r/IDOWorkHereLady - "You Can't Have Me FIRED! You're a 'DUMB' Receptionist!" [I'm a SAFETY OFFICER]

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hello my wonderful wonderful friends welcome back to our slash i do work here lady where people who work at places are mistaken as not guys i hope you're having a lovely friday today and i've got two stories for you to make the day a little bit better if you enjoy these types of stories guys this first story is emailed to me by jessica m and it's about the time she had a mischievous co-worker fired because he thought she was nothing but a dumb receptionist when she's a safety officer the second story is also a subscriber submission by jackson j and it's about the time he takes down a crazy lady in a mall who thought he was a fake security guard guys i want to take a minute to thank everyone who emails me stories and i just want to let you know that i get bombarded with stories almost every day like 20 to 30 submissions so it does take a while to go through all of them but i do try my best to read all of them if you want to submit your stories my email is in the description box below let's dive into it oh and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already this first story is titled you're just the receptionist you can't fire me when i first achieved my qualifications on occupational safety and health osha i was working for a company that specialized in commercial building steel construction i actually started out as a receptionist at the company then i was the sole female safety officer for context we have a male safety manager and i'm the safety officer and we both had been with the company for over seven years with my experience i see a lot of people come and go but also have seen a lot of the same faces people tend to stay within the industry even if they hop different companies so someone that we may have known through another company might end up working with us or vice versa this is the story about one welder ben who used to work with one of our subcontractors for years and would come into our shop often and see me working the front desk as a receptionist he recently picked up a full-time job with us between when i last saw him and when he worked with us again which was over a year and some i got my certification i was never very close with him in fact i did not like him he was the typical workout of town in the boonies type guy who blew all of his money on drugs alcohol and escorts with no respect for anyone and he was a notorious practical joker his practical joke is actually what led me to submit this story to fluff in the first place one day i was on the shop floor reviewing some plans and cross-checking what had been completed so far ben had been working with us for maybe a few weeks i hadn't seen him since i had been working out of town this also meant that ben did not know that i was now a safety officer and no longer a receptionist i was walking around when i suddenly heard the overhead crane working i glanced over and saw no steel being moved and didn't think anything of it now i understand that not many of you will understand what i'm talking about so i'll try my best to paint a good picture for you we have overhead cranes in our shop that are used to move giant pieces of steel from one end of the shop to the other the shop we work at often deals with 30 to 60 feet long i-beams which weigh about 50 to 100 plus pounds per foot the length of a 30-60 foot beam can be upwards of thousands of pounds depending on the thickness etc to move these giant steel beams we have these giant lengths of thick chain attached to the overhead cranes and you're to wrap the chain around the beam to lift it you have to be extremely careful to make sure the weight is distributed properly otherwise when the steel is hoisted it can slide to one side and fall risking injury damage or worse and the number one rule when using an overhead crane is to never crane dangerous loads around anyone and to never ever crane anything over top of anyone the reason being is that we as humans are soft fleshy things and a five thousand pound steel beam is well five thousand pounds you ever squish a bug that's pretty much us if a beam that heavy were to fall on us of course the chains are usually rated to lift about 15 000 pounds and most of the times will not fail but can't be too careful after a few minutes i saw that ben has rigged up a 60 foot long beam and was running it down the length of the shop being a dumb practical joker he is as he was driving the crane down the shop i saw him deliberately crane the beam over to where his jokester buddy was working and stop it directly 10 feet above his head the co-worker did not see that ben was coming as he had his welding helmet down and was welding i then heard ben yell hey when the guy looked up to see what he was yelling about ben then gave the guy the middle finger and laughed signaling the co-worker to look up where the 5 000 pound beam was dangling above the guy's head to give some perspective i was about 200 feet away from ben on the other side of the shop and i would have screamed for him to stop being an idiot but being in a steel shop with everyone wearing earplugs and sounds that exceed a hundred decibels i doubt ben would have heard me telling him to stop i quickly ran to where ben was standing and shouted at him hey are you serious what the hell do you think you're doing he noticed me and did this dismissive hand gesture and said he's fine we do this all the time relax no one's hurt ben laughed me off i was appalled and probably showed how appalled i was on my face and said i'm gonna have to write you up for this and talk to management about possibly dismissing you doing things like this in a shop is unacceptable you know there's a zero tolerance for horseplay that can endanger co-workers lives what i told him is absolutely true at the shop that i work at if you're goofing off and can potentially hurt someone it's immediate grounds for dismissal the owners actually take it very seriously and have terminated guys for way less over the years can't risk any lawsuits as soon as ben heard me say that i was gonna talk to management about dismissing him he said calm down it's all right we're just playing i told him i'm gonna have to report him to the owners and let his fate rest in their hands he then said you don't have any pull to have me fired you're just a receptionist you go back to doing your office job and let me do mine look if you don't tell the safety guy or the foreman about this after work i'll take you out for drinks and dinner he actually said this to me as he winked to his co-worker buddy i didn't want confrontation or to go on a power trip saying i do work here as a safety officer blah blah blah because i needed to keep my cool and remain professional i said alright then deal as i was walking off i heard him and his buddy say that dumb receptionist chick should mind her damn business i couldn't take that snide remark so i walked up to them again pulled out my little wallet and held up my safety officer certification card and ben's face went white i didn't say a word i went directly to the foreman's office and called him meeting asap with upper management saying that ben was endangering lives of a co-worker in the shop by joking around i told him about the dangerous stunt he pulled and then we reviewed the shop cameras the owner was appalled at what he saw i'll never forget the time 11 41 am was the time this happened and 12 30 pm the owner called ben into his office and fired him i was in the shop area talking to the foreman when ben comes stomping out of the office area to collect his belongings he did not even look at me i've dealt with a lot of safety officers on sites over the years and uop kept your cool in the situation so kudos to you if you guys don't know in a few of my videos i've mentioned that i work in steel construction i started as a welder moved onto welding supervision and i'm now doing quality control and inspection so what'll be described actually happens all the time in steel shops you have some guys who come into shops that have no regard for anyone's safety and a lot of the times they're canned almost immediately so i have a little story i want to tell you guys so i'll never forget this one time my boss saw a co-worker do something dumb that he was fired on the spot if you guys don't know what an overhead crane looks like i'm gonna probably post a picture so he was showing off to a new guy saying that he can ride the chains on the crane to the very top which is like 30 or 40 feet high he basically lowered the chains enough so he can put his legs in and he sat on it like a swing and he rode the chains up about 15 feet when the owner comes walking out of the office doors and yells at him to take his stuff and go home and we never ever saw him again i have so many stories about dumb people who i worked with this next story is titled apparently i'm a fake security guard before i started my career in law enforcement i had a gig as a security guard for a mall for a couple of years and believe me when i tell you that i have stories for days but this story is about one time i got to take down a psycho lady at the mall for some background i'm a six foot tall male that's relatively lean when i wear a security uniform i don't necessarily fill out properly but whatever since i was a kid i've always wanted to become a cop and because of this i've taken martial arts for most of my life particularly jujitsu and with this training when i get the chance to take down a person i must say it's very impressive okay so back to the story my partner and i were making our rounds around the mall but as he went back to the security office for something i got a call about her disturbance in one of the bigger department stores i can't tell you what the department store was so i'll just say it rhymes with sears when i got to the front of the store i saw a middle-aged lady who was berating the cashier this lady was hollering at the top of her lungs about some nonsense regarding a final sale item that she was trying to return surrounding her on the floor were packages of chocolates candies socks things that were usually kept up near the tills as a last-ditch effort to get customers to buy more things this lady in a fit of rage had thrown things around like a toddler with a tantrum upon approaching the manager of the store sounded like he was reiterating himself something along the lines of ma'am our store policy is that you cannot return these items because you've used them plus they were final sale there's nothing we can do for you so we must ask you to leave she says no i want my refund i have to return these they didn't fit me this lady shrieked and stomped her feet she stomped her feet excuse me ma'am i said authoritatively i'm gonna have to ask you to leave the premises you're causing a disturbance her being appalled said you can't kick me out you don't work here i was beginning to tell her that i worked with mall security when she says now you're getting scrawny kids in costumes to try to kick me out this lady made a weird gesture at me and the manager ignoring my presence some more and she said someone get me real security i only wanted a refund but now they're discriminating against me because i have a reading disability i almost laughed out loud because of how quickly the situation was escalating and it seemed like this lady was now grasping for straws while she was complaining i heard in my earpiece that my partner was on his way which i was very thankful for because i didn't like to deal with these situations alone and i said ma'am please you need to leave the property now no not until i get my refund the manager started to say something again but this lady just lost her marbles and started to chuck things at him like the stapler and the debit machine and then went to knock over more things from the counter i stepped in and tried to grab the ladies arm to stop her she screamed like a dying cat went to put both of her grubby little hands on me to shove me which was a big mistake as was our policy if a customer attacked us we could restrain them so i did it wasn't hard this lady was all of 5 foot 5 inches and maybe 130 pounds i was able to pull her away from the counter knock her off her feet and pin her on the ground in a split second my partner had shown up to witness this last little bit and was calling her office to call police we cuffed her to detain her and waited until the police showed up they ended up arresting her for causing a disturbance and for assault because that stapler she threw hit the manager in the mouth and drew blood all while this happened the lady was still yelling about her refund how i'm not a real cop and couldn't arrest her which was true but i could detain her the lady was also charged with resisting arrest because she tried to fight off the police that came and arrested her my partner and i always joked that she must have been on drugs that day so if you're curious about the items that she wanted a refund for it was for underwear seven pairs of underwear to be exact and it was very obvious that she had worn them and that folks is the time i got to take down a crazy lady at a mall oh she tried to return seven pairs of used underwear i don't even know what to say to that that's absolutely disgusting guys if you've worked in retail let me know the craziest thing that anybody's ever tried to return i think underwear probably is way way up there and that brings us to another end of our slash i do work here lady guys if you enjoyed the stories do hit that thumbs up button if you missed the last episode of r slash i do work here lady a karen tries to get an owner of a store fired oh my goodness karen come on if you haven't seen it check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you all
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 131,442
Rating: 4.951458 out of 5
Keywords: Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit stories, Reddit idwhl, darkfluff i do work here, i do work here stories, i do work here lady stories, reddit i do work here, reddit stories, reddit i dont work here lady, reddit funny stories, manager, i do work here lady im the owner, reddit top posts, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, reddit idoworkhere, r/idowork, idowork, r//, i am the owner, fired employee, fired employee revenge
Id: B4okOTK7chI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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