£10 MID-WEEK DINNER Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E14

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(cheerful music) - I don't know what to do. (cheerful music continues) - That's annoying! - It looks terrible. We're hiding these. (banging) - Ow! What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Hello, Janice. Would you like to reveal our theme? 'Cause we can't wait. - [Janice] Gentlemen, today's theme is mid-week meals. And I would like you to make four plates of a delicious dinner for under 10 pounds. - We struggle to make one plate. (laughing) - [Janice] You can use any ingredients that you like from my deli, as long as you stay within budget. The order will be decided on hair colour, from darkest to lightest. - Spaff's darkest, straight away. - Ebbers? - I don't know. - Do we count all the salt and pepper elements of Ebber's hair? (laughing) - Ebbers, I think you're fairer. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's all right, isn't it. We re-shuffled because left or right, so... - So Spaff's up first and you've got to make sure you end up with four plates of food. - Over to you, Spaff, good luck mate. I'll leave you to it. (energetic music) - Right, I think I have a plan. I have spent eight pounds and 30 Pence so far, and I think we should try and make a Thai style chicken curry with veg and egg noodles. Right, chicken in a bowl, wash hands. We want some oil in there. Salt, go for the table salt. Janice, do we have any pepper? - [Janice] Coming right up. - Thanks Janice. I said we should have two portions of curry paste because extra, extra flavour. Hands in. I haven't left the boys much to spend, but I do think this should be the main basis of our dish. Right. That is on, that is done, let's get rid of this chicken board. Onion, pepper, carrots, mushrooms. That's going to give Barry everything he needs to know for what we're doing. It's all there. Right, how have I done? I feel like I've set us off in a good direction. I've spent a lot of cash, but I don't feel like there should be much more to spend. I'm going to call that eight out of 10. Bazzel dazzle! (energetic music) - I really, really hope it's not a mess for me. It's curry, it's a chicken curry. We're making chicken curry. Oh no. I don't do, I don't make, like, curries for mid-week meals. I'm more of a Italian, kind of like pasta base dish. So I'm not in my comfort zone. Oh. I don't know! Peel some carrots. Right. There's an onion here that needs cooking. I've kind of gone back to my comfort zone, which is tray bakes for mid-week meals. If in doubt, chop a bunch of veg up, stick it in a tray with some oil, some salt and pepper, and it's gonna taste delicious. (energetic music) Oh. Oh, wait a minute. Curry paste, that's what he's used. Tell you what, why not? Yummy. - [Janice] It appears Barry has forgotten to add the curry paste to his bill. Shock. - In to the oven for time. One minute, 20. That should be enough time to open a can of coconut milk. - [Janice] If any of you need instructions for how not to open a tin, this is it. - I've lost the lid, I've lost, where's the lid gone? Where'd the lid go? Did it just sink? Where's the lid gone? - [Janice] You tell us, Barry. - Well. The coconut milk with this lid is going to go into the chicken. (horn honking) Um, how did I do, bang average. Probably a boring four out of 10. I'm sorry. Ben! You're in. Sorry! - Right. Eight pound 30 spent. Noodles, right, 'cause if it's noodles, let's get some water on. (energetic music) To prep ahead, okay, you have protein cooked. Possibly too early, possibly a little overcooked. What we need is some sort of pickle-y sort of thing. One, one 10, 30 P, that many and add 90 P on. What I would deliberately do here just before we do the noodles is blanch these beans, and then we can do like a green bean salad. It's going to have to be spicy and hot. I'm also gonna put a large pan on because I think sauteeing off these mushrooms to get some decent colour on. That will only work if the pan's hot. So from our store cupboard, a little bit of soy. Typically I'd love a bit of like rice wine vinegar. But, you kind of use whatever vinegar you've got. Oil in the form of sesame oil. Another good flavour instead of the vinegar would be like lime juice. But I can't even see any limes in, errr, Janice's Deli, we'll have to have a word. She needs to up her citrus game, I think. - [Janice] Perhaps you should up your cooking game, Ben. - What I will try and do for him is get some cold water. So whoever opened the tin and pushed the lid to the bottom, kind of trapped a lot of the cream at the bottom. But that's fine, we saved it. Something else that would be lovely, have we got enough? (energetic music) How much is an onion? 10 P, it's on that one! I've picked up an onion, will I be able to get across the messaging of what I want to do with it? I'm thinking vegetable oil, like crispy shallots, as a nice texture to finish the dish. They will need frying in the oil. I actually don't know if I'm now going to have time to do that. Will James get the hint? James is going to need to look at seasoning of this final curry dish once the cream reduces. In my last few seconds, (horn blowing) green beans going in, and then we'll call James. Out of 10 in the middle of the process, about middle ground. Five and a half. James! (rock music) - Oh, whoa, whoa. Don't boil chicken breasts, it's not good. A curry. A chicken curry with chicken breasts. I think I need to cook the noodles now so that I can actually get them out for Mike as well, so they can, oh, I don't want to, oh, okay, they're going to go in. Completely unseasoned water. Done with our roast - why are we roasting carrots? What? They've used all the bowls. But what I want to do is grab the chicken out of here and get it going on a high heat. And maybe chuck the mushrooms in. I don't have time for this. I'm putting soy sauce - oh, am I allowed to use this right now? - [Janice] Sure, that's a cupboard staple. - I've already checked if we've got any budget left, but I don't think I have much time. Whoa, what is that? What's that? Why is that just, what? What am I supposed to do with that? Right, this, I would usually, I would drain this well, but I'm assuming that somebody wants this to go in here. They put some ice next to the pan. Just kind of like, quarter these, and chuck 'em in there 'cause they obviously need to cook. I'm assuming we've paid for these. - [Janice] You have, but Barry still hasn't paid for his curry paste. - So here's what we're going to do. We're going to grab all the carrots. I just, I don't think of carrots in a curry, but I definitely could be wrong. All of this is gonna go in here because I've got to get, we've got over a high heat. We're reducing the coconut milk. This is all going to add flavour, so roasting is really good. That's cool. I'm adding the carrot to what I hope somebody wanted to be a salad. Yeah, I'm going to buy some more curry paste and just chuck that through there. I bought something! Guys, I bought something. Ah! That's not cool. It was 30 P that I think that was 30 P. Whoa, sorry to whoever's pen this is. Chuck the chicken back in. (energetic music) (horn blowing) - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Does that mean I have to leave? - [Janice] He needs to put the bowl down and think about what he's done. - Cool. I left it a little bit late to get the noodles out, so if he could come back quickly, that'd be great. I feel like I made a delicious salad and used the carrots in a way that will make me happy rather than sad. Err, seven. Seven, yeah seven. Mike! - Here we go, here we go, stay positive. Stay positive. I listen to classical music before going into these things because I get so stressed out. Oh! Are these, where do they go? Did they come from there and go there? Probably. I mean, I assume these are cooked. I'm going to take that off, because over cooked chicken in a curry is disgusting. What on earth is that? I'm gonna get some bowls. It's taken four minutes to pick some bowls. Come on, get out of there. Eff off, how long are these noodles? Ah! This is a decent portion, you know. We probably have enough for leftovers, which in itself is budgety. Now let's get... some chicken. So, I have 40 P spare. So I am going to use 20 P's worth of fresh coriander. Janice, can I have 20 P's worth of peanuts? I'm going to call it a handful. (horn blowing) - [Janice] Thanks for shopping at Janice's Deli. - Which I'm going to say takes us bang on to 10 pounds. (horn blowing) We could win this. How am I doing for time please, Jan? - [Janice] Six seconds. - Six seconds? Wow, that was quick. Forgot about that salad, whoops. We'll serve it in that bowl. Out of 10, I didn't really contribute much. I think the guys have done an amazing job, so I'm just going to give myself a six for not ruining it. (energetic dance music) (sad music) - Now bear in mind, we've got four portions because that's what we see as being like a traditional midweek meal portion size. But there's five of us, so I currently have an empty vessel. So I'm gonna need you to share some stuff with me. Un-blindfold in three, two, one. - Oh! - Huh. - Well, what we have, I think, is a Southeast Asian curry with noodles, chicken, and this, which is the bowl that I found when I walked in the kitchen, - Do you know, midweek, I'd be pretty chuffed with that. It's, it's not going to blow you away. - Ebbers, you've not tasted it yet. - But it looks quite inviting, comforting. - I could possibly be surprised by what turned out, but I'm a little bit - - Guys, before you eat it, don't miss out on the amazing thing in the middle. - Look's fantastic, there's a lot of colour. - Let's see if it is that. - That is a comforting midweek meal. - That is very, very tasty. That's got a lot of flavour going on. - I would never associate carrots for the curry, which may be completely wrong, but I took them all out there. I also bought some extra curry paste and put it through that as well. - Hadn't we already bought that? - No, we bought portions. - Portions. Oh dear. - I chucked a teaspoon into the pot from the pot into the veg as well. - But you didn't add it. - I just assumed the pot, I thought we'd bought the pot. - Barry! As I left the kitchen, I thought according to all of our mathematics, that we came out an even 10 pounds. - Bang on. - But it turns out we actually came out at an even 10 pounds, 30 P. - Well done, Baz. - You do nothing for your own stereotype, do you know that? - Right, everyone spit out the coriander. (laughing) - Okay, well we failed this, so that's- - Brilliant. - What did you rate yourself? - I thought I had a strong start, actually. I gave myself an eight. - And had we have stayed within budget, by 30 P, would it have been a pass or a fail? - It would have been pass for me. - Excellent. Baz, what do you think, friend? (laughing) - I gave myself a four, because it felt very middle of the road. - So you gave yourself a four before you knew that you'd blown the budget? - Yep. - I went for Five and a half. Which actually now seeing the result, I think is probably quite modest. - I gave myself a seven. I thought brought it together well. - And do you guys, would have given it a pass, had we - - Oh yeah, that would have been a pass. - Okay. I gave myself a six, didn't really do much, but I would've said pass too. So that would have been, that would have been an overwhelming pass. As much as it's annoying that we failed, I actually have picked up quite a few tips just from around the table of places that I can go next time for my midweek cooking. So, so well done boys! But we failed. (clapping) - We'd love to know what you think as well in the comments, comment down below, let us know, rank us in terms of our performances. - Yes, rank us in terms of our performance. - One to five. And, is it a pass or a fail? I mean, obviously it's a default fail, but withstanding the budget issue, would it have been a pass or fail for you? - And if you have any maths textbooks that you'd like to send in - - Bull(bleeped) - Send it to PO Box - - It wasn't a maths issue. - It was just a moral issue of stealing. (laughing) - [Mike] Before you go just a quick shout to say thanks to all of you who are using and sending us your thoughts on our packs app. We want it to create a tool to help you bust your midweek meals, cut down on food waste and reduce the cost of your weekly food shop, and you are helping us do just that, so thank you. We want to make this as accessible as possible right now, so if you haven't tried it, you can now for a full month, absolutely free. The link is in the description box below. - And now for the bleep. - And now I can only apologise. - Seven and a half P over budget per portion. - You've got to go make it up to Janice now, so. - Not again.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 692,916
Rating: 4.965435 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, cooking fail, pass it on, sorted food, cooking challenge, recipe challenge, recipe relay challenge, recipe fail, pass it on sorted, pass it on challenge, sorted food boys, pass it on s2, sortedfood pass it on, £10 cooking challenge, £10 midweek meal, midweek meal, healthy, healthy dinner ideas, healthy recipes, budget recipes, feed 4 for £10, £10 dinner, $10 meals, $10 meals recipes, sortedfood bloopers, sortedfood curry, curry recipe
Id: ytaiWxy_48s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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