Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - October 16, 2019

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you hear from the broadcast Plaza and teleport we thank you for joining us we're continuing our study through the Gospel of John it'll be part seven but we'll be getting into chapter four today now we do have a few things we want to cover with you if you would like to attend the next man church a couple of those are coming up coming up this Sunday man church will be happening at Woodstock First Baptist Church and I'll be there this coming Sunday night xx all those details that Rick and Bubba com are Burges ministries calm under events the next one I will not be speaking but will be part of emceeing and hosting is that by home Church shades Mountain Baptist Church we'll have Kevin ham from Gardendale First Baptist he'll be coming in to challenge our men you're welcome to join us for any of those and that'll be the 27th that'll start at 6 p.m. also if you're not already in a Bible study there'll be multiple opportunities for you to enter into a Bible study coming up on the 27th as well you could always join us here we do it every Wednesday at noon Central Time one o'clock Eastern if you're watching this or listening to this we do this at the Rick and Bubba studios seating can be limited but you're welcome to try to join us if you so desire while you're in town like today we got two guys from Louisville Kentucky that came to watch the show this morning and they've stayed for the Bible study and we certainly encourage that and always look forward to that also if you ever tried to find the Rick and Bubba studios Bible studies have been going on for the four years if it's pretty recent you can get it on the youtube channel just hit playlist and you'll see all the different Bible studies are the podcast channel also you can hit play list and find the Bible studies if it goes you know beyond two years you probably want to go back to Burgess ministries.com and just click on the listen button and you can see multiple topics that we studied here during the Bible study so we're going to open up with a word of Prayer and we're going to jump right into what the Lord has for us today Lord thank you for today and Lord I'm just thankful for all the men who have made an effort to be here today we certainly ask that you be with those that are hurting today those that that are working through the trials and tribulations and what it's like to be in a fallen creation be with those that are listening and watching all around the world right now Lord that there's something you're gonna say today that that person needed to hear and of course we look forward to to what we need to hear today as well as the one who'll be teaching on your behalf today Lord I pray that you will help me to overcome my imperfections to deliver the message exactly as you would have me deliver it and the Lord I pray you continue to grow us into the men that only you can make us in the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so if you have your Bible or something with your Bible on it let's go to the Gospel of John chapter 4 this may be a very familiar story this is Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well I'll read verses 1 through 30 and then we'll go back and kind of start unpacking this a little bit and then we'll finish out we will finish out the entire chapter I'm sorry not the entire chapter but up to Jesus healing an official son so that'll take us all the way through 44 today but let me start with 1 through 30 because this is the part that you're probably the most familiar with here's what the Gospel of John tells us Lord be with us as we unpack your word now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John although Jesus himself did not baptize but only his disciples he left Judea and departed again for Galilee and he had to pass through Samaria so he went to a town of Samaria called I can't pronounce that cycler or Sychar near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph Jacob's Well was there so Jesus wearied as he was from his journey was sitting beside the well and it was about the sixth hour a woman from Samaria came to draw water jesus said to her give me a drink for disciples the disciples had gone away into the city to buy some food the Samaritan woman said to him how is that you a Jew asked for a drink from me a woman of Samaria for the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you give me a drink you have you would have asked him and he would have given you living water the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw a water with and the well is deep where do you get that living water are you greater than our Father Jacob he gave us the well and drank from it himself so did his sons and his livestock jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks of the water that I give give him will never be thirsty again the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have have to come here to draw water jesus said to her go call your husband and come here the woman answered him I have no husband jesus said to her you're right in saying I have no husband for you have had five husbands and the one that you now have is not your husband what you have said is true the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship and Jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews but the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking such people to worship Him God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth the woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming he who is called Christ when he comes he will tell us all things jesus said to her I who speak to you a.m. he just then disciples came back they marveled that it was talking with a woman but no one said who do you who do you seek or why you talking to her so the woman left her water jar went away into the town and said to the people come see a man who told me all that I ever did can this be Christ they went out of the town and they were coming to him Lord may you take this word and may you apply it to our lives so let's break this down what's going on and kind of work through it so first of all we see when the versus with Chapter four starts the Pharisees are trying to incite competition between Jesus and John the Baptist and we talked about that last week and so chapter 4 picks up and says now Jesus is gonna leave Judea and he's gonna start north for Galilee he's not gonna be part of this the Pharisees are trying to take these two movements and they're trying to divide them up get him to play against each other Jesus knows this is what's going on he's gonna head out of there now he could have taken three different routes he could have gone along the coast that's one way he could have got to where he's going he could have he could have gone across the Jordan through Berea he could have done that or the third and this would not have been the option that any Jewish person would have taken he could do what he did and that's go straight through Samaria this is not what he would do as an Orthodox Jew and the day they avoided Samaria because there was a large a long-standing deep-seated hatred between them and the Samaritans and I want you to understand what's going on here those of you that got a little age on you I'm telling you what what's going on here is what was going on in Birmingham during the time of Jim Crow and all of these things picture that kind of environment it's it's as bad if not worse the way the Jews saw the Samaritans so what Jesus is about to do is unorthodox which was kind of what Jesus loved to do so the the Samaritans were a mix between a Jew and a Gentile now how this happened this is when the Jewish people were held captive by the Assyrians and this this is when they took the ten northern tribes and 727 BC so during that captivity the Assyrians and the Jews begin to mix and that produced for us the Samaritans and you know how the Jewish people were with the genealogy so they rejected them as Jews because the genealogy didn't work they didn't like it and to make matters worse than the Samaritans turned around and you see the woman talking about this and they established their own temple and religious services and they did that on Mount Gerizim so just when it couldn't get worse they said well I'll tell you what if you reject us we'll just go take our own temple and we'll do our own thing and we're go over and say gods with us that all that did was put fuel on the fire so now we got a very serious situations and a deep hatred between these two people so this also made the prejudice even worse the Samaritans were so hated listen to this this is incredible the Samaritans were so hated that some of the Pharisees actually prayed that no Samaritan would be raised at the resurrection they wanted God to say we don't even want there to be redemption or salvation available to these people as far as we're concerned we're praying the God that you would take these people and you would just dam them for the rest of the minutes for all eternity we don't want them to be part of the resurrection so this is how bad it was so Jesus if you look at we'll get to this it's it's funny how many how many things in the Gospel of John are mentioned early in John and then we're gonna go through them again later but you'll notice when when the enemies of Jesus are trying to say that he is not God he is not Christ he's not who he claims to be guess what they call him in in John 8 48 a samaritan which was the ultimate big to say this guy is likely some samaritan you know that is of the devil and is doing all that so we'll see this when we get to john chapter 8 if you don't look at it it's 848 so then the question there's before us and we probably have some idea the answer so if you if you're someone who's been a follower of Jesus Jesus for a while but it's good to review why would Jesus go this route so why would Jesus have options to get to where he's going that would have avoided Samaria but Jesus just just went right to where this this this problematic situation would occur well it's really Cooper you look at it because when we talked about in John chapter 3 we see that Jesus counseled a moral Jewish man and and I love this and now he's gonna turn around say y'all saw that now watch this I'm gonna go from counseling and calling to repentance don't miss that part you got to be born again calling to repentance a moral Jewish man now he's going to go witness and call to repentance and immoral Samaritan woman he's going from one extreme to the other and you know what he's saying they're in equal need of redemption and we got to get that you've heard me say this over and over again if there's one biblical concept you know every problem the world has the Bible has the answer equality equality equality bigotry racism misogyny all these different things the only place that you find true equality is at the foot of the cross every single human being is an equal need of redemption and that's what Jesus is showing and preaching and he's showing his followers this so he arrives he jacobs well about 6:00 p.m. we saw this in Scripture this was the usual time for the women to come get the water now the reason why that is there's various commentaries on this but mostly it was because it was cooler also the women are trying to go in packs and go together the fact this woman was by herself was actually not ordinary normally the women were traveling groups you know for safety and protection so we also know that the disciples had gone into town for food so Jesus deliberately said pass I'm not going with y'all I'm gonna stay here okay so think about that that's a deliberate move on Jesus's part then here's the thing I want us to understand too when we're trying to understand this concept that the Bible keeps showing us that when Jesus came to earth when the second person of the Trinity says I'm going to them because they can't come to us but they can't come to me I go to them Jesus made the decision that he would take on human flesh he would be born of a virgin birth so he's taking on 100% human characteristics but also staying with the 100 cent God you have we have to get that right because there's a there's a lot of false religions that try to act like that Jesus was never in there was no humaneness about him whatsoever well here's another example it says John says Jesus the man was weary he was hungry and he was thirsty and yellow he finally said I got y'all go I'm taking I'm gonna sit in wait you ever been that guy I have this is theme-park stuff to me hey hey we're hungry I tell you what i'ma hold up right here I'm gonna stay with him y'all go get something to eat bring it back and so he's staying there and the Bible says what was Jesus's condition as a human hungry weary thirsty okay so he really experienced these things and by the way the reason why we need to know that is his perfection but also you have to understand he was not exempt from the suffering that he suffered on the cross let me tell he he felt that just like any man would and and which order bring up a little more thankfulness maybe in our spirit and we realized what he chose to do and he certainly didn't have to do so so we know that Jesus is in this position he's waiting by the well the Son of God but and I love this he's truly the Son of God but he entered into all the normal experiences of our lives and is able to identify with us in each situation you find yourself in he said I am the son of God but I'm also gonna as a son of God I'm gonna come in I'm on I'm gonna experience the normal experiences of being a human being so the conversation with Jesus and the woman shows that her knowledge of Jesus will increase until she acknowledges him as Christ it starts out I don't need to know who you are I'm conversing and this is a great picture maybe your experience with Jesus my experience of Jesus you know we start out we know something about Jesus and the more we learn and the more we seek and the more we are becoming Trigg the more we get into the word the more we do that eventually hopefully you had that moment you said I got acknowledge you as Christ I've got to acknowledge you as Redeemer I didn't have all the answers in the beginning but the more I studied the more I found out the more I realize that you are who you say you are so the first thing you have to understand is we'll go through these different this process with the woman and the different things that she understood about Jesus and i'ma walk through it number one starts in verse seven she identifies the first thing as Jesus is a Jew so so look at look at verse seven woman from Samaria came to came to draw water and Jesus said to her which is pretty straightforward give me a drink he's there by himself the Samaritan woman said to him how is it that you a Jew asked for me a woman of Samaria let's say that's that's two hits I'm not I'm not just a Samaria and I'm a woman this is two things that make this situation interesting it was not considered proper for any man especially a rabbi remember everybody's saying Jesus is a teacher we don't know what kind of teacher but we know that he's a teacher it was not proper at all for any man especially a rabbi to speak in public to a strange woman that we just didn't do and you'll see this at the end of the chapter we're getting toward the end in 27 what did the Sipos did they walk up and go what is he doing what's going on here you know it has been and they stood back and watch that's why they had that reaction why are you a Jewish man a teacher a rabbi why are you talking to this woman no by the way this is a Samaritan what why is this going on and so if you put if you look in the parentheses part what he said he says he says right here he says for Jews had no dealings with Samaritans that's right after we finished looking at verse 9 and the reason why he put that in there John put that in there I want you to understand because don't don't get the wrong version of this we don't want to exaggerate because we do know what the disciples went into town where the Samaritans were to get some food so it's not like they didn't have any dealings at all with Samaritans what he's saying really is that they didn't ask for favors from Samaritans you might go in and do business with the Samaritan but you wouldn't ever say hey man can you can you can you give me a drink this water no and that's why John put that in there what Jesus is doing is counterculture you know no Jewish rabbi would say to a Samaritan woman hey would you do me a favor I'm thirsty can you get a drink for me it just wouldn't be done they wouldn't lower themselves to that of asking that a Samaritan could do anything for them and that's really what John's talking about in parenthesis there we know they have some dealings with them because I'm going to get food so here here's what she's doing she's pointing out to Jesus and you know what she's wondering when she says why are you a Jewish man talking and conversing with me a Jewish woman so think about in the beginning you know what else she's doing what's your motivation I mean you know she's a woman that doesn't have the best reputation in the world so her first thought is what's your play here because she knows this shouldn't be taking place so she's wondering why but what is what's cool is that our Lord Jesus is simply letting looking for a way to get into the conversation with her like we need to learn from him how many times have you been in a situation where you want to witness to somebody and again remember there's nothing don't waste airplane rides there's nothing better than an airplane ride because the person next to you don't have anywhere to go and how many times over you started you don't ask you don't sit down the first time hey how are you doing daily man assist do you know Jesus as your personal Savior what do you normally do so where you going we from you know what you start a conversation and he's trying to get in a conversation where he can get to what he really wants to talk about and he what he's doing when he asked for for a drink of water certainly he's thirsty but it's bigger than that what he's saying he wants to get a water conversation going why because I got to tell you about the living water I can't use this living water analogy if we don't start talking about water so the first thing he wants to do is he wants to deal with the human side of things hey could I have a drink of water could you help me get a drink of water these showing us how to be strategic now remember this the reason why we know this back in chapter 3 when he spoke to Nicodemus what did he start talking to him about a new birth he knew there was something that Nicodemus would understand so he just looks for anything you know he does this throughout Scripture and and so now he's gonna say hey I want to talk about Nicodemus about his need even though he was a moral man about his need for a new birth now I want to speak to this Samaritan woman about her need for the living water she understands water Nicodemus understood a new birth so whatever is needed for the situation for the end of you see Jesus being strategic so Jesus now will start to point out the things that she does not know about him who he was what he had to offer and how she could receive it but but at first he's got to get the conversation going Jesus converses frankly with the religious Jewish aristocrat did you see anywhere what he said to Nicodemus now I'm afraid to tell you that you got to be born again no so I remember this because what's important about this and I'm I've been praying about saying this correctly okay at some point you have to talk about the need of redemption I've seen brothers and sisters that that certainly certainly love the let's get in the conversation love let me make sure I show you that I'm interested in you as a person and all that's important they love to say let me talk about something you care about and they love to be friendly and they love to spend the time together but they can't quite ever say to the person you need Redemption just like I do if we never get around to that part of the conversation it certainly is of some value I guess that you were nice to somebody that's certainly good but this sometimes I think we say under the guise of well I just want to live to fight another day hey time and place time and place no look there's certainly some truth to that but we have to ask ourselves a real question is it really us just trying to get the right time in place is it really us living to talk another day or two have we just lost confidence in the gospel have you just lost confidence in the gospel I mean think about it right now how many people could we honestly say that because of our obedience to Christ and watching his example we can say today that that person would say Jesus saved me but your obedience pointed me to Jesus how many people would say that about you if you remember there used to be this song and I when I to do and when I first starts speaking and a lot of our rural churches love it and I do too and it's a great song and it was thank you with this it has this vision this guy gets to heaven and all of a sudden all these people are coming up and thanking him or her for her obedience to Christ because it was them that the reason why they're in heaven you remember that thank you for doing this and doing that I'm a song I always just puts chills on me so let me ask you this anybody gonna say that to you anybody is it gonna be anybody that says hey thank you for your obedience because Jesus saved me by through your obedience he did it but you were obedient so you're the one who pointed me to him because if we watch his example he's sitting there with a moral Pharisee a teacher an aristocrat and you know what he says now you know that you got to be born again so now he's talking to this woman and and he's saying look you're an untrained female you're a Samaritan and and you've made a mess of your life but I'm gonna converse frankly with you to I'm gonna be frank with Nicodemus and I'll be frank with the Samaritan woman I didn't pick and choose because both of y'all are in equal need of redemption so I'm gonna deal with it with both of you and I'm not afraid I'm doing it lovingly and I'm showing you redemption is available I'm certainly not gonna be sanctimonious and self-righteous but there comes a time that you have to be frank and deal with what the situation is you know what that's the example Jesus shows us I didn't come up with this Jesus has given us a second example in two weeks or three weeks now where he says you know you need to be redeemed you know that you need salvation and I love this he talks frankly with both but he also was happily he had no issue with either one of them to break social and religious taboos to do so you know people say you can't tell Nicodemus he's got to be born again oh oh yes oh yes I will cuz he does hey look this woman who are you to judge of course he can who are you to judge hey we don't go there don't go there well maybe these people are looking to hear the answer I will tell you the only people who love me we're the ones who's told me brother you need redeems you need to be redeemed well what if the pastor that y'all heard my testimony about had just said you know what I'm glad you want to get married in my church that's just awesome and somebody saying you know this guy lives a life that's pretty crazy well yeah but I just want to be his friend was he my friend I mean wouldn't me just so y'all just come on in here let's just go and have this ceremony and Rick I know there's some things your life to who you really but man you're just so funny and I'm just so glad I'm getting to be the pastor do this where's this woman you want american well who cares I'll tell you what day do you I want and somebody said well you know that you're just trying to earn that friendship to earn that right no he had the right when I sat down front of it says I want to be married no I just gave him the right I'm now in the conversation and you know he's supposed to do tell me what the Bible says about marriage so tell me about yourself this this and this what about you well you know if you like to fish you tell you like to fish right if you like football you tell my football exactly what you do for a living you tell him I that but but deep down somewhere you and I said that the most important thing in the universe was the day we were redeemed or the period of life where we were redeemed how do you leave that out of any conversation if it's the most important thing that's ever happened to you has that ever left out how do you ever talk to anybody that you just met and you don't know if you ever gonna see them again I can tell you there's people that I that I that God has prompted me to share with I don't know what happened I've had some that I said a man I felt good about that I liked that prayer we prayed I hope it was sincere you know remember Billy Sunday don't forget Billy Sunday Billy we had so many people give their life to Jesus today you know what he would say we'll see we don't know their sincerity of anybody's heart and we don't answer for that but we certainly answer for why didn't you talk to that person man I've been outlined I took I brought them right through your life there's been many times just being completely transparent with you my brothers and sisters that maybe listening watching that I have been in the situation and I've even gotten in an argument with my Lord and Savior I don't want to talk this person about you can they just fix this thing in my house and leave I know you want me to talk to him I don't want to I really would rather not I just got home from work I got this I want to fool with they're just here to fix the air conditioner and before long the Holy Spirit's like really these people are in your house they're in your house you didn't even have to go find them they're in your house and they keep trying to talk to you how much longer with the small talk and I've learned to go really honestly just to be transparent sometimes just so who'd get off of them I'll go okay I'd like to say I'm doing because I love them a lot of times I'm doing just cuz I'm being obedient because I honestly I have a hard time loving people I don't know only Jesus does that for me but when I think about the stuff that when they leave that Oh terrible feeling when that truck drives off and all sudden you're here home by yourself or you like and now you got to answer to what the Lord so that's that's it that's all you gave them how about Bama this year that's all they got that's the whole conversation you have so what I've done because I'm because I sometimes I'm not that great at this what I've done is I we have these devotions that Andy and I wrote I keep them in the house and I'll walk up to the guy and I'll say hey it starts conversation I was gonna give you a gift but you know you kind of see if he wanted are you following Jesus and then the conversation goes and if they even they say yes or no I said oh man I got something they may help you want to look at this I said so so 100% no doubt you're following Jesus and a lot of times they guys say yeah absolutely I'm and we'll have a conversation I'll hand them I'll send them out the door with that but let me tell you this if you there's really no getting around the fact you know we can say time to place all we want to if you're ever in your house by yourself and somebody's been sent to your house it doesn't get any better than that that's it and airplanes every time so anyway and we've all been in that situation we go man I just want to lay my head over here and watch a movie and sleep I promise you if you love Jesus you get off that airplane go I am a loser if you if you do not at least bring it up and have a conversation because here's Jesus giving us an example he could have easily said I just want something to drink and that I'm gonna move on you're a Samaritan woman anyway but but he but he is speaking frankly and he'll break any religious or social taboo to do it so she's recognizing him as a Jew they're having that conversation the next thing we see is that now she gets into conversation about Jesus and she's gonna find out the next thing about him is he's greater than Jacob he's greater than Jacob look at this and verses 11 think 11 through 15 so Jesus has just told her if you if you knew the gift of God and who it was saying to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water in 11 she says to him sir you have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep where do you get this living water see now notice the first thing she said is you don't even anything to get the water with you can't get this water so high the world you can get living water and so now we're starting to transition out of this is just a Jewish man and he says where do you get to live in water are you greater than Jacob he gave us this well and drank from it himself and so did his sons and his livestock so first thing she's asking I'm listen I know an idea of what you're talking about but the first thing that Jesus is saying to her if you'll catch this and I think I think same thing had this she's a woman that has some familiarity with the Torah and you know what Jesus is saying here in its own way you should know the Torah better than you do I just do that living water to you and that should have rung a bell with you and and he's saying what he said to me most of my life you know a lot of things you miss trig you didn't know my word you missed so many things because you didn't know the word of God you know this this was in there I can't tell you the mistakes that I made in my life that I made defiantly okay but there are a lot of mistakes I've made my life out of total ignorance of the Word of God it's not an excuse that didn't mean Jesus said well you never read that so I'll give you a pass on that one no I'm held accountable for it but honestly I'm just being straight up with you I didn't know some of the things when they were happening because I no the Word of God so when it was happening I was kind of making it up as I go and let me tell you something some of you have been redeemed praise the Lord for that but you've got to stop this making it up as you go you gonna make all kinds of mistakes because you haven't taken the time to know what you're supposed to be doing now and it's all here and I look I went through completely lost I went through new believer and making it up as I go and now all that's kind of starting to come together now where I got I don't the knowledge of the Word of God is starting to come because I'm actually spending time it it's funny how that'll happen and I'm spending time in it and now I'm realizing that a lot of situations I get into I know what to do because God told me now do I still make mistakes of course but I don't say I know it's a mistake now not well I don't really know well how good well how God seasoned is you know I used to be terrified sitting here doing this as somebody will call in and ask me something bout the Bible I wouldn't know the answer to it and and over time through the studying of the word I I know like what she's saying and you say well written what do you mean by the Torah well tape Jeremiah 2:13 this is why Jesus seems to be suggesting this in Jeremiah Jeremiah has been told by God that his people have committed two sins they have forsaken me and look at this they have forsaken me and listen what God calls himself in Jeremiah 2:13 the spring of living water they've rejected me the spring of living water and they have dug their own cisterns broken cisterns that cannot hold water you know what Jesus saying hey this analogy I just used about this well and living water you should have known about that this should have prompted something but it didn't and then of course we look at the prophets looking forward to this write these down because you'd go back over time today we won't go through all these look at zechariah 14:8 write that down zechariah 14:8 Ezekiel 47 9 and guess what they keep talking about oh this is this is so good it gave me a whole new look at this story that I was pretty familiar with you know what they keep looking forward to when the living water flows from Jerusalem when the living water flows from Jerusalem Jeremiah my people have rejected me the living water Zachariah Ezekiel the day is coming when the living water Jesus Christ will flow from Jerusalem salvation is well here in a minute comes from the Jews so she's understanding that Jesus is saying something about water that'll keep her alive she thinks in the beginning he's talking because in those days not all water was good for life I mean you could just drink any water but Jacob's Well was dependable to be clean water but see Jesus is trying to say no no I'm not talking about the fact that this water will will give you think and keep you alive I'm talking about living water what I'm really talking about is this is representing the transformation and the cleansing power of the holy spirit that's the living water that's gonna that's going to cleanse you from all unrighteousness that's going to cleanse you and sustain you write this down if you don't believe that the living water is clarified by Isaiah Isaiah 1 16 through 18 Ezekiel 36 25 through 27 Jesus is saying the prophets have told you about what I'm talking about this is me this is the living water they've been telling you about God's presence because I'm here it's about to be poured out on everybody and we'll sustain you Jesus is clarifying by telling her material water only satisfies for the moment and it may satisfy your needs here in the world but I love this when he says this and there's so many examples of this look at this in verse 13 everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again time at the water in the well but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit I'm gonna give you God's presence you you may you may go to the world and say I was thirsty and now I'm not but it'll never last how many more people do we have to see how many testimonies in this room how many testimonies out there and listening can say I've lived that I went after something in this world and I thought man this satisfies me for the moment then the next thing you know the whole book of Ecclesiastes Solomon said these things don't last how many more people have to jump off a building how many more people had to put a gun in their mouth that had everything that the world said they were supposed to won't you know why they were just thirsty again there are people in hail right now you know what they're saying I thirst I'm thirsty they didn't get to live in water and they'd give anything for a touch of water to touch their my outfit all they did was go after the things of the world and guess what happened when their life was over they thirsty it doesn't last and Jesus is clarifying this and I love this you know what he's saying man I hope you experience this Jesus satisfies hey on my worst day because I had Jesus you know what I love this and I hope I can worry this right I was trying to remember I knew I should've written this down CS lewis when CS lewis says for those that are perishing for those that have rejected the ultimate authority in the universe we talked about last week earth is the only heaven ever gonna know and he says but for those that that have accepted the redemption of Jesus Earth is nothing but just kind of a mini hell it's all it's almost just like an apartment of hell because where we're going is nothing like this place what we're gonna experience is nothing like this but can you imagine that this earth and it's disappointments and it's sickness and it's death and it's tragedies is the only heaven you're ever gonna know I like the fact that we who are redeemed this is the only hell we ever gonna know that's ah I think that deserves it let's let's ponder that a minute ain't that great news hey hey this is bad hell's worse but this as bad as it's gonna be for us but if you don't have Jesus this is as good as this gonna be it'll never get any better than this it'll only get worse I got to go talk to the man that we've been praying for about who's about to step into heaven and he's been told by doctors that you've gone home to die and I got a chance to go home go over and talk to him because I was fortunate to be there when he gave his life to Jesus and and we want to talk again and you know what we did it was fantastic he's still with us but at times running out we just sit there and talked about heaven we just read scripture after scripture after Scripture and you know we're saying it's just what Jesus is saying this world would never going to satisfy you anyway you're about to go where you'll never be thirsty again where you're about to go and the reunions you're going to experience but most importantly guess what you're about to see Jesus now see that that's people who die a different way I don't know if you've ever tried to talk to somebody that don't know what's going to happen I hope you never have to go through that it's a terrible terrible thing and you're hoping that they can get it you know Jesus Jesus loves the dead a deathbed Redemption and there won't be a lot of impact not a fruit but but I mean I've been in those places I'm just like I've seen them go well and I've seen them go I don't know man I don't know I don't know why that that's the second one ever happens but I've seen I've seen the one where the person is about to go with days left and they said I want Jesus and it's beautiful but you know what's more beautiful is like the one I just had a guy who was redeemed Eve even later in his years but these last 10 11 years of his life people talk about what a joyful wonderful man he's been how he he was always there he was active member of the church made new friends was just just loved his Redemption and now he's about to meet a Savior now does he is he still anxious about the process of dying of course I think we are but he's not worried about actual dying though not at all and and so that that's that's what Jesus is saying if you get this right so she she went from he's a Jew to his greater than Jacob and now she gets to the point where she's starting to recognize him as a prophet this is in verse 16 through 24 Jesus said to her go call your husband and come here the woman answered him I have no husband jesus said to her you're right in saying I have no husband for you have had five husbands and the one you now have is not your husband what what you have said is true and the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet okay so because you're going to see here conviction is not a lot of fun you're gonna watch her try to pivot she says that's true now let's talk about something else all right submit and we'll get to that but let's hit this so what do you think about Jesus what do you think about Jesus saying to her the most embarrassing thing she has in her life is what's happening her and men and what does he say once you get you husband let's talk to him yeah okay with that well there's there's a lot of people out there now so you just don't talk about saying we don't talk about saying I'm gonna talk about Hell can't do that to people well Jesus did now he's not be there's a way to do it but it's pretty Frank he says to this woman who and the commentary barry's did some of these men die that were once her husband's were these old men who divorced her where these men who went another way does she go after him the bottom line we know she's sleeping with somebody now she's a shack up honey that we know okay and so what Jesus is doing is what he's dealing with that he says to her go get your husband and you know what she says right back conviction I don't have a husband jesus said you write you dog you've had five of them and the guy you with now is not even your husband so there is a time it happened with me for someone to lovingly point into your life and go what is all this this isn't right this is this isn't right because because that's what Jesus just did now I love look what she does well we'll get to that Jesus told her to get her husband he forces her to admit her sin and you know why this is important I hope you write this one down you know why Jesus forced her to admit her sin because there can never be a conversion without conviction they'll never be a conversion without conviction until you acknowledge the sin in your life you can never be redeemed you know why you got to be repentant hey Lord I repent I acknowledge my sin I turn from my sin I turn to you I want that living water so he points this out we must come under conviction before we will ever repent and then with repentance comes out saving grace that's what happened to me I had this experience of a guy representing Jesus that said this is going on this is going on that is going on this is going on how do you call yourself a saved and you know what happened conviction you make your case he pitched it back to me just like Jesus go get your husband I don't have asthma you're darn right you don't so let's talk about that and I couldn't I couldn't find a way to justify the sin in my life I was basically saying I didn't know with them but I understand now I was basically looking and saying yeah Jesus is really no big deal I had some little thing I said one time and I've just gone I've just rejected Jesus and live my life any way I want to but he stood I'm still good with Jesus and you know what the pastor said representing Jesus I don't say much about Jesus so I came under conviction which then led to my conversion I got convicted so then I repented and then when I was repented I received the grace and I received the redemption I received the forgiveness but I couldn't get to that place you know what had happened to my life up to that point other than my sweet mama no one had ever said hey you're lost my mama had once said I doubt your I doubt your salvation and I kind of got through that moment because I wasn't ready for repentance but you know what Jesus said I'll come back to this go ahead water in a little bit longer and then you gonna come to yourself and when you do I'm right there to forgive you just like the prodigal you topped that Hill I'm coming you don't have come await the porch I'll come but you gotta top that hill you got to get in the hog pen you have to come to yourself and say what am i doing and so he did this for this woman now look look at her trying to detour after saying I have no husband the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshiped now we're gonna talk about where we worship I go eat your husband I have no husband hey let me talk about this now wait tell us to worship over here whoa come back I thought we talked about yet you know what she wants to do now she wants to getting religious talk I don't want to talk about my sin I don't wanna talk about Redemption I want to talk about where we're supposed to worship and all that I'm gonna divert you away from this conversation so that's what you ever done that Ray J if you have done that let's talk about something else right let's talk about something else I don't want to be told I'm wrong can we talk about something else so she bends now to discussing the difference between the Jewish and Samaritan religions I told you before that the Samaritans had done their own temple and I love this and when the commentaries people are more comfortable talking about religion than their sin who people more comfortable talk about rich man we love the religious rituals don't we let's just go to church and let's not get any kind of conviction let's don't talk about sin let's talk about what we're gonna do when's our next social when we got these things are all fine unless you've never come into Redemption unless you don't ever want to talk about sin see I like to talk about saying you know what because it saved my life and and and and I like to have me in this set-up say with what you think about that to the day how do you think that lines up how do you justify that we think scripture says about this I crave those conversations you know why cuz I want to get it right I don't want somebody to say yeah bird just today out there publicly here he's really kind of course today well don't bother him about that let's let's talk about the church softball game is coming up so so see that's not that's what she wants to do what Jesus comes back he does answer her question look down it at 21 woman believe me the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father you worship what you do not know think about that now you got a bunch of religion but you don't know me you're not worshipping the one and only living God by the way he's not gonna let her get away with this Samaritan temple either don't think he's letting that go okay and this is what he's talking about he says for salvation is from the Jews might drop hey I'm here to forgive the Samaritans but y'all wrong this this thing you upset apparel is it that's not yet yeah I Got News for you there'll be no Christ in Messiah coming from the Samaritans it's gonna come from the Jews I let me clarify where salvation comes from it comes from the Jews so when you go to some airports and I tell you the salvation came from some Asian country when you go somewhere and somebody says salvation came from United States from some new prophet who Jesus met over in the United States and there's somehow salvation now now United States as a new promised land that's garbage that's garbage garbage garbage that's blasphemy salvation comes from the Jews and the person of Jesus Christ and that is the promised land and there will be a new Jerusalem there will not be a new United States there'll be a new Jerusalem and he's correcting all this stuff right now now do Jewish people have to recognize Jesus as Messiah yes absolutely we're all equal to foot of the cross but any of this garbage anybody tells you salvation came from anywhere else than the Jews that is a false religion that's false theology and you don't want anything to do with it I don't care how nice and kind they are okay because you know what Satan usually is nice and kind he's usually beautiful and worldly and doesn't this sound easy and sound great so really we're all going to get it right no matter what boy was Satan would love for you to believe that wouldn't he so Jesus is clarifying this he said but the hour is coming and now is here because he's here when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking such people to worship Him God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth Jesus is making it clear that not all religions are equal or acceptable to God so my same in some worshipers he said are acting out of ignorance others are acting out of non belief the only faith that God will accept is that which came through the Jews the Bible is of Jewish origin Jesus was a Jew the first Christians of the church were Jewish jesus said salvation is of the Jews only those who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and obey the truth can worship God and God accept it I'll say that again Jesus is saying only those that will have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that he will provide and obey the truth true belief we talked about last week is to trust in obey those are the people that can worship God and God accept that worship everything else people are doing God rejects that worship if it's not that Jesus is also saying that worship will no longer be limited to the Jewish temple now he is saying that he said that this is going away you've heard this also in in the second chapter of John that we covered 19 through 21 also if you want to see this point again about the worship is no longer will be limited to a Jewish temple you also can find Steven talking about this of course it brought stones and acts 748 through 50 make a note of that acts 748 through 50 so 1:29 John in the beginning said that Jesus is the new sacrifice Jesus is the new temple John - that we studied 19 through 21 we just talked about it here you you will see also we talked about it in John 3 1 through 9 because what we see now is we have a new birth we have we have new water we talked about that on the water to wine and and now John is telling us that Jesus is going to be a game-changer it's a whole new economy the Old Covenant law has been fulfilled and has been set aside now there's going to be one truth there's going to be one form of worship it will be through the holy spirit and it will be everywhere and Jesus is making this clear to her a Samaritan woman so the next thing she finally realizes that he's the Christ how do we know that look at verse 25 through 30 the woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming then John tells us who's called the Christ when he comes he will tell us all things jesus said to her I who speak to you a.m. he how about the minute he says that I love the next verse in the disciples came back they had to be kind of awkward I mean we finally get down to he's going through this whole witnessing process picture if you're witnessing to somebody your buddies they going to get something to eat and all soon you go do you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and they said yes I'll say well I said hey man we got the burgers we're back you know you'd be like get guys hang on hang on just a minute I'm right where I want to be yeah that's what that felt like to me so the disciples come back but they marveled first was that he's talking to this woman was he doing but no one said who do you seek or why are you talking to her so they just thought it but John said I didn't say anything so the woman left her water jar underline that and went away into town and said to the people listen to this come and see a man who told me all I ever did can this be Christ then went out of the town and they were coming to him now think about that if you want to hear how it ought ago when somebody repents the woman knew about Messiah she knew was coming jesus said it's me then it clicks well you're not a prophet that's how you knew about my husband's she's not offended she doesn't golf ago I tell you what about this guy he comes and start pointing out my husband's and all that stuff to me pointing to what I was doing wrong I mean who was he to judge well he is the judge you know what she said I knew he was Christ coz he pointed out all the things I've ever done wrong he knew all my sin you got to come see this guy she left her jar now that's the whole reason she was there was to get water is it an interesting when somebody encounters Jesus Christ how quickly the things the world don't mean anything you know what she said I got to live in water man I didn't remember to get my jar filled up because she knows what tomorrow she had to come back for that jar up again she came there solely to take care of her earthly thirst and when she met the living water she never even she just left the jar to go do what tell people about Jesus so here she goes she believes she declares he's Christ and and she does really what the disciples had him learns yet she's already telling people Jesus hey y'all want to come meet Christ you got to come meet this guy so so we know that after this point that we see what I think I can relate to because here's what's happening now all the racial barriers are gone all the battles about her being a woman in this society that didn't treat women of any value that's gone you know what she is now she belongs to Jesus she's part of the faith she's been redeemed she's not a Samaritan woman anymore she's a redeemed person in Christ you know what she is she's equal to anybody now go she belongs to the king now society didn't think much about her but Jesus said you're worth me going to the cross I want to give you the living water I want to give it to Nicodemus too but I don't just give it to Nicodemus I give it to you too you know what else that says guys I don't care who you are in this room I don't care who you are watching this and listening to this you may be one of the least likely people to be converted and to reach an entire village but you just saw an example that Jesus can do it he'll take the most unlikely and he'll use you to go reach a village I mean if you read on it says look at look at 39 many Samaritans from the town believed in him because of the woman's testimony see before that disciples are talking about that he he needs something to eat and they're worried about all this above that and and they're asking is anybody giving him something to eat and you know what he just told them in 32 I have food to eat that you don't know about hey guys here's what I came to do is lead that woman to Jean to me I came to save that woman that's my food my food is doing the will of my father is that your food is that my food I mean look at what Jesus said my food is to do the will of him who sent me this is in 34 and to accomplish his work do not say there yet for months then comes the harvest look I tell you lift up to your eyes and see the fields are white for harvest already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life so that the sower and the Reaper may rejoice together for here the saying holds true one sews and other one reaps I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor others have labored and you have entered into their labor that's us all working together you may talk to somebody you may not get the job done you may say I did everything I could I'm not that but that person is now pondering and then the next one of us walks up says do you know about Jesus yeah this guy was just talking about that you know what he's saying some of you keep saying in four months we'll worry about this let me tell you something when Jesus sends you into the field you certainly want to make relationships at work at school we're at Little League field wherever you are but at some point you can't keep saying one day I'll share one day I'll do it the harvest would need laborers at some point Jesus said no the harvest is there right now you know what he was showing them I didn't miss this woman at the well it's now it's now there's people like this woman that are already reaping before you when are you gonna get started on this if you want food your food is to do the will of my father and then you look at 39 many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony look what it says again he told me all that I ever did so when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to stay with them and he stayed there two more days many more believed because of his word they said to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for we've heard it for ourselves and we know that this indeed is the savior of the world hey what you said got us started and some of us believe by what you just said others we did we heard what you said but you still are woman but you brought us to the one who was gonna make sure we understood it completely she didn't know anything yet she just knew Jesus but when she got him to Jesus they say can you say two more days and he said yeah and as he worked it out now Moore believed hey we started out interested because of your obedience but now we've met Jesus and we know he's the savior of the world I think after today I don't know tell me there's nobody that has an excuse that says I just don't know if that's my call I mean that's that's what some people I know what the Great Commission said but there's a there's a phrase in their rig that you didn't see and you can't see it goes not in the Bible you just said to do this unless it's not your personality well I'll look for that in scripture because I keep hearing it and it's just not there we all have different styles we all have different gifts we all have different talents we all have different stories but we all serve the same Savior and you've even been changed by him so you can tell somebody how that happened or you have it so the question before us is we close today if you haven't shared Jesus is it because nothing's ever really happened for you to talk about and if the answer that is no no no Rick I can I have a great testimony well if you've encountered Jesus you do well then I just tell that thing Rick I'm just now starting to learn the word that's fine she didn't know any of it she didn't even know the tour well enough to know what he was talking about but you know what she could say I was this way I met Jesus and now I'm this way and if you can't do that then maybe that never happened but if it has then Jesus says will you be sure and follow this example today I showed you how to do it and then she showed you how to do so let's apply that to our lives today let's pray lord thank you for this time thank you for this message and thank you for the grace and mercy that you've afforded all of us there's a lot of people in this room including the one that is talking if anyone could be lower than a Samaritan woman then whatever that is that's what I am well yet you have redeemed me and you have loved me and now it's my job to say to you I love you too and you said if I love you then I obey you and one of the things that you said to do is that to follow your example and that is to do the will of the Father and and you have said to us that the father told us to go to teach people to obey what you have commanded to make disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit you told us to point people to you so we commit today Lord will do that and may you radically change other lives as you have changed ours in the name of Jesus we pray amen thanks guys thank you very much
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 4,937
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: AqFfpReLmbM
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Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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