Revival Weekend: This is Your Last Meal at This Level | Josh Carter | January 7, 2018

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[Music] come on our elevator worship for a second come on elevate your worship for second elevator worship come on lift him up lift up your worship to him come on without a song come on this is your song come on lift it up elevate your worship in this room elevate your worship in this room elevate your praise in this room [Music] the reason why we asked you to elevate your worship and we say let there be elevation and praise and worship most of us don't really understand what that means we think that sometimes God will say elevation and we think that means louder but sometimes elevation and worship simply means implementation of new discovery in God I lift my worship higher by discovering news something new about him that I have never seen before and I take that experience and that encounter and I'm moving into the next set of worship that I have towards God see some of you that's why God gave you the encounter because there is a new demand on your worship and God said I know that you have only praised me to the height of your experience and the height of your encounter so I will encounter you again on a different dimension so you can bring an implementation of a new level of worship see that's why God delivers you and touches you and brings his fire to you so that you can praise Him on a whole nother level now I don't know who I'm talking to in this room but I guarantee there are some people that God has encountered this weekend and I hear the Holy Ghost in my ear saying for whatever I've done I want you to bring the experience into the worship and watch me move in your life so with your hands lifted and your voices raised whatever he's done whatever he's done bring it into the worship Oh bring it into the worship bring it into the worship whatever it tell me you've have bring it in the warship [Music] [Music] let me show you something minimal priests the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah that that in the same year that Uzziah died Isaiah saw the Lord in an amazing how when one King died on one level Isaiah finally saw the real King on another see there are some Kings that are keeping you out of clarity come on talk to me there are some things that you have put up in your life you don't even know are a king and there are that's why God will kill the King so you can finally see him as the King in your life Isaiah said when I saw the king what's this the next thing I knew is I was worshiping on another level because you can't see him for who he is and not worship Him on another level Isaiah started worshiping God on deeper places in higher levels he got up in dimensions in the heavenlies and the Bible says he's up up up in the heavenlies with his worship he's got a new discovery he's got new clarity about who God is and right in the middle of discovering on watts all of a sudden he peaked his head back in to reality worship in heavenly he pieces head back into reality and he finds that in the meantime while he was worshiping God was letting his worship work on something on his behalf because the Bible says I'm going somewhere that the doorpost of the temple began to shake and quake as he was worshiping upon a higher level those doorpost were built not to be moved they were built to stand forever see everybody in this room's got something in your life that has looked you in the eye ins that I'll be here forever I'm gonna be here the rest of your life and this ain't moving so learn how to code learn how to build your worship around me because I ain't moving but Isaiah said when I elevated my worship and peeked my head back down into reality I found out that my worship was working on something because the doorposts that said that they would not be moved started shakin and quakin when they begin to elevate their worship what am I trying to tell you I'm trying to tell you that tonight your worship is working on something that said it would not be moved in your life so here's what we gonna do because I know it's the last night of revival and I know what your body is saying I know what your mind is saying but I also know what God is saying that your workshops working on something [Music] how would you worship if you knew this next brace what's the one that was about to tear down the very thing in your life that said it would not be how what's your worship if you knew this was the praise that your husband they don't know no no that's your kids that the new job was there how would you praise God I feel there are shaking in the atmosphere but God said I need you to elevate your worship so for the last 60 seconds whatever you've got to do however you've got to do it I want you to praise God like you've lost your mind because the worship of this house is working huh it's working on it it's working [Music] I said your worship is working on it as you pray Scott is moving in hitman [Music] no don't stop now don't quit now I said your worship is working on it [Music] [Music] that was good but there is a praise that still remains that is outside of your comfort zone please know a praise inside of your comfort zone will not get you the desired result of your heart worshiping God like you worship them will get you what you've gotten in the past but it will not get you what you desire for now there has to be a moment where you break out of your comfort zone and you start to do and worship in ways that you've never worship before that's what we mean when we say elevates our worship it's time to break the mindset and break out of the box and get a little bit uncomfortable so that we can see what we've never seen so I'm gonna give you one last chance before I preach in this house one final time during this weekend but I dare somebody who understands that their worship is working on something who knows that this next race might be the one that shakes and loose so on the count of three now in revival atmosphere squad hallelujah to somebody pray [Music] yes that's the one that's the one that's the one he's been waiting on this one all weekend long don't stop don't Quinta it's breaking its breaking it's breaking it's breaking it's great [Music] it's falling it's falling its falling it's falling now prophesy you promise and say it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming I promise my destiny it's coming I said it's 2018 rumpus I over yourself and declare it say it's coming it's just the trunk come on I serve no one is sold every devil it's good I shove notice on every day it's you can't stop this demo you can't stop this you can't stop this it's coming now one more time as loud as you can prophesy over yourself and say it's gone dead is coming [Music] it's one final time if you believe it we see it stomping [Music] now somebody's shouting to God with a voice of triumph in this room if you believe that it's coming [Applause] [Music] i prophesy this is the year you will see everything God has said this is the year your eyes will see what God has opened his mouth about in your life you will see you will see you will see slip up your hands I feel the anointing of God I don't know what you've been waiting to see but this is the year for you to see this is the year for you to see [Music] Gautama shuttle-bus come and open up your mouth with your hands lift it I don't know what you need to see but talk to God about it here tell him to tell him what you want to see tell him tell him what I want to see them saved no what I want to see my body healed Lord I want to see my kids back in the house of God God I want to see I want to see I want to see I want to see that ministry get off the ground I want to see [Music] Kito most Shunta nord for this house we say we want to see in 2018 gon give us eyes Lord the rest of this year to see everything that you've spoken over this house every prophetic word about revival every prophetic word about the move of God every prophetic word concerning this region God this year let us see let us see what you said let us see what you said God we won't be denied God we ain't giving up we're coming after but we want to see I want you to grab the hand of somebody beside yet i'ma preach the Bible says that there is power in agreement now that you've prophesied over yourself let's come into agreement to see the blessings and the favor of God over this house pastor Paul pastor Kim an unusual season of favor favor on every level for you and for your family for this staff everything that's connected to you unusual favor are y'all ready to agree one with another for everything God has promised this house I want you to help me pray for just a few seconds are you ready 1 hallelujah 2 3 come on begin to pray all across this room God let us see we pray for Souls we pray Lord for Souls we ask you Lord for miracles signs and wonders in this house in 2018 God do not deny us do not pass us by we want to see you [Music] come on just a few more seconds there's power you agreement some of you didn't even know how uh knowing you were there is there's something moving through this house right now it's going hand to hand it's going person to person there's some moving right now [Music] come on agree agree [Music] cause Shama Casa de Lobos [Music] Jesus Jesus some of y'all have been waiting all weekend for this moment right now because there's been things in your life that you never thought you would see again and God has spoke to you all weekend long and brought you to this moment to let you know not only will you recover all and not one not only will you never go back but but he's trying to tell you you will see again [Music] you will see so father as much as we dedicate our hearts and as much God as we give you our ears God Lord we entrust to you tonight our eyes to see again lift every barrier every cloud and every hindrance let us see 20/20 in 2018 and we'll give you praise and if that was your word make some noise for Jesus right now what bless the Lord y'all feel that in here tonight it's like electricity my hands feel like I mean like pulses of electricity are in my hands right now I'm tell you but I feel too you know like the raw and real anointing of God in this room are you ready to receive tonight tonight is an impartation while you're standing I want you to go and grab your Bibles go and grab your Bibles [Music] and I want you to turn to the book of Joshua thank you so much for your hospitality your love thank you for allowing me to be me there are some times I go places and I can't be myself you know they they say hey tone it back a little bit don't be that loud [Music] don't be don't be that charismatic but help me know if we're gonna really win this thing it's gonna take every ounce of fire we got and some amen thank you for like I said your loving your hospitality in just how much I feel how much you care every time I come and I think on once again for this amazing worship team that Amen that would be a good chance to let them know how much you appreciate them thank God for this awesome staff and of course we thank God and give God the greatest praise for your amazing lead pastors pastor Paul Messer I honor you and I love you come when you ought to give it up for them as loud as you can come on we thank God for our pastors and thank you for just believing in the gift that's all my life I don't take it lightly I don't come here with prepackaged service amen I come here with fresh bread are you ready for one more word from God tonight I want you to open up your Bibles once again to the book of Joshua chapter 1 and when you get it there I want you to slide your hand back over in Exodus chapter 16 I'm gonna come back to it in just a second but one verse in Exodus chapter 16 but we're gonna read out of Joshua I came tonight the first two messages I have preached to you or to you from God to you this message is an impartation for this house and I want you to open up your ears to hear what God is saying to the house because if God says it to the house he's also saying it to you and your family and so I want you to lean in tonight and once again if you preach real good I'll preach real sure I preached me back real good I'll preach restore amen and oh I can't wait to give you the title I'm trying to I'm sure I'm trying to be good Joshua chapter 111 verses and the Bible says after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord had came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses assistants saying Moses my servant isn't dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you and all this people to the land which I am giving to them the children of Israel and every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon how they do you I have given to you as I said to Moses from the wilderness in this Lebanon as far as the great river the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the Sun shall be your territory touch the neighbors say it belongs to me no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to get to them only be strong and very courageous that you might observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant had commanded you do do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you might prosper wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it here this day and night that you might observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success oh I'm blessing myself just read it have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go then Joshua commanded the officers of the people saying through the camp and command the people saying prepare victuals prepare provisions for yourself for within three days you will cross over this Jordan to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess [Music] flip over to Exodus chapter 16 one verse verse 35 sure glory to God one verse verse 35 says this and the children of Israel ate manna forty years until just touching neighbor say until they eight men of 40 years until they came to an inhabited land they ate manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan I had no idea when my plane landed that you were starting your fast tomorrow I thought you were starting it the way we did it at Calvary in Florida on the first I had no idea but God gave me this message over Christmas for you and he told me to preach it on the last night and the Lord said tell them that this is their last meal on this level [Music] [Applause] I came to impart and prophesied that the manna has been good thus far but in 2018 there's about to be a new meal on a new level for this house if you believe it slip up your hands father I thank you for what I feel we take your word as truth tonight open our ears to hear what your Spirit is saying and we'll give you all the glory if you believe it somebody shout Amen now as you see the tap - people say this is your last meal on this level my god do you feel it do you feel it lord have mercy Jesus you have heard me say you know I feel the unction to say again that you must understand that God is a speaking God God when he wants to do a thing he says a thing God does not do without saying his hands never get mixed up with his words that when God wants to perform anything he performs it through word long before you ever see his end God is a speaking God but the idea is you must know how God speaks as much as you know what God is speaking God speaks in three dimensions at all times he speaks watch this he speaks in what's his plans he speaks in promises and he speaks in commands promises plans and commands he speaks in promises that's when God says I will you're too quiet you took because I don't know about you but I'm thankful for the promises of God in my life I'm thankful that no matter what a doctor's report says and no matter what people say and no matter what circumstance say that if God ever gives me a promise his promise is I will no matter what they said I will no matter what the doctor tell I will I will heal you but God's promises are profound God also speaks in plans that's when God doesn't say I will he says I will if you because God's plans always require your participation in other words God didn't give you a plan just so you can tell everybody he gave it to you some of us are so help me do it Holy Ghost some of us are more enamored than getting a word than getting the word and performing it we like to tell people what God said and never function in the thing God said there are some of us that live in word land we run all the great prophets we go to every prayer line just to get a word and sometimes God says I ain't telling you nothing else and you say God why are you silent and gotta say cuz you ain't done nothin with the last word I gave you when I spoke it God speaks watch this in promises plans and commands commands is when God says you will promises I will if you then I to commands you will God is most disappointed when you fail to obey the command because God's commands have been sent to make your life flourish you will never know abundant life without obedience to command you're so quiet on me tonight I said you will never know abundant life exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think until you understand that I must obey God's commands there is no back door to blessing there is no back door to the favor of God the way you get favored and the way you get blessing is when you obey now I know there's some people out there preaching you can praise your way out but that's probably not true most the time most of the time it's not praise your way out it's obey your way out God is a speaking God and tonight I wanted to zero in on one of the ways that he is speaking I really wanted to take a second and dive deep into the promise of God because in our text tonight God is speaking to Joshua the new leader about a promised land because for every person in this room there is a promised land there is a place God is to bring you in to watch this where you stop being nomadic and you get settled in your spirit there's a place that you have been called to occupy y'all acquire there's a place that you have been called to live in permanently no changer Andres no eviction notice no devil can kick you out no no disease can push you out there is a place God has called you to be where you live forever he calls it a promised land maybe that's the reason why you haven't gotten there is because you didn't know you had one there is a promised land for every person with you here I cannot talk to you about the journey in and without starting with the journey out because every time God wants to take you in the first way he takes you in is by bringing you out every promised land starts watch this with deliverance how can I bring you into new land if I don't take you out of old land that's why the first thing he did when he wanted to take them into Promised Land is he had to pull them out of Egypt and God called that deliverance see sometimes deliverance is not you manifesting demons and getting them cash sometimes deliverance means I have been set free from an old way of thinking and doing and going in fact in the name of Jesus I pray deliverance over your life in 2018 I pray you see different and you think different and you worship different and you praise different and you go in a little bit different and you read the scriptures different I pray that God gets you out of Egypt he brought them out and called it deliverance but the moment he brought them out of deliverance watch this God always takes you out of deliverance and but he never puts you directly in the promised land because in between deliverance and promise there is this place called development I will deliver you so that I can finally develop you let me show you what I mean deliverance I'm getting you out of Egypt development I'm getting Egypt out of you deliverance I'm gonna take you out of it and when God does deliverance that God does deliverance suddenly God will do this God will do deliverance suddenly but God does not do development suddenly if you if you trying to get this thing microwavable you have missed you have missed it and you got the wrong dog because everybody wants promise but nobody wants a process and anytime you try to get it too quickly you always settle for a lesser version of the destiny God has promised you the quicker it comes the less value it has tell me the last time you went through the drive-thru and got Lobster tell me the last time you pulled up to in and out and said give me the fillet why because if it comes fast it came let me tell you another thing about what comes fast they never cost as much see see if if you want it great you're gonna have to give it to things you're gonna have to give it time and you're gonna have to be willing to pay the price because this thing don't go on sale there is no coupon for revival there is no coupon for the anointing you don't open your email one day and say well it's 25% often the devil is alive it costs what it costs and if you're not willing to pay the price you won't get it people say pastor just how have you done what you did in the age you are how in the world could you be 33 preach for Jake's preach for this purpose I said you know what I paid a price well all my friends were out there party I was having prayer meetings in my dorm room and if you want it bad enough if you want it bad enough you'll be willing to pay the price for it and God says I am bringing you out of Egypt but I'm going to use wilderness to get Egypt out of you and when you come out and out of out of deliverance into development God will always make sure that leadership there takes you and gives you what you need to thrive in development that's why Moses was a great leader because Moses understood development because he himself had been developed and when God does development can I go deeper when God does development please know God doesn't do development publicly deliverance is public development is private am I helping anybody deliverance is public God will show up and show off as he brings you out with the win he starts to develop you he'll put you behind closed doors he'll make sure nobody sees because watch this even photographers know that if you want to get the picture from a negative to what it's supposed to be you got to get it behind closed doors and turn the lights out if you want to know God's God's God's grace that's God's mercy in love and the fact that he wouldn't put all your negatives out there for everybody to see then when I develop you I develop you because I love you and I put the veil so that when I work with you and I'll bring you out they will know you from when you got delivered but they will have to understand you have you as you have been developed and God worked them through the wilderness the thing about it is anytime God starts development I'm gonna take a step deeper anytime God does development after he does deliverance to go along with development God has bound him to make sure there is provision you always know development when you find provision because God wants you to understand that while he's working on you he don't want you to die out there so the Bible says that when they got out in the wilderness God began to feed them in one way God said don't worry about it I want you to work on you I want you to get this thing right I want you to get yourself ready I want you to get yourself prepared see that's what God is saying to somebody tonight your written development get yourself ready don't worry about the finances don't worry about all the stuff I got that I got your next meal taken care of I got your next paycheck taking care I got it already put I am in provision mode and side note when God fed them in the wilderness he fed them according to their eating in other words the meal they got was the meal they were hungry for because in the wilderness you get fed according to your personal appetite you get fed according to your eating so if you're not getting much in the wilderness you better elevate your hunger because God will always feed you at the place of your appetite and about 12 people said Amen I'll tell you this in impartation I'm not talking from me tonight I'm talking from God to you he said I'm gonna feed you and there they were every morning while they're out there being developed hallelujah do you see it every morning of development came with a new day of provision the more you let me work on you the more you could rely on me to feed you the way you needed to be fed for every day that I was developing you I'll feed you I'll develop I'll feed you how developed see some units room need to understand that if you would just sit back and surrender and let God mold you and make you if you would just sit back and let God do some things in your life that you would turn around and find more provision than you have ever had in your life develop me and God says great I'll provide as well I'm going somewhere to stay with me the problem is is that they began to mistake provision as a promise how do you know that Pastor Josh because for 40 years they ate the same thing every day and what they were and what they used to rejoice about had started to become routine in their life because anything you do over anything you do constantly over a lengthy period of time becomes routine and I prophesied of this house that what you have had in the last season has been a meal of provision from God as he developed this house for revival but I pray to God that you never let this become routine I pray that it that I prayed this never becomes a part of your life as part of a routine I pray you never schedule this like you scheduled breakfast because this is not routine because even the famous people that do doop music understand that you need routine but at some point in time you've got to move from routine to recital and the danger of this text oh it's quiet I know I got you tonight and the danger of this text is that they begin to believe that just maybe my provision was my promise that what you've been given me as good as it is and as heavenly as it may be this is it not knowing that all development is and all that wilderness was was a bridge to a house in the promised land as this too deep tonight it's a dangerous thing when you start living on the bridge and not occupying the house of your promise can I go deep because the only people that call bridges homes or homeless folk tell me the last time you saw a contractor out on the out on a bridge with brick and mortar and block because nobody builds homes on bridges bridges are not meant to be places of occupation they're meant to be places of crossing over from one thing to the next thing and the children of Israel got to the place where they were starting to believe that the bridge was home and even in this move of God it is a dangerous thing to take this and think that this is all that there is it's a dangerous thing to say these services are great but maybe this is it it's dangerous to have routine when you have revival I'm glad you shouted earlier because tonight ain't on one of those shouting messages I'm trying to take you somewhere by the Spirit of God and the children of Israel came to Canaan still relying on manna and God said I'm about to take you in and you have no idea how close you are so the sign that I will take you in since you aren't seeing it for yourself is letting me cut off the manna so that you know it's time to cross over to Canaan you always know hallelujah that's our kin ready to cross over when the manna ceases you always know you're about to step into your destiny and you're about to step in the promise when what one feeding you how it was feeding you starts to become scarcer and scarcer in your life I just said somebody free right there who's been going Wow I haven't felt the way I was feeling six months ago during revival there was something that was happening god what's happening you're not touching me like you used to touch me you're not speaking like you used to speaking and God says that's right because I'm about to cut the manna off because of how close you are to the promise on your life God said you have been relying on manna and I'm about to shift the meal and the Lord told me to tell you first start that God is about to change the meal God said you're about to go on this fast and when you come out of this fast there's about to be a new menu because if you get too enamored with manna you'll miss out on milk and honey and wouldn't it be a shame that God had milk and honey and you still over there chewing on manna because you thought provision was promised and so God said let me make an announcement on two dimensions I'm gonna preach these two dimensions and I'm gonna get out your way God said two dimensions I've got to break so that you can finally cross over he said I'm gonna break the dimension of mind and then I have to break it on the dimension of meal because anytime God gets ready to cross over there are two things he'll break in your life he'll break the wrong mindset and he'll break the wrong meal plan that's why in our text finally when we got to our text in the book of Joshua the Bible says that the first thing God told Joshua is Moses is the first thing God told new leadership is that you can't be new leader and acting like the old one in fact he told him he said Joshua out there you were farmers but you're about to shift from being farmers into fighters because if you try to take farmer into the promise farmer will get destroyed but fighter will win if you can make the shift if you can't make the crossing I feel prophetic unction on me tonight if you can't make the cross you'll lose in wonder why because you took a farmer mentality into a fighting world he said Moses is dead but I'll make you a promise as I was with Moses so shall I be with you don't miss the revelation because what God was not saying is as I did for Moses so will I do for you the promise was not I'll do what I did the promise was I'll be with you like I was see that's the promise you have to understand because it's not so much God doing what he did it's him being with you and what he's taking you into that matters the most because if you've got God what are you afraid of if God is on your side why are you fearing worrying or doubt because I've got before you what can be it no no you're not hearing me I said if God be with you then that means God is for you and if God is for you what who when where can be against you if you believe it somebody shall now as I was with Moses so shall I be with you Joshua you're about to cross over but don't you dare cross over acting like Moses and Joshua said that's scary Lord because help me no new territory can be scary just for the fact you've never been there before new things are scary just because you don't have a reference point new dimensions and God can be scary if you don't have a reference point they had never been here before God told me to tell you you're about to go somewhere you have never been before and you can't take a wilderness map into a Promised Land place you can't take the map of how you got that you only say in a word to me I said you can't take the map of how you got there and how it works because that only worked for the wilderness that only worked while you were out there in development that kind of leadership only worked while you were out there but now that you're over here throw the map away and let me lead you and you can learn of me so I can take you in Moses is dead but I promise I'll be with you if I don't preach anything else that right there should get right down in your spirit I'm gonna be with you I'm gonna be with you every day I'm gonna be with you at the end I'm gonna be with you every night I'm gonna be with you when you're on your job I'm gonna be with you don't worry about what they say don't worry about what they do I gave you a promise I'm gonna be with you he said I'm gonna be with you he said I had to break the mindset that you had to be that to function over here God is taking this church into a place where you're going to have to let God lead you all over again did you hear what I just told you you are going to have to let God lead you all over again the map has changed you want a prophetic word there it is the map has changed such a glory on me and all of a sudden God says now that I have fixed the man said he looks at just one says now be of good courage I need you to stop being anxious and I need you to start grabbing courage because all that anxiety is is worrying about something in the future that has not happened yet some of you are anxious about stuff that ain't even happened yet you are worrying about stuff that ain't even came down the road yet and the enemy knows if he can't stop you from crossing over he'll try to make you anxious about it so that you'll give up on it and if I can make you anxious about it that you're worried and doubt in fear then I will ultimately be able to stop you right on the verge of getting to your promise be of good courage just I don't want you to fear anybody he said because what you don't know is the moment you get over there you will have a sword in your hand but the enemy is not going to be afraid of your sword he's gonna be afraid of your feet my god he said he's gonna look at your sword and he's gonna say but when he sees your feet moving he's gonna get really afraid because every place that the sole of your foot steps on I'm gonna go ahead and give it to you without asking permission from or enemies so I came to prophesied to you and tell you put your foot on it no no you're not hearing me I came to tell somebody put your foot on it put your foot on healing put your foot on deliverance put your foot on hope put your foot on better year put your foot on joy put your foot on peace put your foot on it and God says the minute your foot gets on it it belongs to you if that why don't you just take one foot right now and just take one step and say thank you Jesus thank you take another step and say thank you Jesus because God told me to tell you every place your foot drops this year it belongs to you now see that then that don't matter to some people don't need anything but there are some people that I've got some needs in this room and you've been believing for some stuff and God has promised you some things and when I just told you that that would have been a good chance to lose your mind and worship because God just told you it's already gonna happen for your life if my wife is watching me I'm gonna put my foot on a new baby in 2018 I'm putting my foot on it I'm putting my foot down no more mr. nice guy it belongs to me oh I feel the anointing put your foot on it huh put your foot on it and let that Devil know today was the last day you can in fact don't just put your foot on it put your foot down and let that devil know no more it stops today you have controlled it long enough God has promised me this thing if you believe it somebody give God a shout of praise right now he said Joshua puts your foot on it Oh God could it really be that easy hold on my shun Davao culture yes it couldn't really be that easy then in 2018 you ain't gonna have to figure out what sword to pick up you have to figure out what speared again but God says just start moving your feet and as you move your feet I'm gonna give you everything I've promised one more time put your foot down and say it belongs to me if you believe it you've got one more shout of praise in this place sure I came to start a fight tonight I came to get you out of where you've always been and what you've already known I came to tell you there is more for you that God has prepared for you but God says you got to break the mindset that you need to be like Moses even though your name is Joshua and you need to beat Joshua and put your foot on it and say it belongs to me but tonight I didn't come to preach to you about breaking the mind I came because God said this was your last meal on this level and they got ready to cross over and when God got Joshua right in his mind I want you to see the text because the Bible says he looked at Joshua and said now that you're thinking right pass through the congregation prepare your vegetables prepare your provisions he said and get ready to possess the land hmm I'm will finish this message with the three P's that God told me to give you number one God said now that your mind is right number one you got to pass through the first thing he told Joshua was passed through now that might not seem significant until you realize how easy it is to get stuck in the mana has started to cease they were getting stuck as it was ceasing they were realizing how stuck because God uses the ceasing to let you know how stuck that 2d God that God will remove the resource to show you your dependency see see sometimes he'll show you how reliant you've been on the stuff and not the Savior by removing the stuff and leaving the Savior and they didn't even know they were stuck until Joshua started they didn't realize they were stuck until God sent a man that could pass through let me put it in your world if you're not willing to pass through then how will you ever stand out you can't lead it and be in it at the same time you got to make a choice either I'm one of them or I'm in front of them I'm gonna either be one of the hosts or almost step into my leadership Authority that God has given me and I'm gonna getting my stuff he said you better pass through you better pass through I thought about it pastor Paul when I saw the words pass through and it hit me that every great miracle in the New Testament happened because somebody was willing to pass through I realized that the woman with the issue of blood had every right to stay stuck in until she said within herself let me pass through I realized that the woman with the alabaster box was on the outside looking in until she made up her mind I'm not gonna say on the outside and I don't care what religion says and I don't care what people say excuse me I got to pass through I realize that blind bartimaeus was on the roadside begging and Jesus was coming down the road and there was a moment where Bartimaeus said either I stay stuck in what I'm in or I passed through the people who to get to where Jesus see if you want to get to where God has called you and you want to cross through every once in a while you got to make up in your mind I got to pass through sure I'm gonna pass through I'm not gonna get stuck where other people got stuck I'm not gonna stay there even if you want me to stay there I guess we gonna have to change our relationship a little bit because I'm not going I'm not gonna sacrifice my destiny while you stay wishing for yours see oh thank your Holy Ghost that won't even in my nose but there are some of you right now you're gonna have to be willing to let people stay stuck in 2018 and not miss your destiny because they didn't want to move you gonna have to be willing to look some people in the eye and say we've had this relationship for a while and I'm grateful for you and I'm thankful for you and in the wilderness that worked but over in the promised land we can't stay like this so either you got to move with me or you got to stay here but I'm not staying here just for you I'm about to pass through I'm gonna pass through I'm gonna pass through your words I'm gonna pass through your gossip I'm gonna pass through your anger I'm gonna pass through your unforgiveness I will pass through your issue and I will get to my promised land even if I got to pass through you can I give you one more the man on the mat comes to the door and guess who's guarding the door people because any time you get close to promise the greatest attack of the enemy is people he is not going to send something he's going to send someone passed through such a neighbor say I go pass through somebody can come to the keys but what I came for is he said I don't want you just to pass through he said I want you to prepare the King James says your vitual the New King James calls a provision but let me give the Josh version your food now I want you to think about what I just told you in reference of what I've been preaching to you that for 40 years they had been in the routine of getting fed by God you got a whole generation that's out there standing on the brink of their promise and can't even feed themselves because God said let me show you what this really looks like you are going to get stopped being hand fed and you're gonna have to get back in the kitchen and learn how to cook for yourself [Applause] because I'm about to cut off the welfare system of the kingdom and I'm only get you to understand that there are some things you need to cook for you help me do it Holy Ghost help me do it help me do it help me to seek because we obtained we have trained a whole generation of church people that evangelism looks like invitation that you think you have evangelize just because you've brought him to church I told that to my grandfather and he laughed in my face I said yeah we're gonna get him we're gonna do a big campaign to get invitations out he said invitations he said boy you know better evangelism is an invitation he said we trained you to get out there we trained you to get out there yourself and just start witnessing the people and then start telling people about Jesus and stop relying on the preacher see in their generation they would grab somebody by the hand in a store they would grab somebody by the hand in a place and they would lead them to Jesus right there and say now give me your phone number because I'm gonna pick you up Sunday for church and you gonna ride with me but I warn you out there so I could take you in there God said you are entitled and therefore I am shifting the menu you gonna have to learn how to cook on your own in 2018 God is shifting the menu and manna is ceasing because he's going to try to get you to a place where you can walk up in this place with what you have already cooked before you came some are you gonna walk up in this place in 2018 haven't already cooked up miracles having already cooked up the anointing haven't already cooked up favor haven't already cooked up the blessing haven't already cooked up the glory and when you step in this place there will be no waiting there will be no word there will be straight encounter because of what you brought through the meal it almost shut I'm trying to tell you in 2018 first start the menu is changing I'm trying to tell you tonight is your last meal on this level I'm trying to tell you that there is a new meal and a new mind and a new map that God has waiting for you but the question is can you pass through can you prepare because when he got done getting Joshua to the place where his mind and his meal was right he told him now you're ready to possess you are not ready to possess if you are not ready for a new mind and a new meal to slip up your hand I feel it I feel it right now [Music] come on just let him minister to you he's ministering to somebody right now there's somebody who's got a hungry heart come on just let him minister to you come on extend your hunger right now Oh glory to God glory to God come on just let him touch you the menus changing the mind is changing God is walking right now through every eye when every seat for looking for hungry hearts people who say God I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for new I'm ready for a new encounter I'm ready for new glory I'm ready for new power I'm ready for new promises God what you've done he's been awesome I got away he's touching somebody right now come on just receipt I feel the anointing of God sweeping through this place right now I had another point but I feel the glory I feel the glory of God coming into this room right now I feel it seeping in from the down the walls going into the seat let him touch your heart right now come on begin the press right there where you're sitting begin to get hungry right there where your sin God is touching you right now the man is ceasing God says I'm about to remove the manna because I am asking you for a new hunger I am asking you for a different appetite I'm asking you to think differently and to eat differently towards the things of the kingdom Koren almost yeah I feel the glory I'm trying to I'm trying to get out of this to preach to you but I'm just telling you God is weaving his way right now into every I Oh into every seat for a while looking for a hungry heart right now that would say God it's all right God I understand let this be the last meal I'm ready for something new I'm ready for something fresh I'm ready for something heavy I'm ready for a new weight of glory I'm on ev'rywhere I'm ready for a new way to power him I'm ready Lord what a shame it would be to get to the edge and never go in because all you had the hunger for was manna the menu is changing come on open up your mouth all across this room open up your mouth I'm telling you I feel of glory I feel of glory you don't have a reference point for this that's why some of you are sitting so still and you're going what's going on because this is a new thing God is doing new it's doing a new thing it's starting tonight he's starting it tonight there's a fresh wind blowing there is a menu change there's a map Jay God you have no reference point for this you've never been here before the only thing you can do in a moment like this is just yield it's just lift your hands in here I'm telling you I feel the glory of God just as sure as I'm holding this microphone there is an anointing in this room for hungry hearts open your mouth open your mouth how can you eat if you don't open your mouth open your mouth fresh start Carla boss amicus we're hungry Lord a new dimension Lord a new dimension Lord who I feel the Gloria I feel the Gloria I feel the glory of God I feel the glory there's somebody watching me right now this is your last meal on this level God is coming right into your living room right through your computer and he said lift your hands and let the power of God begin to touch you I feel the anointing it's sweeping through this room right now there it is I feel it now I feel it now open up your mouth huh lift up your hands and open up your mouth lift up your hands it's time to eat on another level you don't have a reference point for this I hear your Holy Ghost he says keep telling them this is different this is new you haven't seen this before you haven't experienced this weight before it's fresh tonight it's fresh tonight God said the manna is ceasing all you got to do is reach up and receive this new meal you know more sandoval cosa leon davos Hatami calle the and all about Sandoval cosa don't get distracted don't let anything take you out of this moment the real glorious in this room God is invading this place yeah yeah yeah that's it that's the sound I just heard it I just heard it from somebody over here I just heard it I heard the weeping in the wailing in the travailing I heard it I heard a you caught a llama that's it that's what it sounds like on this new level it doesn't come just with a scream sometimes you're gonna come up in this building and you're gonna weep and you're gonna wail and you're gonna fall on your face I hear it I hear it I hear it come on press come on come on press [Music] come on let him touch you let him touch I feel I feel a drunken glory in this room I feel that drunken glory coming on me I feel that kind of glory that wants to just push me down it just wants to push me to the floor it wants to push me on my face I feel that new waiter that way to glory that weight of glory [Music] whoa [Music] whoo whoo yes Lord yes Lord we're ready Lord we want it [Music] now if you if you're able look up here at me [Music] I have felt this since I walked in the room Friday night I have felt a weight on me this is the last service of this revival for January before this fast so there is an impartation for you and for your family if you're in this room and say god I understand that the meal was changing and the mind is changing that there is no map for we're about to go but God I am not afraid I have no fear and you say I'm ready to cross over into the next dimension of God's promise for your life and for this house I want you to get to this altar as quickly as you can and I want you to come with your hands lifted I want you to come with your hands lifted I feel the anointing of God in this room yeah that's it [Music] that's it right there [Music] pass through her pass through pass through pass through Tomic it out front it's time to get out front this is your last meal on this level [Music] [Music] yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah could see there's gonna be some nice that the whole prey seems gonna be up under the glory and you gonna have to lead your own self in worship you have to be able to do it without a drummer and without guitars and without singers and that's what it sounds like there's a new level there's a new wait there's a new glory eat milk and honey you're about to cross over shoo she who who he's here huh he's here right now come on focus in he's here [Music] don't be afraid of the silence don't be afraid you don't have a reference point the Holy Ghost just keeps bringing up in my spirit you don't have a reference point for this you haven't been here before you don't know what this sounds like and what this feels like this is new tonight this is fresh tonight [Music] Shh look up here if you can I am about to pray for as many of you as I can but I am NOT going to pray I'll bless me prayer this impartation is for the courage you need to cross over into your new level this is you know what thank you Holy Ghost I just just remembered my own name in the career I just remember in my own made the Holy Ghost said who are you I just heard him just clear they say who are you I'm Joshua and it is amazing that God just brought Joshua into this place to tell you you're about to cross Oh I am about to pray for as many people as I can but this is what God wants a sustained level of hunger for the next dimension don't get caught up with anybody else but I'm telling you the power of God you are about to have an encounter like you have never had before the power of God is about to touch your life are you ready lift your hands show toko yellamma Sandow cosa he gonna robo Sandra Navajo sitamma Calle come on open up your mouth yeah yes yes yes Jelena most sander cosa now now now I do dementia this look good now Holy Ghost now now now now now now now it's sickle - yeah flying more than on a boat shut up now now glory fire quarter honorable SATA now holy ghost now yah yah yah lift your hands I feel the Gloria [Music] now-now-now saga fire fire fire it's a hands fireman liar so double cosa now whole ago the normal cosa now now Saturn and I'm under a little fire fire fire her soup now Holy Ghost you know Lobos that time I get fire fire not another second not another minute go from the top of your head to the soles of your feet the glory of God comes on you yes Laura yes Laura fire right the glories all over you the glories all over you this is your last view on this level you're bat encounter gone in a way you've never encountered in before our beliefs about shatter yes eat ha ha ha ha Messiah lift your hands I feel the glory [Music] fire [Applause] sorry first my heart now the bullring now the glory [Music] yes take it with you [Music] smart Oh Lord now Lord now lord [Applause] yes Lord fresh fresh oh yeah like you've never had before let's hop in your head to the soles of your Sonia crash fresh fresh fresh yes [Applause] fresh [Music] fresh fresh [Music] [Applause] the second law [Music] [Music] nothing yet you ain't see nothing this is another this is a new level the fire let the anointing [Applause] [Music] [Music] now Holy Ghost [Applause] it's gonna be fresh to see regress fresh press press on your life press in your workplace favor in an order power god I thank you for it the anointing on lift your hands in the God is feeding you [Music] it's supersoft [Music] there was somebody in this middle ow the Lord says you've been under great distress it's almost like this weekend you felt like the whole weekend was just for you but you've been up under pressure I even I even see it's almost like you do your best to make everybody else think that everything's okay but somewhere along this weekend the mask has started to come off and a glory has started to come to where you are wait a second unload Thank You holy girls [Music] Shh God told me to tell you the fight's old for all that your face God said let the masks come off there's a new glory and anointing coming on your life God said 2018 will be a banner year for you he said sorrow can only last for one night but there is a joy coming to you in your life as I lay my hands on you the power of God touches you for courage in this next season there is a courage coming right to your heart now Holy Ghost she lifts your hands lift your hands I'm telling you I promise I'm trying to be done but that I feel the anointing I sense the glory I sense the glory just lift your hands I tell you it's waiting in here come on just receive just receive come on just receive you don't have to fight for tonight God set up feeding you this is the last meal on this level I'm gonna feed you for what yeah you're gonna get it for this next level [Music] platforms platforms platforms platforms get ready God says prepare prepared because they said they said you never you'd never be able to do what you're about to do you're about to do some things and you're about to stand on some stages and they're going to say how in the world how in the world it doesn't seem like she's got the gift it doesn't seem like she's got the anointing but I hear the Lord say it's gonna open up for you there's an anointing coming on you now that's the glory that's the glory that's the glory that's the glory come on those spectate hungry thot says you've been hungry since the last meal on this level there is an impartation about to hit your life for the difference that you've been called to make God says you're difference-maker [Music] the glory to do it the fogger to do it [Music] touch touch fire this law favored over your family [Music] it's gonna start with you and it's going to rip to your family you didn't lose anything God said [Music] God's of this season you won't find out his might his might you've known as power God says but he said you've known my powers of it in this season you're gonna know my might he said watch me watch me you ain't gonna have to fight for a thing put your foot on it God said it belongs to you the might of God on your behalf I release it now lift your hands I'm almost done I'm just trying to be obedient can I be obedient [Music] that's glory on you see glory never puffs you up glory always weighs you down glory the weight I want every person right right here just to take two steps back I got one more thing pastor I'm gonna do and I'm obey the Lord anybody feel what I feel in this room lady if you are part of you call it tutitu tutitu and you're in this room get up here you're part of tutitu the Lord woke me out of my nap today I said Lord you know I'm fasting don't wake me up because I'm hungry tutitu it's amazing - tea - Reza Han you to t2 the Lord wants me to tell you you are being developed because as this house grows there will be a demand placed on you to do more ministry than you have ever done and you can't afford to look to the right or the left in this season he told us to meditate in this book day and night don't let it depart from you he said I want you in it he said so that when you get out there and it gets tough you can always go back to the word because if you think ministry is glamorous you don't know ministry you see me laying hands on people and preach let me tell you something you don't know what I had to fight just to stand on the stage tonight you don't know what battles that I have to run into just to carry what I carry you have no time in this season to turn one way or the other focus God says I'm about to release something over top of you there is a fresh anointing coming on you I want everybody in this room to stretch your hands this way this is my last thing God told me I had to do [Music] if you if you've ever been in tutitu let's make some room if you've ever been in Tootsie - yeah if you graduate it if you--if you graduated or you're in and now come come come cuz I'm bum um I was told by the Lord to pray for you [Music] come on I want to spread them out spread them out let's just spread them out [Music] that's I'm ready I'm ready if you are in too if you've ever been in tutitu you're in and now I just want you to slip up both hands I want everybody else stretch your hands this way this is the last thing God told me to do when I'm done because you're going somewhere gone are the days of eating on this level the map has changed come on I want you to start to pray I want you to start to pray everybody with your hands stressed or begin to pray for him because I'm telling I'm about to release something [Music] lift your hands [Music] sure there it is glory amantha false the mantle Falls now the mantle the mantle of ministries falls on your life the mantle of the Kauravas shondo cosa now now fire the man till the there it is glory now higher the Holy Ghost the mantle the mantle of minister but a motion Tabaco SATA cheat on us now [Music] Oh to the ministry [Music] the mantle of ministry [Music] now Holy Ghost now Holy Ghost now Holy Ghost the mantle of ministry flyer that's the glory that's the glory touch touch touch touch touch never the same mana gone never the same [Music] still [Music] there it is there it is [Music] [Music] the mantle of ministry the weight - wait who else lift your hands if you're part of it I'm telling you the glory ministry the glow the mantle of ministry it's your hands if you're part of it it's coming on your woman of God like you've never known before from this moment forward a new level new mentor holy ghost mantle the so the mantle the mantle that's the goal [Music] impartation ministry it's time for ministry on a greater dimension maragon fire [Music] greater you've known the levels you've known levels but this is greater this is great a greater influence greater influence I hear the Holy Ghost a greater influence greater anointing God said your voice gets louder in 2018 your voice gets louder God said you're getting ready to be amplified amplified I hear God's say it amplified across the state amplified across the state I declare this is your last meal on this when I lose the glory [Music] there it is [Music] glory [Music] ministry ministry there's the glory it's greater than you know it's bigger than what you even expect God says God said he's been talking to you in private and you've been wanting to know is those be are those big things really you God said absolutely I've been preparing you I've been letting you see glimpses of it ministry ministry now holy goes [Music] come on don't don't don't spectate to tell you the glory of God you guys have been through it right then real soft God is about to blow your mind I feel like there is an area of your life where you have felt stuck and you felt like will I ever breakthrough and will I ever get there and how's it gonna happen God says in 2018 the ceiling has lifted God said the reason why I didn't let certain things happen cuz it was not the right time but God says to everything in my kingdom there is a time but God says this is the season this is the time God said that dream it's time it's time it's done there's the anointing there's then it's time man of God it's time it's time it's time it's your time yes Lord it's your time he caught um oh shut up [Music] sure oof here's the glory stand for ministry God's has greater dimensions of wisdom in this year God's is gonna keep running into people and you're gonna have wisdom with words of wisdom words of knowledge a prophetic mantle falls in this year to you prophetic man to God are released not just the gift but the glory coming to let me come around [Music] God loves you too no no not the kind of love then just says I loved you to save you the kind of love that is so radical because of how radical you are for him God says increase it this year this is the instruction of God over your life over your marriage increase your radical I see literally hundreds of souls saved on streets out and about you gonna keep running into people man of God and God says go Prompto and you just gonna share it and they're gonna get saved right there they're gonna get saved right there they're gonna get saved there's gonna be an anointed in fact now the anointing comes on you to do it to do it [Applause] [Music] yeah I hear the Holy Ghost am i okay is this alright woman oh god lift both hands yeah I hear the Holy Ghost saying I touched your hand I heard the Holy Ghost say thank you you want me to tell you thank you thank you for persevering and thank you for praying persevering God said you persevered God said thank you he said get ready he said because I am a reward of those that diligently seek me God said great woman of God great is your reward great is your reward in 2018 God said I'm a reward you for it I'm a reward for it the glory of God comes Sonja hey [Music] the mantle of ministry over do it Lord for her you will never be the same after tonight this is the encounter that you were talking to God about God said there was a moment you've been asking for a greater measure a greater encounter God said get ready like fire you're gonna carry this God said you gonna wake up at night sometimes just talking in the Holy Ghost and on about shake now whoa grater grater Gus had passed through it's time to lead on another level God said you can't counter back and you can't get stuck in because I've called you the great dimensions of leadership leadership I feel it Lord yes Lord I hear you keep talking leadership the anointing the lead who glory glory glory shotta a [Music] fresh fire a fresh it on the oil flows from your head God said you're about to use with anointing God said you're gonna trip all around your house trip all around your community all around your neighborhood there are people that have been watching your life but gods are there about to know me because of you because of you now the glory there it is [Music] your best days your best days your most anointed days are still in front of you in fact I see in your hands healing God let it be radical for her in 2018 god I pray for the kind of anointing that shows the next generation what it really looks like God said he's raising your up to be an example God said he's gonna let it be like a city set on a hill they're gonna look at you for what to do I see a whole generation of young girls looking at you during worship and looking at you during prayer meetings to take their cue if God said you are coming to the forefront you are coming to them now there's the glory [Music] it's fresh Sonia man it's fresh fire an encounter like never before god I pray the mantle on my life I'm doing this as a symbol like you told me to the man to all my life father let it fall on him now lift your hands sweetheart the change there it is oh wait a deeper prayer life there's the glory deeper deeper deeper deeper God's gonna teach you [Music] current not flow in 2018 you know deep but God says you will be the one to take people into that depth God says you've been submitted you've been faithful you have been faithful you have been faithful God is pleased with your faithfulness God said I only give my secrets to the faithful God said this will be a year where secrets get unveiled in your life you're gonna learn the glory we're never gonna be the same this is the season to see the Holy Ghost says you're gonna see it what you've been praying for there's the anointing father outbreak anointing and glory for the ministry you promised now [Music] ministry for ministry for ministry this is impartation man of god you ain't seen nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet you've asked questions like God give me more power where can I get it how do I get it God said he brought to you tonight for more power because God's is your powerhouse God said tonight though he pulls back the layer the next layer of glory and power gets revealed to you God said get ready to operate cuz when it comes on you he said I want you to operate in it father I pray not another second not another minute but I pray glory glory glory glory never gonna be the same yeah intercession at another level signs wonders and miracles are at your fingertips God said when the mill changes he said you're gonna be serving miracles signs and wonders glory and power God says as long as you stay obedient i'ma show you now now glory let it come on and go fire fire glory and fire doors open this year for you God city had UN development you've been in development God said don't get frustrated don't get frustrated I had them open at the right time the doors open this year God said one door I hear your Holy Ghost after another after another God said don't be afraid God said be of good courage now I release that anointing God [Music] like never before you fire glory God that's tuts touch your best your yet your best year here [Music] there it is there it is Ghana pre honor it God said he didn't forget what he told you he didn't forgive you're not forgotten God said every promise is yes and amen God said if I said it you'll see God I pray in 2018 Lord let him see it now the glory [Music] it's coming like ministry who like ministry that's the wait a new weights gonna come on you you gonna feel what they feel when you're minister tool now Lord let the anointing flow from the top of her head to the soles of her feet glory yes yes yes that's it that's the weight that's the way that's the way ministry a new level of ministry that's it mana gong I prayed like fire shut up in your bones I pray let it be like fire shut up in your bones I pray let you be a rib let a river be rushing from you in this place and outside of this place your life is gonna bring life I hear your Holy Ghost wherever you go you're gonna bring life and refresh it God said you're a walking revival a walking revival god I pray now not another second not another minute look at I pray the anointing that breaks yokes and the anointing that brings life do it father now Lord I thank you for it come on lift your hands all across this room [Music] this is your last meal on this level [Music] God lift your head I have told them what you told me I pray God over the next 21 days God give them Lord glimpses of the map let him see the change in the menu and God I pray Lord an appetite like never before God in a new place at a new time in a new season I declare it to be so in Jesus name if you believe it somebody give God some praise right now [Applause] [Music] Thank You Josh for the word Amen let's let him know and [Music] [Applause] think that it's amazingly fitting that he lay hands on the new students of the tutitu that just started this morning and those who have graduated and for those who are visiting you don't understand what that is it is a it is a discipleship impartation class that my husband and I do for 24 weeks 24 weeks is quite a bit of time and we spend that together training revivalists come on y'all I said training revivalists and it is a blessing to my husband and I as we stand and we watch I don't know how many it would represent a great number as you just saw him pray for everyone and as we press forward and that's a it's a it's a sacrifice for he and I to do that to take our time to do that but we are seeing the fruit of that and we are seeing the power of the impartation and Holy Spirit help me say what I've been feeling as Josh has been giving this word fresh start and this was a word primarily - fresh start tonight so those you all watching online and from other places at worship this you know take what what clicks in your spirit those from other churches here take what clicks in your spirit but let me speak to the family here for just a moment the Lord has spoke to us over these last two and a half moving into three years that bring it down a little bit that what we're doing we've been following the breadcrumbs of the Holy Spirit and we're continuing to do that week after week month after month year after year and the Lord has spoken to us in many different sermons in many different ways through my voice to my husband's voice through other voices that have come through here that this is this is the way that I'm hearing it now that this is a pioneering thing amen this is a pioneering thing and we are pioneers and many times it has been said I has not seen and ear has not heard mine cannot conceive what God has planned for us but then as we move forward that gone is going to begin to unveil and I do believe that in these next he's going to begin to unveil more of what he wants us to be and become and move in and some of this is sounding very ambiguous tonight it's sounding very vague but the Holy Spirit is wanting us not he's wanting us to see past obvious things into the realm where God is and grab what God needs us to move into and we have to grab that by faith yes and I decree over us fresh start that in this fasting time in the next 21 days that our capacity for the next meal our capacity level is going to increase our capacity for understanding our capacity in mentality our mindsets that he talked about tonight are going to increase and when we get on the other side of this fasting when we get on the other side of beholding the Lord of spending time in his presence that we are literally our capacity is going to be so increasing I see in my spirit I I just see an opening come on are y'all with me I see an opening and I see a vastness and and and and I don't see anything specific right now but the Lord says I'm going to cause you to walk in this a broad place I'm gonna cause you to move into this broad place and you have to trust me now on this side and yes it's gonna look different maybe sound different all these kind of things but God says get yourself ready in these next 21 days for what I'm about to move you into it's a pioneering thing is something that no one else has done or is doing it's not for man's glory it is for my glory it is for such a time as this so get yourself posture get yourself ready because God is not going to only use me I'm talking about me personally and my husband and our staff God is going to use you these people that were prayed for tonight come on I'm gonna tell you the Lord told me to say this the last two sermons that josh has preached has been for you and God says your maturity level is shown when you can not only receive a word for your life but you can receive a word for this house and for his kingdom and you can bear up underneath that not just worried about your word not just worried about your destiny not just weren't but worried about what God wants to do in and through the people and a place if that's your hearts cry lifts your hand because God is growing us up come on begin to cry out right now for greater capacity greater capacity greater capacity greater capacity greater capacity greater capacity god I thank you then in these next 21 days when we get on the other side of this that there is going to be a crossing over we are preparing ourselves we are preparing ourselves we are gathering up Oh God our things in the spirit and we are preparing ourselves to cross over and I decree over every one of these people in the name of Jesus and on the other side of these 21 days there will be an increase there will be a capacity increase in the name of Jesus and I think you both at you are moving us into something that we have not even dreamed of that maybe has not even been prophesied and we have not seen before but as we take one step forward and another step forward and every piece of ground that we step on will belong to kingdom of God every piece of ground that we step on there will be principalities of powers of darkness that move out of the way so that a sound of revival can be released she Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Music] yes I'm gonna say one more thing and this is as a mama of the house all right and y'all heard me preach this before but we're learning and revival just learning and revival some of you think you've been given prophetic words tonight and that is amazing and awesome some of y'all know where I'm going with this because I taught you this before the prophetic is possible but it's not inevitable there's a level of obedience and submission to the Lord and to the things of the word the principles of the word of God that must know this is this is this is not the evangelists sermon this is the pastor sermon right now come on that must be walked out the prophetic speaks to the potential that is in you that is in me it is up to us to dig that out the Bible says King searched things out it is up to us to search that out and then God will show you what the next step is and look you can't it just doesn't land on your plate it's possible but it's not inevitable amen is that a good word tonight you hear me I'm protecting the house I'm protecting a remodel I'm protecting the leadership I'm protecting where God is taking us into that next place that he just preached about tonight put your hands together for the Word of God tonight amen come on [Applause] well my heart is full tonight just watching we're just watching how God has been touching all of you this weekend and tonight and just to confirm what Josh said and pastor Kim said and you know trailblazers don't read maps [Music] they draw maps [Music] and when Josh was saying that tonight a new map that it's not that it's gonna come drawn out its gonna come blink we're gonna draw it out in the spirit step by step day by day following those breadcrumbs amen it's going to be an exciting year y'all uncharted territory make it away where nobody's ever been before so somebody else can follow us into the deep of God yeah man you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 2,059
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: kpnve8ZF6TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 35sec (7355 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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