Revival Weekend | Jim Raley | January 5, 2018

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[Music] come on everybody let's give that hand to Jesus come on you were clapping that good for me but now you're clapping for the king now you're clapping for the waymaker now you're crabbit Savior the deliverable lift your voice like he's worthy come on lift your voice like he's been good to you Miuccia boys sake man away [Music] you know I started this about the last time that I was here but the Lord has been speaking to me lately he said tell people to praise me according to my reputation so let me ask you how is God's reputation in Phoenix and fresh-start Church how is God's reputation in Arizona praise him however his reputation is come on if he's good praise him like he's good if he made a way praise him like he made away if he can do it again praise it like he can do it again lord have mercy you can be seated just for a couple minutes how are y'all glad to be in revival old Friday night listen I am so honored to be with your pastors Paul and Kim Owens how many of you know they are some of the greatest in the world give them a god bless you come on how about this worship let's lift up Jesus for everything that this house has to offer you guys are just next-level I'm so honored to be here tonight I bring you greetings from my wife my first wife who is also my last wife come on she's she's the only woman I got I always say she's the only one I can't afford hallelujah my wife is very annoyed I'm very annoyed and very powerful she she doesn't play that girlfriend on the side I always say she's my woman and my woman on the side if I ever tried something like that she would kill me raised me from the dead come on somebody and kill me again just to watch me die can I get a witness but we've been married further than going on thirty years and I said if you ever leave me 30 years 30 years with the same woman 20 years at the same church hallelujah but I always say you ever leave me baby I'm going with you hallelujah we're we're blessed but how many of you are glad to be in the house tonight now let me just say right up front I'm gonna begin teaching in a moment but I feel like I've come to do more than preach I feel like I've come to prophesy I don't think it's an accident that I'm here for the very first night of revival because I have a prophetic download and I believe God's gonna say something significant tonight how many of you came to hear a word from heaven anybody well I believe you're absolutely gonna get what God has for you I want you to take your Bibles tonight and I want you to go to the Book of Ruth Ruth chapter one my expectancy level is higher than it's ever been I have this sense that 2018 is going to be something supremely supernatural I have this expectancy that God is going to do some things that we don't even have an origin point for I believe we're going to see some things we've never seen before this year is there anybody here in Arizona that's believing for some things you've never seen before that God will do some new things so I just feel like I'm supposed to be here tonight I was telling a pastor Kim and pastor Paul usually and my schedule starts winding down about November and then I heat up again late in January but we went right up until Christmas and then we've started right again the first of the year as well as my church but what I'm seeing as I'm traveling is this there is a hunger in certain parts of America for a move of God God is doing something and this is a place I believe that is affecting a region and hear me I believe 2018 this thing is going to shoot to another level how many of you can't believe that with me all right I want you to go to Ruth chapter one this is just my custom will you stand across the room for the reading of God's Word I feel like in America so often we stand for what doesn't matter let's stand for what does matter phrase God Ruth chapter 1 verse 1 now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled that there was a famine in the land and a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to dwell in the country of Moab he and his wife and his two sons the name of the man was a limb alike in the name of his wife was Naomi and the names of his two sons were Marlon and Chilian afraid he's of Bethlehem Judah and they went to the country of Moab and remained there then Elimelech Naomi's husband died and she was left and her two sons now they took wives of the women of Moab the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other was Ruth and they dwelt there about ten years then both Mullen and Chilian also died so the woman survived her two sons and her husband's then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab for she heard heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited his people by giving them bread therefore she went out from the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah now note the eighth verse then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law go back each of you to your mother's home and may the Lord show kindness to you as you have shown to your dad and me go back each of you go back each of you I'm gonna let you pronounce this sermon title to your neighbor gets your neighbor by the hand and looking right in the eye if they will look in the eye then look I'm upside the head come on this text said go back each of you I want you to look at your neighbor and say neighbor I'll go anywhere but I'm not going back can I get a witness in this house I'll go anywhere but I'm not going back how many of you can say that back is not an option how many of you can say in 2018 I've tasted too much of the goodness of God I've tasted too much of revival I've tasted too much of God's power and make a little noise if you'll go anywhere but back all right touch three people as you seen it and say anywhere but back in it well but back this church has come too far this ministry has been stained with the glory you can go anywhere but you can't go back back is not an option can I get a witness in this house we we cannot go bind and in 2018 the very first night the Lord has brought me here to tell you don't look back because that's not what you're going you're headed into a new thing a new dimension a new way but new outpouring a new presentation a new manifestation a new thing God is gonna do it hallelujah in 2018 I sense it in my spirit but I wanted to hang my hat here on this text because I believe that the very best is before this house and before you her in pursuit of revival and I can say personally I'm gonna go anywhere y'all but I ain't going back and I want us to glean tonight from the Book of Ruth because I believe that God is going to say some very significant things and I want to understanding of this incredible thing that's going on here as we unfolded this story before you really it's a love story a love story between ruth the moabite tests and Boaz and if you know about the background of this story what has happened is there is an incredible and awesome famine that has struck Judah and the situation is dire people are starving and they are hungry but the famine came because there was a drought and I'm not gonna teach here but just for maybe a minute but as I began to think about the famine versus the drought if you read the story about Elijah Elijah never talked about the famine he addressed the drought he never dealt with the famine he dealt with the drought and the problem we have in America now is that we have many churches who are in famine and the reason that they are in famine is because there is a drought in the land and what we need is the rain of revival to fall in America old churches that are hungry we need to rain that is just like this in this place tonight to fall in churches across our nation and when the rain comes maybe the famine will be broke and we will see the power of God poured out at any rate there is this incredible famine now that has taken place in Judah in particular these people are in Bethlehem and if you just transliterate or define the name Bethlehem Bethlehem simply means this it means House of bread now I want you to understand the thing about Bethlehem this is the breadbasket this area of Israel and and it's supposed to be a place where there is always bread but there is no bread in the house of bread the bread is not there and in the Bible bread represents the presence of God and you know it doesn't matter how nice the bakery is it doesn't matter how beautiful the ovens are it doesn't matter how well things are put together in the bakery if there's no bread in the house you don't go to the bakery because you go to the bakery for brand and I'm afraid that in many churches you see bread represents God's Word and God's presence I'm afraid in many churches we got great buildings and we got great sound and we got great music and we got great programs but where is the bread in the house see it's false advertisement when you say you have bread and you don't have bread but I wonder if there's anybody who believes that at fresh-start Church there is some bread in the house tonight come on make a little noise if you're glad that there's some bread in the house touching even say pass the bread yeah yeah yeah yeah I came for the bread I came to get something from God's presence and something from God's Word hallelujah now as we rehearse this story I want you to consider the characters and I want you to hang with me because I'm gonna go somewhere very profound but I want you to consider the characters in this story we're gonna do a roll call it all begins with a man named Elimelech now a limo lek is the father of Gillian and Marlon and his wife is Naomi and he leaves Bethlehem he leaves misty leads his family out of Bethlehem and leads them into Moab now if you take a limb elects name and you define it eliminates name means my God is king but yet he takes his family from the house of bread and takes them into a land where God was not known or worshipped he takes his family from the house of bread from from the place of God's presence and he leads them into Moab now in Moab they worship the God key mosque and the key Marsh actually required human sacrifice in particular child sacrifice so this father takes his family away from the house of bread thinking he will find the answer in Moab but when he got to Moab things went from bad to worse he takes his family to Moab and Moab represents the world Moab represents sin it represents iniquity it represents unrighteousness but it all happened here my father it all happened when a dad didn't lead his family and keep them in the house of bread see it matters how father's lead their families I said it matters how father's lead their families see real men won't revival or where y'all at I said real men won't revival real men want to move of God real men will real men won't power real men walk the Holy Ghost so here he is he leads them away and takes them in the Moab and when they got in the Moab honey things went from bad to worse have you ever seen somebody have you ever seen somebody in the church serving God seem like they're on fire for God but then they think they can go to Moab they go out there to that world and they think they'll find what they want in the world they think they'll find what they need in the world but when they get out there in that world and the enemy choose them up and spits them out and you find out they should have never left the church they walk out of the house of bread they walk away from the presence of God have you ever seen it have you ever seen folks that were serving God hold fire for God filled with the Holy Spirit and then Moab starts looking good for them and they leave the house of bread but I don't know about you baby there ain't no way I'm leaving the church there ain't no way I'm leaving the kingdom there ain't no way I'm leaving the glory of God there ain't no way I'm walking out I've come too far I'm staying even if it gets hard I'm staying even if I got a struggle I'm staying even when I go through seasons I don't understand I'm staying make a little bit of noise if they're gonna stay so what's this they go in the Moab in Moab a limb elect eyes and then the two sons smaller than Chilean Naomi's sons die and here Naomi years Naomi is at a point now where she's really lost everything and she begins to leave Moab and on the way out she said listen don't even call me Naomi anymore Naomi's name in sweet and pleasant she said don't call me sweet and pleasant anymore call me Maura if you define Maura Maura means bitterness it means shaped it means disconcerted it means disconnected it means beat up from the feet up come on y'all messed up from the chest up tell her from the from the floor I've come on somebody have you ever seen when somebody spends time with with Moab they spend time in the world and and she walks out and she is in a mess and she said don't even call me sweet and blessed anymore call me bitter and I want to tell you young person if you're hearing me tonight all there is out there in that world is bitterness all there is out there in that world is better to stay enemy will use you until he uses you up [Applause] so here she is she begins her journey back to Bethlehem because she heard a rumor that there was bread again in the House of bread you know why you're here tonight you didn't come because the sound is good or the lights are fresh you didn't come because there's some person I was a preaching you didn't come because you think there's something a song that you want to hear you walked up in this place because you heard a rumor that there is bread in the house of bread come on make a little noise if you came for the bread that's what's going on that's the draw of these revival weekends maybe it's not just the building get buildings all over the place it's not just a preacher this preachers everywhere it's not just the worship teams as worship teams all over Arizona let me tell you there is a rumor going around that there is bread a fresh start there is a rumor going around that there is bread in the house of bread bread will sustain revival brand will keep it going bread bread bread bread bread the bread drew him back hallelujah the bread drew him back so they start back and Ruth says to her daughters-in-law go back each of you to your mother's house and may the Lord show you kindness as you have shown to your dad in me and in the fourteenth verse something very interesting transpires the Bible said then orop I kissed her mother-in-law goodbye now look at or pie or pie represents the lukewarm church it represents the believer who starts but doesn't finish she refused to go all the way she started with God she started with a mother-in-law but she didn't finish with her mother-in-law and if you take the name Orpah and you define it her name means stiff neck come on it means obstinate or PUD not Oprah Oprah is a talk show host come on somebody used to be not orca orcas is a whale I talk about oh poor / Orpah means hard-headed it means her name me stiff neck her name means obstinate do you know it hard-headed people Oh y'all quit being religious on me somebody I won't the point right now but you're like I'm sitting next to her but I can't really point out a path he's right here do you know where the option of people do you know any hard-headed people here they are in that moment she had this opportunity to walk into the House of bread but she she said I'm going back I'll go back and she left it all behind it reminds me of those believers who start out with God but they don't finish with God they start out on a journey but they don't finish with the Lord she kissed her mother-in-law goodbye I've seen people in the church becomes obstinate and stiff neck that hard and they kissed the church goodbye and they kiss the cross goodbye and they kiss the messenger goodbye and they kiss the Christ goodbye and they go back but some of you can look back at your life and say go back go back to what what have I got to go back to she went back to hunger she went back to death she went back to die she went back to struggle how many of you can say I ain't going back to what I swore my way out of and what delivered me what dog delivered me from ain't going back are you kidding me I look it back that back at what God has set me free from I'm not going back to that tell your neighbor I'll go anywhere but I'm not going back hard-headed obstinate stiff neck or / kiss her mother-in-law goodbye see see sometimes you got to learn how to kiss some stuff goodbye so sometimes you got to kiss some relationships goodbye Oh y'all ain't saying nothing to me see I have the tenth spiritual gift I have the gift of goodbyes so some of y'all are still tripping over who left you still worried about who left you let me tell you something who ever left you and is not with you anymore is not pertinent to your purpose if they were supposed to be with you - for you to get to the next dimension that God is calling you - they would be there but God released them from you because you don't need them because everybody you need is with you or they are either on the way or I prophesied that in 2018 God is gonna put right people right relationships right folks in your life that live that will go to the next level with you you don't understand that sometimes when people leave you it is actually a gift they actually do you a favor Oh y'all ain't saying a whole lot in here tonight I said sometimes you need to realize they actually did you a favor and still in somewhere you know in in 2004 Henry left me I'm still upset about Henry leaving in 1997 Sheila she left me in 1982 something y'all old Oh if he could see me now I got a Toyota Corolla let me tell you Henry ain't even studying you Henry's had four wives since you and now he's in an alternative lifestyle come on somebody he ain't worried about you you need to lose Henry and let him go free here's the reality instead of tripping and worrying and 20:18 over who has left you you ought to leave tonight drop by Walmart get you a thank-you card go to the Cracker Barrel get some gift certificates and say thank you for leaving me close I could've never got to the next level if I were to have to drag you oh come on some folk paint go where you're going some folks are world watch you old but make a little noise if you say I'll glow if I gotta go by myself sometimes you need to blow him a kiss goodbye and say see you later alligator in a while crocodile but I ain't staying down for nobody I understand trapper nobody know I don't know who that was for the Bible said Orpah hard-headed stiff neck the answer is before her she kisses her mother-in-law goodbye but look injunction there come on y'all I'm smarter than you think I am I got my PhD my Pentecostal hairdo can I get a witness in the house but I learned about conjunctions you know how learned about conjunctions Schoolhouse Rock conjunction junction yeah that's how he got smart in there the Bible said Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye but Ruth claimed to her now Ruth's name means friendship it means companionship you define Ruth's name it's real powerful because he looked at Ruth and she said Ruth go back go back to your mother-in-law's house and Ruth said go back go back to what mother why did I got to go back to my husband has died Moab is in a mess we are hungry and starving go back I'll go anywhere I said I'll go anywhere but I'm not going back so here she is and she begins this journey back with her mother-in-law and as she journeys she tells her mother-in-law when they arrive she said let me go to the field in Ruth Tutu and green heads of gray from him in whose sight I might find favor one translation says in whose eyes I might find grace now here she is she goes to the field Ruth goes to the field and she is going to glean in the corners of the field because those days allowed it and allowed for people who were hungry who didn't have they were allowed to come and green our beggars portion she could come as a beggar she was seeking a beggar's portion in the corners of the field Jesus but she said I'm gonna look for the one in whose eyes I might find grace and here she is in the corners of the field just looking for a beggar's portion and we got too many believers that are just trying to get a beggar's portion that they're just trying to get enough for survival she was gleaning for life and survival and all of the sudden coming by was a man named Boaz and Boaz looked at her and she found grace in his eyes but now who is Boaz boo has got it going oh y'all Boaz is the rich man he represents a type of Christ he's the heir of all things he's the Lord of the harvest and he and he looks at her and he liked what he saw and she found grace in his eyes and I want to tell you something you and I are only here tonight because we found grace in the eyes of the Lord of the harvest we wouldn't be here without grace and so she's now she's now gleaning in the field of grace tell your neighbors stay in the right field yeah yeah I gotta stay in the field of grace I gotta stay in the field of grace I don't want to get in the field of denominationalism I don't want to get in the field of religion I don't want to get in a field of just going through the motion I gotta stay in the field of grace not now hear me he looks at her and he likes her and he said yo baby what's up that that's the King Jimmy version come on somebody in verse 8 he said Boaz said to Ruth you will listen my daughter will you not do not go glean in another field nor go from here but stay by my young women he said girl you ain't even got to go anywhere else listen to the instruction of the kinsman redeemer listen to the instruction Holy Ghost listen to the instruction of the Lord of the harvest the heir of all things you don't even need to go anywhere stay right here and then he goes on to say let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not now here she is she's cleaning in the corners of the field just staying right on the edges but then the lord of the harvest said let her get in and glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not let her get in a lane she don't even deserve to be in let her go where she's not even worthy to go where your lap let her walk in a place she's not even a worthy to walk in and reproach her not don't even bother with her I know she's not worthy to be there I know she shouldn't be in that Lane I know she shouldn't be where she is but not only let us stay there don't you even mess with her don't you know that some of you have you have fallen into a lane and you don't even know how you got there there's some of you walking in blessings you don't even know how how did I even get here but the lord of the harvest has put you in a lane and he said that he's told the devil the devil can't even bother with you because he's got you in the lane that you don't even deserve dear God is there anybody you ever got in a lane you didn't deserve you ever walked in blessings you didn't deserve make a little noise if that's you push your neighbor say I shouldn't even be here yeah yeah yeah I should even be where I am but look what the Lord has done he put me in a place he put me in a position he gave me an opportunity he's blessed me in ways that I don't even deserve hmm see you when you get in that Lane and you know God I'm only here because of your goodness Lord I'm only here because of your faithfulness that'll bring some praise up inside of you nobody I have to beg you to give God glory when you know man I shouldn't even be here then Boaz goes on to say while you're gleaning every once in a while drop a handful on purpose he told his men and women who are collecting the harvest who are in front of Ruth she's behind them and he said every once in a while he instructed him he said y'all drop a handful on purpose let her stumble up into something that she wasn't even expecting let her trip over a blessing let it just fall over it oh yeah yeah let me get a hold of something she didn't even know what's coming here's the deal some of you know what I'm talking about have you ever had God give you a handful or purpose something y'all say y'all not me pastor I prayed it in I fasted it in I believed it in I confessed it in liar liar pants on fire come on there's some blessings that you got you didn't pray it in you didn't fast it in you didn't believe it you didn't even know it was coming can i prophesy to somebody in 2018 there are some folks in this room you're getting ready to slip over some handfuls old purpose full of deliverance a handful of healing a handful of prosperity a handful of breakthrough make a little noise if you're ready for a handful o purpose get you labor by the hand and say neighbor you just sit there if you want to but I gotta borrow some praise from my future yeah yeah why don't you do that right now and borrow some praise and say God you got blessing oh I go Clint but somebody praise you for what's coming in March crazy for what's coming in April Razia what's coming in July praise you for what's coming in August oh you don't even know what's coming you are praising like you believe it's gonna be good huh I declare in faith that God is gonna drop hand falls on purpose in this house can I get a little more monitor right here I declare in faith that God is gonna drop handfuls on purpose during these revivals you're gonna see things happen you'll see things manifest you didn't even pray for it you didn't even believe for it but God is gonna do it you know why because he loves you hallelujah somebody make a little noise if you're ready to hand falls on purpose so she collects all this up she collects it all up and she goes back to the house of Naomi Caryn it got so much she came him hardly walk the blessings of the Lord of the harvest had blown her mind I feel faith in 2018 I feel it rising up inside of me I feel like the blessings of the Lord of the harvest are gonna blow our minds in 2018 we're gonna every dollar you need for this expansion I call it forth I call prosperity over your people I call and give I call it a resources I declare more than enough I don't declare enough I declare more than enough what up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah somebody give God praise oh let me stop a minute I see new jobs I see new career I see new businesses I see financial streams coming into the families of this church that you might be able to undergird revival God's gonna bless this house with hand fulls on purpose more than enough he ain't gotta just enough he sell Jedi he's more than enough she's coming home can't hardly walk walks through the door because it's barley season it's fresh bread season I declared the 2018 is fresh bread season huh glory to God she comes in the house and Naomi looks at her and said girl what in the world see they thought they were just going to get just enough to survive they thought they were going to make some biscuits they were in southern Israel can I get a witness maybe some cornbread y'all know about cornbread do y'all know about collard greens no y'all don't wave at me if you know what collard greens are let me tell you something collard greens will either bind you up or they'll set you free can I get a witness in the house they thought they were gonna have just enough to survive just enough for one night but she walks in and said her mother long ago said girl Ruth what in the world she said mom I don't know I was just after I was there I was gleaming in the corner of the field I was just trying to get enough to go home and make us a few a few biscuits and we were gonna rise that's all I was and then the Lord of the harvest come by and he said that a green even among the Sheep and reproach her not so look I just did it I just fell in line I just got in there and you know what happen was come on what happened was they started dropping stuff so they dropped it and I picked it up well you did you ask him any questions no I just started picking it up I didn't question it I didn't try to figure it out but I said if it's flare it's mine and I'm gonna take it see God said in 2018 go question while I bring it just pick it up just get in faith and get down there and get it because you ain't seen nothing yet just lick it up somebody that's gonna pick it up give John a crazy praise right now stop trying to Fiala gize it stop tryin to theorize it just get yourself down pick that up and say look what the Lord has done hallelujah push your neighbors hey pick it up pick it up pick it up in 2018 you gonna have to pick it up then 2018 God's gonna drop it you pick it up now they're very hard-headed obstinate stiff neck or pain there a lever like done died come on somebody but ruth the moabite us if you really define that roofie adulterous or the adulterer the idol worshiper the one who was unworthy the one who should have even been there Thank You Holy Ghost the one who shouldn't have even been there the one who had a scar jacked-up past who didn't have the right origin God said I will bless you anyway there some of you need to hear me the enemy's tried to tell you that because of the blemishes of your past that you can't walk in the fullness of today but the devil is a liar the Lord said get ready I'm bout to brand you I'm about to bring people into this search and they gonna step in this revival and they go green happen if you're ready to clean everything God has for you so they're talking girl I can't believe that yeah my huh they dropping it steady picking it up who was it well he's he's the Lord of the harvest he's the heir of all things he's a rich man girl what is his name his name is Boaz she said what did you say his name is Boaz mother did you say Boaz I think she went Church of God in Christ come on somebody I plea she went coaching right there did you say bow at boom OH yeah but you ever had someone that hits you or y'all sit out there be cute I know this church had some Ichiro oh come on y'all ain't cute in here have you ever had a little wave in the hand a little jerk in the neck how many times has a devil thought he had you but they were still hey Joseph thank you Jesus PLAs girl that's our kinfolk that could be the kinsman redeemer that's the answer to every problem that we have that's the answer to every one of our issues girl you are kidding me she said no mother he he let me clean among the Sheep she said wait a minute I got it now that matchmaking anointing you know some of y'all women walk in it can I get a witness he said here's what you do she said you will listen to me will you knock my daughter and said I want you to go back up there where they're bringing in the crop and I want you to go to the threshing floor because in those days they spent the night with the harvest they stayed at the front the threshing floor the workers and the servants and even the Lord of the harvest and verse four says in chapter three then it shall be when he lies down that you shall notice the place where he lies and you shall go and uncover his feet and lie down and he will tell you what to do now I want to talk to you a minute about this process because they would spend the night at the threshing-floor and so Ruth comes in and when she walks in she's already being talked about now she has now that more by this is what's that murder by a student here why not know about history she shouldn't be in here she's not even at you she's in a word that have been here but you see Naomi told her when you go in don't come in at his head don't lay at the head of the lord of the harvest of where y'all at but coming at his feet don't come in at his head like you got it going on but get down there at his feet even if they talk about you get to his feet who does she think she is laying down there by him that hoochie come on somebody always saying nothing who that who do you think she is coming up in here oh I wish I could talk to real people y'all don't get religious on me I know y'all honey just got tight in you ever had your honey get tight in church somebody said something you don't like you draw right up come on somebody some of y'all drew up I'm telling you that's what they were saying they were saying who she thinks she is she's unworthy she's got issues she's got problems but see there came a point where she had to move beyond their conversation there came a point where she didn't care what they were saying because she didn't come to see them anyway my mama she didn't come through the door to see them see what I'm trying to get to them she was trying to get to him so she said whatever humiliation I have to take in this process to get to him what matters for me most is that I got to get to him see if you're not careful there will be people who judge your worship they'll judge your praise they'll talk about your desperation they'll say why does she cry like that why does he act like that why do they shout like that why do they lean in like that why do they worship so loud why do they make so much noise let's see they are unaware of the real pursuit of your heart you have to let them say whatever they want to say because you did not come to see them you came for one reason on Friday night you came to get to the feet of the Lord of the harvest tell your neighbor I love you but I didn't come to see you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah be careful when you judge somebody's clap be careful when you judge somebody shout be careful when you judge somebody's dance because if God had done for you what he did for them you might be shouting - and you might be dancing - you came over Friday night I get to his seat you've been through too much to let somebody talk you out of praising God you come too far to let somebody talk you out of pursuing God you come too far to let somebody talk you gotta get to his feet you know where you were you know where he has brought you from you know that your next level your next dimension your next promise is contingent on you getting and staying at his feet is there anybody in pursuit I gotta get to his feet so so she comes and she lays at his feet and she covers herself up with his covering hear me come for his feet I declare that the desperation and worship is going to intensify in this house in this year and let me tell you what I saw prophetically when I was standing here tonight the last time that I was here was amazing and I thought man this I don't know if it can get any better but there was a maturity that I saw in the worship tonight there was a deeper place come on there was something and not only was there a deeper place it was deeper faster and the Lord said I'm bringing this revival to a place where you're gonna start deep and stay deep you're not even gonna get in the shallow place you're not even have to wait in the moment people walk through the door they're gonna fall into the glory of the Lord God is doing a new thing in this house we're getting to his feet we're coming in humility we're coming in desperation with let your fasting this month we're coming in fasting we're coming in praying we're saying God we gotta get to your feet let other places talk about us let them say we're crazy we don't mind because at the end of the day we will be found at the feet of the Lord of the harvest so our desperation brought it to his feet he covered her with his covering she laid down beside of him then he says to her who are you in verse 9 and she answered and said Ruth have your Carol u-u-u-u-u-s giving me handfuls on purpose don't you remember me you good-looking bow ants thing you don't you remember me take your maidservant under your wings for you are a close relative shoo you all know we got close relatives in heaven you know we got a father in heaven you know we got a elder brother Jesus in heaven how many of you wanting to take him just take you under his wing this year then I'll check this out he started blessing this woman they got married here but understand this she had an opportunity to go back she had an opportunity to walk back into Moab and see the devil is always going to give an opportunity to walk away from revival to walk away from everything that God is doing in this house but see fresh starts you've come too far I said you come too far the die has been cast this is not going to be the cute little everyday user friendly come in and have a 55-minute service that's not what this house is going to be that doesn't mean we're in contract where we were we're in warfare with any Church in the city but we have clearly defined who we are in this house we are a church that hungers and seeks our revival and you have come too far your worship has gone too deep the glory has been too great in this house you cannot go back black is not an option this is a house of bread this is a house of deliverance this is a prophetic house this is a glory house you can never go back you will be found in Jesus name revival when the trumpet sounds we will never go back but this woman had every opportunity to go back and I'm getting ready to land this plane I'm getting ready to close you know what that means nothing hallelujah she had every opportunity to go back those two we didn't define remember Marlin and chili and Marlins name means sickness Chileans name means dying sick and dying come on go back to sickness go back to dying but because she wouldn't go back to sickness and dying and a bollock God blessed her and connected her to the Lord of the harvest now yeah god help me Holy Ghost this is why I came tonight because God is about to pick it up tell your neighbor God is picking it up in my life come on push your neighbor and say things are speeding up yeah yeah yeah yeah things things are things are gonna come together quicker pastor things are gonna happen quicker yeah yeah time to rub out Kushina Nona may I hear your Holy Ghost the Lord said things are about to accelerate now you take the name Boaz and the named Boaz means acceleration his name means in a hurry his name means quickly and the Lord brought me here to release over this house a Boaz year the Lord said I'm about to pick things up things are about to be done swiftly God said I'm gonna bring resources in swiftly the Lord said I'm doing a quick thing this year the Lord said I'm gonna bless people quickly I'm gonna send up something new quickly the Lord said I'm accelerating things in this house the Lord said I'm accelerating things in your family your children will come in quickly lost loved ones will be saved quickly who can i prophesy - I said lost loved ones will be saved quickly financial turns will be made quickly come on come on you'll come out of dad quickly things work healings will manifest quickly you'll get a bad dog support and before you can get to the church and be brave for glottal have already healed it before you even get to the house touch your neighbor and say it's going to happen quickly stander you feed everybody and get your neighbor by the hand and say neighbor this is my bow ass season now 1 2 3 give God a shout if you're ready for a bow ass season give it some musicians up here I said give God a shout if you're ready for God to move quickly give them praise hallelujah now watch this have you ever caught the bus have you ever caught the bus now I have maybe you never have but if you go ride the bus what you do is you know it's coming so you lean out like you're looking for it who am I talking to in this house the Lord said now you need to lead out and begin to look for the bow a season to hit this revival and then hit your house and it hit your family 1 2 3 give God a praise in here come on y'all gotta help me I said give God a praise in here right now [Applause] i bah-bah-bah shot daya now watch this some of y'all say well pastor if you don't understand you don't understand my story you don't understand that I could never own a home I could never be a successful businessman I could never get that promotion on the job stuff like that doesn't happen for me I could never step into that season of acceleration and I would say to you the devil is a liar because let me tell you about Ruth in the beginning of the story Ruth started out as a beggar in the field I said at the beginning of the story she she started out as a Moabite as a beggar in the field but by the end of the story she owned the field [Applause] get your neighbor by the hand and say neighbor don't judge me yet my story is not over my story has a happy ending somebody give God a play hallelujah now the Lord was clear there was something else that I wanted to release tonight and myself I thought I was gonna preach it all the way here but the Lord said no this is the word for this house for the first night of this revival you need to look into 2018 with a mindset of acceleration that this thing is not gonna wind down it's just winding up get this revival is now winding down it's just winding up that in your life things are about to accelerate because the things that happen in this house are gonna begin to happen in your house provision and power and miracles and wonders I want everybody now who's ready and you can tell your neighbor I'll go in and wear my back I'll go anywhere back back come on cloud tell somebody around just say I'll go anywhere be back come on push somebody behind me and say I'll go anywhere by back I'll go anywhere by back I'll go anywhere by back I believe that 2018 it's gonna be my greatest year I'll go anywhere by back I believe 2018 is gonna be like something I've never seen I'll go anywhere you gotta let the office go you gotta let the people go they won't go with you but go if you gotta go by yourself hallelujah you got to go that mantel is on this house and I took that whole journey because the Lord said tonight is the night the first night of the 2018 revival I want to release acceleration in this house I want to accelerate it [Music] got that by the rub my bus shot died the Lord said my intent is for not for this not to be known regionally but for this revival to be known and nationally and for it to be known internationally for the Lord said I am doing a thing I am doing a thing I am doing a thing at fresh-start Church in Arizona shut up about Cassata and the Lord said I am bringing acceleration to it and the Lord said as I accelerate the revival I'm gonna accelerate my glory in my miracle power and my provision in the lives of the people that connect to revival the Lord said everything that connects to my agenda will be blessed the Lord said everything that connects to my agenda will be blessed the Lord said everything that connects to my agenda my agenda is revival saith the Lord and the Lord said everything that connects to my agenda will be blessed and the Lord said you will find yourself with opportunities and and and open doors that you did not anticipate or pray for this year because I am bringing handfuls on purpose says the Lord I'm bringing it to this house and I'm bringing it to your house the Lord said your children will come in speedily the Lord set opportunities will will present themselves speedily the Lord said depression cancer doubt fear sickness bondage will live speedily because my glory is in the house and everything attached to my glory shall be the Lord said I'm accelerating it in this hour the Lord said I'm accelerating it in this hour the Lord said the enemy is moving quicker but I shall not be outdone the Lord said the enemy has been speeding up but I will not be outdone my glory will not be contained my power will not be held back the Lord said in 2018 there is an acceleration coming somebody give God a praise if you're ready for it I said you've gotta pray now won't everybody that wants to see an in time acceleration land in your life the flow ask season get up here right now get up here right now about my Mya Saray my mama Kashia Baba paya throw up your hands and begin to pray in the Holy Ghost right now everybody on this stage praying the Holy Ghost right now God is accelerating Maya she'll about Saaremaa mama mama Katya she'll rrrraaahh Saaremaa mama mama Maya said I'm I feel the Holy Ghost I feel the Holy Ghost I feel the Holy Ghost I feel the Holy Ghost hallelujah somebody lift your voice I'm gonna lay hands on people that I'm over but I just feel like God is doing something shut up my huh sorry I need to prophesy over pastor Paul and pastor Kim raise your hands stretch your hands towards your pastors right now shut up baba baba concerned and Abbas a time the Lord said because she didn't go back because you never allowed revival to become a thing of the past because you maintained your pursuit because you did not quench my spirit since the Lord because you did not hold me out but you welcomed me the Lord said when many went back when many chains when many transitions when many did not allow him to move anymore the Lord said you still hungered you still pursued you still salt you still worship you still praise you never went back and the Lord said because of that you are stepping into a season of handfuls on purpose the Lord said open doors open opportunities the Lord said provision and power the Lord said an end time acceleration is coming to your ministry the Lord said your ladder shall be greater than your former the Lord said he is multiplying his glory in your life and his anointing in your life and the Lord said get ready for quick things the Lord said get ready for speedy things the Lord said get ready to see what you've never seen before Atta had a scale and at a speed you've never seen it before the Lord said I'm holding back the enemy and I am throwing down my glory because you refuse to go back I'll release a blow as anointing a pro as anointing a blow acid somebody shout now here it is we're going to pray for that anointing and I'm going to move out and pastor Josh is going to move we're gonna lay hands on people tonight but God is about to unleash that same anointing that's on your pastor now your pastor is the head of this church underneath Christ but the strongest anointing that came on the priest when the oil was poured on him did not gather at the head but it gathered after him because the anointing oil ran down and the anointing has started with the pastor's but it ain't stopping with the pastor's the anointing is coming on to him it's coming on the church it's coming on you how many of you are ready for a pore up low-ass anointing an endtime acceleration I want you to raise your hands and I want you to pray this after me and when we shout the word now this is how God works with me God is going to begin to pour out and then in time acceleration and anointing for this year for you to see things come together quickly and speedily it's gonna be an acceleration it's a blow as anointing if you're ready for it let me hear you shout one time raise your hands right now and everybody everybody bring this up to me to the top of your lungs right now say Heavenly Father in Jesus name I'm coming to you now and I am declaring that I want everything everything everything everything you have for me in 2018 thank you for taking me where I don't deserve to be thank you for opening doors that I don't deserve to go through thank you my hand goes on purpose in 2018 now in Jesus name are you ready say in Jesus name hey get my life and over my family a clue as a naughty an acceleration you bring it to my life it got it last in 2018 he returns are you ready say now now come on God is pouring it out right here God is pouring it out right here I need this crew right here right here I want about 15 of you to join hands right here about 15 up your join hands right there God said I'm about to bring my glory right here I'm about to pour that acceleration out right here are you ready are you ready are you ready shut up my bus seat come on a receive it now receive it now we see that now we shall see it going all over this room receive it now receive it now receive it now receive it now going back not going anywhere but forward not going back not going back we're accelerating [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] in an animai shoe [Music] [Music] it's [Music] yeah [Music] we won't stop Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] throw up your hands and declare if you're not gonna I said lift up a shout I hear the Lord say three things believe my assignment is up here number one undeclared it that there's a maturity that is coming this worship team I travel all over America and and last time you guys were great but the Lord just showed me so much more that you have become that that this season of revival has taught you and the Lord said you will never be shallow the Lord said you will be deep the Lord said don't ever start shallow always stay deep don't go shallow because when the people come in here they're gonna fall right in the deep water the Lord said even as you sing this year you as you sing this year the glory is coming in ways the Lord said as you minister this year the glory is coming in ways the Lord said momentum is about to hit this house the Lord said momentum is hitting this worshipping the Lord said deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper the Lord said momentum karappa bachata today Maya accelerates we're going shallow we start deep and we're staying deep make a little noise in the house and I hear the Lord say I hear the Lord say over this house acceleration momentum momentum momentum the Lord said don't string back the Lord said that that acceleration anointing is on you it's on you I declare it comes at 2018 in waves in this house and it does not contain in this house make a little noise if you're going to have it in your house come on I said make a little noise if you're gonna have it in your house now here's what we're going to do had Rakesh I the Lord gave me a revelation just a few months ago and the revelation is this my shout makes me dangerous tell your neighbor my shout makes me dangerous [Music] the Lord unfolded this revelation before me and he showed me that there is a frequency on earth and there's a frequency in heaven and heavens frequency is praised and heavens frequency is worship but there is something about a shout that there's there's something about a shout they can make an army run there's something about a shout unto the Lord that will make a wall fall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're all coming to this house JJ right probably do this house No what's this they shouted the walls fell they shouted armies fled they shouted under God now check this out I was studying and I found out that we always put the devil in hell but in reality the devil is not in hell the Bible says the devil is the Prince of the power of the air he's in the firm of it come on somebody so if you understand that just study the Book of Daniel win there was the resistance of the prayer that was that that happened the Prince of Persia held the prayer come on and the answer was coming in he held that answer from that angel for 21 days demonic forces exist in the firmament and the devil is called the Prince of the power of the air and I read in the last couple months about a shout and I read a document that said there is something about the sound of a human shout that shreds the air [Music] [Applause] [Applause] God said let the sound in this house that the roar in this house in 2018 is going to shred the kingdom of the enemy loss will fall [Music] Shou Shou South here opening the door acceleration acceleration acceleration tchau tchau come on you're wounded the enemy you're devastating the darkness ha ow ciao yes Lord yes to acceleration yes to your way yes ow in Jesus name I declare that we have unlocked the glory realm at another dimension we have shredded the kingdom of the enemy an acceleration now becomes easy it's not something we lay before you hear me pastor Kim it's not something we work for this acceleration is just going to come handfuls on purpose are coming breakthroughs are coming it's coming to this house in your house I'm about to hand this off but if you appreciate the Lord and you appreciate the word and you'll go anywhere but you won't go back give the Lord the praise of the night come on whoa Wow Wow Wow [Music] it's already on we're in it it's all around us the glory of the Lord the acceleration of God is all around us you're not waiting on it to come it's here it's gonna get in your car with you it's gonna drive home with you you're gonna get out and walk up in your house and it's gonna be all in your house this is your moment People of God this is your moment this is your time hallelujah Jesus come into agreement we receive the word tonight latrans I pray I break disappointment off of you right now the things in the past that have caused disappointment and disillusionment and it's difficult for you to believe for acceleration and handfuls on purpose I break that in the name of Jesus and I thank you now bought that a new faith is arising a new expectation is arising we will position ourselves for the word of the Lord tonight O God and we will believe that you are gracious and that you are loving and that you are showing favor Lord not not only to this house but to other churches that are represented to you tonight and we will put our faith on it on and another late disappointment and disillusion and we will say we believe God is going to do what he has promised and spoken and he will turn we wish seen it in Jesus name hallelujah thank you pastor Jim for coming let pastor Jim know how much we appreciate him and the word of the Lord that he brought to the house tonight y'all know how it works this is night one we're just getting started is just gonna go up it's just gonna be more glory and it's gonna be greater amen [Music] you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 819
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: rZC2JY72PK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 59sec (5339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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