Barrel Accuracy Life – The Real Gunsmith

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we're going to talk about barrels rifle barrels we're going to talk about material Earle's the accuracy life of barrels one of the reasons I'm going to talk about this is from my experience building and barreling thousands of rifles over the greatest share of my lifetime I've had rifles that I built or rifles with factory barrels on them that had a certain accuracy potential let's say that the let's say it the barrel shot half-inch groups I've been shooting this and we've been using this rifle for quite a lot of years or the clients been using this all of a sudden he gets hold of me after using it for a number of years my rifle is not shooting I think something's wrong with my rifle well first thing I want to know I wanna know how many how many rounds have been shot through that barrel I want to know exactly the components that have been used tissue in this particular barrel people have I feel a a lot of misinformation on the life of a rifle barrel this is coming up more and more and more because we're being led to believe that certain cartridges certain cartridges give us a greater barrel life than other cartridges where this really seems to surface his since the 65 Creedmoor was brought out a 65 Creedmoor burns 40 somewhat grains of powder depending on the exact burn rate of powder that you use with whatever bullet week and the idea has seemed to been all these years that it's that it's high velocities well high velocities have have an effect and have a play in how long a rifle barrel lasts it should be quite obvious that a cartridge that burns 40 grains of powder will have probably a reasonably longer accuracy I'm talking about accuracy barrel life if it's a half-inch when that the rifle barrel changes to a larger size group than that we know that something's changing is probably the life of that barrel is probably seeing coming towards its end doesn't mean the barrel shot out but it means that it isn't shooting a half inch group anymore it's maybe only shooting three-quarter inch group we go from that smaller smaller size case not the smallest cases but a smaller size case let's jump from there this jump from there to kind of the observed absurdly conserve Li overcapacity case let's go to the 26 nozzle well that's burnin 80 some 90 some greens of powder depending on the burn rate of powder that you're using and we're talking about velocities from about 2700 feet a second in the smaller six five Creedmoor up to the velocities depending on bullet weight with the 26 nos or velocities up there to around 34 maybe over 3,400 feet a second but with double the powder charges or maybe a little bit more than double the powder charge well there's part of the problem right there it's not necessarily the powder charge it's not necessarily the bullet weight it's not necessarily the amount of powder that we're using compared to something else it's the pressures pressure is also and that just doesn't seem to come up in any conversations like pressure has anything to do with barrel life pressure has a considerable amount to do with barrel life if we're using a cartridge that's loaded down in the 50,000 pound area pressurized if we're using that measurement the pounds pressure we load another cartridge up to 65,000 pounds pressure we're going to have a difference even if we take the same cartridge let's say we take the 6-5 Creedmoor and we have loads for it that are only running 50,000 pounds and we've got loads that are running 65,000 pounds in the six five Creedmoor you're going to find out that the barrel that's being shot with the lower pressures that barrel is going to last longer than the barrel of shot the same caliber but shot that higher higher pressures to higher little higher a little more velocity that barrel is going to show signs of accuracy fall off a bit sooner and this is where it becomes just a little bit difficult for some people to understand we've got a pressure issue here in Fort Loudoun a65 Creedmoor 265 thousand pounds pressure and a 26 nos or 265 thousand pounds pressure we're being led to believe with our Creed more because this seems to be the cartridge that seems to just do everything in fact I had somebody comment on one of my videos that even on a soft days the 6i of Creedmoor rule will cure cancer well the 6-5 Creedmoor is not that great that it's gonna cure cancer folks i mean this is how ridiculous that has gotten and the reason that these comments are made is because they're coming from people that understand that there's what's a hike that's being thrown in throw it in the game here I pulled off thousands of rifle barrels and riri barrel thousands of rifles over my lifetime and I'm making a point of finding out how many rounds fairly and squarely are through a rifle barrel so I get a pretty good idea of how long a barrel ass we're being led to believe that a 6-5 Creedmoor will give you 3,500 to 4,500 rounds accuracy life this is nothing but silly the average rifle the average rifle barrel stainless rifle barrel there's no way that you're going to get that kind of accuracy life out of the barrel I'm not going to tell you exactly what you're going to get out of your barrel because I don't know how you're shooting that rifle I don't know whether you're going out here and shooting you know fun and games and you're only shooting a three-shot string and letting the barrel cool or you shooting shooting five shots and you're turning right around and shooting another five shots and turning right around shooting another five shots for maybe a total of twenty five rounds through that barrel and the barrel never cools off the barrels kept warm that barrel is going to go quicker then a barrel where the loads worked up for the barrel and the guy simply shoots a couple three four headed gaming here with that Laughlin maybe checks his rifle they say she's two boxes there are three boxes of cartridges threw the rifle in here that rifle barrel is gonna last that guy longer than the fella that's going out here with his buddies produced funding games every Saturday afternoon and shooting with his buddies and the barrel has kept hot all the time that barrels gonna go quick so the barrel is probably going to go three or four times quicker than this other fella the other thing is 416 quality rifle barrel steal it machines easy their rifles easily polishes easily much easier than chrome moly steel good good hard chromoly steel and I haven't shot out a 6-5 Creedmoor I haven't had an opportunity there's not been an opportunity to somebody to bring me a barrel yet I know a barrels that are shot out and I know how many rounds have been shot through them but I haven't seen the barrels I haven't checked the barrels I haven't read barreled their rifles but I discovered quite a lot of years ago and I'm talking about 20-some odd years ago that a lot of rifle barrels air regardless of caliber irregardless of velocities but with cartridges that were loaded up to full pressure full working pressure particular cartridge that these barrels most barrels in almost any caliber the accuracy has gone somewhere and around the thousand round neighborhood it's been a fact for probably 25 or 30 years now guys shooting the super accurate little 6 PPC cartridge in in late varmint and heavy varmint and Len limited bench rest shooting that cartridge was always loaded to high pressure up there in a 62 to maybe sixty eight thousand pounds depending on loads I know the loads are this high guys that were doing this competition shooting we're having three and four girls put on their action at a time and chambered at the same time and they started changing their barrels at two thousand rounds because that barrel somewhere shortly after that was not going to be in the running to win for instance the super shoot where these guys are going and competing for money for prizes and so forth those guys knew from experience from having been there haven't done it when they're barrel was gonna be shot out and they automatically had an extra barrel they could change it right at the range they hit the few thousand round mark they already had that another barrel they'd already had fitted it up to that rifle they'd already tested it oh they already had loads for it and they would continue to compete that say one of these one of these benchrest shoots to win well if that little picks six PPC kirti's loaded up to full pressure the girl was shooting out by 2,000 rounds how are you going to take a case that loads that that has 40 some thought I mean 40 some grains of powder capacity and running bullets anywhere depending on what you're shooting between about 2700 and about 3,100 feet second the 6-5 Creedmoor and expect to get 4,000 rounds of accuracy life out of that barrel I truthfully don't believe that it's happening I believed that somebody's kidding themselves I've replaced too many barrels by the thousand round mark cartridges the size to 70 size cartridges 280 Remington science cartridges thirty-aught-six cartridges what I'm trying to explain to you here is if you're loading up to higher pressures that's the performance that you're getting out of that rifle I really don't think from my experience of a lifetime in paying attention to these details that you're going to get these high number of rounds accuracy life through your barrel you can maybe shoot that many rounds through the barrel but that means that the barrel went from say 1/2 minute of angle barrel to an inch and a half or two inch barrel well that doesn't mean anything to you you see you can't compete in that category with that number of rounds you know shooting through a barrel I believe that you'll find out that you'd be very surprised how quick that barrel shoots out about 24 years ago I built a 65 by 300 Weatherby I never loaded anything in that rifle but 140 green wait' bullets of various different manufacturers I loaded them in that rifle anywhere between about thirty three hundred and fifty feet a second clear up to thirty six hundred and fifty feet a second you didn't hear me wrong I said thirty six hundred and fifty feet a second one hundred and forty green bullet and a 65 but three hundred weather-beaten well the 26th Nasser here a few years ago was supposed to be the hottest kid on the block well the three seven I mean the sixty-five but three hundred Weatherby has been around for lots and lots of years and they used the timer to to win in two thousand yards but they found out real soon that that barrel shot out real quick my barrel was a good hard chromoly barrel 29 inches long and I saw accuracy starting to change I was seeing flyers I was seeing flyers and a little long further distance at 300-yard on a target and that was explaining to me that the barrel is starting to go have a borescope a good borescope buy more scope the the barrel the throat of that barrel the full length of the barrel yeah it's got its got a a reasonable amount erosion at two hundred and sixty rounds through that barrel people have come out and said that a twenty six Nosler was good for fifteen hundred a couple thousand rounds yeah that barrel will be really shot out by then it's probably about a three hundred round accuracy life cartridge the 26 and Nosler I've built them for people people just got to have them and one thing another but I know I know from experience I already have somebody that I built one for that the barrels the barrels already you know went from a very accurate just under half minute of angle barrel it's already already a you know an inch it just little over three hundred rounds and so people are repeatedly talking about this but I don't think that they know there are some barrel steels out there not 416 quality rifle barrel steel but there are other barrel Steel's there's one steel that's basically described as a stainless there's another steel - that's a chromoly steel but I know for a fact that the barrels will last longer made out of that particular steel that's not steel that's available in in this country that's being used in Germany to make rifle barrels and I find longer accuracy life with those particular barrels but anyway that's about what I've got to say on barrel life you
Channel: The Real Gunsmith
Views: 185,655
Rating: 4.864728 out of 5
Keywords: the real gunsmith, barrel life, accurate rifle, gunsmith, custom rifle, 6.5 creedmoor, 6.5 PRC, 300 win mag, 7rem mag, 7mm mag, 338 lapua, long range rifle, long range shooting, long range hunting, long range, randy selby, barrel burner, minute of angle, ballistic coefficient, bullet bc, vld bullet
Id: 8tgqxasFjnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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