Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - January 22, 2020

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welcome to the Wednesday Bible study from the broadcast Plaza in teleport Rick Burgess here glad that you are here if you are joining us for the first time every Wednesday with very few exceptions you know holidays and things like that we have a Bible study here on Wednesdays and we do this and have been doing this for four years if you'd like to go back and catch Bible studies you may have missed you can do that by going to the Rick and Bubba YouTube channel if it's within the last year or so if it's further back than that you can go all the way back about three and a half years at Burgess ministries.com by just clicking on listen so we are in the Gospel of John we're gonna finish chapter 11 today and then get into a little bit of 12 before we wrap up today and if if you are wondering about some other things that are going on the Man church.com talked about that last week and lots of you are going there and you're giving us your email we'll be launching a national discipleship strategy that's been based on some of the things we've been doing here and then have been doing at my home church for the last four years and making that available to the entire country there's many churches that are already ready to plug in if we can start consulting with you if you're a church or you're a community group or you're an individual who just says I'd like to add to the you know add to my arsenal on things that God is using to disciple you from spiritual emphases of spiritual maturity we're gonna have a you know place where you can go and and implement a full-blown men's ministry for your church your group or it can also be of a great resource to you as an individual man because you cannot disciple a man by treating him like he's a woman or a child so this is designed for men by men so the man church calm it'll go live on March 2nd but you can go and subscribe watch the trailer and then start to getting information from us as we make it available also don't forget a couple things going on this coming weekend if you are watching this live or you're checking it this week this coming Sunday night in Birmingham which is where this orig dates from my home church shades Mountain Baptist Church we will be having man church these are the services we do four times a year just designed for men there's no ticket required there's no charge for that James Merritt out of Atlanta will be coming over and challenge challenging our men but we also will be offering you an opportunity to plug into a Bible study will offer several options or you can certainly become part of what we do here if you're ever in the Birmingham area or if you're currently live in Birmingham you can certainly join us also former in Meridian Mississippi the Mississippi State evangelism conference is this weekend I'll be speaking at North Korea's Baptist Church Sunday night at six and we'll kick off that conference Johnny hunt will be part of that Michael cat Kevin Ham and others you can get those details at Rick and Bubba calm under upcoming events so let's let's open a word of Prayer and then we'll jump into our study today Lord Jesus thank you thank you Lord for this opportunity thank you for a Redemption thank you for reconciliation thank you for your grace and thank you for your mercy lord I know today you'll continue to refine us as as you have said only those that do the will of your father are those that have truly been redeemed may we examine our lives today and and prepare to walk through the things that you have inspired John to speak to us about today may we apply those to our individual lives and may we walk out of this room any time we're exposed to the Word of God may we walk out of that space never the same in the name of Jesus we pray amen thank you for being with us guys that are in the room so let's let's go to John chapter 11 we intended to finish all of the leaven last Wednesday but the Holy Spirit was moving and we got to preach in and so we didn't finish it but when we left last week we were at a very big moment and that is when Jesus Christ is just you know he'd been showing us he was the bread of life he showed us he was the water of life he showed us that that he was a you know the the the light of the world so he had his life in light and bread and water but then this time he last time he showed us when he raised Lazarus from the dead that he's actually life himself he is the giver of life and with all of us we have the ability to be redeemed and and and live eternally and even even have victory over over eternal death so the last thing that we heard was Lazarus in his in his grave clothes and we loved that great truth when Jesus looked at him and said hey go unbind him and let him go which is the ultimate you know picture of redemption you know I have I've taken you from dead to alive and now all that sin that bogs you down all that flesh that bogs you down all the stuff you once had I've freed you from that take it off you're free and we should say hallelujah do that shouldn't we so now we take a turn because this this miracle remember we're getting to the end of Jesus's earthly ministry and he's moving to the cross and you'll see a big step today because in verse 45 it says that many of the Jews therefore who had come with Mary and had seen what he did believed in him so let's land there first so so there were people that really just came to console Martha and Mary because of the earthly death of death of Lazarus and they were there for that reason and you remember Jesus did a lot of things that made sure that a lot of people were there to see the miracle one of the things we talked about about before we didn't do it this last time but we had before is when Jesus actually asked Martha where have you laid him as if he didn't know you know this this was his opportunity to get everybody moving over to the tomb where they could see what happened well it had a big impact on some of the Jews that had come to to visit with Mary and Martha and to see what he did it says that when they saw it they they actually believed in him so so many came and saw what happened believed in Jesus but now look what happened next because you always have this you know remember Jesus divides he's controversial he'd look if you if you were committed to Jesus Christ I promise you he tells us in Scripture and we shouldn't be surprised when it happens if you're now if you just kind of believe in Jesus and don't make trouble you may not have any trouble but if you're a devout follower of Jesus Christ you're gonna meet opposition because ghosts remember that Paul told Timothy when he's getting ready to hand his ministry off to him he said look when you take over this church you take over my ministry tell all who live a godly life that they will be persecuted not some all who choose to live a godly life so I would what's the standard we always put before ourselves the guys have been here before you know if I look in my life and I'm not meeting any opposition from the world then it could be this because I don't live a godly life the world is extremely comfortable with me because I looked in that just like they do so so we touched on that a little bit last week so now what happens next look at 46 but some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done interesting and this is the thing where you look at choices that are made you take the same situation and put it in front of a group of human beings and part of the group will look at Jesus and say I'm in the other group we'll see the exact same thing if I want nothing to do him have you noticed that in your own lives I mean so so we all experience the same thing and some of us said this is my day and others say I acknowledge everything you said and I saw everything you saw but I reject Jesus I've been that man I've been the man who who encountered Jesus and said I'm in and I've been the man who encountered Jesus and said I'm out I have no excuse before the Lord the gospel has been around me my entire life that I was blessed enough to be born into an environment that told me about Jesus all the time I would have never been ever became that I was unreached people group so a lot of my life you know was spent knowing exactly what Jesus had done and just rejecting it and so there were some people that said I saw this but I'm actually angry with Jesus I think he's trouble and I'm going to tell on him and so they're not going to the Pharisees because they're excited and hope the Pharisees will give their life to Jesus as well that's not it at all so the thing that we have to take away from this is that Jesus as we see throughout scripture and throughout the Gospel of John Jesus is always dividing people up and he says he's divisive go read Luke 14 make a note of that he says that he's divisive he said he'll divide a family up you know and I'm sure that all of us can probably speak to that I certainly can so so anyway so so we know that the Pharisees now are being told and look at 47 so the chief pre the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said what are we to do for this man performs many signs so let me kind of set the scene of what's happening here what John's talking about so we have the chief priest that's the religious leaders then we kind of have the Pharisees which which is another group and then when they say the council what they're saying is we're bringing in the Sanhedrin the Sanhedrin that was the ruling force that they would be the ones that would decide about what this one will be taken and all this so so they've got everybody together that they need to get together for them to do something about Jesus and it's interesting because when I read this every time I think to myself so the chief priests and the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin they are there and they're saying what are we to do for this man performs many signs so they're acknowledging that there are a lot of signs and they're not thinking to themselves what can we do to find out more about him so maybe we can determine whether he is a messiah or not they're saying that the signs Jesus are doing are troublesome to them because he may be taking away their authority they don't see the signs is a good thing they see this as a bad thing but and you think in your mind if you guys know the Scriptures supposedly better than anybody and Jesus tells us them all the time it shouldn't they be the ones telling everybody else this stuff we're seeing is really confirming that this man is who we've been waiting for but see they knew a lot of Scripture like a lot of a lot of us maybe are people that we know this is also to tell us that you might know a lot of things about God and still be blind to to who God is this discussion you know a lot about God I've told you this and I had to put this above on off Satan knows a lot about God the demons know a lot about God the demons always got Jesus correct even when the disciples didn't so to have a lot of knowledge about God and have a lot of knowledge about Scripture is only as good as you're willing to actually apply it to a true belief if not you could just know as much about the Bible as you know about football but but football is not gonna redeem you you're just knowledgeable so so so that that's not really enough is it it's good to be knowledgeable but but not not if not if if you don't turn that into Redemption in some way so they want to know what they're gonna have to do and they're trying to figure out what's going on commentary says that that the Sanhedrin that they they ruled right in there that they were around ad 18 280 36 when they were the ruling body and and so we're gonna that this is when Caiaphas was in charge so now confess is gonna stick he step in let's check him out and what happens next so so Caiaphas is in charge ad 18 to 36 and and and he steps in he and Pontius Pilate ruled for about the same amount of time which is which is interesting so in 48 if we let let him go on like this everyone but will believe in him and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation so they're saying why they don't see these signs is a good thing they think this we're going to lose our power the Romans are gonna take away this place for us and gonna take away our nation so now now kayfa steps in and and what's cool and I did I didn't know this that he and Pontius Pilate were also when when that when it's finally over for Caiaphas he and Pontius Pilate when I was doing some studying that they're both removed at the same time so once Jesus comes back these two guys have a hard time hanging on to power and they're both eventually removed at the same time which i think is it's kind of a cool fact so so then kayfa says something interesting he steps in in 49 but one of them Caiaphas who was high priest that year said to them you know nothing at all nor do you understand that is better for for you that one man should die for the people not that the whole nation should perish soak office comes in he goes look I don't want to hear all this talk about all these signs and wonders and how we're all scared that we're gonna lose our place and and you you guys don't know anything at all you know we said there's a simple solution take him out it would be better for this one guy to die then for all these things you're talking about we're standing around as if we can't do anything about it let's do something about it and and and so he's starting to lay down his case but look at 51 and 52 John's talking about Caiphas he's not he's not trying to be prophetic but think about it he really is he really is saying what's about to happen but now he's thinking about it from a political standpoint but he's actually being quite prophetic about exact that is exactly what's going to happen and so john clarifies that in 51 he did not say this of his own accord but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation and then he says this and not for the nation only but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad so from that day on they made plans to put him to death so John's making the point that the high priests you know was actually sending out a message of prophecy even though he was speaking purely political he's also speaking like a prophet Jesus would die for the Jewish nation the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and then what Jesus would would also die for that nation but also deferred for them but also for the scattered children of God and then he would bring everybody in make them one and and John's making the point he doesn't understand what he's saying but what he's saying is actually going to take place sometimes God will speak through people who don't even know that they're being used and that's what was happening here and and so so now if you look at at 53 so from that day on they made plans to put him to death so it's a done deal he's considered marked for death and and and they're saying we we were letting everything go on and if you look at scripture right here it's making it very clear we were trying to find another way but when you raise somebody from the dead we got to kill you that's over the line because now we don't want to have to make the case against that that's gonna be a very difficult case to make because this this was too big and we know that a lot of the Jews that were there for the to mourn they believed but the the some one way to say hey we got trouble with this guy over here he just raised somebody from the dead because now what we have now and you'll see it goes even further what we have now is a walking talking problem Lazarus and so we have to kill Jesus at this point so now if we see him again we're gonna do we gotta do to kill him so Jesus is now walking around marked for death and and then look at 50 for Jesus therefore no longer walked openly among the Jews but went from there to the region near the wilderness to a town called Ephraim and he stayed with the disciples now the reason why we see this happening all of us in here know that Jesus Christ from the minute he hit the ground is on the way to the cross okay but what is he showing again nobody else is going to force his hand and take him to the cross until he allows it until he allows it and and and I want you to think about that even in our own lives if we're walking around under the authority of Jesus does it mean that nothing Bad's gonna happen to us no I tell you what it does mean though there's nothing gonna happen unto us that he doesn't allow he's good he's gonna be in charge of what will it won't happen and and nothing's gonna happen to you know I talk about this all the time and of course we make the funny joke where we're getting to fly around a lot I was kiddin around the other day and and I've always had this thing that's the plane gets in trouble I tell the pilot just knows divers you know III want to be here one minute and I want to be with Jesus the next I don't want to slip in the ball of fire thing I come out mostly burn and and you know that you know that might be a great testimony but I'm gonna ask the Lord not to do that I mean if I said hey if we're in trouble nosedive it and and so I had I had one I had one of the guys that was fly let me say that well why don't I have a vote in all this and I said well look man if it's my time it's my time and then he looked at me he said but what if I'm on the plane and it's not my time and you just nosedived me maybe you were going down but I was going to make it and I said well then I'll let the pilot make the call but but so so the but but but but but we need to walk in some confidence on that none of that mean that we go out and become Daredevils and play games with death that's that's disrespectful but we don't think about the Bible how many times the Bible tell us that he did not call us to a spirit of fear do you all know that the Bible says anxiety is sinful you ever thought about that you know what else I've thought about too which goes back the other way and I'm just now dealing with this and it was a hard road for me and and that's what this past weekend obviously with the anniversary of my youngest son's earthly death and being able to preach and talk about that and it was a powerful weekend thanks for all your prayers it was just a phenomenal weekend but one of the things that I really had to learn is it self-reliance is also sin you know because that that's about we talked about last week when we say things are perfectly natural well that's why they're perfectly naturally wrong and that's one of the things that I've always you know I would get the point where I would go to God for something that was completely overwhelming but I didn't go to God to get up work today because because I'm self-reliant well self-reliance is sinful you know I I need to dependent to be dependent on God to be in His perfect will on every little thing I'm doing not hey I got this I'll get to you if I got something that I can't handle I Got News for you there's nothing I can really handle without God you know because I might be handle it but am I handle it under his authority I may be living correctly so so that's that's a beautiful thing he's showing us example that he is in charge and he makes that clear to Pilate which we'll get to later in John so look at 55 now that the Passover of the Jews was at hand and many went up from from the country to Jerusalem before the Passover to purify themselves so this is ceremonial purification it's mandated if you want to write this down this is what John's referring to numbers chapter 9 verse 6 making a that the this was this was a ceremonial if you had any kind of if they were there was anything about them they weren't sure about it was a ceremonial defilement of some sort you know like say they wanted to be sure before Passover got here that they went into this ceremonial cleansing of anything they weren't quite sure about or something they needed to kind of work on and so they knew here's the thing this is cool you know why they couldn't catch Jesus doing that because he didn't need to so if we're gonna do a stakeout I'll tell you where you're not gonna do a stakeout to catch Jesus at some ceremony of purification ceremony because he doesn't need it so they couldn't get him there and so but they're talking about that this was happening so they're looking for Jesus look at 56 so they were looking for Jesus and saying to one another as they stood in the temple what do you think that you think that he would not come to the feast at all it says now the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where he was he should let them know so that they might arrest him so the bottom line is this looking for Jesus here was a waste of time but we do know that everybody's discussing hey this guy's in trouble he did this big miracle they're looking for him you think he's gonna keep coming to the feast you think you he'll show up do you should we expect to see him and so what we know now just picture there's in our times we would literally see what we'd see CrimeStoppers we would have all kinds of will you be in the post office which you know Jerry Seinfeld did a very funny bit about this why don't we put up the most wanted people in the post office you know I remember Jerry Seinfeld did think what he would look at it and he would look at the guy behind him and then he look over here and go he's not here you know I bet what why why they think that's where we're gonna see it but anyway so so but they would be wanted posters everywhere if you see Jesus you let us know if you see Jesus you call CrimeStoppers if you see Jesus we need to know about it so that takes us now into chapter 12 Jesus is now a marked man he's been marked for death and now we move into chapter 12 now if you have your Bible or something your Bible on it the first part just kind of setting up what day of the week it is it says six days before the Passover Jesus therefore came to Bethany where Lazarus was whom Jesus had raised from the dead now this is a big meeting now we're just sitting around having dinner with Lazarus as if it's no big deal you know he's been dead he's back and so now now Jesus is going to visit them again if you get into think about how they considered the Sabbath and it's really a lot of things if I told you about it it would sound like I guess I'm really sharp or whatever but it has nothing to do what we're about to talk about today all john has let you know is it was six days before the Passover and most of the scholars looking at the way they kept the timeline and the way they operated on the Sabbath that this was probably sometime on a Saturday and that when we get to the dinner we're probably getting into Saturday night as the Sabbath is kind of ending so anyways so so that they they gave a dinner for him there I mean let's face it we give dinners for a lot of reasons you raised me from the dead and we got to bring you over and do something you know I mean we got we got to have some kind of dinner to celebrate what it's just taking place so they did and and Jesus shows up for this so so Martha no one's surprised here if you know their personalities is serving Lazarus was the one reclining with him at the table and and so they've got everybody and they're saying I didn't know this because you know I'm from the south to me do y'all call it dinner or supper we call it supper I mean why group you you had breakfast you had lunch you had supper they said that the Greek word being used here for dinner and that culture dinner could have been any time of the day all that really signifies it's a meal sometimes during the day it doesn't seem to find any time of day but they think this was at night so so Mary took a pound of expensive ointment and made it mate made from pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume all right so first of all as you probably know throughout the Gospels there are there are different accounts of a similar scene now John has given us some details that are a little bit different from what Matthew and Mark are talking about now I will say this most scholars take Luke's discussion of the woman of ill repute and her crying on his feet and washing his feet with her hair that that's a different woman in a different story because it doesn't it doesn't say anything about nard it didn't same thing about you know that what goes on with him being and knowing it at that and and there's some discussion about that but because the details are they don't they don't line up with John they and and there's no indication that Mary was a woman of ill repute or had a bad reputation so they're like don't Luke's not giving us his his his version of what this of the same story he's got a different woman soand Ali this symbolism that Jesus won't everybody see he did more than once now when now there's some things that are not exactly the same with Matthew and marks account of what many think is the same thing because they talk about nard and they but they give you some different details so it's not important what we can tell you pretty much most agree the luke account is a different woman and Matthew and Mark and John may all be talking about the same event you know what one says that's in the house of Simon the leper simply say is that an indication that Mary Martha that that's their father you know because there's some details there that John doesn't share and keep in mind John's already told us that Mary did this in Chapter eleven keep in mind when studying the Bible they're not attempting to be chronological at all all all they're trying to do is say let me tell you all the things that happened so when John's telling everybody about this all these events have already happened so really if you were in the room and he goes to 11 he says now Mary that's the one that you know that they put the one put the expensive perfume on Jesus when the Bible we hadn't heard about that yet but everybody that was hearing that story from John and documented they knew that because they this has already happened so don't get caught up in the chronological because that's not the intent if you want to study there is a Bible available now and they've done a lot of work and we have once the house it's pretty interesting and it takes the Bible and does it chronologically and the reason why kind of like that is when you get to the New Testament every account of the same event is listed at the same time because it says when this happened here's what all the Gospels said about it when this happened that's what all the gospel said about it so that it's really a cool way to study the Bible but right now we're not in a chronological Bible so so we have this scene set up so let's talk about what she's pouring out here now if they they think it's somewhere around 11 ounces or so of this nard now nard came from the root of the nard plant this was this was a perfume that came from India and of course the symbolism he said you have to picture that the way they ate you know they were climbed that they set and they kick their feet out and they reclined around the table so here's a Lazarus and here's Jesus which I can't imagine that conversation and they're lounging around the table they want to thank you for right raised me from the dead and you know and kind of hard hopping out there with the grave clothes on but you know there was you wouldn't believe the things we were talking about and I kept hearing you called me out and all this so they're having a discussion so picture of Jesus's feet or have extended out away from him as they're sitting at the table and so the symbolism here is that Mary as she's taking this nard and she's taking this expensive ointment and she's anointing the feet of Jesus hurt her her symbolism here is that she is acknowledging that she will be a servant of this king she's on the feet she's at his feet for a reason she's not she's not completed up at his head right that's how you anointed king and there's certainly some of the accounts saying his head it did actually get anointed as well so but in some of the other accounts of this but but but John wants to focus on the feet and the reason why he wants to focus on the feet is he saying Mary is showing the kind of countenance that we should have when the Lord Jesus is in our presence we we are the Lord Jesus his servants he led as a servant and we're a servant of our King and our King is the type of King that serves those that he's in charge of so we should be likewise so she is anointing his feet to show respect that she understands she's servant of the King of Kings and the Lord of Hosts hey Mary and Martha they got it now they got it now and so and so Jesus is spending time with them and so the other part is that the servant attitude toward Jesus and the fact that the the smell filling the house symbolizes their love for Jesus regardless of the cost and that this gesture far exceeds the event itself it's much bigger then hey it'd be cool if we took some stuff that smells really good listen knowing Jesus because we like him man we think he's awesome it's bigger than that this is a big big scene and there's all kinds of symbolism in here the servant's attitude our devotion and our love for you and our love for you Jesus extends out in a way and it's far-reaching it feels the whole house picture that scene can you imagine what it smelled like Ann you almost smell it that whole house just feels with the aroma of what adoration and love for Jesus and in the application to us is do we go and we live a life that everywhere we go the smell and the odor of the devotion and adoration for Jesus everywhere we go fills the room if I if I went and talked to people about you and you wouldn't talk to people about me and you said hey let me ask you something you believe Rick loves Jesus what would they say man every time I talk to him and his love and adoration for Jesus just fills the room all right would somebody talk they talk to say do you see do you think he loves Jesus yeah I guess so yeah and he believes anybody's a Christian but but does his love and adoration fill every room that he goes into you ready for this one and cluny his own house that's the tough one in it there's a lot of men and I've been guilty this to that treat strangers better than they treat their own family now are we supposed to love love strangers yeah and show them the love of Jesus but let me tell you where a lot of men mess up they want to show the love of Jesus in these very inch deep mile wide relationships but then they don't bring that same adoration and smell of their adoration for Jesus into their own house their own have student smell like Jesus it doesn't smell like adoration for Jesus at all it smells different in there can I tell you if that's taking place your children and your wife know it I mean this is this is the big question that every man who claims to be a follower of Jesus this is the question does your wife and do your children respect you you said well Rick the Bible calls it says very clearly in Ephesians 5 that we're to love our wife as Christ loved the church and he gave up himself for the church and we're to bathe her blameless and the Word of God and it clearly says for wives to respect their husband it certainly does and those are two different words aren't they because women and men do not interpret love the same way men and women are equal but they're not the same there's a reason those are two different words because God made a man when a man comes to me and says I don't think my wife loves me it won't take me long to realize what he really says is I don't think my wife respects me because that's how we interpret love if a man didn't feel respected he didn't feel loved and a woman doesn't feel loved if she's not loved and and caressed and and taken care of but here's the question is your wife if she doesn't respect you is she defiant could be could be she might have a Jezebel spirit she may she made my wife talks about she says since the fall of mankind women have always want to be in charge that was the sin of Eve Adam Adam let it happen so that was his sin Eve Eve tried to force the hand and say here's what we're gonna do and and she's gonna run things and Adam let her but then the fall was that he said part of the punishment is I'm your husband in charge of and you're gonna resent it and and and then in a flesh in an unredeemed state that's what you find so that could be it could be that the woman is wrong I mean that does happen sometimes or sadly what's most of the time what's most of the time is that when a woman doesn't respect her husband you know what it is most of the time it's because she knows him and she knows he's a fake that he goes out and acts like he adores Jesus to the world but inside that house he acts like he don't even know Jesus and see that's hard to respect that's hard to respect and you may put on a show for the world but your wife and your children know you and if I were to ask your wife or your child if the love of Jesus feels the house what would they say I don't know the answer that now for some of you I know you well enough I can find out and if some of you everyone take that next step with me to get to know who your wife is I'll ask them just because I love you and you can ask mine too and and I and I hope most the time you get you get a good answer and the times that you don't I want to know because that's called severe accountability but now we get we get to Judas now we get to Judas and it's funny because see John's writing about Judas after he knows what happens and he makes it real clear he don't like Judas okay and now keep in mind he John's not being prophetic john knows it's already happened so now he's coming back and and and listen to this so here's what he says so but Judas Iscariot one of his disciples look at parentheses he who was who was about to betray him so John he jaundice can't he just can't let it go and now Judas by the way you know the one who's about to portray Jesus because what did Judas do he betrayed Jesus and John already knows that when he's writing this so he makes it clear so there's no misunderstanding on who we're talking about here and he says why was the ointment not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor hmm legitimate question the value by the way of 300 denarii that's a complete year's pay whatever you make a year it would be like you taking an item in your house that that was worth a year of your wages and just dumping it on top of Jesus because she loved him a whole year wages gone so Judas thinks that's not wise and and and some of the commentaries said look we already know this family of Mary Martha and Lazarus had to have some kind of status just by how many people came to mourn and and it could be that they were just wealthy and they because they could they could have this or it could have been a family heirloom something they had for years and Mary decided today's the day that it's finally useful it's supposed to be useful for us to show our adoration devotion to Jesus there's different opinions on that doesn't really matter the points there so so here comes Judas and his comments and we're gonna preach a little bit right here he's acting as if he's concerned about the poor and he thinks this is the wrong thing to do he says so here's what we get down to now listen don't miss this it's important because this is this subject we got to figure out with the churches cuz we got the same problem a little bit you got to be real careful with this Judas is saying this is the wrong thing to do because it can be given to the poor or this is extravagant unqualified devotion to Jesus did you just rob from the poor or are you just devoted to Jesus that's what that and now he's he's siding on the poor you think well what's wrong with helping the poor with nothing are we told to take we are Jesus matter fest gonna say some here at the end this may blow your mind so but listen so this is where we have to be careful because I've seen this a lot especially with our younger people young people learn that a little bit pay attention okay this is where you have to be careful with the social gospel be real careful with this because sometimes the social gospel just turns into social work and I got news for you the falling creation can be convinced to go help people that need help that you can break somebody's heart where they love Jesus or not over somebody being in a bad situation but listen to this what we have to be careful of is that we get the right balance that that we don't replace worship and adoration for Jesus with social activism you know with me be real careful when suddenly you have a bunch of programs and you got a bunch of social activism going these are the missionaries that get sent off to these places to bring the gospel you go to visit them you keep going back and they keep feeding people and they keep getting clean water for people and they keep working on the sewage which is great and you keep saying are we worshiping Jesus here yet and sometimes you'll hear things like we're we're just trying to earn the right to do that want to get to know how long does that take I mean at some point is this ever going to turn to evangelism because let me tell you what we don't need to do and it's not the role of the church to make people comfortable as they go to hell that's not the role hey you know what when I went to hell if my stomach was full and I had clean water and and how about this I wasn't sleeping in human waste now I'm in hell but at least before I went to hell I was more comfortable that's not our role now are we supposed to help people yes but how do we ultimately help people we point them to Jesus be careful of the social gospel be sure didn't turn into social activism because the world's got that covered and we are we supposed to help people yes why to get a chance to share Jesus with them if we leave the Jesus part out I Got News for you it's meaningless it's meaningless and see that's what Judas is showing us an example if that's your mindset your mindset is the mindset of Judas but if your mindset is the adoration and the worship of Jesus Christ and your mind sets a lot like Mary's and I Got News for you Jesus is about to clear which one was right and it wasn't Judas and it wouldn't don't hear the wrong thing here I don't say abandon our responsibilities I'm saying get our responsibility right get it right under the authority of Christ so here comes Judas and he's really preaching I got another thing to say about Judas - so John tells us why Judas said it so see why John already knows see John John's coming back to give us history now he he's not wandering he knows what happened so he comes back I said he said this tell my Judas not because he cared about the poor so John said I know this guy I figured him out he didn't do this now at the time I didn't know it but he didn't say this because he cared about the poor he said it because he was a thief and having charge of the money bag he used it to help himself to what was put in it so in dadly they figured out after time Judas is stealing from us so now we know what Judas really said we need to help the poor you know what you just said three hundred denarii I get that in this bag I'll pull something out for myself so he really don't care about the poor did he sounded good they probably made a good commercial maybe a lot people cry but he wasn't nothing but a thief and John knows this now here's what here's comes the conviction here's what you got to look out for remember when Jesus says men all kinds of people claim they're devoted to me but how do you know who really is only those are doing the will of my father if you love me obey my commands but here's what's scary Judas was such a fake and so good at it they put him in charge of the money have you ever thought about that Judas did just get to hang around and but we see this at churches all the time don't we when we don't do a good job of discerning and we give people a whole lot of responsibility and all they were we were fake Judas was so believable in his devotion to Jesus that he was given charge of the money now see John love you John it's easy now for you to come back and say he was a thief and he didn't mean it but y'all didn't catch it in he had y'all fooled so here's the question we got asked who's got us food right now or do you have me food are you a scam because remember what we always say it's not what you profess that tells me what you believe everybody can profess one thing and do another Judas is doing it right but you know what's impossible for you to live something other than what you believe so what you actually do is actually the truth of your devotion or nod to Jesus or are you just trying to make up something about the poor so you can steal from the ministry they said I looked at some of the other you know some of the others say that he had that he kept the money bag and if you go back and look at the some of the English standard is a later it's a little more literal I found the best English word to go with the best Greek word or the Hebrew word but in some of the other translations of English they used he kept the money bag and they said but the word in Greek really says he lifted you know you say shoplifter he was lifting from the money bag meaning he was he was pulling something off to himself undoubtedly at some point they find this out but really if you look at what we know about him ourselves how did they get him to give up Jesus money so why couldn't they just give him to give up Jesus because remember people say all the time well Judas just was really trying to get Jesus they were trying he was trying to force Jesus's hand because he was a military god he wanted Jesus to lead a rebellion to overthrow the Romans certainly a possibility but I Got News for you if that's the case you have to pay him thirty pieces of silver then no he did it cuz they said how about thirty pieces of silver he said you know what that'll work so he had an issue but he was a fake he was a fake he's in the 12th and he's such a good fake he's in the twelve and is given huge responsibility and let me say something this still goes on this still goes on so Judas of course had a reputation of stealing and he did so now Jesus is gonna respond to mr. Judas who's pontificating he cannot believe that this expensive ointment has been wasted is what he's saying wasted to try to somehow put it on Jesus's feet Jesus of course would he's probably doing this well I tell you what Jesus wants to give to the poor see watch out for this kind of stuff I had a lot of fun one time I had a group of people that were headed off to see the Atlanta Braves play and they stopped by and Bubba and I were having fun we used to do this thing we would get up on the roof and we would throw biscuits and people would catch them and we would throw you free breakfast and we were broadcasting there was some of the biscuits were bounce around and some of this woman she just I mean she wore us out how dare you throw this food you claimed to be Christians and you're throwing this food why so many people need food so bub and I said well where y'all headed I said to the Atlanta Braves game how much those tickets won't you just take that money give it to the poor why do you have Braves tickets how can you go to the Braves game when people need your mind and they look kind of stupid at that point and they realized oh yeah I mean hey you could play that game all day long you know but Jesus clarifies what's going on here first of all we know that Judas is a hypocrite so Jesus says clearly leave her alone hey back off her to Judas of course Jesus knows the hold you distill as well and unlike John he knew it before it happened okay leave her alone so that she may keep it underline that for the day of my burial and look at eight I love when Jesus has those moments where he gets a little controversial especially when the people start the social gospel stuff for the poor you you always have with you but you do not always have me so there's always gonna be poor people that's right until I redeem this place you always do have poor people now let me be clear he's not saying don't care about the poor what he's saying you say what we do for the poor and this time would have been they always pulled out arms and gave it to the poor y'all keep that going what's happening here today they have anything to do with that the hope the poor are always gonna be right as a matter of fact if you took every bit of this somehow you'd run out of it you stabbed poor people keep taking care of the poor that's not what this is about but what this woman didn't do is take anything away from the poor because you know what she's done she has prepared me for the burial that is actually gonna solve everybody's real problem including the poor and that's Redemption hey I Got News for you if the world deems you to be poor but you got Jesus you're not poor and if you're as wealthy and have anything you won't buy anything you won't eat to your goodness it's full and as the Bible said like I used to do you make your belly your God but you don't have Jesus you got nothing and neither one of those by the way is an indicator of devotion to Jesus some of the greediest people that I've ever met her poor they always down there ready for that lottery but that going by they're gonna find a way to get a lottery ticket because they you know what they're obsessed with wealth and I know some people have a lot and all they do is give and they have in the proper place and there's devoted to Jesus as any human being I ever knew so it's not an indicator one way or the other but what he's saying yes there's people that y'all need to continue to take care of but what just happened here doesn't have anything to do with that now here let's unpack this a little bit and then we'll get ready to close today so he's certainly not saying don't but what he's saying is leave her alone and on this thing that he says so that she may keep it what does it mean leave her alone so that she may keep it keep what I mean she just dumped it all out she's not keeping it well if you look at what's being said here again this is where a Greek in English we got a little bit issue and the English standard version is doing the best that it can do with it what he's saying is leave her alone that she may receive the proper credit for what she just did this has been credited to her and she's gonna always have it don't take away her moment that she did the right thing I'm crediting this to her life so you leave her long so that you don't ruin this moment you know this this is the moment where and this has happened before I was invited to come and speak and it's gonna happen with anybody but I've seen this happen in every flat I was invited to come speak to a group of business leaders in Jackson Mississippi one time and most of these guys were lost and some of the followers of Jesus had done a good job using this business leaders meeting we're gonna get you in front of the gospel they did a great job with it beautifully done and I even got to the time at Acts chapter 2 when it was time for them to make a decision and I said Luke the first time that Peter gets this right he preaches the gospel it says their hearts were pierced a lot of you your hearts pierced right now because you've just heard the gospel and you may be thinking just what they were seeing Peter what must we do and Peter said repent which means the one turn one age from sin and come to Jesus that's the first time the gospel is ever presented right and it had a response what are we supposed to do he didn't say go home he said he said repent and then it said rise come forward be baptized and they even gave us how many people did that that day which is the reason why that I won't ever let anybody tell me that there's something wrong with the time of response good enough for Acts chapter 2 good enough for me so anyway and I'm not saying that I know the integrity of these people I don't know everyone's heart but I'm certainly not going to deny them the chance to come forward Billy Sunday said it right here's their chance here come people how many people you think hey we had three hundred three people give their life to Jesus today Billy Sunday said we'll see I mean eventually you'll know but that you don't deny people a chance to respond just because some people turn out not to have been sincere that's not a reason to deny that so anyway we did that people gave their life to Jesus and maybe we're celebrating and in that moment I'm sitting there going back to Birmingham and I'm literally just you know welling up excited to what happened and the guy stops me at the door well I was very disappointed in you I'm like what I just don't thank you explain baptism right I said that's your takeaway I said that he said for them to rise to be baptized well what we had here was one of these baptism is part of our salvation denominational issues in this idiot is here for the gospel be presented to a dying secular world and men submitted to the authority of Jesus that day and instead of allowing me to keep it he wanted to run it down that's exactly what you're just talking about you're trying to take away her what she did and what she did was right and you're trying to be you're trying to add like the adversary and come in here somehow make this out to be something wrong when what she did was right leave her alone it's appropriate what she did you're the one who doesn't have a right you're the one that didn't have it right she realizes that in this moment she doesn't have long to have me in her presence in her house lounging by her table that god has become a man and is in her presence this this God becomes a man thing has a start and end date and it's about to be over now praise the Lord is about to be over because redemption is coming but he's saying this right here she's preparing me for burial she's preparing me for what I'm about to do in oh you got to talk about is the Pope but really you just want to steal the money anyway are you gonna run her down Jesus is not going to allow it he says let her keep it better keep it because this moment and this time you have with me is not going to last much longer hey keep on giving arms to the poor that's going to continue until I come back the second time you just keep on doing it you're never gonna solve it but you keep on doing it because that may be a way for you to be the hands and feet of me and to bring somebody to Jesus and if you can take care of somebody and give them something to eat you do that but what's happening right now is on a limited time because the lowly servant that time is almost over and so that's the point he's making so it doesn't take long to happen after that and here it comes when the large crowd of Jews learned that Jesus was there they came not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus who he had raised from the dead you think Lazarus not a draw so Lazarus is in this house the guy who was dead and was four days stinking hey Lazarus is up here lads around with Jesus so it's a - hey picture that card hey tonight for one night only Jesus and Lazarus I mean there's people saying we got to get to this house they're both there I'm it's a double bill we got the guy who rose him from the dead and we got the guy that was risen from the dead in the same place so people were coming there and so what what does that get back to the original problem now the chief priests say oh now Jesus is parading around his best sign ever and people are going over there and this is difficult so what did they say so the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well think about it do you ever think about that Lazarus is a marked man they don't need Lazarus walking around if you think the guy's parents coming in saying yeah he's been blind since the time he was born you think that's bad hey he's been paralyzed his whole life you think that's bad he was dead because we could all go around I'm not sure he was really blind he's something happened a paralytic I mean really I mean he might have said maybe he was faking it no we know Lazarus was dead because he'd been in there for four days he's a problem instead of celebrating it they say for us to retain our power we gotta kill him in Jesus I bet that was kind of a rough deal for Lazarus you know hey I was in I was in paradise and now you've brought me back and everybody's trying to kill me again and you know we know Lazarus died again so it's all about the glorification of Jesus and so now they realize if these people can continue to see Jesus and see Lazarus at the same time then we got to destroy both of them how would you like to know that people considered you to be so problematic that you'd be worthy of killing if killing you it's stopping your testimony for Jesus could keep people from knowing Jesus it's anybody in this room anybody watching this in by listening any of us worthy to be killed or whether we live or die you know how much impact on their by coming to Jesus anyway I mean if they came in and they said all right we're the enemies of Jesus were the enemies of the gospel you know they got this Wednesday Bible study going on yeah and they said we can't kill them all so give me the list of the ones that we have to kill would you be on that list well I hope I am I'm gonna work to be on that list or letting you live no harm there matter of fact he confuses more people than he brings to Jesus he turns him away from somebody said we're gonna kill that one now he's five killed one next to him matter of fact leave him out there he he works more for us than he does for Jesus Wow terribly inconsistent confusing even can't be trusted can you be trusted with the gospel can you be trusted to your love and adoration filling every room that you walk into let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for this vision and and thank you for the conviction of it thank you Lord for allowing us to continue to be shown so much mercy by you but may we always stick to what the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 15 9 and 10 that the grace you've shown us may you never think it's in vain may we be worthy to be wiped out because of our devotion to you I pray Lord that you protect us I pray Lord that you keep us at perfect peace but ultimately lord I pray that we be found faithful to you and the name of Jesus we pray amen thank you guys see you next week
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 3,476
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lky3yFDQh9s
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Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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