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you and wait and God will give you a lot [Music] I mean I wanna go to my knees may I know Jesus I know come come come come leaving me Oh why wouldn't you let Johnson sing this song [Music] la take over [Music] I really wanted to come and I will lie on details come on if you're not tired let's sing one more time so come hallelujah [Music] take over [Music] Jesus I will rise Marnie girls [Music] light of the world you step down into darkness [Music] beauty that makes and for Vlad [Music] we didn't get it slice of the world do step down - does your pain [Music] really that lazy [Music] and Oh both alive [Music] blessings one more time light of the world I'm a little sambal let's sing it together [Music] there's always beauty that magic [Music] and all of the line [Music] so everybody think agile SC from that's alright of the world she's them down can we go singer together [Music] let me see beauty that makes easy that me [Music] fans with come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no fun know how much it cost to see [Music] I will never know how much to come [Music] [Music] I know [Music] come on let you answer Jesus in this place everybody [Music] or else you answer the name of the Living God respect to him there must be a reason why you have come tonight asking for grace asking for divine assistance asking for help come on [Music] as well since you shall send help from his holy sanctuary on to us when we ask you come on Hoss colorful Gray's I start for messy [Music] you were here in the morning Iranian afternoon this is a new time the new opportunity to still find yourself in the process and in the housing that I've been caught [Music] Lord I thirst for you and I love to be in your plan does a keyboard [Music] you father drawn in here tell me that to the beauty [Music] lord I Fest for you [Music] and I long [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mira [Music] join me to the beauties that beauty and I will weigh on you Almighty God in the beauty of your [Music] Mutie [Music] and I will wait on you [Music] inability that beauty I wanted to let your budget [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] in the beauty [Music] sunrise to sunrise I receive your face to the pond [Music] Jesus [Music] here in your plan [Music] so tell me Lord [Music] you're in place [Music] take Ramona [Music] the I just wanna add [Music] how long [Music] there is a long game that only you can feel a raging tempest all you can steal kids do [Music] No slang from the rear [Music] come on come on come on [Music] Nicole [Music] and I just wanna learn [Music] [Music] junetta side on my everything for me [Music] hallelujah [Music] now today [Music] I really wanna wash it [Music] one my [Music] I Oh so I let my boys in our toleration [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my voice [Music] I really want to worship you my lord she loved one my heart [Music] one enjoys a singer too you are the only [Applause] babe [Music] come on let your hands to Jesus a meeting to place the name of the law [Applause] bless the name of the Lord there is nothing specific to play Vargas Borges [Music] while they are standing ajar to the min to the king of Jews to the Lord of lords come on yes stuff to invest up to you to the Lord [Music] bah-bah-bah civil arena because she la mochila [Music] come on [Music] I really wanna worship Lord I really wanna worship Lord I really wanna watch you I'll smash you tonight I said the coalition Oh take we have certain high let your name be lifted high let your name be lifted [Music] let's shall let your neighbor love to hide let's enemy up soldier [Applause] summer somebody was shipping was shipping somebody was so he was shipping somebody was me somebody wants shivers - I never [Music] that's not many don't stop the stuff seeing your son completion don't stop worshipping McCullough [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will love you you are the only [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on lived long so Jesus I'm I'm almost see I'm in a little on my mind [Music] you have to lift your voice and call on him it doesn't matter where you're standing even call on him [Music] it's between you and mama mama some of you must lift your hand some of you must need and was she the name of the Living God see mama Kalyanam Oh [Music] Jesus what a wonder you are so gentle [Music] sing Jesus geez what a wonder [Music] you are so gentle [Music] Oh like a bride morning [Music] if you believe that Jesus is right here with us I wanted to lift your hands to him [Music] I wanted to fix your eyes and fix your hearts to him [Music] give him all the glory that is due him judge give him all the girl that is dealing Church come on [Music] damnit I left in your hands to Jesus and focusing on email or there is something beyond just singing there is definitely something beyond us singing [Music] come on sake of wonder come on keep playing it [Music] come on [Music] it's a shame I'm a I take up my fire shame on my mom Ocasio kataka Playa silly [Music] she's my cheese Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] chance I wanna see little hands to Jesus there is a Sun in this place so our God is about to do tonight I believe your hands may prepare rights now who are you longing for way longer to here who are you hungry for its mother Jesus so Rama [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba asking for days I forget to send your case define have defined which whatever you are doing at bus stop as Shepard a businessman and married man and married oh man come on your new toys from gone say my thoughts out [Music] say macaparana Akasaka say macaparana level Casilla [Music] Shaima capillary Angela Merkel CEO we want to watch TV Lord we wanna give you all the praise Allah Sheikh Italian delivery [Music] somebody thirty more seconds we are closing come on let your hands to Jesus I pray the grace of God I beg your new team of God the power of God of God ba-ba-ba-ba-ba and ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses of me [Music] yoshida-san delicacy saya saya ten more seconds yeah buddy cause these pots come on stop appropriation it don't stop pullin it don't stop receiving it let joy shall receive the grace of God shake Aramis Oh Takara Maya [Music] we thank you in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Vasya Malema no more cozy under áliveá Shaymin del amico SI on alibi [Music] mama mandela lyric asean illallah bhaiyya she karate and a little baby Morini moxie and álava we give you all the praise and we give you all the glory in Jesus mighty name and everybody shouted amen put your hands together for the Living God [Music] [Music] we changed into another man you be fresh and empowered Oh [Music] teaching me when though [Music] the name [Music] you mean witnesses when the whole is scary [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] train [Music] it's the river that Jesus [Music] those waters [Music] the precious Holy Spirit he will give me [Music] you'll be me [Music] to give you the holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all rise and shine for that I just come and the glory on the Lord is risen upon you behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness cover the people but the Lord shatter and thus glory shall be a poopy but no chatter easy [Music] many shampoo and say let us go to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob [Music] and he shall teachers of his way and be sure it shall come to [Applause] [Music] in the top of the and shall be is [Music] and a chop low into [Music] I'll rise and shine your lines Lord shall arise upon thee and this glory shall be seen j-town shall come too and King [Music] it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord chubbie [Music] shall be a stabbing in the top oven and chubby Ansel [Music] nation to [Music] [Music] Aizen shine your knight Lord shall arise upon me and thus glory shall be seen Chantell shall come to your light and Kings to the brain they shall come to [Music] she'll be in staffing it's [Music] that's love yes [Music] [Music] [Music] for the Lord [Music] see only [Music] Scooby shall be seen [Music] [Music] and this is my but I mean see mixed eagle [Music] the spirit the spirit [Music] if I go in without your prayers [Music] feels [Music] my feeling [Music] insane please choose another bird [Music] son [Music] I should go [Music] if without either [Music] preaching without cheating I can't [Music] jeez [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] into the [Music] this is how to suffer do you wanna be a mystery why are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's your country [Applause] and join me [Music] this is how to be a missionary this is how do you wanna be a movie [Music] tiny of yourselves despise the natives Big Bear well to water Prince farewell to relatives well to all you know [Music] [Music] [Music] to nity [Music] this is how to be listening [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] without limitation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Great Commission have been made my main cream since the days of the first apostles but I regret to report that the work of God has not been taken up seriously no has it be prosecuted with the ceilin festival be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] many people say the commission is completed by the ministry of the first apostle they say we have lots of swords in our own country if God intends the salvation of the world it will somehow bring the gospel to them I'll bring them to us today most Christian cities have no concern for loss in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please miss um [Music] for the consideration of you will sit at ease I offer these observations if the whole body of Christians in turn haughtily in to the Great Commission and love the source of their fellow creature more than they love them say and more than the love [Music] they could become candles in the door they could become saved out of this world candles in the da [Music] [Music] send me in to me somehow as a candle [Music] [Music] [Music] remember your viader [Music] in the days of your you before the evil day have another yet [Music] remember your Creator before the years come when you shall see [Music] I have no blazer [Music] remember your PA [Music] in the days of your you be for the son [Music] [Applause] the grass of Pi becomes a burden and these are sphere [Music] remember your Creator [Music] if the tea is of you before your legs start to tremble [Music] remember your it [Music] before your shoulders bend over before your teeth is that falling out and your go dear remember your beer before opportunities are gone and the sound [Music] and you the first chirping the bird [Music] before you near your grade you're [Music] remember are we [Music] my dear [Music] life has you know [Music] precious beautiful [Applause] we'll come to and you will say [Music] was a vapor what did [Music] remember your [Music] Oh [Music] your Creator [Music] Oh remember your beer [Music] [Music] [Music] father we are grateful for the opportunity in Jesus name Amen you may be seated how many are already blessed remember your Creator life as you know it will soon be gone this thing can go off beautiful today is a short Bible lesson Hebrews 11 the faith of the elders Hebrews 11 the faith of the elders amen I believe you have all read many times Hebrews 11 breasts - for by it the elders obtained a good report all right now Hebrews 11 verse 1 faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report now who are these elders first Timothy chapter 5 verse 1 we have the same word rebuke not an elder but intreat him as a father first Timothy 5:17 let the elders that rule we'll be counted worthy of double honor especially those who labor in the word and doctrine first Timothy 5:19 against an elder received not an accusation but before two or three witnesses another place you find this word is first Peter 5:1 the elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the of the what but the glory that shall be breasts - what does it say feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind so these elders as you keep seeing here are no other than than what preachers and ministers it's actually the word Presby presbytery which we have in the Presbyterian Church then second John chapter 1 verse 1 the elder unto the elect lady and her children whom I love in the truth and not I only but they also that have known the truth so you see here John also calls himself one of the elders and in 3rd John chapter 1 verse 1 most people just know vests - but this one says the elder unto the well-beloved Gaius whom I love in the truth so the word elder as you can clearly see is actually used for people that are in the ministry so the faith of the elders is the faith of people who are in the ministry this evening revival services for ministry if you are not interested in meaning shouldn't have come because it's about ministry work alright you can come in the morning there's even a fast a very early service by 8:00 we finish with God but this one is not like that alright now by faith the elders obtained a good report so what does verse 1 say faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen by it the elders obtained a good report in other words by having evidence of things not seen and by having substance of things hoped for the elders obtained a good report so it's very important that you and I substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen in other words we should have things that we hope for in the ministry so until you have things that you hope for in the ministry you are not going to have faith I would mean oh you don't understand it's English faith is the substance of things hoped for so you must hope for something all right and evidence of things not seen so you must see things that are not seen okay and then best to says that buy it can this one also go off it's making noise I need I need noiseless beautiful I don't think it's too hot now you'll be ok so if you want to lose weight you can lose weight by the time you leave church yeah it's fine now if you want to do well in ministry you need faith you need faith in ministry as an elder it says by it the elders obtained a good reports you want to do well in ministry and also have a good report as a minister as an elder like John or Peter you need faith I don't know if you get what I'm saying yeah by its the elders obtained a good report you need faith so faith is necessary for a good report in ministry so faith is substance of things you hope for so you must have hopes for something before you can have faith for something you don't understand the revelation all right now many people don't have hopes for setting things in ministry so you must believe God to have hope for certain things in the ministry amen so when you have hope and you are hoping for certain things you can have faith when you have faith we can have a good report or it's not easy to understand hope faith good reports okay hope faith good reports not hope holiness good report holy this is important without which you cannot see God but I'm just saying what is written here hope faith good report so if you want a good report you need to believe a lot of things in me to see things that are not seen if you don't see things that are not seeing you will not do well so just quickly and the things not seeing like the anointing you know you need to have you need to believe in something you can't see so I believe that God had called me to the minister I believe that he have unmounted me do you see it is a belief and through the belief of something I can't see I'm doing something in ministry I hope it's easy to understand you look depressed this evening are you depressed all right Faith Hope faith good reports verse two by eight which is put one and two together put one and two together faith is the substance of things you hope for evidence of things you can see four by eight that is the one above things you are hoping for and things you don't see these two things are going to give you a good report in heaven amen not necessarily on earth but in heaven so have faith and God is going to use you mightily and you are going to have a good report in heaven okay so what are some of the things you should be hoping for Ephesians 4 and verse 11 11 he gave some apostles if you want to read from verse 10 he ascended descended and ascended that he might fill all things so God fills everything God is everywhere then he gave these are the great gifts that he gave so instead of hoping for money and hoping for cars hope that you will be one of the great apostles great prophets great evangelists great pastors and great teachers what do you think you must hope is to be excited and to have a longing feeling towards something that you are happy about when you don't have faith you are depressed okay so from today this is a very short Bible lesson have great hopes in your Apostolic possibilities that maybe you can be a great apostle how about that instead of aiming to be a great owner of a restaurant by chop bar or to sell iron rods have great hopes that you will be a great apostle and if you have that hope it means you can have faith and if you have faith you can have a good rapport so a great apostle you know it's very sad that people veer off 10 this one also of turn them all of actually we okay we were here before these things came and we'll be here after they are gone so don't have hopes to be driving at mercedes-benz it's not a good hope I hope to have a mercedes-benz don't have the hope this is what we should hope to be a great apostle what is a great apostle an apostle is a builder of churches maybe we should start down because by the time you get to the senior ones in first Corinthians 12 he tells us that he has set in the church first apostles second prophets first Corinthians 12 yes that first apostles secondarily prophets so it's been ranked has been ranked and arranged so a prophet or an apostle is not the same as a pastor we are mostly senior to a pastor or a teacher okay so let us start with the lower one these are the fivefold ministry so let's say have a great hope that you'll be a great teacher how about that what is a great teacher a great teacher is somebody who teaches the word and people choose to listen to that person's teaching teaching then you are a great teacher people choose to listen to your preaching that makes you a great teacher take a great teacher like direct prints I'm not love miracles no miracle forgive me miracle because we are dissecting it they are all separate no miracle just talking do what I'm saying there are people that they are talking it's nice and you can listen to it for a long time that's a great teacher and you can have hope to be a great teacher yes and when you have hope you have you can have faith and you can then be and then you can have a good rapport instead of hoping to have a Mercedes Benz hope to be a great teacher I hope I be a great teacher when I was in university I told my beloved I don't know Jose my beloved that one day I was sitting on a hill and I imagined that people would come and I would teach I just wanted to be a teacher of the way a great teacher and I felt that Jesus Christ was a greatest teacher because we never forget his his teachings and his stories he has a lot of stories and we all remember even if we don't remember the basis remember the stories true or not true so I wanted to be a teacher a great teacher and that's the hope that I have carried with me and I hope produce faith that I'll be a great teacher and I'm teaching a lot of people listen to my preacher I've never hopefully mercedes-benz why pop for the wrong things hmm yes the other time I checked my podcast it was number one podcast and even in the UK it was challenging a BBC [Music] teachings not miracles miracles also day is different so have hoped that you will be a very great teacher of the way that even in the afternoon is it today I was preaching I just get into five o'clock and my church was here we started in the morning just get into five was a Bunga and we are back yes so have this dream and have this hope in you what keeps you going in the morning I told them about the story of the mouse a mouse was put in a big bucket that it cannot come what I was down but enough lot of water to drown it and the bucket is highlighter so it couldn't climb out and it was put in a darkroom physiology lab in medical school we had a darkroom who remembers that room do you remember what they do that they developed films films and things like that yeah blah if you go I've been there to pray before and when I was in school I go inside the room entry yes and the mouse was put in the deep pocket and they close the door no like three minutes it was dead it drowned then they took the Mouse's brother same mother same father and put the brother in the same bucket with the same level of water close the door in the same room but they put a pinhole light at the top the mouse's brother swam for almost 24 hours how many more time it saw the light there was hope and he kept him moving swimming and partly for 24 hours more the hope that I can one day be a teacher the people will one day buy my cassettes all get the messages how do you get messages now podcasts or whatever and listen without sleeping it's a great hope that you can help and that they will love to travel to come and listen to you talking that's a great teacher Temba you can be a great teacher I said you can be a great teacher yes if you have hope that these great things that God has given us you can be one of the great options one of the greatest options of a teacher it will bring you dread hop and great faith for that thing to happen and to push it towards it and before you realize you start to speak and people are just Joyce man she's a woman watch the auditorium's across the world for they sit there and they listen to head talking that's not a mirror you know one day somebody went to a funeral and it came back as I Howard the Fuhrer I said the funeral was okay but they didn't serve us even one groundnut so Joyce Britain not even one miracle just talking no granite not eveyone just talking she's a woman so these are possible hopes for your life and everybody can learn and gravitate and push toward becoming a great teacher of the word yes you can I said you can I'm showing you something you can you know it's something you can be you can be a great teacher I said you can boy or girl you can be a great teacher of the web it should be one of the things you work for and the hope will make you have faith and the faith to make you have a good report you can teach better you can talk better you can speak nicer you can preach with mop about with more anointing are you listening to me when you're a great teacher you'll be invited over and over and over it's amazing yesterday I receive an invitation to Singapore today if I receive an invitation to Bangladesh today if I receive an invitation to Nicaragua if I resign my invitation to Canada invitation they want you to come in teach on these things that you talked about no no they didn't have for any miracles you see the teaching emoji on its own is such a one thing it's such a one thing but what I'm talking about it's only one thing I don't mean try going through unrelated subject matter now when you're teaching ministry close favor you write books yes yes you see part of my teaching ministry is in writing very much a large part now you have not even preached and you want to write a book what will we be writing about and he came to see me and he said he wants me to help him to promote hit the book that he has written into the world for a book to be read in the world for people to read it and even understanding just in Ghana I felt very sad because I didn't know what to do to make his book so I took some as I put it in the bookshop and they didn't buy it but you can become a great teacher branches of the great teaching ministry even writing songs yes as you hear either saying we are being ministered to practically we don't have even me preaching it is being signed to you it is being signed to you the teachings ready at 20 what do you want to hear ready at 20 is it not the message of the whole camp teaching that's why you will listen to the songs and see that your life is moving forward just listening to the music alone because it's a power it's an anointing so I don't know what you are hoping for maybe we are hoping one day to go to Singapore to go hope for that to be a great teacher and I am sure that I was listening to that message by Kenneth Hagin and in telling to me I am accept from today you can t amazing from today you can teach you see you must value this teaching anointing and because people don't see that's a great thing you know by me I was a follower of Kenneth Hagin still am so he was a teacher he outlasted all the miracle workers and all the people that were doing things tents and all the evangelists and he was still there and Oral Roberts spoke about him when he died he said that he doesn't know anybody who has influenced the world the check more than Kenneth Hagin in the whole world that's what that's what the comment orbitz did not attend because I think he wasn't well but he this is the letter that he wrote was read out at the Kenneth Hagins funeral but he doesn't know of any one person who was influenced the church and the world more than Kenneth Hagin when can I take him died it was not reported much in the newspaper when or a robust died it was reported in about 500 newspapers across the world or more but Kenneth Hagin was so bad he influenced the check more than anybody are you listening to me so you'll be invited to teach and to speak when you are a great teacher know if you can come you see if you take somebody like Reverend is too he's a great teacher or preacher of the word if he doesn't even do any miracle and he just preaches you'll be blessed if it was not like he just stands and preaches for one hour you'll be blessed I mean very much blessed that's how is it to teach well and to pitch is something wonderful but because people don't see it you see you start with your small group and you have hopes that this group will grow and more people will be like that to come and listen don't have these groups have hopes for so many other things so look at the cry is dried I want to drive one in tonight we are not driving one team are you there sit down sit down please we are just about to close now the next one is you should have hope to be a great pasta may I've always hoped to be a great Shepherd that's why I write about shepherding most people don't want to be a great Shepherd I would be a great Shepherd and have a large and large congregation that on Sunday a lot of people came to be fat this is one of the things I'm hoping for one of the things my dream one of my dreams yes I want to have more thousands of people don't have much hopes for such things they have hope for so many other things in the world when you are hoping in your eyes are set on other things you don't get the right things yes be a shepherd look after the people talk to the people solve the problems stay with them go to the mat come out what are them wash them put oil on them rub them so that the Flies don't bite them visit them talk to them interact with them laugh with them be happy with them when they are doing well be happy with them visit them attend their programs attend their great days stand with them when they are sad a great Shepherd this is a goal such goals you just have that goal you want money how will you ever be rich if that's your goal so your hopes are not nice hopes yes you don't have hope for great things the things that got a very great thing that is giving us those are no the hoops you have to be a great pastor when I saw you two I can sell what is a great man houses come thousands go thousands come 2,000 schools come by the evening 7 services 700,000 people have come to church not today long time ago as a great Shepherd great pasta you are happy with 33 people we are happy with 28 people you are happy with them appointing you and calling you Reverend you are happy with position and posts may I know I'm not a ceremonies man I don't be sorry monies and you know I like reality they should be ashamed of yourself to just be collecting post a post without portfolio a post without an actual job let us enjoy the word pastor Reverend says you are like the Pharisees Rev Oh apprecia P and you get all these words from Papa so how and when you have that hope you you drive towards it I want to be a greater pasta you see when you do that when you have the right hoops and you are hoping for the things that God has showed us to set our eyes and our hats on you know you see what he said in Matthew 6 32 and 31 he said that these things that Gentiles seek for them these are the things that Gentiles have their their hopes on you and minister and elder somebody who is working for God you don't have to have your mind on dress 31 take to what we eat what we drink what we do you know in rejoining us viewbook the valley is called the valley if you care to read it in that vision he was walking through a valley with some people then they had some noise ahead then he said something dangerous is happening in front so when they caught that they saw a lot of people wounded that's awardees they were lying on the floor they were wounded so these are members of a large church that have been attacked the church has been attacked and started and then in the book I was wanted to I wanted to cut it for you but it would take a long time he said this is a result of teaching for years on self preservation and self enhancement and selfishness about yourself in your life and that in these days when you preach any good deed and it's not based on the cross it will not last and that is why this big church has cut it and all of these wounded people are had people from the church that were online on the ground everywhere you can read the files of the valley by Rick Joyner amazing so rather than having a mind on what are we going to eat what are we going to drink your mind should be how can I be a great pasta a great pasta beautiful how can I be a great teacher back to Ephesians 4:11 hope then I become a great evangelist to be a great evangelist I like to I like to carry the mantle of monkey yes I like to see thousands of people at Crusades I like to go to towns and countries I want to be a great evangelists and go to islands where nobody goes and preach to the people we were in the wrestle on they said no crusade after 6 p.m. no gathering of human beings after 6 p.m. dangerous we have the crusade in the afternoon 3 o clock for traffic in town yes but we have thousands of people you never know to do travel we are going to Rwanda they say the same thing no God rain after 6 p.m. you never know what is going on till you go these are the hopes that I have I hope to be rich hope to have money hope to go here hope to go here interesting hoping to be a great pasta a great teacher they are not be invited yes amazing I'm trying to show you how the elders had a great report by having great hopes things be hopeful things be hopeful things they hoped for he's a what I'm hoping for things they hoped for the hope that they would become they hope to become great teachers great pastors great evangelists things be hopeful if you are ever going to have a good rapport as an elder you must hope for the right things and you see that they'll all be coming to pass one after the other when I entered pasa our Crusaders passer when I entered you know now we don't use chess when I drove into the field I said had the mantle of bogey has fallen on me when I saw the crowd standing there like trees in closing that's if the word just came out of my mouth I said yeah pops you may laugh at me people say oh I sure do keep mocking my maka sarcastic scares all of them give mokey my Marcus artist if I open you be surprised great evangelist great evangelist thing no this thing's hope for my eldest things hope for by eldest things hope for by elders by this the elders obtained a good report things hope for by elders then prophets ah those of you have never been to the Priam museum very soon you'll be seeing so many other things angels Kenneth Hagin and the people with the visions in the next section amazing the prophets Allah Ta'ala Basava yes I would like to be a very great prophet I like to see visions these are the things I'm hoping for I don't know what you are hoping for I like my eyes to be opened yes Kenneth Hagin was in the hospital is that he is close a walk out of the ward and came back to the private world and he said they're fully dressed suddenly the door open Jesus came in and came to sit by him obviously some before no there's only one other person than that he was also called a lot to mention his name but Jesus walked in front of the congregation who writes to the puppets through the church animation his name you don't know him he walked through everybody saw him yes there are levels of prophets [Music] come a shot Obama I'd like to be a great prophet like Regina is mad Paul Paul as disgusting with him it's not enough he said Enoch was the happiest person Mia's ever seen happiest those of you are always sad make yourself very moody it was very happy he said that the joy in the presence of the Lord with the Lord then he met Elijah Elijah told him ministry my mission was cut short by Jezebel and because I left Jezebel it affected the generation that came after me it took up for a long time before they could deal with Jezebel and he said I didn't finish my mystery because of depression also like to meet Elijah some hope before if I can see Isaiah or any of these guys he was praying for money Kenneth Hagin he needed money and a lot told him do you remember when I told you that she said because you didn't listen to me that's why you don't have money because I told you to prepare for this was going to happen in the country you didn't believe me I told you there are hospitals a man standing behind me said who is this - SEO angel and that he's going to bring you this money and he mention an amount exactly to the day the angel brought the money of course it is danger bring the money by the money I forgot Jesus told you think as demons around people do you think my interest cannot surround people and tell them to give job where the post said that he was talking to one of his pastors because the pastor was complaining of and they told him be a savior of men he said this Yellin every people have given me 66 cars so rise up in the spirit people who bring the costume I said there without a car you'll be receiving cars are you still around are you sure you're still around I'm talking about things you should hope for as an elder elders hope to be a woman of visions keziah hope to not just hope to be a singer hope to be a prophet and I can be a prophet I'll be standing there looking there are people who look when they see the state they don't see they see the spirits that are on the stage as well they see when they see the spirits this there are higher things who so that's why I traveled to Tulsa Oklahoma when's he kenneth hagin my hope he attracted me so much now a prophet contains some of them are also teaches so when you move into the prophetic you can see that a teacher has become a prophet teachers become prophets sometimes sometimes not always sometimes and they said the Prophet is also a teacher like Moses he was teaching a lot but he was a prophet Jesus was a great prophet he was teaching a lot so when the teaching gets to a point it becomes like a prophet with teacher and some of some ordinary teachers have teachings that are prophetic like this morning the service we had a first part those it was a prophetic service most of the scriptures will be prophetic scriptures that you don't understand in the context of what is about are you still around so have things that elders hope for to be a power love to be a prophet and I've noticed if you might books on loyalty gap prophetic so people look as about you have you been to my church has somebody told you this person what are you know how do you know all these things some start crying yes I preached to Assemblies of God pastors 1,000 of them in Malaysia when I finish I handle device just stages of loyalty i sat down soon as I sat down the pastor stood to the microphone and he's - there about 20 minutes I didn't know why he was crying he cried I preach once and I give a story about somebody playing a guitar and singing I give a story the pastor said look there's a man who plays a key time he sings it does all the things you said as if you knew that guy I don't know this guy yes I was in a town called town called whatever skip mama in paramount and where the black people line Panama was it called cologne yeah they invited me to speak at a dinner in the evening and the next one is Sunday so I spoke in the dinosaur as you speak so they deny spoke stages of disloyalty just I mean no mouth stages of disloyalty the studies that you have been hearing so I finish I went to my hotel to sleep the next morning they came to pick me to the church when I go to the church that check door was closed I said why is that something is happening because of what happened last night last night so I said she waited please wait so I waited outside then they came by said I don't think the service people on the floor day some commotion Terrace confusion in the church because of the disloyalty message I came to preach yesterday at the dinner that was I went back to the hotel I was just relaxing a hot lunch and I never preached yes prophetic teachings this number of times one day I went to a country and I saw that my book loyalty and this body has been translated into Arabic Arabic and printed printed in Arabic and Arabic loyalty and disloyalty in Arabic at their own cost so a lot of these when you see right when you see one of you is a devil it's a prophecy one of you is a devil so many of the loyalty books have ended up being prophetic teachings and so on and so forth so have great hopes prayed for visions and dreams Regina said he that he is prayed for it for years can I think is that he prayed for the spirit of Revelation and wisdom for years revelation has come Regina said he studied history for years because a prophecy is really history repeated that which has been is that which shall be and then apostles also when you have passage you can graduate into an apostle and then you have more churches obviously important to write unto the churches to the churches to the churches Jesus is a great apostle of our faith to the churches so then if your mothers have passed off one change but churches can you wonder be a great apostle I want to be a great banker I want to be a great lecturer I want to be a great fisherman they want to be a great a great what accountants a great accountant a great apostle I'm talking about things in the Bible why don't you focus on Bible things that's what I don't understand we are ministers and instead of focusing on building churches we want to rather build everything else apart from church is amazing relevant I want to be relevant I want to be relevant to the society so we build what hospitals orphanages universities schools primary schools as what we do but we don't believe in what God has given us which is Jesus Christ he came from all the way from heaven to come and preach not to count them down give us universities and no distance great teacher maybe one day you want to be a great teacher and Mauricio's it will be a great teacher in Madagascar I did a great teacher in Mozambique a great prophet in in Angola effect effect these are the things are hoping for I want to be a great apostle and have churches in every country I want a denomination in each country I don't want a church a denomination I wanted at least six bishops in every country yes I want to build houses churches I want to overtake all the churches in the system you say you have 2000 to pass all of them practically in my lifetime these are my hopes I'm hoping to achieve such case yes I get a good report by it the elders obtained a good report they believe in the hope for certain things things hope things hope for my elders I want to have buildings I don't want my church being trap should be in a building I was wrong to be is it unethical or is there something wrong with such a hook I want churches in trouble in sakoda in cara in a tatami in pali me in la me I wanted this in Benin in Perico in Bulacan in a bamaca la vie important mobile I want judges in Cote d'Ivoire in vivo in Genoa in the law in Hmong in Yamoussoukro in a bubble in in working I want churches all over our judges in Liberia in vitro in Ghana in Banga in Calcutta in Buchanan in rapid spots in Monrovia in Sierra Leone I want achieve all in Kenema in McLaren I want a why do I want touching Juhi I won't touch him Freetown I won't act on the island of the airport I worked at all these places it's my hope and my dream God should grant my hopes these are the things I'm hoping for in Zimbabwe I want Chechen guru in quick way in Kodama in Bulawayo in beiträge in Masvingo in C Shabangu C Shabangu sister Bonnie I was changing material in Ventura in in Mozambique Kinshasa in mushishi in Mottola in Maputo in my good in chocolate a mini Ambani in Berra entertained this town some prayer Lord gave me touches in all these places I have listened to be a great apostle what you want to do want to have a pharmacy shop chain of Pharmacy shops 4x bureaus I'm hoping to build churches in cap way in Zambia CAF way in Pingala in muffaletta in in dollar in key to it in Lucia in trauma in South Africa in Secunda churches in McCain in Spokane mocha planning in colon Cora in Toronto I want Church in welcome I want Church in captain Church in East London in Port Elizabeth Church in Impa I wanted are these places in Mamelodi I want to have touches with buildings and pastors and bishops I don't know what you are dreaming about why don't you dream to be a great apostle I don't even know what you are trying to do to be you see you are not having hopes for the things in the Bible but I think you are hoping for what I do know a wife I focus Mobile Money want to be a mobile money robot man you want to set up operator now first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 28 gotta set some in the church apostles prophets teachers miracles this another anointing you can have to be a minister of miracles how many one miracle that's different from teaching through miracles i miracles can some miracles stretches can I take him when to pretend the broad stretches he was compelled to call God abuse team that stretches outside he was very tense because of the stretches and the ambulances that were outside the church because he was being driven there he was late for the program and the guy who was driving was driving very fast I said I have to stop praying for the program and pray for the driver so he was very tense when they go to the church he started to complaining complaining oh god we pray in the car then he a voice came in the room why are you planning on killing their people voice and audible voice so he look in the wardrobe he said all the people in the stretch as they came out that night karma shut up great visions and props to be a miracle worker that's I mean I don't criticize even those who criticize the prophets and people that are doing miracles that's what we are hoping for when somebody is doing it it shouldn't be the fastest all these guys are not I mean they are not correct and to prove otherwise maybe that's what I'm open for so I see somebody doing I also like to be like that I wish I had such gifts I wish I call your number call your phone number and things so you fall down and worship God don't be jealous a when you see great things miracles healings healing healing people will come to you for healings you know one of the things I used to pray I usually have to say no sick person was ever brought to the crusade so I realized that no one was expecting healing I used to press him Lord when Buki and some of these people are having crusade you see we'll just sick people have been brought dead so when it started to happen to me I saw cripples we'll just stretches I mean with trips in ambulances in class and I saw that what I had prayed for was beginning to happen why don't you hope for such great things people have had that you are around and they are coming for healings helps why don't you have a hope that you'll be the greatest help critics - this person that without you the person would the peasants Minister will be cut down to a percentage to your help the person will do great things through your help through what you do for the person you know mrs. sake before she died she told me she said you know I want to help you I want to do something she knew she was going to go the books what you what you are doing - she said I don't want to come on Sundays I don't want to come to have ministry meetings again why don't you have a when she died it took not less than two years to recover not less than two years it was very difficult to recover from the absence for me I'm talking about me personally I'm not married to her I was not married but to recover from the absence in the work that we were doing some of you we have recovered before you died [Applause] god forbid or four really big yes you may not be standing in a pulpit but you can help every man of God's ministries like this look I watching every man of God machines like this is this can fall down it goes like this then it goes like this then it goes down so most of ministries you come like this every time you have a helper it goes like this another helper comes up again itís like that it all depends on the helpless there are people that can make a big difference but their mind is not to help they wanted between npp und Seymour when they win elections they they have to reward so many people 8 people sell their houses before election so people give everything they push they speak they come out thinkers they come up he makes all this time openly this time I am belonging to this man I support this man when it comes to the church doing funny give a thousand CDs I mean have $500,000 they can keep hundred thousand five hundred thousand 1 million pick big money's to help when it comes to the church you say that you give pennies amazing so rise up and become have a hope those of you ladies many ladies are good helpers why because first of all yo the natural calling is to help a woman a woman is a help meet suitable most women don't help their husbands you pipe ass helping your husband long time ago and became independent true or not true stop pretending you stop helping what help do you do for the person even cooking something the person let's be serious I don't want to talk about some children here I don't want to see certain things as you say other things as you said all the things I've said enough as you say more you'll be sitting there quietly and I'll be saying more things you stop they help you get people to bring forth children I thought you brought the children about one about two number three that's all done his clothes and you mind your own business from there shreya are not true be serious so often it is in the ministry that you find that original calling again to help to assist to push Bishop or the post started flying planes in 1996 that's when they started flying their their private jets yes 1996 back hello hey governments now go to Romans chapter 12 go to verse 3 if I say don't think of yourself more highly best for we have many members verse 5 beautiful best six now having keeps different different gifts let us prophesy according to the proportion of our faith and finally by seven ministry why don't you ministries to serve why don't you plan to be the greatest seventh teaching again you see teaching is is featuring everywhere it's a very great thing teaching it's like the beginning of ministries teaching verse 8 now he that exhorteth on exhortation excitation is like evangelism without miracles it's an exotic it just encourages people to be saved and giving he that giveth let him do it with simplicity a hidden ruler so have a vision to be a great giver so many people look at me I want to really keep this man money to go into evangelism to can't do this to can't do this that's why we are not very prospering but from now your hopes for it ministry are released in Jesus name lift your hands father thank you for raising up great ministers thank you for your power that is beautiful amongst us thank you for great hopes of great things we love you we thank you in Jesus name Amen sit down every head bowed and every eye closed for moments if you are here today I want to give your life to Jesus pastor pray with me I want to give my life to God if you are here like that maybe somebody invited you but you don't know Jesus as you say that what we do pray with you raise up your right hand like this just one hand like this and I'm gonna pray with you god bless you lift it up high above your head alright if you've lifted your hand you want to give your life to Jesus this evening come to me from where you are standing just come I want to pray with you in front come on to Jesus give him your light today [Music] father we thank you for salvation Jesus amen give me a bucket basket I always have to give you an opportunity to be saved let's not go to heaven somebody asked me a question I don't want to hear hallelujah how many are blessed tonight with elders things that elders hopeful Amen that's why they had a good report when you go when listen you will see your dream and your visions in them don't be dreaming there are five children a new treasure I'm not sure it's not an elders vision to have five children elders vision amen we give our offering tonight and close bless us in Jesus name Amen you want to give hundred CDs or anything like that come to the front and put it in the basket right away father bless everyone as we give tonight in Jesus name this great opportunity and great unknown seed so give it God you feel like you really need to sow a seed you can do so if you go to ww-what moves dot or if you under USA you can select the text to give us a only select the text to give option and instructions will follow for everyone else in the world simply select the PayPal option and then you'll be able to give so that's Dagobert most dot-org text to give if you on the USA and for everyone else the PayPal option may God richly bless you now tell somebody to whom much is given much is expected don't you think it would be nice if they said just a church member who says let me pay for this a condition their whole place is too hot why don't you put on these things again give with simplicity just pay for it and we are moving when I went to Tanzania a pastor brought his helicopter he had his own helicopter and said you can use it to go to the crusade because of the traffic I said Wow simplicity no charge that's it in my echo my helicopter and country to the crusade every day we brought it you don't have hundred cities I want to get fifty cities come and put it in the basket [Music] all the hoping and the toilet is the Lord's it does not belong to you you must scale tight if pizza mr. gold for without tithing building your prosperity when you pay your offerings in the house of God [Music] who survived our soaps and seats sparingly he shall also reap a harvest very he that soweth bountifully ribs bountifully for the lady loves a cheerful Giver give on your offerings pay on your time [Music] we'll receive our hardest of many blessings from one give-and-go [Music] you don't have ten CDs you got 20 see but you have something no points just come and kill but no compression to come the coins are not to know they only baptize I'm not doing much when you give quite you receive coins I want it to be boring to do if you walk on it [Music] although African the chided is the Lord's it does not belong to you where is the Lord you must be tight you've got to know it is below us all without tithing building your prosperity when you pay your offerings in the house of God so that there is meat in the house of God you can put me now give it says not your dog when my house is filled I bless you when you will be blessed so give all your offerings they are your tires [Music] come on again will receive a harder stop maybe sing-songy come and give check out your boosters your last offering we are going to use all today's offering to buy tiles this week are going to buy town tile our new office for your wedding the wedding will be there your reception will be here this place is too big for the wedding when we come here six thousand people that maybe 200 people come so there's a chapel there small wedding chapel all right series next year next year's what marriage here we are married next year 2019 my region those of you are lonely the house never be lonely for 2019 [Music] take out your last offering Brittany and the ashes are going to come round father thank you [Music] all the offering and the tided is the door it does not belong to you it is you must be uptight you get to know it is the love [Music] no prosperity when you pay your house [Music] amen well are you having a great time at revival at 7:00 thank you so much profits every single time we sit and I office we are so blessed we are so revived at revival at 7:00 oh I thought you put your hands together for such a powerful and counts out with the profits thank you so much profits amen please take your seats for the part two of revival at 7:00 ladies and gentlemen help me welcome the film stars [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] elemental Shock Trauma chili Mateus and element llamando that will attack italic Lima to Saturday [Music] Lily Lily today we are not saying I'm making noise ooh it's fine you can do anything you want but what's wrong with you oh I'm fine I'm fine are you sure yeah I think the boys in your life that were you eginning me telling you that these boys they're just going to sleep with you Hey and just pour your life why are you making your life like that time I motivate to boot Oh what boys need is to use coins to pass through you why Judea should everything be about boys should everything be about boys are you sure okay yeah I'm fine are you sure you know your menses value to what why are you saying that in the mic but is everything okay because anytime you shout at me like that you make me a little Oh wrong with you we might want something no so you might be cannot be price again get out give me my medicine I can't wait now but yeah way to is you know hey no one [Music] [Music] my business I can smell tables and desi tablecloth hey hey man where we stood them in Paris hmm do you mop this floor and come back do you understand it should be read you okay it please good that's good come on I tricked ya see you afraid by non-occurrence interrupts with this holy spray some space are you sure whatever is going on between the two of you it's a church Santa no it's something else were you not there when I was living here to Christ and I was either if something else happened I'm a shepherd what are you talking about I dunno Shepherd ships I mean sheep yes if you are working on [Music] you are always around but sheppy on a mysterious note I want to thank you for leading me to Christ and you know why you made me leave that foolish boy I've changed too I've been coming to church and I've been blessed then messages they're pretty good but the way you are talking about this is no new I have no power I just leave you two guys because my prophet preach about feet changes everything and that is what I took that word seriously and I came to share it with you when that boy came to break your hands in the restaurant so I put you out of faith and true faith you also accepted Christ and when grafted among the scenes so it's not me for me the only way April's there would napkin [Music] [Music] Shepard's please y'all welcome have a say hello mother why why no let me ask you another height if you wake again I used to say oh you just see you know something respect has to be walking around with our best certificates if I don't know how it we are please don't bring yourself a journalist actress Papa tides this evening please baby as good [Music] [Music] DVD you're welcome to say you again the down and caught my relationship at a time I know they don't cost me my beloved don't start please washable associate and I was trying to say their phone booking had we what have I done dual additional talking about way I'm telling my sisters I've been bringing actually happen my stuff without this my beautiful bride is let me tell you no matter what you do if we need there's no gravity how so for Forex go try it looks like she's my soul mate I don't know what's about meeting and everybody's shouting - did I want reduce hello please I said I want no deuce Maruti [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please come back so please any chopsticks to dip this what do you want chopsticks please get me chopsticks [Music] [Music] hey why do you think it's a message hello madam why all business leave us alone please hello please can you excuse us [Music] [Music] sorry baby sake let's go let's go let's go I saw you take it out alone you just allow them to leave like that my dad will come in with you she's here the menu what would you like to order for okay I'll get back to racing [Music] [Music] please I've checked the chicken in the kitchen what we ordered I can't see anything you can't see what their food I don't know how come their food appeared on the menu it's fine that we don't have some I'm sorry I don't know how come we don't have some anything I mean please your bill oh yeah please how much is it please the amounts is written on there but why you asking me how much sorry sometimes selects walks your views no except this is there any problem it is no problem oh I don't care I thought there was a problem I could sort you out yes I mean yes my name is Luke [Music] using such ways I don't know the difference between the two of you whether you are the woman will see the woman yes great you identify yourselves the bottle in this restaurant madam is coming who is coming your boss [Music] yes honey honey I think the big question is this you are fired baby unless maybe she wants to see some OE [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but this be a warning to all of us what if you love warning wanted you that you must teach like you going after this please do so for a time when so for somewhere which kind of lap you want to me I really want you to be serious and give your life to Christ because the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 that by faith Noah being warned of God of the Jews not yet see prepared and up to the saving of his house and because of that he condemned the world and became the heir of righteousness which is also by faith so I believe that the one is this a sign is a warning to you that you must give your life to Christ I don't I don't know what else I can tell you you must give your life to Christ are you ready to accept Jesus to turn your life around I feel like do you want to give a like place yellow Jesus should I with my heart with your legs oh Jesus dear lord thank you for saving me thank you for saving me in your blood I believe me you're blind me faith give me food give me food to save you jesus name amen amen oh yeah you asleep no that's not foolish my diamond it has go sing do we do you search me I sure because of boss and her wife Wow my soul Thank You Man I'll take me these are my sister I'm a friend I'm here very careful the rest knows it's my restaurant why ladies come come to my side you bust out to fire someone might you want any that way okay we will not bore you [Music] are you having a great time do you want mom then less well founded ancestors [Music] [Music] [Music] patience [Music] sister sister sister will you marry me [Applause] I may not have much but I have a god I'm gonna be a man of God [Applause] I'm gonna preach [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it will be well [Music] [Music] [Applause] it will be well with the happens we have a villager as we serve it will be well with we have a future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't listen to your friends who criticized me [Music] it's only Jana see [Music] please listen to me Oh God [Applause] [Music] follow the spirit and here will lead you and you will be the last don't judge me by what people say but look inside Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will take care of us [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will take care of us we have a feature as we [Music] [Applause] people take care of us we have a future [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sister-sister since don't be afraid to stay Oh [Music] I don't come from a rich family sister-sister fear not only believe me [Music] we will be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give me a chance [Music] he will take care of us yes sir [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he will take care of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I meant is raise your feet please rise your feet let's share the grease [Music] [Music] he told your neighbor son sian eva ACMA tea soda Nevis and lesser degrees may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the communion fellowship contribution participation the 10,000 children into markets which includes all the importance people for my life and the first love of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore amen god bless you you have been watching the revival at 7:00 coming to life from the first love center here in our car Ghana with our very own profit Bishop dag you it was I'm certain you enjoy the various ministrations tonight as well as the word things too hopeful it's been a fantastic day at the first laughter and so we rarely want to go home when it comes to a Sunday and a whole Sunday from morning to evening weekend basically just be here it is just absolutely beautiful to fellowship with many other people with thousands of people as we gather to just take the day out to worship the Lord spend time in his presence I'm sure as you've been following us live on healing Jesus TV on the social media platforms that God has enriched your life simply by watching our participating and believing everything that was said and done in the service laughter you could not join us this morning and you didn't quite get the message I have good news for you that you can get it online tomorrow if you download the podcast if you are an Android user simply go to your Google Play Store download podcasts adding search tag you would vote subscribe download if you're an Apple user a podcast comes pre-installed so simply search for Dagobert or subscribe and tomorrow morning you will be able to download now there are still various materials available if you would like to read more it would like to hear more and if you would like to watch more you can go to dag your most bookstore or for your bishop tags books you can go to daddy with most videos or for a selection of videos that you can download for absolutely free and soak in for hours and hours and hours and if you would like more audios you can go to dag you woodmoor's audios dot or we will be able to get messages on pasta on give thyself wholly conferences pathetic encounter services a revival so much more so you have so much that can be given to you and so much that you can anymore blessings that can enrich your life as you read watch and listen from us yet the first laughs and so we want to say thank you for joining us for watching us wherever it may have been that you're watching us from and we wish you a blessed week until next Sunday [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,824
Rating: 4.8816566 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, Dag Heward-Mills, Qodesh, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Sunday, First Love, children, university, christian living, prophetic encounter service, faith, revival
Id: _A7P_SxoJj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 42sec (11982 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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