r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen DESTROYS MY STORE Over a Toy! It Gets WORSE.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ I don't work here lady where Karen seemed to think that everyone is put on Earth to serve them and in this episode Opie tells a story where Karen absolutely destroys a store over a doll guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in okay so I'll try to keep this as short as possible 2 years ago I'm an electrician working building a new grocery store where one had stood recently the old one was not salvageable and was torn down for the new one there's no store signs no parking lot lights not even a front door construction equipment was everywhere and generally the only people populating the structure are construction workers I'm pulling very heavy cable a long distance and I'm not in a very good mood when enters an entitled c-word hereby referred to as Karen I've just pulled my rope when someone grabs my shoulder and pulls me around I respond with a rather loud what the f and Karen says excuse me how dare you use that language to a customer I say to her who are you and why the F did you feel the need to grab my shoulder Karen says well apparently it's the only way to get anyone's attention around here I'm looking for whatever stupid thing she was looking for and she says I need it now I tell her ma'am this is not a store as you can see where she then then interrupts me and says I'm just looking for and that's when I stop her and say please shut up and listen you are in the middle of a construction zone so take 2 seconds to pull your head out of your butt and look around you there's no food anywhere there's no shelves everyone's wearing hard hats and you can't be in here now turn around and go back the way you came before you get hurt or killed hearing me say that Karen just stares at me for a second and it finally Clicks in her brain she then takes a look around turns around and very carefully walks back to the front as if now she's scared she might get hurt I go back to pulling my cable and I watch her get to the front door hoping she doesn't trip over something at the front a man presumably her husband is standing there I hear him say Well she then mumbles something and I see him shaking his head and say I effing told you and once again I'm amazed how some people are still alive oh my goodness guys I love how the husband was like I have told you like the poor man probably tried to tell his wife dozens of times that it's not a store before finally giving up and letting her do her thing and honestly sometimes you just got to let stubborn people figure it out for themselves right and how some people are that clueless is beyond me and guys apparently it happens often this person shares their experience and they say some people are just clueless not entitled story time I was a construction Foreman doing a renovation on an open Supermarket we had to work in an aisle that required a scissor lift so my guys get set up and we blocked off the ends of the aisle with caution tape picture multiple rows that you couldn't go under or over I went to see how my guys were making out when I witnessed an elderly lady tearing the tape walked down the aisle and reached through the lift to get an item off the shelf when she came towards me I asked what she thought she was doing could she not see the tape and the woman's response was it said caution and I was very careful I couldn't argue with her and this person writes this I was working in a massive expansion to a mall that had been delayed for years but was finally making significant progress as such someone upstairs had the great idea to have us remove the barrier between the old mall and the new mall so the public could watch us like a zoo exhibit so instead of a wall there was caution tape and a big danger do not enter sign so yeah I was doing something probably hauling Rhino board when I noticed the boy no more than 4 years old shuffling by kicking off his flip-flop and then chasing it to put it back on alarmed I then see his mom 200 yd back casually pushing another child in a stroller as they wander through the active construction site unfortunately I work directly for the mall not a contractor so I politely if not urgently informed her that she and her family needed to leave as soon as possible and the woman says Oh I thought they opened this part of the mall and I say look around you lady everyone's wearing Hard Hats Safety glasses and steel Ste toed boots it's not safe for you and your kids to be here you need to come with me so as I'm saying this someone hauling ass with a pallet jack of tile nearly Clips her child while she remained oblivious I escorted them out of the area where she had to duck under the caution tape to get back into the old [Music] Mall this happened 7 years ago up until 4 years ago I lived around the corner from a coffee shop I would stop in on my way to work daily some weekends I'd walk over for a cup of coffee they always left a broom and a dust pan on the patio behind the trash can on the weekends when I went over for coffee if they looked busy I would grab the broom I would then tidy the patio and the sidewalk in front of the doors before I went inside I usually got a free day old coffee offer to me for helping out so after 3 years all the staff knew me the manager and the owner as well one day I walk up I look in the windows and grabb the room there's a big rush inside and I don't like people normally I like crowds even less so I take my time sweeping just looking in the windows once it empties out I go inside and sit at the counter an employee brings me a coffee and we start chatting after 5 to 10 minutes Karen comes stomping in and she's pissed Karen walks right up to me and she Taps me on the arm and I look up and say yes the woman then screams in my face and says we've been waiting for you I say to her um okay why she then continues screaming at me and say says come outside right now and look we need you to sweep the patio where we want to sit it's filthy at that I just say oh yeah uh I don't work here sorry Karen then says Don't Lie we watched you sweeping the patio now come out and sweep where we want to sit I will not ask again at this point the employee says she really doesn't work here the employe then looks out the windows at the patio and says it's clean and tidy out there already Karen says no it's not the table is nasty the woman then grabs my shirt and she tries to drag me out to clean her table she says to me you know what you need to come with me right now you are so lazy she then yells at me that she sees me cleaning the patio every single weekend so I must work here and that she's sick of practical jokes that kids play nowadays that's when I tell Karen look lady the manager's a friend of mine so leave me alone or I'll have you banned Karen retorts with well I know the owner and I'll have you and the manager fired by this point the employees decided to contact the manager the manager shows up and sees the lady grabbing my arm and yelling that she's going to have me fired for being lazy and rude manager says lady let this girl go you'd better tell me why you're manhandling her before I call the cops Karen then screams and says what the f is wrong with you people that's her job she's refusing to come clean my table manager tells her yeah because she doesn't work here Karen then say says I'm calling the owner you're all going to be fired the manager then tells her okay I'm so done with this you've assaulted her insulted her threatened her all in the presence of a witness I'm calling the police Karen then looks at me and says I don't understand why you and everyone here keeps lying about you working here just get out there and tidy the damn table it's that damn simple now all of this has gone down over maybe 15 minutes a cop car pulls up and a cop comes out into the shop Karen starts screaming saying oh good I'd like to press charges against this person she's assaulted me and she's not doing her job the cop says he'll look into that and they go into the back office 10 minutes later the cop and the manager come out and the cop takes Karen by the arm and he says you're under arrest for assault harassment and uttering threats the woman was taken away and I got free coffee for a while wow guys I'm actually surprised it escalated to an arrest and really was it worth it Karen probably not and guys I've said this before even if Opie was an employee what makes you think that grabbing them and pulling them to a table to clean it will make them want to clean it that is super disrespectful and a great way to get smacked if you ask [Music] me so here are some back story I'm a federal government employee who just finished a successful business trip I'm flying home and I had a layover in a large International Airport I had a really long layover and I had gotten a bite to eat I had no notifications of my my gate being moved from one side of the airport to the other I and several other unlucky passengers had gone to the original Gates and we sat wondering where the plane was as it was time to board finally we find an employee who tells us the gate was changed and is now boarding and it's set to take off in 8 minutes so we all take off sprinting for the correct gate I get to the gates and tried to pull out my boarding pass on my phone it wouldn't work I made a few more attempts to pull it up but that didn't work either the gate clerk then asked me to wait and she would print one up I was the last to board the plane but I made the flight and it should be smooth sailing from here right but boy was I wrong my seat was towards the rear of the plane as I walk down the aisle towards my seat I encounter a rather rotund angry man his leg was sticking out of the aisle and I didn't see it as I had my carry-on bag in front of me I bumped his leg and with that I say oh I'm so sorry I didn't see your leg the angry man says you should be sorry watch where the F you're going from now on I just reply I apologize again but could you please move your leg so I can get to my seat the guy scowls at me but he does move his leg so with that I place my bag under the seat and buckle my belt after about 15 minutes we still have not left the gate the passengers are starting to wonder why that's when the pilot comes on and he tells us there will be a delay as the plane still needs to fuel and there's no fuel trucks available at the time it would be a 30 minute wait Q the angry man saying what the f is everyone here so effing stupid they can't fuel an effing plane that's when a flight attendant comes over and says sir I'm sorry for the inconvenience but the angry man interrupts her and says I don't give an f how sorry you are this is absolutely outrageous and I demand compensation after 45 minutes we finally get the fuel and the plane should have departed an hour and a half ago and it's now almost 10 p.m. a few rows ahead of me was apparently a non-english speaking couple with their 3-year-old grandson with them the boy was getting tired and frustrated he's crying but he's in a seat so the plane left the gate we had been away from the gate less than a minute and he decides to throw a tantrum he undid his belt jumped over Grandma and into the aisle and he starts running down the aisle the attendant sees the lad and she notifies the cockpit Grandma catches the kid and she puts him back in his seat with a belt on which he immediately undoes again and he runs screaming up and down the aisle this time Grandpa catches him and he returns him to his seats and puts the belt back on him the kid is still screaming and crying but he's seated two more more minutes go by and this kid's head pops up over his seat this time the attendant calls the pilot and the plane stops the kid then bolts out of his seat again the attendant tries to explain that this is not allowed but she doesn't understand neither does Grandpa the attendant then asked if anyone can communicate with this couple a few try but they don't seem to understand the pilot decides to remove the family from the plane so back to the gate we go we wait 25 minutes for a representative from the airline to come and remove the family so the family was was removed and we finally got on our way it's now 11:45 15 minutes after the plane was originally slated to land and it was a 3-hour flight the attendant began the drink service for the flight after 30 minutes once again the angry man's leg was in the aisle the poor frazzled flight attendant accidentally bumps his leg and the angry man loses it and says what the f is wrong with you people this whole damn trip has been a total pile of horse crap I want your effing name and your man effing name the attendant tells him my name is so and so and you can call this number in the morning but I still need to finish the drink service in the back so could you please move your leg so I can get by the angry man moves his leg but he keeps grumbling he stands up in the aisle and he says I'm not finished talking to you yet the guy starts to move down the aisle aggressively towards the flight attendant that's when I jump into the aisle because I'm tired of this obnoxious fool I say to him hey what do you think you're doing the angry man shouts at me and says sit the F down who the f are you I tell him I'm the person sitting behind you and I just want to let you know that you missed a perfect opportunity back there the angry man says what do you mean and I say to him you should have asked the flight attendant for some cheese the angry man says cheese what the f are you talking about why would I want some effing cheese you idiot I then reply to go with the wine you've been having since you've got on this plane you could hear some people chuckling around me the angry man's face turns red with anger and he screams I want to know your name I want to report you to the airlines I then say to the man in a voice just above a whisper sir I work for the federal government you really don't want to know my name but I would love to know yours I then smile very nicely at him and I could see the angry man's face lose all color as he scurries back to his seat and he sits down quietly he politely addressed the attendant as ma'am for the rest of the flight after we were landing and we're getting off the plane the attendant thanked me for for what I did she also wanted to know what I said to him I just winked at her and told her to have a better day tomorrow guys I love how Opie shut him down with one line the guy probably thought op was an air marshal or a federal agent of some sort which is awesome and this person comments I'm curious what you do for the federal government I could try to use the same line but if it came out that I was a postal worker I doubt I'd get a whole lot of [Music] cooperation so I hope this story fits as there was a brief encounter with someone who didn't work where I do I work at a local supermarket where I work as a stock clerk like many supermarkets every week we have a discount on certain items or specials like when you buy two to three items from the same brand you get a special product from that brand the week this happened when you bought three items from this kids brand you would get this rather creepy looking doll and this is basically what the story is based around and oh boy am I glad we don't offer kids toys with these products anymore so before going on I never thought something like this would happen to me but here we go it did I was working in the afternoon on a Thursday like usual when a kid walks by slowly I of course don't think anything of this as I'm just doing my job she walks by about three times and the fourth time she asks me if the dolls are out of stock I explained to her that currently they are out of stock but that more will be coming that evening she asked how late and I told her they'd probably arrive after closing because of a delayed shipment so she would have to wait until the next day with that she walks away to her mom with a quite sad face and I did feel bad for her I continued working I didn't really think about it anymore so fast forward a bit around 2 hours later it's almost closing time and I was pretty tired and this is where Karen comes in without her daughter and she looked angry the mother stomped straight towards me and she quite angrily asked me why I told her daughter that she couldn't have one of those dolls me being tired look at her with a confused face and after Pro asking the question I do remember the kid that asked for the doll so I say uh yes but Karen then interrupts me and says do you know you made my daughter cry she's been crying for over an hour now I reply I'm so sorry for upsetting your daughter but the dolls are out of stock and they won't arrive until she then Cuts me off again and says I don't believe you do you know what it's like to deal with a crying child get me a manager right now I need one of those dolls I say to her ma'am believe me we're out of those dolls as they're a promotion we do have more coming after close but the door closes pretty soon and the woman stops me right there again and says I want to look in the back I do not believe you she was pretty much screaming at the moment I then see a customer who's in the aisle with us looking over and Karen screams at him you go get your manager the customer a younger man just throws his hands in the air and he says I'm not an employee and no just leave her alone she clearly says that doll is not in stock so this is where I make my mistake I tell the customer it's okay and me attempting to deescalate the situation just bring the Karen to the back where we keep the dolls so she can see for herself that there's none left now I normally never let people into the section because it's only for employees but I didn't want her to go super Karen and she wanted to check the back so I thought this would make her happy I then grabbed one of the stock terminals it's a small device that we use to keep track of the stock in the warehouse I then show her that there's currently no dolls in the store and before I can show her the order we place for the dolls she grabs the terminal and she throws it on the ground she was getting violent I immediately asked my boss to come to the warehouse through my earpiece in my mind Karen can't touch me or cause me harm because a that would be ass salt and B there's cameras everywhere but apparently Karen doesn't care she proceeds to kick over the small shelves of product standing in the warehouse she also starts grabbing six packs of beer and bottles of wine and smashing them on the floor which made a horrible mess after about a minute of constant fear in me my boss and my three team leaders and a security guy arrive in the warehouse to take a look at the situation my boss was not happy with the situation security then grabs Karen and basically pins her on the ground with nowhere to move and that's when the police are called within 20 minutes the police arrive at the warehouse I was surprised the woman didn't attempt to kick or slap anyone she just laid on the ground two policemen are guided to the office while the third and my boss are in the back of the store after 10 minutes which felt like an eternity for me the policemen come back and one of them put the woman in handcuffs meanwhile the woman's giving me death glares and she's saying the reason she did all this is because I hit her kid and refused to admit it the officers probably already know that that's not the case I was struggling to find the right words because I've never been in a situation like this and I was on the verge of crying I told them that they need to check the camera footage from 2 hours before this and there was no way that I'd do something like that the policeman just took the woman away probably off to the police station where she deserves to be my boss did compliment me on handling the situation but he told me to never bring anyone into the back again when I came home I told my parents the entire story and they were shocked they asked me if I wanted to continue working there and I did there's absolutely nothing wrong with the place itself just very rarely the people that buy stuff there there my boss later made the rule of not doing this with dolls and children's toys anymore because this has happened a few times before although not this bad it did solve the problem of entitled Karens and I've never seen one since yeah that woman went completely nutso over a doll guys like it's just crazy how her thought process was my child's been scream crying for hours because of you so I'm going to destroy the store because you guys happen to be out of stock like what about teaching your child that they can wait Karen and help them to understand that they'll get the doll just not now I would say that's a much better option than getting hauled off to jail absolutely wild guys and I do agree with Opie's boss totally there's never a good reason to bring a customer to the back stock area at all especially one that's super angry so I must have a face made for retail because people often walk up to me in stores and ask me for help even when I'm wearing clothes that should make it obvious that I'm not an employee some years ago it was even worse I worked for a company that used a gold polo shirt with black trim as a part of the uniform and everywhere I went people thought I was the assistant manager most of it was harmless questions like do you have this item in stock or where's your cigarettes I'd be elbow deep in the middle of taking something apart with tools scattered all around me or I'd be on a ladder with my head above the ceiling tiles and people would still assume I work there what surprised me was how condescending demand Ing and rude some people are when someone was especially rude I'd play along with them for a moment before pointing out that I wasn't an employee just to embarrass them a bit the worst was some little old lady who looked like she hasn't cracked a smile since the Eisenhower Administration was in power I had made some repairs to equipment on site at a Kmart and I was waiting by the customer service SL return desk for the manager to sign off that's when this old bat walks in and she looks at the busy return desk and the long line and then at me standing there holding a clipboard and she starts heading my way with the purpose as the woman got closer I start to head her off by saying no no no no I don't work here but she yells at me to quote shut up sunny and listen to me for a minute and to this day I'm not sure if I shut up because she told me to shut up or if my mouth stopped working due to the shock of someone using the word sunny outside of a sitcom the woman then begins ranting about her last trip to Kmart she starts complaining about everything in the store which to her were atrocities when she wound down for just a second I recovered enough to try to tell her once more that I was not an employee she just shrieked at me louder to shut up so I just shut up and I let her go a bit longer the third time I tried to say something she actually tried to put her withered hand on my mouth I fended her off by holding my clipboard in front of my face like a shield until she stopped at this point something my grandpa told me popped into my head he always said if you encounter someone that angry just shut up and let them run down they aren't going to hear anything you say anyways so you trying to defend yourself only makes things worse and the best of all if you calmly stand there and let them rant they'll usually make a fool out of themselves in front of everyone he was a smart man so I just stood there looking at her until she finally wound down and there was an awkward pause the old bat then says to me well I say to her well what she then says well aren't you going to help me I say to her no I don't even didn't work and just like that I'm interrupted and she says then what do you suggest I do then me finally losing my cool and getting a bit loud say if you want my opinion ma'am I'd go talk to someone who works here it was at this moment that three things happened she finally shut up I realized how quiet it was and then someone laughed when I glanced back to the service desk four employees all the customers there as well as other people shopping near there had heard and they stopped to stare when I looked back the old girl was staring at the logo on my shirt and for the first time realized it said something other than Kmart the woman then opened her mouth without saying anything and then pivoted neatly and she went straight out the front door I wish I could say I plann to set her up but she did that all by herself see this is why you always let someone finish talking guys like if that Karen had not interrupted op three times and tried to put her wrinkly disgusting hands on his mouth to shut him up she wouldn't have been embarrassed like that and that my friends brings us to another n of/ i don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where Opie's new neighbor decides to harass her and tries to steal her land and it backfires hard guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 85,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: R5iNOyYCNhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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