Faith Commander Small Group Bible Study by Korie Robertson and Chrys Howard - Session One

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[Music] [Music] what is faith the Bible says faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see when I was 14 years old I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ based on me hearing the message of what he did for not only me but for Humanity here comes Jesus down to the earth God in human form he lives a perfect life he dies on a cross for the sins of the world he's buried and then resurrected proven that he triumphs over death he then goes to the right hand of God where he mediates for those who have put their faith and trust in him so when I heard that when I heard that I responded I surrendered re-enacted his death burial and resurrection in water my faith and trust has been in him ever since now some people when they look at my family they actually think it's a ridiculous faith perhaps redonkulous because they look at us based on our external appearance and they think we're either a bunch of wild crazy people who are just cutting up every way possible or they think we're homeless or they think we're a threat so as they come closer and see who we are they realize that we are people of faith because we have placed our faith in a being specifically Jesus Christ up until I was 14 years old I was a pretty shy guy a hundred and fished a lot but I didn't say a whole lot out in public and people kind of viewed me as socially shy and that was a correct assertion I just soon be in the woods and hunt and fish and do my own thing but once I put my faith in Christ I realized that this is not something that I was going to be able to be silent about plus I started noticing girls for the first time and I realize you know if I don't have a conversation with a girl I'm probably not gonna get a date so I said I need to be a little more vocal about my faith and at the same time you know maybe I can get a date if I can find a spiritual woman who shares the same views about Christ that I do so that was my plan the problem was whenever I would go to school or I would get out in public I would get a little nervous about speaking up especially about my faith and then I had an instance where everything changed when I was in high school we had landlines for phones I'm you had to walk over grab the phone it's plugged into the wall and if you want to talk to somebody you push the numbers and you're right there there were no cell phones so I had an interesting call one night at about midnight but it was right after I had just prayed about being more vocal and bold about my faith and the person that called me just sat there I don't know if it was a prank caller or they planned on just sitting there so I was fixed to hang up cuz I was like hello hello hello and then it hit me I thought you know Here I am struggling with sharing my faith and I have a person calling me who is just sitting there so just like a light switch I just said you know what I'm glad you called because I've been wanting to share my faith in Christ and I've been unable to do so in public because I'm shy so I'm gonna share with you what I meant on and I started right there and I introduced this unknown caller to Jesus Christ now after about 10 15 minutes I kept trying to get them to say something and they wouldn't respond but I could tell someone was there because I would hear the phone go down and then I heard pages rustling and I assumed that they were following along in their Bible so this Bible study went on for three hours I basically ran out of material and I said look I'm sleepy I appreciate you calling I feel good about this why don't you call back tomorrow night same time low and behold the next night at midnight they call me again and just sit there so here we go again I'll put another three hours in and I noticed when the person on the other end of the phone doesn't respond you can really bring it I mean I was getting after and after about three hours I heard this outcry of emotion and they hung up and so after that moment I realize you know what this is real I realize that the death burial and resurrection of Jesus and what he's doing at the right hand we got right now is the most powerful message on earth what else could I have shared that a person would have sat there and listened to for six hours it's real everyone is in need of forgiveness and everyone would love the opportunity to live forever and Christ provides that so when I shared that message with her it changed my life because I realized what Philemon verse 6 says I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of everything we have in Christ it became real I then realized that God uses flawed individuals to make his son know so not only do we have faith we have faith in action every time we share it my conversation with this unknown caller didn't lead to a response where I knew what happened I never heard back from the person but what it did in a practical way is it fired me up for Christ because I thought this is real this is powerful it's captivating from that moment on I shared Jesus Christ with everyone in earshot I sat down and made a list of all my friends and family and I systematically went down through the list it was over a hundred names and I said to myself I'm gonna approach this person I'm gonna ask if I can share my faith and I'm gonna share Jesus with him all and I did so and from then on I just finally realized you know what it's about your lifestyle and it's looking for opportunities to introduce Christ to other people and through that sensation I realize what I think true faith is and that it is not about me this is not about my story what I share is Christ's story because that's what changed my life and that's what can change the world so that's what I do that's what I've been doing since I was 14 with the help of a prank caller and basically I feel like that's what faith is a lot of people when they talk about faith they think it's some kind of belief system or they want to have a discussion about Bible verses or have arguments or discussions I believe it is a person a being and his name is Jesus Christ and we introduced that beam to other people and that's the hub my first God experience after witnessing the transformation in my parents lives was actually out in the woods I was hunting I looked around and I remember just stopping everything and thinking somebody built this this earth is just too incredible to come from nothing and sow the seeds of God were planted basically on the observation of his creation I thought this has a design and it demands a designer and the more I began to reflect on that and think about that and ask questions about that the more spiritual conversations I started having and through that I was led to hearing the message of Jesus Christ and what he did for not only my sins but for the hope of me living forever so after I place my faith and trust in Jesus Christ I then realized that there are different kinds of hearts in our world the parable the sower what it means to me is that it represents the four different types of hearts on the earth the first heart here's the word about Christ and just absolutely rejects it the second heart represents the seed that fell among rocky places where there was no root the soul was shallow and the Sun scorched it and what happens is when someone hears the message about Christ they're persecuted and that second heart represents those who cannot take the persecution of their faith so they fall away the third heart is the seed that comes up but the worries of this life the deceitfulness of wealth choke it making it unfruitful this is the type of heart that sometimes church buildings are full of they come to church and sing songs with have no faith in the Christ it's kind of like a social plug they're worried about they're more worried about created things rather than the Creator but the fourth heart is the one that hears the word understands it puts their trust in Christ and then produces a crop that's the heart that realizes that God uses you to make Christ known and whatever you do in action or in word he uses you and it's powerful and it draws people to God through the message of his son and that's the fiery faith that's the ridiculous faith the perhaps redonkulous faith I've never heard the term redonkulous but I'm just saying what's redonkulous is that somebody that looks like me can be possessed by the same God who made the planet and he uses me despite my flaws to make the knowledge of his son no that's all you have to do is vocalize it and live it in your life and if he can use me he can use anybody [Music]
Channel: zondervan
Views: 133,056
Rating: 4.9521413 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study (Website Category), Duck Dynasty (TV Program), Faith Commander, Small Group Bible Study, Bible Study, Parables, Korie Robertson, Duck Commander, Robertsons, Zondervan, Chrys Howard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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