r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Idiot RAGES When I Won't Obey His Son! Gets Embarrassed.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ Ione to work here lady where Karen seemed to think that everyone on Earth is an employee and needs to serve them and in this episode Opie encounters a guy who's convinced that she's an employee and it gets pretty crazy guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in so this happened many many years ago and I was reminded of it recently when this happened I was in a Bookshop in the children's Department no less when suddenly my stroller beside me begins to get pushed away that's when I turned to see a lady who's neither my wife or anyone I know pushing my daughter away from me so I ran for the stroller grabbing one of the bars and yanking it from her fingers I then pushed her into a nearby shelf slightly by her arm glaring at her more intensely than I have anyone at this point people around are just staring at me in shock likely thinking that I've just taken this woman's toddler by force I then scream ma'am what exactly do you think you're doing I asked her tensely my one hand was still held out in front of her chest to keep her as far away from my child as possible I'm a very docile man but that was way past my line of being non-confrontational the woman then looks up at me alarmed and she went to grab the stroller and she said I'm trying to find the kids's parents since you work here help me look I say to her do not try and touch my daughter again what's wrong with you what even possessed you in that moment to think that that's the right thing to do I was practically screaming at her spitting through my teeth from the stress of me yelling and the situation in general my daughter began to cry the lady also began to cry and she said I don't know I thought you worked here I'm just trying to find her parents I told her to get away and she just left practically running out of the store I then pulled my daughter from the stroller picked up a book paid for it and laugh it's not my problem that some lady tried to get grabby with my kid safety on the way out I was pushing the stroller with one hand holding a shopping bag and comforting my daughter with the other I saw that woman again sitting on the ground crying while talking on the phone I honestly felt a little bad but God how could you be so stupid guys I honestly I'm really hoping that was a mistake on her part and she wasn't some crazy lady trying to abduct someone's toddler that day because that would have been really stupid and seriously making wild assumptions like that is a great way to get hurt lady she's really lucky that Opie was a docile man like he said because oh boy imagine attempting that with a mama bear who will fight first and ask questions later and this person comments I bet that lady was trying to steal your kid an honest person would have drawn attention to a lost child and been very open about it you never just grab a kid there was a kid lost at the Mall food court the other day so I asked where his mom was stood by him and called out until his family came yikes people do steal children like that so yeah it might have been an abduction attempt we'll never know guys I mean if it was that lady probably would have been long gone and wouldn't have stuck around after right but of course let me know your thoughts so here's a little context I'm a dude in my mid 20s I used to work for this company that was basically a call center I won't get into details as it's not necessary for the story just know that it was a call center with that said I had quit for 2 weeks got a new job and was enjoying a small vacation until I started the new one I found myself needing some extra paperwork for my new job from my old one that I didn't know about initially I kind of expected that so I did end up going back to my old job for that when I went there I also visited my old co-workers on the floor to chat while there I stumbled into a guy that I got along with very well he was also the boyfriend of a witch of a team lead who will call Karen I think you're getting the idea who this will be about so I'm hanging around cubicles chatting to Old Co co-workers trying not to stand out talking to my friend Bob about how it feels to be free I was sitting in a chair at an empty computer there were practically no calls at that time of day I had put my jacket on the chair so I sort of looked like I was at work suddenly I hear team lead Karen coming up to us Karen says don't you guys have better things to do like work Bob says to Karen there's no calls Karen says and there was silence for a few seconds I had my back turned to her tapping away on my phone I thought she laughed and thought her beef was with Bob Since I no longer work there that's when Karen says hey you know I was talking to you too right I say to her me that's when Karen says are you playing stupid now because I can write you up right now you're not wearing your headset your computer's not even on and you've been doing nothing but talking did you even log into everything I have all the reasons to issue that warning so don't push it at that I say uh uh okay but you do know that I'm Karen Cuts me off and says I do not care get back to work I won't ask you again at this point I'm trying not to laugh hard I'm astonished Karen then bolts off and yeah she didn't really know that I quit she wasn't a team lead on my section so I didn't directly work under her but she was the only supervisor on shift that day of course me and Bob start laughing our asses off as soon as she left Karen went in the direction of HR in the meantime me and Bob just agreed to play along to poke fun at her stupidity if she keeps going I figured she couldn't do anything to me anyways that's when her boyfriend comes over to us as he's noticed the conversation and her I rate tone towards us and her stomping off her boyfriend asked what was that all about Bob barely containing his tears of laughter said man your girlfriend she's about to give Opie a written warning because he wasn't working and he was talking with me like she has no idea that Opie doesn't work here anymore hearing that boyfriend is wide-eyed he turns around probably to go tell Karen but Bob grabs his shirt and says come on don't ruin this it's going to be good boyfriend says okay I'll pretend I was never here Karen comes back 15 to 20 minutes later with two papers in her hand one for Disobedience and another for work avoidance or some crap Karen says to me so here's how it's going to go you can loudly apologize for being lazy and disobeying my orders get back to your desk sit down be quiet and start work and I'll only give you one warning or you can simply sign both and you're one strike away from being fired at this point Bob who still worked there didn't want to get himself fired so he folded he apologized to her and acted busy he was still listening though trying really hard not to laugh I on the other hand was still in the respective chair and was actually about to go because I had no business really being there so I roll my eyes and say look I'm just going to head off and Karen Cuts me off and says all right what's your agent ID I just burst into a short laugh I'm like screw it I wasn't going to actually do this I tried to avoid it so I gave her my old agent ID at that Karen smirks victoriously she finally got me she gives me the two warning papers tells me to sign them and agree and walks back to her computer as she had to take other details out to fill them I just look at her and she looks at me and says are you done I don't say anything I just look at her waiting I knew the moment she was going to input my ID she would see a big bold red inactive next to my name and she would be locked out of my profile as ex employes data becomes private to most people I can see her frowning in confusion muttering a what she then looks at me with wide eyes and said are you logged in at this point I laugh and Bob also starts chuckling unable to hold it anymore I say to her I've been trying to tell you that I don't work here anymore I quit 2 weeks ago Karen then says to me then why are you here I told her I simply came for some extra papers that I need for my new job and I came here to visit and go for lunch with Bob hearing that her jaws now close to hitting the floor and she's rad from both shame and anger she had no power and it frustrated her Karen then said well I'm calling security you're not allowed to be here if you're not an employee technically she was right but practically her boyfriend was there too so she'd have to kick him out too I say to her so I guess I'm taking your boyfriend with me then right Karen then realizes that she's in a pinch and she starts to sort of panic as she's running out of things to say or do she just tells me to get out I comply and Bob comes after me as he took a break we have a laugh in front of the office building and he's also feeling sorry for her but we both agreed that she kind of dug herself that hole I later find out from my actual ex team lead who I kept in touch with that her boyfriend was there to break up with her oh my goodness guys that is not the ending I was expecting but at the same time I can't say I'm surprised and I've said it so many times guys like a lot of these people could avoid looking stupid if they would just stop and listen to the person they're talking to for half a second and actually comprehend what they're saying so for some backstory I'm a hair stylist and I wear all black it's usually slacks and some sort of black shirt to work my hair at the time was a bright and vibrant rainbow I got off work sort of early in the afternoon and happily left work I also couldn't drive at the time so I had to wait for my ride to come get me so I just perused a few other stores in the strip mall I work at I walked into a clothing department kind of store whose dress code required black pants and bright red shirts I was walking around checking out their clothing racks hoping I might find some new cute shirts for work cuz when you can only wear black and white it sort of gets boring after a while and I personally don't wear white to work anyways I'm minding my own business when this little kid who's maybe 11 walks up to me and he asked me where where the young boy section is no I didn't really know but I assumed it was near the regular men's section and I pointed him that way now instead of just leaving the kid stares at me waiting impatiently and then after a moment of clearly not getting what he wanted he Taps me again now I did have the spare time so I thought to myself what the heck he's only a kid so I say to him I think they're right over here I then walk over to the men stuff and found where the boy stuff was and pointed him in the direction he needed to go the kid happily scampered is off so I go back to browsing the shirts in the women's section not even 5 minutes goes by and this man Stomps up to me the guy very aggressively says something along the lines of hey Missy why did you leave my son unattended to now I didn't even look at him at first because I didn't really care if he was talking to me not my chair kind of thing but the guy repeats his questions even louder I can see the little boy in the corner of my eye cowering behind his dad with some sort of broken cup I finally look up at dad who we'll call aggressive Papa the guy's pointing at his son now and he says what made you think leaving a child alone in a store was a good idea I'm not paying for this hearing that I stare blankly at him for a moment before I realized that he must think I work here so I say oh sir no I'm not responsible for your child I'm sorry that's when I try to walk away when he shouts at me and says that I'm required to watch his son that he was busy looking at watches blah blah blah his son agrees that they do not need to pay for the broken mug now I personally didn't care about the mug I just wanted to kill time before my ride arrive so I tried to explain to him that I do not in fact work here and even if I did I would not be responsible for his unattended to child hearing that he gets red-faced and he tells me to find my manager so he can have a word with them the guy's pointing fingers and getting up in my face practically spitting and since my vision is really bad he was basically Bally a blur being up so close so when I tried to move away I didn't realize that he was right up on me and I end up stepping on his foot he then screams loudly as if his boot didn't take the brunt of my weight I'm like a 5'6 girl who weighs 120 lb and this guy was like 6 ft tall over 200 and he acted like my foot was a steamroller he then starts causing a scene shouting at me pushing me and starts telling me how unbelievable I was and how I'm getting fired and was suing the store for damage to his foot I couldn't help but be a little bit frightened and I legit ran away to the checkout counter and tried to get the fellow's attention there he had seen me running over and was telling the girl he was checking out that he needed a moment to help me and here's the craziest part the man follows me and basically makes it to the front with the fakest limp that I've ever seen in my life he then shouts to everyone this just attacked me and she must have broken my toes she needs to be fired and and I'm suing this store the cashier looks at this man in utter disbelief he then calls over the PA for a manager to come by the manager was an even smaller woman who looked like she'd seen plenty of ridiculous people in her time and she starts trying to calm him down she steps over to the side and she's trying to assure him that no harm was intended and that she'll get it fixed right away at which point the man points his fingers at me he demands my name the police to be called for assault and that I be fired right there right then the cashier and manager both look at me confused and then look at him the cashier says quietly uh sir she doesn't work here and the manager repeats that in a much more confident tone at that the guy loses his marbles again and he starts saying that he needs compensation for injury the cashier sees the mug his son is holding and asks me if that's the cause of the issue I just say no his son broke that while he left him unwatched and he thought I worked here he then got up in my face and I accidentally stepped on his foot and that's when he got aggressive with me it was an accident the manager overhears this and informs the man that he has to leave the store with or without the mug she doesn't care just that he has to go and of course the guy says he's going to call the police the manager stares in disbelief and says to him were you really scared of a tiny woman like did she honestly assault you the guy gets red faced again this time in embarrassment and he starts mumbling on about suing and how he was going to have my job the manager says she'll call the police if he'd like but that they were going to be escorting him and his son out if she did he gets angry and he storms out of the store with his son in toe she tells me that she's very sorry and if I need something to ask her about it and that was my little I don't work here encounter some people I tell you and I'm just glad the guy was embarrassed in the end when the manager called him out on being such an a-hole guys and also like I know it sounds ridiculous but I have no idea why some parents believe that store employees are are responsible for their kids like they already have to deal with idiots like you sir there's no time to run around babysitting your kids and this person comments this guy sounds like an a-hole and sadly it's rubbing off on his son both don't take responsibility for their actions and they try to lay the fault at someone else's doorstep oh and the threat to sue is the icing on the cake a disgrace yep I totally agree and this person shares their encounter with a Karen who wanted to sue so I've been working at a small neighborhood family-owned gym for 3 years now I've gotten to know all the regular members on a firstname basis and I've put a lot of effort into remembering the names of newer members I work mornings evenings and nights depending on the day so one day about 8 months ago I arrived just before noon and had closed the night before the GM decided to leave early that day and left me alone to take care of things myself this is typical as I've worked here the longest out of everyone on staff a little while later the phone rings and I answer with my self scripted prompt saying thank you for calling so and so Fitness gy this is my name how can I help you the woman starts off screaming and says Hi I was locked in your gym last night me trying to buy some time for my brain to grasp the situation said uh I'm I'm sorry Karen says I was locked in your gym last night I was in the middle of showering and someone turned off the lights in the locker room I screamed for help and no one came they locked me in now remember I closed last night I've been doing this for a while now and I always check the bathrooms locker rooms and the showers to make sure that no one else is there and that the faucets are completely turned off I say to Karen um that's impossible ma'am I closed last night and there was nobody in the locker rooms our alarms would have gone off if someone else was still in there Karen says well I was and I'm going to sue you now I'm not claiming to be the most attent person in the world but one thing I do when I close is smack the wall of the woman's locker room and Shout hey anyone in here staff coming in and then I enter and that night there was absolutely nobody in there I say to her ma'am what was the name of the gym you were locked in Karen screams you work here you should know I say to her no ma'am I want you to tell me the name of the gym you were locked inside of last night of course Karen says the name of some other effing gym and I say to her ma'am this is so and so Fitness you've called the wrong gym and that's when Karen says well you're lucky you're not them followed by a click oh boy I I just feel bad for the gym that she's about to rain heck upon guys but with that said like who Waits until the next morning to call like if I were locked in a gym I would be calling 911 ASAP guys I'm not going to stick around go home and then call the gym the next day complaining threatening a lawsuit like I really wonder what she was trying to pull here so I work as a swim instructor on a very busy Beach and our office is based in a little Surf Shack on the edge of the beach the beach is also really popular if you don't get there before 10:00 in the morning most days you can forget about getting a spot for your stuff so it was a little before 3:00 in the afternoon when a random woman comes up to the Surf Shack it looked like she was yelling but I was a little down the beach as I was wrapping up a class so I couldn't hear her I saw her and rushed over after all the students from my class were safe on the beach I instructed the class to start bringing their boards to the shack so I can put them away I say to Karen hi my name's op I'm one of the instructors here how can I help you the lady says finally I've been waiting forever and I want to note that I saw her arrive less than 20 seconds ago me with customer service mode activated say well I'm very sorry to hear that I was wrapping up a class and I'm the only one on duty right now the woman says to me I don't need details listen will you help me or not I ask her do you want to sign up for surfing lessons she tells me no I ask her do you want to rent some equipment she says no I finally ask so what can I do for you the woman says help me deal with this crap the woman then gestures to a few towels buckets Spades a couple of bottles of drinks a board bag everything you would need for a family day out at the beach I had seen the family it belonged to earlier briefly the parents were in their mid-30s and they had a couple of kids who looked no older than 10 I say to the woman you want me to do what the lady says move it I ask her where the woman says in there she then points to the Surf Shack where the students are currently dumping their boards I say to her I think there's been a misunderstanding ma'am this is a school not a storage unit the woman says stop asking questions and help me move it she then turns towards the stuff and I realize that she's one in her early 20s and she's not the mother nor daughter of the family and number two she's carrying her own beach stuff I say to her do you know this family she just screams at me why would I I say to her because you want me to move their stuff either you know them or you're moving a stranger stuff off the beach the woman says just shut up and do your job you're getting paid to help people not ask questions I tell her I'm getting paid to teach surfing not move people's stuff she then says to me well what am I supposed to do all the good spots are taken I tell her look for another spot the woman Stomps off after this and I thought it was over so I go inside to help the students with their boards maybe 5 minutes later I head back down towards the door and there's a pile of beach stuff right outside the door I look over and sure enough the lady from earlier is lying on a beach towel in the exact same spot she'd indicated with the family's possessions all bundled up and left for me to look after I didn't really see what else I could do after that I had to stay in the Surf Shack and keep an eye on the current class while waiting for the other one to arrive as I was the only person on duty I yelled to the woman but she was definitely pretending she couldn't hear me the family came back a while later about 10 or so minutes asking why some random woman was in their spot and saying that I had their stuff I gave it to them and explained and they looked more confused than angry I then saw the dad go over to the lady and they exchanged what looked like some less than friendly dialogue while the mom thanked me for at least making sure their stuff didn't get stolen oh man guys entitled Kens are the absolute worst and honestly I would be fuming if someone did that and if that were me I would grab my stuff and set up right beside her that's or I would be super Petty and start tossing food all around her for the seagulls and that my friends brings us to another n of r/ I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where a Karen lets her son invade op's home and he refuses to leave guys it's such a crazy story so go check it out and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 98,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: CrlvdG5QJX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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