Rightly Dividing Repentance

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all right welcome back on robber breaker and boy do I have a message prepared for you today I've been on praying and reading and studying about this and considering on whether or not I should even give a message like this but then I thought you know this is too important to pass up this is too important not to talk about and so many people have been emailing me and this is something I kind of wanted to make several months ago but I've just been so busy but I've got people asking me about repentance and they want to know more about in fact they got someone the other day sent me an email and they said rumberger I don't know if I'm saved or not because I don't know if I repented right and there's a lot of confusion over this term repentance so what I want to do is I want to get rid of all confusion and I want to look at this from the Bible and find out once and for all what is repentance I've had someone call me the other day said brother breaker have you have you heard about this if you are you aware of this controversy all over the internet about repentance and I said well what's what's the controversy well this guy is attacking that guy and that guy is attacking this guy and he'll claim to be Christians and they're all saying well you don't preach repentance when you preach it too hard you don't preach it enough and and all they want to do is fight and argue and so well that's something I've seen in my ministry over the years that oftentimes if you want to start a good debate or a good argument just bring up repentance and it's sad but there are people that love to argue about this subject now I thought about making this sermon entitled repentance and all the Bible or defining your penance but I finally settled on rightly dividing repentance and I want to talk about that today because what I'm going to do today is I'm going to take you through the entire Bible and show you repentance in all of the scriptures I'm not going to go to every verse but I will go from the beginning all the way to the end and talk about repentance in the body book and we're going to rightly divide repentance you say well why why do so many people argue about this subject well it's because they have different definitions of what they believe that repentance is and so what we're going to do today is not I'm not going to give you my opinion what I think or dependence is I'm going to give you what the Bible says that repentance is I'm going to show you repentance from the Bible and guess what I'm going to show you from the Scriptures that repentance the word repentance has several different definitions and the problem is there are people to get in their mind well it only means this and so other people get in the mind though it only means this and that's why there's the debate that's why there's the argument because they're defining it their own way rather than defining it the way the Bible does and every time the word repentance shows up we have to look at the context because it doesn't always mean the same thing and I'm going to show you that from the dictionary and also from the Bible but let's begin in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 23 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 23 in Section 72 23 the Bible says but foolish and unlearning questions avoid knowing that they do gender stripes and boy there's a lot of people that like to strife I strive and cause strife and gender streisand and cause arguments especially over the subject of repentance it says verse 24 and the certain of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient so that's what I want to do today I want to be apt to teach and I want to be gentle and I don't want to strive I don't want to cause an argument even though a lot of times dealing with this subject of repentance it makes people want to argue it says but to be patient and apt to teach and then verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves all right there are people out there that wasn't they know it or not there's literally opposing themselves preaching something and they're attacking another Christian and they both believe in repentance they're both preached repentance but this one says yeah but it needs this no it needs this and they argue over it it's like why why are you doing that let's don't argue let's be apt to teach and in meekness let's instruct one another and that's what I'm going to do today I'm going to rightly divide wrote ends I'm going to show you in the Bible what we're thinkin says and I hope we'll all end up on the same page because we all believe the same thing the same way then there's no more arguments the last thing that Christians need to do is argue we are so close to the rapture of the church that we need Christians out there winning souls to Jesus Christ less arguing more meekness more apt to teach more patience more love and then it says here in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance now notice this to the acknowledging of the truth we need to have repentance to the acknowledging to the truth we all need to come to the truth and if we're preaching something or teaching something that is not the truth we need to repent and come to the truth verse 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taking captive by him at his with what does the devil want to do the devil wants to get people's minds and take them captive and get them in a state of mind where they think they're right and everybody else is wrong and then they're going to attack others rather than working together with other Christians to serve the Lord so what I want to do today I'm going to show you that the word repentance doesn't always mean the same thing in the Bible in fact the word repentance has several different meanings and when we read the Bible we need to read the context first of all to see what's talking about but we also not only the context we need to look at the dispensation we need to look at the time period in which it's preached and so we're going to rightly divide repentance today I'm going to show you what repentance is now the first thing I'm going to go do and it is go to the dictionary I'm going to find the word repentance from the dictionary and I noticed that didn't quite define it correctly it's interested in Bible to find itself sometimes the dictionary is great the finds weren't perfectly other times it defines words in an insight huh why didn't you the Bible defines itself better sometimes than the dictionary does but other than 1828 dictionary lookup the word repent it means to feel pain sorrow or regret to express so for something past to change the mind and consequence of the inconvenience or injury done by past conduct the word repentance means solve for anything done or said in theology the pain regret or affliction which a person feels on account this past conduct sorrow or deep contrition of sins a change of mind or conversion from sin to God so the dictionary defines repentance as the sorrow as the changing of one's mind or a turning from sin is this right is this correct is this what the Bible defines repentance as today now today there's basically four different ways that people define repentance it's interesting to me that they don't see that there's more than one definition of the word repentance so some people will only take one of the definitions and say that's what it means every time it shows up in the Bible other people will take one of the other definitions and say that's what it means them and so they fight over it no it means three or four different things so it doesn't just mean one thing the word repentance has different meanings and it's easy to find in the Bible if you go to the context of the Bible what repentance means but here's how people define it okay okay what does repentance mean alright some people define repentance as simply change your mind so repentance is a change of mind other people define repentance as feeling sorrow so feel sorrow for something other people say repentance only means a turning or a change of direction and it's usually a turning from something to something so you have a changing direction or attorney you let me put them out here too they change direction now which one of these is correct well there's another one another one is there are people out there today that say that repentance the word repentance means quit sinning so these are the four different ways that I found as I looked on the internet and I have in the ministry dealt with people and as I looked at the dictionary and read the Bible and talk to people in their mindset there are people out there that say repentance means this that or the other thing and to them repentance means one of these four things many people like we've looked at in the last couple weeks lordship salvation think that repentance means you quit sinning so you cease from sin you stop sinning in you've repented and they believe that's what the word repentance means is it quits any other people believe no repentance means change your mind other people say no repentance means you feel sorrow and you've got to feel great sorrow and contrition for your sin other people say no repentance is simply changing your direction it's turning from one thing to another but here's the deal it can mean all of this but in different passages in the Bible it's a different meaning so it can be one of one of many of these now it's not usually used as the last one but if it is used as the last one is not in our dispensation so what I'm going to do today is I'm going to show you what the birth of the Bible talks about when it talks about repentance and I'm going to try my best let me move this over and usually put it right in the center but I'm going to need it over here today I'm going to do actually needs to be right there actually right there okay what I'm going to do today is I'm going to do my absolute best to show you what repentance is in the Bible and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take repentance and I'm going to rightly divide it by that I mean I'm going to go through dispensational in the Bible and look at what repentance is and we're going to find out what is repentance now let me give you an example of each one of these okay because these people that believe this they'll go to the Bible and they'll try to prove that to them repentance means one of these four things and they'll give you Bible verses to prove it but it's funny to me I meet people all the time and say repentance means quit sitting repentance means quit sitting repentance means quit sitting you say okay well do you know what the first time in the Bible is when it says to repent and who repented go with me to Genesis chapter 6 and verse 6 they say repentance means quit sinning and you say okay the first person to repent in the Bible was God himself so did God quit city well I'm so glad God quit sitting no no God never said God can't sit so repentance doesn't always mean quick-setting does it because the very first instance of repenting in the Bible was God himself repenting so let's go to Genesis chapter 6 in verse 6 and look what it says and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart so it repented the Lord that he made man on the earth so god quits fitting that he made man on the earth no no that is not the definition of repentance and that's not how the word is used here in Genesis chapter 6 and verse 8 people say it means only change your mind that's the only thing repentance to me okay so and the Lord changed his mind that he made man on the earth and that's what it's saying well in the context is he killed everybody so if God changed his mind that he made man on the earth and said you know I'm changing my mind I created man now I'm going to uncreate man than he would have killed everybody would be but it didn't kill everybody he killed everybody but eight people he saved some people so which of these definitions do you think it's talking about there will the King James Bible usually defines itself almost always so if you read the entire verse it says that I repented the Lord that he made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart what is it to grieve to grievous to feel suffering God was sorry that he made man because man became so sinful so which of these definitions is this verse talking about that it repented the Lord there's a lord quit sinning then he changed his mind and he turned from something no he was sorrowful he was sad that men shows sin and went to sin so what did God do he felt sorrow because man had fallen into sin but yet in His mercy and his love what did he do he chose to say Noah verse 8 and Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and said Noah and his family so when you reading the Bible you've gotten the word repent or repentance remember these four definitions and ask yourself which one is it talking about because it's not always that it's not always that it's not always that sometimes is that so the context tells us what it means there's more than one definition of the word repentance and if it's only quite fitting then Jesus Christ is a sinner and you can't read six chapters into the Bible without finding God finally quit cynic no repentance does not mean quit sinning in this verse so it repented the Lord what does I mean God was sorrowful that man was so sinful now other thing that people say is well repentance means to to feel sorry for something and I've heard men preach if you want to get saved when you have to repent in to them it means feel sorrow so they say I don't believe a man saved if he doesn't cry a cry means that you've repented okay well let's go to Hebrews chapter 12 in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 16 and 17 actually 15 through 17 yet there's a man named Esau look at what happened Esau Hebrews chapter 12 starting in verse 15 looking diligently lest any man fall of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled 16 let there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright now watch this verse 17 for you know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with teachers there are people to say repentance means sorrow feel sorrow and usually that's what tears you cry and they say it means that everywhere in the Bible so every time you come across the word repentance in the Bible it always means you feel sorrow and you cry when here's a guy that looks for repentance and he cried will be cried and you must have felt sorrow but he didn't find repentance so what didn't he find he didn't find a change in mind he cried over being found out for his sin but he couldn't really bring himself to feel sorry for what he did because he didn't feel bad selling his birthright he felt bad that he didn't what he should've but it didn't feel bad over what he did wrong so repentance isn't always feeling sorrow repentance has been always shedding it to you but there are some people to think well repentance means you cry okay no no there's a way to repent without ever shedding tears repentance sometimes in the Bible means a change in mind sometimes it means beyond sorrow sometimes it means turning from one thing to another let's go to second Corinthians now here's a place in the Bible say in Craig News chapter 7 and verse 8 and by the way the Apostle Paul doesn't use the term repent or repentance very often compared to all the other places in the Bible that it's used I find I find that quite interesting that Paul didn't preach repentance very often he did he did say it but it's not even close to as many times as Jesus said and John the Baptist said it even Peter said Jesus Peter John they preach repentance much more than Paul did why is that when we're going to look at that as we rightly divide repentance today but then Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 8 here it says for though I made you sorry with the letter I do not repent it though I've been repent for I perceive that the same epistle have made you sorry though it were now for a season verse 9 now rejoice not that you were made sorry but that ye sorrowed to repentance for you were made sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us in nothing we're said for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death it kind of sounds like the King James Bible is defining South but he's talking about sorrow and repentance and by that he means you should feel sorry for something what's the context here well the contact here is there was a man in Corinth that was committing his sin and some of the people to church stuck up for me to that's okay just let him do it and Paul wrote them a letter and said no this guy sending it he needs to get right with God now he's saved but his flesh needs to be offered up to Satan for the structure of the flesh so that he may reap what he sowed and paid for it in the flesh but it's spirit is saying if you saved his soul to say and then he's writing this and saying correctly the same well I'm I haven't gel repented that y'all felt sorry that you had stuck up for the sinner and if you read we don't have time he tells us that the guy got right with God and who said I'm glad that you guys felt sorry because now everything's great he repented you repented y'all were sorrowful for doing wrong and alaric things funny so there's a place where it's a repenting okay let's go to another place Romans 11:29 okay so you've got change your mind feel sorrow or turning from something to something we're in the Bible as an example of that Romans chapter 11 and verse 29 Romans 11:29 what does it say here for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance alright let's look at our definitions the gifts and callings of God are without quit sinning Noble that doesn't even sound like good English that doesn't make sense so it can't be that definition the gifts and callings of God are without repentance without changing your mind all right that kind of works you if God's giving you a gift and called you to do something you shouldn't change your mind and say I'm not going to do it don't be a Jonah the gifts and callings of God without repentance or without feeling sorrow well know sometimes you feel sorrow for for certain things it must be number three for the gifts and callings of God without repentance without turning from if God has called you to do a job and he's giving you the gift you should turn from that you should follow that and do what God says so you see there's different definitions of the word repentance and the context mandates what it means when you read it you cannot get in your head this idea repentance only means this one thing and then try to read the Bible and force what you believe that the word means into that you have to look at the context you have to rightly divide you have to understand there is more than one definition of the word repentance except for 20 verse 21 we read here here's the Apostle Paul and he says test time both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ now what is he saying and sword god quite sitting toward God how do you quit sitting toward God do you like the Pharisees make a big show and so look at me God I'm not sitting is that now that doesn't sound like the definition there let's try that again repentance toward God change your mind toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ well I've done okay I mean it kind of works but it doesn't make much sense feel sorrow toward God or does it mean turning from idols turning toward God well that makes sense it's repentance is a turning all right so you turn to God from idols by the way because Paul and I'll show you that later Paul was going out preaching the idol worship so turn from your false gods idols to the true God and then trust Jesus now that number three makes sense so as you read the scriptures you must understand ok repent has more than one definition and I need to look at these definitions now there are some people that will say repentance means quit sinning and every time it's in the Bible and always refers to quit sinning well then we have a problem Jesus Christ is the center because the first person to repent was God in Genesis 6 6 now that's not going to work but there are some places in the Bible where it does look like repent means quit sinning look at revelation 2:20 to Revelation chapter 2 verse 22 what it says behold well verse 21 I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not verse 22 behold I will cast her into a bed and then that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds except they turned from their deed of what fornication and adultery but they say well it means quit sitting so repent of their deeds quit sinning of their deeds well that's what they wanted to say is that it means quit sinning well it means to turn from what they're doing change direction and do right but they say no if it means quit sinning but this would be what I'd say it means it means number three let me give you another example of Acts chapter eight verse 22 they for some reason these people are hung up on works and they want you to think that salvation is by works so when they say repent and repentance they say the that means quite sinning well okay I can see why they say that there's some verses in the Bible like this one acts 2 822 repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray God and perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee so they say repent of your wickedness means quit sinning well it does mean turn from your wickedness to Christ but if you say in quit sitting there or is he saying feel sorry for it it sounds like you telling you to feel sorry and change your mind because it says perhaps if the thought of my heart maybe forgive me the thought your mind is where your thoughts come from so don't think that way and feel sorry for what you did I think it's kind of a stretch to tell people that it means only quit sending men I can understand why people want to think that repentance means quit sinning but it does not only mean that it means more than one thing so you have to study the Bible you have to read the Bible you have to look up repent repentance repentance repentance and when it shows up in the Bible you have to remember ok it can mean one of these things and very few times does that every number for if any it means more number three or number two or number one so I don't tell people repent means quit sitting because that will confuse someone into thinking oh well I got a I got to do works to get saved so that means I got to quit sitting to get safe if salvation is by quit sitting then salvation is a works gospel and then we have a problem now we're not saved by grace through faith we're saved by works if we're saved by works then we're not safe because no one has ever lived a sinless life but Jesus Christ so you have to be careful when you take the word repentance what does it mean so we clearly see why people preach what they do about repentance and why there's so many who define it the way they do and like we saw before what was it a week or two ago lordship salvation preachers say repentance means quit City and so they tell you you have to quit sitting to get saved why don't they say what it means change your mind from trusting in what you do to Trussell a crime what a big breach it means job to feel sorry for your sin whatever they preach it means turning from your own self-righteousness to Christ's righteousness turning from what you do to trusting what Christ did change your direction from going to hell to go to heaven by faith receiving Jesus as your Savior and trusting that shed blood and you shed on the cross why do they preach that no they want to preach a works gospel they want you to think that salvation is what you do so they take the word repentance and they define it according to their little works gospel and now they make salvation what you do rather than trusting solely of what Jesus did for you you know what they need to do they need to repent they need to turn from their false doctrine of a works gospel to the true gospel of salvation by faith in the blood atonement of Christ all right now what I want to do is I want to take you through and show you some of the places in the Bible where it shows the word repent and repentance and I want to show you how to rightly divide repentance because all throughout the Bible repentance is preached but it means different things at different dispensations are different times as it's preached to different people and I want to show you that because otherwise you'll end up like one of these lordship salvation people with a false gospel and a gospel of quit sitting and thinking you're saved by your works and I want you to see we're not saved by works or saved by faith in the gospel so I got to show you this I've got a rightly divide now before I do I wanted to say this the word repent is found 46 times in 43 verses in the King James Bible repent in past tense is found 32 times in 32 verses in the King James Bible repent if ETH present tense repenteth is bound five times in five verses in our Bible repenting the gerund form ing is found only once in one verse and then of course the word repentance repentance is found 26 times in 26 verses and our james bible but is the word repentance always used to mean the same thing if so and it only means like some say quit sinning then when a problem like i've already stated in Genesis six six god finally quit sent no no no god felt sorry to feel sorrow is one of the definitions so it cannot be denied that the word repentance has more than one definition and we need to understand that so we can't go to an extreme if you remember our sermon last on my show there up on the board how some people go to one extreme on one side and one known another extremely other side and they're on two opposite extremes when they ought to be right here in the middle with what the bible teaches we should never go to an extreme but there are extremists so what we need to do is we need to rightly divide the word of god we need to rightly divide repentance second timothy 2:15 tells us to study to show ourselves approved unto god or but not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so that is in order to rightly divide repentance we need to look at the context and in what dispensation is preached by whom it is preached and why it was pretty why are they saying repent what are they saying to turn from to turn to why are they telling a person to change their mind from one thing to another why are they telling people down to feel sorry for something why are they preaching repentance who is perching it and why so we're going to look at the old testament now in the old testament repentance shows up a bunch but i was surprised they didn't show up as much as i thought and oftentimes i was very surprised when in the old testament if you'll do a Bible study on repentance or repent and you use the e-sword program that I've told you about it's God who's repenting almost more than the man's repenting oftentimes it says then God repented of what he was going to do to them and God repented and what he was going to do to them for their sin because they repented he got right they got repented so God is repenting just as much as man is but he's not quit cynic God doesn't quit City because God never sinned so when the Bible says that God repented of something it says he changed his mind he was going to do this now he's going to do this for example I believe it's the Book of Jonah and in Jonah God was going to kill all the people of Nineveh and he said now you go and you preach to them and give him an opportunity to get right to repent and what do they do they changed they turn from what they were doing to doing right they change direction and what happened God repented of what he said he was going to do to them and destroy him he changed his mind God repented okay so let's go small Testament verses I'm going to show you what what happened in the Old Testament Jeremiah 26 13 is a good example here my 26 13 therefore now amend your ways you're doing or obey the voice of the Lord your God and the Lord will repent him of the evil that he has pronounced against you so if God says stop doing this that and the other thing and then I'll repent so God is saying if you'll repent turn from what you're doing wrong yeah we could say quit sinning because I guess they were sinning you know we can make this number 4 possibly part of it but it's all right there at number 3 why would we have to make our own definition of node number 4 but it says there if you'll quit doing what you're doing that I'll repent I'll change my mind of chastising you and I'm very Sonia after we kill chapter 14 so it's interesting to me that God's repenting in the Bible almost as much as man because God made a covenant with the Israel under this Old Testament law and it was an if/then covenant god says if you do this then I will do this I was just reading through Leviticus and God says if you will live right if you will do right if you'll do all these things then I will put showers and blessings on you and the rain will fall and your crops will grow and all these good things will happen to you if you do what I say keep my law but if you do not do what I say and do not keep my law then God says then will people come into your land and take you slaves that there will not be rainfall you will suffer you'll have to persecution you'll be besieged and ignited so it's an offensive thing I still don't understand how people say well under the law it was by faith that it was never by works the law was a work set up with with God in man and God said if you will do the law then I will bless you of these blessings that Old Testament law was a works set up we're not in the works today but it was about works back then so God is telling you how he'll do this you'll do that well then I'll repent of what I was going to do to you God will change his mind from what he was going to do if they got right as he did 14 and verse 6 therefore say unto the house of Israel thus says the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from idols and turn away your faces from all your abominations so repent so what is going on here well they're following false idols so what do they need to do they need to turn from the idols to God it says right there to turn yourselves from your idols so that's what it means by repentance it means to turn from idols I guess it also means feel sorry because they should feel sorry for the fact that they're worshiping false gods instead of the true gods now see Phil chapter 18 and verse 30 just show you a couple of verses in the Old Testament under the law where we find repent till 1830 therefore I will judge you a house of Israel everyone according to his ways saith the Lord God repent repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruin so turn yourself all right turn from change your direction quit going in the way of sin repent does he mean only change direction or what he says repent is you saying feel sorry be sad for the fact that you're centered and feel sorry for your sins either way it's all there in the word repent so that is the Old Testament definition of repent and there is an element of turning from sin in the Old Testament there is an element of stop sinning in the sense that don't do that anymore or you won't receive the blessing rather you'll be cursed for the evil you've done now we're not under that today we're not under being the Old Testament in the New Testament now we're under grace but back then there was an element of hey feel sorry from your sin and turn from your sin to doing right from idols to God one day up shows a guy named John the Baptist John the Baptist came in when John the Baptist came he started coming in believe it or not even though Matthew Mark Luke and John are in the New Testament of our Bible John the Baptist was still in the Old Testament and the New Testament didn't start until Jesus literally died because the Bible tells us in Hebrews that a Testament starts with the death of the testator so even though John the Baptist is in the book of Matthew Mark Luke and John in our timeline all John was still right here before Jesus died still in the Old Testament because the Old Testament is still Jesus died the New Testament is after Jesus died so up shows this guy named John and John starts preaching in Matthew chapter 3 notice what John says John chapter 3 and verse 1 in those days Came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent she so the first thing John does it shows up he starts saying repent you ought to repent and he's there he's going and he's talking to him and he says there in verse 8 bring forth therefore fruits meet or repentance so he tells a look you got to repent and then bring four fruits meet for repentance so what is he saying is he saying quit city or you say feel sorrow or the Saint changed your mind or is he saying turning from one thing to another whatever he's telling them he's telling him bring some fruit to prove that she repented so it sounds like to me he's telling what feel sorry for the sin you've done and bring some fruit to prove that you feel sorry that you're a sinner i what I read when I reversed - and so what he's doing is telling them repent now there's something connected to his repentance when he preaches repentance it's called repentance of what a baptism of what it's identified with baptism verse 11 Matthew chapter 11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I so what you have John preaching here is he's preaching what the Bible calls a baptism unto repentance what does that mean he's going around literally John the Baptist and telling people get dumped in water get baptized in water unto repentance so he's preaching water baptism now people today tell you yep and that's the gospel for today and it gets saved you have to be baptized in water don't you start that with me that's not what the Bible teaches we're not under the Ministry of John we're under the Ministry of the Apostle Paul and we're not saved by water baptism but before Jesus died there was a water baptism and people had to be baptized in the water and they had to do that in order to fulfill what God said but what would that repentance for that wasn't for salvation that's not how we're safe today what if the baptism unto repentance well let's look at some verses going to mark chapter 1 verse 4 when we look at repentance we find out there's a reason for why they preached repentance March after 1 in verse 4 John did baptize in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins alright so he preached a baptism of repenting he preached to get water baptized to repent all right water baptism to what to turn from something to change direction to feel sorry to change your mind or to quit sinning it says baptism of repentance for the remission of sins so there was a baptism of John for a remission of sins well what does that mean it shows that these people were looking for forgiveness and in John's ministry and we're not under John's ministry today if a Jew was looking for forgiveness and looking for salvation they were to come to John the Baptist and obey and sighs in water and they were to do that unto repentance they were to do that unto showing that they were turning to something what were they turning to through that water baptism well that is found well let me leave read Luke first I want you to see this but because this repentance is not the repentance for today Luke chapter 3 verses 1 through 3 now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea and Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee and his brother Philip Tetrarch of each area and of the region of Trek onethis and lights Aeneas and the tetrarch of abilene innocent Caiaphas being the high priests the Word of God came into John the son of Zechariah is in the wilderness and he came into all the country about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins now people will go to these verses today and say and that's for us today and water baptism is essential for salvation and you have to be baptized in water in order to be saved what are they missing what are they forgetting well first of all it's still Old Testament it's not New Testament after Jesus died secondly it's water baptism for repentance what was water baptism for go to the book of John in the book of John chapter 1 John the Baptist tells us the reason that he's baptized in water John chapter 1 and verse 31 John says in John 1 31 and I knew him not who Jesus the Lamb of God and I knew him not because that he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing in water John the Baptist said i baptize people in water to make the Messiah what manifested Israel so this water baptism unto repentance was for who Israel if you're not Israel then this is not for you today this was for the Jews and what was it for it was for Israel to make Jesus manifest to them in other words it was to make Jesus manifested Israel that he was their Messiah and even quotes there that he fulfilled prophecy that he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness making straight the way of the Lord so John the Baptist ministry of baptism unto repentance was a Ministry of a Jew to Jews to say hey repent because your Messiah is here that is not the gospel of salvation for us today our Messiah is not here Jesus Christ is in heaven but it came in their Messiah and you wanted to accept him as your Messiah you had to get baptized in this repentance that repentance was not for us we cannot do that repentance today we can't go out and have a guy baptize us so that we believe that Jesus is the Messiah that's for Israel now I believe that baptism will be over here the tribulation again just as soon as the rapture comes but until the rapture that's still back Meir and it's not the gospel of salvation in the church age which is the gospel of Paul which I'll look out here in a minute so John the Baptist ministry was for Israel let me show you this again go to Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 here was this Jesus no skewb Acts chapter 13 I think this is Paul preaching except for 13 verse 24 and even Paul tells us when John had first preached I'm in acts 13 four three four before his company knew Jesus the baptism repentance to all the people of Israel so this baptism of repentance was to Israel only and John the Baptist said hey this baptism of repentance this repenting this repentance not the repentance of today that repentance was to Israel to change from what they were doing to their Messiah because hey this I showed up so get baptized to prove that you believe that Jesus is the Messiah and you identify with him that's the Ministry of John John's ministry is not the Ministry of us today now let's look at Jesus's ministry after John was Jesus Jesus had a ministry for three and a half years and we read about it in Matthew Mark Luke and John in Jesus's ministry what did Jesus preach well Jesus preached repent did he preach salvation the same as this bridge today by the Apostle Paul or did he preach something else what did Jesus mean by repent when Jesus went and preached repent what do you mean Matthew chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 is actually Matthew chapter 4 Matthew 3 had already read that son John the Baptist sorry Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 here Jesus Christ showing up and here's what Jesus Christ did Matt Matthew 4:17 Jesus says these words from that time Jesus began to preach in the room and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is a hint so when Jesus preached repent he said repent what did he mean he meant change your mind he meant feel sorrow for your standing it turned from something to something why because the kingdom so he said repent for the kingdom is at hand now what Kingdom was Jesus Christ talking about Jesus Christ came as the king of the Jews and he came to roll over the Jews so the kingdom is at hand what Kingdom the kingdom for Israel is he Jesus was a Jew and he said he came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and he came to bring in a kingdom well what happened they killed the Messiah Israel rejected the Messiah he gave them a chance after chance after chance but in Chapter 7 of the book of Acts they stoned Stephen the Bible says that God Jesus Christ was sitting on the right hand of the Father he was sitting in heaven and he stood up and he was standing and then he sat back down after they stoned Stephen they got called this guy named Paul and then we have the church and we have Jesus Christ revealing thanks to Paul and then we have in the church age God's going to Gentiles and saving Gentiles and I'll get to that in a minute but the repentance that Jesus preached was repent because the kingdom is coming so get ready ah you're keying in here so to feel sorry for your sin and what is water baptism what they was get clean clean up the outside because the king is here and that's what it was about you don't go before a king dirty and stinky and smelly if there's a king the king wants people that come into his presence clean so they're on the Baptist was baptized of people of water and saying hey this is so you'll know there's someone in your presence that desires cleanliness and that's the King of the Jews so Jesus ministry when he reached repentance preach repentance he was preached and repent because the kingdom is coming and I am the king that's not the gospel of salvation today Jesus comes as the king when at the Battle of Armageddon when Jesus returns he comes back as king of kings and Lord of lords and then he rolls in the Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years that's when he has his kingdom he could have had his kingdom back here but the Jews rejected that kingdom so it's over here so that's what you got to understand as we rightly divide repentance Matthew Mark Luke and John when they preach repentance in Matthew Mark Luke and John that is for Israel that is not for the church yet I know preachers that we'll go through the Bible like a bull in a china cabinet and they'll go to Matthew Mark Luke and John and they'll tell you now that needs you got a quick Synod to get to heaven what do they do and they're preaching a gospel from the Old Testament and trying to tell you you're saved by works they're not even over here where we are in the church age so they're not rising dividing repentance are they unfortunately no I guess I'm a red mark 2:17 I don't know maybe I'll read it again in case I have it mark 2:17 says when Jesus heard it he said it invaded our whole have no need of a physician that they that are sick I came not to call the right is but Center sinners to repentance hey sinners turn from your sin and come to me yeah quit sitting why because the king is here but that's not salvation for today turn from what you're doing and come to me from you to Christ turning to Christ that was before Jesus died Luke 532 Luke chapter 5 and verse 32 so if someone today tells you that repentance means quit sinning and they try to tell you that today that's how you say they're freaking a works gospel they're not preaching grace because the church age salvation is by grace through faith not by works so you can't force that repentance into poll because quite sinning won't work for summation today because we're not saying my work now I'll get to that I'll get to that look here at the Luke chapter where in my Luke chapter 5 verse 32 and it says here but I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance so that's what Jesus preached when Jesus preached repentance now what about Peters ministry go to Acts chapter two after Jesus rose again from the dead Peter comes up and Peter begins to preach in Acts chapter two so this is New Testament this is after Jesus died and here Peter comes preaching repentance and look at what Peter says Acts chapter two and verse 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you should receive the gift and the Holy Ghost so Peter preaches repent and be baptized now what was he saying when he said repent and be baptized and to whom was he saying when Peter preached repent and be baptized look at what he says verse 36 therefore that all the house of Israel know assuredly that God had made that same Jesus whom you have crucified both Lord and Christ he says but all the house of Israel know verse 37 now when they who the Jews from Israel heard this they were pricked in the heart Peter and the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what do we do what do we do we the Jews have killed our Messiah so this repentance that he's preaching the Peters Fritchie repentant be baptized is feel sorrow for the fact that you killed the Messiah changed your mind from believing that he wasn't the Messiah to believe that he is the Messiah and turn from unbelief to belief and be baptized in water Israel notice this was for Israel now there's still people today that say well that's for us today well then why is he saying it to Israel and why does Peter preach something else later in the book of Acts I'll tell you why in Acts chapter 7 the Jews stoned Stephen and because of that Jesus Christ says okay I'm going to sit back down I was going to come down and start my kingdom if the Jews had accepted me but they didn't and so he says that's it I'm going to sit down and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take salvation to the Gentiles that's why Paul is in the Bible now notice this if you go back to what John preached or what Jesus preached repentance and you try to say that that repentance is for today you have a big problem because they were saying repent for the kingdom is coming the kingdom is been coming for a while there still has to be a Tribulation after the rapture so that's not for today if you're printing repenting preaching repent and be baptized then you have a problem because we don't get saved by water baptism that was for Israel how do we get saved today well according to Paul we're safe by grace through faith so Paul did preach the same repentance message that Peter did now I can go into this I really don't have time to preach on this but in Matthew 3:11 Jesus said that you know that John the Baptist baptized with water but that Jesus would have a different baptism baptism with the Holy Ghost Acts chapter 1 verse 45 I believe it is Jesus is speaking let's the one look at here verse well I'm going to go I'm going to show you this verse five it's verse four and five Acts chapter one verse form five Jesus Christ says this after he raises from the dead I mean yourself together with them commanded in this you should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which safety yet heard of me for John verse five truly baptized with water okay why did he baptized the water because the Messiah was coming who was he baptizing with water the Jews the Jews are the ones to be baptized with water but then he says Jesus speaking but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence so Jesus says this is what it's about it's not the water that saves us anymore it's the best food when Holy Ghost well it acts a book of transition as change takes place in the book of Acts it changes from Jews being saved because the Jews rejected their Messiah to God going more to the Gentiles yes some Jews can get saved but God decided to take the plan of salvation more to Gentiles and so Gentiles started getting saved under the preaching of Paul but the first person to Westham Gentiles to the Lord was Peter in chapter 10 and verse Allah and chapter 11 of the book of Acts we see how Peter went to a guy named Cornelius a Gentile and how he got saved and you know what Peter never did Peter never said repent and be baptized and you should be saved he was preaching to him about Jesus and as soon as he believed he got saved and he got the Holy Spirit by believing well these are three telling the story of how he saw this Gentile gets saved and look what he says in acts 11 verse 15 and 16 Acts 11:15 he says and as verse 14 who shall tell me the word whereby that thou and all thy house shall be say verse 15 as I began to speak the Holy Ghost fell on them as on us with beginning verse 16 then I remembered then remembered I the word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with water but she should be baptized with the Holy Ghost so what they were doing back here repent and be baptized in water what's produced but the Holy Ghost falls on the Jin when they believe so salvation for us today isn't by repenting as far as quit sending is by belief and when we believe we receive the Holy Spirit so they're there is there some repentance preached by Paul and I'm going to look at that here in a second but notice the repentance preached in Matthew Mark Luke and John in the early book of Acts with Alton Jews telling all these Jews this is what you need to do you need to repent and here it was turned from the evil that you're doing and turn to Christ and believe that he is him and then they kill them so now it's turn and feel sorry for killing your Messiah so when Paul preaches repentance did he preach the same thing no Paul into a different audience to it to the Gentiles so when Paul's going and Paul is preaching repentance in his ministry he's not telling people feel sorry for the fact that you killed your Messiah because Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews not the Gentiles so when Paul's preaching pendent repentance Paul is breaking something entirely different what is he preaching well let's go to Romans chapter 11 see if I can put this in order I want you to rightly divide repentance because people will try to tell you that you have to repent to be saved and they'll try to tell you that repent means quit city if repent means quit sitting then we have a problem because Paul told us were not saved by our works and the quick-setting gospel is the gospel it works what is this quit sinning gospel most of it is people going to join Jesus and Peter and preaching that means quit sitting to get safe but they're not coming to Paul it Paul says we're not saved by works so what are they doing they're not rightly dividing repentance they're trying to take you to the repentance to the Jews but not showing you the gospel to the Gentiles and they're messing things up let's go to Romans chapter 11 in Romans chapter 11 God tells us about what happens to the Jews the Jews rejected their Messiah and so verse 11 of Romans 11 says I say then Paul speaking had they stumbled that they should fall god forbid but rather their fall salvation is coming to the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy now if the fall of them be the riches of the world in diminishing them of the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness for I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles so the Apostle Paul tells us what God called me to be the apostle to the Gentiles and God gave a message to Paul to the Gentiles of salvation guess what that message is not the message is not repent and be baptized and you'll be saved that's not what Paul preached Paul did not tell people well if you'll just repent and be baptized and you'll be saved and you'll do that for the remission of your sins in fact that's the opposite of what Paul preached what Paul preached was you're justified by faith and you're justified by believing now I'm not saying Paul never said repent but what I am saying is when called then say repent he did not mean the same thing that it meant before him because back here it was turned from the evil that you're doing and change direction and feel sorry for killing your Messiah and accept him as the Messiah know what Paul preached was you're justified by faith not works and you trust what Jesus didn't trust the blood atonement for salvation so it's different so what did Paul preached well let's get to it Paul preached the gospel of salvation what is Paul preached 1st Corinthians 15 ones before you see a lot of people don't understand how to rightly divide the word of truth so a lot of people they hang around and Matthew Mark Luke and John the early book of Acts and they try to follow this gospel of repent for their mission sins we get baptized the water and then they say well I got water baptized so I'm saved by water they don't read the rest of the book of Acts and the rest of the book of Acts says no water baptism doesn't save you your repentance doesn't save you what saves you is whether or not you've trusted the gospel that's what you're saying just said by faith and not by works so the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four now look at it first written at fifty one to four more of a brother and I've learned you the gospel which I preached unto you by which also you received and where you stand by which also you're saying keep the memory what I preached to you unless you believed in vain Brian Liberty first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture so what is the gospel the gospel is that Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures and it's all about faith it's all about trusting what Jesus did for you and you know what's funny the word repent isn't even there so if repentance saves you and it means quit sinning then why didn't Paul even say quit sinning and repent he didn't he told us the gospel of salvation he says all about believe why is that why would he say such a thing well let's go to Hebrews chapter 6 Hebrews chapter 6 notice this is the Apostle Paul and I believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews look what he says here in Hebrews chapter 6 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on into perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith or God what does he mean let's leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ because the early church it was all about this repentance of Peter and of John and you had to do that because that was for a Jew to do to accept Jesus as their Messiah but now that we're saved by faith we're not saved by believing that Jesus is on the side now that's a good thing to believe that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews but that doesn't save you you have to trust that Jesus died in your place for your sin was buried rose again and when you believe that the gospel that's on your cheek so notice what he preached let's go to a second Timothy 2:25 what Paul preached when he preached repentance was not do these works and get baptized the water work when he preached repentance he preached change your mind and have a certain belief and quit believing in false doctrine quit believing in in paganism and false gods believe in the true gospel and your so Paul was all about the mind and getting people's mind change in order to believe by faith from the heart let me show you 1772 and look at verse 23 I read this verse earlier I believe it's verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and notice what it says it doesn't say repentance for remission of sins it doesn't say baptism of repentance it says repentance to the acknowledging of the truth so returning from not having the acknowledgment of the truth to turning to acknowledging the truth what is the truth of the gospel now as Paul preached in on a poll went one thing I've noticed about Paul as he went to these Gentiles he had to deal with them about completely different things than what Peter dealt with with the juice because remember Peter started off preaching to Jews Jesus came only to Jews John came a live Q when they preach repentance it was turned to God turn to the Messiah when Peter preached repent of Paul Pietschmann penance Paul was talking to a different audience Gentiles he was dealing with people that were idol worshippers look what they turned from first that's only is one night for they themselves show us what they have been hearing in we had it to you and how we turned from our skinny turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God so Paul is writing to these people that the Salonika Greeks he says when you got saved you turn to God from idols you repented from idol worship to trusting the true bath so notice what the repentance was it was repenting from worshipping false gods idol worship - so it was from idol worship false gods to the true Living God that is not the same message of repentance that Peter preached when Peter preached repent he says feel sorry for the fact that you murdered your Messiah that's what he meant by the word repent repent when John the Baptist preached repentance he was preaching hey get ready because the Messiah is coming and get baptized in water because here he comes when Jesus Christ preached repentance he said repent because hey I'm coming in my kingdom and I want you to accept me you choose as your Messiah so notice as we go through the Scriptures and we rightly divide repentance at different times they mean different things by it to different audiences and today repent doesn't mean the same thing that it did when John and Jesus and Peter Princeton today repent means to turn from idols to God to feel sorry for your sins sure if you change your mind sure from false doctrine to true doctrine from idol worship to the true and living up so it does not mean quit sinning they need to happen it doesn't and let's go to Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 let me show you this oh I didn't want to go along today but I don't want got to get this out and show you because there are people today that will tell you that the message of Paul today is that salvation is by quit sinning and that pole went around and told everybody repent and what he meant was you quit sinning to get to heaven well guess what Paul must have gone to hell because Paul confesses in Romans I believe in chapter 7 that he was the worst of sinners and he tried his best equipped sin and he couldn't and the best he could do was was try to live a good life but he kept falling into sin alright so if any hell right now no he was preaching salvation by grace through faith and yes when we get saved we'd you said sometimes we shouldn't it's horrible it's awful but that's not what saves us is whether or not we trusted in the blood atonement of Christ in Acts chapter 17 verse 19 we see poll and a poll was brought up there before the Athenians verse 21 Impulse stood up on Mars Hill verse 22 and he said that he perceived that the Athenians were too superstitious because Paul was stirred and he was angry at all the idol worship that he saw and so he began to preach and notice what he preaches there in verse 30 in the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent here the Apostle Paul says repent and what is the context repent from worshiping your idols that is the message of repentance that Paul preached Paul when he said repent he didn't say quit sinning he says turn change direction from idols to the true God Jesus changed your mind from thinking those gods will save you to trusting the true God that was the message of Paul preached when he preached repentance oh there's so much more I wanted to say at 26 I guess action after 26 and verse 15 he's telling about how he saw Jesus of the roads of the Mascis and Acts chapter up I believe it's chapter 9 or was it yet 9 and then he says that he was told to preach and he was told to preach this verse 17 deliberately from the people and from the Gentiles into whom now I send thee it suppose saying that God sent me to the Gentiles and he said the message that I'm supposed to preach in verse 18 to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me so the message that God gave Paul was that they should repent they should turn from darkness to life from Satan to God from false idols to the true true God so that they may receive the forgiveness of sins it was not the forgiveness of sin through baptism of repentance for the remission of sins it was not the forgiveness of sins by believing that the Messiah had come in his kingdom it was not the remission of sins by being baptized in water it was through through belief so Paul preached faith and to Paul repentance was turning from trusting in what you do or trusting in a false God to trusting in the true God and faith in Him that's the message of salvation it's not quit sitting to get saved let's go to quickly here Ephesians no no let's go to Titus chapter three I got to close here because I've gone a little long but I want you to get ahold of what I'm trying to show you here and I'll see what I can bring this all together as quickly as possible I had a lot more verses I wanted to give but Titus chapter 3 notice what he says here Titus chapter 3 verse 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost it's not by works of righteousness that we're saved it's by faith Paul's message of salvation is that faith saves faith in what faith in the gospel faith in the blood atonement of Christ when Paul went preaching repent repent repent Paul's message of repentance was not well if y'all quit sinning then you'll get saved you might want to apply that to back here John said repent and turn to Jesus what does he say a few words meet for repentance okay that sounds like that Jesus says repent okay that sounds like that Peter preached repent that sounds like that's what people want to preach today is that that means today you quit sitting to get saved that is not the message of the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul did not preach a works gospel but if you'll just quit sinning and then believe the gospel then you'll be saved when Paul preached repentance it was always turned from idols to the true God turn from trusting your righteousness to trust Christ righteousness turn from what you do to trusting you what Jesus did for you so people that preach this works gospel like the lordship salvation people that I've talked about a week or two ago they go back to before Paul to get their doctrine now no is what Paul is told is the apostle to the Gentiles Paul's ministry ends at the rapture as soon as the rapture takes out the church God goes back to dealing with the Jews when God goes back to dealing with the Jews how will God deal with them it will be the exact same message than John the Baptist the Jesus and the Peter preached it will be repent turn from your sins and be baptized now on earth feel sorrow for the fact that you killed your Messiah so if people are saying quit sitting is the gospel of salvation for today what are they actually doing they're actually preaching the tribulation not school for today and when the rapture takes place and those people are left behind and they will be because they define repentance as quit sinning then you can follow them in the tribulation because they'll be right but they are not right today because Paul never preaches quit sinning to get saved Paul preaches believed trust the gospel turn from your righteousness to trusting Christ's righteousness turn from idols to God that was the repentance that Paul preached I was taught in Bible school that if you get saved and you have repented because you have changed direction you have turn from going to hell to going to heaven you have turned from being lost to being saved and that evangelical salvation is repentance you have people email me all the time saying brother breaker I'm just I'm so worried if I repent it enough or not you know I don't know if I'm saved because I don't know if I repented enough and I said what do you think repent means they say it means quit sinning I said well there you go I guess you're lost because if you think that quit sitting gets you saved you're back here before Paul with another doctor and that was for Israel you need to see Paul you need to see the gospel that Jesus revealed to Paul because repentance is to turn from idols to the true God turn from trusting your righteousness to trusting Christ righteous turn from trusting and what you do to trusting what Jesus did for you turn to the gospel of salvation sure you can feel sorry for your sin and you probably should but it's a change of mind from thinking you're saved by works to trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ and if you're following someone that's perching number four you're following someone that does not rightly divide the word of truth they're trying to define the word repent by Matthew Mark Luke and John and Peter's ministry they're not looking at what repentance is biblically by rightly dividing repentance and how Paul's preaching of repentance was simply turn from idol worship to the true God Jesus Christ turn from what you do to trusting what Jesus did now I hope I've made that clearer today I wish I could have gone in a little longer and show you some more verses I'm not against living a holy life I'm not against doing right I was going to go through and show you some verses about how when were saved we should do good works if uses to 8/9 says by grace you saved through faith that not yourselves to God not of works lest any man should boast but then the next verse says for we are his workmanship created unto good works yes we should do good it works after we're safe but it's not the works that save us people will take this teaching on repentance and they will try to teach that repentance means quit sinning and then they will tell you if you quit sinning then you can get saved and if you live a sinless life then that proves you were saved that was your fruit meet for repentance and what are those people forgetting the blood of Christ salvation by the gospel salvation by faith if a person preaches that works gospel they are damning people to hell and those people that believe in their works will miss the rapture now they'll be doing great in the tribulation because then it's all about doing good for Jesus and not taking the mark of the beast but I don't want to deceive people I don't want people to get the idea that repentance means quit sinning and then then thinking and trusting in their works to get them to heaven that's not the gospel for today according to the Apostle Paul when he preached repent he was saying turn from a false god to the true God turn from trusting in what you do to trusting by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ so you'll be justified by faith and saved by trusting in the gossip I hope I've made that clear I hope but it's been a good teaching I hope you understand that a lot of people today don't rightly divide repentance and oftentimes repentance means one of these three seldom does it mean the last one and if you look at your Bible and you read repent repent repent and you look at it in this perspective of rightly dividing then you can understand what it means to truly rightly divide the word of truth and what it means to repent you should never get to a point in your life when you wonder did I repent enough if you're saved you have repented because you have changed from being lost to being safe you have turned from going to hell to going to end if you are saved you have repented after your saves you can repent what does that mean it means you did a sin oh you feel sorry about it and you do better you change the direction repentance is that what saves us what saves us is whether or not we've trusted the gospel so I hope that helps and I hope all those people out there that think that repentance is quit sinning will understand that whether you quit sinning or not doesn't mean you're safe you see people think that if I quit sitting then that means I was saved that's not the gospel that God gave the Apostle Paul it's whether or not you trust the gospel that's whether or not you're saved so there's no need to sit around and wonder little bum say it or not because I don't know if I've repented enough or not if you've trusted the gospel then you are saved and if you trusted the gospel you have repented in the sense that you've turned from going to hell to going to have I hope this has been a blessing to you thank you for watching did the best I could to try to present this and I hope it will help I've got to help all of you and I'll pray for y'all and we'll see you next time god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 33,303
Rating: 4.8470688 out of 5
Keywords: Rightly Dividing Repentance, Repentance, Repenting, Repent, Definition of Repentance, dispensations, Paul
Id: 4YO0RqkiUsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 1sec (4501 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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