Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - September 18, 2019

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bible-study thanks to all of you that are joining us via YouTube or maybe you're listening to an archived on the podcast Channel we welcome you in we are currently walking through the Gospel of John and we are moving slowly as a matter of fact I was talking when the brothers at lunch and I said you know maybe I should have gone slower through some of the other books of the Bible that we've done in the past but then I came to the conclusion we would still be in Romans so so anyway so we're good we're going to go through John at the pace that God tells us to go through it and the reason why we're going to the Gospel of John is we've been doing this Wednesday Bible study for about four years now and some of you are brand new some of you been here the entire four and some of you are somewhere in between but at any a lot of times when you start you know no matter where you are on your journey of faith there there comes a time you have to be reminded on what you believe why you believe it and and as we said you know the the Apostle John is saying behold Jesus who is God and so we're walking through and I know it has been for me and we're being we're almost being reintroduced to Jesus and for some of you that maybe don't know him that well this is a good way for you to get to know him a little better and then for folks that maybe have been followers of Jesus for a long time and you start kind of taking that relationship for granted it's great to go back and be refreshed and reminded and then there's those of us that go through here and we've read this stuff a lot of times and then by the power of the Holy Spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit you actually start gleaning something out of it you never claim that of it before and I'm certainly experiencing that so I'm loving that so let's let's open up with a word of Prayer let me do a little business here for those of you but remember you're always invited any of you are invited but my home Church shades Mountain Baptist Church our next man church which is a service just for men led by men and we'll be coming up on the last Sunday of October if you want to make a note of that and we'll have Kevin ham from Gardendale First Baptist will be coming in to challenge us all so we'll introduce you to our new director who is part of our men's ministry there who I'll work alongside and we'll hear his testimony we'll have some great praise and worship with Michael Adler and some of the men of the church and then we'll let you know things that the church needs that some roles that men can feel as we do on every man church so if you want to join us make a know that last Sunday in October 6 p.m. local time and then you can make plans to join us there's no charge for that or anything like that you don't need a ticket or anything like that all right let's pray lord thank you for today guide us as we now walk through this introduction to you for some people some of this may be first-time introduction for for others it is a reminder and as I said Lord that then there's that that wonderful part of all this that those of us that thought we knew this forward and backward to discover that the scripture is alive and and and we're learning things that we didn't know we're there I didn't see things that well maybe we couldn't understand before but through this process of sanctification and maturation and the faith you're giving us truths that now by your power we finally been mature enough to hear whatever that situation may be we pray for all who are hurting in the room so many different testimonies so many many many difficulties and I pray for every family that's represented I pray for every single man that is that is here today that's out trying to glorify you in this this period of time when when he has so meant so much freedom to answer your call and whatever you may send him to do may never compromise or squander that freedom and I pray Lord that today that no matter whether there be a man listening to this or a woman listen to this maybe a young person listening whatever that may be that they'll experience you today they'll experience you and radically be changed about how wonderful you are in the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so let's count let's kind of review where we've been because you know we're now getting to the seventh day that Jesus has has started his ministry we're now on the seventh day when we get to the wedding today the seventh day since Jesus has been declared behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world day one we had representatives from the Sanhedrin they went to John the Baptist who made this declaration and said hey let's talk about this a little bit who are you that was day one you'll find that in verses 19 into through 28 from what we've already covered day to Jesus appears after returning from the 40 days of temptation in the desert that happens on day two will you see that in John 1:29 day 3 John the Baptist he takes his followers and he says what now you know y'all go follow Jesus we talked about that day for Jesus returns to Galilee he meets Phillip who introduces him to two Nathaniel and so Nathaniel and Phillip and now James and John they're all following along day 7 is where we are now now this is the reason why they call the this is the day 7 this is the seventh day since the start of Jesus's ministry but because of this wedding we're going we're going to find out that on this this this this wedding that they usually married virgins on Wednesdays and then for some reason if you're a widow they kicked you to Thursday but just so only virgins got Wednesday and so so this is this is where we're the kind of wedding that Jesus is going to and the reason why we talk about this being the third day it's the third day since Jesus had his conversation with Nathaniel so you'll see some references sometimes in the commentary that when he went to the wedding he went to the wedding after waiting three days from his you know Philip and Nathaniel in that conversation then three days later this is day seven of Jesus starting his earthly ministry he now finds his self at the wedding so let's let's look at what's taking place in the way that's why it says the third day there on the first line on the third day that means since he talked to Philip in Nathaniel on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there Jesus was also invited to the wedding with the disciples okay so let's let's unpack that a little bit right out of the gate so first of all you read the different commentaries and you can decide which one you think is more likely I kind of made a decision based on the what's gonna come up next that one probably has more weight than the other but the other one is pretty pretty straightforward that Jesus was likely invited because his mother Mary was very close to the family this was a close family of theirs and Mary was either a relative some people think that this possible that Mary may have been there since it appears as we go on this she was pretty informed and pretty involved with what's going on this could have actually been her family's one of her family's kinsmen it might have been the nearest male relative that was getting married and so that would have been she'd been very involved in that so theory one which I think is the most likely is that is this was just a family that Mary was connected to so she told Jesus to come with her the other one is that that somehow Nathaniel says he says on the third day from meeting Nathaniel that this was something Nathaniel was connected to and because he just met Jesus and recognized him as Christ that's why you see the disciples involved too he said hey let's all go to this wedding that doesn't explain the oh hi Mary knew so much so I think that one's not as likely but I think because of what we see all everything that Mary knew about it it's likely that Mary said Jesus I want you to come and you go and bring your friends if you want to who are these new friends and if you want to bring them they can come with you too so here's another thing that we know that Jesus's family was not wealthy we we know that is a fact so it's not likely that this family was wealthy either which leads to the problem that Jesus is going to be asked to resolve here in a moment if they were probably families that were probably the same level as far as wealth is concerned we also never hear about Joseph in this and also we assume that Joseph Joseph his earthly father has already passed away and we've had others who were asking even after when the Bible studies is there any indication at all and any of the reports or commentaries of what happened to Joseph and there isn't but you know there's all kinds of theories about what why would God remove Joseph and one of the things I think makes sense is just like when you see that God removed John the Baptist I mean God's got a plan he's gonna work out and anything that may cause an issue with that plan he'll handle and that's not punishment that's just somebody him saying to people you know I remember one of the things that really touched me and it was in this studio and Louie Giglio was in here and it was it was it was right after my youngest son had gone to heaven and he called me over and he says you are for me it was 139 13 through 16 and I said yes you know where we cling to that that's great he said but you need to understand what the Bible is saying is your son's life's not incomplete you know it said that God knew you're somebody woven together in Sheree's womb and and and every day was written in his book the in the number of his days before he'd ever lived one I know you think that his earthly life was short but to God it is perfection and it is complete it's not incomplete and of course we've seen God confirmed that over and over and over again well in this case just like John the Baptist you did what you were here to do and now I don't need that confusion of people knowing who to follow John's been a good done good job of having his closest followers and sending them on but there's other people we see that when John gets put in jail what happens some of his followers come back to Jesus and say John wants to know are you the one well John's already said he is you know and one of the things that I love about that I'm gonna tell you what that is that's telling you John the Baptist just a man because you know I'm in jail right you're not going to get John you you should are you who you're supposed to be and what does he say could Jesus go get John no issue could Jesus free John from jail 100% so but what he said is what John's done his job go tell John that everything that should be happening is happening I am who he said I was and then John got his head cut off because his reward was not in heaven I mean not on earth is in heaven he does he did what he's supposed to his life was complete well some summit something this is just something I'm thinking about alright so we know when we get to the cross that Jesus is gonna tell John that he needs to take Mary into his house and now getting ready for his resurrection he's putting the disciples and everybody together if Joseph was still here the disciples wouldn't have been in a position to take care of Mary Joseph would have been taking care of me so whatever the reason is God was right he said Joseph has done his job and Joseph was a horse I don't think we talked enough about that that's a pretty big responsibility did he put on somebody and just like he didn't just pick anybody to be the mother he didn't just pick anybody to be her husband either so so anyway so but he had he had done his job and so he wasn't there anymore and we don't know what happened to him and the Bible didn't tell us so it must not be anything that we need to know so so now we know that the wedding is set up and we know who's there so this is really really really incredible too because if you look at this wedding and the conversations that broke out on the show today you can tell God's ready to make some points today about about marriage so the Jews that knew the Bible they believed that the relationship between the bridegroom and the bride was a replica of the glorious relationship between jehovah and his people now we see that that has continued because we know in the New Testament the church now has become the bride and and Jesus is the bridegroom well this is this is not just a New Testament concept the church is but this concept of God being the bridegroom and his people you know being the bride is an Old Testament concept so that's the reason why they these weddings were a huge deal they were they went on for a week and so Jesus of course as the faithful loving husband of the church his bride is embedded in the relationship of the biblical Jews and their God so if you want to write down you can look at where this is referred to and and certainly you'd see it referred to in Matthew because Matthew's main job was what to write to the Jews so you see him trying to make this point in Matthew 25 1 through 3 make a note of that matthew 25 1 through 3 John we'll get to it in chapter 3 this is gonna be referenced again in 29 and then in Paul's letter to Ephesus and Ephesians what we see him using this example again we know this one this is when Paul is writing about the role of husbands and wife and what does he say that the husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and he gave up his life for his bride see if you want to know the Old Testament reference to this we understand the new you I hope you do but remember how many times that Jesus that God would be talking to the prophets and the people the Hebrews would be unfaithful and would go after other idols and go after other gods and what did God call them now there's some language he used that I won't use but there is a word for an unfaithful woman and and god almighty Jehovah would say my people are acting like an unfaithful bride and they are chasing after other gods and they're being unfaithful to me so see this whole wedding thing and if you start understanding how much God loves marriage would we say the right of Hebrew says that marriage should be held in a place of honor by all by everybody and the marriage bed should never be defiled that's a big statement so if you're wondering why marriage and the standard for marriage see it started off that that Satan started taking marriage and he started interfering with the relationship between a man and a woman and he would come in and try to create insults to break up that bond to blaspheme what God called holy and this was the era of you know just no-fault divorces and and all of these things that start going on and then before we knew it that used to be something that we said man that's really that's and then it was like wow I mean what's the big deal so then what then then that just keeps on going I don't know now what do we have now not not just a problem between a man and a woman inside holy matrimony we don't even think it's man and woman it could be man and man it could be woman and woman and we come after God's standard for marriage and we continue Satan continues to attack and attack and attack and I will tell you why Satan hates marriage because God loves it that's why he hates it I mean he could have grabbed any analogy he wanted to grab about his relationship with his people and he grabbed marriage he could have had any analogy he want to come up with my goodness he's God to talk about Jesus's relationship with what with the church that he was coming to saving you know what he said my son is the bridegroom and that church is his bride and I don't want my bride stained and so the this is an analogy that it's a really big deal and it's the reason why you see that you think Jesus that says John said I got a document when the first thing that Jesus did something that showed us a sign and we'll talk about him using the word sign versus miracle it was a wedding now you're gonna see Jesus here in a minute saying some things that are kind of like you tilt your head like he wasn't real sure that the father was ready for him to do this at the wedding but he did it which means the father said that's good it was that a wedding so there's a lot going on here than just a sweet little story about Jesus being invited to a wedding first of all don't don't don't miss this Jesus didn't avoid social situations and celebrations now this calls this is this this is where you better be trying to please God and not try to please people listen this is this is so and tell me this didn't go on even today so when he would go to these social situations in these celebrations the religious leaders the sanctimonious the Pharisees the Sanhedrin they called him a glutton they called him a drunkard and they said you're a friend of sinners but then John the Baptist was a recluse got in no social situations wouldn't eat bread or wine and they said he's got a demon she can't make him happy I mean no matter what you end of the set you on both sides the Pharisee says we don't like either one right so you say that that's legalism that's that's codes of conduct that's people deciding what they consider to be a sign of someone who's right with God and someone who's not well this guy here this not doing anything and is abstaining from from bread and abstaining from wine he's crazy this guy over here who's eating and he's drinking and he's visiting with people who are sinners he's wrong too so you see how ridiculous thing is so and if you don't believe that look at Luke 7 33 when they're talking about John the Baptist so Jesus and I like this and this is what's important and this is where we have to learn to walk it the same way are you ready this is important Jesus entered the normal experiences of life and sanctified them he didn't just go in there and join in with anything going on if it was sin he didn't join in what's going on to try to fit in he went there to sanctify the situation to change it to make it right just like he comes to our life and and where was sin he doesn't come there and say we just continue going like you want to go you know this is the famous Jesus mission where you are people yeah he does but he sanctifies you he doesn't leave you where you are if Jesus is coming into any situation he's coming in there to change it because he can and so that's what's going on so so Jesus entered these normal experiences and he sanctified sanctified them by his presence and then here's the biggie some of us in the room maybe this didn't happen I hope it has happened some of you in the room are not married but you hope to one day be married are you about to get married let me tell you one thing you need to take away from this today be sure you invite Jesus to your wedding be sure Jesus got an invitation to your wedding because if you don't invite him you're about to commit one the biggest mistakes you can ever ever commit see there's a lot of people they wanted they want to get married but they don't want invite Jesus to it they got to come up with some version of marriage that's theirs and that didn't necessarily mean Jen the same gender that could be there's a lot of heterosexual people don't invite Jesus to the wedding and I will tell you this that's one of the things there's a lot of things in my testimony I'm certainly ashamed of and I should be but I'll tell you this one thing that I love is that every time I celebrate my anniversary and my marriage to sherry we both get to celebrate our Redemption as well because you know what change Sherry's life in my life we invited Jesus Jesus to the wedding in the process of trying to get married for all the haphazard reasons that I had on my mind or and sherry had on hers we encountered Jesus Christ to the process of marriage counseling had to go through some difficulty of represent representatives of Jesus Christ a pastor a counselor all these people said there's you should not get married if you're not going about Jesus to it why's is the person invites Jesus to the wedding and so we both solidified our Redemption and submitted to the authority of Jesus Christ and I think were the most beautiful things that I heard my wife say and it was beautiful and she's exactly right because of all the garbage I've been through in the past I know what it was like to not invite Jesus to the wedding and when Jesus was invited to the wedding I remember when they Pat us to kneel down and pray right before we were announced as husband and wife and sherry said this and this is beautiful she's sitting for the first time in my life I was exactly where I was supposed to be throughout my whole life I felt like I wasn't where I'm supposed to be but in this moment with Jesus invited to the wedding we were both new to the faith we were babies of the faith we had been cultural intellectual believers in Jesus but we certainly didn't belong to Jesus we certainly had not been redeemed by Jesus there was no evidence of that but in that moment when we said we will not enter into this unless it's holy and order for it to be holy we got invite you to the wedding changes and he did and he did and he continues to change us in this marriage is so rock solid not because Sherry's great not because the risks great certainly not because I'm great because it belongs to Jesus and so I what did I treat sherry the way I said to him I would I answer to him and she respects me the way she told Jesus she would and so when we get out of line and we and we start you're letting that flesh and we forgot who we invited to the wedding he shows up and stands in front of us and says you can't do this to me you might have covenant with me now you better go back and treat her the way you told me you would you be obedient to me even if in this moment he or she's not unlovable what folks you're gonna find in me this is what I deem holy I don't like marriage to be tampered with I have no I have I have no stomach for people that enter into people's marriage and try to disrupt it and take a spouse away let me tell you something if you've ever done that I hope you've been forgiven because God hates that he hates it because you're going in and you're tampering was something that he deems holy and he already said he said it better be held in a place of honor by all and that marriage bed that I put together better never be defiled now is it can you be forgiven certainly but you better not mess with it and if you have you better get on your face and you better be redeemed and you better be forgiven because he didn't take that lightly he loves marriage and the reason because he loves it the adversary hates it and that's why you see it under attack all the time think about even the LGBT they choose the rainbow they use the word pride don't you see all this can't you see it don't you have your Holy Spirit glasses on what they're doing is they don't even know it some of them they're standing there shouting at God saying you might have destroyed this place once because of the evil of the world we're back and you said you weren't gonna destroy the earth again cause you said by water they might want to miss I hope they didn't miss that and hey we claim the rainbow we claim your promise and you know what we are we're pride you do know what the fall of all mankind was right pride do you know why Lucifer over the tried to overthrow God pride now I'm not saying that they're aware of it but it shows itself the adversary is showing himself I'm defying God again now that doesn't mean that that you hate it doesn't mean that you want to do harm it doesn't mean that you're unforgiving it doesn't mean that you're not loving but it 100% means you cannot condone anything whether it be heterosexual or homosexual that blasphemes marriage it can't because God hates that he loves the repentant person but he hates that sin and he's been very very clear about that so he started his ministry on earth at a wedding because God loves marriage so the Jewish weddings as I said lasted a week I told you about the Virgin's were married on Wednesday widows on Thursday now we know the situation they're about to run into let me tell you what was embarrassing to run out of food or to run out of wine not good very embarrassing social faux pas you don't want to be the family they couldn't couldn't get the food and wine to last a week and so this is the I mean and you know this I didn't know this you could actually be fined for it picture that hey this wedding y'all had the other day I heard you ran out of food and then I'll sit here comes the here comes the revenuers says well you you owe the city attacks for embarrassing all of us so so they could actually be fine by people could make a grievance against you they've invited us to wet it and the food problems have you ever had that happen not not at a wedding or something I hope that didn't happen but if you I've had it happen at my house III remember one time that more people came to something than we thought were coming because nobody RSVPs just give up on that you go ahead to guess and and I looked at you on the grill and I said I don't know that we got it and I have to eat so very share and say I don't we can the food and then you know luckily you had kids they can drive then you start seeing them you'll get more food it is an embarrassing situation so let's look at what happened now in verses three through five so when the when the wine ran out the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine and here and I know this this becomes a confusing moment here but hopefully I can help you with this because I certainly need to help with it too and Jesus said to her woman what does this have to do with me my hour has not yet come now first of all and and I've heard my pastor explain this and I've heard many explain this don't get caught up in this woman thank him saying woman there's nothing there okay that's that's nothing more than an endearing phrase that was very common in the culture there was nothing rude it was actually endearing for him to call his mother woman so there's nothing there but we know that Mary must have been close to this family why because she's concerned about it and she has the information I mean if you're if you're someone who's just kind of a you know you're just an acquaintance you don't have any idea if they're I don't want or not until everybody starts hollering where's the one but for her to be made aware of it hey we're running out of wine and for her to want to do something about it she means she cares so I think that's our indicator on what they're doing at the wedding right there I don't think you have to look past that and I told you that that she was likely a very intimate friend even a possibility that the male might have been a kinsman which that's the nearest male relative and I talked about that by blood so here's another thing that we have to look at here is that Mary goes to Jesus and says they're out of wine what does that indicate he can do something about it so she knows that he can do something about it she didn't run over because we know the other disciples are there Philip there I don't want Nathanael there I walk Jesus they're out of wine and then he says to her why is this why are you bothering me with this why are you bringing it to my attention so first of all we know that the fact that she's talking in first person that she's already demonstrating her faith in Jesus you know and and then of course Jesus is endearing himself to her because this is his earthly you know mother and see what this shows again is why Mary was picked to begin with now be very careful because we're not going to dfi Mary and I know that may bother some of you and I apologize for that speedy takes those emails now if you want to look at Mary and say she's an incredible example of obedience I'm all-in because that's a fact and how do we know this well if you you know have your Bible or something with your Bible on it you know that when she was approached and told by Gabriel who she was gonna be she says how's this gonna happen and he explains it to her the Holy Spirit's gonna come upon you and and her next phrase is I am The Lord's servant may it be to me as you have said now think about that you also can find in Luke 1:26 through 38 all this taking place Luke 1:26 through 38 so Mary says whatever the Lord requires of me I'm in I'm obedient you know we don't see this was a Cariah would you onto Baptists we see he didn't get talked for a while because he starts kind of laughing at the notion that his barren wife's gonna have a child and God didn't take that very well but Mary didn't Mary just said now tell me what the Lord's gonna do not he can't do that why do you realize that I'm a virgin you know we talked about that and she says well how's he gonna do it knowing he's gonna do it just tell me how he's gonna do it so she says let it be well here she is once again she's not just going to tell Jesus about this so like she's got some gossip she's making him aware of the situation because she knows he can resolve it so here's her faith again she knows where to go to get this done but then he says to her why are you getting me involved in this so one reason he's doing this and this is important it's a little deep but it's important we know what if you know the story you know what's about to happen so why is he taking this moment where he saying woman that's endearing that's not disrespectful why are you concerning me with this and I'll tell you why is because this is this is a move on his part to say I'm really no longer under your authority meaning I'm gonna do this not to be so much obedient to you or to Kate or to pander to you I'm gonna do this if the father approves it meaning she couldn't just say go do something he said why are you concerning me with this matter meaning you know that what I can decide to do this and not do it he's no longer under the authority of his earthly mother do you say that so Jesus never catered to human impulse even now this is something here he never even catered to his own human impulse think about that so the it's impulsive there's mother says oh my goodness this is embarrassing do something and you know what he didn't say I'm gonna go take care of this right now that's an impulse he didn't do that he's pondering now why are you concerned to me with this and then of course the human side of him might have said I got to take care of this my mom really wants me to make sure this these people are not embarrassed and we also know in the garden that the human side of him said something that was really really crucial and could have been really bad on us the human side said is there another way to do this the human side was was what had sweat coming out that was his capillaries were bursting and turning to blood because he's about to take his father's wrath and the human side said is there another way out and what does he say you will do this in the Gospel of John my heart is troubled and then he's like talking to says but wise my heart trouble this is the reason I came I came to fulfill the will of my father so let me tell you what he's doing right here this is him saying I'm not gonna do it because you're asking me to do it I'm not gonna do it because the human side of me wants to do it I'm gonna do it if the father okay's it because once I do this it's all about to go now so it was his father's call not his own and it wasn't Mary's call now let's talk a little bit about I'm gonna read this real quick and I know this is going ahead and I apologize for that but it's kind of Porter if you have your Bible or some of your Bible on it I want you to go to John chapter 5 and we'll get to this later but I'm gonna go ahead and get into it now because it helps us what we're doing here so the reason why this we're confirming because you're saying well Rick you're saying he's doing it because the father approved it how do you know that what here's how we know okay so jesus said to them truly truly I say to you the son can do nothing of his own accord but only what he sees the father doing for whatever the father does that the son does likewise stay with me for the Father for the father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing and greater works than these will be shown him so that you may marvel meaning he's gonna God's my father's won't let me do certain things so you will marvel and know that I am him for as the father raises the dead and gives them life so also the son gives life to whom he will the father judges no one but has given all judgment to the son that all may honor the son just as they honor the father whoever does not under son honor the son does not honor the father who sent him truly truly I say to you whoever hears my word and believes him it believes in Him who sent me has eternal life he does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life truly truly I say to you an hour is coming and is now here when the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live for as the father has life in himself so he has granted the son also to have life himself and he has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man do not marvel at this for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment I can do nothing look at 30 I can do nothing on my own as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me so what's important about going ahead looking at that that's why the next move he's gonna make is gonna because the father says this is our next move you heard everything we're already saying look all these things are about to happen I'm gonna raise people from the dead I'm gonna heal these people and you're gonna marvel at some of that but what you got to know everything I do including when he judges us I had been given the authority from my father and I can do nothing of my own accord because the father and I are one so that is proof that this next pivot we're gonna see is really if you want to look at it he's been asked to do something before he thinks we're supposed to he's gonna do it and he says my hour has not come and he's gone to the Father and says do you want me to go and do this and undoubtedly father said yes and but he didn't do it publicly we're gonna talk about how he did it which is important so there's still a little bit of a modification on this launching of Jesus and it's interesting the way he does it so now we get in into this you will see that that the when he says my hour has not come to explain it a little better Jesus has been living from the time he arrived on his father's heavenly timetable marked out for him by his father all right now we're gonna study this concept throughout the Gospel of John if you want to get ready for it y'all writin this is all still to come in the study we got going this concept is going to be paramount John 7:30 John 829 12:23 John 13:1 and John 17 one we're going you're going to see this heavenly timetable with the father and the son discussed over and over and over and now we're gonna get down to where it starts getting even better now that we love this here comes Mary once again showing what a hall she is can you call the woman the house is out of houses but anyway and we and we need to listen to this okay his mother said to the servants and here he comes do whatever he says whatever he tells you to do do it now say that a preach because I'm gonna tell you following the example of how to be obedient Mary's an example she's another human being she's an example of how to be obedient to whatever God calls you to do and so another example she's given us is this if you come to me and say hey what do you think I should do I say do whatever Jesus tells you to do do it his way from somebody who would listen sometimes heard what Jesus said and went the other way do whatever he says I promise you whatever he says is right so she knows that that that Jesus not herself this is important for all of you out there that may not like some of the things we're saying right now Mary couldn't get the wine thing done she had to go to a higher source for that okay so so so so Mary it's gonna be a big day on the email today but anyway Mary based on the show this morning and now this I'm gonna be I may just turn an email off and start over you know what who this there's a person I don't know if you have noticed this if you ever watch the archive there's this person that watches this and gives me a thumbs down every week you know that little thing on the YouTube thing we got this one thumbs down every week this and they don't wait very long I Suz acceptor so so anyway so I don't know who this one thumbs down person he has I expected there to be more frankly but anyway so so now let's talk about the miracle so we know that Jesus is gonna solve the problem Mary says do whatever he says man apply that to you life today please so it says now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish rites of purification so these are this water is there for the purification this ceremonial stuff don't miss that it has then nobody we drinking I this this is over here for purification and washing and cleaning and and ceremonial so he sees this in each held about twenty or thirty gallons don't miss details John's giving details okay if you're gonna make up stories you don't come up with those kind of details okay and so then jesus said to the servants hold that thought fill the jars with water and they filled them up to the brim and he said now draw some of it out and take it to the master of the feast so they took it they took it when the master of the feast tasted the water now Bikel has become wine and he did not know where it came from so keep in mind she just didn't show anybody but Mary the disciples and the servants what he was going to say he's starting to preach now remember what he said go tell John the Baptist the gospel is being preached to the poor see this is gonna be a theme you're gonna see what Jesus guess if he brought into the inner circle servants fishermen and his mama they got to see the first side not the king not some glorious wealthy family servants fishermen and his mama hold on to that so so now the guy that the master of the feast says he drinks the wine he didn't know where it came from though the servants had drawn the water knew see that's the point the sermons got to see it the master of the feast called the bridegroom and said to him everyone serves the good wine first and when people have drunk freely then then they go to the poor wine but you have kept the good wine until now the first of his signs don't miss signs this is the first of his signs Jesus did at Cana in Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him after this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and his brothers and his disciples by the way that's important too for people that claim that that Mary and Joseph didn't have other children it says his mother and his brothers and his disciples for those who so I just talk about the disciples no right here it says his mother and his brothers and his disciples and they stayed there for a few days so let's unpack what happened so again it was not a glorious public event we'll see this going forward it was only known to Marian the disciples and the servants he starts off with a private small event but then how does he end his ministry starts with a little private event a few people see it but we know when we get down to the end don't miss this he starts with a wedding and he ends his earthly ministry manifesting herself with a funeral now the funeral that's a big one that's a big public event John says this is the first of the signs he didn't say miracles and the reason why John is saying science because he wants to emphasize the purpose and the spiritual significance of the miracle itself you'll always see John calling it a sign he said because what John wants you to do is and this we have to watch out and you'll see this by the way when we continue in our study it's coming up pretty quick John is being very careful that you don't you don't start being a signs and wonders person he said this is a sign of who Jesus is don't worship the miracle you worship the miracle worker I don't I don't I don't want you getting caught up in the water to wine I want you to get caught up in the manifestation that Jesus is God do you understand that cuz I got you know those people you got to watch out let me tell you why you got to watch out about signs and wonders be very careful with them jesus said he did this for one reason to manifest that he was God I'm showing you that I am Who I am that's it he didn't he did not make every blind person see he didn't make every crippled walk he didn't make every dead person come alive he didn't heal every every Leopard he's walking through all this saying I do these things to confirm I am who I said I am and my biggie is I'm gonna show you that I can overcome death I got a biggie coming up here at the end but I go to the cross but you know you've heard it before he even specified Lazarus he has specified the little girl he even here the Centurions servant you know he did these things very specific because Jesus is so powerful if he'd just shouted everybody come up everybody would came up so so he's all he's doing is doing these things to show that I am who I say I am so when I get to that cross you're gonna say I'm 100% man I'm will never sent God and I am perfect and I am the final sacrifice I am the Lamb of God as John the Baptist told you the first day I walked up okay that's what this is about and so John is being very very meticulous to call these things signs for who Jesus was and let me caution you my brothers in here and brothers and sisters that are watching and listening do not get caught up in chasing signs and wonders this is about God it's not about miracles it's not about signs it's not about wonders let me tell you why guess who else can do them Lucifer can do them demons can do them if you don't have the kind of spiritual discernment and all you want to see is some sign or some miracle you better be very careful I've seen some things that are not of God you got to be very careful we know that what when Satan was given given the freedom to go and to kill job's children how did he kill him with weather weather so undoubtedly Satan has the ability to have some sort of control over whether I'd be real careful basing my whole faith experience on the signs and wonders and you're gonna see Jesus say I can't help but I was give it away sherry says that you can never wait on anything you're gonna see that he's gonna say that a lot of people get fired up about him hearing a little bit and he says they were with him but he was not with them because he need them he need the heart of every man and they were chasing signs and wonders that's it hey if Jesus doesn't do another thing for you the cross was enough okay so you don't sit down expect sign that certainly he miracles still happen but it's his call I know people who are tremendous people of faith who their loved one died and other people who tremendous people people of faith and the doctor opens a button says I don't know I explained this their life the cancer we thought was here is gone but you know what there's some other people that just as much faith and their loved one died so is God God in both of those situations you better believe he is it's his call and we're worshiping him not what he can do because he's done enough Paul second Corinthians chapter 12 I am begging God I have pleaded three times for him to remove whatever this thorn in his flesh was I don't know if that's symbolic I don't know if it was literal something that hurt but he says not only do I have this thorn in the flesh that's made it possible that now a demon has been assigned to me that harasses me and I pleaded with God to remove it but he has it but I know why so I can't stand for him so when there's some times we don't know why he says why to keep me humble so that I don't become full of myself and that I'm reminded that His grace is sufficient and he said you know what I've discovered he keeps me weak because when I am weak then he is strong so listen to this are you ready for this so I celebrate my weakness yes well that's contrary to every men man I've ever known I celebrate my weakness because when I'm weak he's strong you know what Paul saying is anybody ready to say that Paul didn't have enough faith he didn't pray right did he not pray right what did Paul do wrong why is he at the end of his life saying I will receive the crown of righteousness I have fought the fight I have run the race well it doesn't sound like to me Paul saying if I say I just went through a lot of garbage because I never did I didn't quite do what God asked I guess about a parade maybe walked in a circle or you know some of this stuff you see some of this ritualistic stuff I thought he just had enough faith if I'd have claimed it if I'd have named it I could have got that thrown out of my flesh well I'm not gonna say that about the Apostle Paul you can but I ain't gonna say that it alike to me he was a man of great faith but he still suffered because it wasn't about that hit you know what he said I mean I shouldn't even be an apostle I used to kill people in the church Paul was passionately wrong you do rise that right you can be passionately wrong just got somebody's passionate don't mean they're right Paul was certain that he should go out and to get to do into a hundred God he should destroy this church and he was good at it but when Jesus said you're persecuting me I'm gonna change you into something different his personality didn't change his talent said didn't change you're gonna do that for me now with the same passion and fervor that you persecuted my church you're gonna have asked my church and then Paul says in first Corinthians 15 9 and 10 everything I am is because of the grace of God but that grace will never be in vain you know what Paul wasn't a grace abuser and a whiner he knew he'd been redeemed and that was good enough and so that is what we're talking about and the reason why John says this is a sign in Scripture wine this is now we're gonna talk about why I'm four we leave know everybody's gonna avoid wine we're gonna talk about wine you know why cuz wines in the Bible in the scriptures but you have to understand about the symbolism in Scripture judges 913 write this down Psalms 104 15 in Scripture wine was always a symbol of joy it always represented joy it was a message to the world joy joy and this is good this is when the messages Jesus was showing you joy always runs out and cannot be regained but what Jesus gives is ever new and ever satisfying the joy of the world that's what wine represents you can run out of it so if you're looking for joy to be given to you by the world to be given to you by wine that's gonna leave you wanting I'm joy see the reason why that wine was the best they'd ever tasted because I touched it I even sanctified the wine and see they ran out of the world's joy but my joy you'll never run out of that's why we can cling to John 16:33 I guess I'm gonna do the whole Gospel of John today John 16:33 I say this so that you have peace in this world you will face tribulation but you always have joy in your heart because I've overcome the world my joy never runs out and you know what else we see in this Jesus offers the best he offers the best there's see and that's what we got understand we start claiming that I'm a businessman now for Jesus I do a radio show now for Jesus whatever your vocation whatever your ministry whatever you claim I'm a musician for Jesus I do movies now for Jesus well they better be good and they better be supported on their merit not because you're trying to guilt people to support something because you tied Jesus's name to it you know this is the business card guy with that with the Bible verse on it and he does a terrible job if you don't do a good job get get scripture off your business card you better be the best of the best hey I got a new song that it's about Jesus is it any good is it better than what the world puts out because if it's not I don't care Jesus may look that go is that all you brought to worship I wouldn't very good who told you you could sing hey I got a new movie coming out honors Jesus is it any good if I got to go see it out of guilty Michael see cuz it's good hey we're raking Bubba man I tell you what we're not we're not doing a Christian radio we're doing where were Christians who do radio is it any good a funny sly never heard and a big email day there was there was an obscure Christian radio station somewhere and I'm not anti Christian radio please hear me a heart I love my brothers and sisters if they're devout followers of Christ now there's some people working in Christian radio that I'm not sure why they're there but but I'm talking about the guy was he was a Christian so would the Christian radio station say well you are to buy advertising from us because we're Christians you're Christians and he said so I did it for a while but I didn't sell any cars at some point the man's got to sell cars so what does he do he starts advertising with with people that watch sell cars where's the merit I can't stand when we start labeling stuff that somehow Jesus is tied to something but it has no merit if we're gonna tie Jesus to it it ought to be the best of the best of the best because that's our worship to him remember we said we work for him I said we answered to so to his people he also showed a sign to the Hebrews that were their Old Testament Israel is married to God and what has happened what do you say you've been unfaithful this is good the wine readout and all the head were six empty pots that's where the Jewish ritual water was there and he used it so now those pocha empty they had that water for external washing but it did nothing to internally clean them up and give them joy he said what happened then he said the joy for them turned into disappointment because now it's all gone and there was something internal that needed to happen and this is what's cool when you look at this so the water at one time was for ceremonial washing but what Jesus had done is went into this water and he turned it into something better than it was and now it represents and it's not something external but now he's saying no this is gonna be internal I'm gonna change you internal this was something he's supposed to wash with now he's given us something that they green do you see that analogy the real joy is gonna come from Jesus not from a bunch of ceremonies you've been an unfaithful bride to my father but I'm here to redeem that and think about this one Moses first plague that was handed down was God turning water into blood look at all this prophecy Jesus first miracle instead of now the water being turned into blood and wrath he's showing them that his first miracle would be the first sign that I'm here for grace my first miracle was a miracle of grace you're out you don't have anything I'll provide it so let's talk about wine before we go now some people look at this this is that mistake we always make where we search Scripture and it is not the way to look at Scripture speaking from a man who did it at one time we got to stop looking for Scripture for what's allowed what we need to be looking prescription for is what what is commanded first of all you understand that water was I mean that wine was very common in this culture and most experts with very little reservation because it was hard to make it last it was usually three parts water one part wine so if you're gonna go out and say this is my free ticket to consume wine you certainly can make a case for that but you'll never be given a free ticket to be a drop because the Bible hates drunkenness hates it cause it debauchery the writer of Hebrews it's on the list and the letter to one the letters to Corinth that Paul says these people will not inherit the kingdom of heaven and you look up mrs. whole looky there there's there's the there's the sexually loose the that people have sex outside of marriage and and they don't save their stuff for marriage I see the fornicators won't get the unrepentant this is all unrepentant unrepentant fornicators as people have sex outside of mayor that jump out of one bed to another you know male or female they're not going to all the adulterers not gonna hear it the kingdom of heaven that's right we'll get to all the homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of heaven that's right the lyre yeah the greedy yeah the drunk what you know the drunk didn't hear didn't either the drunk does inherit it either no drunkards are sinful people and if they remain unrepentant then going to hell what did Jesus say you love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your might all your mind you do not let anything take your mind and alter it what happens when you alter your mind guess who shows up demons I want to ask you to raise your hand but I'll raise mine I look at the regrets of my life I can take the overwhelming majority of them and draw them right back to drunkenness right back to being drunk there's a lot of things I did I would have never done if I'd not allow myself to be drunk so you want to play games with alcohol you better be very careful there's a reason that that drunkenness has talked about a lot in the Bible that's what you need to pay attention to and if you're somebody who says I can consume wine that is three parts water one part wine something really really really weak and it doesn't affect my judgment and it affect my mind I'm not standing here judging you and I certainly see where you guess you can make a case but I've noticed that a lot of people that are always trying to defend alcohol or slurring I'm just telling you I don't know about you but I've had enough trouble with it and I'm certainly I guess I have the freedom I guess to play with snakes but I don't I don't because they bite a lot and they kill a lot of people but that the that's that's the straight of it all is it why yes is it strong wine no its drunkenness a sin yes was Jesus using it as an analogy to point to the era of grace in the church age yes and I just leave it at that I just leave it at that and I and and I pray that you took away what we should have taken away today please don't let something so wonderful as this message your take away is he turned water to one I guess I'm good I I love when there was there was actually a story that was shared when I read it it was good it was a guy who had been struggle with alcohol destroyed his life so he wasn't drinking anymore at all well when the church members said well I see you become kind of sanctimonious about wine he said well he said what do you mean here you know Jesus turned water to wine he said you're right he said but here's what you don't know about my life Jesus turned wine into a household a marriage food on the table clothes on my kids back and me with the job see wine had taken all that away from me Jesus doesn't miracle was a wine - and that's taking drunks and redeeming them he worked a miracle with that as well and you know and if you're someone that says hey look man I mean the facts are the facts you're right they are I just say it just just I'd be more caught up in what Jesus is saying about himself than what he's saying about wine I think that's gonna serve you a lot better and I don't know about you I have enough trouble of my own I just don't put more obstacles in my life that make it tougher for me to be right with God but the good news is as we get ready to move forward now Jesus has showed the first sign that God is here and the era of grace has begun let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for this great message thank you for the conviction thank you for the affirmation thank you for about how you have been glorified and what we're just so thankful that you came to us and we could not come to you I pray Lord for anybody watching this or listen this has questions and they like to talk or they can reach me at Rick at Rick and Bubba comm and Lord just helped me to have the right words to say to them which you would have me say I pray you bless every family represented here in this room today and continue to mold us into the men that only you can make us in Jesus name Amen thanks guys see you next week
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 8,025
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study, John, Christian, Christianity, Men, Men's Bible Study
Id: 6Yk71VLe_C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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