r/Idontworkherelady I Accidentally Walked Onto An ACTIVE MURDER SCENE!

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today's video is sponsored by expressvpn welcome to r slash i don't work here lady where op accidentally walks onto a murder scene our next reddit post is from app clips i went to walmart today with my wife in newborn looking for a bike for our daughter we arrived at the bike racks and my wife had to go use the bathroom so i stayed behind trying to determine which bike was more fitting for my daughter suddenly my newborn wakes up crying and i start scrambling to prepare his bottle because it was time to feed as good of a father as i am i couldn't find a freaking thing in that diaper bag so the chaos was becoming very real very fast enter karen equipped with high heels sunglasses a hat worthy of the kentucky derby and a dress straight out of a romantic scene from an 80s movie excuse me help me get this bike down excuse me i knew that she couldn't be talking to me because clearly i was trying to open a zipper on a bag while the deafening screams of my baby were driving everyone else away excuse me do you speak english i peek over my shoulder and wouldn't you know it karen was staring directly at me are you gonna help me i kept ignoring her and got what i needed out of my bag while my son made his best attempt to break every glass in the store with his high-pitched screams at that exact moment my wife showed up and somehow i managed to not curse this lady out in fact i politely replied can you give me a moment please i finished preparing the bottle while my wife held the baby handed my wife the bottle to feed our son and i turned to face the evil karen are you gonna help me didn't you realize that i was busy with a baby i don't have all the time in the world to chit chat are you helping me or not which bike do you want that one right up there she pointed at the exact bike that i was thinking of getting for my daughter so i calmly pulled the rack forward took the bike down and started walking bike in hand back towards my wife you can just leave it right there oh i didn't get this down for you i got this down for me i'm buying this one learn some effing manners you old grunt and take your shades off it's 7 30 at night how dare you my wife busted out laughing so hard that the baby started crying again but this time i didn't mind the noise because it was blocking karen's mumbling and swearing as we walked away with our daughter's new bike our next reddit post is from mr tool to care my wife and i are senior citizens in other words we're old my dear wife is a strong independent take no garbage from any one type of woman and i adore her for it she keeps me in line and she pushes me to be a better man and she's also the reason behind my modest success in life she's sarcastic wicked smart concussed like a sailor and as she's gotten older her filter has become practically non-existent a few months ago we decided to treat ourselves and we made reservations to go to a rather high-end restaurant they had a maitre d sommeliers highly trained wait staff etc my wife even though she's in her 70s has very little gray hair and can pass for 55. she was wearing a very pretty white lacy blouse very flattering black pants and black flats when we arrived there was no line and the maitre d had apparently stepped away from the podium we were waiting there and my wife was right next to the podium and i sat down at one of the benches by the entrance when another couple came in without missing a beat the man walked up to the podium and told my wife rockefeller we have reservations for two my wife said that she was sure someone would be with him shortly the woman huffed a little and the man said please seat us now my wife told him she's waiting to be seated herself but the man said again seat us now so my wife said right away walk this way she walked away with them behind her as she walked around the partition separating the entrance from the dining area circled around to the other end and led them back to the entrance then pointed to the bench and said sit down the guy looked like he was gonna blow a gasket and my wife repeated i don't work here you [ __ ] you wanted me to seat you so sit the f down as the couple were sputtering and before it could escalate further the maitre d arrived so we gave her name and he led us away there was no yelling and no threats of police we had a wonderful meal if a bit overpriced and the other couple was several tables away from us we didn't interact with them again but they did shoot us dirty looks now and then now before you say that my wife overreacted and could have explained that she didn't work there in a better way she has a wicked sense of humor and she hates idiots she loves being a smart aleck and she's so good at it it's one of the reasons why i still love being put in my place by her when i start getting a little too misogynistic i wanted to post this here because i lost the love of my life due to covet maybe someday i'll be able to post new content about the wonderful woman that i was honored to call my wife i'm just not in the headspace to do so now our next reddit post is from harry weiner dog this all happened many moons ago when i was 16. my first job was a lifeguard at a hot spring and a swimming pool the waterpark featured a few large hot tub pools a cold pool and two water slides where only one ever worked at one time i worked there during the winter when everything was open including the slide outside of the cold pool there were many odd things about the job one of which was that i was expected to sit outside in a little uninsulated shack fully clothed with a coat on and guard people's lives i was never sure exactly what i would have done if someone had gone under and needed me to go in another odd thing is that i was paid from a personal check from the manager i never really understood that one i worked there for minimum wage for one fall and winter when springtime came i was hired by a different pool that was much closer to my home for an actual lifeguarding job my dad was trying to teach me to be responsible and he told me that it was customary to give two weeks notice he also said that one month notice is more appropriate if the job can't continue without my position being filled we decided that i would give one month notice since there were only three lifeguards and they would have to hire a replacement i gave my notice in february and said that i would work for one month after my final day came in wins i got a call from my manager who was upset that i hadn't come into work i told him my one month notice period had already passed and that i'd quit he asked me to work just a bit longer until they could find my replacement the manager kept scheduling me and i kept working but each time that i ran into him i would remind him that i quit by may he was still scheduling me so i left him a note saying that i wouldn't be coming in anymore and i wouldn't be checking the schedule anymore he called me the next friday night apparently during a shift that i was scheduled for and chewed me out for not coming into work he told me that if i wasn't responsible enough to work when scheduled then he would have to fire me i yelled back into the phone you can't fire someone who quit three months ago he kept yelling at me about how horrible of an employee i was and how i'll never be able to hold down a job as an adult my dad was in the same room and could hear every word that my boss said so my dad finally took the phone from me and delivered a rebuke so satisfying that it belonged in a liam neeson movie my dad is not the type of guy to raise his voice but he has this way of talking quieter that scares the bejesus out of you he finished his talk by telling my long since former manager that he would be driving up there to talk to this guy face to face my dad never drove out he thought that it would be more painful to my boss who was a fairly young guy himself to have to wonder when my angry dad was going to show up here's a pro tip for uop if you plan to quit and they ask you to work longer then ask for more money what's the worst that could happen they fire you our next reddit post is from rainstateguy in the 1990s i was a tv news stringer which is a freelance news cameraman in san francisco i would listen to police scanners in my car and rush to the scene of breaking news stories where i would get my video camera out record news footage and sell it to local tv stations one night i heard the police get called to a homicide scene i drove over there parked and got my camera out of my trunk just as a couple of homicide detectives pulled up i should explain that my camera was a mid-sized industrial model not one of those huge multi-thousand dollar broadcast models that only the tv station could afford the detective spotted me holding my gear and motioned me over to the house where the murder had taken place and held the door open for me to enter i'm flabbergasted this has never happened to me before usually when the cops see me show up they start throwing up police line tape to keep me and my camera as far back as they can a surprise to be sure but a welcome one i walk in shoot a wide establishing shot and get a couple of medium shots and then in walks another cameraman with a camera about the same size as mine only he was wearing a san francisco police department badge on his belt everyone looks at him and then they all turn and look at me someone finally breaks the silence by asking who are you i respond i'm tv news the officers who would held the door open for me go white and give each other an oh [ __ ] look as they realize their mistake uh you shouldn't be in here one of them says and i say no problem and i leave just to be clear i did not include the footage that i managed to shoot inside the crime scene in the package that i sold to the tv stations if i had then i'm sure that several hard-working cops would have gotten into trouble and there's no need for that to happen i suspect that decision on my part was appreciated because i ran into the same cops at other scenes in the following years and they always treated me both friendly and fairly in fact i got a few calls over the years suggesting that me and my camera might want to be in a particular spot at a particular date and time always resulting in me getting exclusive footage of this or that major bust down in the comments people are asking why the cops didn't just take the video footage and opie explains legally and morally they couldn't you know that whole pesky first amendment thing these officers knew the rules and they had to play by them that apparently changed recently when under a new police chief and a new generation of san francisco cops officers kicked down the living room door of a stringer doing that same job put him on the floor in handcuffs and carted off his video phone records etc that stranger took the cops to court had his property returned to him and came away with a big check for what they put him through also i kind of feel like what sort of defense would the cops had when they literally invited you inside they can't exactly invite you inside then get mad at you for coming inside our next reddit post is from william quite some time ago my girlfriend and i moved in together and we had to set everything up cable internet phone etc we got our home phone number our two cell phones and we were off to the races almost immediately we started getting calls for an establishment that does custom framing and various other art related things let's call them art expo of course we had caller id and we had friends that would call us but inevitably if we didn't recognize the number it was someone wanting to find out if their order was complete or their frame was done or what their hours were or any of a thousand other questions when those people called i would always have to give the same types of answers sorry this is no longer their number this is a private residence yes i'm sure no i'm not giving you my address no i don't know their new number yeah i have a phone book but so do you eventually after thousands of these phone calls and changing the message on our answering machine to say this is not i repeat not art expo if you're trying to reach art expo please hang up look up their number and try that because we aren't them eventually i got my gazillionth call and i asked the person on the other end of the line where they kept getting this number well it's printed on my receipt i guess i'll call their other number i asked can you give me the number on the receipt thanks i called the number hello art expo you guys are still giving out my home phone number on your receipts yeah so well stop it this has been going on for at least a year at least cross it out or something that's a pain in the butt i'm not making my employees do that so you're the manager i'm the owner so let me see if i have this right what was your name again fred you fred have decided that it's too inconvenient to cross my home phone number off of your receipt so you're just gonna keep giving it out yup what are you gonna do sue me maybe whatever i've got stuff to do bye i called a lawyer and i didn't really have a leg to stand on i went to the store and asked for fred fred's not here he's hardly ever here really do you want me to call him no i'm fine and i know this is gonna sound odd but is there any chance i can see one of your receipts she picks up a receipt book and shows it to me sure enough it's got my phone number at the top above another one i say i thought so i couldn't get you at the other number some guy yelled at me and i didn't have my old receipt so i had to come down here we've been having that happen a lot ever since fred decided that we didn't need two phone lines but he had like 20 boxes of these receipt books and business cards and he's too cheap to buy more until they run out i would hate to be that guy yeah that's gotta suck so i went home and hatched my evil plan the next time i got a call from someone i didn't recognize i said hello art expo hi this is mary smith i dropped off a thing last week to be framed is it ready let me check yep we finished it this morning i hope you don't mind but we decided to upgrade the matting because of the weight of the piece it's the same color and we won't be charging you for it since it was my decision oh thank you i'll be down to pick it up later today what time do you close i look down at the business card with my number in the hours clearly marked eleven to four i say take your time we'll be here until seven thank you so much can you tell me how much it is 1999 ma'am plus tax so 2139 wow that's cheap are you sure of course if anyone has a problem tell them you talked to fred okay see you around six see you then and thanks for calling art expo for weeks i kept giving out completely random information how much is a 36 inch by 48 inch matte frame let's say 25 bucks wow that's cheap how much to have it framed up custom custom is an extra 10 bucks so 35.99 wow that's cheap i'll be right down what was your name fred see you in 10 minutes fred how much to have the entire front page of the new york times from september 11 mounted and framed 34 bucks unless you won our special proprietary newspaper frame and math service which is only 50 bucks guaranteed for life only at art expo tell them fred sent you i can only imagine the number of pissed off people who showed up to pick up orders that weren't ready and when they finally were they were given a price that was way higher than what fred had told them over the phone eventually someone let slip that they called the number on the receipt and that's what fred told them fred was not happy fred gave me a call hello thank you for calling art expo this is fred you're not fred i'm fred are you trying to put me out of business why fred whatever do you mean someone's been giving prices to my customers and telling them their orders are in when they're not due for weeks well fred who called them nobody called them they called us then what's the problem if someone called you and got pricing information that would seem to be your problem they didn't call me they called you well how would that happen your numbers on my receipts and business cards my my it seems to me there's a very simple solution here take my number off your receipts and business cards do you have any idea how much promotional materials cost would it cost you more than the price it would cost you to do these jobs at the price you're quoting is it more than it cost to lose customers or less than that this is extortion call it what you want fred the choices and consequences are entirely up to you a week later hello art expo this is fred i've ordered new receipt books and cards can you please stop this bs sure bye fred genius op if there's anything that can bring a business to its knees it's an army of angry karens you're watching this video on youtube and if you don't know there are videos that you can't watch on youtube because of your location i don't know about you but i pay for youtube premiums so it feels like a ripoff that i paid for this service and i still have some of the content locked away from me the same is true for other platforms like netflix and hulu even though you're paying money to watch content there's still content that you can't see because of your location that's why i also use expressvpn expressvpn allows you to change your location so the platform thinks that you're watching the content from another country this will unlock massive libraries of content for you on pretty much every platform that you use for example if you go to netflix and change your location you can unlock rick and morty modern family or studio ghibli me personally i tend to go for the anime like studio ghibli in your name i can just connect to canada to watch a studio ghibli film or connect to australia to watch your name and best of all if you go to expressvpn.com r you can get three months free so what are you waiting for if you're using platforms like youtube why not unlock all of youtube that was our slash i don't work here lady and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 236,994
Rating: 4.9512529 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: -puqFPNxXB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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