Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - November 20, 2019

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you from the Rick and Bubba broadcast Plaza and teleport thank you for joining us we are in the Gospel of John that we're going to get into chapter 7 today if you've missed any of our study of the Gospel of John you can certainly go back and find it on the Rick and Bubba podcast channel or you can go to this YouTube channel if you're watching click on playlists and they'll all be listed there for you if you're wanting to find a Bible study that goes further back then we have archived Aman the YouTube channel you go to birches ministries calm it'll be audio only but you can click on the listen button there and you can go back for the last few years and pick up any Bible study that you may be interested in a programming note we will be here next Wednesday I know that's a big travel day for a lot of people and I will be in town so it's not problematic here and we will just be fine with studying this with those that can attend if you're on the road and grab the archive and listen to that while you're out traveling around but we will be here for the Wednesday Bible study coming up next Wednesday so let's open up with a word of Prayer and the let's jump right in Lord thank you for today I pray Lord that you will will guide me and help me to overcome all the things that are inefficient in my abilities to do something like to deliver your word so supernaturally lord I pray that you will get into the hearts of all of us exactly what you desire and you are you have a perfect message and I am an imperfect messenger so lord please give me grace and mercy and allow me to glorify you today and I pray that you'll continue to teach us who you are help us Lord to listen to the instructions you've given us on on how we respond to what you have done for us that we couldn't do for ourselves and today lord I pray that you help us with with the topic that we will be dealing with today and that is skepticism and uncertainty about you and order may we not have neither but in the name of Jesus we pray amen yeah that's kind of what we're gonna be talking about today in chapter 7 if you remember leaving last week let's get let's kind of land on last week's ending theme and then carry it into this chapter and that was that we know that Jesus they estimated he had about a hundred and the disciples outside of the original 12 and he began to talk about eating flesh and drinking blood and using the analogy that the teaching if you remember they said hey this teaching is harsh and when we talked about that he looks at the twelve who were still with him he says are you gonna leave to Peter says where else would we go and and then of course he says I still have the original 12 we're now back to 12 one of you is a devil he was talking about Judas who would eventually betray him but but the thing that we took away is that you find Jesus when Jesus when the numbers of people following Jesus grew he did not make his message easier and more palatable you know because sometimes remember what the great Adrian Rogers once said you know the there's certainly nothing wrong with a church having big numbers but there's also nothing really right about it either really because if it's just about crowds PT Barnum was always very good at drawing a crowd but it was just a circus so what Jesus was not about drawing a crowd what Jesus was about is telling the truth and if you are willing to consume the truth and then certainly you you could be one of his but but what he did when you is to take us and say if you really want to follow me I'm gonna tell you exactly what that's going to require and what that's really gonna be like and then I'm gonna ask you are you still in I can remember this very vividly learning from my dad and thanks for all your prayers about this past weekend you know with dad being being honored at Auburn University about that induction into the Alabama Hall of Fame that went great and and one of the things that I loved him and I learned from my dad being a leader and you see Jesus implementing the same thing is that if you want to lead always let everybody know who says they want to be part of what you're doing say well let me tell you on the front end what that's going to look like and then you got to decide if you still want to be here what I'm not gonna do is just give you a message that that isn't quite accurate and you become disillusioned in the middle of it I'm gonna tell you before we ever get started what this is like and then when these things start happening you can't come to me and say I didn't know about this and I remember he would say at the end of his of his speech about how things we're gonna parade if you were on his team and he said so right now you need to make the decision whether you want to be with us or not this would be a good time for you to exit if what I said this is going to require doesn't sound like something you're willing to do and then of course they would add then you can go up into the stands at the ballgame and tell her about how great a player you could have been if I hadn't been so mean and you know if I hadn't treated you poorly or whatever and so what Jesus is saying is this is what it takes and remember we ended last week and we're going to go now is that these people really turned away from him basically and and clearly as they said you're not what we want you to be and if Jesus won't be what I want him to be that I only thing do with it and can I just tell you that that if you're looking around that's going on everywhere as a matter of fact if you're looking at what's going on now and I'm thinking we might get into first and second Peter I'm really thinking about doing that possibly next because you see in second Peter he's talking about these false teachers he's talking about these false prophets and he's talking about all these people that are pretended to be part of the faith they're gonna reveal to you that they really aren't and it's the times we get closer to the end days it's just going to get worse there's going to be bad theology then there's gonna be horrible theology then there's gonna be blasphemous theology and all these people gonna try to give you a version of our faith that isn't correct and you've got to be able to know how to discern that well that's what we're jumping into and seven skepticism and uncertainty about Jesus so let's look at chapter seven and we'll get started verse one and two after this Jesus went about in Galilee he would not go about in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill him now the Jews feasted the booths was was at him so what we have going on here the the feast of the boost that was a that means the year was about to end so they're getting toward the end of the Jewish calendar that this was about a celebration of the gathering of the harvest it went on for seven days as a matter of fact one of the you know people who documented the history if you've ever read the writings of Josephus you find the historical confirmation of all these things that were going on that he was documenting and he was not a believer but he said that this was the most popular of all the feasts because the the rural areas they would go out and they would make these they do these makeshift structures and they it was kind of like camping out and I hate the camp so I would have hated this feast but they would they would they would all camp out and and and they would build all these little dwellings and then some of them were representing it they were they were putting up you know the the separating the forty years of how they lived out in the desert and how the you know the Israelites were following Moses and they had to always be in these these part you know part time structures because they were they were always on the move and then they had which is interesting also that the farmers when they were go out to get their harvest they would have to build temporary dwellings to be out there to get the harvest and this is a celebration of that now interesting about the Feast of the booths that ties into today there also was a water drawing right that and also they did a lamp lighting right and you're gonna see Jesus refer to this and we get to the end verse 35 and he'll talk about it again and and 8 so part of this feast you're gonna we'll talk about this ritual coming up involve drawing of water and also lighting lamps so light and water are gonna be two big themes in the Feast of the booths so so he knows that there's gonna be a massive crowd in Judea and he knows the Jews are seeking to kill him and and so he knew that was about to happen so next he says so his brothers said to him leave here and go to Judea that your disciples also may see the works you are doing now who are these brothers well most everybody believes what he's talking about his stomach his earthly brother's he's talking about the other sons of Mary and Joseph these will be his younger earthly brothers and we know it's documented they do not believe he is the Christ they do not believe he is a messiah and they do not believe that their brother is God they're not believers at all and we find out that they become believers after the resurrection that's why we get the book of James and that's why we get the book of Jude is that his earthly brothers did become believers that he was God but not until after the resurrection so these are in and if you don't believe that the fact that they're not believers we know that he is not referring to his brothers here as anybody other than Mary and Joseph because they do not believe in him and and and they're talking about this now if you have your Bible or something with your Bible on it flip over real quick to Matthew Matthew chapter 12 and this is this this is a big statement for all of us especially when dealing with our biological family members so we know in Matthew 12 that that Jesus mother and his earthly brothers were there to come to come pull him away again telling everybody that he is God and it says in verse 46 while he was still speaking to the people behold his mother and his brother stood outside asking to speak to him but he replied to the man who told him who is my mother and who are my brothers and stretching out his hand toward his disciples and keep in mind here in seven they're saying go there and let your disciples they're not saying their disciples go there and let your disciples get a big crowd get a bit you need to get a big public crowd right now everybody thinks you're crazy you got to do something that's gonna win some people over you haven't won us over yet why would you not go there if you're really trying to show that you're God why would you do this privately and we'll talk about that here in a minute so here's what Jesus said about his family look at this in Matthew 12 now getting to 49 and 50 here are my mother and my brothers pointing to his disciples for whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother hey you maybe you may think you're connected to me biologically but if you reject Jesus and this applies to us you know who our family really is the other followers of Jesus if you've got a family member that rejects Jesus that's not your family I mean you certainly might want to interact with them it says some worldly version of family but it's not true family spiritually and Jesus makes this very clear if these earthly brothers of mine continue to reject me they're not my family if my parents reject Jesus they're not my mother and father you'll hear this that again remember some of this teaching of Jesus is harsh and I think what we find a lot of times as we find people compromising Jesus to to appease their biological family and they almost have this feeling that family talking about biologically supersedes everything that's a lie from the pit of hell anybody who rejects Jesus is not my family my family are the fellow believers in Jesus now it doesn't mean I don't care about them it doesn't mean I won't continue to try to make them a true member of my family but when it comes down to rejecting Jesus I don't care who you are if you ask me to choose Jesus are you I won't choose Jesus every time it's not even a it's not even a something I have to ponder why because I've already told to do it I mean I already know what to do you know we were talking about today about you know he's talking about a lot of times when it comes to sin and today we're talking about sexual purity and people asking parenting what do you do dealing when you get to the point of having that talk with your children I said well this is one of those things that there's got to be some spiritual element to it because if all you're doing is telling your kids don't do this cuz they might get pregnant or get somebody pregnant or they gonna catch some disease or this is not the person you may not end up marrying none of those things work because you know everybody says well let's not lie to me if there's not a spiritual element saying don't blaspheme God by compromising his standard I would love to been taught that as a child not this is gonna get you in trouble because then what happens if you make a decision that you said well already know what to do before I'm ever in that situation those decisions seem to go a lot better if you're just making it up as you go then you usually always fail well I'll see what happens when it gets there but what's the standard why don't really have a standard somebody said something bout unwanted pregnancy or I might get a disease or this might be somebody else's wife one day know what the reason why that we don't compromise our sexual purity is because God said not to and he said anybody who belongs to me doesn't do that now if that's happened in your life then we certainly can be redeemed and then we're made as pure as we ever were before but you then don't say thank you for forgiving me and now go back and do it again because because then what does the Bible say now you don't have an excuse anymore so Jesus is clarifying if you want my real family and think about what he says over here Matthew 12 all those who do the will of my fathers they might know where that where else we hear that in the Bible Matthew 7 Matthew 7 many will say Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name do you mighty works in your name cast out demons in your name and I'll say I never knew you well you'll be saying you're not family only those who do the will of my father will inherit the kingdom of heaven meaning if you ever want to know who the false prophets are the false teachers and the false family members just watch how they live their life and if you don't see them doing the will of my father they're not with us I don't care what they say not that their obedience and and their commitment to the will of the Father and all the things the Bible says is the will of the Father and the will of God but they can't have encountered me and then reject the will of God they can't so they don't belong to us and they're not family so so he's clarifying that here and here's the reason why you know that this is the case as well as look what he says now so Jesus brothers we know what it referred to look what they say to him for for no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly if you do these things show yourself to the world they're really calling them out they say this makes us doubt you even more a son of God so here's this giant crowd in Judea why are you not going there and stand before this giant crowd this is a great platform for you to do these these signs and miracles you've been doing we want you to go this is where you need to go and what does Jesus say and look at 5 why don't we know that these are his brothers and why do we know that they don't believe him well coach John once again tells us in 5 4 90 and his brothers believed in him his earthly brothers that they're almost mocking him will see this just show what kind of strategy is this now you're afraid to go because you think you can get in trouble if you really were the Son of God and you really were gonna do all these things you do it in front of me people you possibly could and then Jesus says to them clearly look at 6 4 4 my time has not yet come but your time is always here so he tells his brothers my time has not yet come so what does he mean by that my time has not come what this means my time has not been come to be captured and killed and crucified and if and if I go when you want me to go that's what's gonna happen so that time has not come yet I haven't gotten the signal to tell me when to go and and and he said he points out just as always he says to this look he says in 7 the world cannot hate you but it hates me because I testify about about that it works or evil I test about about it that it's works are evil you know he says to his brothers who don't believe this is important you know he's saying you're in no danger to be killed by the world and because the world didn't hate you and you know why the world didn't hate you because you belong to the world hey can I tell y'all something guys listening if y'all watching or in the room you know who the adversary and the world never hates are the people who are he already has well I'm the world with the adversary waste time on anybody he already has why would the world waste time hating anybody that does what they want them to do you know we're I don't know we have to understand if the Bible says if you follow Jesus the world will hate you then it probably will if Paul says to Timothy all who choose to live a godly life will be persecuted you probably will when first Peter says in this you rejoice though now for a little while if necessary you have been grieved by various trials to test the genuineness of your faith that when old is tested by fire it perishes but that your faith won't perish and it'll result at the glorification and the revelation of Jesus Christ you you realize the Bible has never been silent that if you are gonna be a devout follower of Jesus the world will hate you so don't act surprised when it happens but then what does the Bible say over and over again but you persevere you press on you don't compromise Jesus you know there's so many times when we try we compromise to the world and we always put it under the guise where we're just trying to live to fight another day well then that means that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego should have just done whatever they came to them to do well we don't need to die because then we won't be here now remember I was just talking to a brother minute ago let me be clear between the difference between an idiot and a martyr an idiot goes looking for trouble and they almost they won't they always want to be in trouble because it brings attention to them they're there after trying to pick a fight that's an idiot a martyr is when they come for you you won't compromise Jesus that's a martyr when they come for you and say you either do this or you get fired you either do this or you get put in jail you either do this or we kill you now now that's a martyr an idiot just goes out looking to pick fights all the time when they're not even necessary and I have been an idiot before and I'm hoping to be more like a mortar and and and but but I can tell you this they have come for me a few times and that's when you stand ever say it's not gonna happen you don't want advertising me don't you don't like what we said about this fine don't be with us you don't want put the show on don't you don't wanna have a relationship with me fine now that's that's that's different we don't go looking for trouble but we don't compromise Jesus when trouble comes thereby with me and so so so Jesus says the reason why you don't have anything to be worried about but going to Judy is cause Judy loves you but they don't love me he says and why don't they me everybody got that what why did he say that the world doesn't love him because he points out how evil they are I mean this is Jesus's words can I say something you'll never be effective for the kingdom if you're afraid to talk about singing I mean cuz Jesus talks about it all the time we've already gone through examples of this I mean I matter of fact if if if if somebody won't tell you the truth they don't love you if somebody won't say look you know biblically that's right this and it's Jesus standard it's not mine now you don't become sanctimonious or self-righteous about it and what do you also do you make sure you've examined your own life pretty good before you start talking about because what Jesus has to say about somebody else he's also had to say the same thing about me and you in the Bible's clear as long as you have that balance right I'm gonna tell you this there's a lot of churches out there that draw a lot of people because they're never made it feel uncomfortable oh I can draw a crowd I know how to do it what you do is just tell people what they won't hear all the time you patronize them all you ever talk about but but see you can't give an incomplete resume on Jesus yes he's gracious yes He loves us but how about this he's also going judges and he also doesn't tolerate sin and he says this is sin and I point out how evil the world is so the world hates me and so he goes on he says this he says you go up to the feast talk about his brothers I'm not going up to the feast for my time has not yet fully come hey y'all go on if y'all won't go the feast y'all go and and I love this his earthly brother's can go whenever they want to go because they have no divine timeline he said but I'm on a divine timeline I don't go to my father tells me to go y'all go whatever you want to because y'all don't answer to anything yet because you don't even believe so so you're not on a divine timeline lost people will always that like lost people and they'll be reckless and they'll be foolish you go ahead and go because you're not answering anybody yet but I got an answer to the father and Han told me to go yet so I my brothers can't talk me into it my my so-called family can't talk me into it you know what Jesus showed us again don't let your family take your place that God don't want you to go and if they want to go then you let them go if they want to live that way you let them live that way but you're not going I'm not gonna go to the father tells me what to do why won't you attend that wedding cuz that ain't a real wedding where the family's going I'm not with that that's gonna upset some people it'll just have to I'd rather you be upset with me than God be upset with me if I'm gonna have somebody upset with me I'm gonna pick people every time I'm not gonna pick god cuz I've seen what happens when he gets upset and I wanna be part of that I'm fear God I'm terrified of God there was a time I wasn't but I certainly a.m. because the more I've got to know him I realized he's worthy to be terrified of Rick oh they didn't say that the Bible yes it does a lot it says to be in all and to dread him if you on the wrong side of him and so jesus said I'm gonna do what the father tells me to you after saying this he remained in Galilee so so I love this - remember this - his earthly brother's his family as the world defines family they were not allowed to sit his agenda only God set his agenda so make him know that as well so we do find out though what in verse 10 at some point the father did tell him to go cuz he goes but he goes on his father's timeline so it doesn't tell us when that happened but it look at 10 but after his brothers had gone up to the feast then he also went up not publicly but in private so the father did eventually say I do want you to go to this but don't go and do what they told you to do go the way I said to do it and I want you to go privately I don't you to kind of ease in and that's the way we're gonna do it so exactly what Jesus did because he was here to do what the will of his father the brothers wanted public the father wanted discreet so guess what he did he did it discreetly he was obedient to the Father the Jews were looking for him at the feast and verse 11 and saying where is he so the Jews that when they talks about this in John's Toma he said that the Jewish authorities there said where is he they expected him to come to the feast because he was an obedient Jewish man and he went to the feast and they knew he would come to it and they wanted they thought he'd come make a big production so they're looking for him and they can't find him and they were know where he's at so look at 12 and 13 and there was much murder muttering about him among the people while some said he is a good man others said no he he is leading the people astray 13 yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly about him that part's pretty easy he's saying look they're saying just keep it down about Jesus because the Jewish leaders are very upset about this guy but they're all sitting around discussing him and what are they discussing I think he's good I don't I think he's problem see this is that month that muttering and grumbling and discussing now let me taste it I don't know if y'all been around lady this hasn't ended you ever been around the group people they get talking about Jesus I think he's good man good teacher don't know about the miracles not sure about that they said the only way to heaven well you know he said yes I'm the way the truth in life and no man comes to the Father except through me well can you really trust scripture though do we know that's really would say it and you these conversations have never ended they they're still gonna that's exactly what's going on here so this so this is nothing new and then 14 about the middle of the feast that means somewhere in the middle of the of the seven days I like that John said about the middle of the face John somewhere in there Jesus went up into the temple and he began teaching now this is interesting so Jesus is gonna go ahead and and go and start teaching inside the temple he didn't go the way his brothers wanted him to he is he's focused on pride see but what else is he focused on obedience to the Father you know why he's gonna have a triumphant entrance but this isn't it some time for that now this is not some triumphant this is I'm the easing in here and I'm gonna get in the temple and I'm gonna start teaching so listen what says next about the middle of theis Jesus went up into the temple began teaching the Jews therefore marveled saying how is it that this man has learning when he has never studied how is it that this man is talking the way he's talking has this authority and and and and it's not kind of the authority like the teachers of the law it's even beyond that and and in John focuses on their astonishment revolving around his lack of formal training he hasn't had the training that you would normally see for our rabbis we know what the rabbi's go through to become these teachers he's never done that where did he get this training where where where did it come from ain't it interesting that this is happening now and you remember about when we studied Acts what did they say in acts 4:13 about Peter and John are they talking like this these are not learned men he's a fisherman and here they are saying the very same thing about Jesus this guy's teaching he has all this authority but he hasn't gotten the authority the way we normally see it done and then 16 Jesus clarifies so jesus answered them my teaching is not mine but his who sent me my teachings not my own the teaching you're hearing remember what we learned back back in back there's a study of job what is Jesus telling them back in 6 I'm now the narrator for the father the father and I are equal so if you want to know where my authority comes from which from the Father because I am God and I now it's not a big deal for God to know these things because I'm God and that's where my authority comes from is from the one who sent me and look at 17 so in 17 he says if anyone anyone's will is to do God's will he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I'm speaking of my own authority well he says if you do God's will you will know that I am who I say I am it's not to be discussed or debated but it is to be believed by faith if you desire in your heart to do God's will then you should be able to discern Who I am yourself but if you you people are who you claim if you're if you're God's chosen people and you know all the things about the father then if you truly are doing the will of God then right now you should see me and know who I am and you should completely discern whether I'm a fake I'm the real deal if you really are who you claim to be and you really are as close to God as you claim you are then you ought to know whether I'm a fake or not and that's something and see we have to be that way look that it's so important please especially the men that are part of this right now and I'm glad that the women joining us on on YouTube and podcast but listen men the responsibility that we have been given as a spiritual leaders of our home and I'm trying until my dying day to be sure that no one can ever look to the platform that God gave me and say you can't just tell me in to be spiritual leaders when they don't know what that means and you can't ask people to be a spiritual leader when they don't have the ability to do it so so this is important because as we move closer to the return of Jesus and we're closer today than we were yesterday as we move to the return of Jesus or your death we're gonna see more false teachers more false prophets more garbage and terrible theology and it is so crucial that we're so engrained in the Word of God and we so are connected to Jesus Christ and we're so driven by the Holy Spirit that the minute that the people we've been given responsibility to have a false teacher feeding them a bunch of garbage we have to step and say that's not true that that's a false prophet that's a false teacher that is incorrect and let me tell you something it should gravely concern us I don't care how you feel about President Trump it should gravely concern you that Paula White has been given a position in the White House as the spiritual guru for the leader of the free world that's not a Republican or democratic comment that's a Christian comment you should be gravely concerned about that that's a false teacher that's a false teacher and now that false teacher is speaking into the ear of a he's a Christian at all an infant of the faith we are in the last days it starts that she says she's a pastor we can't even get out of the gate with the right thing ok and now it's conveniently she's sent out to all the people support her ministry be part of these prophetic times for $3,600 you mean part of these prophetic times I like how she dumps it down though she goes the shoe really strapped financially we'll take $70 guys this is who he's listening to this is who's teaching him the faith and you should be gravely concerned about that and you better be able if the president gets up and says something idiotic that he's heard from this false teacher you better be able to say that's not true that's not true about our faith that's that's not right because I Suz got his ear go go google it for yourself she was just named into the 1st of November she's been given she'd been given a position to be to be the whole spiritual wing of this administration and that our two gravely concern you and if that bothers some of you get over it I'm just telling you that's the truth so so here's that's what Jesus is saying you have to be able discern so you'll know not what whether Jesus is who he says he is but anybody who now comes claiming to represent the father you you got to know this stuff verse 18 the one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true and in him there is no falsehood so was he say one thing to look for to be sure the person is is representing the father and it's really one of us one thing you look for is they're not trying to be glory to themselves they're not all they're doing is trying to get you and point you to the father if you seek to glorify yourself he is trying to bring glory to himself not to God and Jesus saying I'm here to point you to I'm not trying to be glory to myself even though he could I'm everything I'm saying is try to point you to the father he says so if I'm standing here and I keep trying to point you to the father how can I be a charlatan because you know they're gonna accuse him of having a devil here in a minute and all that how can that be a devil wouldn't get a parent points you to Jehovah he wouldn't point you to the one and only living God everything I'm saying is from the father I'm trying to bring glory to him I'm here to do the will of the Father I don't do anything but try to point you to him if you desire to know who I am then you should know the crowd doesn't get it because of the way they are not because of an in and inability for Jesus to do it you know he's saying if you don't get me and you don't believe in me it's cause you got a problem not because I'm the problem I've heard this said a thousand times if you feel distant from God he didn't move you did you did any issue you're having between you and God and feeling like he's not where you thought he would be what do you say if you seek me with everything you got you'll find me so if I can't find him then I'm not seeking him not to the level that I need to he didn't hide from us and what happens is for most of us and I used to be this way member everything I'll try sorry hit the microphone there everything that I'm telling you I've lived listen do not ever get the impression that hey man Richter statement hey I wish we didn't all the things away Rick said no you don't want to do things where I'll do them I'm trying to tell you to do them the way the Bible says to do them I'm telling you to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ know you don't you know follow teachers omit my I'm flawed but what I would do is I would go all right I want to seek Jesus and let's say the drum sets about half way this is good with me right now for me to experience true Redemption and the power of Jesus is over there at attack but say I know if I go over there there's certain things I can't do anymore and I'm just not sure I'm trying to find some way can I seek Jesus where I kind of know him I mean I know kind of few basics and I think I've done enough not to go to hell and then maybe I've been redeemed and maybe I've been justified but this whole my whole life revolves around you that's over there well I Got News for you if I'm only seeking him right here then I haven't followed what he said he said you seek me with all your heart you seek me with everything well it's just not this is kind of half-hearted Rick have you really experienced Jesus yeah well how come well I I don't want to go over there I don't want to do what he said I don't know about being all-in I want to be somewhat in because I still love the world well that's that's not all in and that may be why we've never found him because we haven't truly sought him so he's saying the same thing he's saying if anybody's trying to bring glory to himself that's a false teacher but there is no falsehood and the one who is trying to bring glory to God now look at this he's gonna double down a little bit in nineteen has not Moses giving you the law yet none of you keeps the law then why do you seek to kill me I mean did Moses not get up here and and and he says and you don't keep the law I mean you're not keeping God's will that's y-you can't discern that I'm who I claim to be if you truly we're keeping the will of God you would immediately said this is him Moses everything Moses gave you the forty to me and you know one of the things think about this he puts the pardon then while you're seeking to kill me he said if you want to murder me then you know you don't keep the law because the law forbids you to murder me that's what just murders somebody because they make you mad but yes some of y'all want to kill me and y'all claim the charr keeping the law that y'all follow with Moses told you about my father and in Psalms 40 verse 8 write that down-- Symes 40 verse 8 he says I desire to do your will oh my god your law is written within my heart so then as soon as they hear this because he brings up Moses y'all not even keep him with Moses in no wonder y'all can't discern Who I am once again this is these are kind of divisive words there they're not received very well look at verse 20 and I put down on my notes today they played the demon card verse 20 the crowd answered you have a demon who is seeking to kill you you have a demon you know you've got set us you've convicted us it's must be a demon because you're not saying what we want you to say what theme is continuing here you won't be who we want you to be you're not being who we want you to be and we don't know what to do with it so all that fails what we do see the mob mentality and the capsule mentality where we cancel people out it was alive and well here we don't like what you said you got a demon we counsel you you demon they just throw it out nowhere and then Jesus says in 21 through 24 listen to this I did one work and you all marveled at it he's now going back to the man by the pool they did he heal I sure was a big deal then Moses gave you circumcision not that it is from Moses but from the fathers and you circumcised a man on the Sabbath remember when I did that miracle and then I'll send y'all start getting on me about the fact that I did work on the Sabbath now wait a minute y'all say that a male should be circumcised on the eighth day period so what if that eighth they fell on the Sabbath did y'all circumcised the answer is yes and so you're telling me that healing a man on the Sabbath that that's not keeping the Sabbath well if we define it the way you've defined it you shouldn't have circumcised those male babies either but you did you see what he's doing wait a minute there's a terrible inconsistency in the way you live and the way you're telling me I should live and and he and he's called them out for this he goes I do this work and you guys get on me be it you yourself for circumcising children on the eighth day 23rd if on the Sabbath the men received circumcision so that the law of Moses may not be broken are you angry with me because on the Sabbath I made a man's whole body well do not judge by appearances but judge with the right judgment he said nothing wrong with judgment you just got to get it right remember he tells us this in the Sermon on the Mount we'll get you and Matthew oh it's ok to judge just judge correctly remove the log from your own eye then you can see clearly remove the speck from your brother's eye but you've got to be consistent here now can we circumcise on the on the Sabbath or not and if we can we can certain the hilum annum Sabbath you know we say yes y'all becomes so legalistically you can eat you've collided with yourself it's the law to circumcised on the eighth day there's supposed to be the law not to do anything on the Sabbath what about these babies that their eighth day is a Sabbath what do you do cease twisting them in their own circle and he says so if you're gonna judge you need to judge correctly what you should have done it's thought that through before you start accusing me of breaking the Sabbath and this goes back to our is to be sure that when we are passing judgment off on somebody that we know what we're talking about and we also be sure that we're not violating something ourselves that we're talking about so mere appearances are not that what we're supposed to judge he's saying stay away from self-righteous legalism if you want to judge correctly you judge under the authority of the Father and you certainly can call sin sin but you'd be sure you know what you're talking about and be sure you've looked at your own self to be sure there's no inconsistencies there now we get to 25 some of the people Jerusalem therefore said is not this man whom they seek to kill is not this the man that hood they seek to kill and and here he is speaking openly and they say nothing to him can it be that the authorities really know that this is the Christ hmm it's a really interesting thing that the people say there why they're not arresting him there he is this is the guy they've been looking for he didn't come to the feast in a public way they found him over in the temple he's teaching we're all kind of in all of the things he's saying he keeps giving a shutup juice every time we try to take him on something and but he is here if y'all want to arrest him go arrest him are they not arresting because maybe they're starting to realize he is the Christ if he's not the Christ get him and so so this is an interesting dilemma and they're going as far as to say but we know that where this man comes from and when the Christ appears no one will know where it comes from so we know where this guy isn't do we have that right 28 so Jesus proclaimed as he taught in the temple you know me and you know where I come from question but I have not come of my own accord he who sent me is true and him you do not know I know him for I come from him and he sent me so he's saying y'all think y'all know where I came from I came from heaven I didn't come from Bethlehem and I didn't come from Nazareth I'm not from the Galilee region if you really won't know where I came from I came from heaven do you know this she goes if you know this then you wouldn't be saying the things that you're saying he's trying to say you can't don't try to play that card they're not not fulfilling prophecy by you think that you just cuz you know where my mother and earthly mother and father lived but you really don't know where I came from you don't fully understand Who I am and then 30 so they were seeking to arrest him but no one laid a hand on him because his hour had not come temple guards sort of a temple police they were drawn from the Levites and and so they they put they brought them over that always means hey we got trouble in the temple and they had kind of like you know this raised head if you go to shades Mountain in here this is their neil bird okay so so anyway that's an inside joke and it is hilarious by the way but anyway so so the temple guards come over there from the Levites and they're kind of the the temple force but they're there but they don't get him so so they've been brought to come over and and and he says that you know that that when when the the Christ appears he would do more signs than then this man has done so they're saying now that they're not sure whether he's the Christ they don't know why he has not been arrested he said now they won't lay a hand on him because the hour had not come look at 31 yet many of the people believed in him they said what what what the Christ appears when the Christ appears will he do more science than this man has done so so the guards come they don't grab him why because the father won't let him it's not time how about this remember this always does make you love Jesus even more and he says that when he talks to Pilate Jesus Christ is in charge of this the entire time Jesus lays down his own life nobody takes it from him he raises it up again and we said to Pilate nobody here has authority over me any authority that you be given like right now if the father wanted you to arrest me he'd allow it but he's not and then you know what's certain the people saying all right look they're not arresting him we know these these signs and wonders that he's done if which comes and this isn't him what else is Christ gonna do bigger than this guy's already done you know what they're saying what else do we have to see what would be bigger than what we've already seen and I think we have to ask ourself this question if you're watching this you're listening this or you're in this room what else does Jesus have to do for you to believe in it what else look at your life rejecting him how's that going well what else does Jesus have to do for you other than going to the cross saying I'll forgive you of all sin I will offer your peace that is supernatural and defies all logic and even when you're going through the roughest and terrible times you'll have joy in your heart because I've truly overcome the world I've actually I offer Redemption everything you've ever done I will see it no more I went to the cross so you didn't have to go I defeated eternal death so you don't have to die and and I've done all this and you know what we need to be saying what else does he have to do what else does he have to do if he never did another thing for us but the cross he's done more than enough what what's so difficult about this so the people are saying the same thing so then the Pharisees heard the crowd muttering these things about him and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him that's these temple guards I'm telling you about and Jesus then said I will be with you a little longer and then I'm going to him who sent me you will seek me and you will not find me where I am you cannot come so jesus knows when these temple guards show up that the cross is near and it will be soon that he'll go back to the Father and and and he and and and now they're thinking that what he's talking about and you see here in a minute that he's gonna leave this area and just go over and start preaching to the Greeks so he won't be in danger or the Greek speaking Jews that's what they think he's talking about they don't think he's told about what are you really is talking about what he's saying yes I'm about to complete my time here and then I'm going to the Father now this is important if you're watching you listen this in the room okay don't miss that jesus said where I'm going you cannot come what what he is saying there is right now when I go there you can't come but you know that's he saying and those you that reject what I'm gonna do you'll never be able to come to me where I'm going you won't ever get there you're gonna look for me and I'm gonna be gone your your window will have closed and you rejected the salvation that I required and you can't come where I'm going because my father's holy and if you're not with me you don't get to go so on the last day of the feast the great the great day Jesus stood up and cried out if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink whoever believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water now this he said about the spirit who those who believed in him were to receive for as yet the spirit had not been given because Jesus was not yet glorified now I'm running out of time a little bit but I'm gonna try to hit this for you picture you got a picture this because what Jesus just said is such a cool visual on the last day of the feast what he's talking about the great day there there there was a there was a flagon this is that they filled with water and and and they got it out of the the pool of Siloam and then they would start this procession led by the high priest back to the temple holding this water that they got out and they were going to take it in as a sacrifice of the harvest and for water being provided and Jesus is now as this he this is happening and Jesus says anyone who thirsts let him come to me and drink see this ritual you're seeing right now this is all this is all pointing to me I'm the living water either I made this analogy before and he says but if you come and drink of me and you and you believe what the Scriptures have said about me out of your heart will be continuous flowing a river of living water that of course will be his presence the Holy Spirit as John tells us Jesus points that he is a river of living water meaning that when men when he said it's good that I go when we get to Acts chapter 2 you know chapter 1 hey it's good that I go why cuz boy we got a game-changer coming there's now going to be a river of flowing water the flowing of my presence in your spirit and my presence will be with you always and we've talked about this before and y'all pray for me I'm working on some curriculum to go with this we've got to understand that at Acts chapter 2 when this river of flowing water comes of living water it's a game-changer and the standard for followers of Jesus is raised then the example becomes how these followers of Jesus acted when they got that spirit and let me tell you something they didn't run from little girls by the fire anymore they didn't run from authorities they didn't flee from danger they weren't afraid to be martyred and they wouldn't compromise Jesus for anybody anywhere anytime that's our standard not anything prior and the way people behave prior the way the church behaved after Acts chapter 2 is our current standard and if you're still living by the standard of those who didn't receive the Holy Spirit it's probably cause you don't have it because it's a game-changer according to the words of Jesus but he says the Holy Spirit is not ready to be poured out on my church yet because I have not yet fulfilled everything I need to do 40 when they heard these words some of the people said this really is the prophet others says this is the Christ but some said is the Christ to come from Galilee has not the scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David and comes from Bethlehem the village where David was that's important in it 43 so there was division among the people over him some of them wanted to arrest him but no one laid hands on him the officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees who said to them why did you not bring him the officers answers and no one ever spoke like this guy you know these officers saying hey why didn't y'all grab him which means they were towed too yeah you weren't there I don't know about grabbing this guy no one ever talked like this so look how many times that God's being gracious even to these leaders don't do this I'm trying to show you an over over again Who I am don't do this you know when they finally do come get him in the garden and when he says I am he and it knocks him down would that not have been a game changer for you I think I roll on after that he kept me out of the army what have you got to do diagramming this guy all he said was that he was who he we were looking for and it knocked us down but anyway sometimes though we just bullheaded aren't we we're going to crucify Jesus no matter what and let me tell you something they don't have the corner marking on this we do it all the time he said so but the crowd the Pharisees answered them have have you also been deceived is this guy got into you to s he deceived you look at 48 have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him hey we sent some guys over there are they are they all in - but the crowd that does not know the law is a cursed Nicodemus who had gone to him before remember what does it mean to be born again who was when them said does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and and learning what he's done Nicodemus says hey y'all can't dis - y'all can't do this y'all acting like you're followers of the law you're a cursed because you're not following protocol does our law not require that we got to go interview this guy and let him speak for himself you can't just go grab him and kill him that's not what the law allows and then they replied are you from Galilee - talking to Nicodemus are you are you from this region is this your area and I love that I mean they did they keep on they keep on talking about this they mock him and they're what they say to him next though and we'll close on this hey Nicodemus why don't you search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee go check on that this guy's claiming a lot of stuff we know where he's from is this is Galilee in play and prophecy don't you go check on that now what did they set up in 42 though I think it's 42 doesn't messiah come from the line of David isn't he supposed to come from Bethlehem well we're gonna find out that he did but I love how they leave it with Nicodemus let's all calm down go get us some more information on this guy well let me ask you this how many times in your life have you had that happen yeah you know I've learned a lot about Jesus and and I've heard a lot of information about him but you know I'm still kind of checking on it any officer any all in here I'm come to the Bible studies I'm kind of kicking the tires on Jesus a little bit I'm gonna check in on this how much longer how much more do you need to know about Jesus are you just are you really really truly seeking Him or you just keep saying that as a delay because let me tell you what what the adversary will do if you're in this room are you watching you're listening let me tell you what the adversary will do if you've made the efforts you've made to be part of the study of God's Word that we've been doing in here for any amount of time because any amount of time in that word is gonna start drawing you to him it's just that powerful so Satan may be done we're trying to convince you that Jesus isn't who he says he is he's too far gone now I mean if he tries to convince you this is all hogwash you keep coming here and you keep listening you keep watching so he realizes I don't know that I can make that case anymore I think you you're too far gone now let me tell you what he will do just not today just not today just put it off you're into conviction right now it's uncomfortable you're about to go back to work you're about to go back to whatever you do before you start watching this or listening to this just going back to your life yeah Jesus may be the Son of God and certainly you may need to be redeemed you may not be justified and you probably need to be justified you probably need to repent of your sin you probably need to submit to his authority just not today just keep checking on it just keep coming to Bible studies keep read and keep keep doing it talk to some more people just keep clinging to that sin keep clinging to whatever it is it's in conflict with him keep on letting it be sad for you let it numb you a little bit longer now Jesus is better than all that and one day you'll experience that but not today just put it off a tee another day if that's your attitude that comes straight from the pits of hell or it comes straight from your flesh that keeps saying I don't want to die I don't want to die and then cut and then Jesus says deny yourself died to self and follow me but we can't have funerals without dead people and maybe today's today you just need to die so we can finally have that funeral for you and that old you will die you submit to the authority of Jesus repent of your sins and he'll make you new not tomorrow today let's pray lord thank you for this message thank you for the conviction thank you for for this historical moment as we're watching and listening lord I do pray if there's anybody in this room and there's anybody watching and listening to this that just like these people they keep hearing you they keep looking at you they keep testing you and they've come to conclusion that you are exactly who you say you are but that means that you offer Redemption which is incredible good news there right now they would just say Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins I submit to your authority and everything I repent of my sin I turn from my sin I turn to you I believe that you are salvation I believe that you are my Savior I believe that you redeemed me on the cross and lord I received the gift that God has provided in you and I don't know much about you yet I can't wait to know more but today I'm gonna be justified Lord Jesus please save me I believe in my heart and and I confess with my mouth that you are Lord and I believe that you rose out of the grave on the third day you ascended to the Father and that you have paid for my sins and I ask that you forgive me I want to be with you I want to be part of your family the Bible says if you're sincere in your heart and nobody knows that but you that you that you have been and will be saved in the name of Jesus we pray amen thank you very much guys
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 3,716
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Id: Z9uYE8vR8RI
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Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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