"REVIVAL" - Jordan Boyce | Awakening Night

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the hand of the Lord was upon me he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley it was full of bones he led me back and forth among them and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley he asked me son of man can these bones live I said o Sovereign Lord you alone know then he said to me prophesy to these bones and say to them dry bones hear the voice of the Lord I will make breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that I am the Lord so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I was prophesied there was a noise a rattling sound and the bones came together whoa I looked at tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them there was no breath then he said to me prophesied to the breath and stage we've come from the four winds o breath and breathe into me sleep a vast army revival you know I grew up in church I've heard this word a lot maybe you grew up in church and you've heard it too maybe this is your first time ever hearing it we're gonna talk about it tonight revival what does it mean why does it matter to us and why do we desperately need revival right now maybe more than we ever have in all of history revived us God I'm here to tell you and I hope you engage your faith right now so I'm here to tell you that an awakening is coming to New England it's not a phrase or a cliche it is a truth from the throne of heaven to this room tonight an awakening is coming to New England and it will start in New England but it will not be contained in New England it will only begin in New England but it will begin to cross state lines and it will continue to cross country lines and I see it going from New England down to South America across the sea and Awakening is coming and this is not me speaking but it's the Spirit of God speaking as he has promised an endtime revival that will come to awaken the church see revival is meant for the church evangelism is meant for the world a revival is not when we pray God bring the world into here but God awaken us to who you are see a revival the word revive it means that you are at one point alive but you've entered into a state of death deadness decay this is where religion comes in you might still be around but you're dead you might still be coming but you're decaying and this is where the Spirit of God needs to come and begin to breathe life back into your soul revival is a gift from God for the church where he said I gave you life once and I'll do it again revive us I'm here to tell you what God is doing will be absolutely incredible it's never been seen before in the way he's gonna do it and I believe it's gonna start with the youth now I'm already at the end of my sermon so we'll see where this goes that was my last point I'll say it right now I believe it's gonna start with the youth now look this might seem conceptual to you but my goal tonight is to convince you of the absolute need that you and I have for revival and that the revival will start with us that the revival will start with you when we look and we see pictures of revival there's so many thousands of people the masses coming out and we say man that's revival but hear me that is really just a collection of individual revivals revival is always personal before it's public and the revival must happen within you before it could ever happen within your church your true your small group your nation or New England the revival is coming so God he grabs his prophet Ezekiel and he says I want you to prophesy to these tri bones he asked him can these dry bones live interesting God is asking a man can something happen and he says well God you know if these bones can live I don't know you know obviously I don't think bones can come to life again but your God so apparently you can do whatever you want so sure maybe the bones can live it's kind of a non-committal response why is God asking him can these bones live don't you think God knows the answer to his own questions if you read into it I think it's not so much can they but do you want them to revival is not a question of can it happen it's a question of do you want life again do you want the Spirit of God again see the problem with the church today truly is that we're not angry enough or not happy enough for a revival we're right in the middle and we're okay with what is and so what what is stays the way it is but revival has to come from desperation God takes the Prophet and he says look over this valley of dry bones it's a valley and there's bones strewed all about it shows that at one point there was a great battle but now all that was living is now death in this valley and God says can these dry bones live again can they do you want them to I believe listen New England is in a desperate State Rhode Island New Bedford Fall River we're in a desperate state if we were to look like anything it's not the mountain top it's a valley and if we're to look at the bodies it's not great and lively it's like bones and God saying do you want them to live again can it happen and I'm here to tell you listen God's gonna do something in New England God's gonna do something in this room he's gonna do something tonight do you believe it do you believe it do you believe it the atmosphere is changing right now the shift is happening right now listen listen you cannot understand revival in your mind because revival is never relevant it's never cool and you can never understand it logically revival is god-breathed not man initiated you can't manufacture a revival you can't hope for it even and if you pray for it there's nothing you can do that will force the hand of God it just must be the hand of God so may we be like the people of Israel that cry out that our cries might reach the hand of God come save us god it's got to come from god save us god but i'm telling you something's gonna shift tonight now it might not ships in a way where we jump in scream and shout and if we do fine but I pray that it shifts deep within you may the revival begin deep within you because if the right revival is only a big altar call in this big room then it stays in this room until next month and that will never ever change Rhode Island I'll never change New Bedford if it doesn't go home with you it'll never change New England it'll never change Providence do you think that us bringing some speakers in will change Providence and no only an awakening of God can change this land and he will in these dry bones live I'm here to convince you they can't you know why it's because we're desperate it's cuz we're desperate you know a lot of people don't get revival because they're not desperate enough for revival you got to be foolish to admit it there needs to be some humility in it you know what I'm desperate fun and games aside desperate and it's not until you young people begin to say that now now there's a lot of things to pull you aside from revival a lot of things to fill the white noise the face of your life and social media is so instantaneous your commute communication your life your your homework it can fill all the voids but I'm saying hold on a second though are we desperate for God to move because if we are he never lets a cry go unanswered we're desperate because desperation is the only stipulation of revival whenever guest speakers come to awakening you know what I tell them about you I always say this listen let loose drop a stinking bomb go full out there's no time limit there's no limitations do whatever you want that's what I tell I say you know why because we're thirsty we're thirsty we're thirsty so when people come here there's altar calls and there's response and the holy spirits in the room it's cuz we're thirsty you know we barely have Christian radio around here you drive lower than North Providence it's all Shh there's no Christian television here that there's nothing it's a desert land but ironically that's where God loves to raise people to life now you might say listen I've never even been to church I have no idea what you're talking about I think you do do you not know that feeling deep within your soul that's desperate for something more that's desperate for something real that your friends chatter and your followers can't fill the sooner you figure out that that that desperation is a cry for your eternal God then you will get life re v re life our name is awakening but hear me there can be no revival without an awakening but we can't have an awakening without a revival so we say God we want it to be more than our name bring a revival bring life again bring life into our family bring life into this room I'm begging you listen he says to the Prophet can these dry bones live again he says Lord you know since they can so I want you to speak the Word of God to I want you to prophesy the Word of God to him powerful I want you to speak the Word of God that's what's happening right now you're gonna feel life come into you and it's not from my words and it's not me certainly not it's the Holy Spirit of God and he's going to come into this place as I preach and I want you to know he is real he loves you perfectly he loves you specifically and he's got to begin to fill you with faith right now it's gonna begin to fill you with faith right now maybe you just need to open up say Holy Spirit fill me with faith right now I'm ready for the Word of God speak to me he says prophesy the Word of God let me read this verse see revelations chapter 12 verse 11 says this they triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony by the blood of the lamb by the word of their testimony this is where victory life fulfillment will come from in your life number one Jesus died that you might have life in eternal life the blood of the land it was a high cost and it did cost spilt blood of Jesus he died that you might not that you might you have you might have life but listen he goes on you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your Simoni you would be shocked by how powerful your testimony is we've got a generation that's obsessed or maybe even a passion eration that's obsessed with arguing being right but you waste your time sometimes when you try and abate the technicalities of religion your story is what is powerful you overcome not by the technicalities not by your debate now by your verse knowledge not by being in the right place at the right time in the right denomination under the right preacher to listen right podcast you overcome by saying this is what he's done to me and sometimes you need to repeat your own testimony to yourself because the enemy tries to whisper in your ear you know who you really are you know what you've really done and that's where you need to say I know but guess what who who he is and guess what he's done let me repeat it out loud again it's ironic it's amazing every time we play a testimony video in the church it you know people are crying and weeping it flies through social media why because there's something innately powerful about how God impacted an individual's life you don't have to go argue with everyone all you have to do to bring a revival is talk about the revival that God's brought in you that's the secret that's the key that is what sets you apart you overcome by the blood of the Lamb in the word of your testimony so God says to the Prophet testify tell about the goodness of God to these dry bones listen you might have been serving and awakening for a long time but you feel dry on the inside I'm here to testify to you again that life would come up on the inside of you maybe you've been outside backslidden from church for a long time I'm here to bring life back into your bones and not from my words but by the Word of God this is so needed right now it's so needed right now that the Word of God would be brought forth testify tell the stories I think that the greatest way to bring a revival is to tell you what a revival is how it's happened and that it can happen again I'm gonna try and speak life into your bones again speak life into the bones of our churches speak life into myself again and how I'm gonna do that so I'm gonna give you some testimonies I want to tell you what God's done or because in the past Scot has done many incredible revivals but I need for you to know the past revivals are our revivals and I'll have time to get into the theology of it but there's one church and if you read the book of Acts the book of Acts 28 it doesn't end with a formal sign-off it doesn't say you know love yours you know it doesn't have a final final sign-off it just stops why because the book of Acts is still being written today by you and I in the church our acts are being reported and so those that have gone before us those are our testimonies those are our stories and if God did it before he can do it again if he did it before he can do it again cuz the lie is all he could do it with them but not with you he can do with her but not in you and I'm telling you it's a lie from the enemy now we overcome that he did it before and he'll do it again here are some testimonies of revivals he can do it again right now I'm gonna speak into the bones listen in the 1700's there's a man named Jonathan Edwards who probably studied this sermon and in in high school but he preached a sermon sinners in the hands of an angry god you ever hear that sermon never read it sinners in the hands of an angry god it's a great sermon title brutal but well what happened was it started what has come to known as the first Great Awakening in America and this Awakening was so powerful that churches people that were lost from God began to be reawakened to the reality of Jesus Christ he preached the sermon sinners in the hands of an angry god he wrote it out and he preached it with no passion whatsoever that the stories say that he stood before the congregation and he held it up but he had it memorized and he looked above everybody at the bell in the back of the church and he recited it with note just purely monotone no passion no emotion he just began to speak but the words he began to speak with straight Scripture he says listen people of New England he said you are like a spider being held by a silk string you are dangling over hell and it's only by the grace of God that he does not let you go yet and as he began to speak these words listen totally dispassionately as he begins to speak these words people began to moan and cry in the audience they begin to weep they there began to be guttural soundings in the audience at one point he even stopped and said please be quiet but they couldn't because the Holy Spirit was coming down with conviction that they were sinners and they needed to get right with God again and as he was speaking all of a sudden something began to happen and people began to shout out what must I do to be saved this happened literally fifty minutes from here what must I do to be saved and and and Jonathan Edwards didn't have time to get to the salvation part of his sermon but people new people knew I've been dead in religion but I need a reviving I need a reviving what must I do to be saved there's one there's one part where where there's some accounts where they say people were holding on to the pillars of the church because they felt like they were slipping into hell when revivals come you get a realization of how desperately you need the grace of God that was the first Great Awakening another man named George Whitfield he uh he was going to Bristol and in England and when he arrived there they wouldn't let him in to preach they didn't like some of the comments he made he'd made fun of some of the pastors and so they wouldn't let him preach and they padlocked the front door and they got the the chief constable to kick him outside of the city so as George Whitfield was walking along he saw two hundred miners not like young people like coal miners so we're clear and they came out of the coal mines but listen this is what was interesting about these coal miners these people they literally were so evil so screwed up that the sailors wouldn't even mess with them these people were hardened dudes and the clergy of Bristol never even talked to him they crossed the street they didn't preach to him they didn't even communicate with them because they were actually scary dudes these dudes were so bad at one time they were there was going to be a you know a public hanging and that guy who's gonna be hanged he committed suicide the night before so they dug him up and they hung him because they were so angry that they didn't get the respect then hanging there messed up messed up people and Whitfield saw these men coming out of the mines and he said to them blessed are the poor in spirit for they will see God and these 200 men gathered before wood field trembling as he spoke preach for the very first time not in a church but in a field blessed are the poor in spirit for they will see God all of a sudden these miners begin to get saved they began to weep and cry old men young men begin to weep and cry the next day they brought their families back two thousand people and they got saved three days later they brought five thousand people they got saved the next day after that twenty thousand people they got saved one time he went further north forty thousand people he spoke to without a microphone and they began to get saved why because God cares about all people he cares about all locations and he began to bring an awakening and Whitfield left England and he came to the States he entered in through Newport he preached in Boston Commons he preached in Philadelphia his sermons were so powerful twenty-three thousand people gathered in Boston in the 1700s more that even lived in Boston to hear him preach and Ben Franklin was quoted as saying that he would walk down the streets of Philadelphia hearing hymns coming out of every house window he felt like the entire world has gone religious because of one man because of one man I'm telling you there is power and what God has done and what God has done he can do again speak to the dry bones God says dry and disconnected bones cannot support a movement but I'm telling you God is raising up a new movement he's raising up a new Awakening and you might not speak to thousands of people but you can tell your testimony and I'm telling you this begins happen then and if it happened then it can happen again there's a man named Charles Finney is one of my personal favorite in the Second Great Awakening and one time he went up to a city named Utica my wife is from Utica he went up to Utica and he began to have revival meetings and there was some you know some people that were mocking him and making fun of him as with most moves of God and one day he was given a tour of this gigantic mill four thousand people worked in this mill and he walked into a room where there were a bunch of women that were sewing at all these looms and it was very loud he couldn't even be heard if he spoke and one of the woman leaned over to the girl she was working next to and she said she mocked the man of God charles finney she mocked him she made fun of him they giggled but charles finney wouldn't lays her eyes on her you ever get your dad just look at you you know or like a principal or whatever you want laser eyes on her didn't say a word but he began to walk closer towards her and as he walked closer towards her she began to get more and more agitated nervous all of a sudden she began to weep and she began to cry not a words been spoken she began to weep and she began to cry and the story goes that the power of the Holy Spirit fell on her and she fell out of her chair like she was pushed weeping crying they said it was like an explosion went off in the room and hundreds of people in the room women began to fall out of their seats like they were being cut with the sword weeping crying and repenting they shut the factory of four thousand people down gather it together and didn't leave for multiple days as they cried out for the Lord in every single person in that factory was saved who safe he went up to Rochester and thousands of people came so much so that all of the bars in the entire city had to close down because they were making 9 cents a night no one was going to him why because the power of God began to hit and if it happened then it can happen again and if it happened with them it can happen with us I'm telling you the atmosphere is changing right now and the Spirit of the Lord is falling in this place and New England has not been abandoned or forgotten and you have not been cast aside or cast off but God has a plan for you and he has a plan for this church and he's going to begin to use us again to bring a Great Awakening we're gonna worship here we're gonna worship here and I want to tell you about Evan Robertson the Welsh revival in Wales in 1904 Evan Roberts he he began to pray before God and say God I'm desperate for a revival him and just a couple other young people interesting couple youth began to pray before God saying we want a revival we need something real and as they began to pray something began to happen listen revival is not complicated revival it does not take someone unique or more powerful or more eloquent than you one day a young woman stood up in the minute of the middle of their small meeting and she said I love Jesus Christ with all of my heart they said it was like lightning flashed in the room when she said that and all of the sudden a revival began to happen that would affect 100,000 people within the next two years a hundred thousand people got saved and they got added to the local church starting from that little meeting with that young lady just standing up and being real about what happened listen if he did it then with a little girl saying that Jesus loved her he can do it now he can do it again a revival is not a far-off concept this revival is simple some people say what revivals don't last well neither do do baths taking a shower they should have multiple of them I know they don't last but they're important and that's what a revival is it's a divine scrubbing of all the gunk that's gotten on you when all the junk and all the dryness religion hates revival it wants to keep you as you are doing this singing the songs and going and living a life totally dispassionate from God totally disconnected from God where you sit there and you go through the motions let me tell you the worst thing a young person can be is fake you're too young to be fake God says listen be hot or be cold but if you're in the middle I'll spew you out of my mouth I pray that you are not saved into a fake hypocritical religion as you've missed it from the beginning I pray that you're saved into passion I say I pray that you're saved into fire fury real something even if you don't fully understand it you know this is real you know God's done something for you we see that in the Welsh revival Evan Roberts got up and he said these four things you need to do you need to confess your sins fully you need remove all doubt from your life who God is and what he's done he needs to obey immediately whenever he tells you and you need to testify publicly about what he's done for you when young people begin to act like Christ that's when revivals come I don't want to fake it I don't want to fake if it's not real let's not come here this is not a Christian Disneyland it's gotta be real listen it could be fake down south or they smile and they're happy and they're crazy down south it's not will you go to church that's what church will you go to on Sunday morning and that's fine but you know what I love about New England if this person is in church is because it's getting real and if that person's not in church is because they don't want to go to church at least we know what we're dealing with here let's be authentic let's get real because the fake thing hurts the church listen you might have more numbers but you have a worst church you might have more people but you have a you have no revival and listen I don't necessarily care how many people come tonight as long as the Holy Spirit shows up if he doesn't show up we shut the doors and we go watch Netflix because it must be in listen if you don't have this real thing now I'm not saying are you perfect but asking you to be perfect I'm asking for you to be real have you encountered a tangible living Jesus that says I will give up all for you and until you have that then you've never had life but that's what Jesus came to bring his life revive the church again Jesus looks at the religious people and he says you guys are like painted tombs you look good on the outside but you have to cane bones on the inside and I pray to God that's not true of you that you were good on the outside you're here every Sunday but you're try and you're dead on the inside room five us again Oh God breathe your spirit again Oh God Oh wake us O God we don't want to play Church we don't want to pretend we don't have time for that right now it's too real and you're too needed and listen I I know this makes me sound like the mad man but I feel like I've got to ring the alarm bells and say something is coming and if the church does not rise if the church does not awake then we are in trouble but it must be you must be you young person I pray that you get sick of what the world has to offer very quickly I pray you gets sick of it I pray you see through its lies it's deception it's pleasures for a season go ahead go all out but I pray you wake up you come to yourself and you say I'm surrounded by pigs as soon as humanly possible and you might run back to the Father listen young person you think I sound passionate think I look foolish I'm no more I'm no more foolish than Kanye is except I'm passionate about something that's eternal we have a lot of young men giving the best of their ears the best of their minds the best of their energy to things that won't last with them past high school we have young people having such a false sense of relationship and giving everything into that relationship and there are other relationship and they don't even have a relationship with Christ and those two relationships are killing them while the relationship with Jesus Christ would save them I pray you have a revelation of your sin because your sin is dragging you to hell and it might feel pleasurable at the beginning but I'm telling you it's dragging you to hell I don't know the last time you've heard the words hell spoken about in a church but listen if you do not repent and if you do not change you will go to hell eternally and I pray so much that's not that's not your portion and I pray instead you get life right now that you get life more abundantly that you get life eternally and that you bring life to all of those around you that when you walk those corners of your school life when you walk into your business life when you hang with your friends life revivals okay okay that we may rejoice in you not about being serious or down or hard Jesus came that you might have life you might enjoy the life that he has given you in the first place Lord do it again if you did it with them you can do it again there's a great story it's called the Azusa Street revival in 1906 there's this young man named William Seymour and he was a black man from the south as parents were former slaves he had absolutely nothing going for him in life this is when segregation is the second segregation isn't was at its peak in America he only had one eye and he had no doctrinal training and this young man sat outside the halls of one of these great preachers and he listened to the work because they wouldn't even let him into the building tell you this young man he fought through some stuff and he felt the call of God come on his life too that people would be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues yeah here's the crazy thing he wasn't baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues he saw in Scripture he said I want that but he hadn't even experienced it yet so he had the opportunity to move out to LA to preach at a church for four weeks and he got there and he began to preach about baptism the Holy Spirit and they asked him well are you baptized and he said not yet and this have fury aided everybody and they kicked him out of the church they kicked him out of his home and they padlocked the door on this guy you couldn't find a least likely candidate for God to do something powerful through but let me tell you the Holy Spirit began to move on him and in a prayer meeting and someone else's home the Holy Spirit gave baptize him and speaking in tongues and this is what happened listen the the the home was so filled with people so many people are coming to it that the front porch actually collapsed so they moved it to a barn they found an old barn in the poverty district of LA and they took out the bottom of the bar and they cleaned it out of horses and dung they cleaned it all out and they set up a pulpit that was to shoebox to shoeboxes stacked on top of each other and William Seymour cutting the pulp and they said that he put his head in the pulpit and he began to weep but what happened was so many people began to come and they began to weep they began to cry out they began to sing people began to get up and testify it was supernatural that God was moving in this place now listen listen this is what's so amazing because when the Holy Spirit comes he begins to bring he bring in to set things right white people came to that place before they would not even be in the same room together white people came and worship next to black people young people worshiping next to old people Latinos came into the place and began to worship Mexican immigrants came in the place began to worship women in the place where allowed to lead services before they were ever even allowed to vote they were why because the Holy Spirit is way more progressive than any other progressive all the preachers of LA chaux-de-fonds a weep before God rich people poor people came together and they had services every single day for six years it started the Pentecostal movement which you and I are benefits up beneficiaries of sitting in this room right now if God could use them he can use us and if he did it there he can do it here and if you use that guy he can use me and even if the world may try and stop you the Holy Spirit rules the world and he's greater than the world and he's chosen you and he's destined you and he's purposed you you're not here by accident you're not here for any other reason than the Holy Spirit to say you I've chosen you now listen are you desperate enough to be used are you desperate enough to be used because if you don't cry out Lord use me he won't use me but if you do I'm telling you I wish I had time to tell you about Billy Sunday I wish I had time to tell you about Billy Graham Leonard Ravenhill Martyn lloyd-jones or Oral Roberts I wish I had time to tell you about New York City in 1857 were literally 1 million people were saved they said that that the boats worth bringing immigrants in but by the time they hit Ellis Islands Island people were on the decks of the boats weeping and crying and getting saved because the Spirit of God was so heavy on that city and if he did it then could he not do it again if he did it there can he not do it use me Lord use me Lord it's the only requirement use us Lord do it again God do it again God see revival it always comes by the same spirit it's the Spirit of God but it's gonna look different it's gonna look different for you and I so we said prophesy to these bones and breath entered them they came to life they stood up to their feet a vast army revival is personal before us at Republic and revive revival needs to begin in you needs to begin in you famous quote let's go home lock yourself in a room draw a circle around yourself and say Lord start a revival within this circle revival needs to begin within you before it ever happens in Rhode Island it needs to happen right here in this room Holy Spirit come bring life again Holy Spirit come bring life again now I know you're looking for jokes but I'm not interested in that today next month Holy Spirit come and bring life again because we're so desperate for you we need them so badly we need them so badly if this is Christian karaoke let's go to a bar because they do it better there we need true worship Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Acts chapter 2 verse 17 says this in the last days God says I will pour out my spirit on all people your sons and your daughters will prophesy not your bishops not your Pope's not your preachers the young people will prophesy they'll speak that which is not yet as though it were they'll begin to lead a movement they'll begin to do things new and they'll have a relationship with Jesus Christ that's real tangible and passionate your young men will see visions your old men will dream dreams even on my servants both men and women I will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth below I'm here to tell you this and you we are in nothing short of a revival right here and now and you're called to be a part of it I want to show you a video Pastor drew came here pastor jim fuglie he came here and he preached five years ago and he prophesized some things that we're not happening at all when he came not at all and you might even recognize them happening now I'm telling you God is prophesying a movement in this room and I pray that you're gonna be a part of it why don't you show this video then we can watch it together your father I pray the day won't come that this whole place will be filled that they will have 1,400 young people worshipping God radically serving God I see them cleaning up neighborhoods helping widows with their homes cleaning up yards doing missions running kids camps beginning to impact a region in a city and I come now and I awaken a new youth army i awaken a new youth army in the northeast may rhode island know multiple thousands we pray O God and I pray a fire and I pray a seal come on begin to pray with me see it with me the Holy Spirit's coming on you this is the last of the last days it says the young will see visions I want you to begin to see it with me right now begin to see this van literally praying in the indoor arena see college people come in junior high people come in high school people coming football players ice hockey people skateboarders stoners oh they're coming red yellow black white brown they're driving now a Great Awakening in the name of Jesus Christ come on you're young give your passion to what God is birthname begin to see it see your friends coming to Christ see so many small groups all over this city campus is filled with young people o church in high schools Church on college campuses Church all over we're gonna have more churches in Starbucks in Rhode Island see yourself see yourself your new army of young zealots I come and I anoint you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit into the name of the Lord Jesus Christ i anoint you with the fresh passion in a fresh zeal and a fresh grace in the name of Jesus
Channel: AWAKENING Church
Views: 11,011
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: awakening, awakening conference, jordan boyce, youth ministry, church, sermon, rhode island, revival, stories, revival stories, awakening youth, youth min, student ministry, new life, #revival, #awakeningnight, #awkng
Id: Q-s53pdmqfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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