r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen MOVES INTO MY HOME When I'm Gone! She "NEEDS" It!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our / entitled people where people seem to think that they can do what they want when they want because they're special and in today's episode guys we've got Karens calling cops on people psycho X's trying to break into homes op ruining her parents' retirement home it's wild guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive [Music] in so work was rough today and all I wanted to do afterward was sit on the couch and let the TV watch me while eating food not cooked by my own hands the answer to that was delivery so the food was ordered and I let my dog into the yard to burn some energy and I sat camped outside with him while waiting for my food now here's the details before crap hits the fan my neighbor and I share a fence with a doggy door as our pups are super close and you can bet each time that if my dog's outside hers will follow for cross yard playtime this was the case today and probably bad judgment on my part to think that I would be able to break up the fun quickly so both dogs were in the neighbor's yard at the time the notification came through that the driver was pulling up and I had to call out a few times to get my dog's attention neighbor thankfully whistled for her dog and I had to put on The Voice for mine to acknowledge I existed and then took off running for my door while waving to the driver who by this point was getting out of the car pup and I have a game called Runaway where I'll take off yelling runaway and literally he'll chase after me like I'm some humanized fetch stick I used this to my advantage until he realized that I was putting him inside but managed to get him through the storm door and close the screen before he could run out that's when I realized that I had left the gate locked like an idiot with the driver standing right outside by this point I just yelled from the porch that she could leave the food by the mailbox and that's where the fun started she asked me is that your dog at this point my BS meter didn't go off I thought she was asking a question with an obvious answer because duh she was a dog person so I engaged with dog owner gushin I basically say yes blah blah blah his name is so and so want to say hi at that the woman did not respond she just stood there awkwardly for a moment and then put the food down and quickly jumped back inside her car in my mind I was like okay that's kind of weird but whatever I then snatched the food and went back inside I went to wash my hands and from the kitchen window I could see the full Street where she's still parked outside I'm thinking okay that's weird but I didn't dwell on it too much figuring that she was looking at the route for her next location I just went about my business of preparing to destroy my meal a few minutes later the dog begins barking manically at the door I take a glance at the cameras and I realize that she's still out front parked directly in front of my mailbox and I'm thinking uh okay what's going on here so I go outside to try to get her attention because she's on the phone and doesn't notice me I walk up like I'm going to check the mail and she does pull off people are weird so I just left it at that and went back to eat about 10 minutes later the dog starts going ham at the door so I check the cameras and I see two police cars sitting outside my house I continue to watch the cameras realizing that yep the cops are getting out of the car and walking back and forth in front of mine and the neighbor's yard I go out to see if any anything's wrong and they introduced themselves before saying that they were called because a stolen golden retriever was reported at my address and if there was a dog in the home when I heard them say that it finally clicked that the driver had called the police I then explained my version of what happened they were really respectful and apologetic but they asked if I could get my dog so I went ahead and opened the door for the dog who took off ready to greet the new faces outside his caller has tags matching the address with my name and phone number on it in case he was ever lost or stolen which was proof enough for them as it was obvious they wanted to get this over with as fast as possible no hard feelings on either side we were all walking away when Karen's car slowly comes creeping from the back of the neighborhood I yelled out to the police that that's the lady who reported me she's right there and that's when they positioned themselves in front of her car in a way that she would have to stop and speak with them now I don't know if this lady was drunk or off her meds but she rolls down the window and she was literally sobbing hysterically that she saw me steal the dog from the neighbor's yard and that animals get no justice and here's the icing on the cake she then said loudly that my kind only owns pitbulls and Rottweilers that there was no way that this golden retriever was mine and he needed to be protected I honestly didn't want to deal with that mess so I excused myself and let the police handle it I just went back inside and stayed the F on my couch everyone left a few minutes after that so I assume she got a warning however I did report the incident to the delivery service and I was offered credits towards my next meal I splurged that on a bakery and now I'm currently effing up a slice of carrot cake grateful it did not end worse wow guys another instance where Karen needs to mind her own damn business right and seriously what she said has got to be the dumbest thing that I've read all week and you guys know I read a lot of these posts like did she really say that Opie must have stolen that Golden Retriever because op's kind in her words only have pitbulls and Rottweilers what in the world and guys you know she was waiting around to watch Justice get served like what in the world is wrong with some people okay so I've tried to get advice on this and stick to my principles by not offering an apology when not in the wrong but I think it's become clear that I've messed up big time and I could have prevented this with a better attitude I think I'm I'm the entitled Karen in this one with that bit of context I'm an 18-year-old female and I live with my parents we moved last year away from a big city to a cheaper rural community in the midwest since my dad's retired now and money does go further here we have by far the smallest lot out here but most of our neighbors are farmers with quite a bit of land I don't feel like I fit in well with the neighbors and I've had arguments with some of them and their kids they're up early every single day making noise every single morning with Farm machinery and they had the nerve to yell at me for listening to rap music loud in the car at night it was 9:00 with a friend from high school most recently they let one of their cows get into our yard when it was grazing I was out in the backyard and I gave them a dirty look and stood there while they tried to get it back recently I guess our neighbors talked to my dad and gave him some sort of redneck we don't take kindly speech about my behavior and that wasn't how things operated around these parts and for me to apologize so my dad asked me to but I refused because I think they're in the wrong towards me I saw my neighbor out back one day and he asked me if I had anything to say about my attitude and I said I haven't done anything wrong to you I think you should respect other people's property boundaries so that's when he said all right have it your way and he walked off and this is where I might have effed up Dad and I left town for spring break but when we came back we noticed that construction was heavily underway almost complete on a large shed structure right up against the property line maybe 20 ft from our house my mom asked a woman who lives a bit further down if they knew what it was about and they said oh yeah I guess the word is that they've had some trouble with your daughter and they've made the decision to put in a pig Barn hearing that my parents freaked out they asked around and they heard this was a well-known tactic to drive out unwanted neighbors and it's very effective dad called the city and asked about odor nuisance laws and what can be done but he was told the area zone Agricultural and that it was more of an honor System thing Farmers wouldn't do that without more land but technically he was allowed to have up to 200 pigs on the property so dad asked the neighbor if he would reconsider but he said the order of pigs is already scheduled and his mind was made up now my dad's furious with me and he's frantic about what to do at first I told him to just ignore it and let them do what they're going to do but from the people I've talked to online they're saying that's probably not not going to be a possibility for us I thought he was overreacting at first but now I'm facing the prospect that I really did crash the value of their property for good and that we're all about to be very miserable they finished construction on the barn so I guess the moment of truth is coming update so I was starting to hope that maybe he wouldn't follow through on the threats but the pigs arrived a couple of days before the weekend not 200 pigs as we feared but certainly more than a few I'd say around 75 to 100 range and they stink it's like rotten food and sour milk smell in the addition to the sewage SL manure smell and I think they built the barn to vent the smell towards our house at first I thought it would be manageable but now it just feels like it's everywhere I started playing white noise from my computer to drown out all the noise they make but I haven't found anything that works on the smell my parents are complaining about it a lot and trying not to talk about it in front of me but I could tell that it's really bothering them it's especially bad in my bedroom the closest to the barn I don't know how this smell gets through the window or if it's imp perfect insulation but I feel like my stuff and clothes is developing the smell now it's gross I'm glad my parents aren't throwing it in my face but I do wonder how much longer this is sustainable it seems like it gets worse every day my Dad forgot and he opened the windows in the kitchen before dinner and we immediately got blasted with this vile Pig stench smell he closed the window immediately but the smell seems to hang around in the house for a long long time so yeah guys the post ends right there with no further updates but oh man did op make a huge mistake by messing with those neighbors also I think there's much more to this than Opie leads us to believe like there is no way that the neighbor is this petty over Opie blasting loud music at 9:00 p.m. and giving cows dirty looks like farmers are usually good respectful people right at least the ones I've met and in my opinion Opie just sounds like a city girl that's not used to life out of the city and like she said she's the Karen in the situation which is ultimately making her parents miserable totally should have apologized for starters this literally just happened and be ready to buckle up because boy this one's long so my fiance and I have lived in our apartment for 8 months and we've had a pretty decent experience overall it would be perfect if it wasn't for the neighbors that moved in 4 months ago just to set the stage for what we've been going through these neighbors are so entitled they'll throw parties that start at 4:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. all the time and when they aren't having their loud parties they're blaring music loud enough to make Helen Keller ask them to shut up all day long both my fianceƩ and I work from home so this can get incredibly annoying but nevertheless we Soldier on which brings us to today today I noticed from my office that there was a persistent beeping after 5 minutes I go ask my fiance if that's neighbor smoke detector she said she thinks so so I went to investigate so I go to the hall and I noticed that the sound's coming from their apartment but I don't smell any smoke and the door is cold to the touch so I figure they have it all under control and went back to my apartment to continue working 20 minutes later I noticed it's still going off and by this point my dog is freaking the heck out so I go back to the hallway Smell Smoke and courageously bang on the door no answer I continue banging on the door but No one's responding so I do the only logical thing and I call maintenance I give maintenance man the rundown on the day events and he says he'll be right over problem solved right wrong this dear listeners is when the story gets fun so the maintenance guy arrives he goes to the neighbor's apartment and he does his maintenance thing when no one answers he goes in and the horrid smoke detector finally stops I'm just about set to go back to my work when all of a sudden there was a knock on my door I open it to find maintenance man standing there on the phone telling another member of Maintenance to get the police and an ambulance on their way because he thinks the Kid Next Door is dead the maintenance guy then looks at me and says hey I need you to come in here with me in case he's faking and attacks me now I've been in some fights in my youth but I am by no means someone who's prepared to Duke it out with anyone holding any kind of weapon not to mention the fact that maintenance guy has a good 2 ft and 120 pounds on me so if he goes down I'm afed so naturally I do the responsible thing and I agree to go with him we enter this apartment filled with smoke and I see a burnt pot on a stove covered in the foam from a fire extinguisher apparently a fire had started and maintenance guy put it out he then opened all the windows to try to get rid of the smoke and sure enough pass out on the floor is one of my effing neighbors maintenance guy proceeds to shake and nudge fire starter in an attempt to get response but this kid ain't moving folks we're in there for at least 5 minutes trying to get the kid Up So eventually maintenance guy tells whoever he's on the phone with to get an ambulance and police now apparently police was the magic word because the kid wakes the F up and he goes aggressive on the maintenance guy maintenance guy takes it like a champ and he proceeds to tell fir starter that he's a dumbass and almost burning the building down is not okay fire starter just keeps yelling for maintenance guy to get the F out maintenance guy keeps his cool though and he keeps saying man we just saved your life show some damn respect Fire Starter then ask for maintenance guy's name so he can report him to his boss which maintenance guy gave the guy then asked for my name so he can report me for trespassing the maintenance guy refused to give my name saying he's the only reason you're alive right now you useless idiot to which Fire Starter then grabs a kitchen knife and he starts waving it at maintenance guy maintenance guy keeps his cool he collects his keys and walks off all the while Fire Starter chases him down the stairs while yelling that he's going to get us arrested for trespassing in his home in the meantime I've retreated to my own apartment only to have fire starter standing outside my door pounding waving a knife screaming I know where you live you piece of crap so yeah good times update so I haven't updated for a while because I was waiting on confirmation but fire starter was evicted we noticed someone moving out a week later but I didn't see who it was and yesterday another couple moved in I haven't met them yet but I also haven't heard a peep from their apartment even with them unloading so they're already better than our last neighbor and yes we should have called the fire department first we didn't because this is not the first time their smoke detector has gone off usually they let it beep the whole time they cook but it's never gone off that long before now that was a crazy post guys firstly I'm glad that guy was evicted because clearly he's psycho and second if I were op I would be calling the police for sure like how dare he grab a knife and Chase the people who just saved his life like does that guy not know what the alternative would have been and guys I'm sure that maintenance guy has dealt with that guy in the past because who's first thought when someone's laying on the ground unconscious is hm you come with me just in case he's faking being dead and attacks me and of course that's what happened I bought my first apartment when I was in my 20s I rented out a room to a guy from Poland he was an awesome roommate super good at DIY and maintenance I was also seeing someone for a while let's call her ghost ghost lived with two other girls one of whom is my roommate's girlfriend's friend let's call her Karen ghost and I then broke up and that whole friend group ditched me my career went pretty well and I bought a house in the suburbs and then decided to let roommates stay in the apartment on the same rent with the condition that he do not sublet but his girlfriend can move in which is fine I get the mortgage covered and a tenant who's better at maintaining the place than I am he gets a two-bedroom place for half price a few years later roommate and his girlfriend are moving back home to Poland his girlfriend's already gone back but when I'm over sorting some stuff with my roommates I see a huge pile of moving boxes in the spare room I say to him oh is that your girlfriend's stuff are you going to be able to fit it all in that car to a she says uh no that's Karen stuff she asked if she could leave it here while we were still here as it turns out Karen was still friends with girlfriend she found out they were leaving and found out that their rent was a pretty good deal Karen then told girlfriend that she had it figured out with me and that she was going to take over the lease now I will confess to a few minutes of panic and confusion I've not spoken to this person in years and she thinks that she's going to move into my apartment and doesn't even ask like how the heck does she even in tend to pay rent given that she's made zero attempts to contact me and why would I not go for market rate I'm honestly baffled and somewhat fascinated to find out how she thinks this is going to work I don't really want to get into some kind of ridiculous squatters right squabble with them so I contact my solicitor think a non-trial lawyer she recommends that I get the locks changed and install a security camera and then to send the inevitable video footage her way when Karen does turn up and tries to get in I explain expl all this to my roommates and he agrees to move out 2 weeks early and the guy even helps me fit the doorbell camera I'm telling you he really was the best so that's where we are I pretty much have the Ring app open constantly on my phone I have pretty clear instructions not to say anything other than give my solicitors information and record any and all correspondence when it happens update number one so today at lunchtime Karen turns up and she tries to get inside my apartment and she was not alone my ex-girlfriend ghost was with her and they had a key now I do feel stupid for not remembering that ghost probably had one from when we're together I didn't think she'd keep it after she ditched me but probably should have changed the locks back then sorry tenants my ex had a key to your home the whole time the camera didn't get the Preamble but they came up to the door and tried a key I hear them say it's not working he effing changed the lock how are we going to get inside they then continue to take turns trying the key I connect at this point but I don't say anything they try the doorbell but it doesn't make any noise because I'm connected they bang on the door and the window a bit before walking off I stayed listening through the camera but I didn't hear anything the video was sent to the solicitor anyway and I've had two calls from unknown numbers I'm not going to answer I'll wait for someone to text me and then send them the solicitor's contact info more to come I guess update number two so after a whole bunch of phone calls from random numbers I finally got one from ghost's father the guy was always a gentleman who I got along with so I sent him a polite message saying if this is about the apartments please direct this to my solicitor and then gave him the details he said okay and she said that he contacted her and he's going to meet her on Friday I also did some snooping on social media and it seems that ghost and Karen's other housemates is getting married soon they were all living rentree in the brides Nan's old house so I'm guessing impending nuptuals are the reason ghost and Karen are looking for somewhere new and cheap to live not really my problem though update number three so this has taken a turn from entitled to just plain dumb Karen ghost and ghost dad met with the solicitor today where they unveiled their secret weapon they had a copy of my lease with my roommate I was right in that their free rent ride was over and they had no money saved ghost had been using me as a cash machine for years I guess so thought I would just roll over no as the kids might say so these brainiacs plan was that they would take over the existing lease agreement with roommate and girlfriend without my involvement they had a key and they had my payment details from the tency agreement luckily the account sole purpose was for rent so I can change that number easily they thought that they could just write their names on the form as well and it would be legally binding honestly these people are nearly 40 how they have no idea how at lease works is beyond me so so long stupid story short ghost dad has agreed to pay a moving company to collect the boxes and bring them to his house I still need to be there for that but I'll slam the door at the first sign of anyone other than a mover yeah guys so I have no idea how on Earth the ex and her friend thought that this little scheme was going to work like did they really think that they were just going to move in without Opie noticing at all and guys it's so funny how Opie's X and Karen thought oh these people put their names on a p piece of paper and they got to stay so if we got the paper and we put our names on it we'll get to stay as well holy some people are not smart and that my friends brings us to another end of our SL entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed yesterday's episode on the channel it's an r/ I don't work here lady one of your favorite subreddits and in this episode an entitled Karen De can't op serve her because op happens to be Mexican guys it's such a funny story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 136,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: PvQXw9zZT8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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