r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen WON'T STOP Stealing My Car! I Destroy Her Career.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where people truly believe that they can do what they want when they want because they're better than you and in today's episode op destroys a Karen's career guys when she won't stop stealing op's car guys it's going to be a wild one today so strap yourselves in don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in so more than 20 years ago when me and my sisters were still in elementary our mom took us to a shopping mall for clothes and groceries after everything was over we stopped by the bookstore where us kids picked whatever books we wanted while she was picking educational books for both of us the bookstore was also selling some physical discs for various softwares including games so while both of us were looking into games we wanted a little boy of our age comes next to us he got really close and then out of nowhere he pokes my sister right in the eye my sister sister immediately starts to cry her eyes out and my mom rushes over to see what was happening she scolded the little boy after hearing what happened to which he got upset and went to grab his Karen of a mother well Karen comes over and she demands to know who yelled at her son the two ladies began to get into a shouting match my mom argued that the kid had no reason to just come up and hurt my sister like that and he should be taught better Karen argued boys will be boys and that he doesn't know any better that's when Karen asked my mom why are are you overreacting it's not like she went blind and that was the moment that I decided that enough was enough being the big brother I felt like I had to defend my little sister so I basically ran up and I did a frontal kick on the kid as hard as I can making him fall on his ass I saw that there was a nice footprint on his black shirt the kid then began to let out the most annoying cry that I've ever heard the Karen quickly rushes over to her turd and she began shouting at me screaming that little monsters like me should be in prison for attacking random strangers that's when I looked her in the eye and said boys will be boys right why are you overreacting the woman tried to argue more but her friend held her back and ushered her out of the store we went to get burgers and fries afterwards but my mom lectured me how violence is not the answer me being a little Elementary kid I didn't care I rode that hype train for weeks guys honestly I got to give props op for defending his sister like that and even though violence often isn't the answer guys every every once in a while you come across something like this where you go you know what I understand like was it the best thing to do in that moment to boot that boy in the chest maybe not but as a big brother I freaking understand especially when Karen gives her son a passing boys will be boys and guys it's also funny how her kid can attack others but once her kid gets attacked oh boy that person needs to go to jail right okay so I'm not really a mean person and genuinely feel horrible for what happened so I'm A 42-year-old female and let me tell you I effed up big time so 2 weeks ago on a random Thursday morning at like 1:00 a.m. someone starts shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood I've been having bouts of insomnia and I was finally able to get to sleep and I had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. for a meeting that was 2 hours away that I had to be at for 8:00 a.m. I was pissed and so were my dogs I do love Fireworks but of course there's a time in place Thursday morning 1:00 a.m. is not it I posted to the neighborhood Facebook group later that morning about people setting off fireworks at 1:00 a.m. midweek after I make the long drive home I check my Facebook and I'm pretty sure he might be the guy launching the fireworks because this guy comments that the reason I can't sleep wasn't because of the fireworks that night it's because I'm a fat pig now I am chubby but I'm not sloppy fat plus I just lost the equivalent of a fully grown male wombat or 54 North American gray squirrels so I feel freaking awesome about myself and this is where I may have really effed up I respond to the guy who is maybe mid to late 30s or very early 40s about the same age group as me I then write in a comment beneath his listen guy's name I'm sorry I had to end things but I just didn't have the same feelings what you're saying now is just hurtful and mean so please stop sending me messages and commenting on my Facebook post it's just pathetic I told you a dozen times already we're done it's over the following day I had to get to the airport for an outof country vacation that had me getting up early and leaving early so I don't check my Facebook during all the craziness I couldn't even check my Facebook if I wanted I was on a cruise and I wasn't paying $25 a day for internet and the country we visited didn't have the greatest Wi-Fi besides I was having a a blast leaving the chaos of the World Behind and disconnecting from everyone I signed on Monday nights and holy cow apparently people took this seriously and they told his wife I got spam messages from her and she was freaking out on me pleading for information sending me messages over and over again her and his friends were dming me he was dming me it was really bad the last message was the guy saying that I'm a total seaword because I refused to tell the truth and I just destroyed his life I immediately messaged both him and his wife explaining what happened I even sent pictures of me on vacation even timestamped apparently the guy is a Serial cheater and when I exposed our Affair another woman exposed her affair with the husband to the wife because she was jealous that he had another side chick this was the straw that broke the camel's back because not only was it because of the multiple Affairs but because he humiliated her with how public it was especially being in a neighborhood group wow guys and to think if the guy didn't make a comment on Opie's appearance he might still be going around cheating on his wife and honestly by the sounds of it if Opie wasn't the Catalyst that started everything it was probably going to happen sooner or later and I'm glad it happened sooner guys because op just saved that idiot's wife years of being married to someone Unfaithful like that funny how things work out sometimes right so I just finally got to my destination after this one I was flying to LA a and a man and a woman boarded with four kids aged roughly 4 to8 first they did not book seats together and they made a stink to get people to switch seats with them to get the six to sit together an hour into the flight the two girls started skipping and running from the middle of the plane up to the cockpit and back repeatedly they got bored of it and they sat down eventually maybe 3 hours in a boy starts sprinting from one end of the plane to the other incessantly and of course many passengers complained a flight attendant got him to stop and that lasted like 15 minutes and Off to the Races he goes again but someone else complains and he stops briefly at this point a male flight attendant had enough he escorts the boy back to his seat and forcefully tells the parents to control the kids and this is where I took my headphones off due to the yelling the father is livid at being told to control his kids he's screaming about having four kids and only two adults he's screaming about the flight attendance touching his kid and he even threatened to sue multiple times finally the flight attendant yells sit the F down of course hearing that the dude loses it even more and he yells I have your information I will find you and I will shoot you and that's the moment I knew that my knight was going to suck now it did take a while but eventually all the attendants gathered and restrain the guy a little while later we were told by the pilot that we had to turn to Albuquerque and land we stayed on the plane and local police came and escorted the guy off the whole family was removed as I was one of the few that wasn't wearing headphones they got my information and interviewed me after that we were told that there was no fuel truck available to top us off so they had to send one in and then the maintenance guy that needed to sign off on the plane was at home and he had to be called in we eventually got going and we made it to laa about 2 hours late honestly guys I'm actually surprised that Opie was only 2 hours late after all this happened and seriously when will people learn that if you're on an airplane you should be on your best behavior and definitely don't go threatening the flight attendant like that like holy what a mistake that was and hopefully he learned his lesson so let me tell you about my mother my mom never wanted me she came from a deeply Mormon family and she got knocked up by a southern baptist boy I suspect she intentionally got pregnant so that my dad would forever be tied to her but she didn't know that he would love me more than he would ever love her she only ever saw me as competition so there's a story that I've been told many times from different people and it's always told the same way when my uncle first saw me he said my God she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen and my mom's goto response started that day she would say thanks she looks just like me that's why she's gorgeous my mother was so entitled and self centered that she couldn't have people praise me without saying something stupid like where do you think she got her looks from my dad would defend me and she did not like that at all my parents then went on to get divorced and the divorce wasn't my fault dad still loved me he swore he would never forget me and that we would see each other again soon my mom however decided to keep me from him until I was an adult he died a year and a half after I found him when I was going through his belongings I found letters my mom had written to him and he kept all all of them the entire time she was lying to us telling us she had no idea where he was and that he had run from his child support obligations while she kept all the money herself meanwhile she was writing to him she knew where he was all along she just didn't want me to know I also don't know what my dad's response was to any of her letters if he wrote back she didn't keep any of them and the of it is was the entire time she was telling me she had no idea where Dad was she would also tell me how badly she wish she knew because she didn't want me in her house anymore she wished she could send me to my dad but kept telling me that he didn't want me either yes he did and yes my mother is psycho my mom's also been married many times since the divorce and each one of her husbands noticed me and one husband even said to her I clearly did not marry you for looks instead of setting her husband straight my jealous mother decided to pack everything I owned into my car while I was sleeping over at a friend's house even the driver seat was packed when I got home she told me to leave and to never come back so I left and I made something of my life I've been married a quarter of a century to the same person and we have an amazing child together I have a great life it's not perfect but I have so much to be grateful for and my mom's constantly there with subtle Jabs and digs lest I get too comfortable with that said a few years ago my mom's boyfriend decided that he couldn't leave his wife and children for her after all and she called me crying I happened to be on a road trip with my husband who was driving and she cried screaming into the phone my boyfriend's leaving me she was hysterical she suddenly had nowhere to go because she couldn't afford the house they were renting without her boyfriend's paycheck the problem was boyfriend calculated how much child support and alimon was going to be and decided he couldn't afford it and she demanded to come live with us my husband could hear my mom's side of the conversation because she was wailing and we were inside the car he didn't want to be rude by interrupting the conversation but I could tell he was panicking my husband cannot stand her there's no way that she can live under his roof not peacefully anyway my husband is retired military and he has zero FS to give when it comes to her he hates putting me in the middle though he bites his tongue a lot so I said to her when I was a child you used to tell me that I didn't have a home remember you said that was your home and when I turned 18 I would have to go find my own home remember well I made my own home and you have to go find your own damn home and then I hung up on her my husband just laughed and said I can't believe you did that actually yes I can way to go op for telling Mom straight and guys it's crazy how people like that always try to come back right and seriously The Audacity Of op's mom to come back demanding Opie let her live in her house like did you forget what you did and I can only imagine the level of satisfaction op got by basically telling her mom to f off and go find another [Music] place all right so just before my senior year in high school I turned 18 and I bought a car with my own money I'd have liked one sooner but my mom absolutely refused and at 18 in my big Act of teenage rebellion I went out and bought one a couple of months later my aunt who will'll call Karen suddenly left her job from several states away and moved in with us without her car it cost less if she waited 6 months until spring to get it shipped something about Snowbird travel patterns she was cheap and a user as well as an a-hole so as a result I was expected to share my recently acquired car with her until hers arrived this seemed deeply unfair but nonetheless it was agreed upon that she could use it for appointments and job interviews since I could take the school bus my only stipulation is that I needed to be warned in advance because my bus stop was the second one on the route it left a lot earlier than I needed to if I were to drive and I like to sleep so with that said my Karen aunt is one of those people who likes to rile people up and then mock them for getting pissed off she's always got a complaint a harsh word and she's feuding with somebody over something once she moved in with us her complaint was my alarm clock my room shared a wall with hers and the alarm was waking her mooching unemployed broke ass up every morning and that pissed her off now couldn't I just go to bed earlier so I didn't need an alarm clock well the morning schedule at our house went something like this at 5:30 a.m. my workaholic mother leaves for the office at 5:45 a.m. my alarm clock goes off if I'm taking the bus to school at 6:15 a.m. my alarm clock goes off if I'm driving to school 6:15 I leave if I'm taking the bus to school and 6:45 I leave if I'm driving to school half past never my Caren aunts unemployed tushy needs to be anywhere she approached my workaholic mother about the horrific inconvenience of my using an alarm clock her solution was that my mother should wake me up every day at 5:30 before leaving my mother told her to try earplugs or work it out between us my workaholic mother is massively non-con convertation and she wanted no part of this dispute so with that my aunt starts sneaking into my room to unplug the clock after I fell asleep now I'm a hard sleeper so she pulled this off a few times a good number of times I was late before I figured out that it wasn't the new cat who initially got blamed I even woke up to see her standing over my bed one night which was creepy I screamed like a banshee waking the whole house my Aunt Karen claimed sleepwalking and my mother let her get away with that lame excuse that's when I thought that I would solve the problem myself with some superglue which is not the brightest move I made my aunt started turning the alarm off instead of unplugging it so I started sleeping with the alarm clock tucked behind my pillow there was no way that she could do anything to it without waking me and of course she was pissed at having not gotten her way and never letting anything go ever her next move was to get up when the alarm went off and race into the only bathroom with a shower it was closer to her room than mine so she always beat me there she would stash magazines in there to sit on the toilet reading until right around 6:20 this was after the school bus had left but but before I needed to leave driving she would then steal my keys and take my car and go wherever the hell unemployed people go to drive around all day she just claimed that I wasn't paying attention when she said she needed the car she wasn't telling me and this happened many times she must have stolen my car like six times when my mother wasn't around she would make snide remarks that if she was woken up she had just as much right to the bathroom as I did and that I could solve this problem by not waking her her up in addition to this she would take my car evenings and weekends always right before I had babysitting gigs it never returned with more than fumes in the gas tank she had to call roadside assistance twice for running out of gas because she guessed wrong on how far she could get on the fumes needless to say I was pissed also massively inconvenienced and a lot poorer I often had to beg friends for last minute rides or take a c and she continued to blame me and my mother stayed out of it we then got into a cat and mouse game with my keys where I eventually kept them on me at all times even in the shower the keys came in the shower with me because the counter wasn't enough to stop her from pulling the bathroom lock coming in while I was showering and then taking them again creepy this eventually resulted in her asking in advance to borrow my car for a job interview that wasn't a job interview she went to the key shop and she got my car keys copied the next day with my keys safely back in in my possession she pulls the shower stunt again she did it a lot even when she wouldn't take my car she was a complete Karen one day I head out to the driveway with keys in my hand and my car's not there legit I thought she'd hotwired it until I got home and it showed no signs of tampering now I'm not much for poking the bear but it was the last time to have this out my aunt then quite smugly admitted to copying the key and then called me a selfish who didn't know how to share and many other unfortunate things that I don't remember exactly she wasn't giving it back and what was I going to do that's when I warned her that the car was mine and she did not have permission to use it ever again this was a bridge too far for me that there would be consequences and hearing me say that she just laughed in my face the next morning my car was not in the driveway I expected this now one thing my aunt didn't know is that my best friend's dad was a cop I was practically a fixture in his house for a decade and he was the closest thing I had to a father figure due to my own dead beat dad so I gave him a call utterly distraught that the car I've worked for so hard has been stolen from my driveway he was very sympathetic and did I mention that my car had low Jack it was actually a very nice car back when it was new anyway so we do all the reporting and whatever it takes for the cops to find it with lowjack by midafternoon they had found the car in the parking lot of an outlet mall now I don't know what the full detail Tes of the encounter were as I've heard multiple versions of this part of the story over the years my aunt threw a tantrum upon being accused of that including getting into a tussle with an officer it ended in charges of Grand Theft Auto resisting arrest assaulting an officer and some kind of license related thing because she'd never switched it to her new state of residence don't throw a tantrum and attack a cop they don't like it much as this all took some time she didn't get arraigned that day as her unemployed broke ass had horrible credit and she had little money she couldn't make bail I deleted her answering machine message begging my mother to come bail her out my workaholic mother didn't even notice she was gone for almost a week once she did notice I explained that my car had been stolen and I called the cops and I was handling the situation myself like she suggested the look of dawning horror was amazing she then Shrugged and went back to avoiding all confrontation my aunt served 2 weeks in County lockup until she took a plea deal I suspect they slow walked her paperwork a bit and what happened after was glorious her remaining savings were used up on all the fines and court fees so she finally got around to shipping her car and engaging in a job hunt the only problem was that she was previously a teacher and she had yet to get her certification in her new state now she had a wrap sheet and she was unable to pass the background check time for a new career as a telemarketer she didn't bother me much after that we spent the next few few months ignoring each other before I headed to college and that's how an alarm clock ended my entitled aunt's teaching career and she's never gone back to teaching thank goodness my goodness guys The Fallout to her actions were absolutely insane like borrowing a car occasionally sure no problem but to make a copy of the key so she can take it whenever she wanted especially to be Petty with OP oh boy play stupid games Win stupid prizes is all I can say and that my friends brings us to another our SL entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories I hope you didn't shake your heads too hard and if you enjoyed the episode do hit that Thumbs Up And subscribe if you're not subscribed and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ I don't work here lady we're a psycho attacks op for not serving his son it's a wild story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie W will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 97,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: eoq4SMH0Lmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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