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ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Music] you know [Music] more gentle [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] more judge y'all [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] and is know by [Music] it's not by my [Music] [Music] oh this mouse [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] this monitor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the reason wasn't we've got time he was already disclosed get in fast because raise our voice enough knowledge presence of God he's walk into their own yes increase our hearts [Music] tonight [Music] the presence of God login for God hungry audience authority yeah looking for me [Music] shut up [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] by my spilling [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] my mother great laws and Ranger wasn't tunnel [Music] one of the sales for the last night [Music] a shot [Music] hallelujah are you expecting something fantastic tonight how many of you are hungry for the lots your night Wow I believe something great it's coming our way why do you look at me as you I don't know but I said something great is coming and one lift our hands one more time for the Lord to prepare our hearts for this special seed that is going to be sown in our lives especially seed by a so on who is their prophet is coming our way give God thanks give God thanks and praise and honor an aberration put your hands together for the Lord and you may take your seat [Music] [Music] into another [Music] you be freshen empower by the spirit or you will create and teach and he when the hall the Spirit comes upon you yeah well you need to go on in the spirit drink from the waters the liver water you need to go on in the spirits you love these water you'll be witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be [Music] vision send to me the sweet influences of a Holy Spirit you need to go to one in the spirit drink from the water [Music] you [Music] it's the river that Jesus spoke about and gotta go baby shopping River suddenly everyone those waters will change the world [Music] Oh [Applause] choose love [Music] you must the sweet Holy Spirit he beginning is up against how the father wants to give you the Holy Spirit you need to gone to the spirit drink from the water you need to go you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh we write that Jesus spoke about and we need to go in the spirit drink from the water [Music] we in the spirit is what [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] we need before [Applause] hello we love we love [Music] amen amen are you ready for something supernatural this evening oh I can't feel your presence in this place are you ready for something supernatural this evening tonight's God is going to speak to us Bible say that the entrance of the web bringeth lights and this evening you're gonna receive lights and if you're excited make your loudest noise as we welcome Bishop Daggett man [Applause] your hand clappers nuts now that enough your hand clappers nada if you're excited make your loudest noise make your loudest noise as we welcome hallelujah father thank you for your blessing today in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated right are you still in church all right today are just sharing something small with you and I believe that we be blessed amen the presence of God I want to share a bit about the purple presence and the purple now turn with me to Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 17 it says that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the length and the breadth and the [Music] depth and the height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with the fullness of God amen so what God's Word is saying here is that we should be filled with the fullness of God so what it means is that you can have less than the fullness of God oh you don't get it have you ever had somebody who said well I'm glad to be close to you and you felt that you are not close to the person but the person feels that he's close to you huh how's it happen to you before I somebody says well I'm so happy that I'm your friend or your brother or whatever about you you don't feel that way like you don't you don't really regard that person as one of the close people but the peasantry catch us close why is that it's because you know that there is more to you than what the person is experiencing isn't it but the person thinks that that's that's everything do you see I mean I once had somebody preaching and he said I have a relationship with Bishop dark and I was thinking to myself I don't have a relationship with you but like to that person does the relationship like that how his relationships are I don't get what I'm saying so what I'm trying to say is that there is more that can be more to you yeah the fullness be filled with the fullness of God like you can have the full version like Ida has a song called God's banquet she asked three versions of the song there's a short one there's a medium one and it's a long play one with the same song but there's three versions beautiful so in a sense there are three versions of God you can have more more moral and Morris receive the morris so let's look at the best again because it's telling us something beautiful it says that ok you know let's if you if you take it from verse 14 he's a prayer actually it's a prayer for this cause i bow my knees unto the father baumanis means i'm praying and notices topic never here and no for this topic this morning those of you who are here in the morning I showed you you always get yes how many realize that you've got a trick this morning say your prayer will be delayed so when we say a hundred percent answered prayer I represent answer prayer God it's real you a person was not so mature and God you know that God will never delay in answering this fezziwig's but I asked what was awaits way to next year why did you do it the next year for wisdom wisdom is coming now anyway so I bow my knees and then the next verse of whom the whole family in heaven and in earth is named Zoey come to me all right that he would grant to you the riches of his glory glory God that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man these are spiritual press no prayer for cars no beloved's no houses no money no jobs do you think God was at this prayer what the wait waits to be strengthened I doubted also straighten you now wait wait will be straighten later no verse 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that you'll be rooted and grounded in love I mean this is very spiritual sounding this is prayer topic verse 18 that you may be able to comprehend the length and breadth and depth and height and to know the love of Christ issues from God that is all the relationships that you are to maintain relationships the Holy Spirit in you is one and you feel very happy hmm what do you think yeah so the first relationship is the Holy Spirit baptism the Holy Spirit in you you see out of your belly shall flow rivers of my spirit which part of him in thee shall be in you is with you but shall be in you so that's one the second is the Holy Spirit with you with you all the Old Testament people when they were talking about the Holy Spirit of God it was all with you yes he dwelleth with you and shall be in you so it was always with you then later with the Holy Spirit baptism he comes in you okay then came Jesus and then have another type of relationship with the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord is upon me okay that is the one what we usually call anointing when say somebody's anointed that's what we mean usually not not having the Holy Spirit baptism Holy Spirit baptism we mean he's being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks in tells us one then another is God is with us the Lord I caused a fan I treated a lot I got in the midst of thee or with your created the note I got in the midst of B is mighty so for now 3:17 yeah this cord in your mixed Oh when Moses speak don't go with us if you don't go with it was alright alright so what is trying to say is that so UD church's apostle but those who are here and their pasta also so I'm I can have more relationships with you do you see there are so many ways I could relate with you back there is there is the fullest possible relationship you see so that's what Paul was praying in Ephesians chapter 3 in verse 17 he says that you be filled with the fullness verse 19 they feel with the fullness of God okay now one of the things that changes when we relate with God is is the presence that's the part that changes that's the part that goes away now how many of you sometimes you come to church can feel the presence of God and I said are you go home and then he's like isn't it that's the part that is going and coming but the Holy Spirit II knew that you can speak it up camera is always there and then the gift when you have a gift to Pastor to preach to sing I mean you you can operated it and you be cool you know but the differences come in the presence so when you are very sensitive to the spirit you can meet people who have the gift like they can really preach they come pray for the sick they can do things but the presence of God is not there that's a little different yeah it's only when you are very sensitive to that you you sense those things yeah those are those are differences but not so easy to see by someone who is not discerning of the spirit I with me yeah so then what happens is that the presence of its all one of the relationships is changed and is desired that presence that this gift doesn't change because he says the gifts and calling out without repentance so the Spirit of God upon a person usually doesn't say that's why you see that sometimes you can do something wrong or you sing and yourself flow in the power of your gift you know you know what I'm talking about [Applause] oh they didn't go for revival I don't know where's this a few up yeah I mean people can come straight from fornication to minister and you see like the power is flowing so if you are not discerning you wouldn't know you didn't notice because is the gift the gift is there the person still speaks in tongues and spirit is in the person and the gift is there but the difference is the presence so if you remember when Samson went and gave up his power to the lady Delilah all right he wished not that the spirit had departed so when he said the spirit a pattern of course he doesn't go into the details I'm going to the details when you say the spirit departed what do you mean by the spirit of the planet because later the spirit was with him again do you see and help him to fight the Philistines again do you see so that there was a change in the level of relationship you see there was a change if you take song so was the king that's why David didn't want to attack him to attack somebody was anointed but the Spirit of the Lord was now on David not on song an evil spirit rather was tormenting but he was anointed to be king you don't have to take a knife to attack him that's right Jesus didn't attack Judas because Jesus was anointed he breathed on Phil be filled with the spirit he sent down the power was anointed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let me tell you something [Applause] because you know in the universal art subjects we have law min after science and all these things social scientists a scientist of sucia things try to make something [Music] social studies Paulo Sousa love to say social science now if the guy wrote he said look they are made of complicated things which are very simple yes and he said look you cannot be rich the your wealth depends on their job you can expect some rich countries this back to the present anyway what have what has to diseconomies does anybody remember Judah's twin securitisation of future enemies was trying to secure himself at a future buy some shares with thirty pieces of silver so I'm just saying that don't let us let the relationship with God change we need the presence of God all the time what are the things you need for the presence of Exodus 20:5 Exodus 20:5 that's one the lost Putin was the saying speak to the children that they bring an offering everybody willingly alright verse 3 this is the offering you shall take gold silver price alright blue purple scarlet fine linen good good you'll be blessed how many want to let up a good sale yes alright and blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen good alright verse six six oil for the light spices for the anointing oil for sweet incense onyx stones we talked about to make stones stones to be set in the effort and in the breastplate alright beautiful and let them make me a sanctuary or let me please some cherries like a safe please okay a safe place it's another name meaningless if please go to Slippery safe environment where he can be a man teii me 12 among them alright verse 9 according to that which I shall show thee after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments even so shall we make it all right now so go to them make sure you make the pattern and in Hebrews Bible tells us that these things were the pattern of there were patterns of things in heaven know yesterday I saw on the news yeah let's put it back there necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these by the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these now you see that Jupiter early in the morning did you see now you see no Jupiter and Venus yeah no wow is it Venus is just here and you returned so soon Jessie if you want something that is far we'll be talking about stars the nearest stars light years away from a Centauri you talk about stars that are six hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and fifty light years talking about stars which are thousand light years away I'm is that you are seeing what it look like yes it because it looked from 6000 years a stiff Abraham's time when it's blinking us sing Ibrahim it was blinking Abraham's light has taken that long six thousand years to come so we are looking at you see he dwells in glory so each one is worth thinking about so people now people this is just a short lesson for the scenery pepper is wild riches okay which things but I think the royal power of God you see the wild nature is such that it is put to create assess an environment where God can be this ramshackle environments and you can see when you go to poor countries you can see that the demon of poverty and a demo of disorganization is there that's where they work it's a spirit yeah this is very is amazing this organization and confusion all right now the box says the rich man was clothed in purple and fine linen all right and there are so many wonderful scriptures that talk about so many wonderful scriptures that talk about royalty now royalty is something that you need to learn and for today you are receiving the Royal spirits well in a wire and man just one scripture and then we jump into our last scripture for the day songs of Solomon chapter 3 verse 10 King Solomon made himself a child the wood of Lebanon and he made the pillars thereof silver the bottom there of gold the covering the midst thereof being paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem amen dr. Harry Reid mark 15 verse 16 to 18 15 [Music] mark 15 verse 16 and the soldiers led him away into the hall called Praetorian and they called together the whole band and they clothed him with petal and plotted a crown of thorns and put it about his head and began to salute him hail King of the Jews and they smote him on the head with a reed and they spit upon him and bowing their knees washing him platted a crown of thorns so a real king is always outlined and demarcated and presented in purple so it looks like God wants you and I to walk in kind of royalty whatever you are doing amen what do you think when you go out in a singlet I don't think you are fulfilling sleepless eating KanCare fish by the roadside it doesn't really look like a king what do you think you are receiving the grace to live like a king [Applause] do you have the Living Bible dear friend some forty-five is our last Scripture verse one from today listen you know Revelation chapter one I believe as for revelations one best four plus five yeah verse six he has made us kings and priests some of us if we hold our hands and walk together to the room so happy so royalty I believe creates an environment where many things of God can take place and many things cannot take place when the royalty is no day so I want to show you many things that can happen when the royal environment is there and our environment is something that you must try you see if you take this room for instance it's much more expensive here there's not much expensive painting being expensive is the atmosphere of royalty which also we need air conditioning because cannot be sweating so much wiping wiping funding is such a royal empowerment that what are you still around beautiful now some qualified now let's use the Living Bible because it's a little easier all right shall we now this is a special one for a royal placement and that's you enjoying the presence of God and it's also the Lord the son of a king beautiful words tear my heart and I will recite a lovely poem about the king what do you think see it's only a king that can have such a poem the one we are about to reach and there are prophecies for you my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet I'm sure you notice in the King James switch it to the King James let's look at the King James of this one my heart is indicted a good matter I speak of the things up but I've made touching the King might cut my tongue is the pen of a ready writer back to the Living Bible please we are happier with that one for now beautiful words stir my heart I will recite a lovely poem about the king for my tongues like the Pandavas skilful beautiful best to are you still around you are the most handsome of all [Applause] [Music] you see when you create a royal environment in your church in your life automatically it is believed assumed that the person in it is of a certain caliber now if you take a pigsty you know the pig stylist the environment of peace you assume that a pig is the one sting here you assume that a king is a prodigal son I'd like a pig or a prodigal son staying here so when you create a certain environment it is assumed and it's almost like you must be nice you must come to this church and then this see them are you here so I'm here you must be nice nice you must be nice to true or not true that is why people assume that white people are not fools and that they do not break contracts but if you want to know Brookes tips people who need contracts more than anybody else white people kanaeva high-caliber I don't want to tell you some stories but many people assume to be according to so many judgment dates you don't know yes that's why most Kenyans were according to mortgage broker they don't know that the man who is sitting to making this time he knows that 70% 80% of the people who are signing this day will never own the house they have the statistics there I sit at you for the very smiling c-congratulations open a bottle of champagne for making you join something that happy yeah it's like an assumption that because Europe is nice America is nice all the people that are from that place and when they come and they see the environment here the place is wild there's no rule that what must be some way yes so if you don't have a royal environment there is an assumption that you are predict a son or a pig true it's just an assumption that just happens I mean I'm just say you don't speak you know you haven't started speaking so now the king some fortified because of the environment of the king it's like he's handsome that is like you must be so it makes you you the one who is in it that is why the ladies is good to do your hair we want you to please buy more weeks now we really want you to do hair and we always assume that the person is nice because she looks nice when you dressed royally is assumed a something that unfortunately is not always correct so please do you have always and time order any husband who Mayra she doesn't want to buy dresses and what about he should marry a boy meet both forbid I should marry a boy but you must know how to stay with a girl grew up when you are in the royal environment you become more handsome and more attractive yes then your words gracious words stream from your lips it seems as if the words you are speaking I mean if I was standing in the midst of rubbish and a lot of money I missed a spot really do go Willie what we eat with watching [Music] but very beautiful beautiful I mean and whatever he said seemed to be gracious so the Word of God is even hinted by Emily Thomas environments so depend on where you are from you need to upgrade to like you are from maybe from Mali but you upgrade to a certain French feel totally and vestry put on your sword oh mighty warrior you see anybody who comes into the royal environments see this is where for instance cars and some of these things become important sometimes when you don't drive in a certain type of car you know a mulligan do you know what a mulligan is a mulligan is like when you are playing golf and then you play scoring so when you come around and they feel like I Mulligan is like endospore in PES moon doesn't matter has come because of that you see that some men have taken it to weld cup of the cast a with Premier League or just play the league in the country but they have taken into World Cup or universal I mean I don't drive it Royale cow I don't drive I know that I don't have a rocker I mean but the rally empowerment's yeah put on your song oh mighty world that's right many of these young prophets and young pastors be happy have a sitting type of car when they are right with the arranged Oh fine you send that amount of go with gracious words that's a riot there's a place for that put on your soul almighty world you are so glorious and majestic see the Royal empowerment creates a certain feeling of something important is coming amen you are declared important verse 4 in your majesty so write out to victory now if the strain is to congestus alike the key chance of this one in the majesty right prosperously right prosperously so you start to write prosperously this even when somebody wants to give you a gift a person would think twice this is a royal personal I'm going to give a gift is it right to give him two pieces of chicken we went once to a country they didn't give us two pieces of chicken they brought us the whole animal from the president the whole animal we were given one animal to eat two pieces of chicken and chips right on prosperously prosperity is released over your life [Applause] because of truth meekness and righteousness and thy right hand shall teach the terrible things so your ministry your calling is villages and your taste is a villages taste like even when you are doing nice things and like you have money we can immediately see where you are from by the time you finished spending the money you know so people like that in Ghana but you want to mention where we spot organized it up middle down somewhere in the somewhere in between in between somewhere somewhere well even when the two things you know that is from this person so like the malian situation you have to get the taste from another place and learn when there's an opportunity to learn something new a fable I will la la la la which means they are making you a gentleman what they are making you a lady you don't want it you don't want it you know what I went to Ethiopia we were taken to a Chinese beautiful Chinese restaurant wait sweet so when we got there they gave us chopsticks because stop fighting royalty when it is being imparted to you did you hear what I said stop fighting it Koko's pranks nobody from icy royalty coming over here do you know why Chinese people are not fat a Chinese woman with as big bottoms us we're having certain places because they drink Chinese tea with everything so it dissolves the fact they eat the 340 before they eat and hot tea after we just frozen the fudge it freezes the fat and the moves are so alike right on Prospero's right on prosperously because of truth ministry I get direct to heaven beyond this thousand like I said when I speak shop the six you're through and the royalty helps to establish I mean just sitting there sitting some ramshackle please they can't remember the things that are being said you get a feel of the type of justice you are going to get files are told you can't find anything you deficit documents there you can't find the passage can't find your things and I mean you can have a feeling of the kind of justice a judge who can be bribed with a television you can give him a television you change this mind or chicken all right good you can see that kind of environment that we work in can tell you that kind of justice and he says that you rule with the scepter of justice because you are you a king and you are in royalty this is all that is expected from you fairness seven you love justice I mean it's just assumed once the environment say that you love justice anyway yes therefore you think god no God has anointed you pouring out the oil of joy or knew more than on anyone else so you see this power and more anointing flowing in a royal kingly atmosphere look at this one again look at this one beautiful words tear up my heart I will recite a lovely poem about the king or about their royal environment and then in verse seven it says therefore God my god let's take that one in the King James is nice in the King James nice thank you James put it on King James he says thou lovest righteousness and hatred therefore God thy God so you sort of even says places when the kingly environment is present our recital lovely beautiful that's it receive a creature anointing now aloes and cassia perfume your ropes in I agree palaces the music of strings entertains you you see when you are a promise people assume that everything you have is expensive this must cost is this must cause this this must be taste this must be done yes expensive ivory palaces there's music music of strings entertains you so in this environment you sense perfumes and gifts and I skip there you just assume there must be gifts and beautiful things nice things palaces beautiful face next face now in an environment a kingdom government we have here Kings daughters are among noble women and at your right side stands the Queen wearing jewellery of finest gold from affair now where the presence of God is you have Kings daughters Kings daughters change daughters strange women prostitutes bad people destroyers no kings daughters are among so where the presence of God is the pepper somebody swing the nipples to come a certain caliber of ladies one of those kings daughters you know people are afraid of girls when I tell you wait wait people are afraid of girls but is it girls like wait they're like they're like people that have really helped yeah I can't really spoil and really help now in the environment you have to be king you have to be clean and you have to take what I'm saying seriously not everybody's clean and not everybody the king's daughter in the king's house you know some of the ladies the kings daughters that are put on putting the King James King James yeah Kings daughters were among that honorable women noble women shall be found in the King's presence now that is why you know some of the ladies that you see around and and you would be surprised at their background because often you think this person is as a church property maybe we didn't know that this person is something because when you work for that chest for some time as a point look like we are not educated although you don't have sense some days are as if a side effect is a problem or there is something that was maybe work in the church will be amazed those of you I used to strange women see you must grow up spiritually when you see a strange woman your antennas baki cars which have antennas that when we got back to beautiful beautiful but my question is how do you know they are beautiful have you ever talked to one how can you decide somebody's nice is it that's why you make you choose the wrong person you just look as though you find say fine let's be serious you choose people by just [Music] tell your neighbor no longer am i impressed by strange but I scold them ground coffee color a bunny black inside light whatever lovely and once again fluorescent blue Snow White on the right hand this time the Queen in the queen is standing as the king is sitting so there's a queen you are attracted by golden brown girls [Applause] anyone that comes as a golden brown it's like you I immediately charge yeah but they all have eyes from today your eyes will see the difference between an honorable woman and a dishonorable woman from today your heart will be attracted in the name of Jesus No look this is the environment of royalty remember this one is a point to a king he says beautiful words about their royal environment beautiful verse 10 but then listen to me easy when you get the chance to work in the house of God and in a royal environment it says take to what I see people and your family far away is it some of you don't want to leave behind what is behind and just take on royalty because this is what God has done it's a great thing and you see when you fail to do that you miss out on God's blessing your people in your family far away it Stanley here Stanley I hear yeah yeah come this way don't walk on the blue I'll be talking about blue soon yeah this is Tanya have you got a microphone beautiful this is Emily alright now he was a mission er he is was a missionary to Dominica I mean is it the right way to say Dominica yes and if you remember there was a hurricane all right what is the name of the hurricane that came to island Maria a lady I hear the hurricane the female hurricanes are very deadly more deadly than the male the male hurricanes and what happened to you Island you were in the u.s. the hurricane ferocious the wind blew what's your house chicken how many hours the people die people switched off the winds and the rain wind and the rain and the rain anyway innit I was right in the center so he sent me there and I went in you which of the they were calling me and the current game is so they gather then the other meats and they set up the company myself to leave the island and to come back to London why because of the hurricane whole island even the Prime Minister's house the Prime Minister sir he said that tweets that his house is on that and I attacked last night's and it was finished so you went back no please I went to another island st. Lucia and then you came back and I went back to Dominica so when we landed then Thursday forcing forcing us to come back which are the first day we went back after the hurricane and me and Reggie we met with the Prime Minister of the country I went up to went up we went up to office and we're here to encourage United Nations were present and us you are what I'm not using my first time student anyway okay so tell us what happened so you went to the UN offices I went there and soon as we got there the man we spoke to me said we are also here we are here to offer our services and that very moment the man says send our CVS and Bischoff parent Monday we are UN and plays like United Nations you know for the UN yes Constance and we look after the whole island building the damage assessment yes that's what I'm trying to explain to you he says forget your people you see we decided to embrace the mission and there's no electricity and still see just what I starting to come back now I am there's no we sleep with touches we are we are looking after their country you [Music] [Music] you can send that person is Tatsu impressed and I want you to know that you can't wait for God and not be impressed you have to be impressed with God also be many places I could have been in America I've been in Massachusetts to me yeah it's not something small this brother yeah I mean I became heated the body language telling me now Don Luis it was you know he was [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes Marvel would join be very sick she was shows dentist Reggie was getting married so to represent me present you yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] is not working now with me we need the Royal presence of God your village is to helping us you are blessed a club for this Dominican Dominican mission ops verse 11 your royal has God delights in your beauty the princess will show you see when you have a royal environment not a beggarly environment right Prince's present gives you the more you make yourself poor sorry those of you who people don't give bathroom that's why some of some of us we only give one city or less to the beggar yes because they've made themselves the poorest of the poor yes one day I met a bad guy in London and she was begging for money she asked me said please can I have can I have can I have one pound please can I have one pound right behind me Becca you know I bet you say I'm not a beggar I need one pound you are too proud to stand in your office for money [Applause] amen verse 13 the king's daughter is all glorious my man verse 14 in her beautiful role she's led to the King accompanied by her bridesmaids in her beautiful robes she's led to their king hmm no comment I don't want to make any comment about this 14 deeply see what a joyful and enthusiastic procession as we enter the king's palace the sixteen your son's will become like will become kings like their father received a royal anointing you will make them rulers oak of many lands and verse 17 therefore the nations will praise you forever [Music] do you like the Bible thank you Jesus every peg alley village backward environment which we create go away from us and let us experience [Music] let us attract all these blessings we give you praise please take your seats every head bowed every eye closed if you are here today are not a born-again Christian but he wants to be born again you want to give your life to Jesus if you are here like that raise up your right hand and I'm gonna pray with you god bless you lift it up high god bless you I want to give my life to Jesus today god bless you lift it up higher if you've lifted up your hand you want to give your life to Jesus lift it I stand up stand up quickly god bless you stand up to your feet and come to me [Music] [Music] please forgive me Jesus now I want to receive a special offering tonight amen konishi we are building something there yes we don't ask you for anything but tonight I want you to give something to help to build this thing all right it's going to be finished beautiful we had today's happy baptism day we had about 1,000 people receiving the Holy Spirit baptism and I baptized more than 200 people yes today the swimming pool was beautiful yes I thought I was swimming but I've declared seven so wonderful wonderful weeks wonderful weeks of salvation and it ends exactly on the 30th within these seven weeks your dreams will come true how many believe in such a professing in Jesus name Amen now give me a basket put it right here father thank you for the blessing you give to us it's a blessing father we are grateful touch everyone here as we gave in Jesus name Amen I want some people to give a hundred CDs 100 anything God touches you to build a church millions but I want you to give generously just put it in my basket avoid my blue when I do you become afraid of the blue by one day we talked about Rams skin dyed red and goats hair beautiful your levels are changing I said your levels are changing [Music] lava fantastic Swami of the first lap census revival at 7:00 to sow a seed and to give an offering it is an absolute beautiful atmosphere to give the Bible teaches us that when we believe in the prophets we will prosper and this is an opportunity for you at home as you are watching us to not miss out on this empower powerful experience you can log on to and you'll be able to be blessed and join us as we are giving unto the Lord it's a blessing 10 more people God is touching you to give come and give 10 more people apart from those who have given or those who have given can also give again if you were but 10 more people father bless them with fire in Jesus name Amen and where do you come calling you calling calling you in the spirit to give a hundred scenes all of these ten who have come just come back to me I won't pray for you come this way let your hands up I wanted to be away from this blue thing please I'm gonna hold your hand when I hold her hand the power of God will come to your life thank you Jesus thank you for your power receive the gift of God receive the gift of thought receive the gift of God receive see receive it or see the grace of God receive it thank you thank you thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] receive them Jesus [Music] [Music] whatever is within you what is strength limit strength Jesus [Music] the chance [Music] [Music] thank you oh yes see the power receipt apparently see those [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] somebody who came here the first time you've come for this kind of revival 7 meeting was that became the first time [Music] if you've come before don't come please first time you've come here yeah [Music] all of you here for the first time please your hands Jesus now just leave your hands like that [Music] careful yes-yes-yes receive it coming to you power power watch out careful gentle Jesus it's flowing it's flowing it's real power thank you lift your hands Michael Jesus gifts gift of God gift upon gift of God lift your hands gift of God should give out into something Jesus [Music] thank you your first time here take it [Music] when I hold your mouth God's power will come into your life receive Jesus yes yes [Music] my god [Music] lavance [Music] receive something [Music] oh yes [Music] my tea my dues my team my English Jesus [Music] this your hands [Music] thanks Jesus [Music] Michael now listen those of you are here for the first time look at me you know this is what a lot is saying to you you have to not be blessed by chance but when you are a child God will allow you to be blessed almost by accident but then there comes a time you are expected to get up and brush your teeth and be ready for school on time is it not true yes but before then it's almost like it's always done for you so you are ready on time by accident isn't it but this is what the Lord is saying that don't wait to be blessed by chance but seek the blessings of God actively don't sit and say oh if it's good it's good but you must seek because there'll be a turn money do not just come to you unless you seek for it and you push for I do not have it so push for it and what I say to you a suitable father thank you for this Jesus go back to your seat we are having an offering time now you don't have 50 CDs but you want to give 20 Ghana Cedis have this gentleman 20 cities come to the front and put your offering in the basket very quickly now what we are experiencing is called the presence of God it's not a gift of God the gift of God is there but then it's also the presence and there's also the spirit within so that makes the fullness of God that's what we started if you remember the fullness of God what a blessing [Music] who's been whose today you [Music] I just want to use you thank you for this young man long this is what a lot is saying you know he brought you here to train real and to raise you and he's trained you he's raised you and he's sending you so don't disappoint him but fulfill the call of God is wish for you Jesus thank you for blessing Christopher the 90 let him fulfill his ministry pray for him and I thank you bless this one be a birthday blessed all right thank you [Music] how many know that God's power is here God is seeking you out to bless you now you don't have 20 cities but you want to give 10 cities come in these baskets put a couple more baskets please you [Music] within these seven wonder weeks not missing and your missing wife [Music] and then on the 30th missing husband we found your missing wife be located sit down the professor you believe is the one that's going to happen do you believe this you think it's just talking now you don't have 10 CDs but you have 5 CDs coming well the dancing starts where are the dances dance are you there you don't have five senses but you have five CDs five [Music] [Music] that is that no no those white dancing [Music] come in come in Stanton I feel like free for you alright let your hand you no more be unspiritual some of us here are not spiritual but today marks the end of pain and spiritual lift your hands [Music] Jesus power comes into your life power comes it dancing stunts dancing stance yes now receive an impartation receive it receive it [Music] it's flowing be anointed be anointed no no no no no [Music] jungbaek us Geronimo yes thank you thank you [Music] dancing stars listen you [Music] [Music] Jesus weaknesses ticking away strength strength [Music] receive grease receive grace receive grace receive Grace receive grace change change [Music] change sling [Music] yes yes [Music] change [Music] [Music] [Music] listen your again you sense you should have been in that dancing stars but you haven't joined them come let me pray for you but you won't want to join them I'm calling you in the spirit to come and be a dan system come come to this idea you are supposed to be a time since I've I've never said yes come the same idea stand on this side if you know you should be a dancing stuff are you having joint wanna become a nun sister Irene say you know how to dance I said you feel that God asked only to get asked about you are not a Dan system let your hands all of you if she's not already a done system then what is she doing why are you here you lady [Music] French I just be stretched you can understand magnifique let your hands thanks Jesus yes God is giving you the power and the grace in Jesus name Jesus name now everybody lift your hands father and my church teach your children the blessing oh thank you for royalty thank you for royalty we are gonna forget about whatever we came from the focus of the glory you've given to us a presents as money we give you praise to give you thanks know somebody here your house is not a nice house but God is going to give you in the next three months a nice house receive it's the house is currently not a nice house but in three months be in a new nice place Jesus you know that is true when it happens within three months I say you know that is Johanna happens with it you didn't come to church for nothing God is here to bless you why nots in Jesus name all right check out your offerings whatever orphans you have the ashes are gonna come round and it's gonna be singing yeah we have somebody there are now anointed and empowered [Music] do you people believe in the holy spirits if you don't believe in those I don't know why you should resign but let us ask what surname Jenelle Jenelle Jenelle Jenelle whilst we received our frame jemelle from Janelle from America gonna give us a song you you [Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord is my light and my salvation shall I fear he's the strength of my life day I know need to be a friend I have a secret place where I see God's face he gives me peace from my troubled mind he carries me over Mountain he comforts me through the valley when I'm going through the storm protected in his arms oh my father loves me that's why I'll say the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear when I'm going through the stone protected in his arms oh my father loves me that's why I'll say the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear he's the strength of my life day and night I know need to be your friend when evil tries to destroy me try to make me fall he puts me on a rod how do the reach of them all when my enemies try to hurt me I don't have to worry I'm in this camp not just here but everywhere I'm going to that hiding place where I'll seek my God's face - ready to go he carries me over mountains he comforts me through the valley when I'm going through the storm protecting his arms oh don't you know the Lord is my light and my salvation [Music] who shall I fear he is my strength he's my strong tower my hiding place from day to day he is my strength the Lord is my John tower and you know though you walk through the valley of shadow of death you know Lord is my light and my salvation oh he is my love [Music] no need to be a friend oh the Lord is my light [Music] um whom shall I be he's the strength of my life night and day day and night no need to be afraid amen [Music] [Applause] ladies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a whanau above sir see ya when our bobbin would you'd make par free your say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ricky'll common name Minka Makeda Bonita Resort mission Panchita with me alpha the Omega awesome me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh yummy yummy [Music] [Applause] would be Navi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you all too soon we come about like seven service but I believe you've had a great time excited I believe that we've had a great time something supernatural has happened in this place and we are so blessed thank you so much daddy for this powerful revival at seven service to receive life that the best thing is to serve the Lord and to give our all so go thank you so much daddy and even though we don't have some you know on to leave but we have to go Oh Geneva sauna let's share that grace may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God that communion fellowship contribution participation the 10,000 children and the fast love of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore amen god bless you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 6,823
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: HealingJesus, 2017, Dag Heward-Mills, Qodesh, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Sunday, First Love, children, university, christian living
Id: KHua_DjXG7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 12sec (9732 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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