r/EntitledPeople - New Karen Neighbor STEALS MY LAND! It Backfires Big Time!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our / entitled people where people believe they own other people's land because they say they do and in this episode It's All About horrible neighbors and a Karen couple tries to steal a part of Opie's backyard and guys it backfires so hard I hope you enjoy the stories today don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in so my neighbor went one 100% environmentally friendly before Christmas and he also has gone completely vegan which is good for him I don't care however since going vegan and environmentally friendly he's constantly complaining how I'm living and I'm starting to get really annoyed the guy will moan and groan when my fireplace is on he moans when he can smell meat cooking and he complains when my lights have been on too long it's none of his business with that said my parents recently came down for dinner and the neighbor was complaining about the smell of roast and that the kitchen light was on during the daytime and my father told him where to shove it during most of the year my neighbors also been ringing my doorbells complaining about my lights being on and how I should use candles and how I should not eat meat I basically tell him to F off now and just shut the door in his face I don't even answer the door to him now yesterday he was going through my garbage bin moaning how I should be recycling now I do and don't recycle I recycle glass and cardboard he also complained about all the meat packages he found in my garbage and again told me that I should not eat meat this whole thing's getting absolutely ridiculous now I came home today with a bucket of KFC and as soon as I pull it out of the car he comes over acting as if I've just murdered innocent people he was moaning pointing at my KFC saying that was a living animal it probably had a family I just got mad and sad that's why I got the family bucket so no one was left behind honestly in my opinion this is the worst kind of neighbor guys like the ones that don't mind their own business and complain about other people just living their lives like as soon as he complained about what was an op's garbage I was like yeah this guy's way over the top and if I were op I'd be bringing buckets of KFC home all the time after that and this person says my neighbors can do what they want but as soon as they start trying to force their lifestyle on me I would be rebelling so hard if you don't want me to cook Meats I'm going full carnivore if you're going through my garbage you're not going to like what you find I absolutely love this guys the pettier the better right guys let me know how you would deal with a neighbor like this I was visiting my friend at his dad's house in an area where the land is so steep all the driveways have to switch back up from the main road to the houses a straight driveway is not an option because it would be steeper than the building code allows a few doors down the road lived a nice old couple who recently had a vacant lot next door to them but the lot had sold and the the new owner started construction on a new house unfortunately the lot was so steep that the new owner built his driveway partly on the old couple's land it was carved out of the hillside with an excavator now this probably wouldn't have been a big deal if the new owner approached the couple first and asked nicely but he didn't and I wouldn't be telling the story if he had in fact the old couple had no idea this was happening until they came home one day and they see a huge scar in the hillside snaking up from the road in front of their house across the corner of their property and winding upwards to where an excavator was working to prepare the land for the new neighbor's house they were pretty upset but being nice reasonable people they figured it was an honest mistake so they went over to talk to the machine operator he didn't know anything useful but he was happy to give them the phone number of the new property owner the old guy gave him a call and politely explained the situation saying that his contractors were digging on his land but his new neighbor whom he'd never even met was having none of it he flat out denied that the driveway cross the property line and he was rude enough that the old guy was pretty upset at this point the old couple weren't sure what to do they double checked the property lines to make sure they were right and of course they were but after further conversations with the new owner it was clear he was an unreasonable guy who wasn't going to come to the negotiating table willingly the old couple didn't want to take legal action because that would have been expensive and frankly the damage to their yard was already done at the same time they couldn't let someone walk all over them like that especially if they were going to be living next door for the foreseeable future so the situation stewed for a while as construction continued on the new house until one day when my friend's dad saw the old couple in the neighborhood and they start chatting of course they told him the story about the new entitled neighbor now my friend's dad really likes the old couple who don't have a mean bone in their bodies so he was pretty pissed about the situation and when he went home he couldn't get it out of his head so that evening after a few beers he had a brilliant idea he called up the old couple explained his plan and then asked for their permission to carry it out they just chuckled and gave him the go ahead so with that he hopped into a rusty old full-size pickup he had and drove it over to the old coup's place where he then parked it across the encroaching driveway making sure it was entirely on the old folks property the next morning the work crew arrived bright and early to find they couldn't drive to the house they were building because some jackass had parked a crappy old F-150 across the driveway they then saw the note in the window with my friends phone number on it so they called him to ask what the f he explained that he had permission from the owners to park there and that no he would not move his truck so they could get to work furthermore if anyone attempted to tow the truck they would be charged with trespassing and theft there was no way the construction guys were going to haul their tools up the hill by hand and they didn't want to get in the middle of a legal battle so they just called the new owner to let them know that they would be taking the day off and that they would continue to take days off until the property boundary just was resolved a few hours after that the new owner calls the old couple in a fury but the old couple told them the same thing my friend's dad told the construction workers basically the truck was parked on their property so if he had a problem with that he could go f himself so to make an already long story shorter the new neighbor ranted for a while but he eventually wanted his house to be built so the nice old couple ends up with a significant sum of money in exchange for an easement allowing the driveway to cut across the corner of their property and my friend's dad got several thankk you cases of beer and the satisfaction that comes from putting an entitled a-hole in his place the dad is definitely the hero in this one guys for helping the old couple out but honestly I don't know why they just didn't contact authorities or call someone about the violations like I'm pretty sure if you had proof of property lines they'd have to stop work immediately right and guys I love the way this person thinks they comment I probably would have waited for all the work to be finished before placing a fence across the driveway on my side of the property so my husband and I bought a house next to the bullies of the neighborhood this is a long story but very satisfying so please hang in there first some background my husband and I bought our home on a 3/4 acre plot of land 9 years ago at the time we were a few months away from getting married and this was an exciting moment for us the day we took possession we picked up the house key from our lawyer and we went to the house we got out of our car and just took a moment in the parking lots holding hands to Gaze on our first home together at that point this elderly man in his 70s comes running from his house next door to greet us he'd apparently been waiting for us all day the guy then breathlessly told us all the problems the previous owners had had with our house and to be honest it did ruin our moment my husband tried to politely get him to go home and he explained that we had a lot to do and needed to get the house ready for the moving van to arrive shortly my husband unlocked the front door for us to go inside and this man who didn't take the hint just pushes his way in he was the first one to step foot into my new home he then proceeds to inspect the entire first floor making comments along the way like oh look they put hardwood in the living room gross he then went to climb the stairs and at this point our shock had started to wear off so my husband stood on the first step and he blocked him from going upstairs we finally got him out of the house now I'm telling you this for two reasons first I wanted to give you a sense of how off this man was second during his Non-Stop verbal diet tribe he then pointed out that the green chain link fence between our properties was on my property and we're responsible for any cost associated with its maintenance he then vaguely pointed to the rear corner of our property and he said the survey marker back there showed this he also said that the previous owners had dug up the buried front survey monument and they moved it so it was no longer reliable at the time we thought this was an odd story so we dismissed it but we shouldn't have so shortly after we moved in despite a bad first encounter we invited the neighbors who I'll call Joe and Rose to dinner they were quite chatty they told us horrible stories of all the Neighbors on the Block Rose then in her high-pitched voice said these things to me she said number one I don't like the sound of music so I shouldn't have to listen to it the people in 37 42 and 55 like to listen to music all the time so I called police on them number two I also don't like the smell of fire so I shouldn't have to smell it the people in number 39 41 and 53 like to have backyard fires all the time so I call the fire department on them number three I see you have dogs I don't like the sound of dogs barking so I shouldn't have to listen to that the people in 12 25 and 64 all have dogs so I called animal control on them same with children I don't like the sound of children playing so I shouldn't have to listen to that the people in number 48 and 29 have kids who like to play Road hockey I'll have you know I call child protective services on them and this was just a few examples of her stories nobody was spared my husband and I were dismayed and decided to keep Joe and Rose at arms length from that point on we decided not to extend any further dinner invitations so with that said here's the source of the issue the property line several years ago we had our driveway repaved and Joe approached our contractor to have his driveway repaved too in addition to repaving his existing driveway he also added a parking pad that buttered up to our green chain link fence Joe would regularly back his van on the parking pad right up against the fence in May Joe backed into the fence he bent two fence posts and he split a section of the chain link fence now you would think that any nice neighbor would have come to our door explained what happened and apologized but Joe is not nice we discovered the problem when our three dogs escaped through the split in the fence into his yard later that day we asked Joe to explain what happened he denied everything while leaning against a rental car we did get him to acknowledge that the damage must have come from his property given the direction of the damage but he claimed it must have been his snow removal guy who hit the fence months ago there were no offers to compensate us for the damaged fence my husband simply used wire to repair the fence to secure our yard and we let it go and that should have been that shortly afterwards Rose starts asking when we're going to replace the fence she explained that the repair on the fence that my husband did was way too ugly and she shouldn't have to look at it initially I thought she was joking I pretended to not hear her and simply walked away she then brought it up two more times by the third time I told her very blatantly that we had no plans to replace the fence in the spring rose again lamented about the ugly fence but this time she offered to pay half the cost to replace it I asked her if she was interested in another chain link fence or a wooden fence she preferred a wooden fence so I called some contractors to get quotes on the day the first contractor was scheduled to come over I called Rose I wanted to sort out some details about the fence Heights Etc before the contractor came over she then explained that Joe told her that because the fence was ours that they should not and would not pay a penny towards replacing it so that was that I cancelled the contractor but I asked him out of curiosity how much it would cost to replace the fence with another chain link fence based on linear feet the cost was around $2,000 later that summer rose approached us again my husband explained that the cost to put a chain link fence in was expensive and we couldn't afford it and that it wasn't our priority Rose offered to pay half the cost of the chain link fence and honestly I just wanted to walk away but also felt that we would never have an opportunity to share cost again so we start negotiating we wanted the fence to be 6 ft tall and they wanted it to be 4 ft tall we compromised on 5 ft it would be a wooden fence in the style of our newly constructed Back Fence in addition we talked about whether to place it on the property line or the existing fence line Joe preferred the matter so we agreed on the existing fence line after all according to the back property marker our fence was only around a foot inside the property line and Joe was having trouble avoiding the existing fence if we moved it out one foot chances are he would hit it again we also wanted to put in four glass panels in the back portion of the fence so we could continue to enjoy the view of the Ravine past Joe's property that we'd been enjoying with the chain link fence so with that they reluctantly agreed and they even moved the location of a new shed they were installing so it would not block our planned view through the glass they agreed to pay us $11,000 we decide to bite the bullet and upgrade to a wooden fence now I'm going to make a long story short here Rose hated the new fence and she said it was so ugly they then said they weren't going to pay what they had agreed to and further they would no longer agree to allow us to install glass panels they said that the Ravine view belonged to them and we had no right to it out of pettiness they also planted a row of hedge seedar on their side of the fence and a BL spruce tree to block our view at this point Rose starts a screaming Campaign which consists of the fence is ugly we shouldn't have to look at this effing ugly fence and you can't look over here Look Away We Own the effing view it got to the point that every time we went into our backyard she screamed at us we tried to bite our tongues but it was hard at one point Rose was screaming at my husband while leaning on our unfinished new fence he asked her to back up because she was standing on our property between the fence and the property line at the this point she became enraged and she screamed that she owned the land on this side of the fence because of squatter's rights so from that point on she starts screaming all the usual things plus squatter rights squatter rights squatter rights we started to avoid going into our backyard if they were outside one day the fence contractor arrives to work on the fence we saw him pull out front and we went to the backyard to meet him through the side gate both Joe and Rose saw us and they start screaming the usual complaints in addition Rose added some lies about the contractor how he didn't know what he was doing and he had built an ugly fence and was messy and he left wood and tools on their property at that point my husband had had enough and he finally snapped telling Rose to shut up he also called her a liar Rose accused my husband of threatening her at that point the contractor and his wife who were bringing their tools into the backyard made their presence known and Rose suddenly shut up because we had Witnesses at this point I realized that Rose was trying to set us up so she could call the police she wanted to accuse us of threatening her and I found a lawyer our lawyer then explained four things to us number one that we had little claim to the verbal contract of $11,000 that we needed to let it go and strategically we were better off having full control over the fence and ensuring they had no interest in it at all we could also build it as we wanted we also didn't need their permission to add glass panels or paint it as we pleased number two they had no claim to adverse possession AKA squatter rights our properties were registered in Land Titles by the developer before the houses were built and in our Province properties registered in Land Titles with a survey are not eligible for claims of adverse possession she also explained that screaming that they own the land over the fence does not give them the land that they must go to court to have the judge award the land to them number three screaming over the fence is a crime and we need to call the police the police would calm down this escalating situation and number four claiming to own the view of a public Ravine was simply ridiculous so we respond in two ways number one we sent the neighbors a letter explaining they did not own the land on their side of the fence and provided proof of the land registry and the relevant Legal Information we explained that if they walked on our property they were trespassing we also explained that from that point on we would have zero tolerance of any verbal abuse number two we called the police non-emergency line and this was sad for me because I've never in my whole life called the police on anyone when the police arrived they spoke to us first we explained that we wanted the neighbors to stop screaming at us our family or our contractors the police wanted to know what kind of things they were screaming at us we didn't have to do much explaining because as soon as Joe and Rose saw us standing outside they open the door and Rose became agitated and she starts screaming that they owned the view Etc one police officer had to ask her to go inside the house and closed the door Joe remained on the front porch with the officers and he agreed to stop harassing us while while walking back to our house the police explained to us that they felt there were some mental health issues going on with rose and if there were any more issues we should call the police again he suggested that we continue to document incidents which is in line with what our lawyer advised us believe it or not sending the police over did calm things down for a while but in the meantime I was worried that Joe would back into the new fence and act malicious he would back his van right up against it I wanted to install a barrier in the space between the fence and the property line that would prevent Joe from Hit hting the fence but to do that we really needed to know where the property line was so we borrow a metal detector and we found the buried front marker it was not where we expected it to be if it was correct the front of our fence was around 6 to 7 ft inside the property line not 1 foot like we thought we marked the location of the buried property marker with a wooden Stak and paint and this upset Joe and I saw him remove our stake with his riding mower the next day because the fence line did not align to the property line we hired a surveyor discovered that not only had Joe removed the front stake we installed but he had also removed the official buried survey marker with his mower which is illegal when Rose saw the surveyors she comes running out and she verbally attacked them saying they could not trespass on her property the surveyors were very calm and they handed her their business card they then explained that now they identified themselves and they were allowed to by law to access her property Rose then placed a lawn chair on her front lawn sat down crossed her arm and stared at the surveyors all day I was shocked at how long the process took at 5:00 p.m. the surveyors explained that they were not quite Complete because our property was on a curve and was pi-shaped they had some triangulation calculations they had to make at their office and they would come back the following Monday to finish up they also explained the process was taking them a while because not only had the front marker been removed but the back marker had been moved over by 5 ft now that strange story that Joe had told us about the previous homeowner moving the buried Monument made sense Joe himself had moved the back monument and the front Monument was out of alignment so he came up with this lame story to explain it the surveyors came back the following Monday and they installed the new front and back markers in the correct locations and they added 10 additional wooden Stakes all along the property line now things made sense the original fence was around 6 ft inside the property line all along the fence line and I'm thinking oh my goodness when Joe came out and he saw the new property line Stakes all hell broke loose I thought he was going to have a stroke by this time I had told our fence contractors to stop work on the new fence and asked him what it would take to move the fence closer to the property line and remember he had heard Joe and Rose scream lies about his work and the Ugly fence there was no love loss between the contractor and our neighbors he wanted to do everything he could to make things right and if moving the fence is what needed to be done so be it so the day after the stakes were installed he started to dig post holes 2 in inside the property line he laughed whenever Joe and Rose gave him a hard time and accused him of trespassing we also bought our surveillance camera and I was able to document the neighbor's bad behavior they continued to park their van past the string line and they were adding their own Stakes at strange places we just removed them around this time we had drinks with another neighbor who's named Matt from down the road this was the only person that was still on speaking terms with Joe and Rose Matt made it clear that he had his own issues with rose mainly because he called the fire department whenever he had a small backyard fire Matt explained that Joe and Rose still believed they had claims to squatter rights and they plan to hire a lawyer to claim this land and if by some chance they failed they plan to charge us thousands of dollars for the cost they hadd incurred several years before to remove five large pine trees along the property line they removed these trees as the roots were damaging their driveway they felt that if we wanted to claim additional land then we should incur the cost to remove these trees as they technically belong to us according to an old aerial view I received from our surveyor it looks like the pine trees were planted decades ago on the property line I now suspect the chain link fence was simply installed in front of the mature pine trees it's likely those pine trees wholly or partially belong to us either way Joe and Rose had failed to secure our permission to remove them not only were we under no obligation to pay for the cost to remove them but we had a perfect counter claim if they tried the best thing Matt told us was that Rose was so angry at the police police for how she'd been told to go back inside the house that she called their Sergeant to file a complaint against them true to their word the neighbors did hire a lawyer the whole neighborhood saw him arrive in his suit and briefcase he must have told them that they had no claim to adverse possession and they couldn't charge us for the cost of removing the trees because nothing happened so the fence is now completed to within 2 in of the property line we did not install glass panels This was a hot button for Rose as she threatened to break them while holding a hammer she said it would be a shame if they broke wouldn't it very generously we also decided to not cut the asphalt on the corner of Joe's parking pad that's on our property instead we bumped the fence at the parking pad by 2 ft and we installed a wooden barrier in front of it so Joe can't hit the new fence Rose still complains that the fence is ugly but we don't care an interesting thing did happen when we stood up to Joe and Rose a collective cheer went up in the neighborhood several neighbors have offered support and told us their stories of abuse we take comfort in the winds we made including regaining almost 1200 ft of property this has been a painful and sad chapter for us but we're grateful for all of our other neighbors who are decent and kind I just wanted to share this story to let others know that fences do make the best neighbors oh I agree 100% with that guys especially with nightmare neighbors like that like I really don't know why people choose to be a-holes to the people they live right next too I just hope Opie had a huge Backyard Barbecue and he invited all the Neighbors after that because wow was that ever a soap opera and that my friends brings us to another n of/ entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where op's Karen neighbor abducts her cat and she calls 911 when it attacks her guys it's such a crazy story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 128,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: eAx36IPwFvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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