r/EntitledPeople - New Karen Neighbor Thinks She OWNS EVERYONE! It Gets WORSE.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where karen's think they rule the freaking world and in today's episode a woman prevents op from saving someone from having an allergic reaction i know just when you think these stories couldn't possibly get any more absurd something like this comes along i hope you enjoyed today's crazy lineup of stories hit that subscribe button if you haven't and as always your crazy story submissions can be sent to this email right here okay so i took the day off from work yesterday because my nephew's school was closed and i wanted to spend some time with him my brother and nephew live with me my nephew is a small kid and he calls both my wife and i mom while calling my brother dad now this has led him to getting teased a bit especially by karen's son whose name is jared jared is easily 30 pounds heavier than my nephew and a solid 6 inches taller so my nephew is absolutely terrified of the kid so as a result we don't invite that kid to parties or play days every other kid on the block is invited but i refuse to force my nephew to interact with someone that he's so afraid of so when the ice cream truck pulls up to our neighborhood it usually stops at the very beginning of the streets kids parents and anyone else who wants an ice cream goes to meet the truck there so it doesn't have to stop at each of the six houses individually yesterday my nephew's playing in the yard with his friend kevin while i and kevin's dad joe were trying to keep up with them while enjoying a picture of slogen fizz all in a beautiful day in middle america and now the story begins so we hear the unmistakable sound of the ice cream man pulling up heading towards our neighborhood so both kids joe his wife my wife my brother and i all head to the intersection to grab some soft serve we get to the truck and i let joe know that this one's on me as he bought the drinks so we all get our ice cream i pay and then we start to walk away before we get more than 20 feet from the track karen has placed an order for her and her son jared and proclaimed in her best outside voice that i will be paying for these hearing that i take a few steps back and say excuse me i never offered to pay for you to which karen says you said this one's on you i said uh i was talking to joe not you to which karen says that's not fair jared was so excited for ice cream and now you're saying he can't have any do you like to disappoint kids i tell her ma'am he's free to have all the ice cream that you're willing to pay for i'm not buying the kid who always picks on my nephew ice cream the woman then screams at me how dare you i then say to the ice cream guy sorry for the mix up but she's not on my tab i just want to be clear about that the mom then says come on jared we're going home with no ice cream because mary hates you so yeah i switched to martinis when i got home because af that why would she come to the truck if she didn't have money on her i'm starting to understand why her son was such a bratty kid it's not his fault he's being trained to be that way honestly guys i can't help but to feel bad for the sun like yeah he's a brat but it seems pretty obvious that home life isn't all there i wish lp would have said i don't hate you jared i hate your mommy but yeah op is not a fan of him either so next story okay so last night was a farewell party for the assistant manager at my job he's been with the company for almost 15 years and it was second to his last day today's the last day the guy had all my respect from all the time he took to supervise me and answer all my questions he was also very easy going and knew how to balance between professionalism and social skills creating lifelong regular customers it was sad to see him go and we did have a good time save for this one karen dropping in like a bomb as the party's being set up my assistant manager was touched to see so many people coming to see him off employees of both stores came the ceo himself and even some store regulars were there one of the regulars was a man and not only had he had a strong relationship with the assistant manager but with our whole company as well so the party starts we get to the point where the assistant manager was giving his speech thanking everyone we suddenly hear loud footsteps approaching in comes karen with her son in tow loudly announcing her late arrival now i guess that was the husband's wife as he tells her to quiet down the assistant manager then continues and finishes off the speech and some of the employees began setting up a makeshift buffet i then see the man pulling his wife and son aside i couldn't hear everything but from what i can gather she was supposed to be at home with the kid but she thought she could drop by as his guest she also claimed that it was free food and their son was getting really cranky because he was hungry one of the sales ladies who practically prepared everything was very specific on not bringing extra guests as there wouldn't be enough food and she was livid the husband apologized and told her that he'll try to get his wife out of there as soon as possible the food is ready and everybody gets in line it just so happens that the mom and kid were right behind me with the dad standing after them the foods were mostly barbecue foods like burgers hot dogs grilled chicken with veggie sides etc etc i was grabbing the stuff i want when out of nowhere the woman starts to complain i'll call her karen because why not i can hear her saying so there's no vegan foods at all like are there vegan burgers the husband tells her there are salads and chips and veggies to which karen says so others get grilled foods and i have to settle with salads i want something vegan grilled where are the vegan burgers so one of the sales people who were on the grill says oh sorry we didn't know you'd be coming everybody here was okay with food being non-vegan we didn't account for you karen then says well you should have you should always have vegan food available for guests since you never know you should always think of others especially with a party this size her husband then pulls her aside and i can hear him telling her to quiet down it was a really awkward moment and we could hear them going back and forth with karen loud whispering no they were idiots they should have thought of everything why would they not have vegan food what kind of stupid party is this now at this point her son pulls on her and says he wants candy and he starts getting whiny mom tells him no sweetie there's delicious foods here you have to learn to eat what's in front of you i hear that and then i whisper to one of my co-workers and say yeah and she needs to learn to practice what she's preaching instead of complaining well apparently karen heard that because she whips around to face me and she starts saying who are you i tell her it doesn't matter please stop talking and get your food she then says to me are you even an employee here this is a private party i tell her i've been with the company for almost two years she then tells me that i don't belong at the party and that i'm being rude i then say to her you don't even know who the party's for and karen says i don't give a damn who the party's for her husband tries to calm her down again and she's screaming that she won't until i get fired she then looks at me with the eyes of fury but complies she loads up her plate with some veggie sticks and fruits and then she takes her food and her kids food and she goes somewhere far away from me the dad and the sales lady meanwhile are grabbing a drink to calm down and i do the same the sales lady is visibly pissed that this woman's causing a ruckus but she's trying to keep her composure the assistant manager is also enjoying his time at the party there was enough people there that it didn't really cause that much of a ruckus so the party goes on for a bit and everyone's having a good time talking to each other when out of nowhere the kid comes up to me i say to him oh hey can can i help you the kid tells me he's bored there's no games here he then says do you have uh do you have fortnite on your phone and then lie to him and say no sorry this phone is incapable of playing fortnite hearing that the kid does get fussy and he asked me to watch some youtube videos or something at that point i say sorry you've got to let me eat in peace so moments later mom comes up to me and she tells me to hand over my phone i ask her why and she says because you are an employee you have to listen to what the customer says at that point she reaches for my phone she missed and then she swipes the plate of food that was on the table right onto my lap causing a huge mess i then scream at her saying what the f is your problem that's what you get for not listening to me at this point the sales lady steps in and she says you know what i've had enough the party was held in honor for the assistant manager for his career with our company you come in uninvited and not only do you about the free food but you're harassing people now get out before we move you by force at this point the woman was about to protest when her husband comes over to drag them out of the store this morning the husband came in and apologized to everybody for his wife's behavior word that's spreading around is that their relationship has gone astray and they're going through a rough patch and are currently looking at divorce now guys i know this is a terrible thing to say but i hope that if they do get divorced that dad gets custody of the kid and guys i only say that because being away from that super entitled mom might help the kid be less of an entitled brat like how embarrassing though right she crashes a party she's not invited to complains about free food pauses a huge mess like oh i'm shaking my head go home karen go home so a little context so i was having a meeting and my volunteering with the other leaders planning for this year's three-day camping trip as we were going over everything this story we all tried to forget was brought up the camping ground is a ranch themed place with a bunch of activities and we always see young groups from other places camping as well so here's the story this story is about one autistic kid in our group now as much as this one autistic kid is an awesome guy he's allergic to peanuts his mother gave us an epipen to suppress the reaction until the emergency folks can arrive and we always made sure to have someone she can trust carry it either me or another girl we always went to the same camping place i mentioned in the context and this happened last year when it was my third time going there so based on previous pleasant experiences i thought nothing could go wrong and oh sweet merciful god did crap hit the fan so day one nothing particular happens we and the parties from a different group are having dinner in the same room before the head counselor said grace to the dinner he reminded a simple rule no nuts allowed the kitchen and dining hall themselves were not free but he still said that just in case anyone's trying to bring in their own nut product into the dining hall so day two rolls around and everything's going fine and it's breakfast for some reason i forgot to bring the epipen from the cabin everyone is once again gathered in the dining area and i have the autistic boys sit with the volunteers and kids so i can go to the restroom and grab a coffee on the way back so as i was making my way back with a coffee mug in hand i see a kid who's around 8 or 9 years old from another group holding one of those bags of roasted peanuts with his mom maybe in her late 30s sitting beside him now they were sitting at what i thought was a safe distance but i didn't want to risk it i decided to ask them nicely not to eat the peanuts here as we have someone who's severely allergic to peanuts so i come up to her and say hi my name's opie and i'm from so and so organization how are you guys doing today the mother responds oh we're doing fine the weather looks nice for boat rides i say to her yes quite nice listen i just want to let you know that we have someone from the group that's severely allergic to peanuts it would do us a huge favor if you guys can have the peanuts somewhere else would you mind moving hearing that the woman rolls her eyes and she changes her attitude saying ugh i just had to sit through that god-awful speech about no nuts yesterday are you really gonna tell us what we can and can't eat i say to her i understand that but i have to ask you to eat those peanuts outside or at your cabin the place is supposed to be peanut free the allergic person can become very sick at this the woman groans and says fine whatever they put away the peanuts and i think that's the end of it around 10 minutes into breakfast the autistic boy starts to cough real bad now i thought he was choking on food or something or something went down the wrong way so i began to tap on his back shortly afterward his face began to swell and he was having a full asthma attack i then start to scream for help and leader girl runs off to get the epipen i figured it was somehow because of peanuts now i knew he was allergic to peanuts but i failed to see how deadly allergic he was to them i was trying to figure out who or what the source of peanuts was and then i saw him the kid the entitled kid watching the whole thing go down while casually eating his peanuts and his mom was too busy picking out on scrambled eggs and hashbrowns in my state of panic i run over to the boy snatch the bag of peanuts from him and scream what the heck are you doing i asked you to eat those peanuts somewhere else now hearing that the mom finally lifts her head from her plate and she says hey stop shouting at him i then say to her ma'am i asked the two of you to eat those peanuts somewhere else and now that guy over there is having an allergic reaction but karen then says well i thought you were just joking around i didn't know there was a person here who was allergic i thought you were just saying that so i'd go somewhere else i then say to her why would anyone joke about someone being deathly allergic to peanuts at this point the woman stammers and she says well who knows the kid might be faking it to get attention i was going to argue with her more but at that point leader girl brings the epipen i had to prioritize saving the boy and that mom certainly wasn't worth my time i then rushed to the boy and leader girl hands me the epipen i was about to inject him when out of nowhere the woman comes out and snatches the syringe out of my hands she then screams at me and says what are you doing are you drugging this poor boy what drugs are these i say to her lady it's called epinephrine it's the only thing that can save him right now keep in mind this was a family oriented camping place so many people including parents and children were watching this woman throw her fit and that's when everybody was asked to leave the dining hall i was able to snatch the pen back from the mom i quickly injected the autistic boy who was laying on the floor at this point and he starts to breathe again and his face began to swell down and the mom goes berserk the camp staff comes up to us and says that the police are notified with the emergency crew they'll be here in a while the woman then says good i want to see them getting cuffed so fast forward to when the paramedics and the police arrive the paramedic comes up to me and asked hey who's the one that had the allergic attack i then point and say the guy laying down there i gave him some epinephrine to stop the reaction the crazy woman hears this and she screams no they injected him with a random drug and she helped pointing to the leader girl officer says is this true may i see the container and the syringe you used i then hand it over to the police officer he then takes one of the paramedics to verify that it was indeed what i said it was police 2 was questioning all the witnesses and everybody else was checking up on the boy the officer comes back and says well we have found that it was indeed a form of epinephrine to help with the allergic reaction officer 2 then looks at the woman and says you said you tried to save the boy's life by taking the epipen out of his hand the woman screams no that's when the leader girl tells the officer that she saw me trying to talk them out of eating peanuts in here and they ignored my words the officer then turns to me and says what did you do with a bag of peanuts i told him i threw him in the trash bin right over there and that's when karen says i want him charged for theft and harassment he stole my boy's peanuts and threw it away the officer says ma'am he was trying to save that boy's life he did the right thing by taking away the peanuts please keep your voice down and we won't condemn him for doing the right thing so hearing that the mother seethed with rage she actually reached out to hit the officer at which point they cuffed her and she was dragged out classic karen style she was arrested on the spot for child endangerment since the kid was 16 at the time false accusations assaulting an officer and even resisting arrest her entitled kid was sent away with the rest of the group not really sure what happened to the mom but everybody told me the autistic kid will be fine our leaders and volunteer tried their best to pretend that the whole thing never happened and we went throughout the day with scheduled activities but everybody was on edge when we got back the boy's mom thanked me and she told me she was glad i was with him so yeah we're going again this year and i certainly hope everything goes smoothly guys i don't even know what to say to this like the story is just so absurd like just when i think these stories can't get any more insane i stumble upon something like this like the woman actually said i thought you were joking and just telling me to eat my peanuts somewhere else like oh my goodness and the fact that she tried to prevent opie from saving the person with an epipen calling it a random drug yeah that lady definitely went from zero to completely nutso in a matter of 10 minutes okay guys so the last story in this episode is gonna be a bunch of updates from a post that i read two episodes ago so i read a story where an entitled karen thought she owned the whole freaking apartment building that op and six other people live in so a lot of you kept commenting fluff there's way way more to this crazy lady and yeah i totally had no idea like when people share posts with me i never think to dig around to see if there's updates and i totally will do that now so guys if you missed it i'll link the episode right here so you can go take a listen to that crazy story but if you're new here the story is pretty much an entitled woman buys an apartment that's right above op she moves in and starts acting like she owns the whole building not just that one apartment she bought she starts to put a letter on people's doors saying that she's the new owner she starts telling everybody that they have a 9 p.m curfew which is ridiculous and that she's entitled to inspecting their units once per month oh and she started saying that pets weren't allowed basically everything under the sun that makes her the ultimate nightmare neighbor so brace yourselves here are the updates to the story so i guess this is an update to my last post i had a lot of people ask me to post if she did anything else this is also currently happening so my significant other is witnessing it and texting me while i'm at work so if you missed my last post i had a new neighbor move into my building and she left notes on everybody's doors saying she bought the building and gave us insane rules to follow she has been quiet for a few days and i thought maybe that's it apparently i was wrong so each unit in our building is allocated one parking space just one so i park in mine and my significant other parks his car in the street on the other side of the building our parking lot has one visitor space it's a very small parking lot six spots for residents and one visitor the visitor spot is nearly always empty and my neighbors have said that my significant other can park his car there if he wanted as we're the only unit with two cars but he doesn't mind parking where he is so this morning my significant other woke up to yelling our kitchen window overlooks the parking lot and he snuck a peek out the window and saw the entitled neighbor standing next to our nice neighbor's car and they were arguing loudly she kept yelling that she had a second car and she needed to park in his spot and that he had to move his car or else she'd have it towed he kept repeating that this was his parking spot and that she could either park in the visitor spot or on the street and if she towed his car he would report it stolen my significant other said that she kept yelling that she can park anywhere she wants and he needed to move it or else so my significant other decided to park his car in my empty spot in case she tried to park there while i'm at work the last message he sent me she stormed upstairs in a huff and slammed the door so i got home from work and she's parked her second car in the visitor spot but she's parked it so badly that it's blocking the driveway in so right now i'm parked on the street but i'm too tired to deal with her anyway when i got up for work the next day it was still there but when i came home it was gone i asked my significant other as he was at home and apparently a tow truck came and took it away i'm still not sure which neighbor called the tow truck but i have a suspicion that it's the one she was arguing with update number two well i'm back as many of you predicted her entitlement did grow in case anyone missed the update on my last post her car was towed but i don't know which neighbor did it this made her even more angry but seeing as i was at work she hasn't blamed me or my significant other it's been raining all week and as i don't have a dryer i haven't been able to do big items like sheets or towels only clothes that i can hang up outside so on saturday it was finally sunny and i raced home from work dragged my significant other out of bed so we can wash all the blankets and dry them in case it rained again so i had managed to get through five yes five loads of sheets blankets and towels and i hung them all outside on the line to dry we all share it there's technically two different lines for us to use and we've never had an issue before so i hung my last load and go inside to chill i come back out an hour later to get the first load off and found every single item i hung on the ground nothing had replaced it all had been torn down and my pegs and peg basket was gone most of what i'd hung was still wet and now covered in dirt so i got my significant other and he helped me bring everything inside before i went upstairs knocked on her door and when she answered i asked if she had taken my washing off the line and she smugly told me that she had not given me permission to use her line and that next time i should be polite and ask and she might let me i calmly told her that everyone can use the line it's a part of the building and nobody has to ask her permission she then tried to talk over me but i just held on my hand and told her that i was a part of the strata committee i know all the rules who owns what and she needs to pull her head out of her ass and to grow up and stop her behavior because it's not doing her any favors i told her to have a nice day before she slammed the door in my face so as i'm on the ground floor i do have a glass sliding door that opens out to the shared yard so being that it was a nice cool day i had the door open but the screen door shut and locked so i could air the house out so whenever the doors open my cats will sit at it and watch the birds outside i was pretty tired so my significant other suggested that we both lay down and have a nap while i wait for the washing machine to finish we were woken up about an hour later to a rattling noise in the lounge room and i thought maybe one of the cats had tried to climb the screen door again so i got up to school them and found my entitled neighbor trying to open my screen door like really pulling on it to the point that the whole door was shaking at that point i asked her what the heck she was doing and she told me she saw my cats while she was on her way to hang clothes out and she wanted to pet them but the door was stuck i told her the door wasn't stuck it was locked because this is a private residence and she just can't walk in here whenever she pleased she kept trying to open the door while yelling that i can't keep my cats from people and if she wants to pet them it's her right to show them real love so that's when i repeat that this is my home and she can't walk in here whenever she wants this really seemed to piss her off and she starts to yell at me that i was a little and i was abusing my animals and how dare i speak to her like that at this point i was pretty sick of being yelled at in my own home so i just mustered up the sweetest smile i could before telling her politely to f off now if looks could kill my cats would be eating my body right now she then tries to open the door again and that's when my significant other comes out and says that he'll call police if she didn't stop she finally lets go the door glared at us and stormed off needless to say we're ordering another camera for that door and yes my cats are microchipped now guys i almost didn't make it through reading that one like this woman is something else i i swear so this is update number three so as we're the bottom unit we have a side door that opens onto the shared yard i think the only time i use that door is to air the place out or as a shortcut to hang washing out anyway yesterday we were going about our day when we saw the entitled neighbor and a few other people setting up tables and chairs in the yard no big deal since it's a shared space a few minutes later there's a knock on our side door and it's her my significant other opens the door and did the usual greetings she told us she was having a party and that we needed to move our wooden planters off our patio because she needed space for her barbecue now we're thinking uh no firstly our patio is our space it's not shared space and secondly they sit right next to the glass door so i don't want some random person looking into my living room all night when they're cooking significant other reminded her that she doesn't own the building and we won't be moving anything when one of her friends asked what the heck she was doing they had already set up the barbecue in the yard she then huffed and walked off without saying anything and we thought that was it it was not so a few hours go by and we end up closing the curtains for privacy we can hear talking laughing cooking the usual sounds of a backyard party when there's another knock on the door i was cooking dinner so my significant other answered it this time it was one of her friends saying that she needed to use the bathroom as the entitled neighbor told her to just knock on our door instead of walking upstairs significant other politely told her sorry but she couldn't use our bathroom and she apologized for knocking and intruding so not even two minutes later there's a banging on the door and by now my significant other is pissed he opens the door and the entitled neighbor started to lay into him about how dare he expect her guests to go all the way upstairs and that he needs to apologize to her and keep the door open for her guests he then told her to f off and to stop bothering us and to get her head out of her ass and she can't lay claim to everything she sees our bathroom wasn't hers to use and her guests could use her bathroom and if she knocked on our door again he would call police for harassment so this morning when i got up everything had been cleaned up from the yard but our planters had been knocked over jokes on her because we hadn't planted anything in them yet and most of the soil in there was used cat litter so now she can smell my cat's old turds so this is the last update to the post and opie comes back and says so it's been quiet for a few weeks i normally hear her arguing with another neighbor all the time but lately nothing so last week i bought a new car it's slightly bigger than my old car so i'm not confident to park it in my spot so i've been parking it on the street the other day i get home from work and i see a young man standing on her balcony he was quite friendly called out hello to me introduced himself as her nephew and explained why he was there because she broke her foot apparently at the last family dinner she tripped over a dog and she broke her foot and she's now staying with family because she can't get up and down the stairs he said he was house-sitting because she didn't trust her neighbors but he admitted that we're all really nice and quiet and maybe she's just crazy it took all my strength not to sing and dance right there so i was hoping that she wouldn't come back after she broke her foot but last week we heard a door slam from upstairs we look outside and yep her car is there anyway a few days ago i tested positive for the much whispered pathogen and i've been doing the right thing and staying inside and dying quietly my partner was away all day saturday because he was picking up his new car he gets home late saturday afternoon parks his car in the back lawn so he could give it a quick hose down from the drive i was inside watching through the sliding door when i heard her balcony door open and she starts yelling at him to get off her lot that's when he told her to shove it that it's not her lawn and that he's done when he's done and can she please stop yelling because i have coveted and it doesn't help the migraines well that was a big mistake i then hear her storming down the stairs and she starts banging on the door screaming that i'm diseased and i need to isolate somewhere else before she gets sick and if i don't leave she will call the police i told her that she's been told repeatedly that she can't kick us out of our own place that we own i told her i'm staying inside and that she can call police if she wants but she would more than likely be fined herself for wasting their time i haven't heard anything from her since or anything from the police so we think it was an empty threat i was so tempted to open the door because like they say sharing is caring so guys that concludes all the freaking updates on this woman and boy oh boy oh boy nightmare neighbor right i have a feeling these shenanigans will go on until either opie moves out or this woman leaves absolutely crazy crazy guys and won an episode of our slash entitled people guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today if you did hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here a karen decides to berate opiano walmart and ends up losing her job it's such a funny story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 440,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, r//, entitled family stories
Id: 3nZRgC_4zbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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