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day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place a man and what happened next suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting I mean then there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with tongues Amen now tonight I want to just share with us for a few moments about the wind of the Spirit the wind what do you think the wind of the Spirit No the wind of the Spirit is the Holy Spirit and when it comes to the Holy Spirit you know I think that one of the most difficult things for us as human beings is to be able to relate with a spirit do you know why because it's like if the madman of coderre had in Legion 6200 spirits then how much space does one spirit occupy what do you think sort of a little difficult to understand isn't it all the man who the devil went out and came back with seven more then we sort of imagine a devil in a shape of a dragon with wings almost taller than a man with a spear so we are wondering how can he fit seven of these into one person are you with me Reba now because of this I believe the Holy Spirit Himself gives us a number of things whereby we can experience him amen and flow with him you know somehow like with our minds we can sort of understand now even the stars are so huge that it beats the imagination because one of the stars in heaven in the heavens would be as big as the Sun spreading all the way to the - Mercury Venus covering Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter I mean the circumference of one of those mega stars would cover from the Sun oh this way and cover all our planets and it's just one star and there's thousands in the sky so even the physical that we can see is difficult to relate with and God made all and the ones we can't see are more you know the stars if you want to see the stars you just put off the lights to see them play it's called like pollution it pollutes the sky and you cannot see the stars but you just turn off the lights or move away from the light more stars appear more so they are really really really big so even when it comes to stars human-beings find the dimensions difficult to relate to it because we don't know anything that big there's nothing we know in our world which is that big if you take the highest mountain on mass it's higher than Mount Everest and all the mountains we have on earth that's one mountain on mass is around so when it comes to the one who made these things I think we will have some difficulty in relating so he himself has given us some things that will help us so the wind of the Spirit wind of the Spirit now in Acts chapter 2 verse 2 it says suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and it filled all the house who were sitting fill the house the wind the wind of the Spirit so the wind was the Holy Spirit the wind was the spirit that's what came to the house the wind kabocha Katara hidden vestry and then there appeared cloven tongues of fire so now the Holy Spirit turn into a fire are you watching and it's sat on each of them and then after that they were filled with the Holy Ghost again a little difficult to understand how can you be filled with God because we have petrol that we buyers they fill my turn we fill that time so when you imagine the Holy Ghost to be some kind of liquid that fills us a little bit like that meanwhile it supposed to be God I with me so I think that all in all God and the Holy Spirit sound quite mystical and do not follow any of our calculations so we have to believe these similes parables parables if you like or [Music] metaphors that are given to us actually believe them literally so that we can relate to the spirit and until we learn to do that we are not gonna be able to relate where the spirit Kayla Marcia kaya so I want us to relate with the wind of the Spirit and I know God is going to bless us mightily are you ready to relate to the wind of the Spirit stand to your feet everybody lift up your hands and ask the Lord for that great grace [Music] [Applause] leave Attica shooter above and aerobic asean dilemma comedy buyer masu baron Angela Baraka Sundara Bhavani Oh Deborah cast olya lakish a cavora kasuba caribbean indelible coma shut Ibaka Wiegel Okocha Baraka sorry a beloved is a secondary car one day the Rakata leave our territory and readily releasable Rakesh two radically broke majora and a suit ceremony Paco see on Donna Bavaria toast our labor Kelly's a mellow se paró Rihanna Rihanna Boca Culebra Gaston behind a lava toasting labor so Cara Coburn Jared Milo Kabakov esto le Romana man yo same brackets on the rebel Eva Rhea module acaba a shock or met Carlos a Corey Amana Baraka Atari metallo Stradale older and made our local JK Manabe Maya Beshara Bacchus areata magic are above our Yokosuka area major Emma Kosovo at Astoria Park OSHA and abbasid Jesus thank you Lord in Jesus name I Roger maybe see them now the wind of the Spirit and we must be able to relate with the wind of the Spirit now turn with me to exodus chapter 10 and verse 13 and Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt and the Lord brought an east wind upon the land that day and all that night and when it was morning the east wind brought the locusts and the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt very previous very previous they were before them there were no such Lucas as they neither after them shall there be such since a serious Lucas that spoil everything and the locals went up over all the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt very previous they were before them no such and after them some about be such was fifteen kashikar time I receive it for they covered the face of the whole earth so that the land was darkened hey the land was what darkened amen the land was darkened amen and they did it every happy you then everything everyone was planted cabbage corn or sad because there's nothing left the land was darkened and the fruit of the trees which the hill had left the hill had broken things already but this was a remainder hmm they X the fruits that was left and there remained not a me green thing in the trees or in the heads of the field through all the land of Egypt amazing 16 then Pharaoh called for Moses you see stubborn people you know they have a difficult life that's why I have been preaching about arguments and stubbornness and not flowing you are now calling for Moses to discuss things it's not nice you'll never be like that the echo for Moses and and hey Aaron in haste and he said I have sinned against the Lord you've now changed your mind why do you want to suffer before you change your mind and then flow I've sinned reminds me of a song I had I was thinking the other day about Vashti by 17 now therefore forgive I pray thee my sin only this one's he was lying to and did entreat the Lord your God and him treats Allah that he may take away from me this death only you never be stubborn after this evening verse 18 and he went out from Pharaoh and entreated the Lord and then the Lord 10 a mighty strong west wind the first person is twinned there is a west wind with took away the locusts coppa italia and cast them into the Red Sea and there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt Kobashi but he still the Lord had an individual let the people go he changed his mind after they look away but anyway our topic is not a pharaoh we are looking at the wind of the spirits the wind of God now God's wind was the west wind when you study the tabernacle it is oriented towards the east but anyway don't let's not go into that now please cause all the people who went away from God they went in one direction but anyway let's go back to this one the west wind what are the locusts the locals are demon power and the wings from God driving away demon power if you remember what the Bible says he said that the land was darkened darkened yes the best before this mess they says the whole land was darkened yeah by the Lucas hallelujah so the west wind the west wind yeah the whole land was darkened and so when there are demons in your life your life is darkened yes what is darkness without Akosombo we would have difficulty in seeing this evening we have seen because of some extra efforts that have been made through some technology to make the evening a little more easy otherwise the evening would have be very difficult in the village when it is night everybody goes to his Hut to wait for the sun shining Sun to rise but now we are having so while technologies of water falling from nuclear power and so dark there's a demon power and God sent a wind to drive away the demon power to us over the land of Egypt so whatever demon power is in your life eating the house helps your food your money your life is your joy your business your peace they are taking it and it has covered everything demon power look us remember all about the Bible talks about the devorah's they are very very evil things so when the Holy Ghost was coming you see that he came as a mighty wind now in the Bible spirits are represented by winds especially east winds east winds came Akash a cartographer this is a short Bible lesson winds winds of God amen winds of God Genesis 41 verse 23 and behold seven years blasted with it thin and blasted with the east wind blasted with the east wind hey what do you think amazing what verse were we on 23 and 24 and the thin is divided the seven good ears and I told this unto the magician's Pharaoh was speaking a different Pharaoh but there was no one who could interpret it there's 25 and just have said to Pharaoh they dream of fairest one God has stood Pharaoh what he is about to do he is about to do the seven good kine are seven years and the seven good ears are seven years the dream is one and the seventh in an alphabet Kareem hmm seven years and the Seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine aesthetic and they shall arise after them of a stony manager come seven years of great Plenty but they shall arise seven years of famine and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land and they coming shall consume them and the Plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of the famine following for it shall be very Grievous for that that dream was doubled under Pharaoh twice it is because the thing is established by God hallelujah are you listening yes No you you [Music] you had different melodies so so this was in the middle of the night and there was there was no sound and then they began to find Devils inside of me all the dogs in the area began to bind it's very strange some of the dogs are not dogs you know I've spoken to more than one person I'm after I've had one-on-one testimony of people that took people in their cars and the people the fan are were not people came are she are you still here yes beautiful I'm just blessed to be here feel the wind of the Spirit whatever represents most more problems go further you see thee no cosmos more things this one is eating corn so as it's in your cabbage so I City no tomato this is covered here everywhere it's coming tonight I punish them by the window Genesis 8 verse 1 now God remembered Noah huh and every living witness or the flood that was going on full flood and I was in the boat with his family and all the humble animals that have joined his church his members were animals so you see people when it was touches they want to have businessmen and rich people ambassadors as members you have to assert animals in your church as a pioneer later on other members will join but initially animals in the ark animal members Kobashi Kota receiver and no one remembered God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark cattle and God made a wind to pass over the end I'm talking about the wind of the Spirit God made a wind to pass over the what is cool and what has I switched as suede means what check check it please what is accurate to go back to where they came from best to check it as well reading and then the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained by the window the wind of the Spirit the wind of the Spirit blew over you Civic vestry beautiful and the waters returned from off the earth continually and after the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters were abated so here again see just like the locusts and locusts came to destroy the country and spoil everybody's life this one - the waters came to kill everybody and everything it was bad bad bad bad bad bad yeah you know I switch me to soften you know we TK to ease to make an unpleasant feeling less intense the waters were a suede they were come it's like Charlie go back Genesis 8 verse 1 and God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark and God made a wind to pass over the earth so when the wind is he in Acts chapter 2 verse 2 in acts of the - verse 2 there was a rushing wind this is kind of wind that is blowing over you today in Jesus name what is this wind doing it is happening as it happened in the days of Moses and Pharaoh driving away demon power and in the days of Noah what I was killing everybody it took the wind of God to drive it away to drive it away go away go away so if you look at your family if you look at where you come from if you look at people that are like you you see that they are drowning in sin drowning in disease drowning in Cass's trying him in so many things and then God caused look at Genesis 8 verse 1 he caused a wind he made a wing to pass over the river and verse 2 look at that multiple effects of this wind he said The Fountains also of the deep so the source of the thing you see the fountain if you remember those of you were here this morning the woman with the issue of blood the fountain of her blood so the source of the blood and here you can see the fountains also of the deep and then the windows of heaven were stopped by the way the wind blew the windows shut and then the wind stopped the fountain the source of the thing it's enough a lot of what I mean if you look out of the window here you can see you know those hi can imagine a flood which goes higher than all these houses and as far as so I can send joints with the sea and cause as far as ivory mountains and goes and covers everywhere and six hundred and fifty days for that amount of water to go down so that small thing I was on a small flat I mean that is why if you are not in the app you couldn't make it at all you have no chance so whatever represents death in your life whatever stands as a possibility of death by the power of the Holy Spirit you are set free from that inhibits was set free in the name of I stopped it by the wind of the Spirit if you know you shall live and not die we feel the power of God is working on your behalf the Holy Ghost thank you lord so when we are ministering there are times we wouldn't even lay hands on you we just breathe because one of the winds one of the manifestations of the Spirit is wind i receiveth Isaiah 11 verse 15 Isaiah 11 this 15 it says and the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea with and with his mighty wind shall his shake his hand over the river and shall smite it in the seven streams and make men go over dry short the sixteen and there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria like us it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt God is making a highway for you hallelujah I said God is making a highway for you in Exodus chapter 10 and verse 13 the Bible says sorry yeah sorry does Exodus chapter 14 verse 21 and Moses stretched out his hand over the sea all right and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided and the children went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground the waters were wall unto them on the right hand and on the left so you can see from this that God Himself made a wind blew and that is what the Bible is saying in Isaiah he shall with his mighty wind make a way for you today God is making a way for you I was hidden by his Spirit look at me I am here preaching writing books that are read in different countries from Ghana God has made a highway in the midst of the waters out of nowhere you are passing through an impossible situation I've been invited to preach in Japan not that I wanted to go I was invited to preach in Japan I've been invited to preach in Singapore highway invited to preach in the Philippines been invited to preach in Malaysia I've been invited to preach in Indonesia I mean we're from walked through the waters is impossible I mean you tell me not to Daniel church in Indonesia not to Canyon Church in Malaysia yeah this is Asia you see if you don't recognize boxes their hearts were hardened hardened hearts don't recognize things when they are happening and I'm saying to you the mighty Spirit of God is the one who just makes your ways why will you walk through and you so today by the wind of the Spirit I see a highway for you I feel it's a way through impossibility I say it's a way through impossibilities it's a way through impossibility you know many times I travel I go with people and then we always say we have place to be here what hasn't brought us here why did we come here we'll never have come here there's no reason to be here in our natural lives polyclinic these are my futures yes but God had made a way for me and he will make a way for you - is that a powerful blessing how many one the wind of the Spirit to blow over you see it looks like when the spirit manifests in different ways he's twin different things and he looks like us is manifesting as a wind they seem to between some different things moving the demon powers whatever kins your life professor it's making the Sun to shine I was here the sun is shining in your life is here that Jesus name and he's making a way God will make a way where there seems to be he works in ways we cannot see he will break away from me he will be my god only closer to this night strength for each new day mother thank you for being all of them impossible in this situation in making something wonderful possible we know we are stuck behind the water we know we cannot see away through the waters we cannot even explain to people how we're going to cross such waters but we thank you the wind of the Spirit is blowing upon us and you're making a way the wind is blowing over us Jesus experiencing you're experiencing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we receive your mighty power thank you Lord in the name of Jesus Thank You hos Ian fette Lucia Fetty and I'm going to be ending with this scripture on the wind of the Spirit hosea 13 verse 15 this is very important especially for those of us who are young this is a verse that's important for those of us who are young Isaiah 13 it says if you like let's read verse 14 I will run some them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death or death I will beat I play grave I will be thy destruction with repentance shall be hid from my eyes cachaça I receiveth verse 15 though he be fruitful among his brethren this is a judgment from God an east wind chakra and the wind of the Lord I'm talking about the wind of the Spirit the wind of the Lord shall come up from the wilderness in his spring shall become dry his spring shall become dry and his fountain shall be dried up and he shall spoil the treasure of his pleasant vessels this is a scripture very important for young people I'm sure you are wondering why you see it's example of the wind of the Holy Spirit as we have seen and I'm not giving you all I'm giving you is death son you see has a certain effect the wind that came blew away the demon power of Lee Lucas the wind that came tried up the Red Sea made a highway it's like a way making wind the other one blew on the waters and then the death that was was come down it took 150 days but it still went away now this one is doing something else this wind is doing something different this one is drying up something that needs to be dried up you see there are things in us that need to be trying you can't and suddenly they need to be dried right out of us especially things of the flesh that you have learnt how to do it doesn't go just one day when you know how to do it it is not something that just goes because the flesh has learned something that's what the flesh no you see the best example is food you can't make somebody who eats banku every day change his taste and say I eat bread now because you may not know you know what I've been in so many different many times I've been told by people that are hosting me we have don't have a wonderful dinner tonight that's why I always have my emergency what do you call it emergency Destin this que pasa we are going to have a wonderful dinner tonight and when you went away I was watching and it was some little things yes which do I know you wouldn't consider us you wouldn't consider it as a meal yes maybe a spatters not yes by your flesh has landed so the Holy Spirit needs to try notice the word look at the two words dried up it's like we're not drying banana or trying a tomato and it's become dry or a fruit becomes dry dried fruit it's different from you can't you're not just throwing it away you have to use the weather and time to weaken it and deprive it of freshness and water with time dried mangoes yes I received me to understand so when the Holy Spirit you know one day a brother was describing his pornography calm masturbation deston now when he described it the number of times I'm not going to mention the numbers but when he measured a number of times I knew by the spirit that the next thing was I I told him I don't need him to stop I need him I gave him a quantity for the week because I was anointed to dry it but not to cut it because it needs trying it with us yes and I know you would have been surprised if if I tell you the prescription I gave it I gave him a prescription and gradually was going to take some months not suddenly something I put you on a diet of bread when I say bread is it there's a type of bread is very small and thick it's bitter so I don't know what is for like yeast bread something not very happy when they eat it Delta P mr. Charlie we have foster she was watching many places it has happened to me one day I met him gammon who had traveled to Europe and he was now married to a European whatever not even a European body was married to European and I said how is it bishop sometimes most of the time we have bread salad but SSH so that is why when I'm I come on get my kink in yes because he's not used to that but he's been he's been eating it and he was still putting on weight with that salad right it's not just happen sausage somebody from Jamestown I mean James the original if you're eating cake cake cake inner fish fried with pepper please are you listening to me it needs to be try drugs like that drugs that's what they're doing the rehabilitation sir they try to try it yes try it slowly but it can be dried cocaine look if you take some rats and you put them in a room and you give them cocaine you give them food to your cooking and you make them drug addicts rats drug addicts okay and you keep them in a room and you stop them for two weeks without food without what food and you release them and you put cocaine I read it and the internet if I go and check it about drugs and you put food here and cocaine here they trap the rats which have become drug addicts when they come after study for two weeks three weeks they don't go to the food because take to the drugs and they either die they don't go to the food that is how strong it is it's very strong yes so you see understand things you'll be criticized some people if they are able to stay away from sin or from something that they are used to for ten years of their life and they backslide is more than you up to seventy years old yes yes because it's not a small T I saw the small T is a strong thing homosexuality is like that that is why if you touch a boy's penis below a certain age you go to prison in civilized countries straight because you are fatty you can't do that everyone hold it tight [Applause] yeah so you don't have to accept certain things although that is so strong you must know that a strong and it has to be dried up from the fountains and so you see that even the Holy Spirit look at that associate 1315 it shall be dried up and 16:15 yeah his fountain shall be dried up and his spring shall become dry fornication is like that when when you cut to a stage in fornication it's difficult to stop very difficult when it gets to a certain point if a person is able to stay without doing that you see maybe even for five years it's more than somebody's 20 years until we grow up and accept these realities you do not understand people and you you also let people have the impression that God has please for only people who have a perfect origin and in the a few few people livin and becoming fewer and unfortunately those who don't have some of those things have sent us a West problem called pride this Western give me a humble fornicator than a proud veteran any day and a proud legend oh are you talking about humble than a proud veteran like a queen you marry her Shias she has got this most more flags with red red flags placed at different sections don't touch don't touch don't touch don't touch [Music] out of bounds fornication is like that pornography is like that masturbation is that food is like that sex is like that oh the flavor it's not a small thing to change so those of you who want to marry people from another country only economy of Navarro's brother is a omnivorous brothers an omnivore as a Catholic did you are joking that you don't know look in Ghana in Ghana we don't eat cassava leaves as they not true maybe some atypical I know most people in society but in the Algerian they eat it in several they eat it in Guinea they eat it Mozambique they eat it and we're again Gambia Zambia they eat Congo the only Ghana we eat kocoum lives is like our mouths are soft for the customer it is bitter is that a bit a leaf is another one hi a leaf is coming cassava iodine cassava somebody and you want to change something with takes a holy ghost wind to try the marine and a way brother who is used to eating at Bali and a way brother is used to eating at Bali and okra soup every day and you want to give him salad and sausage you must be joking even the holy ghost is taking its time to dry out such things and you with signing of one wedding ring you are coming to change everything I don't understand you do you understand yourself are you God somebody attacked Malaya everyday with okra soup the one that it was like understand what you call it little Schmitz mucus little Schmitz you are bringing the man doesn't know what is salad and you want him to change is very on Saturday one is relaxing on Tuesday it will be calling for what he knows what that is why people who are married go back to pornography she's there but I'm used to this this one happy and joined this what I've been enjoying you can be mind and you you'll be using the pornography all the time that's how people are married India masturbating you have sex with you anywhere masturbate this one Dino the body has that taste that is why people are married and then after some time they say I'm a gay I'm gay and they say you know I can't explain it anymore I can't resist because it's coming and it needs to be tried if you just give a little refreshing on it it becomes normal you know some brightness when you can refresh it and put it in the oven and that it becomes like it is alive on small some small spices than it is back to mama so the Holy Ghost Hosea tatin he says his spring shall become dry so the spring you see the spring brings out that you drive receive dryness and I will fill up a process of springing shake in one day how is it will it be to stay with Shh hey how is it will it be to stay with one for one year with a bad attitude attitude very eager very the smiling cheerful giggling making noise boos as screams shouts panting scratching Cinna the wind of the spirits the window so let the wind of the Spirit blow on every team on flowers are going to go I will see the waters of death are going to us wait a few every spring is going to dry up there was a wind to drive away demon palace then the street then appeared so let the wind come and click all demonic forces and try powers of darkness out of your life I receive and immediately after that comes the fire of God the light of God and God will use you for great things to do great exploits I receive it I speak to spring prophesy I speak to Springs I command them to try I say we dry out now a man I say you try up now all these people I breathe the breath of God on you oh and dried Springs and fountains be dried up now I will pivot in the name of Jesus okay round in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus our exhibits in the name of father thank you for today thank you for the wind so beautiful so lovely so nice [Music] Thanks Thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] how many of you says you need a wind of the spirit to drive away and triumph [Music] thank you thank you [Music] receive receive take it it's fluid [Music] if John's receive Nepal [Music] nobody would touch upon the wind will touch you Jehan eeeh [Music] Tom Antion I see trying something is dried-up receive receive it receive something is trying yes [Music] receive the window the spirit [Music] over here live Jenna receive the wind of the Spirit [Music] [Music] not just the best viewers let your hands I want the first three rows please the rest of you go back to your seats please the wind of the Spirit you know something is trying something is trying lift your hands everywhere listen if you don't believe in the supernatural you shouldn't come ya keep explaining to you the chance it's coming on you I live in front you take it now receive [Music] a chance [Music] receive it [Applause] [Music] see receiving [Music] go back go back go back [Music] don't think about me think about you and God let your hands demon is working in your life whatever power of darkness by the wind of the Spirit it's going out of you by the wind of the Spirit powers everything I'm trying up right now [Music] receive it flowing is flowing the city Jesus [Music] everything [Music] chicken vigilancia is flowing this fluid Missy receiving all of you in front yet something is happening God Almighty [Music] Jesus let you meet let your whip fall upon them in the congregation is your hands the wind of the Holy Spirit the wind he says there came a mighty rushing wind receive the wind of the Spirit by the window the Spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Racine [Music] [Music] make this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] miss Tanya legends this rainy way the chance [Music] holy ghost death [Music] thank you you see [Music] fornication is one of these telling you if you don't respect the chance okay [Music] Lavanya I'll be careful on the stairs please come on the stairs business come off the stairs please [Music] it's coming it's coming [Music] privet taking a deep breath breathing [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody sit up everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] Allison the holy spirit wind [Music] [Music] that is why sometimes you cannot see in the moment is becomes a super backdrop depends on your face so somebody can't breathe because when Jesus breathed on any cell receive the Holy Spirit see of course it was come on outside it was days it was days it was all that and then in the moment you must be like a pet the Paris of the ground that Muhammad is flying raised in another round so that wind is in one round physical so I can breathe on you in one moment is like I'm breathing gases on you then in a moment it's like a supernatural power but in a moment shunned anyway so you have to be open to receive the spirit in every way but is you so strong when you see these forces are you see that only God can make you know in a certain sense [Music] is he when Moses changed the law about marriage if because is so that they couldn't Jesus [Music] because it proceeded the hardness of Hawaii can we can't go into them that we should stay with one woman so it was changed [Music] based on the posture our understanding of the situation that they can't do it and there's a lot of that now people can still merit they can't somebody tries a big and honestly there are no principals Council in a separate power of court that can make people actually able to do what is right you have to respect it people who don't respect it didn't understand what we are dealing with you know the first time one of the first times we're dealing with a problem with that almost Aramis here brother I mean our church members he said look if there's a Kelly and there's a man here I feel towards the man I don't like together it's supernatural so if you don't have the power of God how are you going to deal with it you have to respect all these so that we don't respect what I've had what is happening to people and that is why we need the whole is you must believe more in Supernatural and I told someone I want to say to you here to somebody here you know I want you to mark it by tonight wind of the Spirit a day is going to come when you will say I remember when this was a problem it has been such a long time by the grace of God it's not a problem today receive it I will see that you will see it going because it's to be dried when we are drying fruits is there with us or sometime but a day will come and you look at it and say this day God's power has tried it stand to your feet everybody [Music] now I'm gonna pray for the river to flow I see a river flowing take it somebody take the power just as I receive in my belly something and that was it and then I had from today [Music] [Music] [Music] receive it [Music] Shh everybody taking a deep breath it's flowing it's flowing sandy sandy company [Music] [Music] I've got the other escaping see receive God receive gold receive God the Jannah would receive God [Music] Pusa again receive a ticket Floyd take it now he's flowing [Music] [Music] receipt that over here just spoil [Music] just life is gonna change please another person [Music] if you had received them [Music] received on your your personalities come to me the personalities are changing the chalice if God receive God God [Music] [Music] [Music] see me [Music] where's Jessica [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you Paul Emma's a man him Paulo rosamma gentleman receded window from blows away death throws away death blows away death [Music] thank you let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go Shh Silva's death ethical [Music] see the spirit [Music] wind of the Spirit when punished bunny suddenly vanish unexpected dance punish accidents punish be knocked down by a car punish childhood diseases punishment attacks and punish it in Jesus [Music] we're not the spirit now everybody taking a deep breath in your life [Music] I command them wind of the spirit blows away wind of board will double the window the window [Music] [Music] just nice honest common things now life versus West [Music] thank you [Music] west winds are winless casting them into the Red Sea they shall remain not given panel posts in all of your life the name of Jesus maybe see them [Music] all right [Music] you know many things are supernatural when you've gone to school any flack principles data figures they tend to pull away the supernatural realities but if you analyze him now I know a pasta there was even in Ghana at the point he was a drug addict but he he got saved when he became a great man of God one day he was found in the hotel dead he was lying on his face and they found powder in his pocket and they found it was what He has given testimonies on television how God has saved but it went back for it and it probably took an overdose and he died PHH PHH it's not a small thing so if you don't deal with it supernaturally the springs that you think just natural things will be surprised but I believe and it's not my principles is by the spirit the holy spirit is is what makes us anything you are nothing you are very bad actually then the Holy Spirit comes and then anoint you then you become something usable but really if you take the Holy Spirit you are left with a bad shell they are like an egg without even anything in it just a shell as I does not Devi said take not your Holy Spirit from me like you can take everything about the Holy Spirit please Michael Michael lift up your hands [Music] thank you Jesus for receive receive thank you thank you what principles cannot do let your power work it out if this man take the Holy Spirit take receive God receive God receive God receive God a mini string to you a ministry to the cats comecomecome I'm ministry to something my ministry to something to go away to try to function Samaras sweet sweet Paula she bossy - salamati piranhas are do Cassie mother Taliban inaudible initiative innovative tafani bezanika be named pay Laura body I scooped you I scooped us poopy pebbles anima copy friend Alexander Massimo Coppola Lea biggest possible she forgave of Fidelis a piloto hemara Bathsheba baby [Music] receive [Music] they say wolf wants to take somebody bring this man to me see a wolf wants to take somebody but you know God will not let that wolf somebody has going to die out of an accident of something that you shouldn't have died but in the name of Jesus I block it I profess it I cancel it in the name of Jesus now you see one day a prophet was preaching and he was saying something like what I'm saying no and after a church lady was going around and she was was saying that all these things here not she died on Saturday she died on this Saturday all these whatever they are not whatever she died on this Saturday because she was with her church member and she was saying all this thing so you have to be careful in your handling and caring about what the weather the Lord is for you you know if you could see how many demons want to be in one patient and harass only one person you were primo they were being set free how many a few cents a crying wind try them any of us you know when I call you so many people will come as I'm pray for all of us let's pray Lara boshy palace I receive it you know what the wolf is the wolf is someone who went away but has come back and come back for somebody somebody somebody important parent in the house of God but I'm praying for you now yeah suppose a casaba the wolf is looking for bring bring that one at the back to me is looking for somebody an old captive everybody [Music] yes [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] flesh come into each [Music] the president of it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen something is going to jump out I said something is going to jump out are you ready with your prayer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I receive it I receive it yes Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] America [Music] Thank You father with a blessing Jesus [Music] No Shh take out the offering basket [Music] when you get out of this flow you are free from Devils Jesus [Music] Shh quiet what Jesus No you know even though I know everybody here there are seven people and I want you to come calling and oh yeah Gannon but I said it people like that I feel I feel that you'll be blessed [Music] I'm calling you know when I do that money is gonna be something that's seven Jemma's I receive it [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] let's go buddy gosh I see [Music] [Music] [Music] explain away p1 spray now waiting in your life [Music] I receive it you [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a real brownie breath flourish on Sunday for Gaza Amazonia [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel you [Music] did you left [Music] Jesus [Music] No what a blessing [Music] Shh [Music] everybody breathing deeply we see the power the power some of you I wanna dust banding is being healed [Music] you [Music] I find the line that a scuba I might you find the lion by the lion spirits [Music] we are going to take our offering we are starting it all free now because of revelations 84 I like offerings to be part of their beautiful our experience what do you see the notion of a hundred cities just a hundred six but I feel that this afraid I see somebody walking I'm seeing you in the spirit but is not in Ghana one day you be in that place I'm seeing I'll be a bad thing to be a good thing bless you is that way to your house actually [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so Donovan Simona [Music] Jesus you [Music] be in another country this mObridge prophesy it's a way to house receive that I receive it now we are continuing so route people to saw a seat part of your prayers this morning's prayer what's the plan to the top maybe surprise do you know that this ministry by the grace of God is one of the leading ministries in this country from a classroom she Carlos if this offering calling you in the spirit come and put your see this is about the top somewhere the top as you plant you see be found come we have 250 series now with a special offering this is different from a hundred cities feel free to give any offering you want you can give any time any group and come for each group but this has something to do that you know can I have one basket on this side my blue Center has free actually no let it be here after there's some plow here don't work on that my blue thing Roma J animo Sonia yes you are transferred to Brazil somebody yes just ready to present [Music] how's Angie are those a national zoomit economy got us picked you out and elevated you that's the interpretation goddess pick you out and elevated you taozi : professor professor and man who had little regard and respect for you [Music] now somebody here who are working with a boss is not easy to work and so the spirit is saying about your work because it's not easy for you to work there that in spite of the difficulty you're going to be famous [Music] but you need wisdom you know I don't want to call the people may be seated [Music] everybody has an offering of 20 Ghana Cedis lift it up 20 series father thank you for those giving 20 cities tonight Jesus they would bet basket one here [Music] common would you've seen 26 they're coming to the close ending beautiful fail on my shows outside receiveth blessings about somebody watching somebody watching [Music] testing time so just sew a seed whatever God has laid upon your heart offer healing it was time for God to deliver you so we encourage you to go to WWE tomorrow click on or follow the prompts and you'll be able to give so that is click on our follow the prompts and you'll be able to sow your seed along with the prayers [Music] [Music] you can see that me up Jesus all right everybody take out your offering Dutchman have closing with this I'm gonna pray for everybody now everybody pick up something don't not give don't what not kill don't and not cancel out each other don't and not do not not comes positive they're not really did not do much [Music] the small is not an a quadratic equation if I give you four x cubed minus 2x squared minus 10 differentiate oh shut up and receive it lift up your offering father we are grateful for tonight's blessing in Jesus name well as the choir sing comes comes round will ask I have to sing just once the presence of God is here so cannot just too much [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a certain man he had to the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that were left to me and he divided unto them his living yeah not many days after the younger son gathered all together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we must be change [Music] to understand must be quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Amen sir I see office I believe we've been so blessed in the presence of the Lord God has ministered to us we've all received something supernatural this evening and we are not living the same as we came for joining us unleash a degrees may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the communion fellowship contribution participation the 10,000 children and the first love of the Holy Spirit's be with us now and forever amen god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 13,667
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: SvL2ZS9BoIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 30sec (9330 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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