r/IDoWorkHereLady - She FAKED being the CEO's daughter...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today subreddit is our slash I do work here lady this story's called customers don't believe I'm the manager end up having to get their drinks somewhere else not sure if this belongs here but I do hope you enjoy my story many years ago I used to work at a pub I loved working in bars and such until I got better paid jobs in the industry I trained in Computer Services and account management so a bit of background info I was 21 at the time and hadn't been working at this pub all that long I'd gotten the job after leaving a reputable brand after too many crappy and unenjoyable days at work the pay was good but I just wasn't enjoying it anymore I'd only been working at the new bar two weeks when I was offered the position of the live-in manager by the owner I wasn't expecting this and just expecting to work behind the bar and tend to tables I didn't even realize the position was open he explained to me that I was the only member of the staff who had shown that I could work independently and worked harder than most of the other employees I take the promotion thinking all was well turns out some of the other staff didn't like this as a couple of them had been after the job themselves whereas I had previous experience managing teams for my previous employer it made me the better choice me becoming the new manager didn't go down well with the staff and indeed some of the customers I would also point out at this point that I'm a gay man and was open about my sexuality but some customers weren't happy about being served by a homosexual things were difficult for the next couple of weeks but things soon calmed down the previously annoyed staff eventually got over the fact that I was now their boss and the customers that had a real issue with being served gay he drinks eventually stopped coming or just kept their opinions to themselves as I would tend to defend myself when I was confronted by any of them the pub initially had a bad reputation mostly caused by some of the customers that would drink they're getting up to no good displaying threatening behavior and dealing drugs on the premises I would go on to change this reputation by banning people with bad intentions I had zero tolerance for that kind of behavior eventually the pub became a nice relaxed place to drink and you wouldn't have to worry about getting mixed up in anything if you were just popping in for a pint things were going well there's a story relating to this which involved someone being escorted off the premises by the police let me know if you want to hear it a couple of months into the job I had eventually adopted a no-nonsense frame of mind when it came to customers causing issues as I would always stand up for my staff if they had done nothing wrong to me making sure my staff were comfortable and happy meant as much as making sure the customers were comfortable and happy one Saturday night things were going on as normal pretty busy but good I had two members of staff working behind the bar with me and another tending to tables we all used to swap between work in the bar and tending the tables fairly regularly as it broke up the night and meant that there wasn't just one person stuck running food in collecting glasses in comes a group of three I'd seen them in here a couple of times before two guys and a girl for the beginning of the night they were nice respectable customers as it gets later I usually leave serving drinks to my staff and keep to the customer area this was because of the things we had going on there before this way I can keep an eye on the customers and my staff the pub was fairly large so you couldn't see all the goings-on from the bar what I hadn't realized was the before-mentioned group of three were being quite rude to the staff my staff were fantastic when it came to dealing with rude customers usually they could sort things out themselves so it came as a surprise to me when one of my staff came and found me and explained that neither they nor any of my other staff were comfortable serving the group of three when I asked them why all three girl explain that the two men had been hitting on them and making lewd comments unfortunately this is pretty normal when working behind a bar and my staff had developed a thick skin so they must have been particularly rude for my staff to refuse to serve them I give the group the benefit of the doubt asking the girls to keep serving them and changed places with one of them so I can keep an eye on things more closely these guys were utter pigs constantly making sexual comments to the girls describing what they would do with them if only they are given the chance repeatedly asking them what they were doing later making pass after pass after pass at the girls just generally making everyone uncomfortable the girls eventually had enough and would not serve them and I don't blame them I go over the group and explain to them that their behavior was not tolerated and we would not serve them any more drinks so it's probably best for everyone if they move on and drink somewhere else tonight unsurprisingly they don't like this and get pretty mad the following exchange went something like this it may not be completely accurate but I'll try to do it justice and here's the cast them as them he is well obviously me and Paul is the name of the owner who I worked for Paul's not his real name but just needed one for the story obligatory identity protection what the [ __ ] do you mean you're not serving us we're payin customers sorry guys but I've had complaints from the girls working tonight and none of them is comfortable serving you so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave you can't do that we know the manager goki them I want to be served it's probably worth mentioning that when they asked for the manager I knew exactly who they were referring to my boss the owner but he wasn't in and I was the only manager sorry guys but actually I'm the manager and I'm telling you that we're not serving you anymore so it's probably best if you leave you're not the [ __ ] manager Poly's go get him I have you fired for this I explained to them in their drunken state as best I can that Paul was in fact the owner and I work for him as the manager they weren't buying it the argument goes on for some time when who should walk in Paul he'd been out having some drinks with friends and was in no mood to deal with annoying customers he just wanted to have a couple more drinks and socialize with his guests before calling it a night and going to bed as he walks in they rush straight over to him saying that I was being rude to them and pretending to be the manager and that I should be fired for treating them so badly he looks at me I explained to him that the guy's had been being rude to the girls behind the bar all night and they didn't want to serve him anymore and because of that I wasn't serving them either Paul obviously annoyed and a little drunk just looks at them and says well he is the manager I guess you're not getting any drinks and walks away the group looks so confused for a moment I just stood there with a big grin on my face they eventually tried to apologize and hopes I'd give in and forgive them but I stood my ground nobody treats my staff like that they try sending the girl in their group up to the bar a couple of times but I knew who she was and refused to serve her as I didn't want these guys in here anymore she tried a couple of times with the other staff but I'd already instructed them to refuse her service eventually they realized they're not getting any more drinks and leave Wow so a while back I was saying how I want there to be like an establishment like a diner I think I said where the manager and staff just kind of just don't tolerate that kind of behavior from people and if someone acts like an entitled jerk or just the pervert or something then they could just get kicked out without worrying about losing their business or whatever because we don't want business from those types of people and this guy he's got it if you're sending the message that people like that aren't welcome decent people who appreciate that kind of thing we'll come in and they will become regulars I guarantee it because they're not fake you don't have to worry about getting your food spit in because if you're a jerk they'll let you know you know where you stand with these people if you have a place like that let me know when I will tattoo the name on my body I'm kidding I won't do that but I will probably check it out if I ever get the chance to and if I get the chance to be regular I will definitely do that if the fit is good all right this story's called which of the two letters of e.x an ex student you don't understand firstly sorry for so long introduction when I was in middle school or junior high school as some people name it I started being interested in information technology or IT computers and building them so I established quite a friendship with our IT teacher let's call him Barry who was about 30 years old so we understood each other quite well also I have very good memory so I was one of the best students in school this wasn't the best school in the country but still it was an achievement with totally no learning and I had a lovely older lady as a classroom teacher the one who took care of us and contacted the parents so most of the teachers had very good relations with me including the head teacher a week before the lockdown because of the Modelo I was asked by Barry if I wanted to earn some extra money by helping him with modernizing the IT room I asked if the head approved he said yes so I came work turned out to be pretty easy changing some components in pcs adding a new switch and a few other things which we could make in about 10 to 12 hours I asked him how everybody was turned out there was a new PE teacher and also said there was some party for everyone later this day so I can meet with the rest of the staff later if I want near the end of today's job he went to do something with the heads computer of fifty to sixty year old lady who didn't know much and clicked something she didn't want so I was alone in the IT room right now changing RAM sticks and hard drives Barry said that he didn't need the drive so I can have as many as I want I love to have lots of space for data so I decided to take some as I was disassembling them I was packing them straight to my backpack because they were already wiped as I'm working on the teachers computer which was slightly better and needed more work I take the drive and put it in a box and head to my backpack after doing about 15 computers previously so there was a few parts already there when I hear someone shout what are you doing here return to your class immediately parties were only for one class in their usual classrooms he turns out to be the new PE teacher so I'll call him Pete further on well he interrupts me you [ __ ] in and said thief stop stealing the computer he walks closer and looks in my open backpack oh no no no you've taken this too far you [ __ ] being thief I'll get you expelled immediately and I will call the police I work here uh Pete interrupts me again I know you're one of the students what is your class little note there were photos of those who graduated on the corridor galleries and there was a bigger photo of me in my classroom teacher as the best of the years so he might have seen me there I am an act student there's a picture of me on the wall I work here today Pete grabs me by my hand even though I have some muscles it was quite strong and left me a bruise I'm taking you to the head teacher right now and the police will take care of you you [ __ ] thief don't know why he liked that phrase so much what in God's name are you doing Pete it turned out my ex classroom teacher had a class next door and was attracted by his screeching I'll call her and cutie from now on I know it's classroom teacher but it looks like cutie I found this thief you skipped class parties were not mandatory so haha and it's robbing the IT room sweet Jesus Opie are you okay Pete let him go right now I am taking this freaking thief to the head and calling the police Pete I am going to call the police for him not on him let go of him now what the hell is going on here turns Berry was returning from headteachers off his Swift her to show her that I am doing a pretty good job and to talk some when they saw us at the corridor Pete let go of this young man but headteacher he was stealing school's goods Pete this is Opie ex-student of us from a few years ago and he is our temporary worker and I tearooms modernization also I think you've become temporary today after Pete let go of me I went to meet the teachers faster and finish the job later cops were called and headteacher showed the footage from the camera an IT room Pete left in handcuffs he got fired the next day and denied working with kids for the assault in the school area I finished my job and got some cake for this hilarious situation next PE teacher turned out to be normal and friendly he got hired the next day because old PE teacher recommended him and he didn't have a job at the time well that worked out pretty well in the end someone got a PE teacher job which is a potential to be a really cool job if you're a really cool person personally I think I'd be a pretty good PE teacher because I hold an appreciation for all those games like it capture the flag sharks and minnows dodgeball that's a pretty sick deal if your school lets you take spare parts home that's that would be pretty good except school hardware it's usually pretty bad alright this story's called entitled mother doesn't know I'm the CEO son so this is my first reddit post so I hope you enjoy it so my mom is the CEO of a retail chain and my dad is second-in-command oh did I mention that we are black this will be important for later so it is Saturday and my mom told me to come to her work just to see what she does she just wanted some free labor but I comply because I've only been in there once there I was sitting in her office and I asked if I can walk around the office and of course she allows me I get down to the first floor that's when I saw her entitled mother she was a white middle-aged lady with the care and cut and all I learned that she was applying for a job I see her giving the front desk lady a hard time so I step in as she was a good friend of my mom so I consider her andand she is already speaking as if she's the manager this is how the dialogue went good morning ma'am can I help you with anything auntie says she's asking for she gets cut off I'm in charge here I'm the CEOs daughter my dad is a CEO oh really you're the CEOs daughter yes I am and why are you here I work here in a way actually he's that I cut her off I'm just a kid walking around the office well get out little brat I started to get pissed but I kept it in okay then what's your father's name it's not like a little monkey like you will remember with that tiny brain of yours now I'm really starting to lose it my dad walks in who are you I'm the manager now my dad could pass as a white male on a bright enough day and today was that day god this young man attempted to assault and steal from me in the middle of the day with cameras everywhere I say sarcastically dad realizing what's going gone and winked at me I thought I told you to stop stealing from ladies son entitled mother is shocked in screaming the lovely phrase we all know and hate I want the manager he's right here well call the CEO gladly we exchanged glances and try to hold in our laughter a few minutes later at the CEO walks in is there a problem yes this child is trying to assault me aren't you the one applying for the job I just looked over your resume and what do you think you were perfect for the job but my camera showed different from your recommendation what basically you're fired bye-bye shut up you little brat don't speak to my son like that your son now see you later Karen we never saw her again well that was interesting it's not very common that you see someone claim to be the CEOs daughter as a middle-aged woman but the Karen's are caring curse that was so bad I'm sorry don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 49,533
Rating: 4.9118328 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/IDoWorkHereLady, She FAKED being the CEO's daughter...
Id: rh8VSiqGK8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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