think we can put it we'll stick it over here there are much um probably better ways to build a dungeon and safer ways but um this works cuz if I get attacked by anyone any anyone somewhat competent could easily come in here and take my guy out um also there's a let's see if I do there's a way to make sure that they don't go I think I just say like I can Mark out the quarters is here and then um I need to Mark out I don't want like running all the map Leisure I guess is that and that trying to keep them from running around cuz they like to go in here run all the place like we can also say like um we can like unclaim certain tiles so they don't they don't go just running all over the place so they going to come in here they're going to go just sort of just screwing all over this sort of save that from happening cuz if it's claimed I think that means it needs to be guarded every we've dug been guarded okay clear that out here we go found ooh lava okay we need a stone stone [Music] bridge okay but we got a lot of stone out of that and we get a lot of gold out of that also yeah I think there's been I think this is new sound effects these a lot of these I'm not recognizing okay some vulgar sonnets all right um well you know what I always always de decided I'm going attacking but then it's always like right at morning time I like hitting them when it's night cuz they're sleeping if we can jump on them when they're sleeping that's perfect wor the good guys door Fortress but with goblins no it's more of um dual Fortress and and dungeon keep keeper mix I'd say more like a a lighter door Fortress not sure who's going to capture [Music] that they can leisure in there if they won't increase luxury it's always been a thing I never really [Music] [Music] understood I heard that when I was you can kind of hear even it's not when it's not like it's all foged of War over you can hear that wonder what that noise [Music] was [Music] [Music] [Music] something down that way we can go take a take a peek I'm curious I was going to go to some iron but you know I like a good question mark could be something terrible only one way to find out okay we only got 600 ticks until daytime is over we're going to go on a on a a track today to kill some un corns they are a minor uh a minor villain so that'll unlock a little bit here I if we can take out those 46 attack for the main guy that's pretty good but that's not better than what I've got so we might be able to do it we can probably do the dryads I don't think they attack too too tough lizard M are just they just hit hard so we can probably get they're main we can go get we'll get the unicorns we'll see how we look after that and if we so good we'll go get the lizards I don't want to go charging in and and lose everybody now that we got everyone trained up I'm not sure what the next next upgrade is going to be maybe um do Master sorcery demonology is nice we get some demons brought in here um two handed weapons are always nice but we can always get two handed weapons once we fight the dwarf we'll find plenty of those okay 400 ticks until we go oh oh speaking of dwarves we found them hello I'm wounded I sure I am oh they're slaughtering us so they attack at 41 defend 37 so they they're pretty tough okay we ready to go down any more are there is this the level they were on they weren on this level is is it no one more oh the little imp ball are back here is that backpack he's not [Music] scared these dwarfs have done some digging skeletons of what it say there's a sword land there yeah there's a sword lay in there whose sword is that a potion of healing a plus two helmet put that on man today I what a day what a day so I um I got this I found this ma math book today and um this is math book book just about probability or something and um I I grab the book toss it on the table and it opens up and guess what page it opened up to I told this joke wrong I got this math book today and I just tossed it on I just tossed it on the table and guess what page it opened up to probability what are the chances of that happening I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you know when I okay I'll give you a second one when I was younger my dad always always tried to teach me about about about how to how to haggle you know the important life skill and I just I just never got it and in the end I ended up paying the price how's that is that is that better I make up for it I'm sorry that was embarrassing plus 15 digging for automatons neat oh it's an automaton head and arms a gnome corpse oh the Gnomes were here and apparently the dwarves didn't like them being here what's the probability of no mixing up a joke ah dwarves I'm sorry all this dwarf killing making me a little [Music] queasy oh you kill my friend now I kill you oh apparently we found the other way around here take that dwarf ladies where's the thing that says you have killed the tribe of dwarf what's face I want that I'll grab these things and we'll dump them off at the at the base oh that's my friend oh the two-headed guy is dead oh man I liked him he's been around for a while also what am I going to do with these these things can I make can I make one can I make an [Music] automaton anybody else right okay I guess those W maybe those don't count anymore used to be those would those would be like people you could take down well just in time for uh nighttime to hit so we'll drop off some drop off our stash I'm going to head down there I Ain going to miss that to guy he should have thought [Laughter] [Music] twice okay um drop off your loot there you go now get down there okay we're we're uh we're charging in some of you guys are are kind of like not wait yeah you're not very good what why am I separated so so far up here 48 I'm [Music] good these guys are no good oh merkel's back hey [Music] Merkle welcome back buddy okay um let me go and make sure everyone's in there lots of wizards app I lost some imps not backpack though right oh we lost backpack back poor guy okay let's go kill some unicorns [Music] oh yeah I forgot about these things oh it's a unicorn's doing that to [Music] us get him I don't feel so good these unicorns are messing with our minds um I don't even see the unicorns there they are just can't get to him there so many of them one down big guy down we're getting them there's so many unicorns oh my daughter would be crying at the moment right now it' be so sad all these unicorns oh no I'm sorry you've been affected by this stream I apologize whe it's the dead joke or the Unicorn Slaughter it's just been atrocious today it's just been rough I don't know why you're still here at least there's flowers I'll pick up your mood a little bit all right um done done let's get out of here we killed so many so many things Spirits um and we got to level up excellent we'll pillage some unicorns I'll take all our stuff I will level up so that's good we golden bookcase you know we get better spells I got six wizards that could be good we want to go that way or with the better weapons I think I'm going go I think I want or demons I'm going to go with sorcery and to make one of those things I should have looked at this it's just gold right yeah 15 gold and I think we're digging gold as we speak perhaps not yes yes we are okay there's gold to be grabbed right now perfect um this is yeah kind of pointless that's okay yeah I think um I think unicorns can be the tough tough ones I don't know if they always are but I think they can be is there any reason to not hire a whole bunch of imps oh no gold right that's why they cost oh is it 34 gold to hire an imp okay I should stop losing [Music] them group healing excellent um how we looking at uh as far as armor here you have just some garbage armor really all you guys have can I say no I want you to have something good I don't want well here's what do we can go to the Wizards and say no no iron stuff for them I guess like you don't need this or that and I Want You To Survive but I want to make sure that my melee guys get the defense stuff I got a couple elk out there that I've I've marked as capture but I don't know how to actually get them to be captured maybe I should grab my squad to go out there couple armor we grab these guys can we they may only be around here during the day time oh there's one is that a pig um capture we get [Music] him [Music] an owl okay so let's see what happens I's going to build a prison also and I never did um I guess we can put it down here [Music] we have a prison down below also but we'll make one so we can capture somebody do a little torturing you know my Gold's back okay so I need golden bookcases [Music] nice backpack infinite carry capacity which is why backpack is so such an important player in this he he has uh snuck his way into some Dragon places Dragon layers and and scooped up all kinds of good [Music] stuff am I out of iron I think so be separated well I thought let be build yeah I'm not out of it prison door there it goes it won't let me build it okay prison door um we'll give him a light down here and I suppose we can put in like the torch table and all that stuff here [Music] too oh was the boar over here is that how that works okay is that how that works I think I see it okay capture that guy um I'll just grab I'll do this again okay any more of them around here need to just hire Like a Bird come fill this place out not anymore we'll say that's it okay there he is requires a cage [Music] you enslave a deer now I can assign him to like you right you can have your very own deer excellent okay we need to be doing more of that but I'm going to take a quick bathroom break real real quick so give me a minute wonder if we can find some more stuff out here there's some more little Huts out this way I I'll be right back give me just a minutes for a bathroom break all right well since that um is so I want to get some more animals so we'll see if we can find some more of them fellas we'll just go a and get some Beast cages lined up here so we get like an Army on on um on deer back or or whatever or boar back be even better that'd be all right oh that's good stuff but I'm not going to make I'm plus 10 damage plus 10 defense that's incredible that's an incredible guy I got to get him I got to get some I got well I have I have to kick four people out just to get [Music] him hey corac um how much is the um thr's 500 I could get them if I build one [Music] statues okay that's just too good to pass up throw in some statues a bunch of them okay I need uh oh yeah I need another bed um I don't know the differ also with this is increases luxury I don't know where luxury comes in um I'll put in a couple nice beds just get him done quickly so we can get this guy in here um aggravates enemies whatever plus 10 damage plus 10 defense is incredible oh he needs a basic bed what am I doing what am I missing now one more basic bed is a basic bed [Music] um I want him why can I have him one more basic [Music] bed maybe we're like a little behind cuz I got so many that I've picked up sort of out there okay and it is priority right you do these there he is come on in buddy oh a werewolf what yeah I want a [Music] werewolf okay um you know what I'll throw in a um oh a healing total would be nice to have um I got healers for that a what was this one um dining table throw one of those in all right I got a werewolf okay so he goes in here um apparently I have a prisoner my deer okay my new Warrior what's his name balll your name is um Ash tank so look at that he's already with like no skills he's already 31 no no gear make sure I get you a good sword and a good [Music] Shield get you a nice hat um some gloves some boots I don't have any good boots do I and some armor there you go got some robes in here who wants the robes plus one that's all it does a plus one defense never mind grab whatever hey shock how's it going okay so we get some training up over there um I can get adamantine dummies takes a while up to 99 damage levels that's quite quite a jump I can't I'm really surprised we haven't been attacked by anything yet I think I don't think nothing normally it shows up like hey these guys are going to get you up but it uh I haven't seen that we haven't angered anybody enough so okay another werewolf plus five damage against enemies I need two more iron training dummies to get him in here probably worth it I like attacking the night anyway should we go get some dryads should we do it now put these new guys to the test they should train first but they die not a big deal yet later on it'll B uh let's grab and you know what we could do we could leave um let's leave and do behind which was the one that had Nash tank um look he's already like up there he's already got all the gear never mind he can come [Music] along we will leave oh neither of them actually oh yeah they're in there um now you know they can come [Music] along so oh we found some new stuff okay cool I'm going to control him we've got all kinds of stuff out here look at this thieves out there there's tree Spirits oh this is neat hidr over there there's the knights tree Spirits are tough some peasants we can go kill over that way um thieves a cottage that I guess we can burn oh that one is burned I see um let's go get these lizards main villain [Music] lizards oh you know what camels we want camels [Music] yes yeah I'm not I'm not controlling the guy that has a horse all right can we have a goat there's a lizard right there I'll take that one chaos around here everyone everything's attacking us here's the lizards down this way oh you're killing my people here's a chief got him regrow lost body parts yeah human's dead how we doing here we're getting kind of whooped here really whooped now if we leave right now got beat down pretty good are we do we keep what we what we um what we've taken here let stay let's you guys cleaned up there we go that's what I [Music] wanted do we lose that many people yeah werewolf corpses with my werewolves Goblin Warriors man I guess it was the was it the the lizards I guess that got us got some mushrooms in there night vision region I will take a defense mushroom levitation um potion I will drink that don't mind if I do I'll take a gold somebody's fighting over [Music] here camels and Nomads okay got him that was a nasty nasty fight there was the okay kind of knew these guys are a main villain um there's one more over here let's see what this is before we run away I'll take you more of these sound effects are great cuz it really sounds like someone just going get that run away come here okay let's go home ooo we lost a lot anyone really we lost like a lot of wizards man all right um I'll take a camel hopefully we got more than that I'm going to conquer all this stuff all this is mine and all the bones are mine okay we made it back can see in the dark is great I lost a lot of people so we take a wizard how many Wizards do I have now I only have two we got two uh upgrades there do I want Archer's cool archery is real nice spell speed is even better um I think what I have what can what I have what can I do with it I got a little bit of iron so I can make some good weapons I open to have some by now but we'll get that one and oh archers archers are good to have okay requires more luxurious quarters huh do I care about more of you I have eight already I don't I need any more of that I we get some archers though I'll bring them in and we'll set up an archery place want their own room is he that much better oh he has 28 he starts out at 28 so he is pretty good what's luxury need to be just more more luxurious requires oh a personal quarters oh hey that's new the edge of the map this way then build some Quarters off of there um and we'll get Arch a training room what the Ed of the map this archery Lane we'll just throw over here [Music] so yeah you get a you get a deer oh no never mind you get one of these whenever they pop up camel okay there's archery lands I guess we'll do like um I don't know like that that seems pretty classy maybe we won't go quite as quite as classy we going do this like dual Fortress style we this extra nice door Fortress one ones and then we set them up as uh individual quarters like this they need a a door you think and then we need a bed in there we'll put a luxurious bed and then we'll see what else they want they might probably want some lights sounds of the horses I just not realized they're just something a personal quarters how do I identify this as a personal quarters I think it's set up oh I see I see I see um I remove got I didn't want to overlap them like that um is that three separate zones yeah okay is that that what you want now he has a bat companion perfect luxury one this down here is a luxury of 7.5 that seems pretty nice uh well I can give you some floors um I'm not giving you carpet I give you that I'm going to need more fancy things I put my I should put my statues in here wish I knew what um does this say it's quarters I know I mark it as a personal quarter you think another another werewolf I know they didn't do much bring them in though [Music] give one to Little Nash tank here he can have a [Music] quarters I got to hydrate hydrate I just refilled my [Music] water [Music] who's that extra training potential excellent isn't very good 16 though when I can get these guys up there start coming in at 28 knows how to how to forge and craft so 3.8 I think I need bigger bigger rooms we got luxurious beds what else do they want have any priests left I have four I guess I can do carpet expensive so 4.1 luxury of 8.3 and still not enough wonder what else they want in there Fountain will give him s you want a fountain in your room make me sick I don't know what to do we're at oh 9.9 we'll see if 10 might be the thing there we go maybe that'll do it no person am I doing it right oh skeleton [Music] archer I don't know what else they want this as nice as I can make it that puts it up to a luxury of 10 and a half I can assign it but that's my question mark that doesn't help any huh it be nice it' be nice to have them because they're um see be pretty good vampires are they are they have problems at night yeah can I capture that guy got him give me that dog anyone has any ideas as I'm all ears um requires personal quarters and and requires more luxurious quarters to achieve full potential I get that does that help you any are you are you getting better because you're happy I don't think [Music] so I I can't recruit them they're gray out unless it is no cuz these are the guys that are in my base nothing to you guys think I got something wrong with the with the quarters maybe that's something that I learn like personal quarters [Music] [Music] separate quarters for chosen minions it says [Music] [Music] I [Music] know I didn't realize the door was locked there it is now nope might as well give it to somebody so I'll give it to um gorat dwarf Slayer [Music] the Unicorn Slayer can have that one hey ardin it goes all right oh maybe yeah maybe this needs to be more luxurious that could be it they want this to be fancier [Music] [Music] so once that hits enough then they'll take it but they I that could be it we'll line the walls with some paintings or something [Music] [Music] h we at now we're to 21.4 I still didn't do it maybe 21 is bad I seems pretty good to me okay it's all right that's last guy uh I do want to put an iron iron um door in here here get rid of this [Music] one put Better Door in there like we want uh iron door cuz that's fancier okay well we got a we got a full Squad let's go find something to kill a painting depicting the capturing of a camel good good story good picture okay so we have the priests the shaman the Warriors the Wizards and the Archer and the vampire and the Werewolf okay so um you have a deer Nash tank oh we only have a deer available the ones aren't available are they they're like what do you what do we do with [Music] you I'm bringing you if I can I'm not sure what I do with you yeah it's possibly went like a 20 like a 20 fancy I'm full up now okay let's go do some killing um let's go get what time is it yeah we'll do we'll give another kill and then we'll go when I'm going to go to bed um dwarves really tough so we leave them alone oh let's go get those dryads I attack a 51 now I'm getting pretty good if I say me I mean this guy um larash NAD Slayer you can do better than that this is a a castle but that's pretty tough let's go get those dryads cleaned up where are they at oh there's a lot of things here I'm saying O like that owl regeneration mushroom yeah what is it uh horse another horse elves done next remember how much tble we had with elves at the very beginning of the game no problem now very helpful when they're all sleeping armor enchantment yeah how my armor armor is garbage anything better here um any any better armor oh a nice sword um I will also also use [Music] it improve my Helm I think what oh maybe my [Music] boots okay no more elf problems let's go west where's the bridge right there let's gold thanks for hanging out I hope you have a good one I'll see you tomorrow oh we found the dryads oh oh they killed my horse oh they're going to kill me um no I died man oh man I I hate I hate these archers why they so tough they're slaughtering us oh no we have our healers [Music] left man like they're one shotting us why are they killing us so bad I have armor [Music] I'm going hang out the trees get him before he kills us [Music] all no get back here I got one I need to heal [Music] buddy oh no we're all dead we're all dead and captured oh what a terrible way to go out I have like some um what do you have there slowness what ability do you have what is that heal spirit it captur some my people I can't do anything about them I can go back and get him um man okay summon [Music] that I without dying I can get my people back Don't Kill My Wizard no no somebody have a healing [Music] thing there's one there's some good armor apparently didn't do any good [Music] throw some slowness at him okay I don't think it's going to be possible I'm going to try it though yeah not possible I'm going to throw at him I'm dead man that was so nasty I got I got I can still pill a bunch of things appar I got a couple horses prisoners I can bring back somehow um I gained a level up let's get some oh jewelry is kind of nice jewelry man and all I got left it's just me and an artificer and some imps and a whole bunch of my guys are over there it doesn't say who's who's left there man I hate they're so um so tough killing those things archers archers are the worst got some horses in here though I guess um man is that when it in on a low note it's kind of sad uh what kind of spells do I have I have lunch of stuff might be a better idea to play as like a mage it's just slower paced might be a better way of doing that so I can just keep my keep my front line healed up you [Music] know no paintings on on of these things cuz everyone's [Music] dead man all un assign now how am I going to kill those [Music] archers what' you just kill oh Raven um any more healers I had I had like what four of them in there that could do it I guess if we had L healers or if we have um and I don't know hit him with archers problem is now we got to go in here we got to retrain everybody and all the gear that I had all those weapons laying around can I get this drill to like one of my oh Harvey to one of my imps backpack can I [Music] um backpack knocked out no can I um give you this [Music] drill and will you use it I guess not I guess it's for other for other folks okay like if we're charging into a base or something those arrows took me down I thought I had I thought I had defense enough defense to defend them and they they're actually lower level than the um the unicorns I fought cuz they're just level six and the unicorns were I guess they're a three those are an 18 15 92 he going to be tough I don't want a slow guy I never show up by time I get in the battle there already no they're like way in the back who's a new guy what's his name old bumbers there you go buddy have yourself a horse oh we don't know what the horse is yet why can't I give you a horse I have horses maybe he needs to does he not have the writing ability he [Music] does man what a rough one to go out on but I think we're going to be sitting here for a while just waiting for things to come in not over yet um things I'm surprising things aren't coming to kill us but um we can go we can raise our army back up and get back out there like thieves I think we can probably take out easier of things trees I think Tre trees are real tough uh a couple Cottages we can take out for some just for some levels there's a Hydra over there we could probably kill him a Hydra cuz he usually all by himself not right now obviously once our army is back and uh even digging down we might find some find some friends down here that as far as I went it [Music] is yeah dwarves are real tough um we're about past like the toughness of dwarves though cuz they're like the early early game tough and cuz they got the Mostly because of their [Music] gear anyway I think that is a low note to go out to go out on what a day I think what I'll do I'll probably come back and play some more of this we'll do another stream of this I'm sure um I'll probably let it play in the background a little bit let some let some things come in so that we can uh come back with an army rather than um nothing oh you know it be nice if I could have like this and put like one of these really good fighters in there maybe this maybe this was a good thing cuz now we all we got all these scraps hanging around here now you know but now I'm getting a little older look the keeper there I got a beard a nice haird I'm thinking you know what these scraps we had before that's not our style anymore just like these dad jokes no more scraps I walked into a friend's house today and he had this big question mark on his door and I looked at him and I was like what's that all about and he says oh that's the guest room see like that level of of joke that's the kind of level of soldiers we need in this in this Fortress we got all these like you know the worst basically we had the worst in here but now it's time time for the good stuff hey T Kitty how's it going say I'm stalling I'm just waiting for somebody to come in here there's nothing nothing coming in here we have a warrior we can bring in just for something but he's not very good we got old bumbers here bumbers I don't know why I can't write that there's a wizard um yeah I'll bring a wizard in we might as well get him get him started I got 25 we'll go ahead and get this warrior in there even though he's worthless they have sunglasses is that what's going on there is he wearing sunglasses I think he is um I'm surprised we don't have any like friends I'm curious about this blacksmith let's go take a look at this this blacksmith just to see what it is is before we run away before I run [Music] off skeletons are they um no they're fine are he slowed grab a harpy a wizard couple Warriors what are you all about you disarm traps excellent come on in buddy okay you guys are kind of uh Scrappy but um bum bur is um ready to Lead You In into battle really I'm just going to go to this this blacksmith and take a look at what if this is like they may Slaughter me I want you to not Chase and we going to take a little look around here cuz this might I'm not sure if this is a friendly thing or not they used to be like friendly folks we could chat with I'm not sure they're still a thing word luru the Garin Goblin artificer recruits are now available in Immigration just like that exactly like that hello yeah exactly like that nice okay so is there more of those there's a cottage over here is this a friendly Cottage or is it like things that want to kill me kind of cottage let's go see um you don't seem very friendly also you attack at a 43 we being attacked by a cow apparently everyone stop we're going to die can I run away attacked by a cow uh can I shoot that cow just out of range come here cow oh so close oh I can get him [Music] um I can quite reach [Music] him dang cow the Moon okay you no longer need to stop oh they're going to kill us all I just back to base please okay thank you okay um now does I unlock anything new we had artificers [Music] before he came he made way back slow guy do you have one of those you have a nice sword you shouldn't be carrying that there's a werewolf we got a few folks knocked off the list I guess way up main guys so there's there we see them there are good okay they are main villain dwarves out there where were they at they yeah those guys yeah they are tough you're right you're right I'm thinking of the ones the ones that you kind of find like in the caves they aren't too bad but the one the main villain ones they're tough [Music] stuff all right well I've squandered my Army I'm lying here in shambles plus six damage when riding a steed perfect if he need to be a certain level before he can ride one of these guys [Music] I don't have any [Music] bows more money going take a fangy [Music] someone dragons over there artificer um I need to remove this keep clicking on it interestingly also we don't have that that option anymore of oh there's everything we can bring in right now I can bring in a a a gelat corn I need Beast mutation I can get that one and a pregnant and a pregnant minion oh these are the the demons we can bring in dark elf Ally must be discovered and have recruits available succubus ice demon requires two demon shrines and rituals we need to upgrade from these these uh goblins I think make the [Music] weapon have a nice assortment of harpies I suppose just was some range damage i' never seen human so tough 40 they're 50 down there they're getting tougher as we go it's going to be tough to get it to actually get things built [Music] up there we go that bow it say requires bow one more range weapon I got a bunch of range weapons huh strange wonder if they need to be in my equipment storage yeah oh no now I can't huh skeleton archers aren't really worth it marquest to find better things also my quest to go to bed let's call it a day let keeper RL 1.0 or almost it'll be here on the 29th of February we will be the official 1.0 date in development for 11 years by the way and I've been playing it for about about nine of those I think something like that I'll probably come back um if the save is is savable is salable for 1.0 when it comes out here in a couple days I'll come back and we'll do some more conquering I'll get some my I'll get my tribe built back up and then we'll go stomp across the world we got some hydras to kill that might be the next thing to go after is a Hydra 53 attack remember that remember my guy that I had had over 50 attack I remember that guy he was a good friend and now he's dead anyway going to bed oh he's got a wolf companion okay there we go there's our new hero that's a high note we got our new hero in there what's your name Buddy your name is bag bagam MOG wolf companion there we go let's save thanks for hanging out tonight I will be here tomorrow and we'll play something else I got a lot of things I got to catch up on now I've been been missing streams for a while and uh I got all stuff we got to get caught up on here anyway electric Su suub by what one person working on this I think it's he may have a few others with them now but I think for the most part this is one person making this the whole time one of my favorites one of my favorite games ever good stuff oh yeah we can build a we can build a castle good stuff
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 92,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KeeperRL game, KeeperRL gameplay, KeeperRL, colony sim, simulation, city builder, Electric Succubi, roguelike, colony builder, necromancer, dungeon building, fantasy game, gameplay, nookrium, indie game, steam game, pc, keeperrl 1.0, full release
Id: E5Y5wit5VsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 14sec (9494 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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