KITCHEN GADGETS Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S2 E4

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(cheerful classical music) - I don't know what to do. - That's annoying! - Looks terrible, we're hiding these. - Ow! - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Hello, he's Mike and I'm just really, really sorry. - Yep, me too, this is one of the most requested things from you ever. - We are a James down today, because he's got-- - He's got a runny bottom. - Dodgy tummy I was gonna say. Janice, what's our theme? - [Janice] Today's theme is kitchen gadgets. - Ooh! - Yeah! - What a surprise. - Guys, I don't understand how is that a theme for cooking? - [Janice] After each person has had their turn, they must select a kitchen gadget previously featured on "Sorted," that the next player must use. - Must use? Do we have an order? And there's still only four of us. - [Janice] Double trouble rules apply, one of you must go first and last. Today that person is Jamie. - No, why? - Oh no! - Yes! - [Janice] The boys will individually spend 10 minutes in the kitchen contributing to a collective dish. Once their time is up, they will pass it on to the next person, who has no idea what has happened previously. Once everyone has had a turn, the collaborative creation is then revealed to the group. (upbeat rock music) - My first 10 minutes is mainly gonna be made up of organizing everything that I want to happen, I think I want to make the ultimate pork chorizo burger, chips, slaw, we can have an egg, which we can turn into like an aioli type thing, we've got an aioli maker back there. Slaw, chips, this is really tough, 'cause we're a chef down and well, we're two spaffs up, so we are at two distinct disadvantages. Get them into there, the important thing about caramelizing onions, it's got to be really low for a long time, so this should give them a good amount of time to get going. Butter. (gasping) Is that a potato peeler? That's a potato peeler. It's electric, this one peels potatoes, right? (upbeat rock music) I'm gonna make that into chips now, look at how ridged it is. Oh, yeah, look at these chips, yeah. Okay, okay, right, these can go into here and we need some oil, oil, oil. Right, they're not gonna need the full time, so I might just leave those on the side. Into the bowl is gonna go some pork mince, I think that's pork mince. - It's lamb mince. - I'm also gonna now wash my hands. If I can cut this open. It hasn't really got a skin on it like I wanted. Right, how long have I got left? One minute 10 seconds. (buzzer blasting) Done. I went in a good direction, solid start, I'm gonna have to rate myself now and then possibly delete my rating when it gets to the end, so I'm gonna give myself middle of the road, a little bit higher, 6.23 and the gadget that I've chosen for Ben to use next is the mayonnaise maker. (exaggerated giggling) - Okey dokey, okey dokey. (buzzer blasting) I'm guessing this is going into an oven, 'cause it's not gonna cook any other way, unless we deep fry them, but that's probably not best. He's left me, whoa, this. I wasn't privy to this particular gadget, so I haven't actually used it before. He's also left me chorizo, fairly predictable, but a good flavor. I'm gonna get some fat out of these chorizo. I've never used this, I don't know how to use this. I'm not sure that's the wisest play from Jamie, easy to communicate for sure, but I feel like what I should be doing is something more timely like cooking some mince. But we'll go his way. Black pepper, salt, I should've looked at this before I took it apart, there we go, no, oh, I could've made mayonnaise by now, by the time I've worked out how to use this thing, this is ridiculous. Half regular oil, half olive oil, the seasoning is in there and then as you push the button, it slowly drip feeds this in. Ideally the chorizo fat will go in there as well. Has he seasoned any of this? No. Lamb and chorizo, a nice combination, so it is gonna work. Do we want anything else in there? I mean, I'm surprised Jamie hasn't, he's left the chili out, I'm gonna add a little bit in. Heavy on the salt. Some fresh herbs. The pan is now hot, so what we can do is do some smash burgers and cook it in the same pan as the chorizo, once we've taken the chorizo oil out for that. I've got three and a half minutes left, not a huge amount. This is how we wanna cook the burgers, so that is gonna clamp it and then go into a microwave and what would also be nice is some strips of courgette, because I think the burger's gonna need something in it other than just meat and mayo. Courgette going into the pan in some of that chorizo fat. This is ridiculous. (buzzer blasting) Time up, they'll get the hint, right? I'm still gonna give myself five and a half and the gadget that I've chosen for Barry to use is the microwavable burger patty thing. (upbeat rock music) - Oh! Okay, okay, right. (buzzer blasting) Interesting, straightaway chorizo's out, Jamie's been here. Was Ben here last, really? The hob's been left on, who's been here, Barry? So I'm making burgers, I'm making burgers in a microwave. Before I make my burger and use the gadget, I'm gonna chop up some mushroom and get them fried off in a pan. Mushrooms going in. To use this gadget, you had to put it in the microwave for three minutes to heat up. Burger feels like it's well-formed. Wait a minute, that's been off the heat, was that meant to be on that hob? Oh, crap! Let's put that back on, bugger! And all you have to do is take your burger, lay it onto the scalding hot pan, pop that on top and then back into the microwave. Crap, how long does it go in the microwave for? I'm guessing four minutes in a microwave to cook the burger, but I have no idea. This is reheating the lovely aubergines, courgettes, they're courgettes! They're not aubergines, I've just realized! We've got some cheese! The cheese-- (buzzer blasting) Oh, crap, time's up! I'm gonna give myself a, four, four for microwaving a burger. I love an egg in a burger, it's a bit out there, but for me, it's a finishing touch. Mike cannot poach eggs, luckily I'm leaving him with some of these handy pouches, he's gonna hate me. You do you. (quirky melodic music) - Okay, (buzzer blasting) what have we got here? Oh, it's messy, oh! Great, I feel like I've been left the poached eggs bag, because I don't know how to make poached eggs. We've got some aubergine in here, we've got some courgette in here. Oh, are we making chips? They're pretty well done, maybe that's salvageable, they're not anything to do with me. What are we making? Oh no! Burgers, they've left me like literally enough for one burger and I don't know what this is, is it pork? I feel like that's not enough mince. Oh, I could ruin this, no, I'm going for it, screw it! Screw it! I'm gonna give it a little bit of extra seasoning, because I've added some stuff. Right, let's make some patties, so smash burgers sizzle. I don't know what these are. I'm glad they're nothing to do with me, because I wouldn't be proud of them. Will you heat up? (food sizzling) I think I'll wait for that to get up to poaching and I'll crack it in and then I'll just leave it, I'll do this anyway. Come on, heat up! Five, four, three, two, I'll have to use the gadget and it's in. I'm gonna score myself a three, 'cause that was bad and I'm going to choose Jamie the pineapple corer, because I feel like we need some sort of fruity slaw. - Quick, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run! - Don't be like that! - Run, run, run, run, run. Okay. (buzzer blasting) Right, burgers, yes this is what I wanted! Right, okay, chips are not great. (upbeat dance music) Decent, decent! How long has that egg been poaching for? Oh, hm, ah! Just get this out of the way. ♪ I think you put it in here ♪ ♪ And then you give it a spin ♪ ♪ And then it cuts you some nice little pineapple rings ♪ (upbeat dance music) Ah-mazing! I could not have cut a pineapple quicker than that. Yes! Yes, boy! Slight issue with the gadget, it just leaves you with coils. Oh, my goodness, why is that so foamy? Seven minutes. I think. There's no egg on this burger. Right, let's get these burgers out, 'cause they look pretty much done and now it should really be more of a construction jobby. Who the put courgette in a burger? Microwave keeps beeping, why's the microwave beeping? Oh no, somebody's cooked burgers in the microwave! One burger, there's one burger! Get our burger buns toasted in fat. Yes, boy! Oh, F this, I should've cooked the cheese! Right, melt. I'll have to serve these chips up, because we have nothing else. Spaff! (upbeat dance music) Some of this on the top of, oh, you piece of sh. These courgettes have got Evers written all over them, they really have. (buzzer blasting) My previous rating was 6.23, I'm gonna downgrade that to a 5.97, I feel like I lost a little bit. So are you ready? - Ready. - Yeah. - I'm ready. - I don't, I don't, oh! - What? (cheerful melodic music) - Given the flavors that I know that I put in there, to see cheese and pineapple appear like a '70's dinner party. - I thought pork and chorizo both would be really nice. - I'm interested to know where you put the pork in? - In the bowl. - 'Cause I was left lamb mince. - Oh! - So first thing I did was preheat the microwave griddle thing, stuck that into the microwave for three minutes to get it hot, the burger. - Oh no! I didn't think I did that badly. - So whilst it was in the microwave, I also got some mushrooms on the go, I thought that could be a nice component to mix into the mayonnaise or put on top. I wasn't thinking pineapple, no, the only thing there that I thought would add to this burger, egg, because-- - So there's mushrooms and egg that haven't made it to the table. - Yep, yep. - So-- - Didn't you hear the beep of the microwave? - No, I did not check in the microwave. - So your mushrooms, your egg and your burger didn't make it to the table. - Wait, wait, wait. (laughing) - Well, the good thing about the egg, - Oh, my goodness! - it's now perfect for a burger in terms of its shape, I love what Barry said, which is Mike really struggles to poach eggs, so I'm gonna leave him these to make it easier. I think the pineapple has curdled the cheese, because that smells like vomit. - Having to crowbar using a gadget in, cheers, guys was actually really, really difficult. - Here we go, I can't get over that smell. - It's weird, isn't it? - I can't eat that. That's not going anywhere near my mouth. - What do you mean, it smells? - It does, it's not great. - It'll be fine, cheers. - Cheers. (melodic upbeat music) - That is the saddest one yet. - I honestly-- - The burgers are overcooked, the cheese and the pineapple has curdled, the chips are burned and the courgettes aren't great either and weren't meant to be a side dish or a garnish. - Doesn't taste great, to be fair. - There are key lessons here, that we can learn and we'll pass the next one, we will pass the next one. Look at what's already there and don't feel pressure to make something for the sake of making it. So it's a resounding fail, what do we rate ourselves? - Oh no, I started at a 6.23. - I gave myself a three. - 6.2, I give it, yeah, a four. - Five and a half. - I downgraded myself at the end to a 5.97. - It's a resounding fail, we all deserve zeroes, but we will come again next time, we will do this, we will do this. - Usually at this point, we'd ask you to rank us out of five, but I don't wanna know what you've got to say, if I'm honest, don't comment below. - One thing that you can do however is go and watch our Reaction video, we've done one before and you really loved it, so we put it live on our channel. It's all of us sitting down and watching each other's performances together for the very first time, you can go and watch that over on YouTube or click the link down below. - Not only is there another video, but it was so close to giving you the Dad Joke of the Week. - I know, well, we'll have to hold off until Sunday, but we will see you there at four p.m. and also on other Wednesdays. - Bye bye. As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we built the "Sorted" Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff, that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers, check it out if you're interested, thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. - I've got a tattoo on my arm that says Cook Better Together. - That was a mistake. - That couldn't be any more true of this. - If you know any good laser treatment, then comment below.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 944,520
Rating: 4.9634304 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, cooking challenge, sortedfood gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, Kitchen Gadgets Recipe Relay Challenge, Sortedfood Pass It On, SortedFood, Sorted Food, Sorted, useless kitchen gadgets, food challenge, kitchen gadgets put to the test, Sortedfood Ben Ebbrell, testing kitchen gadgets, recipe relay, sorted cooking challenge, Cooking using useless gadgets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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