Old PC games on your MiYoo Mini! (DOS, Ports, & SCUMM setup guide)

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did you know that you could play Old PC games on your bu midi no I'm not pulling your leg you totally can and today I'm going to show you how to do it but mostly ramp a lot about the good old PC games that I like to play when I was a young Tech tweet roll the intro [Music] hello there I'm techweb how you doing can I just say I'm super excited to make this video more than usual actually which is crazy because I'm usually really excited because I love making videos I play with tech toys and wasting your time with nonsense like this foreign we're here today to talk about two of my favorite things The Bu midi a good old school PC games for the ancient medieval dos era if you're a dinosaur like me you probably grew up playing dos games on your parents computer and have a braid full of childhood memories of Duke Nukem and doob and Captain Crunch cereal at Star control and Bucky Island and your parents fighting because your dad keeps spending the family grocery buddy on smokes and heroes about the magic and Hugo's House of Horrors and Warcraft 2 or if you're not a decrepit old bed and missed this generation of gaming because you weren't even born yet well you're in for a treat because the games I'm going to show you today are among the best retro games of all time seriously they're right up there with Mario and Donkey Kong these are absolute Classics and most of them hold up today they're a ton of fun and almost no one is talking about them all the reviews of the biu bitty and Adidas are like oh and you could also run those games and then they don't even show Heroes a bite magic 2 for cry go loud well that's my job I suppose I've made a bunch of videos on The Bu midi check them out of my channel if you but after this video this is my current favorite midi retro handheld I also love my new retro pocket three that thing is awesome but the beauty also serves an entirely different purpose it lives in my pocket it's so small that I just bring it everywhere by default and I'm always finding types throughout the day when I have a few minutes to spare and I could pull it out and squeeze in a quick little gaming session while I wait for my turn to the checkout line at the grocery store to spend my YouTube Buddy on a cart full of Oreos I made a recent video where I installed the latest version of Adidas at The Bu midi this is Adidas V4 I'll link to that video in the description below so watch that video before this one or after this one I guess would be good because it's basically required for what we're going to be doing today and there are a few videos around online about this stuff but lots of the guides are outdated now that there's a new version of audio S I need OS version 4. I'm going to show you how to do three things specifically with this newest version of onion I'm going to show you the ports which are native audient ebulators that run individual games like doob I get show you starscapes that you download yourself and could play using the dosbox simulation it's built into onion and I'm going to show you scum games you know those point-to-click adventure games those games have their own emulator and they're a little bit tricky to get working but it's easy Once you know what you're doing and I'm going to show you how let's start with the ports actually because they're the easiest the ports for the most part are DOs games but this is different from Reddit native thus games that I'll show you later these ports are old games that have been adapted to this device using new gay budgets so again has some pre-installed ports the first step is that you'll need to enable the ports menu if you haven't already under the package manager so just go into the apps menu and select package manager once you're in the package manager scroll down to fight ports and press a to make sure it's toggled to odd and then press start after that you should have the ports option added to your games menu in the port section you'll see a bunch of games there none of these will work right away see if you try to start white you'll get an error so you'll need to copy over the files for that before they'll work except for Cave Story That's included by default now each of these games has a different requirement for setting up luckily the unead GitHub has a good description of what files you'll need for each of the games and where to put them there's a link in the description below how will you actually get the games well you could buy them I guess like if you heard about Steve or Gog like I do you could use the files you get from those but if there's a game you don't own I guess you could be a sneaky pirate and find it yourself what's that you don't know where to go I'd like to figure it out dude it's not hard watch Wolfenstein full dos game oh look I searched for it and I found somewhere I could download it and now I have it it took me five seconds I'm pretty sure you could figure this stuff out I believe in you buddy so the idea OS GitHub says that for the Wolfenstein Port it needs a special bios file there's a link to download it I'll include a link to this file in my description too so let's click that link and download the file and it says we need to put it into the BIOS folder on our mubidy okay easy enough and then it says we need to copy all of our wl6 files from our Wolfenstein game over to the beauty oh I guess I should mention that these are kept in the robs folder and then the ports folder and then the binaries folder and there's a separate folder for each game there so let's open up Wolfenstein and then there's another folder there called files here and this is where we need to put those files so we'll copy them over and well that that's it it should work now so let's uh test it out oh hey look at that we got some side happening and this is basically the same process for all the games wolfenstein's the only one that needed a bios for the rest you should be fine just to copy over the files from the game you downloaded it drop it into the corresponding files here folders in your miobd ports directory you can drop in your Quake files your Duke nuke of 3D file your dooba to do two wad files Spear of Destiny which is the sequel to Wolfenstein and of course the most important game in this entire video Super 3D does Arc so this game is like a non-violent Wolfenstein 3D instead of bird ordering Nazis with Gods you five feed goats to put them to sleep other than that it's basically the same game looks like and hey at least some nice Christian kids in the 90s got to play a first person shooter game the port's all right Amazing by the way I mean most of these little retro handhelds could play Quake doob and wolfenste died but like all games they're really an awesome experience on the biu bitty with its beautiful bright IPS screen and of course we have doob this game has been ported to every single device like ever and this game brings back memories man this game was a juggernaut everyone loved dude when I was a kid when we finally got a computer that could run this game it could barely play it you had to shrink the screed Down super tidy you get even close to playable FPS but I did it anyways because I could actually play doob at my own computer that was amazing to me but here's the thing at the time we had a 40 megabyte hard drive 40 megabytes Doom was like three or four megabytes and we had a few megabytes worth of documents our taxes or whatever my parents use the computer for so to get enough free space to play doob I had to uninstall Windows install doob play doob and then when I was done I had to save my game copy my save game to a floppy uninstalled Dube then reinstall Windows that's what I had to go through for this game and it was worth it so as far as ports I played a bunch of Quake wolf inside 3D of spirit Destiny and of course do blood due to pretty much all these games work really good on the bu viddy Wolfenstein at what point gave me a little bit of audio stuttering good but I was troubleshooting it I changed the resolution the the colors went all weird nothing I did would set them right so I just deleted the auto save and the config it loaded it up again it worked great after that Spear of Destiny is the sequel to Wolfenstein 3D and it's barely any different it's more just like an extra couple levels supernova's 3D Arc is uh well uh yeah it works if you want to play this you totally could both do blood and doob two play flawlessly it worked well with the controls they didn't use the bu middy's uh Rumble motor like like had I say that Rumble boater whatever you shoot they're buttery smooth too these ports I'd like the date of Dos versions these ones were perfect I tried to get hexen to work that's one of my favorite games I use the doob engine I tried clothing the Dew Port it's swapping out the files and adjusting the config file but I could get it to work it just crashed recharge but that game is on the PS1 and the Reds fight there so about too sad about that Quake is a treat it runs great looks great I I know it looks really dark in the video but that's just the the camera being dumb it looks amazing on this crisp little screen and it's actually super playable I could totally play through the whole game like this and have a good time and of course my favorite port and my favorite game from this era Duke Duke of 3D you have no idea how much I played this game I was obsessed with this game I'm not gonna go into the big log story of my history with this game but the short version is that I love it more than pretty much anything including my cat meow these are all the ports I I tried but there's others there are actually a few more that you could download like blood Shadow Warrior and red red deck Rampage however they're all for the older version of audience and they're not directly compatible with this new version but I have a feeling I can get them to work pretty easily if I decide to do that I'll make a quick video about the big give you the link to download the updated ports oh wait I lied I also tried Cannonball which is the port of outrun and it's really good you should play it alright now we're going to talk about dos games so those ports that I showed you like Quake Adobe and Duke 3D those are DOs games but the ports are each specifically made to run the files optimally with bothered features and compatibility however you are just limited to the Ted or whatever ports that come installed with onion you can actually add whatever dos games you want because onion Cubs pre-installed with the dosbox retroarch core and it's actually super easy to add dos games all you got to do is download the games however you want to get them is up to you either Gog or just search about Google it find them at the dark corners of the internet and then you can either extract them from the archive that you download or you can just copy the zip file over to the Dos robs directory on your beauty just make sure that in your games menu that you refresh your Rob list by pressing the select button after that your games should appear at the games list really real quick I'll walk you through get a good game running now this is terminal velocity when you start up a game you should get a bed you that lists all the executable files for that game it's usually just a matter of starting up the game by selecting the main executable file if you don't know which ones the beta just try whichever one you think is the one if it doesn't work just try a different one so here in terminal velocity tv.exe is the right answer once you get into the game you're gonna find that the controls might not work the default config they probably won't work this is usually the case I'll show you how to buy to those in a second keep in mind that these games were played on a computer keyboard so sometimes you'll need to type something or press a weird button on the keyboard if a game is like press the I button to open your inventory and it's not bad you'll need to press that manually by pressing the view button and that brings up the little keyboard however since that button is usually bowed to the Gabe switcher what I needed to do is disable that function in the tweaks menu so that I could easily break up that keyboard because every time I would press said otherwise it would break up the gape switcher so I just turned that off as for the move bait controls and stuff well it's a little bit hit or miss most of the games have controls already bound but even then they're usually bowed for a full controller with analog sticks so even there you'll probably have to rebind the direction buds at least and some games don't have any bitings at all so you'll need to bite everything it's not hard just open up the retroarch menu by pressing the function at select go down to controls Port what controls and then you combine whatever button you want to any keyboard command or Mouse movement for Bose based games like strategy games or whatever you'll need to buy the d-pad as the Bose's axis is it's a little bit tedious but it's not hard to figure out once you get the controls the way you like them make sure to save the reback file for that game under the controls menu just in case you ever have to put those controls in again if they get reset for whatever reason and if you're not familiar with retroarch you'll probably need to go down to the save game override so the override section to make sure that these controls are applied every until you launched this game I made a guide for how to use retroarch if all this is confusing you should probably watch that if you find this a little overwhelming there's a link to that in the description below oh and I'll mention it now why not if you save your state for the game the dosbox you'll actually need to start up the game before you could load that state you can't load it for the main menu or the game switcher or anything I played a bunch of games that I loved when I was younger turbo velocity was a great game I played that one a lot it read it okay here it was a little bit choppy but honestly this is about how it ran on my old PC at the time so it felt pretty authentic there's this other game quarantined it's sort of like a cyberpunk driving game where you can run over pedestrians and see their blood splatter all over the windows hey young Tech we just love that this one red okay too you could tweak the emulated processor speed and Ray of its stuff if the performance isn't great but I found that it always made it worse so I'm pretty sure the performance you see is the performance you'll get these games don't run as well as the ports but they do run and they're largely playable as long as you're not running anything too demanding the 2D games are red perfectly this one is traffic department 2192 I remember playing through this entire game and of course no Daw simulation test would be complete without Heroes of Light Magic too I just said the mouse controls myself basically had to do the controls for every single game I tested but it takes less than a minute honestly once you get the heck of it you'll be a pro I really wish you could see how good this looks on this screed in real life the camera doesn't do it justice at all it's perfectly crisp it's actually beautiful looking the screen of the bud is 640x480 which is Pixel Perfect monitor resolution for these old games I have a bunch of Dos games that I played a bit of just to make sure they work I'm looking forward to playing more of them on the bu bitty because it's actually a really nice experience to play good here and of course I wanted to end with some Warcraft 2. this is hands down my favorite strategy of all game of all time I got freaking loved this game I played a ton of Warcraft 2 back in the day with my degree friend over our modems not the internet I'm talking about directly over our phone line based 28.8 DPS modems as long as Bob didn't need to use the photo course ah those were the days let's move on to our final section today which is scum for those that don't though including B I had to look it up scum stands for script creation utility for baby act Mansion which I suppose it means it's sort of a framework that was developed to emulate badiac bitched but then it was adapted to include other point-to-click adventure games the installation for scum games is uh well I'm not gonna sugarcoat it it's not super straightforward however I will make it easy for you just follow along with what I do and I could all but guarantee that your games will work fine you can get your games however you want you know Steve or Gog or downloaded like a pirate however there is one game that's totally free and you should download that because it's really good it's called beneath a steel Sky there's a link to this in the description below alright here's how you do it so once you have your game archive you can't just copy over the zip file like we created dosbox there's a few extra steps the first step is we'll need to create a folder for our Gabe in our scum VM robs directory we'll call this one bediz a steel Sky after that we need to dump all the files from the Gabe archive into this folder well that that actually technically you only need to copy a few specific files and if you want to know which files you need to copy you can check out the scum VM Wiki for that game for example here is beneath a steel Sky you can see that we need these two specific files that it shows on the Wiki page but honestly you could just dump everything from the entire archive into the folder if you're lazy like me and also then you'll be keeping all the files for the game together if you ever need the rest of the files for running it on the PC or whatever but we're not done yet there's another step which is that we need to make a new text document in the root level of the scum VM robs folder and it needs to be called the exact name as our folder beneath the steel sky and instead of dot txt we need to call it dot scum VM and then believe it or not we're still not done because this file needs something inside of it so try to open that file and when it asks what program to use say notepad if you say to do this for all files with this extension it'll remember forever now what do we need to put in here the scum VM ID for that Gabe how do we know the scuba VM ID for the game well you gotta look it up there's a website with a list of all the scuba IDs I'll include links to all this stuff in the description below by the way the scum video ID for beneath a steel sky is sky so we'll put that into the file we made save the file and then at long last we're done if you have done this correctly the game should should work just fine if you're following along and haven't clicked away from the video congratulations you've just added your first scum V8 game honestly it seems complicated but as soon as you do it one time you'll realize that it's actually pretty simple I did it for a whole lack of games all at once they only took like a minute each the game's read just great there are a lot of great scum VF games and The Bu midi is actually an awesome device to play the mod because of that Bright Beautiful screed and the emulator works well it adopting the mouse based pointed click controls into a d-pad and also they're just good games that you could play for a few minutes at a time or dive into a log session and play for hours the audio is nice and clear have it I just love that midi audio in some of these games oh speaking of the audio there's a quirk with that for games ripped for the CD just make sure that the CD audio track MP3s or whatever they are are in the same directory as the rest of the game files but you often often have a choice some games come with either a CD version or a disc version and I generally prefer the disc version of the games instead of the CD versions The the disk versions are just a couple bags each but the the CV versions are often a few hundred megabytes and that'll add up quickly on your SD card and with the disk version you just avoid the whole problem with the audio files even if the audio is it quite CD quality or whatever I actually like the midi audio because that's the sort of audio I had when I played these games back in the day only the rich kids had CD robs at their computer oh and if you're wondering how I got the screenshot to the box art for my games I used a tool called screed scraper of course I made a tutorial of how to use screed scraper how to use it to get the art for your games for your devices I'll include a link to that video and the screen scraper download in the description below if you had told young techweb that someday he would have a tiny little game boy that contained all his favorite dos games that could play them at a beautiful sharp color display I'd have called you a liar and kicked you with the groin and Red Hook Craig I was a troubled kid the games that came out on PC during the ads and SNES era are largely ignored when discussing retro games and Retro Game devices everyone loves to go on and on about Super Mario World or Final Fantasy and don't get me wrong I freaking love those games but for me the games are defined by childhood are games like Warcraft 2 Doom here's a might magic day the technical terminal velocity Duke Nukem 3D standby box traffic department and of course Putt-Putt goes to the boot foreign [Music] how great they are these games weren't just good for the time they're still good today just like burial Brothers at Sonic these good old games are our piece of history and you can pick up a bu midi or any of these cheap Retro head held really as long as they support dosbox or even your phone for crying out loud seriously does this blow your mind it's kind of blowing my mind the toys we have today this is absolutely amazing we should all be amazed and delighted but everyone's always just complaining about these things you give reviewers on YouTube who are all like uh the shoulder buds are too clicky and it can't play bloody Roar too so this device is a piece of garbage head up over here like oh my God this thing could play all my old favorite PC games here's a bite magic 2 in my pocket are you kidding me that's why I'm not great at reviewing these things because I like everything and that brings us to the end I hope you found this useful and I hope that right after this video you're going to be firing up a bunch of good old dos games at ports and scum games on your beauty please let me know in the comments below are you old enough to have played dos games when you were a kid if not have you checked Eddie out do you have any favorites give your favorite old PC games a shout out in the comments below and we can get all nerdy down there and while you're down there click the Thumbs Up Button if you liked the video or the thumbs down button if you didn't subscribe so you don't miss any of our videos as always I'm Tech dweeb thanks for watching bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: TechDweeb
Views: 98,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techdweeb, tech, dweeb, pc games, pc, gaming, retro, dos, scumm, miyoo, mini, port, duke, 3d, nukem, doom, doom 2, quake, quake 2, redneck rampage, blood, scummvm, tutorial, setup, guide, os, onion, warcraft 2, terminal, velocity, rom, emulation, emulator, steel, sky, windows, mac, sd card, format, maniac, mansion, tentacle, sam, max, lucasarts, indiana, jones, midi, audio, glitch, video, resolution, keyboard, key, binding, fps, performance
Id: pf6M39NMCYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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