Rich people who married poor, what surprised you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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rich people of Rome did who married someone significantly poorer what surprised you about their previous way of life my so said today I made rent meaning today I've earned enough accumulated enough to pay the rent and I realized that this is a monthly accomplishments to someone with no fixed income salary I fell in love with my uni best friend who really didn't have any money when I got a job from my birthday I decided to plan a holiday and offer to bring them along it didn't even occur to me that this was his first ever holiday he'd ever taken his family could never afford him growing up and he'd never really thought to do it as an adult edit rippin box thank you all for the love and support sandwiches when I made him a sandwich I only put one thin slice of meat in it he couldn't believe that was how I had sandwiches growing up my experience is from the opposite perspective I was the poor one it absolutely floored me how my wife acts when something broke like a car appliances clothes etc as a child living below the poverty line replacing a tire or other necessities was a disaster requiring tricky trade-offs in the budget or just plain acceptance of just how boned you were when my wife's phone broke I went into full panic mode while she shrugged and said we can just a new one this afternoon and then we did edit row' I have received a lot of responses on this by far my most upvoted comment you guys made my day thank you I have seen a few repair it comments like many of you I am also a Picasso MacGyver of the duct tape and trash bag world this skill helped me break into IT sadly the phone was beyond repair trust me if I could have fixed it I would have and thank you for the silver last edit you all are giving me too many medals I am very flattered but this is going to spoil me when we moved in together I found out that she was putting her share of the rent on her credit card with no real plan for how to pay it off edit if you're coming in here to say you can't pay rent on a credit card or you were her plan LEM save you a few keystrokes don't honestly food insecurity when we were first married she would get visibly uneasy if the food in the house was running low she never over ate or anything she was just always concerned about it a lot of times when she was younger she went hungry on the humorous side though she hates camping her answer is always the same I camp because it was fun she camp because they couldn't afford hotels I'm from the poorer family not super poor but my in-laws have a stupid amount of money so by comparison I'm very poor but I think I can answer for her we have two young kids and my wife was shocked when I said we should look for clothes and toys for them at local flea markets and garage sales the idea never occurred to her that we could save money by getting some gently used items she had never even been to a garage sale in her life she has grown to love them and now questions whether it is worth it to buy any item new or not before running to Amazon or a store her parents think it's disgusting we make our kids wear clothes that another child had before but they don't pay my bills rich people have read it who want to marry someone significantly poorer hello and x200 be and x200 be edit figures my most upvoted comment on reddit is me being a gold digger but I will take it as a win since I got gold Hamburger Helper she hates it because it would be her meal 5x a week growing up I had never even seen h/h before I went to college and love that stuff 10 for $10 deals are awesome the prevailing mindset in his community growing up that insurance was something only rich people had not health insurance mind you where not just health insurance auto insurance going without it was a way of life for most everyone he knew long-term dating pets I was always surprised by the number of pets she and her family had living in the trailer and how much of a share of their income they spent on them I didn't marry this woman but when we started dating she always wanted to chill at my place never hers which was fine but she gained 35 pounds in just like a few months of dating she was 100 pounds when we started dating not that it was a bad thing one I am a chubby man in two I was just glad she wasn't pregnant anyway turns out her family couldn't like a for dinner sometimes so suddenly she had a place to eat every night and gorged herself I dated a one percenter briefly she was surprised I willingly went inside fast food restaurants edit since people are saying 1% is still a huge range in income I just looked up a dad he pulls in dollar sign 10 zero zero zero zero zero zero a year I'm from an upper-middle class American family and my husband is from a poor SC Asian family it is hard for me to wrap my head around how poor they really were when he was growing up he told me about eating only rice with sugar for meals because they couldn't afford meat they were probably living off less than $0.50 a border to build credit there was always money to pay it off each month so it made sense to one build credit and to collect airline miles or whatever the reward was back in the day when we got together she always used cash or a debit card she had a credit card for emergencies and avoided using it otherwise it took a long time to get her over her aversion skepticism we were fortunate to have two good-paying jobs though it also taught me a healthier for what it means to have a financial cushion not rich but with a partner who was raised by a team team mom and grew up poor sometimes I just want rice and vegetables for dinner that's a no from her she won't go back when the family had people over for dinner if they ended the prayer before the meal with F H B amen it was a signal to let the children know that they don't have enough food for everyone so take smaller servings and let the guests get a regular serving F H B equals family hold back double quote they were always generous to their friends and didn't let their lack of funds embarrass themselves when doing so I am on the other side as I married a girl from a rich family although we both earned the same and I tend to worry about money savings future through the years I have realized that she worries less about it and still saves more and spends less than me I feel like coming from a lower middle-class family makes me think about saving more but at the same time I spend money on things that I could not have them all before I got my own job My partner and I are both poor but different kinds of poor she's never been homeless or not had enough to eat while I have she's extremely frugal and hates buying anything we don't need I feel a desperate need to stock up if we have any extra money and it's a fight for me not to fill our house with canned and dry goods in case we don't have enough money to buy food next month for some reason it makes no sense but my instinct is to hoard food because there just was never enough of it around growing up I'm not rich at all but my husband came from a very poor Mexican village he told me he used to shower outside because there was no in-house plumbing and used leaves as toilet paper I mean there's poor and there's my husband's previous life poor he's been living in the US for 12 years now but when we first met it was so interesting seeing life through his childlike eyes going to the cinema was a huge event for him heating food up in a microwave was a totally foreign concept and staying at fancy hotels when we went on vacation was like whoa I still see him surprised by things now and then and it just reminds me how much I take my middle status class for granted she and her mother lived with her grandfather to not be homeless because her grandfather owned a house she was put in Community College payments on her credit card and building debt with it I paid off her credit cards when we were dating and she cried from me being so nice it was only like 1 300 bucks I bought a condo then we got married then we bought a house I never really considered myself for it until I started dating her and learned that a trip to Wendy's was a treat I grew up middle class and we are currently middle-class Hey he was making good money but came from a poor family one thing that surprised me was the lack of budgeting no knowledge of a 401 K Roth IRA retirement seemed like something that he'd never get to do so even though he made good money he was starting to rack up credit-card debt now he's much better at it than I am he adores budgeting and looks forward to fire edit fire is financial independence retire early there's a sub attached to this idea Furman shilin dependents sorry about the confusion one of my exes could pull in a lot of money easily twice or thrice what I could he was so incredibly bad at saving this money down to say setting himself up as a company to avoid paying higher rate of tax but then paying a large amount each month to an accounting company to handle his taxes which he'd do himself anyway because he didn't trust them to get it right he'd pay for taxes from one end of the city to another or hire cars rather than use public transport flights canceled booked new ones never bother to claim back on insurance buy a sports car wreck it sell it for scrap he'd work contracts and then take time off to work on his own startup but spend every weekend just going out and buying drugs and do booze I thought it was really fun and wild first Halla money really means nothing to you but when we became a long-term couple I started feeling like his mother man will you not just fill out the insurance paperwork asterisk my wife was born and raised in the Soviet Union she still goes crazy for fresh fruit like it's the most extravagant luxury I was with a girl for a while who grew up in a pretty broken home still surprises me just how bad her spending habits are she racks up credit card debt like it's nothing more of a funny incident but I was the poor one my husband at the time still boyfriend took me out to a very nice restaurant waiter asked if I want pepper on my Caesar salad that was just made tableside I said sure and he goes about it thing is I didn't know you had to say stop my husband slowly realizes this but decides to see it play out he did eventually say that I need to say stop I just thought a Caesar was had this way as it was my first time even eating a salad that wasn't just iceberg and ranch dressing it still tasted fine just a little bit too much pepper haha my wife earned many times more than I did when I was a high school teacher back when we were dating she sometimes would drive my ten years old primer black stick-shift Honda Civic that my cousin lent me until I could buy another car she was blown away how aggressively mean people are to you when you drive an ugly old car when she got out of the car the spell lifted I got a lot of respect from her for that she seemed to think I was a saint for not turning sour over it I was constantly getting pulled over by cops and let go targeted by road rage and also pedestrians felt too comfortable engaging with me I Drive a new Honda one year old now and it is so different I Drive the same but probably drive a bit more aggressively now that I can't hear the wind roaring by when I'm going over 40 miles per hour I haven't been pulled over and haven't had a negative interaction on the road in long time also my wife now enjoys trading cars with me making financial decisions based around the three paycheck month if you're paid every two weeks most months you get two paychecks and all of your monthly bills and budgeting is based on those two paychecks but twice a year there are three paydays in a month and that's when you can actually solve problems that's when you can get the car registered or fix the dryer or get the cat spayed the other ten months you're doing maintenance and trying to scrape by three Paycheck months you can actually try to fix problems it doesn't directly relate to the amount of money they had I don't think but their place was always filthy I mean dogs tea everywhere my soul lived with his mom sometimes but would rotate between her and his father and both places were this way dishes piled up floors were grimy the place s stunk of dog pee and cigarette smoke one time I used the bathroom at one of his parents places and had to spread my feet while sitting on the toilets to avoid stepping in period blood I mean it was so disgusting my sir was baffled when after we first got married and moved in with each other every day he would come home to her generally I'm not perfect spotless home now on the flip side I once dated a guy whose stepfather was a lawyer so they lived a lavish lifestyle the only thing that he was surprised about when it came to my lifestyle was that I did not eat pizza with knife fork and a glass of wine law not super rich by any means but my husband said he'll always be surprised about the following how I lived off of 13 K in 2011 resiliency to survive financially and pursue my dreams of being he first college graduate how I didn't know what spinach was or tasted like until our first few dates in addition to hell out of the leafy greens edited formatting and grammar sorry guys what I learned in this thread is rich people don't like spending and poor people spend money like it is nothing she lived in the desert without air-conditioning oddly my wife's family and upbringing was much poorer than mine and x200 be surprisingly she is the one who has poor spending habits I am the frugal one I always weigh the inherent value equality of the purchase versus the cost she never does she doesn't think much ahead of the basic monthly paycheck cycle she'll spend money on junk I'll wait and wait then buy something really nice as opposed to some cheap pose that merely fills the gap in the moment and x200 be it has been the cause of many an argument between us both came from poor backgrounds how be now earned six figures I still buy my clothes from a charity shop because I cannot ever fathom why you'd spend you acute 400 on shoes and bags for a season you can buy designer clothes in a charity shop if you know what you're looking for I think M&S n't Waitrose are just overpriced when you can get a trolley full of fresh food and eat like kings at Aldi for you acute 100 I don't do takeaway food funny story though when we first got together I was making a spaghetti dinner and grabbed a bottle of red wine off his shelf to add to the sauce I didn't know what you acute 45 bottle of wine was and still think had taste it's pretty ordinary and I drink a lot of wine my family is far from rich but I grew up closer to the upper-middle-class realm and was making 3x as much as my now husband when we met he grew up extremely poor and his family is still living that way one big difference is how he's surprised that my parents pick up the check when we go out to celebrate a birthday or a graduation and that my parents ask him to pick whatever restaurant he wants outside of the ritziest steak house in town they don't care to his family a big meal out is going to McDonald's and not eating off the dollar menu I'm serious I was adopted at age seven I lived in extreme poverty and then all of a sudden I lived with a doctor who bought gifts for birthdays and Christmas I didn't know that was a thing I didn't know you could go to the store to get food I just thought you went to the church and had to pray before they give you a bag of food my wife genuinely thought and her family still does that there is a direct relationship between someone's net worth in the labels they purchase if someone doesn't have a Gucci bag or a Rolex watch why it's because they can't afford it my wife was astonished when I first told her that people exist at our ultra wealthy and yet driver old cars and wear clothes without labels about to marry him we met in college and my parents paid for everything while he had student loans and a part-time job to pay for everything else if he was really hurting his parents would transfer $40 into his account but that was pretty rare and they'd give him hell if he asked he was always very anxious about spending money and never bought name brands he would also buy essentials like toilet paper by two rolls at a time one play only he didn't really realize that buying so little every few days was wasting money rather than buying in bulk when we booked our first vacation cheap road trip to Georgia he couldn't pay for anything and was worried the whole time the anxiety that would keep him up at night made me so sad he still never fills up his gas tank hauled away only ten dollars at a time drives me nuts but now we both have great full-time jobs and he rarely has any anxiety he never has to worry about money anymore and is so much happier as a result she wouldn't waste any food ever we went through a few rounds of her getting sick from eating month-old muffins and similar before I convinced her it was okay to toss old food and go shopping I'm not the rich one and we're also not married but I was blown away that my boyfriend believed public colleges are all tuition free I literally had to show him the financial aid pages for a couple of schools to prove that public universities cost money I just can't imagine like not even having to think about paying for college this is super embarrassing and will probably make you all hate me if it even gets any attention but I come from a family just a bit higher than the top 1% I was walking out of my ex's garage and I saw a lawnmower I asked her why they owned their own lawnmower if they weren't in the landscaping business that was the day I learned most people don't hire other people to mow their lawn edit I was 20 I am actually on the other end of this I grew up in a trailer park with my single mom and eventually met my ex who grew up in the upper crust of society it was super obvious how differently we grew up because of it egg I would tend to use things until they literally fell apart I was wearing my last pair of shoes until the soles fell out from under them and I was walking on my socks she would just throw things on the floor because the maid would take care of it she just didn't give a sh t about cleaning up after herself or about what things cost for what she got out of it I've always been frugal to have fooled because I never grew up with enough to afford to piss away she basically got what she wanted when she wanted never had to worry about whether or not she could afford something when you have no reason to care you don't she had no concept of what it was like outside the financial bubble she lived in it was like she was viewing the rest of society through binoculars my wife isn't even significantly less wealthy than me or my family but they were less stable middle-class she saves yogurt cups and butter jars etcs Tupperware it drives me bananas we make a six-figure income in a Lois call area not exactly what you're asking but I dated a girl who had received a hefty inheritance from her grandparents and parents and remember eating some prepackaged meal at her place and liking the food so I asked where she got it and how much it was she said Whole Foods and that she didn't ever look at prices it build my mind that someone could shop at Whole dudes no less and not even consider prices she just grabbed what he liked and threw it in the cart answering as a poor person whose partner's family is rich I about fell out of my chair the first time we went out to eat and he ordered an appetizer in addition to his entree that's when I knew [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 137,699
Rating: 4.8757653 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: DKH3bKuqS0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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