r/IDOWorkHereLady - "I'm More Qualified For YOUR Job Than You Are!" [Does Not Know I'm Her Boss]

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hello my wonderful friends welcome back to our slash i do work here lady where employees are mistaken as regular joe schmoes oh my goodness guys it's been a while since i've popped into the sub and it's like i'm visiting an old friend who has interesting stories to tell let me tell you that guys in this episode you're gonna hear three stories the first is how someone gets a little too cocky during an interview and it crumbles the second story is a customer not knowing that they're arguing with the store owner and the last story is a good old story of an old man who refuses help from a girl in a hardware store because we all know that women know nothing about tools right and that's totally sarcasm i hope you guys stay for these lovely stories today and hit that subscribe button for future stories this first story is titled i'm more qualified for your job than you are i'm the head of sales and marketing for a major property developer with 10 years of experience in the industry several of those are spent at a large competitor's company let's call them money homes they are considered the epitome of luxury due to the huge price tag and this will be important later on my team covers all of the capital and a very large portion of the country roll on today since we've only recently opened up and are launching new developments for which we don't yet have the staff today was the interview day normally for those kind of positions the person would be interviewed by the sales manager for that particular development or a sales coordinator and sometimes one of the sales directors since it's a bit of a track for the sales director to come in for the interview hr asked me to step in as the new employees would be reporting to me anyway q8 applicants we have waiting the first few interviews go pleasantly well but nothing special until we meet interviewee number four meet annabelle before she comes into the room she's sitting in the waiting area with the other applicants and i can hear her go on about how she pretty much has the job in the bag as she's overly qualified and i can see her shuffling through papers at the admin desk which was left unattended she still doesn't realize that our office is behind a venetian mirror i can see her she can't see me she hears the admin come back in and scurries away to the back seat it's now her turn for the interview she comes in hands me a copy of her cv and sits down opposite of myself and two other members of my team i look at her cv with a slight half smile to which i think she took as a good sign so she goes off talking about her major accomplishments at different employers she tells us that she's actually more interested in being hired for another position at our company to which she ensures me that she's more qualified than our current employee she then starts spewing out figures of our marketing campaigns which have not yet been published and advises me on the results that we should expect and what our next move in terms of marketing should be i advise her that the only positions currently open are for sales staff but asked her which one she's specifically interested in she mentions wait for it sales and marketing director my job my co-workers both look at me in waiting so i decide to play along i've asked her what makes her more qualified than our current director she comes back to the marketing figures point and asked me outright how many applicants are able to predict to a certainty what results you'll achieve and then leads into a major point on her cv money homes so i start asking a little more about her position there what was her area of responsibility how long she worked there etc she starts off telling this long rehearsed story of how she started there as a negotiator a few years back and worked her way up to associate director and how she eventually became sales and marketing director but is looking to leave so she needs to keep it hush-hush at that point i couldn't hold it in anymore i really wanted to let her carry on but i just burst out laughing and asked her to leave she gets very confused and starts asking what she said that offended me with the biggest grin on my face i then said it's one thing hearing you talk down to other applicants when you're supposedly looking for upper management positions but i watched you steal confidential information from my admins desk and telling me and my colleagues that you can do a better job than me by lying to me about your experience she gets offended and starts going off at me that i know nothing about her and she did not lie about her experience and how i would have known that anyway and i said annabelle the reason i know you're lying is because i was the sales and marketing director at money homes during the years you've described and not only do i know that you are not in a managerial position i know that you were not even part of the department as the department was made of 42 employees all of which i knew by name i recommend that if you indeed work there that you contact your director as i'll be filing a grievance against you for stealing confidential documents from their main competitor her face went pale as a sheet of cheap toilet paper she turns on her heel rips her cv out of my colleagues hands and runs out the door guys lying about your work experience is already bad enough but not knowing that you're lying to someone who knows about your prior work experience is pure gold i feel embarrassed for her oh my goodness this story is titled owner loves to tell people that he's the owner i work for a local hobby and game store we have several different staff shirts with our store logo on them but we aren't required to wear them unless there's a big event going on but we also sell different shirts that have our logo on them so intentionally it's easy for employees to blend in with customers for loss prevention and a casual atmosphere the owners rarely wear staff shirts but are proud of their business and wear our for sale shirts regularly when they're in the building before the covet stuff we had a bunch of people come in every day to use our open tables and play games and hang out so occasionally we get colorful characters or karen's slash cans etc one of the owners loves coming up to problem people and acting like a fellow customer so he can give them just enough perceived support for them to show their true colors and then drop the hi my name is c i'm the owner of the store get out of my store and don't come back it's like his favorite thing is to watch these people go from confident to confused to i'm gonna get your manager to wait did he say he's the owner leaving them embarrassed and quickly leaving the store when we were smaller he used to use a bit more intimidating language but he's still a big guy and can be very intimidating with just his presence when he wants to be two groups of kids are opening the newest set of magic the gathering cards a collectible card game the first group is around the 10 to young teenage range and the second was older teens pushing 19 to 20ish both groups were having a good time opening good stuff and getting excited there were some people playing magic and also a few other games too one of the older kids here's one of the younger talking about getting a specific card and then offers to trade with them for the cards he got both groups are new to the game so neither could possibly know what the value of the cards are but i do and so does the owner who's sitting a few tables away playing a game with his friends the older kids trading away a trash card for a card worth like 50 but neither knew that the owner pipes up saying that just trading one for one without knowing the value of the cards is always a bad idea for both parties and directs them to a website where they can use to check the prices they do and the older kid is legitimately upset that he almost ripped the other kid off the owner tells them that until they get more experience with the game it's probably a pretty good idea just to not trade they both thank him and go back to playing situation's over and everyone is happy until one of our fairly regular colorful characters decides to involve himself this guy has never been ill-intentioned but always makes people uncomfortable by being a bit too forward or inviting himself into conversations or games with people he doesn't know and since the situation is pretty much resolved the only way to keep the conversation going is to take an opposing viewpoint cc starts arguing that somehow it's absolutely okay to trade away stuff you don't know the value of as long as you think you're getting a good deal the owner's very confused as he hasn't interacted with cc before and asked him point blank if he thinks it's okay for people to cheat children cc says yes just happy to be having a conversation and in his mind i guess winning the argument the owner uses his signature line and says well then hi my name's name and i'm the owner get out of my store and never come back cc is so shook that he leaves without another word but of course the tale continues because another one of our sketchier almost regular guys tries to argue with the owner that it was unfair of him to ban cece just because he was okay with cheating children it wasn't like he actually cheated himself he was just okay with it the owner's even more confused by this point and very frustrated and says well as i said i'm the owner and if you think i should allow people in my store who are okay with cheating other customers especially children then you can get out and not come back too they argue for a bit more and the owner tells me to call the cops and get this other guy out of the store before i can pick up the phone the guy leaves the owner gets loud and says to the entire store that anyone who thinks it's okay to rip off children in the store should leave and not come back as soon as he goes to sit back down to play his game parents of the younger group of kids come up and thank him at some point those parents left a review of our store 5 out of 5 stars it must be nice to own your own store be your own boss and tell people you don't like to leave and to never come back i get that the owner has great intentions but i wonder how many times he's kicked people out of his store for having opposing viewpoints that don't involve cheating others this last story is titled these are the fasteners you're looking for i'm in my late 30s a woman and very tall people tell me that i look like i'm in my 20s but i just laugh about it and take it as a compliment i used to work at home depot in the hardware section and if you've ever been an employee at home depot you know there's a lot of training and a lot to learn luckily i worked construction as a teenager and was already familiar with eighty percent of the products in my department and a lot of products in other departments i loved my job and love learning about different products and what makes this tool better than that tool working the lift was my favorite thing and i even had a fan base of little kids who thought i was pretty cool for being a girl who drove machines super sweet actually they crowned me princess of hardware to which my supervisor said if there's a princess of hardware it's me i told him that's fine but he has to wear the crown anyway fast forward to the middle of the workday and i'm chugging along bringing down boxes and spider wrapping them i notice an older man is looking a bit lost down the fastener aisle so i walk up to him and ask can i help you find something he says no i'm okay so i asked the next person if i can help them i'm pointing out which screws to get and i noticed the same man still wandering up and down the aisle looking very lost i ask again are you sure you don't need any help sir nope i don't need your help thank you he stomps off the way only fragile old men can and i go about my job someone asked me if i know where something is in my section but the place we keep it is empty i walk them to garden which sometimes has it because we keep it in different spots around the store hardware is next to lumber and garden is all the way at the other end i don't mind walking so i just go with them and grab some and put a few in my location one of the guys from lumbers runs over to me and says i need your help someone has questions about fasteners and i told them i'd come find the person in charge so after my supervisor i'm number two and even other departments ask me for help in their certain sections sometimes i walk all the way back to the fasteners with a guy from lumber and sure enough it's the old man i'm standing there thinking that he doesn't want help from a woman even though this is my department so he tracked down the closest man to ask for help the guy from lumber says this is opie this is her department she can help you find anything so i'm looking at the guy and i ask him again what can i help you find he stuffs a metric screw out at me without saying anything and i point behind him at the metric station he's standing in front of i know how this station is organized because duh it's my department i reach in the bottom drawer and pull out a bag holding two metric screws in his size he gets all flipping and says well i only need one to which i say we sell them in bags of two to which he replies what do you expect me to do with the extra screw i only need one now part of me wanted to tell him that he could shove it up as pasty dry behind so i conveyed that explicitly as i could only using my eyes as communication and i think he got the message oh p you should have told him to go screw himself get it screws oh my friends that brings us to an end of our slash i do work here lady guys if you've missed the last episode of our slash i do work here lady it's right here and i'm not taking a break from revenge it's just nice to read other subreddits once in a while and i'm glad i popped into this one today so thanks for joining me today i hope you enjoyed the stories and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 209,548
Rating: 4.927835 out of 5
Keywords: Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit stories, Reddit idwhl, darkfluff i do work here, i do work here stories, i do work here lady stories, reddit i do work here, reddit stories, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, reddit funny stories, office manager, office, manager, i do work here lady im the owner, reddit top posts, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, reddit idoworkhere, r/idowork, idowork, r//
Id: drVr1PQ2BO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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