You Can’t Stop Me

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why don't you open up your Bibles right now and we're going to go to Romans and we're gonna go to Romans 8 um I want you to part there because I got stuck I got stuck this week really three weeks ago when I begin to ask how what do you want to say to your people as we cross into this new year and let me go ahead and start off by saying nothing magical happens at midnight tonight okay nothing magical happens but something supernatural happens when people start to think about how good god has been and start to make plans for what God is going to do and when we start writing down the vision and making it plain there's something supernatural happens there and so I want you to be more intentional about hearing what God is saying to you this morning so that we can move in action and not what everybody's doing tonight and what everybody Hey because I really do believe that God wants to do something unprecedented in your life in 2018 I believe that and some people are even scared to a man that and all that other stuff and people like they confess in the same thing every year and but my Bible tells me life and death is in the power of the tongue and there's some of us that need to confess something different for our 2018 then happened for our 2017 and so as we stand here at this threshold God begin to deal with me in Romans 8 and if you ever want to just encourage yourself in the Lord just go read Romans 8 it begins to change your perspective on stuff but I got stuck at this one passage and that's where I got the message title from and all of that somebody say you can't stop me now you said that like I could stop you and that's why that's how you said that I need you to say it with your chest I need to say I don't okay I don't know if you've ever played a game before like a basketball game or a football game or ping-pong but you were dominating whoever you were playing and there comes a point when you're dominating somebody so bad that you just get this confidence like I don't care what you do like like and I had this all the time with my little brothers until all my little brothers became my big brother see you understand what I'm saying but there's a place that you can get to where you can say you can't stop me I want you to say that phrase right now and prophesy into your future I want you to say it like you mean it I want you to say it like there is no obstacle that is going to be in your way this year that you cannot overcome somebody say you can't stop me oh that's better we gonna try it one more time because somebody's vocal cords just woke up right there you haven't talked a lot today but by the end of this message God is going to have that so deep down in our psyche and in our hearts that when we face trial in 2018 you will have something in you that is rooted and grounded in the truth that you know that whatever it is cannot stop you somebody just yell at me you can't stop me oh we're getting there go to Romans 8:31 because if God's going to do something unprecedented in our life he can't do it without us and most of us want God to do a miracle besides us he wants us to circumvent our wheel and and make us do what we don't want to participate in and that's not going to happen but I think if we get the right perspective everything can change Paul goes to talk to us after he talks about the grace of God and the goodness of God and how we received and were called and we're his own and we are loved he goes through all of that and then it starts right here at Romans 8:31 he says what then shall we say in response to all these things now I want to keep preaching but I just came to let you know in the next 34 minutes I'm gonna preach the fool out of this scripture like I'm like when I tell you that sometimes I teach and sometimes I'm very sophisticated and eloquent I'm about to act a fool on this scripture right here why are you saying that Pastor Mike because this has real meaning to me because Paul is saying to all of us he said what should we say in response everybody say response - all these things see the power of this scripture I've never read it like this before but but God was showing me he said Michael the power of this scripture is not in the things that happen cuz that's what we focus what should be our response to all these things that happened all these setbacks all of these miscommunication all of these relationship problems all these things that I lost what should I say about all these things and many times as believers we focus on the things we lost the things we have to give up the things that happen to us but Paul is telling us to focus on something different he says I want you to focus on the response to all the things that happen so I begin to step back and say okay God what are you trying to say he said Michael the power point number one for you today if nothing's gonna stop you you got to realize this point the power is in my response see because things how many people has things happen to you this year like things you don't even have to go into details I can see it on your face some things have happened relational things job things heart things things that nobody really even knows the fullness of you may have been violated this year in some way mentally emotionally you may be in a place where you've been depressed things have just happened you've lost money your business did not succeed like you wanted it to you got it off the ground but it didn't go the place you wanted to do you have been stalled in making money and not walking in purpose I don't know what your things are but God tells us there is a proper response to the things and I know me usually I'm worried about the things and not my response if we can be honest when things happen what happens usually determines how I respond how much it meant to me how much they meant to me how much I wanted to do something and Paul says if you're going to get this attitude that nothing can stop you you have to check your response before you check with the things and that may not mean a lot to you but for me and my family there's been a lot of things that happened and I can't lead this church being fake and and and saying what should happen for y'all and it's not happening to me so let me tell you about a few things that happened this year me and my wife we bought a house many years ago and we got in a bad contractor situation had a lien put on the house we had all of this stuff we lost money in it we had to pay certain stuff our house never got finished and we're living in a house right now that is not completely finished the way that we want it to be and I was sitting at the beginning of the year and I said God you promised me I'm serving your people I'm doing these things for your house I'm giving up God why is why are these things happening to me and then we got pregnant this year and in in that when my wife got pregnant I didn't get pregnant I impregnated her but some women just got you were not pregnant no I wasn't she was pregnant but in our time of pregnancy we found out that our son had some developmental delays and they they were trying to diagnose him with autism and my wife didn't even get to fully enjoy the the process of us having our new child because she was so worried about our son who's 2 and we've been walking through behind closed doors just believe in God and praying and what are you saying and I'm sitting in the mornings when nobody is up and I'm praying God what why are all these things happening see and I don't know if you've had a real 2017 but I have and it may not be the same things but there are things that have been happening even down to Christmas Day we had an amazing time with my parents and family in Broken Arrow and we were gonna stay the night because it got late up playing games and stuff like that but we didn't have any more formula so we had to come back to our house and I was dead tired so my wife said I'll Drive and she was dead tired and we got into a car accident on highway 51 that almost took our family's lives 1:30 in the morning I'm standing outside with police cars all around when my kids crying and screaming none of the doors would open airbags deployed saying God why are all these things happening to me and as I stood there looking at our brand-new van we just bought that van two months ago 2018 van gone as I was about to acknowledge the things that happen God said Michael I'm in charge of things I'm looking for your response and I stood there outside who I can feel the presence of God the cops asking me what I want to do the tow truck taking my van away my parents I'm getting all the kids away I'm sitting there having fair death on Christmas I could not be here today and God said what is gonna be your response in the face of all these things and something rose up in the inside of me and I borrowed a psalm from David in Psalms 34 when he said I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth soul will boast in the Lord the humble shall hear it and be glad o magnify the Lord with me and let's exalt his name together see you're not hype enough with me right now my response had to be bless the Lord [Applause] see that's what happens when we don't realize how good god has been so you're thanking him for what he's done but have you thought thanked him yet for what didn't happen have you thanked him this year how's your response been in line with what he didn't allow to come your way with what he kept you from from that relationship he kept so when I'm telling you that there are going to be things that happen God does not care so much about how the things affect you he cares about your response to the things so today I stand here because some of you almost missed your opportunity to leave 2017 because some things happened in this year and you just so how oh god I just cannot wait for 2008 things to get here I just cannot wait to shut this chapter of my life I just can't be quiet because the lesson you didn't learn repeats itself yet the relationship you didn't close it comes back in another form it was Billy this year but it'll be Bob next year did the same when I'm saying and God's saying to you don't leave this year without the proper response to all the things see what David knew is that even if he was in the palace or if he was on the backside of a pasture with sheep messing up his shoes in some boo-boo let's call it that and and and this is what I'm saying if 2017 was a year that was full of manure for you you'd need to know that the primary ingredient for growth is sometimes the primary ingredient for your growth is sometimes the stinkiest the most vowel the most foul parts of you all I came to encourage somebody is that the crap you went through in 2017 is about to be the fertilizer for the growth that God wants to see in your life I dare you to have the proper response take 10 seconds and forget the Blessed alone but getting the shout in the guy with the voice of triumph let your voice be heard God you're worthy God your mighty God there's nobody like you see something l don't get it let me go to Psalms 103 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name see the thing you got to realize is sometimes you have to shut yourself up your soul your mind will and emotions and tell your mind will and emotions to bless the Lord as I was standing there and thousands of dollars is being total towed away my emotions started to get involved does my treasure was there and I said shut up God is a provider what are you talk about the Lord O my soul MA see cuz my mind will take me somewhere and my emotions will take me somewhere and my wheel will take me somewhere that does not line up with the Word of God for me so what I'm telling you today is that no matter the things what should we say about all these things that happen in 2017 what should be my response it should be bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name I want to read the rest of that because there's power it says bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits the angels that were around me in my family's car the Angels that kept us those are benefits who forgives all my iniquities he knew I was gonna mess up so he sent His grace in advance who heals all my diseases I don't know who's struggling with sickness I need you to know that there is a benefit to praising God and being his child who redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfies her mouth with good things and who renews your strength like the Eagles if you're gonna be in a place in 2018 where nothing can stop you you gotta stop right here and just take a minute and forget about who's sitting next to you and and I've never done this before oh my god they're so free in this place I'm like I don't want you to miss your opportunity to give God the proper response for all of the things the good things the bad things the okay things the frustrating things the hurtful things the abusive things cuz my Bible tells me that Oh things worked so that means the foreclosure is working for me now that means the bad relationship is working for me well somebody should get excited right now that means them laying me off I don't see it yet but it's working for you it's kind of like my mom's from Louisiana it's kind of like gumbo they throw a whole bunch of different ingredients in there and they let it sit and they let it simmer and some of the ingredients by themselves are not that good but when you let them sit and the Holy Spirit begins to stir those things up it comes out in something that is delicious I came to tell you that God is taking all your good all your bad all your indifferent and it's creating something I did it you've got five seconds bless the Lord this if you watch it online blaster God we worship you blaster come on you got two more second blast the Lord God we love you got your faithful got your mercy is enduring somebody just shout hallelujah whoa just sit down I'm only on point one just sit down I'm on point one I'm height today cuz cuz if you if you don't if you don't get this point cuz things are coming January one like like this week something frustrating is going to happen what should we say then in response to what's gonna happen next week there should be a praise on your lips that nothing can take away so if you're gonna have that attitude somebody just say you can't stop me say it like you mean it you can't stop me so the second thing I want you to realize is found in the second part of that verse it says what did we say in response to all these things if God is for you I'm reading this way I don't know it seems like my iPads changing if God is for us who can be against us point number two the priority is to remember remember who is for you see see ah my unstoppable spirit in 2018 is not gonna come from Michael it's not gonna come from me making a list and just wanting to do better it's not gonna come from me making vision boards and making them all Pinterest ready and all that all that is good but if I don't remember who's on my side then I get stuck in trying to provide for myself trying to make ways for myself and so the Holy Spirit told me he said Michael don't tell him to do a whole bunch of stuff except remember who's for them cuz if God is for you who like like I'm trying to figure out who can stop the plan of God in your life who externally can can make you not reach potential like and and this is one of those things that makes excuses evaporate because no longer can I blame my parents or my boss or people for what is happening in my life because this scripture is telling me so clearly if God is for me who like might tell me who like I see God I see this stuff in movies I see God talking to me and him and him saying to me Michael I want you to build transformation church to ten thousand people in the next five years well god I don't have a seminary degree the finances I know you've seen them but they don't look as um as voluptuous as I would want them to be and and I start giving God all these excuses of why I can't do what he's called me to do and then he looks back at me and he says Michael remember I'm for you so who can be against you well God the bank told me that they wouldn't give us along for the other property who you know I'm a provider right yeah god I know you're a provider but I need more leaders and so we need some people to come and join the church and so without the who are you are you telling me that you can't reach the purpose that I already designed for you because you think somebody else can stop the plan of God on your life when I'm on your team well the man is trying to kick me down who the world the government won't let me as a black man hmm like like I see God literally coming to your situation well god I can't write that book cuz I can't get a publisher who like who are you letting diminish what God has already promised you because you won't believe him and your leaving a hole he said but if I am for you who can be against you I came to encourage somebody today as we stand at the threshold of 2017 there is not an external who outside of you that can stop you I feel like dr. Seuss up here today you hear me there is not a who outside of you that can stop you and when you get that revelation it makes you move without fear it makes you step out when God says step out because God is for me I don't care if my family is not for me God is for me some of us have used the lamest excuses to obey God well I just don't know if my my mom and my dad will support me maybe you're the one that's supposed to step out and show them what faith looks like so they can get off for the cycle they've been on and step Oh y'all don't hear me in there what if you're the change agent what if you're the one to be able to make a difference in your generation Ally if God be for you who y'all I'm gonna be walkin around all year when I went doors get shut in my face my mom's got you for me right and all he's gonna say is who who can be against you I'm telling you this is a simple truth that many of you have seen but have not believed today God wants to challenge your faith that there is an unstoppable force behind you if you would remember who's on your team see see see the beautiful thing about this God showed me he said Michael your position is more important than your opposition like your position with me that you're my child that you're loved that you're covered that you're redeemed that you're chosen he said that positioning makes you stronger than your opposition that's why somebody like David can walk up when the whole Phyllis staying army is sitting there paralyzed and he won't Club me I was like here bro here's some grilled cheese sandwiches what do you what what are you just what's his name go I what what are y'all doing why haven't we started well we don't know we don't know if we can beat him we don't know he's a strong opposition when nobody's ever taken him out and I believe David said if God is for me like I guess y'all don't believe this but if God is for me who oh is that the who is that my opposition see cuz you don't realize that I've been on the back side of a mountain and I've been spending time of God and doing the last thing that he told me and and so I faced opposition like you before I've seen things like you it wasn't you but it was a bear and it was a lion and I'm uneducated and I'm not in all the regalia that everybody else is in and I don't have all the formal training but I do know who's on my side so when everybody else is standing paralyzed I can walk up to our position and I can look it in the face and I say come on somebody this year it's go get their rocks and they smooth stones and they're gonna look at the opposition and they're gonna say you got to come down cuz I know who's on my side if God before me then who can be against me some of y'all starting to believe it nobody can stop you this year somebody just yell at me one more time you can't stop me so so see some of y'all still don't believe it so Paul goes on to tell us in this scripture because Paul wasn't one who lived a bougie life so so Paul went do all kinds of crap ok ok the scourging that Jesus received Paul got that a whole bunch of times like like he was shipwrecked he was stuck on a deserted island he he he was maybe writing the most inspirational triumphant scriptures in jail in Chains he had things that happened to him so when he's talking so what should we see in response to all these things he's thinking about his life he's not thinking about somebody else he's think about all these things and he said if God is for me even if I'm in this shed who can be against me and then it goes on down into Romans 8:37 he starts to remember he says no and all these things we're more than conquerors through him who loved us yeah I'm convinced that neither death nor life neither angels or demons neither present nor the future I'm not scared of the future neither any powers neither height nor death I would start comparing this thing to stuff that's abstract because I need you to know there is nothing in all of creation that will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus why is that important Pastor Mike because my position with God allows me to say that if God is for me there's not a who I don't want you to I don't want you to leave this year and think that there is some external thing that can stop you this year the only thing that can stop you this year is my third point you yeah yeah you are the only who that can stop you and this is beautiful because God gives us a beautiful picture he says if I be for you who externally can be against you but then he gives us wheel and gives us the ability to close our heart to him and he gives us the choice to listen and obey or to do our own thing and I came to tell you see because some of you thought that this message is about you can't stop me ain't none of my haters stopping me ain't nobody stop for me no no they can't because if a goddess for you who can be against you accept you and I want you to get as we go into 2018 that we're not talking about anybody else stopping you we're talking about ourselves stopping us see when I say you can't stop me I'm talking to me I'm talking to the Michael who's lazy I'm talking to the Michael oh yeah you know we all have another the person you're sitting in here as right now that's not you you faking you that's not who you really are the real you is insecure the real you changed outfits four times because you thought somebody was gonna look at you today yeah the real you makes a plan and and doesn't do it the real you procrastinates the real you looks at pornography at four o'clock in the morning like the real the real you is paralyzed by failure and what I'm telling the real me the ungenerous the the the the sin nature Michael is that you can't stop me too this year there's no external thing because if God is for me who can be against me except me so I got to talk to me at the end of 2017 yeah we're not coming and checking for anybody else but we're checking for ourselves when I say you can't stop me I'm talking to me everybody pull out your smart phone right now and get or get a mirror out and get your camera on even if you're watching online I want you to get your camera on and I want you to put it on selfie mode yeah no this is prophetic somebody I'll just send out look get your phone out get what are y'all doing get your phone out put it on selfie mode and I want you to look at you look at you some of you smile look at you smile hey hey Michael how are you doing this is what I want you to do there's bitterness that's in this screen looking at you unforgiveness that's looking at some of y'all I don't know it's yours it but you know the real you and I want you to prophetically tell yourself that you can't stop me come on just tell them you can't stop me bitterness you can't stop me come on whatever it is lazy Michaels you can't stop me forgetful Michael you cannot stop me the plan of God is gonna come to pass in my life this year comparison Michael you can't stop me I don't know what you'll see some of y'all are looking at me you can't even do it when everybody else is doing it but I'm telling you that the only thing that can stop the progress of God the plan of God in your life this year is you and if you get the revelation that you are working with God and not against God you'll be able to say you can't stop see I'm sitting in here with a bunch of people who have shamed unforgiveness discontent with your season in life you look at yourself and you don't even some of y'all didn't even want to look at yourself cuz you know who you really are you know what you did this year you know that you're in a relationship that doesn't look like God that nobody knows about God you saying give it to me can I have it can I please heal your family can I please change your trajectory some of you guys were in ministry and you got hurt in ministry and so you closed that chapter down in your life or you've been waning and God saying would you please give it to me I got plans for you ain't even started yet you ain't even seen the purpose that I have for you if you could just get out of your way if you could just I hear God saying if you could just get out of my way I have a plan for you that is bigger than what you can ever imagine but you're gonna have to stand for yourself and tell yourself you can't stop me as I stand here today I'm looking at people that there's endless potential but the key that I've learned is that this Christ walk is never about God's ability it's about our availability and my question to you at the end of 2017 is will you be available for God to remove the parts of you that are stopping you yeah there's character things that he wanted you talked too much and he wants to shut you up in 2017 into 2018 and allow you to speak with wisdom and your words to have wait but this is just the way I am and God's saying you stopping you would you allow me to temper your tongue would you allow me actually to go to the room and heal the insecurities that's there because the reason you talk too much is because you feel like since you were a child nobody heard you and so you won't let anybody talk because you need to be the one that talks so that you can make sure you're understood and God say cannot go to the root of that and heal the insecurities that is there so that you can get out of your way and I can use you in the places that I've called you to but that's gonna take you saying okay God you can do that and look at yourself in the mirror saying you can't stop I am standing here as a living witness that there are books on the inside of me there are things that God has given me and it hasn't been the devil that I stopped it from happening I'm tired of church people either the devil trying and the devil and the days you like it's not the end of me it's the inner me like it's the meat I won't get up and do something it's the with me that won't stop scrolling it's the me that wants to be in everybody's business that keeps me from being who God created to be leader people not this year I've looked at myself and I told myself you can't stop me that's why when I pick up my phone and I look at this sweaty face in front of everybody I tell you you will be everything God has called you to be and you can't stop me somebody shout out you can't stop me if you hear this truth your year changes and you won't blame anybody cuz everybody's wrong well my job if they would just promote me gods over promotion you don't even have the character to walk into that next visit you cussed everybody out on the first day you you don't even you don't even have and God's saying if you if I could perfect you right here if you would stop fighting this and let me make you into who I created you to be he's like there's no limit to what I want to do with you he's saying hey can you get a your own way can you talk to yourself and tell yourself you can't stop can you prophetically prophesy fear can no longer keep me and that's been laying with me all my life I'm scared of failing or I'm scared you need to look fear in the face that has been a part of you and say you can't stop me guilt and shame yeah you did it but it's not who you are you are redeemed you are blood part you were somebody different and you need to look their self in the face and say uh-uh you can't stop me yes you come from poverty but you are not poor anymore you are the king's kid you have a new inheritance God's gonna teach you how to tap into that new wealth as you steward over your what you have right now but you need to look at your sub money it's not an excuse no more you've gotta look at yourself and say you can't stop me I dare you to believe the word of God today that if God is for you who besides you can be against you so what do we do with that Pastor Mike my last point is you have to divorce the default divorce the default you the you that won't get up and pray the you that will be inconsistent in reading your word you got to divorce them cuz cuz that's what I do on my default like there is a default Michael that wants success with no work see I'm out here just butt naked in front of y'all I'm telling all my business and y'all just looking like that's you but you nasty to that there's stuff going on in your life and I'm just trying to be an example because as God starts to bless me this year it won't because of something that's external I'm moving all our validation meters to the inside I'm not comparing with anybody this year see because my default is to compare with you I went through my Instagram two weeks ago and I deleted some of the most amazing pastors in the world I stopped following them not cuz they're great people they're amazing people but I was comparing myself to them and I said if God is for me who can be against me why would I compare myself to somebody been doing this 15 years 20 years 13 years and trying to see am i doing okay I just the unfollow unfollow unfollow god bless you unfollow cuz my validation has to come from the inside that's to come from the one who created me has to come for the one who can take me to where he's called me to be if God before me who I'm challenging you to divorce your default the default youth is up it's not optimistic you're pessimistic the default the default you doesn't think good is gonna happen the default you I don't know what it is the default you is drawn to lust when you're stressed come on the default you whatever your default is some of y'all the default is isolation beginning a year comes stuff ain't going your way we don't see you till me what happened to you you come out with a full beard and braids and when we saw you yet you had a fade last time like what happened what's the default you divorce it and you feel these cycles because they're about to come these cycles that the cycles are about to start trying to creep up you and do the same thing and you're saying no no no no no I know what this is that's insecurity trying to come back I missed that one time but I'm developing in my gift and now I feel like I should stop but no no no you can't stop the you that would take this this seemingly failure and and make it something bigger than it is no I'm becoming right now you can't stop me I'm going back out there I'm gonna do it again yeah the first business failed and the second and the third failure but God's called me to be an entrepreneur and so I'm not sick come on y'all so I'm not about to stop right now I'm only 35 I'm only 55 I'm only 75 I'm only 95 Sarah and Abraham were 100 when the promise came to pass for them what if they stopped before God was finished what if you stopped before God is finished I'm challenging this church today to not look at opposition as the defining marker of what God can do in your life I want you to look at how you're positioned as a child of the Most High God and if God is for you there is no who outside of you that can be against you so when when Ephesians tells me that it's now unto Him Ephesians 3:20 who's able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine do you know how much that is because I asked an imagined a lot and the Bible's telling me that God too able so it's not about his ability he's able to do more than all of that but look where the power is it's according to the power his power that is at work within us what I'm trying to tell you is if you would agree with God this year and get out of your own way and and and check this one out make your personality submit to your purpose one just introverted and I'm showing what God's called you to a big stage tell your personality to shut up like do you understand what I'm saying like like well I just you know I just I don't know like if God's gonna use my intellect and yeah you're gonna have to practice some things you have to actually practice things that are natural for other people but when you get it God can use it do you understand what I'm saying to your personality to sit down be humble and submit to what God wants to do in your purpose and some of you will get here next year and we'll be looking at you and it'll be another year that happened to you but there's others that are hearing this word right now and you're about to happen to 2018 hey that you're you're about to look at your only opposition you know who your only opposition is this whole year you like like nope like there's there's nobody else that can come for me this year cuz God's on my son and if he's for me I mean you're gonna be walking around all the time he's you just come billing Oh like like oh is that--who nope cuz my only my only competition is this you and guess what Michael Alexander Todd the lazy version of you the passive version of you the version of you that doesn't want to do the things that is necessary the version of you that wants to eat donuts at two o'clock in the morning the version of you that keeps a Blue Bell ice cream on deck just in case oh you think this is the this is ministry to me right now the version of you that makes excuses about your education of why you can't do something like do you that won't do what I've already God has already asked you to do you I'm telling me I'm here to serve notice on you you're gonna be uncomfortable all 2018 cuz you can't stop you will not for another moment delay my destiny because of what I don't think I have because my Bible tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and if God be for me who can be against me you can't another day you can't stop and I dare you in your private time your way home at the stoplight in your mirror pull that mug down flip it up tell yourself you I'm I'm telling I'm trying to give you a practical step because the enemy's gonna come and you're gonna feel the opposition but you gotta know God's for you so nobody can be against you I'm gonna pray for you because I see people battling right now with who you are and who God wants you to be somebody I can't let go of those friends and I can't I can't forgive them cuz that's my only that's my only safety net for if they hurt me again then I can go off on them for what they did and God saying forgive them let them go let that go hey believe for your healing again I know you didn't get healed this year but believe believe for it again like according to your faith like let's let's try this thing again let's go because nobody can be against you except you this is your day in 2017 we're gonna respond to all those things with praise we're gonna remember who's on our side we're gonna we're gonna stand here and know that we're the only person that can stop us in this next year and that we're divorcing the default the me that doesn't want to be who got creative you don't get to speak this year because you can't stop me I want to pray for every person father I thank you I thank you for your word that's alive and that sharper than any two-edged sword I'm thanking you Father that you're doing a work inside of every person under the sound of my voice god I believe that you are trying to set us up for the best year of our lives but father god help us get out of the way of what you want to do in us god I thank you that you're working on our character father that you're working on our speech on how we love each other how we love ourselves father God that we're moving all of our validation to the inside father that we're not gonna blame the enemy father but we are now focused on the inner me father that you're gonna do worked so cold on the inside of us God that you're the only one that can get the glory for it cut I'm thanking you right now that all excuses all blame all past hurts all things that happen that father we didn't even have control over could we give them to you at the end of the year father we cast down every weight that we've been carrying that could slow us down and today we come and we ask you to heal us from the inside out God give us the courage to trust you even in the face of opposition god I thank you but today we are making the decision to look ourselves in the mirror and say you can't stop me and it won't be by might or by our own power but it'll be by your spirit and we thank you and we praise you and we honor you that 2018 you're gonna get the most out of us because you are on our side and we are on our side we trust you we believe you and we thank you in Jesus name we agree let's give God some praise right there come on if you know that nothing can stop you why don't you give God a shout of praise right there hallelujah somebody just yelled one more time you can't stop me
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 201,033
Rating: 4.9236026 out of 5
Id: 5aJ40lYWdGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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