Rifles Made to Hunt

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we're going to talk about life was made to hunt I feel that this is very important because I see things getting completely off base here people wanting rifles with big tactical stocks on them heavy barrels two and three pound or heavier scopes guns are maybe weight 12 or 13 pounds those simply are not rifles that are made to hunt I'm a hundred I walk I hunt I stalk pursue game and I want a rifle that I can carry a rifle that I can carry conveniently a rifle that comes up to my shoulder properly well the scope that's mounted properly a scope that's mounted down as low as possible so when that rifle comes up and my cheek is placed on the comb of the stock that lines up with the scope these are rifles that are made to hunt I started out my early hunting life with a free 64 of Winchester mile 70 like this rifle right here this happens to be a 300 Weatherby was a 300 hnh Magnum reach hampered to 300 whether it be many many years ago I've simply replaced the wood stock with a Borden Rimrock stock these stocks are no longer made with their nice simple stocks all fiberglass stocks a very very quality stock has good lines a nice slim grip nice limb for end they're fairly lightweight stock has some nice has a nice cheek piece Macmillan makes the stock almost exactly like this and various styles and it's also a very very good choice for a hunting rifle this particular rifle has a three to nine léopold on it this is a this is a Varrick - school and with a dot reticle 37 years ago I discovered dots after hunting for nearly 20 years I love I love scopes with a dot reticle this is a rifle setup with a pop-up peak you can swing the scope off of this mount it's a Leopold mount it allows you to access your open sights in case you're getting trouble and something happens your scope and you're off finding someplace you've got open sights I only have open sights on two of my rifles for this purpose in case I get in trouble someplace I've got basically on on my scope drop information out to five hundred yards because I think five hundred yards is a pretty long poke and just simply carry a good quality small rangefinder in my shirt pocket and range fine to be able to you know shoot gain that this is one aspect of a rifle this is one of my complete custom rifles this happens to be a rifle that I built about thirty five years ago no more like forty years ago come to think about it this is a this is a Mauser action it's 270 Winchester this has got a nice classic thorough walnut stock white pattern checkering nice limb for in nice slim grip this has an early scope on it this is a two and a half date barcelone Belvoir 8a with a Leopold adjustable scope mount nothing to go wrong with the adjustment system in the school I still use this rifle today and it works excellently yeah it's old but it's like come right out of the box because I take care of my rifles this rifle is an excellent excellent sheep and I've hunted for years with this rifle and killed game with this rifle these are hunting rifles this is what you hunt with not a rifle that's got a big heavy scope on it and this is all the all the power all the power that you need to be able to hunt in fact I've done a lot of my hunting who are just simply with a straight-6 power scope so rifles like this this is what I mean made to hunt this rifle also has the trap bud trap but plate got three extra cartridges in the butt here you got four in the magazine three in the but I probably carry an extra four and the cartridge carry on my belt I'm all set I've got a scope the low end is two and a half power the high end is eight power when I'm slipping through the timber in grizzly country my scope isn't I need power my scopes down on two and a half power if I've got to come up quick with that rifle to use it I can use it people pick some of these scopes you know starting out of six power on the low end and maybe up to 20 some odd power on the high end those are not hunting scopes over intended for hunting I'm not telling you again huh with something like that it just certainly isn't a very good choice this is what's a good choice something along this line and you know I can build a rifle in almost any configuration from lightweight rifles just the rifle itself weighing around six pound plus the scope maybe bringing it up to Josiah a 7-pound type rifles this rifle here is a neat and three quarter pound rifle the other rifle here is a nine pound rifle plus when you put cartridges in the sling you got just a little bit more weight but they handle well they carry well and they point well and both of them have 26 inch barrels and you know barrel length I guess it's kind of a personal choice but these are two of my favorite calibers is a 270 Winchester a 270 Winchester with a 26 inch barrel you virtually got a magnum loaded properly it's a very very good choice we're on the subject of 270 calibers the 270 Weatherby is an outstanding cartridge for a lightweight rifle you can you can barrel the 270 Weatherby with with a 24 inch barrel perhaps a muzzle break if you like one and have a nice light rifle even a seven pound rifle that will paddle and carry well you know this is one of the calibers that I recommend in a lightly carry no-nonsense hunting type of her life everybody kind of got their their ideas and choices the one thing another but these choices that I'm pointing out here to you are based on hunting 55 years I know I know what works I have a 270 Weatherby I've had very very good luck with that and everybody that I build a 270 whether before in one of these later weight rifles they just absolutely love it and I actually think that the 270 Weatherby is a better more accurate cartridge than the seven millimeter Remington Magnum and you know you can you can load bullets designed for game from 110 Green Nasser a coupons up to 160 green nos or partitions in that cartridge and that will allow you to hunt just about anything that you want to hunt anywhere and we've got a lot of other choices we'll build anything that you would like I love the larger several millimeter cartridges such as the 7 by 300 Weatherby the 7 millimeter STW and the 7 millimeter 404 Wapiti Express that I that I designed to develop years ago I don't offer that chambering to anybody because of all the things involved to come up with the ammunition it's ballistically the same as the other two I just mentioned and I also like to hunt with 30 larger 30 caliber magnums have a number of those and 338 and properly made properly built you know anything that is right for hunting game we shouldn't have to have over about a nine pound nine pound scoped rifle to be able to do any of this honey and they should be simple classic style rifles or maybe with a fairly high rollover comb or a mining Carlo type of a comb that still allows you to have a light rifle these bulky things it doesn't take long for people to figure out that they're just much much too too heavy and I guess that you know if you're just shooting from a stand you're positioned and you set there for hours maybe something like that works probably real tough to get into standing with one of those your rifles but you know I guess that would be your choice I don't happen to you know do my hunting that way I I locate game maybe from a distance and stock it or wait on pathways wait on pathways where they migrate to Mabley maybe maybe come through and and so forth but there's nothing more exciting really then slipping up on slipping up on game at forty yards in the timber and killing your game cleanly in the timber that's what hunting is and I think that there's people that have never learned to hunt they just want to set someplace and maybe want to one snake and this is where we've kind of got off of got off base here just dad knoweth people have no hunting skills and picking some of these big heavy ungodly rifles to try to maneuver around that's really not hunting and anyway that's that's that's my feeling is on you know rifles made to hunt you
Channel: The Real Gunsmith
Views: 55,312
Rating: 4.9085441 out of 5
Keywords: the real gunsmith, randy selby, hunting, big game hunting, hunting wyoming, wyoming hunting, custom rifles, mcmillan stock, mcmillan rifle stock, custom rifle, custom wood stock, pre 64 mod 70, pre 64 model 70, borden fiberglass stock, fiberglass stock, fiberglas rifle stock, leupold scope, leupold rings, leupold bases, scope dots, dot reticle, 270 win, 270 wby, 270 weatherby, 270 winchester, claro walnut stock bausch and lomb
Id: 02_1rQHxKYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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