Smith Wigglesworth's Vision of an End Time Revival

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the gentleman that I was travelling with us dr. Howard Carter of London England who had a Bible College they were the president of a Bible College that sent people all over the world of minister it was a kind of a world a Bible Training Institute and he would tell me other things about this myth Wigglesworth until finally I wanted to meet him more than anybody else that there was an eagerness inside of me to hear and see Smith Wigglesworth when we arrived in England after we'd been together all through Australia and all through the Orient and all through Europe we came across Siberia in Russia and went through Europe we finally got to England and we got there the week before the National Conference and dr. Howard Carter was the convener of the conference he was the chairman of the conference so he asked me to speak in the evening because I'm an evangelist yes yes mr. bigglesworth to speak in the afternoon as he was a teacher and and so I was teamed up with him the first week I was in England I was teamed up with a man I wanted to meet and and he wasn't easy you know he was like a statesman even in church just like this listening intently to whoever was there speaking and so forth and so on I arrived in the late afternoon so he heard me first so I preached that night and gave the altar call being a convention that weren't many they can't say because most the people were preachers and so forth but I I gave an evangelistic sermon gave the altar call when I was through and turned around on the platform there was Smith Wigglesworth looking at me he put his hand on my shoulder and said son you need to come see me well I'd been you know called into the principal's office when I was in school and I knew what it meant to face the principal and work on a problem and that's what it sounded like that he needed to see me to correct me and I said yes sir when can I come he said any time he says I live in Bradford here's my address and my telephone number and says you can come I said how often can I come he said you can come as often as you want to these days I'm at home now in England for two years and within a week after that I was on my way to Bradford now anywhere you preached you know in the British Isles you had to go through Bradford anyway it was in the Midlands right in the centre and so it was very convenient to buy a ticket to Bradford and then the buy a ticket to Easter Western North or wherever I wanted to go it was so easy to do that and and so I went to see him I found his house and and and and I hit the doorbell you know door lock it knocker they didn't have electric door Bell is one those ancient things that you take a piece of metal hit it against a piece of metal you know uh knockers and so I knocked on that thing and then stood up and waited for him now if you had seen me then you would have laughed because by this time with the British people I look like them and then I talked like them somewhat and I had on a bowler hat if you don't know what a bowler head is it's a Charlie Chaplin hat and and I had on a head on a black jacket and and stripe it at trousers and an ax and a blue dark blue topcoat they came just above my knees and I had an umbrella on one arm and I had a newspaper under the other arm and my briefcase in my hand my Bible case so there I stood you know and open the door and glared at me he didn't say good morning he didn't say how do you do he said what's under your arm that means what is under your arm I this the side was umbrella on my arm and the other side was the morning newspaper under my arm I said the morning newspaper sir he said throw it away throw it away you can't come in here you can't come in here and I suggest sir so I took it and stuck it in the bushes and stood back up to see if there's something else you know and and he looked me over he said come in so I came in he took my coat we went into his living room which was the first room over to the right and and I had he had a cold fire on and it was very cozy and rather than asking me where I came for whereas going he said I was just reading and he read a half an hour from the Bible and then he said let's pray he knelt down prayed for another half hour but he lay hands on me he prayed and said god bless him god bless him I was really glad when he got through you know and he said I want to read you some more so he read the Bible for another half hour and then he said let's pray again and so we got down him we prayed again I said Lord what did I get into here what did I get into you know and and so about that time is a beautiful daughter Alice that we were telling you about she had prepared a beautiful luncheon and so she called us to lunch Yorkshire pudding in and roast beef and and that beautiful gravy that they put on it there it was something and and and peas that you pick up on the back of your fork rather than the front and and so we had a delicious lunch and when he got through he just put a snap be on the table and said to come back again and walked away his daughter explained that he had gone to get some rest and so I thought that was a signal to leave and so I asked for my coat in I left before I walked a block I said you know I got something there I I'm different I got something I received a blessing I received an anointing something good happened to me in that place I said I'll come back again and so about ten days later I went back oh yes I I had on my little little dark blue raincoat and I had my umbrella and my bowler hat but I didn't have any newspaper he when he saw a newspaper he said I don't permit those lies into my house he says on my house there's only truth and that's full of lies leave it outside and so I just obeyed and and did what he told me to do and I went ten days later and then I went again two weeks later then I went again two weeks later I continued to go to his house I continued listen to him read the word and listen to him pray and hear him tell of them mighty miracles the mighty miracles that God had done for him around the world and my faith began to mount up to mount up you know strong my faith began to mount up and in the presence of this man we became good friends when he had a convention he would ask me to speak to be a speaker in his personal convention and and over in the city of Preston and I I accepted it I was very delighted for that we would meet in other comforts and then I would go and see him now in all the two years that we were having this fellowship I never I never met another visitor at his house and not not one time so they weren't standing in a long line to get Smith Wigglesworth faith and there may be those that are admired him today but I didn't see you there when when I was there and and so uh they weren't seeking after Smith Wigglesworth at that time but I was an American and a young man and I wanted what this older man had he intrigued me he his bluntness intrigued me and his depth of sweetness you might say it was like a well of water springing up and it was so delicious and said I would come and drink again and again and again and so we had some very precious times of fellowship with with Smith Wigglesworth two things I'd like to to tell you how about it one is that I was in England when the war broke out and in 1939 living there I had preached all over the continent we knew what was coming everybody knew what was coming and I preached in Germany with with with Hitler's Gestapo men in every meeting that I spoke in and so forth and so we were very conversant to Europe it was the it was the the cockpit of the world and about to explode and it did explode and 39 and I was there and Hitler's armies were moving out and they went through Belgium and through Holland and into France and the British government sent a special agent to my to my room in London I was living at the Bible School and said we will be next and we will have to send you out of the country this is now a war zone and and you were a visitor here you'll have to leave so I was told by the British government then I would have to leave England and so I had to go tell some friends and one of them was Smith Wigglesworth so I I went up to his home again and now we were old friends we had a lot to talk about he had blessed me in so many ways he had discussed the Word of God with me and in so many wonderful sessions together until I was always eager to get there and he seemed eager for me to come because at that time I would be 25 or 26 and he would be maybe 85 you see and that that is a that is a difference it's like an Abraham and an Isaac you see it's like a poem and a Timothy and so I broke the news to him I said brother wiglesworth I will not be seeing you now I have to leave because of the war and the government has told me they've given me so many days to get out of the country and and so I will be going back to America and on to other countries to preach the gospel and said the fellowship the fellowship with you has been very rare only a person like Howard Carter or person like Donald G has has blessed me equal to blessing that I've received from you and I humbly thank the Lord and thank you for giving me so much of your time and and letting me hear you talk to God and your prayers and hear you read the Living Word of God and and how it comes alive within you I am so I'm so thankful and now I will have to leave he he stood up on his feet and tears began to flow down his face now he looked like what you'd call you know a Philadelphia lawyer or a Boston banker between the two never a hair out of shape so groom so perfectly and so beautifully he was a very unusual person and he stood up there like a general you know and he says I want to bless you and I said yes sir he had done that a lot of times and he laid his hand over on me and pulled me close to him and I let my head go and closer to him and and from his eyes tears came and ran down his face and dropped off onto my forehead and ran down my face and he as he cried says Oh God God look all of the faith that is within my heart be in his heart and and not the knowledge of God that resides in me also reside in him and that all the gifts of the Spirit that function in my ministry let them function in in his life I just stood there weeping and he stood there praying and and weeping holding me in an embrace to him and I felt the Holy anointing of the Most High God as it as it flowed from him into me now I have been blessed by a number of great men and I'm so thankful for it to go around the world when I was so young and to meet the great men of the whole world and a hundred nations of the world you know was a real honor and so I appreciated it so much and as he broke the embrace he said you will be blessed and faith will reside within you and you will do unusual things I presume it was a kind of a prophecy and then he said I wish to tell you something and I said yes always as I see it his eyes were burning like Elijah's eyes when he saw the chariot of the Most High his face his face was so strong as he was looking at me and saying I see it and I said what do you see he said I see revival coming to Planet Earth he says I see revival coming to Planet Earth maybe as never never before as never before I see revival coming he says it would be untold numbers and untold uncounted multitudes that will be saved that no man will say so many so many because nobody will be able to count those that will come to Jesus and and I I just stood there and he was prophesying and seeing a vision because he said I I see it I see it he said the Dead will be raised he said the earth writing will be healed he said cancer will be healed and and he began to tell me of the mighty things that no disease would be able to stand before God's people and that it would be a worldwide situation not local but it would be a worldwide thrust of God's power and thrust of God's anointing upon mankind and I was listening so intended to it then he he opened his eyes and looked at me and he said I will not see it but you shall see it and that was the end of it you shall see it I'm expecting to see and we're beginning now at this time to see the move of God such as planet Earth has not seen before that will that will be so much greater than 2000 years ago when the church was born a greater in magnitude because of the communications we have today with our shortwave that we have reaching reaching over a hundred nations of the world right now and over 1 billion 300 million people we're believing that shortwave to bring in a hundred million souls into the kingdom you see a hundred million souls into the kingdom thank God for every one of you that helped us to put it on the air it's beaming out there we've already had had letters from from 76 nations on the face of the earth 76 nations on the face of the earth and given their hearts to God and telling us how much they appreciate that Ministry of God's Word into their hearts and so even though it's a new station and it's bringing back the fruit and we're so delighted and we're so so thrilled and we we rejoice we rejoice so much in it but the great revival is just in front and there's only one thing I wish to share with you so strong most people are not able and not capable of going from blessing to blessing most of them all denominations and most people die in the same first revelation they received from God the people that call themselves that Lutheran's today are living in the same blessing that Luther had four hundred years ago you see the people that call themselves wrestling's and Methodists they're living in the blessing of Wesley a couple of hundred years ago you see it's very difficult to get out of a groove it's very difficult you know to get out of a system you have so many friends there and you've had so much fellowship there there's a man in the Bible that has to be appreciated tremendously andrew is his name Andrew was a Baptist belong to the Baptist Church John Baptist was his pastor and he loved it his spiritual revelation came from John Baptist he walked with him went wherever he went though he lived in Galilee he was away down near the Dead Sea with John Baptist enjoying the teaching and enjoying the blessing when one day this John Baptist said behold the lamb of God and Andrew saw Jesus he said I must decrease he must increase he looked at his pastor and he looked at Jesus and something happened he decided not to be a Baptist anymore and nobody told him - John did not turn him out and Jesus did not take him in something inside of him said this is a little son that is a big son something inside of him said hey this is a blessing this is a super blessing and so he ran away from John Baptist without looking back and ran toward Jesus and followed Jesus and Jesus said what do you want he says I'm following you he found him about three or four o'clock in the afternoon and all that evening and night Jesus expounded to him the kingdom and of his sonship were the father and he believed that young man ran he ran he said Jesus don't go anywhere I'll be back he ran from close to the Dead Sea by the Jordan River all the way to Galilee to find his brother Simon and as soon as he found him he said Simon we have found the Messiah who what a testimony what a testimony they've been looking for the Messiah for a long time this young man had found him an old Peter possible amending a net lit up and said you found what he said the Messiah something in his eyes something in his face Peter believed and went with him and met Jesus and became a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ would you be able to move out of the blessing you have now into a bigger blessing are you gonna call them fanatics because you don't have it are you gonna say they don't act like I do and they don't sing like I seen you got to get ready for the new brother wiglesworth told me he said I will see it he would not see it but I would see this colossal move of the Holy Ghost this amazing move of the Spirit of God and I would see it and I believe it's beginning to happen right now and I'm ready for it I will move into any channel God wants me to move in I will be anything he wants me to be I'm ready to get out of the groove into another groove I'm ready to be anything God wants me to be because I want what God is doing in my hour I want to be what God prefers that I be the problem of millions of Christians they receive what is good but they don't receive what is best there's the answer you may have what is good do you have what is best in your work for the Lord their ministers that do what's good but do they do what's best you've got to decide what's best that's what God wants us to do that's what God wants us to be and so I urge you to be part of it in Jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Encounter Today
Views: 1,294,613
Rating: 4.87819 out of 5
Keywords: Wigglesworth, Smith Wigglesworth, Lester Sumrall, End Time Revival, Revival, Vision, Last Days, Church, Bible study, Classic message, classic, end times, lester sumrall, prophecy, rapture, faith, revival, encounter christ church, tribulation, pre, pastor, encounter today, encounter, prophesy, last days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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