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hello friends it's me your favorite riddle solving Pete bond was needed in his room the room had no windows and the only door was locked the only three people who had the key were interviewed the maid said I came early in the morning to wake up bond why why is it made going into a hotel room to wake up her guests that's illegal does some funny business going on I don't trust you or your swiffer when I saw him lying on the floor east screams just night broke maybe he's just taking a nap I like to sleep on the floor sometimes I heard the scream when I ran into the room said the butler I turned on the light I stopped born lying on the floor okay but my dude like alive the cook said I was preparing lunch all right it's nobody's fault sometimes rich people have a crazy night and then lock themselves in their room and pass out on the floor you know very normal I didn't see or hear anything I must be boiling who did it I think it's the maid she look a little sighs I think she looked pretty nervous the maid the room was dark the butler had to turn on the light okay maybe she didn't say I have to turn on the light she said I walked in he was lying on the floor yeah because I did it literally yeah the life out of him will my Swiffer WetJet Brian just started working as a detective he was fresh on the job that's why he chose the easiest crime yeah holy you had a choice like Oh someone lost their dog okay Oh somebody's cat is in a tree off we go leave the real cases to the other guy okay but his first week was tough I'll imagine becoming a detective and your job is actually hard those about a girl working in the city hospital and they sent Brian all the clues led him to the neonatal unit there were three nurses there after a while Brian realized which one was the criminal whoa just like that dude just casually strolls into the baby part of the hospital oh I know exactly who it is all right I know y'all see these ladies oh she wearing jeans and Hospital that's legal max like if you know who it is bro she look like she's smuggling my baby in her lap coat she given it the look like I'm gonna sell you on the black market later okay but but the middle one oh I see now her ID car hey that's not you ain't nobody noticed that's not you you don't even wear glasses you're not even balding and you're most definitely not a man this was literally so easy why are you gonna act like this the hard case everybody started laughing for the genius detective who figured out this case Wow who fired it this is a legitimate riddle we're actually solving this today we have a group of friends here we've really got to look closely whose cheeks oscillated at just the right moment to prepare the stench oh the guy with the red face I see it now yes he's not breathing and he seemed the happiest this has got to be him you know he let it all out I thought he was just terrified and embarrassed that he farted during group photo with his friends which wife is evil she thank you come verse cucumbers don't bleed red Oh finally we go have some real meat in our salad Oh No what's the other one doing wrong they should just pull the meatloaf out of the oven she's inspecting it see if it's done what has she done wrong wait wait no it's in the oven no I saw that for a second I was like no way bra lane cahoots they planned this mmm this mean look pretty good what's in it my husband for men's friends got together after winter break they decided to have a pajama party you know hashtag pajama party you know what happens in those the girls started telling each other all about their winter break my little brother and I couldn't wait for Christmas we just wanted to open gifts it was two days before Christmas Wow samantha is that all you bring to the table my mom came home from work and she saw my brother had a big black eye Samantha did you do this to your brother no presents for both of you what happened but what you mean what happened we squared up under the Christmas tree some guys from school they snuck up on my right and hit me okay well that's your left eye they snuck up on your right they would have hate your right eye unless they do like a 360 sri and they stole my candy too I love how these dudes are just wearing like sunglasses and black trench coats y'all part of organization 13 or what mom looked at his room okay but did you clean it mother looking like she snuck up on Fred Flinstone and made a vest out of him she knew he was lying so Billy over here obviously lying his backpack is still there I mean like they snuck up on my right why would you even specify that why there's a punched me it took my candy no they squared up from the right oh my god no one's even worse that whole story was a lie he drew a black eye in front of the mirror literally his sister's makeup right there so submit those better lied about his black eye was a mono I feel bad and get him some more candy what's the point okay well all these girls they got a story and their story it just so happens to be a riddle my three best friends gave me three awesome presents each of them wanted to give me something special weird flex but okay and it's even more awkward how our three best friends aren't even the girls at the sleepover they didn't have a lot of time to shop so they bought my gifts in a hurry okay they all want to get you something special but like make it quick they gave me a beautiful makeup bag leather gloves and a watch with bright stone the next day I realized something Thank You Walmart even real leather I can only use two of the gifts what think was wrong wait what do you mean I could only use two of the gifts Oh her friend stole her some gloves and accidentally got two right hands pair of gloves okay therefore the left hand doesn't look like they have two left hands yeah I could only use makeup in the watch she's not spoiled like I cannot use this go return it go exchange it bro my girl over here she gone her face yes my friend was robbed right on the street hit big bird over here I was practically asking for it wait did he take her belt I never seen someone steal someone's belt how's the shopping bag it's late and I don't know the animation made it seem like a belt like dang was a Gucci or something she's carrying a present for her sister an expensive handbag Oh the criminal snatched it him ran OH she like oh wait where he goes bro chase after him somebody snatched my bag okay hold on you know what wait 45 minutes for them to arrive and then we'll see what they can do right after that thank you why would I keep them heels on our a ran barefoot they quickly detained the suspect oh that was fast he said he had nothing to do with it casually holding the bag I just stole from you oh yeah I know I can assure you officer I'm a good guy I have nothing to do with it that belongs to my wife you see he lying Wow it says for my little sis no-ho-ho does the girl have note saying it bro man you just bought a bag and some dude stole it was like no this this is for my wife this face and you can't trust somebody who look like you've been in the chimney he was in such a hurry he forgot to remove the tag Wow a six-story bro oh and then actually over here that's nothing y'all story's whack which is true pretty wack I walked out of my bedroom found the note on the kitchen table look like random letters yo ur geef it's ooh nerd a retweet heavy G Jets Chris de Mestre Nagi it was signed by my boyfriend Steven what does it say you're gifted under the biggest Christmas tree yeah look at my heart I read this didn't I just read it as yo or goof it see what second ago and now is just like all makes sense Wow crazy how the brain do that okay now we in the office who farted who got a stank look on their face my girl in the orange she in a good fighting position so was this dude that's like what what does he do it she was checking if anybody realized what she did Wow how was I possibly supposed to know the most subtle head movement maybe she's looking at her coffee reading the ingredients and then going to her man bucks yeah definitely when I fart I like to smile and carefully look around see if anybody has noticed so they seem like they into it they're like oh what essential oil was that delicious who looks suspicious a flight from California way to Alaska okay that woman is very very very small I would say she looks suspicious with us trying to throw me off which one of these people look like they don't belong in Alaska a business man what kind of business you got in Alaska flying to Alaska without any luggage or warm clothes okay that was my next guess bar I got these guns to keep me warm what do you mean maybe he checked his bags all my stuff in there I liked travel like your logic is flawed I don't like it again how far it is this dude he's my son just go she giving a hands up maybe it was her I think it was the barista he was scratching his nose for ages he just protecting himself from the smell okay but who who dealt it I understand that guy smelt it but y'all asked me who dealt it imma go in the barista y'all coffee ain't the only thing that smells like we have another scumbag made over here I made found mr. Smith unconscious in the garden all right maybe my dude wanna take a nap on the freshly mowed lawn grass be soft okay she immediately to mrs. Smith on the floor okay so they called the police Brian listen carefully to both woman my husband was staying with his friend in the village they went there three days ago there was no cell phone reception couldn't reach him I didn't know what time he'd be back I'm a light sleeper but I didn't hear anything sketchy so these two ladies they just went outside one day saw the dude her husband laying on the lawn all right maybe I guess now you know he was probably doing something illegal how do you think you pay for this big old house and a maid I didn't know how long mr. Smith would stay at his friend's house I was mowing the lawn as usual bro every morning goes to mow the lawn as usual maids don't do that you have a landscaper for that you a liar but I saw him laying there unconscious with his suitcase why is this such an issue maybe he taking a nap he hadn't been in the house that's when I ran to mrs. Smith oh they both cry it's so sad he's not even dead just at that moment a phone alarm went off and mrs. Smith's bedroom oh that's mr. Smith's alarm he usually gets up at 8:00 Brian you knew that once mrs. Smith had lied Wow wait his phone was there did he just get back from a business trip that had no reception wouldn't it be with him she obviously pickpocketed him and then brought his phone inside or something I don't know man can't trust these maids not to clean your house and not with your husband so she said mr. Smith never made it in the house he had a suitcase with him how did the phone get in the bedroom oh the wife attacked your husband and took his phone oh don't hold me with the fake tears so she took his bomb the maid wouldn't be able to put the phone in the locked room oh so he was the wife I guess nobody likes mr. Smith oh I'm so confused with your did she like be him and then drag him outside on the lawn I'm so confused this is just a stupid riddle anyway that's all for today I hope I enjoyed this video if you did we should hit that like button the hey a comment below how many of these did you get right and make sure you turns out notifications today click and make sure you subscribe down the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching hey guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,099,798
Rating: 4.9156804 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, riddles, riddles with answers, brain teasers, brain teasers with answers, test your logic, test your brain, puzzles
Id: q-uSdMwrNK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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