Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - Let Revival Begin with Me

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[Music] good evening y'all it's a privilege to be with you and to have an opportunity to be a part of legacy nights it was described to me via email by your pastor as a revival of sorts he said we want an outpouring of the Holy Spirit I said I'm in I'm in I'm in and so it is a privilege to be able to be with you I always love being with your church and being able to share in some capacity the Word of God to you I pray that tonight really is an inauguration that it just sort of kicks off what it is that God wants to do in your heart what he wants to do in your mind how he wants to revolutionize your life change that he wants to break off of your life spiritually deliverance that he wants to bring freedom and victory that he wants to speak over your life there are some trajectories that are going to be changed some ambitions that are gonna be refocused some dreams and visions that are gonna be planted in your heart I believe that's gonna happen this week and the fact the fact that you've come out on a Monday night says y'all love for serious about this that you didn't come to play games that you you braved the traffic whatever it is you had to brave to come out tonight because you want to see and hear the voice of God [Applause] before I dive into just a short little thought that I want to share with you that I believe will lead us as it has led me more closely into the presence of God I can't help but pause for a moment because I want you to hear what your pastor said to you a few moments ago he said 35 years ago I had a vision that the Lord gave me and tonight I'm standing on this platform and seeing that out working and the fruit of a vision from 35 years ago listen listen some of us made new year's resolutions twenty-something days ago and we're already out but 35 years ago do you know what kind of faithfulness what kind of diligence what kind of prayer what kind of integrity what kind of character come on and help me celebrate Phillips and Holly Wagner thank you thank you thank you we are the fruit of your diligence thank you Lord come and speak to us father we have rolled out the red carpet for you and our praise and in our worship and now we step out of the way because we need a word Lord I'm so grateful that each other is here but we didn't come to see each other we came to see you so father rend the heavens come down and speak in jesus name amen it was the 1940s or so when there was a professor who was in England his name was professor or Orr he taught theology at a university there he decided to take some of his theology students this is the 1940s he decided to take them on an excursion a field trip so to speak and so he gathered up his students and he said we're gonna go visit some of the historical places here in England that have some sort of theological significance he took him to many religious sites some that had been very strategic in the building up of the church and in the Christian faith and one of the places that they visited was the Epworth rectory which would have been the home the living place the study place of one of the great reformers of the church his name was John Wesley John Wesley sort of put in place much of the theology upon which the church that you attend that I attend a lot of that foundational theology was crafted by reformers like John Wesley so John Wesley would study he would teach he would preach he would pray that revival would spread out not only in England but he prayed for it here in our country that would revival would break out he and others like him assured in in prayer some of the great revivals that swept through America in the early 1900's were people in mass were coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord where the heavens seemed to be open in an unusual way and revival broke out in a way that has made the history books that we still look back on now and recognize the fire of God's Spirit that spread during that time period it's because guys many of them like John Wesley were on their knees praying that God would move so these theology students went and they visited this rectory this house where he lived and they went in the kitchen professor or showed them all where John Wesley would have eaten his lunch and his dinners where he would have cooked where he would have lived his life there took him into the study where John Wesley would have studied these theology students were enamored because of course some of the old books that John Wesley would have studied from that he had written in some of those notes they had preserved they were still there on the desk and on the bookshelves and so the theology students were feeling them the spines of those books just enjoying the richness of this history and then professor or walked the students up to the second floor where the most intimate quarters of John Wesley would have been his bedroom walked in the bedroom and the students began to file around the bed in a tiny space in that bedroom and as they all files into the room one of them noticed as they got around the far side of the bed that there were two small patches well-worn patches in the carpet fibers of the floor they were right next to each other and they were beside the bed and he he asked his professor about those patches that were worn right there beside the bed and professor or explained that it is said that those two patches were the actual places were every single morning not for a minute or two but several hours on end John Wesley would plant his knees right beside his bed and he had prayed so long and so hard for revival that his knee had knees had actually imprinted themselves onto the floor that the carpet fibers were were worn as he prayed for revival so the students stood in there for a moment and after a few moments they left the room they went downstairs they all got on the bus to go to the next location professor or stood at the front of the bus counted the students to make sure everybody was there and he realized one was missing he walked back into the house went into the kitchen to look for the student nobody was there went into the study to look for the student nobody was there walked up the stairs into the bedroom and he could just see across the other side of the bed the head and shoulders of a student who had planted his knees down in those well-worn patches on the floor and he could hear the student praying do it again Lord Lord would you do it again and would you do it again with me professor or walked around the side of the bed he put his hand on the the shoulder of the student and he said it's time to go and rising from his knees Billy Graham went and joined the rest of the students on the bus that day and then God did it again and I just wonder what would happen if this week there were some people who were brave enough to say the Lord would you do it again would you not allow me to be a Christian in name only would you make it so that I'm so uncomfortable with being a nominal Christian who just comes to church you just read the verse a day to keep the devil away who's just a good person but isn't a person who is completely sold out for the cause of Jesus Christ Lord would you make it so that I am different and unique and set apart and filled by the Holy Spirit of God Lord would you do it again and would you let it start with me I'm praying for revival I'm talking about straight up old-school flat-footed revival I'm talking about where the Holy Spirit breaks out so clearly and so fully that there is not one person that walks the face of the earth that does not know that there is a God somewhere and that he sent His Son Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sins that he is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through him Lord do it again and you might as well go ahead and start at oasis in LA revival is what we're asking him for it is a unique outpouring of the presence of God it is when his spirit the immaterial in some way becomes material tangible where we see and we hear and we can detect traces of God's presence it's where you look back over your history and you can see footprints where God was working stuff out in your favor where he was putting the right people in the right place at the right time to guide your sets it's when you step away from just celebrating his omnipresence I'm grateful for the omnipresence of God omnipresence means that he is everywhere at the same time omnipresence means when I fly back to Dallas Texas tomorrow I'm not taking all of God with me and not leaving him here with you that he is just as much in Los Angeles as he will be with me in Dallas Texas because our God is omnipresent but there should be an huh hunger in us the people of God - what more than just his omnipresence we should what his manifest presence manifest is revival it's his clear outpouring it is the detecting of his fingerprints in our lives it's when we hear his voice by his Spirit whispering to us and speaking to us and this has always been the desire of God to reveal himself that's what revival is it is a revelation it is a revealing of the tangible experience with God that's what he's always wanted even in Isaiah 65 way back in the Old Testament he said listen even when people didn't want me I was still trying to reveal myself he said i permitted myself to be sought by those who didn't even ask for me i permitted myself to be found by those who did not seek me I said Here I am Here I am - a people that did not even call on my name I wanted to bring revival even when people weren't asking for it and so all throughout the scriptures from the Old Testament all the way into the new we find a God who wanted to be found by his people he wanted to reveal himself do you know what great lengths he went to reveal himself to you and to me all of history really is a chronicling of God's desire to be seen and experienced and felt in a tangible real way to be in relationship with every single one of us it started in the garden you know Adam and Eve he sent them down in a perfect environment so that they could have a perfect relationship with him but you know we have a very real enemy that has always worked against revival the revealing of God and so even then he slithered into the perfect environment and introduced sin and they bit the Apple and sin didn't just enter into that perfect environment but the DNA of sin was passed down to all humanity for all time and it seemed like all hope was lost but our God never to be outdone he stepped in and had another move because Adam and Eve they came together again and they had a little baby boy named Seth and then Seth gave birth to Enoch in Genesis chapter 4 says that when he mosh was born everybody began to worship God again the enemy he wanted to try to stand against the revealing of God the revelation of God the relationship of God to humanity and so he made it so that sin was introduced and perpetuated and proliferated throughout humanity and things got so bad that the entire human race really needed to be wiped out and it seemed like the enemy had the upper hand and he was gonna win but our God never to be outdone he went and he found a man named Noah and he said Noah I want you to build me an ark and Noah said Oh what he said an ark because one day it is going to rain Noah said Eska what he said it's gonna rain and so he built an ark didn't even know what it was for rain he had never seen it before but in obedience to God his ark became the carrier through which God would preserve all of humanity and once again our God always he was on top but the enemy cause sin to proliferate again the attitudes of people to be hardened against the one true God and things look so Iyer that had looked as if the enemy had won but our God never to be outdone he went to a little obscure town and found an obscure man named Abram he plucked him out of a town called herb he set him on a brand new path he changed his name he changed the GPS coordinates on his ambitions and the trajectory of his life and he said through you Abraham I'm gonna make a brand new people called the children of Israel they will be my people I will mark them with my presence I will make a covenant with them so that you can't mess with them no matter how hard it is that you drive so the children of Israel were crafted as an opportunity for God to maintain relationship with humanity no matter what the enemy would try but the enemy of course wanted to do everything he could to keep revival to keep revelation to keep the revealing of God from happening fully with humanity and so Israel was enslaved for 400 years they were enslaved down in Egypt and it looked like all hope was lost but our God never to be outdone he made it so that there was a little boy named Moses that was raised as the Prince of Egypt and at just the right time he said to Moses mo you go tell Pharaoh let my people go and Pharaoh's heart was softened and he released the children of Israel and after 40 years in the wilderness 40 years of coming into intimate relationship with their God they finally came into the Promised Land and it looked like the enemy had been beaten forever but the enemy he had another move up his sleeve because he made it so that the idols of their new land looked as appealing as the one true God and so they began to worship idols in the book of Judges it says and when you get to the end of the book of the judges the last line of the book of Judges says everybody was doing what was right in their own eyes kind of sounds like America in the year 2019 doesn't it and it looked like the enemy was going to have the final say but our God never to be outdone he went and found a woman named Ruth and Ruth married Boaz she and Boas had a baby named Obed and Obed gave birth to Jesse and Jesse gave birth to a little baby boy named David that's King David the one who the prophets had already prophesied through that lineage there would be one born who would settle this matter once and for all the people that were on the stage of the world in that moment did not even know that they were already in place for a historical move for which the enemy would never have a response for the Old Testament closed four hundred years of silence passed and then the curtain opened and Jesus Christ stepped on the scene and that is the response that the enemy has never ever been able to tackle Jesus God the Father revealed himself in the Old Testament and then Jesus came in the New Testament Jesus was the physical embodiment of God the Father he said if you've seen me you've seen the father Yahweh tried to make it so that he could have relationship with people as boldly as he could in the Old Testament and he came in the New Testament in the person of Jesus Christ in every dispensation he tried to figure out the best way to make it so that he could reveal himself to humanity God the Father in the Old Testament Jesus the son in the New Testament and in every stage people rejected the revelation that God gave him gave them up himself one scholar said it this way that the great sin of the Old Testament that is that they did not believe in God the Father the great sin of the new testament is that they did not believe in Jesus the Son and the great sin of our generation is that we really don't believe in the Holy Spirit but on every turn when Jesus our God seeks to reveal himself that we always question the way he seeks to reveal himself to us Jesus came in the Old Testament the Word made flesh and he dwelt among them listen to John described this beholding of Jesus he said in John chapter 1 verse 14 the word became flesh and dwelt among us listen to the all in his voice as he says it and we beheld his glory I mean John I can't believe it the glory of God the Father we back we saw him with our own eyes we got an up-close personal front-row seat chin on our hands salivating experience because we got a front-row seat to see Jesus Christ to hear the words come out of his mouth to hear him teach to see him heal and prophesy and tell people to repent because the kingdom of God was at hand we got to see him for ourselves I love how Eugene Peterson puts that verse in the message Bible he says Jesus came and moved into the neighborhood of humanity that he came to move into your neighborhood in my neighborhood that's revival that he came to make himself present to walk publicly among the people so that they could experience what it was like to be in the very presence of God and so he performed miracles and he taught so he could authenticate that he was who he said he was and that he could do exactly what he said he could do and everybody didn't believe him they just want quite convinced just like they weren't in the Old Testament they weren't convinced about Jesus in the New Testament they weren't sure about this Messiah business but what they did know was that where everywhere Jesus showed up blind people could see what they did know even though they weren't sure about the whole kingdom of God is at hand stuff what they did know was that when this Jesus showed up lame people could walk and the Deaf could hear and the dead were being raised everywhere Jesus showed up and every time he spoke his words were dripping with an awe and with an authority that they had never ever heard before they'd heard the Pharisees and the Sadducees the religious leaders that had been nice but they ain't never heard nothing like this and so wherever Jesus went it says throngs of people were crowded around him because they wanted to get as close as they possibly could you know like the woman with the issue of blood who forced her way through a crowd because she wanted to get as close as she could so she could reach out and touch the hem of his arm garment because she knew if she could just touch him that power would leave him and come to her and heal her of all her diseases they weren't sure about whether or not he was the Messiah but they knew he was something and God tried to reveal himself once again Jesus walking amongst the people which is why one of the scariest one of the most troubling one-liners in all of Scripture is John chapter 11 verse 54 I said all of that to get us to John chapter 11 verse 54 it says therefore Jesus no longer walked publicly among the Jews he went away one of the most troubling portions of all of Scripture is that Jesus no longer went public he was present he was there he just went in public he was around but he just chose to stave off into more quiet corners instead of walking publicly among the people no more miracles no more teaching out in public people wouldn't be privy to the revival to the revelation of himself as he had come to give no he no longer walked publicly amongst the people are we living in a time where he is no longer walking publicly among us he's present he just ain't public because the people of God have gotten so private and so quiet that we are Christians we're just not public with our Christianity that the Jesus that people are supposed to see in you the Jesus that they're supposed to see in me they are looking but they just can't find him he's present he's just not public this little portion of Scripture bothered me so much because I wanted to figure out what is it that keeps Jesus from being revealed that keeps the revival from happening why is it that Jesus would be a present amongst the people but that he wouldn't walk publicly among them I was really bothered by this especially since verse 55 says and I'll just read it to you from John chapter 11 it says that the Passover of the Jews was at hand and many went up to Jerusalem that's into the city out of the country where they lived they went out of the country into the city for this religious festival called Passover and they were seeking for Jesus they were saying to each other as they stood in the temple do you think Jesus is going to come this year listen they went out of the country into the city to Jerusalem for a religious event they are standing in the temple looking for Jesus and he's nowhere to be found they are in the place where if there's any place Jesus is gonna be is gonna be in the temple and they are looking for him and they cannot find him what an indictment against the Church of Jesus Christ if when people come through these doors if they come into this place they can find programs and they can find our plans and they can find great teaching they can find great singing they can find lights and cameras and beautiful stages they can find everything except the one who will actually change their lives and there are people who are coming into our churches y'all and they're looking for Jesus they might not even really know how to verbalize what they're after they just know that there is a void in their lives that needs to be filled they need something that can quench them at the core of them and they come in looking not for our plans enough for our programs they are looking for the presence of God the presence of God is what people are seeking it's what we all need and these people are looking for Jesus but Jesus is no longer walking publicly among them the presence of God revival is what people have always been after since the beginning of time one of my favorite Bible study teachers leaders in my life her name was Elizabeth Eliot she died a while back now but years and years of just faithful service to God I would read all her books and listen to her on the radio every now and then she was the kind of speaker or teacher that she was fairly bland like there were no jokes she wasn't gonna crack a smile you know she was gonna try to entertain you she didn't really care if you liked what she was saying or not she would just stand up there and literally y'all she would just talk just like this for a solid hour and one time I was in a smaller group with her and she was taking questions and someone asked her why is it that in your teaching style I've noticed that you don't feel the need for a whole lot of antidotes or jokes or something like that you don't seem to need to warm up the crowd and I remember Miss Elizabeth she was probably in her late 70s by then she looked back at the woman who asked the question with a little smile on her face and she said well why would I do that the people didn't come to see me they came to see Jesus I said wealth in the reality is they don't need to see you they need to see Jesus they don't need to see me they need Jesus he's the one that changes lives y'all he literally sets people free he gives people victory he breaks chains on people's lives he opens up blinded eyes he opens up deaf ears he can change the trajectory of your entire family line listen to me I'm in a family line that has been completely changed the trajectory of our lives completely transformed because Jesus stepped in and saved my grandfather saved my father saved us change the trajectory of our lives there's no telling where I'd be if it were not for the king of kings and the Lord of lords so I stand on this platform today not because I'm a preacher it's because I'm a satisfied customer of the Grace and the goodness of God he's changed my life he's changed my life so the people were looking for Jesus and they couldn't find him and I wanted to know why wasn't he there why wasn't he there turns out this happens in John chapter 11 right on the heels of him raising Lazarus from the dead you know the story he walks in four days after Lazarus has already been dead Mary and Martha are like where have you been seriously and Jesus says don't worry about it I am the resurrection and the life I'll take care of this and he calls Lazarus out of the tomb and he says loose that man and let him go Lazarus comes forth in the siting of many many people who were gathered that day some believe in him some are a little critical of him because you know people always are when Jesus reveals himself and so they go to the Pharisees and the Sadducees and they have a little word to say about what Jesus is doing out here performing miracles and stuff and it says that the Sadducees and the Pharisees they convene a council to scrutinize the work of Jesus theologian aw Tozier says that when Jesus moves when God moves when he does stuff that's outside of the box of our comfort zone there is always one of two responses the unbelieving person will squat down to their knees only to get a better look so that they can be critical of and scrutinized that which God has done but the believing person might also drop to their knees but they will do so only so that they can turn their attention upward with their hands raised and say thank you the Pharisees and the Sadducees they drop to their knees to get a closer look to scrutinise and in their pride and in their arrogance they say Jesus is doing too much we can't let him as if they could control him we can't let him go on this way because if we do he will ruin our plans and so they set out it says in John 11 53 it says that they make a decision to kill him they decide he needs to be silenced he needs to be muted he needs to be squelched his moves need to be suffocated ex-fix eiated so that they can get a handle on him and make them less and diminish they want to do whatever it is they can to kill the work of God and so they silenced him any way they can and it says that as a result of their decision Jesus no longer walked publicly among them so I want to ask you is there any way any part of your life where you know you are silencing diminishing minimizing extinguishing the moves of God in your own personal experience I'm talking about where you've heard the voice of God you know it's the conviction of the holy spirit saying apologize to that person or give to that person or go there or don't go here participate in that don't participate in this and you just keep silence and yet walking away from it ignoring it going the other direction from it doing everything you can to minimize what you know is the work of God around you when we decide and choose individually to kill his work to smother his work in our life the scripture says his response is to no longer walk publicly among you he's present he's just not public he will never leave you nor forsake you you can't be unsaved once you've already placed faith in Jesus Christ you are eternally secure for heaven you'll have to worry about that but just because he's present doesn't mean he's public and he came to be more than just some of the king of kings and Lord of lords that lives in you he wants you to experience him on the outside of you into the way you think and the choices that you make in the decisions that you choose in the paths of your life he wants you to see him working publicly around you in need of different experiences of your life if you like me what to experience more than just his omnipresence if you want his manifest presence the thing that he came for then we have to be careful that were not squelching diminishing the moves of God in our life because in any place in our life where we have determined to kill him we will see that he no longer walks publicly among us and so Jesus no longer walks publicly among them because there are leaders and by the way if I can just open up our parentheses here we have to be on our knees praying for the leadership of our churches every single Church the place where they are entrusted with this responsibility of shepherding our souls we have to ask the Lord to give them wisdom to make margin for the Holy Spirit like these leaders have in this church for this week this whole week y'all is just devoted to letting Jesus do what Jesus wants to do in giving him margin to move freely among us to be public among us we need to be praying for integrity and character in our leadership we need to be praying that there are people who are leading us who are watching over us who are faithful to do it the way that would most honor a great move and revival of God in the house of God and so in the Old Testament he came as God the Father in the New Testament Jesus the Son and just like he wanted to move publicly in the Old Testament and move publicly in the New Testament through Jesus Christ when Jesus finally ascended into heaven he said to the disciples it is to your advantage that I go because when I go I'm going to leave with you another helper in the original language another helper is a word that actually means another of the exact same kind meaning I am NOT leaving with you a lesser version of myself everything you had in me all of the authority and all of the grandeur and all of the greatness of God the Father that is in me is now in the person of the Holy Spirit and I am leaving the Holy Spirit of God with you in 2019 so that just as God wanted to reveal himself in the Old Testament and just as Jesus the son wanted to walk publicly in the New Testament you now have every right and privilege as a daughter or son in this dispensation in which he has left the Holy Spirit to experience the full presence of God among you in the person of the Holy Spirit did you know that when you place faith in Jesus Christ you were speedily received the Holy Spirit of God I'm asking you did you know it listen the Holy Spirit is not a ghost or a wind or a fire or a dove he's often symbolized by those things but y'all Denny who he is the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity not third because he is least in value just third because he's the last to be revealed to us in the pages of Scripture but all of the fullness all of the power all of the glory all of the grandeur of God the Father is in the person of the Holy Spirit that means when you place faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in you that means that all of the grandeur all of the goodness all of the authority of God the Father now lives on the inside of you and he doesn't just want to be present he wants to be public that's why you get his fruit because that means that when your patience has run out with that person you ain't got no more patient he gives you the fruit of the Spirit so that you can have patience that goes beyond your natural capacity to have patience it means when you do not have any self discipline it the Holy Spirit the fruit of God's Spirit means that you are able to restrain yourself within your flesh you know you are not able to restrain yourself not only do you have the fruit of the Spirit that's public you also have the gifts of the Spirit so that you can operate in a way that publicly analyze the body of Christ and builds people up and encourages them and stirs them on it's God's public activity in your life it's called the manifest presence of God the person of the Holy Spirit enables us as the body of Christ to walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which we have been called it's the presence of God on our life it marks us he is the one that makes it so that God is not just in US he is on us where people can see a public demonstration of the power of God just because we walked into the room on our jobs and in your university and walking down the corridor of your high school campus and in that organization you're in which you're involved and in that endeavor in which you are sewing all of your gifts and your talents and your creative abilities you've given it everything that you have the Holy Spirit is the one that when his presence is upon your life makes it so that when you walk into the room people get a public demonstration of Jesus Christ because of the words you say because of the choices that you make because of the integrity with which you stand because of the character with which you walk because of the way that you were able to bring Christ's love to bear with every person even the difficult person that you are able to love and give generously and so yourself into every good deed to which God calls you not by your own power and not by your own light but by the Spirit of God who operates not only in your life but upon your life it's called favor favor is God's presence on your life favor is what opens up doors that no man can shake favor is what puts you in positions that that nobody really thinks you're qualified for favor is what he enables you to do things that you know are beyond your capacity but God has positioned you and placed you and prepared a way for you that's favored on your life and if you have the Holy Spirit of God you have faith [Music] I want to tell you this before I close [Music] if there is one thing that invites the favor of God on your life of course if you've received Christ as Savior he is in you but I'm talking about where he's on you visible public people can sense the presence of God because you have peace that passes understanding like cuz they know what you're going through in your life and they can't figure out how you still got sanity with what you got going on in your life it's about like that there is one thing that invites the presence of God on you like that you ready here it is holiness [Music] you gotta live Laurie [Music] you got to decide to lay aside every sin and the weight which so easily entangles you so that you can run with endurance the race that has been set before you you can be in your war room praying against the schemes of the devil tell you our blue in the face but if you leave your prayer closet and still live a raggedy wayward lifestyle then the enemy you just prayed against will still make himself at home in your life you gotta live Polly I'm talking about integrity all I'm talking about being the same in the dark as you are in the light I'm talking about character where we don't just come in here on a Monday night and then Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday night and have such a great time hearing about the promises of God and the truths of God and then we walk out of these doors and nobody aligns their life in a way that is actually congruent with everything that you listen you're getting ready to get it this week every single night this week God is gonna pour something into your life he's gonna give you clear and direction you're gonna sense a pain a conviction of the Holy Spirit in regards to something that one of these teachers that the Lord has entrusted to you and you to them this week there's gonna be something that the Lord it's gonna give to your life and you're gonna have to decide up front whether or not you are willing whether or not I'm willing to align my life with the truth that God gives us this week and to the extent that we're willing to say yes and bring ourselves into alignment that's holiness that's the extent to which we will see him go public in our lives and I don't know about you but I'm tired of just having private Jesus I mean I'm so grateful that he's present but I want in public I want what I get on the Pew to come to the pavement of my experience that when I walk down the road of life I I walk with him I see him move I experience him I want that holy anticipation that comes because I'm eager to see what God's gonna do today I want to wake up with holy expectation that today I'm gonna see a move of God today I have expectation that he is coming to do something that is far beyond anything that I can ask for things now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond to him be the glory in this church now and forevermore in Jesus name everybody said amen amen amen [Applause] [Music] as you're standing to your feet I want to pray for you if you are in a stage in your life where you know Jesus is present with you he's just not been public there might be some reason in your old life where you recognize man I've been in some way diminishing his voice or ignoring him or trying to kill his work in my life and because of my own disobedience or my own pride or arrogance man he's not been as public as I want him to be I want him to walk publicly among me I want that to change tonight if you'd bow your heads with me and close your eyes if anybody knows he's present but he has not been public and you just want prayer in regards to that tonight would you just raise your hand and let me pray for you [Music] so lord I pray for every hand that has raised every woman every man who is asking father that you would make yourself apparent in their lives Lord I pray right now in Jesus name that you would do something this week that would let them know you saw their hand tonight father would you show up in some tangible public way that reminds them that you will never leave them nor forsake them father I pray for a little wink from heaven God a little nod from heaven that demonstrates to them that you are with them father and that you will never leave them and lord I pray that whatever it is that might be in their life for mine father that is keeping you from moving as freely in as fully as you would like to among us father I pray in Jesus name father that you would show us what it is thank you that your word says that when you do we can bring it to you in all confidence because you are faithful and just to forgive us from all sin and to remove it from us and so father I pray grace and peace to those who have raised their hands I thank you for how you're getting ready to move publicly and so remarkably I pray and thank you Father for how revival is on the way and when you reveal yourself father we will be careful to give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor in Jesus name everybody agreed and said amen
Channel: Going Beyond Ministries
Views: 1,000,889
Rating: 4.8621116 out of 5
Id: _rUlNpQ_wxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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