STEEP FUNTAGE! - Snow Angel Professionals!

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I have to warn you and I've spent many hours and I finally completed it perfected my special move yes I am an expert at snow angels look at that perfect the exit points not far from here so make your way over there ladies and gentlemen welcome to steep ok I don't know how to jump like alright ok wingsuit bow I don't know what I'm doing right now all right you ready there we go let's do it man cue the epic music breathe no wait why did I say cue it when I was gonna count it down I choose the epic music in three two one go oh hell yeah dude we flying now guys I hit a tree look at me walk around in this it's like I was born with extra skin everywhere my body I just need to deal with it are you skiing now is this a skiing challenge you wanna challenge the banana man to a ski off do you think that's like a good idea to jump from here do you have any idea why they call me the banana man I was I was assuming nothing good because I'm bananas later Oh see you later I landed that what the party I fully expected to die how dad just died or going now dude I'm coming after s I'm going back don't probe you backwards oh this is edgy as dude look at this are you and go from them oh yeah I am what do you think I'm sort of pleb oh boy landed that holy okay nevermind hit a tree the way we slid down the hill well you want to slide down some hills is that what you want to do huh let's see if it's possible be careful what you wish for oh remember when you said you want to see if you can slide down some mountains this is gonna be absolutely bonkers and understood oh I don't see a I'm so scared you've come this far all right let's go to the lake first one my guys dead great oh I didn't mean to I don't want to go again Oh No I'm falling I'm falling down the hill this is quite the hill there's no saving yourself from this start over unfortunately I'm nighttime rolling as far as I do you want to do first one down to the lake yeah we can do that all right let's let's restart them we need to get to the lake all right where's the amount of tricks yeah yeah all right ready reduce the amount of tricks I'm just trying to survive oh yeah exactly so you know their tricks you probably won't die all right ready three two one go oh my god here we go here we go oh my god this is not a good idea already day I don't think a snowboard is the best option for this side of the map I don't know what you're talking about I've done this many times in my old country doesn't die oh my god this time right oh he's dead she's trying to shake it off she's trying to shake it off it's alright we have a different strategy the rules Smitty I keep going for the big jumps oh here we go this is the winner never mind are you actually gonna make that I cheated a little bit how did you did you like crash and then not reset no I'm I'm suiting oh that's a bit if I'm honest you know I'm just up here falling down this mountain every front of time characters dying over and over again falling through multiple rocks you're just over here in a goddamn squirrel suit I'm gonna catch up to you right now come on down okay I hit the mountain never much oh my god it's those ski lifts I just hit one of them who can I make it through that Oh smooth this can be banana Maggie coming at you with another commentary I'm almost at the ice going into freefall dive here alright I made it to the ice flying to me take your best shot you human bullet I don't think I pulled up enough we got a problem the distance just completely stops now you're all the way back up there how long am I gonna be waiting here for men hopefully not too terribly long we're coming down alright until then I'm gonna try and break the ice with my fall maneuver coming in for the kill you can like you're like a sniper bullet yeah the in the distance a sniper bullet you can hear it you just hear a sniper shot oh man it's coming in fast it's coming in fast I probably should have deployed a shoot you missed your target you want to try and make it through these like there's see that like how there's a form and like rocks straight ahead watch where I go supposed to do that - she can try so you want me to jump through this section gear yeah not off to a very good start synchronized man I'm afraid to go too low that's the fear that's the fear talking right there no fear oh I did it that was so cool but really but probably like not very cool to other people that have already done it through the other part like just so diller rating when you do it like damn I'll never achieve anything like that in real life I'm lucky to get to the doorway of my own home we go oh there's like a whole there's like a whole down here oh my god did you see where I just went see it's like in between this rock formation right here I did it oh my god I'm already a professional this game Panda there's nothing you can do just like a combo three of them I'm gonna try and hit that's one that's two and I'm dead we go here we go this is the winner this is the winner this is the winner that's not the winner I just did it all three damn that was crazy all right you see it what's ahead of us right now all right we can either ski or snowboard I suggest snowboarding off these ice boulders yes see if we can avoid all look how many there are I had three to one extreme sports oh my god I gotta jump this oh oh I just landed the triple front flip back flip side flip liliane draw a back flip what I'm still going baby on dead and I think I made it past it oh my god fool triple flip oh man Oh sponsor me GoPro look at this you can't find this anywhere oh oh my god the flips into GoPro holy that's a tree I missed it don't worry we good I found civilization I'll meet you there I wish I was good enough to actually do this because fun is exhilarating you're good enough to do anything you just gotta believe in yourself and have snow how do you think I got here sheer will and determination nope cuz I'm Canadian hey man I'm waiting for you we here to have lunch let's go on some lunch do a sick jump let's go extreme your turn go go for it man i'ma head down the mountain like this I'll see you later you hit me well I'm coming for you I'm gonna take you off that goddamn board skis anyway you gotta catch me first can you slow down a bit I'm trying to get it I'm trying to get a bit from my video you know thanks man now back to what I was doing welcome back to the trick sound today trick extreme snow angels sacred ice snow angels oh my god I'm so sorry I did I didn't mean for this to happen all right you ready let's go for it three two one gopher you idiot the classic gopher maneuver go I said gopher three-two-one Goomba oh my god your neck just snapped you like miss your head was missing look at all these little ice things what do they call glaciers I don't know those are called ice daddies I stand hey guys Smitty here thank you so much for watching this video hopefully you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like on this video if you did enjoy it and I just want to say thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video now keep in mind all of the footage recorded here was in an in-progress build so the game still being finalized I'm very excited to see how it comes out in the end it's been a while since there's been a good extreme sports games revolving snowboarding and skiing and stuff so I'm very excited for this game to come out if you guys are interested in checking out the game there is a link in the description which you can go check it out there and also on the screen you will see a link to the trailer for the open beta so if you are interested in playing go check out the details there again thank you so much for watching the video hopefully you did enjoy it and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 5,276,602
Rating: 4.9337473 out of 5
Keywords: Steep, Uplay, Ubisoft, SMii7Y, Funny Moments, Funny, Hilarious, Funtage, Game, Gameplay, Montage, Moments, best, new, Steep funny moments, Steep funny
Id: 7-vxhtLPyeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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