Rick and Bubba Bible Study Live - January 15, 2020

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welcome to the winds the Bible study here at the broadcast Plaza and teleport I have been watching some of the archives and I realized that I shift and move around a lot that has to make some of y'all dis tea so I'm going to slow down today I can't I can't say once we start on movie still but I try to be still at least during the announcements welcome in we're glad that you hear some announced are hear some announcements that we do have the man church com2 don't forget to use the word thee the man church calm we'll go live on March the second but what we're doing right now is we're offering an opportunity for you to go and to give us your email if you're and here's here's what the man church comm is designed for are you a church that is looking to implement an intentional men's ministry that certainly reaches the lost and then disciples men from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity with a game plan a curriculum designed by men for men then the man church calm is going to be a resource for you if you'll go ahead and and go there now you'll see that the teaser video we fixed that by the way some of you said you couldn't see it on your phones we got that resolved you can now and if you'll put your email in if you're interested in that then we'll start giving you information all the way up to it goes live even in the next month in February if you want us to start consulting with you on how to implement that we will or maybe you're a small group leader hey I've already got a man's Bible study but I'm hurting on curriculum we're not quite ready to do expository teaching yet but we sure would like to have a challenging curriculum then we have that available for you that'll also be part of the man church calm and almost like Steve Jobs every year would show you the new iPhone every year we revealed the new curriculum till we get up to we have multiple curriculums but the first one will be the pursuit I'll be teaching you know 12 to 15 minutes of it by video the rest of that time the men in the group will have a facilitator and you'll go through the written curriculum that we have for you or maybe you're just I'm just a man and I need to grow spiritually we'll have Reese devotionals and things like that you can work on and your personal walk so all of that is kind of what the the man church.com will be we will have some events so that's not really our sweet spot we like to come alongside events and then provide curriculum to go along with that but we do have a couple of options if you'd like to bring an event to your church or to your community involving the teachers that we we have kind of in our hub of teachers we certainly have a couple options on that but if you want to be ready to receive information and ready for that to go live just go to the man church comm and give us your email address and now you'll be on our email list and you can do that they're coming up to this Sunday I'll be an Olive Baptist Church Pensacola Florida Ted trailer I'm honored to be given the opportunity to have that pulpit Sunday morning both services so if you're in the Pensacola area and you can get to Olive Baptist love to see you there also next week next Sunday night I'll be in Meridian Mississippi I'll be at North Korea Baptist Church for the state evangelism conference I'll be the Sunday night speaker at six shades Mountain Baptist Church here in Birmingham Alabama James Merritt will be speaking to our men for our next man church and then those you in the Birmingham area are in this room that you want to be there we'll have another round of Bible studies available for those men that attend there's no ticket for that or anything you just simply attend coming up February the 1st the bold conference will be in Baker Florida pilgrim rest a Baptist Church I'll be joining Edie Litton will be speaking there also some other great speakers will be there and I'll get to be part of that coming up on February the 1st there's many others that are already on the events calendar but I don't want to take up any more time with the Bible study you can find those by going to Ricky and Bubba com you can look under events and also my wife Sherry her book Bronner a journey to understand will be available audio version coming up this weekend January the 19th that'll be available wherever you get audio books so that's her actually reading the book which is extremely moving if you can look for that coming up this weekend if it doesn't happen this weekend probably be Monday Tuesday Wednesday of next week somewhere in that window all right so we are we are going through the Gospel of John thank you for being with us we are today in chapter 11 we're going to open in a word of Prayer and then we're gonna jump right in to chapter 11 of the Gospel of John Lord thank you for today thank you for every man that's in this room thank you for every eye and ear that has happened upon this Bible study either on YouTube or on the the podcast channel or however they have discovered it maybe it was text to them by a friend or maybe I text it to them because they can't seem to come into the new technology whatever the case may be Lord Jesus I pray today you take our time together and you refine us into the people that only you can make us and the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so John chapter 11 let's first of all deal with the elephant in the room I've already done this message back on April the 10th those you that have been here the whole time you may recall wait a minute Rick Rick did a standalone message we've already done this and that is absolutely true but odds are you don't remember it so so we will we will walk through this again but I have gone and tried to glean some things that I didn't catch the first time or a couple things that maybe I look back and go I should have begun this it will be a new experience for us today the reason why I consulted a couple of folks and said should I just tell everybody to go to April 10th to hear John chapter 11 and I received there was sounding no because if you're gonna have an archive of a study of the Gospel of John you don't need to leave out a chapter and tell somebody to go somewhere else to find it so we're doing this for no other reason review for those you that missed it your first time at it and so that will always have access to the entire Gospel of John chapter by chapter so so I agreed with that that suggestion and I think they were right so that's what we're gonna do so if you have your book your Bible or something with your Bible alone let's go to John chapter 11 now understand we're moving now so here goes Jesus his earthly ministry and now today we take a big step on now moving him to the cross because here comes here comes the gigantic sign because he's about to raise somebody from the dead and that is a biggie and we're gonna we're going to unpack that here today so up to this point Jesus has shown us what that he is the bread of life he has shown us that he is the water of life he has shown us that he is the light of life and now the last sign that he's going to give that really pushes him to the cross is he gives life itself okay he's been showing all these different things about him and now he's going to drop the hammer and say I am life and I give life so in John chapter 11 we start out saying and now a certain man was ill and we know that is it Lazarus of Bethany tells us where he's from the village of Mary and her sister Martha so first of all we know that that this friend and this person that Jesus knew and the disciples knew these sisters and this brother where they're from they're in Bethany and we know that Lazarus is ill he's getting the word how he's sick so we go to - it was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was ill so this is interesting because John does something here at which you can't you will find in other parts of the Bible that that Mary he's telling us who Mary isn't something that she's done before he tells us about it we don't get this till 12 but he's already telling us about her anointing his feet with her hair and the oil but he hasn't told us about that yet and a lot of this has to do with the fact that you know when John's recounting everything he's talking to people a lot of times they'd already know the whole history and he's trying to get it all together uuugh matter of fact this is not surprising if you remember or you've looked at some of the other Gospels I think it's in Matthew when Matthew tells us about John the Baptist being imprisoned and then later tells us about him going to prison so this is not abnormal in the Word of God but when we get into twelve and we start hearing about Mary anointing his feet with her hair even like wait a minute John just told us about that in 11 before it ever happened this is John sitting down talking about all these events and for the people who were listening to him they likely already knew about that he just hadn't got too chuckling that for us yet don't read any more into that there's really there then verse three is pretty simple verse 3 tells us that so the sisters sent to him saying Lord he whom you love is ill now the reason why john wants us to know that is that he wants us to know in a really you know straightforward way this is not an acquaintance he's clarifying the friendship these are people that Jesus the man 100 cent man 100 percent God in his earthly ministry these are people that he knows very well and this is someone that is dear to him even just to the human side so to see it for so then for John tells us but when Jesus heard it he said this illness does not lead to death it is for the glory of God so that the Son of God may be glorified through it now this does not mean as we know Jesus isn't saying hey don't worry about it this disease he has isn't fatal that's not what he's saying at all why because it is and we know matter of fact he's going he's going to be dead before Jesus ever gets there what he's saying is that this disease though fatal to the human body is going to end in life because it's going to end in a resurrection so he's clarified now now the disciples show was so clearly here in a minute just like we do so many times they're not tracking with Jesus and he has to get very straightforward with him here and which is one of my favorite parts of chapter 11 because it's just so real but anyway what he's talking about there is going to be a huge sign that it's about to happen and he's making that clear cuz it says all right listen let's learn this about pain and suffering I mean this this Sunday Jan where the 19th is 12 years ago when my youngest son died an earthly death and went into the arms of Jesus that's 12 years ago this Sunday so I'm honored to have the chance to speak at a church this Sunday and I've taught with Pastor Ted trailer and he said you know I'm giving you a room to talk about whatever you want to but that'd be a great message and I said okay so anyway so we'll that but anyway so the thing that you understand is Jesus is also clarifying and we don't need to miss this don't forget how many times I hope those who they've known me for a long time I've said this over and over and some of you been in a place of despair when you're in a place of despair can I tell you what is not helpful now from the world the world didn't know what's going on anyway so they're not helpful anyway but when you look to your brothers and your sisters of the church supposed to be fellow followers of Christ let me tell you what's not helpful and for those of you that have struggled and I've had the opportunity you've given me the honor and the trust to talk to you every time you ask me something I'm going to give you scripture because that's all that matters and so but let me tell you what's not helpful well you know sometimes we don't know why I don't know why Lazarus is sick I just don't know well Jesus just told you why he's sick so he can be glorified the Bible tells us that most the times when God allows us to suffer it's to refine us it is to Humble us that's in the Bible it is for us our faith to be tested that's in the Bible it is for us to ultimately now have everyone's attention as CS Lewis said pain and suffering is God's megaphone to a sleeping world so it's also for us to do what he's talking about here what watch this they're gonna glorify me they're not going to reject me you're gonna see in their suffering probably for the first time how real their faith really is and those that turn from Christ when they're tested through suffering they failed they failed their tear faith was tested and it was found to be false so here is Jesus saying as clear as he can say it this illness is not gonna lead to death it is gonna lead to earthly death but it's gonna lead to resurrection but it's ultimately for what say it with me the glory of God so what he is saying is do you know what he said he can yoke you okay with this you don't he say my father knows Lazarus is sick and he allowed him to be sick okay can can God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit keep Lazarus from being sick yes within they heal out it you know why you know God allows these things because he can stop it does anybody here serve a god that can't stop whatever problem you have I don't all right so so so here is Jesus clarifying that he says let me tell you the sign that's about to happen will honor the father and the son at the same time and it is a precursor to what Jesus is death and resurrection he's about that you're we saying Lazarus my friend is sick and it's dead he's gonna say here in a minute so that we had this moment for my father and I to be glorified at the same time and then I'm gonna show you ultimately why I'm here I got to show you that I give life you know we've shown you if I can if I can resurrect somebody else wait till you see to I resurrect myself so he's gonna go on record for us all to see which is why Lazarus is sick why is Lazarus sick to glorify God why are you sick to glorify God why someone you love sick to glorify God why'd you lose your job to glorify God that's what these things are and the Bible is crystal clear in this you know what I've come to saying this may be a little harsh and you know that's not my intention look as I as I was told the other day by dear friend my general spirit has gotten better - which Bubba and Greg responded well a team that didn't win any games that one wins one has improved a hundred percent but they still only one want the order main so so it's a slow process but but what I'm saying is this what I'm saying is this when you go to people or if I go to people with this sometimes we don't know why and you don't have any Scripture and you don't know what's going on spiritual in this situation you know what you're saying to that person when you say sometimes we don't know why you should really just say I am in adequate in my depth of knowledge of Scripture and I am of no help to you today hey I didn't do what I should have done to be ready for you today I ain't got it I don't know anything and you know what you really have no help because we would have here who God is in all this and you should know that and so should I so we can help each other now do I need to be reminded who God this yes but you need to be ready to remind me and I need to be ready to remind you so Jesus is clear on what's going on here so let's look at verses five and six now now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus so here's John doubling down I Got News for you he loves all of them these are not people that Jesus doesn't love wait a minute so you mean that when I struggle or my loved one is sick it isn't because God doesn't love me no it's not well how do I know that what John just said that Jesus is in control of Lazarus being sick he's gonna delay so Lazarus will die we'll talk about why that is here in a minute and he's telling us the whole time that he loves them so it's not lack of love you know what it could be did he trust them you know think about that can't can God trust you with pain and suffering and I think some of you if you were honest or maybe some of you watching and listening you're almost trying not to be trusted cuz you're afraid that he may actually do it let me say something only the bold person praised the prayer Lord do whatever you have to do to get me where I need to be with you and to glorify yourself he'll answer it yeah but some of you are trying to have a I don't know if I want to be trusted with that that's a very it's very dangerous you're also looking at people of the Bible would it would appall say I'm in prison you know what I'm celebrating it because I'm in prison guess what this is doing it's advancing the gospel hey yoki y'all keep praying for me man I'm hopeful I might be delivered from this I might not I've just come to the conclusion that to live is Christ and to die is gain he says I'm even struggling myself there's side of me says I'd like to go ahead and die cus then I go into presence of the Lord but it may be that the Lord allows me to live because I need to continue serving you and need to continue advancing his gospel because y'all weren't ready for it to be handed to you yet but whatever the case is I'm good so you know what I think it's the biggest problem we get things reversed how many times in your life have you been told by your mama or by your daddy or by somebody be careful you may die hey be careful you know what we should say more watch what you do because you might live because once we're dead our testimony is over that's it I mean there's nothing left whatever it was it is what it is but we really should do is watch ourselves and live devoted to Jesus not because we might die that's a given but because we might live that's heavy but it's true so anyway so look at five and six says that he loves him look at six so when he heard that Lazarus was ill he stayed two days longer in the place where he was my goodness what in the world so so he knows that that he loves them and then he says he's going to stay two more days and so we have to take these two things again let me tie this together because it's truth right did the Bible say that Jesus loved Mary loved Martha and loved Lazarus can we go go yes but he still stayed two more days he didn't run to it so his staying two more days is not a lack of love for the family it's not it and we have to trust God enough to know that you already have you know hey does anybody here doubt that God loves you if you ever say to me I thought God loves you out I'm gonna tell you something I hope I hope it's I've gotten to the point that I don't punch people anymore because that really aggravates me because I'm tired of people saying that about the god I serve who in the world can look at the cross and southall God love me he's on record how much he loves you if the Lord God Almighty doesn't do another thing for Rick Burgess but the cross he's already done more than I deserve he's on record how much he loves me he didn't have to do that he didn't have to take on human flesh he didn't have to go to the cross he's holy he's got to have we talked about that he has to have that sacrifice he's got to have that suffering he took it upon himself he didn't have to do that but he did why because he loves me and he loves you if he never did another thing he's done play me cuz I tell you what I deserved was hell and he says I'm gonna resolve that for you and then how dare him maybe ask us for a little obedience in response to that actually trust us with now the life he's given us saying I've redeemed you and you're not gonna do anything else to earn salvation because you couldn't but you know what I'm pretty clear in scriptures I kind of expect you to do something in response to salvation so Jesus stays two more days after we know that that he loves him is dead Lazarus death and resurrection are going to be good for Lazarus and his sisters well I saw that and I never thought of it that way I know it's gonna be good for people to see it I've always kind of felt bad for Lazarus really because he just had to die again you know Lazarus didn't live anymore I mean so he had to die come back out and then die again but so it wasn't about that but this is also good as we see for Mary Martha and Lazarus and don't ever miss that sometimes you think well God's doing this for the good of other people no God's always doing it for your good as well am I good so he knows and we'll find out in a minute that Mary and Martha they know Jesus pretty well but we'll see in a minute they don't really understand the whole deal but this process is gonna even clarify for them so he loves them enough to let this happen now I just loves other people and the two day delay was motivated by his love for them think about that what do you mean by that well because what they're gonna see is miraculous and if he doesn't stay two more days you'll see because for some of the Jewish customs it still could possibly be explained some other way so he loves him enough that he's going to lay two days to bypass any any of this mystery any of this hocus-pocus stuff that they had in the Jewish culture that if the Bob mati was to come back alive in a certain amount of time it still could but after four days we hit day forward then there's no hope so he's delaying it for his love for them as well and so what happens by the delay that's gonna make the total time of his friend Lazarus is death it's gonna be four days now and that means all the superstitions and all that are explained away they had it they had a belief that the spirit hung around the body for a certain amount of time for two or three days but if you hit day four you know they didn't embalm so day four what happens we'll get to this in a minute the body starts decomposing so in the Jewish Jewish traditions it's over now nobody can bring them back to live now so he's delaying on purpose so let's look at verse seven and eight then after this he said to the disciples let's go to Judea again why is this why is this in here that's not good news if you're one of Jesus's followers no no we just barely escaped all that do you remember what happened what just happened what we just heard they took I took up stones to stone him and then he went back to where John was baptizing and he went back to over there wherever I went a man'd people believed because of what John it said about him and he went back to where it all started they're good with that hey we're not it we're not in danger now and Jesus says I've waited my two days they have to be thinking why are we not rushing somewhere and so they probably start thinking because what just happened oh he they don't understand what's happening we're not going back because Jesus knows they gonna try to kill us they don't think that he's going I'll tell you why we're not going back he's trying to delay this so Lazarus will be dead for four days when we get there and therefore the only way he can raise it from the dead is for it to be of God know what their thinking is notice you'd never say John says the disciples were really upset that Jesus wasn't leaving it's not in there you know why they're good yeah I hate that about Lazarus that's it that's all and you do you ever see them intervene and say hey should we be going so here's one but because now Jesus has said let's go to Judea again the disciples said to him suddenly they're gonna speak now they got nothing to say about the delay but now that we're going they got something to say rabbi hello the Jews were just now seeking to stone you are you going there again this is the first time that they want to say something not about delaying they want to say something about going got a preach right there by the way not a preach yeah I guess God just he's gonna give me time what have you been doing another thing I'm just waiting God's got me at a time of waiting maybe so what are you gonna do for the kingdom I just so are you kind of wanting to hear from the Lord what to do with know you know I'll trust him as long as he's not telling me do anything I trust him totally but then comes the day that God says here's what I want you to do that's when we start all this no wait a minute are you sure about that you want me to do what are you look it happened with me sherry walked into our house we got these these four chairs we sit around that's where we go there for the big decisions and we sit and we pray and we we get in these chairs and we face each other and we pray I'll walk in I'm sitting that and she goes what's going on I said God's telling me to do something I don't want to do she said well what is it I said he's told me to go to my local church and I'm supposed to invest myself in a men's ministry and try to come up with some way for us to have a men's ministry at my own home church I've been traveling all over the country tell everybody they need to get the men's ministry in line and our own men's ministry is not in line and I'm not doing anything about it I'm just complaining about it and he's told me it's time for me to go into action that's not what I want to do now I have to get my hands dirty I got to see these same men all the time gotta have some Wednesday Bible study see these faces all the time I mean all y'all's problems all y'all stuff there was a time that I just got up here convicted everybody and if you didn't heard you the parking lot you and gonna say me I tell the pastor and whoever was the layperson in the men's room history they're all really angry right now and I'm out of here and the Lord said no you're gonna invest in the local church and I don't want to do it so I had never complained about him not telling me to invest in the local church I was Lord why are you not telling me to invest in the local church why are you delaying this he never heard that from me but when he said it's time he heard a lot from me nay you should have Lord sure you sure about this I got I need to be on the road I need to be going these places and see now four years later I'm seeing all the things he was going to do but guess how that had to start he had to say go and I had to go whether I wanted to or not because he said - it's not what I want to do you ever had your wife use your own words against you there ought to be some sort of foul because I told my wife for five years she's trying to finish that book that took five years of grinding they were there were times that sherry and I would be separated for 40 days she'd be down at that little cottage hammering out that book on her face devastated having to relive that horrible night and she would come in and she would have tears on her face that I can't finish this book it's too hard and that I would say is spiritual leader well if the Lord's called you to do something then you have to finish it so when I said I'm not into this she says did the Lord called you to it and I said yes she said well if if the Lord's called you to something then you got to finish it and I thought I wonder where I've heard that before but anyway so so anyway but look here we are see here we are I'm more excited about this than ever before but I didn't wanna take that first step because it was gonna require time effort getting your hands dirty invest in young people which I'm not that good at you know I'm not that good investing in people I'm really not you know as I told you me knowing these Bible studies this is a bit bigger miracle than a blind man they can see the fact that I'm doing this is a miracle this is all God but it wasn't anything that I wanted to do but once I was obedient to him I can't get anything else in my life that means more to me than being right in the middle of his perfect wheel whatever it is it's fantastic so anyway so he does know what he's doing by the way but it may not be immediate but he tells you to do it you do it so now they can't believe that he's turning returning to this danger so we get to verse 9 and 10 and look at this what Jesus says jesus answered are there not twelve hours in the day if anyone walks in the day he does not stumble because he sees the light of this world but if anyone walks in the night he stumbles because the light is not in him not in him what in the world she is talking about well here it is obviously there's one obvious meaning and that is that the Roman culture and the Jewish culture took the twenty four-hour-a-day and they divided it in two we got twelve hours of daylight we got twelve hours of darkness so first of all he's saying we got to make the most of the day okay we got daylight we got to go within there's a much deeper deeper meaning the bigger meaning is he's telling the disciples that they only have so much time with the light of the world hey my earthly ministry we're taking down to the end I'm teaching you I'm about to go to the cross my time in this form and you have an access to me like this and me teaching you your time of walking with me in flesh is drawing to a close so we need to make the most of it and you know what else he's saying manifest and fire you up Romans chapter 8 if God is for me who can be against me you know what he's saying as long as you're with me don't be concerned about going back did you do you you're with me I got this nobody is gonna stop my father's timeline and today it's not the day that we're all gonna be arrested and I'm gonna go the cross it's not today you're with the light of the world so now why I'm going if you were not walking with me you'd be stumbling around in darkness and that you may not know what's going to happen but let me tell you something as long as you're with me and I say something's gonna happen it's gonna happen let's go you're with me and now make the most of it you know what that also means to all of us make the most of the time that God has given us I said I used to be this way so I see a lot of people waste lot of time I mean you don't you don't have much daylight left and you're saying well Rick you don't matter to me I know I'm redeemed well that's great I'm glad praise the Lord for that but what about all the people that that you've ignored and didn't invest in what's gonna happen to them when it when darkness comes are they as long as you don't die and go to hell that's good look I used to beat this guy when I buried that little boy I was like Lord come get us let's go I'm ready to go and I realized that that was wrong was wrong sherry now both I remember us even talking about let's go to Israel and maybe the plane a crash on the way back that'd be a great ending we couldn't care less than plane crashed now that people didn't like hearing us talk don't talk about that on the plane by the way and I got escorted away it served could we have a lot of talk about us crashing you know what I mean and so but anyway I really did get up and walk around one cuz I never flown that far before my first trip was in the one year after Brennan went to heaven we went to Israel and I'd never flown that far before and I got up and let in said out loud in the plane I got to get off this plane don't do that either that's not and they really did they came on side of me sir he's everything okay yeah I'm good I'm just gonna get some water back here so yeah little thing to have the back on long trips you can walk around back there you're telling me I get off the plane no no I'm not getting it I just told I'm just frustrated I just want to be off the plane I have no plans to try to get off the plane so so anyway I've gotten better by the way that was my first time at that you know you have to kind of get you get your legs on your get in shape but but what I heard from God was look if if I die if Jesus comes back or I die you're right for me it's fantastic but what about what about them what about the world there's people that I know that if Jesus comes back today they're going to hell 100% oh you're not their judge yeah I'm not their judge but I can just look into their life as people I look into my life you know and I know some of the testimonies in this room when people had to tell you you ain't going to heaven what do you mean make a case that you are so there's people and and God doesn't need me but he allows me to be part of it but I don't I want to have a certain amount of urgency that when I go out or he returns he finds me about his business not phoning it in because I'm good and so he say and make the most of the time that you have let's look let's look in 11 through 13 verse 11 through 13 after saying these things he said to them our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep but I go to awaken him now saying someone had gone to sleep saying that and that mean death that was certainly part of the culture but Jesus is trying to make the point that you're just going to see this person I'm not concerned about that they've died or not died and with the power that the father has given me they might as well be asleep I'm going to awaken him I'm going to raise him from the dead they miss it you know this one that you ever tried to have to come up with a term you're like man this is a really good way to put this and people go I got no idea what you're talking about so he says to them cuz it because he's obviously meaning that that the the Lazarus has fallen asleep now look at the disciples said in 12 the disciples said to him Lord if he's fallen asleep he will recover now what do you think this is about so he's just asleep at school let's not go there they don't want to go to Judea and you know what they think you ever had that happen I don't want to go somewhere police we know since somebody wants that said well I just talked to him and so-and-so is not feeling good okay well then let's just not go and they're looking at you like no no that's not gonna keep us from going I'm just informing you that you know you're always looking for that out hey man sounds good Lazarus just to sleep well he must have recovered then there's no reason for us to go on Lord so let's not do this and then it says in 13 now Jesus had spoken of his death but they thought he meant taking rest and sleep and here comes 14 you've had Jesus ever do this to you so Jesus told them plainly hey Lazarus is dead can you follow that dead I threw the thing about asleep y'all didn't yell didn't receive it y'all now trying to get out of going to Judea let me clarify for you Lazarus has died and then we get to 15 and for your sake I'm glad that I was not there so that you may believe let us go to him so the bottom line the disciples are looking for an out Jesus minee what would Jesus is saying it's for your good that we didn't go where you're good guys he's talking to the disciples so what do we know the disciples are still on their process of sanctification of figuring out who Jesus really is now that's one things convicted me so much when I was a cultural Christian or what really the Bible says I had a demonic faith is when I realized that I knew all these historical things about Jesus but even looking back at the scripture the demons knew more about Jesus than the disciples did but they certainly were not redeemed because they also fought against him so when I was a cultural Christian I believed everything about Jesus and then lived in perpetual sin well that's a demonic faith that's all that was and when I when I was awakened out of that stupor when a man looked me in the eye and said you're lost your life it just does not say anything about Jesus it says everything about sin but it you so Jesus can't change you I found by that and of course I had to deal with a lot of cultural Christianity and trying to get all that but finally when I came to the conclusion that I was lost well here's once again that as he says I've done this for your good to the disciples and what he means if I had not delayed then I would not be able to do the sign that you're gonna see and it's gonna be a game-changer do you all agree maybe we're wrong maybe I'm wrong because you know they still flee from him when it comes time for the cross I got to tell you Lazarus for me that's a game-changer that's a big day for me I don't know about Jesus I mean he's maybe a prophet or something good teacher is he gonna be this military leader that we all been talking about the day and I know they've already seen the day somebody's been in the tomb for four days so much so his sister which you'll see here in a minute is afraid of how bad he stinks and Jesus said pull that stone back I'm gonna I'm gonna walk him out of there that's a game-changer that's a game-changer so so so he's saying it's good that I did not go because if I had not gone then you're not gonna see the sign so look at 16 so Thomas called the twin said to his fellow disciples let us also go that we may die with him now many different commentaries have looked at this and they said this is to twofold same thing I took away either Thomas is showing great devotion to Jesus possible or he's a or of the bunch Jesus has already said you're gonna be with me we're going to Judea here's what's gonna happen happen happen and they're worried about getting killed they try to get out of going back because the Jews are trying to kill him and that means they're gonna kill them - could it also be that Thomas the ER of the bunch said well I guess we're all going to die he just doesn't believe that Jesus is really gonna keep her from dying he says we're going to die with him right so undoubtedly he's not really listening that Jesus said that's not going to happen he thinks it is is it is it is it a and I don't know the answer is an example is it an example of devotion I'll go with him and die with him or is it an example of lack of faith yeah let's go die I don't why he's carrying us up here to die what you want is that I don't know the answer to that but but but it could be one of the other the fact that he's kind of still not sold after the resurrection and says I got to touch him I got I got to do all that it makes me lean a little bit to Eeyore frankly because it doesn't he doesn't seem to really get it to recede Jesus after the resurrection and gets to touch him I don't know that that's that's not my call at Thomas if I've got that wrong on the second one when we get to heaven it'll be awkward but I just went one way or the other alright so 17 17 this is back to the four days again now when Jesus came he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days we told you the significance of that that means in that culture that there is no reversal there's nothing anybody can do that's why that point is made again 18 Bethany was near Jerusalem now we're getting a location from John about two miles off and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother now this shows us John says that the family must have had some kind of provenance because they've got a really big crowd they also the fact that you know they're near Jerusalem this heightens the danger a little bit of the situation and people are still willing to go there people are coming there they certainly had people that you could hire that would come in grieve for your loved one but but some of the commentaries and John is showing Martha and Mary and Lazarus they probably were somewhat prominent they there was a lot of people think they supported a lot of the disciples and Jesus's ministry so it shows here by the amount of people that are coming to grieve with them that that they probably had some sort of prominence and some sort of some sort of standing in bethany so verse 20 verse 20 so when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went and met him but Mary remain seated in the house now if you want to jot this down Luke 10:38 42 Luke 10:38 to 42 these are just first out of these we we find out about Martha and Mary Martha's a go-getter she's action she said he's here I'm going out I'm gone Mary sits in the house kind of pensive kind of reflective kind this this was their personalities you see this which Luke tells us about these two women and so they're just showing that they they're sisters but certainly they have two different personalities and we'll get more into that as we go as we go for further so Martha the woman of action sometimes too much action goes out and says to Jesus Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died well I mean that that shows some faith because she thinks Jesus what kept it from happening but it's not really what you want to hear when you've worked to get to these people that you love and there's all this grief everywhere and really the first day that you hear from one of the your friends is if you'd hurried up and got here this wouldn't happen you know there's a lot going on it's more than just I believe you could have saved him she really wants to know why didn't you come on we sent word to you and you didn't you didn't come on if you had been here this would not have happened some faith there certainly but keep in mind a lack of faith because she thinks it's over the situation that she was limiting the power of Jesus you could have kept it from happening but you can't do anything now that it's happened hey be sure that doesn't creep into your faith by the way well you could have kept this from happening but now that you've let it happen I guess I guess you just left me you've abandoned me nothing you do about it now well don't ever let that faith creep in don't you see you see one thing you got to watch from the adversary he'll take the things that you know about God I hope that some of you are so solid that the adversary and the demons themself have given up I'm trying to convince you that the Lord doesn't exist that God isn't real they're just given up on it you're too devoted they can't do anything about that now you've seen too many things so guess what plan B is to let you believe everything about God you know and they convince you that God's not for you so God's sovereign so God's over all this look what he did to you wouldn't even hurry to get here let Lazarus die God's abandoned you this is the god you say you love you hear that kind of stuff coming into your spirit that's not of the Lord and you you better start quoting scripture and you better you better get him out of your life and get that voice out of your head because then you start clinging to the promises remember when all else fails look at me this is important right here when all else fails look to the cross I always look to the cross you'll have a hard time finding a problem with Jesus it's cross you have a hard time finding any kind of any complaint against Jesus when he walks out of that tomb and says I've resolved your biggest problem I took the punishment that really you deserved and I didn't have to remember that no matter what's becoming in your ear what are your face and always remember that I always go to Revelation 21 you know when things I sell people all the time when they're grieving my wife has the great statement she tells them all the time it won't always be like this I say this is not God's final plan we start walking through God's final plan go to Revelation 21 you know he says I'm gonna resolve all this that's what's coming we're not there yet but it's coming I'll resolve all of this there's not any more death no more mourning not me the more sickness no more tears that's how it ends we're just in the middle of getting there so then Jesus has to hear this from her and then he says to her you do you love this 22 but even now I know that whatever you ask from God God will give you 23 jesus said to her your brother will rise again now let's stop right there for just a minute so Martha thinks Jesus is referring of course to the future resurrection in 21 and 22 Martha knows that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus were present but she she also knows that he has a really peculiar intimacy that he enjoys with the father and that his prayers will be fruitful she knows that I know that you and the father have a relationship but I've never seen before and I know that if you start praying something's gonna happen I don't really know what so then Jesus says your brother's gonna rise again if she understood what she was asking right then she would have said and that's what I was hoping but she doesn't she doesn't get it look look look what she says next 29 Martha said to him I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day see she's not touched she didn't think it's gonna happen today I don't even know if she even understands I know you need I know you can talk to the father do do something I don't know what you can do and then Jesus says well here's what I'm gonna do your brother's gonna rise again I know I'm the last day I got all that hey Rev early just like me going I know it's good Vinci workout but God what are you gonna do today we will do today and I Got News for you that he may not raise somebody you love from the dead today but I promise you even today he has everything you need to get through what you're in today not just in the future but today you say you is he gonna change it I didn't say that cuz it might be for your own good might be for the benefit of others but he will give us what we need to not lose hope and to sit at perfect peace while the world around us is freaking out I don't know how was it perfect peace when my son went to heaven I don't know how other than was Jesus you know I said to God you got to help me you know he said okay I got a walk in Children's Hospital I don't know how I got my wife's in there with a with wit with the body of our baby how am I supposed to do that you can't but I can and I remember feeling my legs moving I mean how I'm walking lord I don't know what I'm gonna say to my wife I do lord I know what am I supposed to do you're gonna glorify me I don't know how to do it I know but I do lead the doctor to me the doctor it happened hey when you're standing there with the body of your baby ask everybody here if they know Jesus are you serious isn't this the time that I can just grieve no we got we got too much momentum right now everybody wants to know if you're the real deal you can grieve on the other side of this but we're gonna make the best of the daylight right now the Holy Spirit is shining on you right now and everybody's watching I can't do it I know but I can in the future no right now right now and so look it was supernatural every bit it was supernatural do I need that I need to see signs and wonders no I I've already seen enough miracles you know what miracle is I've seen me I'm a walking talking miracle I promise you there's nothing that I could do to change myself nothing there's nothing I could do to want to be in the Word of God nothing there's nothing I wanted that I could do to one a powerful prayer life there was nothing in me that could handle one of my kids just died and here's my wife and everybody's watching hey get up there and do a memorial service I don't think I can you're right but I can't why are you doing this there's something called YouTube you don't know about what's YouTube how did I take you out here saying I think we can put this memorial service on YouTube what is your - it's just been invented when was it invented the year that your little boy was born what YouTube was a minute two and a half years before he was before he went to heaven that's right did you know that the memorial service went on YouTube and was the number one most viewed video in the world for an entire week do you know how many people gave their life to Jesus because of that tragedy thousands over 200 just at the church and these were supposed to be Christians most of them but they never seen anything like this see pain and suffering these moments are there to glorify God because he's got everybody's attention I can go to men's conference do a few funny stories these men are sitting back if they've never seen me before I don't know about this guy you bring up the story of my son's death silence you may speak now I want to hear what you got to say I'm in Africa a guy comes in drunk into a children's camp disrupts the whole thing women are screaming the kids are running I take him off the side man what are you doing you're scaring these children and he looks at me nya tears and he says you don't know you don't know white man from America you don't know you don't know what I've been through I said if he ever buried a two-and-a-half-year-old little boy that was your son he looks at me says no I soul I have so we all got stuff now let's talk about Jesus you know we said you buried your son I did you know he said then I'm listening that was the great equalizer you may be from the first world and you may be from America and you may be in the land what I think is wealth and you don't know the struggles I've had with poverty you don't know what I've been through you're right I don't know that but you ain't ever buried a son so we're all equal we all got stuff don't we and you know what Jesus says I'm gonna do I can do something about it today change it I might not but I can give you what you need so marry me Martha misses this so then in 24 Martha said to him I know that he will rise again Jesus said her I am the resurrection and the life so he's gone from I'm the bread I'm the light on the water I am life I'm the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me though he die yet shall he live and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die and here comes the big question to us all do you believe this Martha I'm the resurrection in the life I am yeah there's a second oh that you're right you've got all that from the prophets that's all right but I want you understand life is standing in front of you right now it's me Martha and then the question do you believe this do you believe it do you believe that Jesus Christ has a resurrection in the life if I looked into your life when I say confirmation of that that you really believe it you say you believe it but do you live what you believe do you believe this that's that's just fantastic that's one of my favorite parts in the Bible is this moment right here not that she's not asking Martha not do you believe that I am going to raise your brother this is big do you really believe that I am the sole source of Resurrection and eternal life Jesus you gonna make me rich I didn't say that I'm saying that I am wealth I'm all you need are you gonna raise my brother from the dead Martha I am the sole source of Resurrection in life for the world not just your brother and then she doesn't exactly answer what he's asking she said to him yes Lord I believe that you are the Christ the Son of God who is coming into the world that's not what he asked her she said I understand you're the son of God that's the question that's the answer I gave but that wasn't the question so look at 28 when she had said this she went and called her sister Mary saying in private the teacher is here and is calling for you so he's not desiring privacy for anything other than the large crowds don't don't overthink this he's trying to get her together he realizes she doesn't completely understand it so he goes for privacy many times when Jesus is trying to make a point with you sometimes he says get out of the noise just come hey let's just you and me get out of the noise you've got to find time to hear from Jesus even when there's something that you're contemplating get out of the noise and when Mary heard that he was there she she rose quickly and went to him now Jesus is not coming to the village but was still in the place where Martha had met him many he's still outside when the Jews who were with her in the house consoling her saw Mary rise quickly and go out they followed her supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep there now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him she fell at her feet and she said what Lord if he had been here my brother would not have died hey thanks man y'all just keep coming back to that don't you so here's Mary different personality she hadn't come out there she's in there pensive she's never been consoled she's in there mourning she hears that Jesus is here now she's gonna get up go to where Martha left him she goes back out there she gets he says there he is here's this big moment if you had if you'd been here my brother wouldn't died now don't miss that cuz that's important when Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her also weeping he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled well there's been a lot of commentary on this right there's been a lot of commentary on this there's there's so many theories that I'll give them to you one is he simply moved by his friends grief sin being the result of death all these things he just sat at the state of the world and he sat at all the grief but as you know if you go back and look at the original Greek word there's some disagreement here somebody who suggests he was outraged by what like a faith subsidy I don't really think I'm standing right here with you and this is total despair and nothing's gonna happen all the things I've showed you all the things I've done do y'all really think that I've just come here today to leave this like it is I didn't come quickly there's things I've been telling you about me so there's there's some theory when it says that he had was was troubled that he was actually indignant a little bit by the state of everyone just walling around you know and I will tell you this I I think that God it disappoints God I'm not saying this what's happening here cuz it's just one of the theories but I will tell you this this I don't have any problem saying I think it really bothers our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit when we respond to tragedy and we respond to trouble just like everybody else as if we have no hope yeah and you know what here's a problem when somebody says well come on Rick you've been too hard on everybody if you and your wife had got mad at God and y'all done this and y'all have done that and you wouldn't got up and said that memorial service and you didn't want to talk to anybody at the hospital and you don't want to go into that men's ministry or whatever that's perfectly understandable and that's a perfectly natural reaction and that's why it's wrong because it's natural it's natural we don't do what everybody else would do that's why it's wrong I mean grow up a little bit spiritually when the world looks at us and says if I would have left my family - Wow you know we got they got mad at God I mean I would tell you he's in total despair you know he's been sick and that's perfectly natural which is why it's perfectly naturally wrong we're not supposed to be natural we're supposed to be spiritual you know what basically that means you had access to power that either doesn't exist or you didn't tap into and Jesus so he could be trouble not just grief but trouble and then he said after this wherever you laid him they said Lord come and see and Jesus wept so that you said look look at how how those how much he loved him but something said could he not could he not who open the eyes of the blind men also kept this man from dying you ever had that testimony man you know what's so thankful that the Lord has seen you through this and look at you standing on your feet and look at the mercy that your loved one didn't suffer you prayed for them to stop suffering and they went on in yeah we could have read he could have raised him from the dead and healed him too I bet why didn't do that think about these people man look at him weeping with everybody I think in the weeping part honestly let me tell you why I lean more toward he is just showing his human side and showing how much that he cares because I couldn't get Psalms 47 out of my mind God is near to the brokenhearted God he's staying that long before he comes to this part of taking on human flesh he's been telling us from the beginning that he's he's near to the brokenhearted I think he just cares but think about what it sounds like well he does care for him but how many didn't he a blind guy make him see me give me a help hey you know what the answer is to could Jesus kept this from happening yes that's where we got to get hey let me be clear Jesus and can keep anything from happening so why did me can you get to the point that I I know how to get there and I'm still getting we got to get to the point that the minute that something happens that we know God allowed because he could have stopped it we got a pivot to this what are you teaching me what do you want from this can you do that that's what we should do I remember so vividly stepping on that plane trying to get back to Sherry and I'm looking out there and I see the moon we're supposed to be and I thought that shouldn't be and all of a sudden uncontrollably out of my mouth I literally said so what do you teaching me where are we going with this he said I want them to be perplexed I have allowed this to happen so I'll be glorified and I won't teach you how to glorify me you don't know me well enough but you will now but you will now I wouldn't I wouldn't take back what I've learned look Bronner is with his real father thank thank goodness Bronner didn't have to have an imperfect struggling earthly daddy for more than two and a half years he's had a perfect father for the rest of his time he's just as alive today as he ever was we separated and he's not coming back to me but I'm going to him but you know what else I share he says in Tobruk he's not my reward in heaven I love him but he's not my reward Jesus is my reward I'm not working for Bronner I'm working for Jesus I hope that Bronner sees it and says man look at my earthly daddy not embarrassing me by rejecting my Lord and Savior certainly but I'm not here just because I want my son's earthly death to count that's part of it but I'm leaving the rest my life trying to glorify Jesus so then we get back where you have laid him then then look at 38 we're almost done then Jesus deeply moved again came to the tomb it was a cave and the stone that lay against it jesus said take away the stone Martha the sister of the dead man said to him Lord by this time there will be an odor for he has been dead for days we were ready for that jesus said to her did I not tell you that if you believe you would see the glory of God how many times we look at Scripture and the Lord say I told you about this so they took away the stone Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father I thank you that you have heard me I know that you always hear me but I said this on account of the people standing around and they may believe that you sent me don't miss this for running out of time this means the fathered already told him Lazarus is coming out I already know hey father you and I've already communicated about this but I'm gonna do something here public where everybody here for their benefit but you've already told me what's going to happen but for them don't you love that God does that for the humans for might for the sheep I'm gonna say were they here too when he had said these things he cried out with a loud voice Lazarus come out you've heard all the commentary and it is true many have summarized with the power of Jesus he's got a specify who he wants to come out are we gonna have people walking everywhere Lazarus come out and the man who had died came out his hands and feet were bound with linen strips and his face wrapped with a cloth and Jesus said to them and I love this and will close with this unbind him and let him go you know that means Lazarus he's got this these you know just like they found Jesus of course what's more supernatural is Jesus didn't have any issue being bound up he was going to just laying like it was he's really hopping out Lazarus coming out with this stuff on him but think about this and this is I'll leave you will that represents our sin and earthly death Jesus says I'm not just gonna I'm not just gonna take you from death to life I'm gonna unbind everything that binds you your life hey hey hey Rick gave his life to Jesus today I know going behind him Tellem he's free so what was i bound by what had me held down sin and she just said go over there none behind him said it free as Jesus I'm bound you and set you free as she just delivered you from death to life as Jesus said your name come on out from sin you were dead you were dead now you're alive is that why they call you Savior yeah so I didn't just go from lost to found no you went from dead to alive now get to know me and I'll let me behind you and set you free from the power seeing let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for this message lord thank you for what you've taught me during all this and what you've confirmed as well give us the power to be who only you can make us if you're listening to this right now are watching this and you have not been set free from Jesus where you just right now say Jesus I acknowledge that you are my Savior I acknowledge that I need to be set free I knowledge I have the bonds of sin and I now repent of my sin and I turn from death to you the life and I say Lord make me alive I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth that you are Lord and I believe that you did die for my sins on the cross and I believe that your father rose you from the from the grave on the third day and you defeated death today I acknowledge you as my Lord and Savior Lord Jesus make me alive unbind me and set me free the Bible says if you're sincere in your heart and you truly mean that that Jesus has just set you free if you need help on what to do next just contact me Rick at Ricky and Bubba calm I'll be happy to walk with you we pray these things over in the name of Jesus amen thank you guys saw us about five minutes late but I appreciate it thank you you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 4,685
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Keywords: bible study, how to study the bible, christian youtuber, understanding the bible, how to study your bible, men's bible study, how i study the bible, bible study for men
Id: wS69ul3g-Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 3sec (3963 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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