Christine Caine Passion New Season November 07, 2017_ There's Something About Mary TBN

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[Music] you know what gods like he uses your past to give somebody else a future God takes all of the broken fragments of your past and he never wastes a hurt he never wastes a hood he is able to use around 50 years old in two weeks a sin presence Luke chapter 1 verse 26 the Bible says in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a town in Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph a descendant of David the Virgin's name was Mary the angel went to her and said greetings you who are highly favored the Lord is with you Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be he says to her fear not fear not do not be afraid because fear is the greatest killer of Destiny fear is what will take you out I love when job prayed against the spirit of fear and reminded us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love paradis Salamone I think it's funny that the angel of the Lord said fear not I mean this is like a thumping huge angel it's not like a little dude playing a harp it's not don't to have that kind of image and you know he's just told her that she's gonna conceive and birth God can you just figure that I mean this is the guy that just like flung all of the galaxies into wherever you know you just kind of fling him and here we are today and and that God was like hello without an epidural pre c-sections anyway so it would be painful it would be painful but he says fear not and you have to get to a place if you're gonna carry God to your generation that you are gonna make what you do know about God greater than what you don't know about the future see a lot of us we freaked out what if Mary could have done that what if what if Joseph leaves me what if my parents abandon me what if I'm killed or ostracized we go what if I go back to school after young and free what if my friends ridicule me because I've decided I've made some strong decisions I've decided I'm gonna follow Jesus and no matter what I've done before from now I'm gonna keep myself for Jesus for now I'm going to live a life of integrity and purity from here on in I'm gonna live a life that my friends may really kill me because it costs to follow Jesus from a business person in this room I'm gonna live a life where I'm not gonna compromise I'm not gonna compromise in my work ethic and what I say and my words are gonna be true and even if it's gonna cost me deals and businesses I'm gonna trust God but if I do it his way and I don't cheat my don't lie and I'm gonna be the soft light of the earth and so when I tweet and when I Instagram and when I blog I'm gonna understand that I'm an ambassador for Christ so I'm not gonna be full of fear and doubt and negativity and I'm not gonna be a someone that's hostile and antagonistic and self-righteous and judgmental but I'm going to be full of love and joy and peace this goes to social media as well love and joy and peace and kindness and gentleness and long-suffering and self-control and some of you at this conference this this thing sometimes you're carrying there was those early months nobody would have known that Mary was carrying God but she did so nobody else understands why suddenly you're acting a little bit different but you're carrying God you're carrying God you're going to leave you differently and then you begin to show and that's when the naysayers begin to ridicule but you have got to stay firm and in the day in the hour in which we live if we don't carry God to our world I don't know who you think is going to it is the commissioning of the church I don't know why we keep blaming politicians for being politicians why we keep blaming bankers for being bankers while we keep laying lawyers for being lawyers why we keep blaming the media for being the media that's what they are we are the church not them we are commissioned to take Jesus to a lost and a broken world that is the whole mandate that we have been given and so she did that what I do love though is that when the angel of the Lord gave her the charge what he asked her to do it was not difficult it was impossible and he should understand that when God calls you to do something it's not difficult because difficult you can do impossible you can't so it doesn't even start to be God until it's impossible sometimes young man this is so hard and foot no that that's just hard typical is just difficult but pregnant virgin impossible pregnant old lady with ovaries dried up no eggs impossible and we need to get into that realm and that's what the Lord's stirring at this conference that realm with God we truly believe that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything we could ever ask or think where we believe that our has not seen how is have not heard nor has it entered into our hearts the things that God has for us we need to get into that impossible realm I remember when we started 8:21 when the Lord called me you never feel ready you never feel like you can do it I was just early 40s I had just popped out my second kid and I'm telling you when you are over 40 and you have popped out a kid you are not looking to start an anti-trafficking organization you want a purple heart and you want to go sit on a Greek island and drink Perrier that's what you want to do I was not looking to start anything and I remember when we hired the consultants and sent them into Thessaloniki and I already told them we're not going to be you know this is this no one is there no one is in that region of the world because it's not easy and Greeks Greece at the time was on the verge of economic collapse was in 2008 since then we personally bankrupted the planet you're welcome but that was back then and then there was no legislation protecting the rights of victims there was you know there was so much corruption which has become evident to the world now the church is so embryonic there are fewer than 10,000 evangelical believers in a nation of 12 million people so that light is so dim that there's not a whole lot of support from the church world and there was just challenge after challenge after challenge and I remember when we sent the consultants in and I had felt like when Moses sent the 12 spies in in numbers 13 that was the word that God had given you're gonna start into Saloniki and I said them here not to tell me if we can start 821 in Thessaloniki but how we were going to do it when Moses sent the 12 spies into the Promised Land in numbers 13 he did not send them in to say is it possible for us to do this because God had already said he was going to be done so if God said it it was already going to happen well I was in the airport in Frankfurt Airport and I was in the lounge and I was going to get the next flight to Thessaloniki I'd flown over from Sydney and Nick called me because he'd been with the consultants and it was three weeks in Greece and they had been going through everything it was the most comprehensive report you could ever see and I remember Nick called me and he said to me Christine are you sitting down and that's always not a good start and then he said to me Christine before you get on this plane to come to Thessaloniki I want you to remember that you are a pastor a Christian pastor now when Nick says that it's always because the default is that I'm a Greek volatile crazy person okay so that was a he was choosing that and he said I've got the document here and it was a 100-page report and that 100-page report essentially said do not start in Greece or Eastern Europe or Europe at all start in Southeast Asia you will and then there is 10 times in this document the phrase it will be impossible it will be impossible to start an anti-trafficking organization in Thessalonica be caught on because of the Mafia and they like to kill people you know that's not it's a bit dangerous it's like they just went through everything and I remember as I'm sitting in the airport at Frankfurt I had my own little numbers 13 experience I stood up and extremely inappropriately loudly you know the Germans are nowhere near as passionate as us Greeks and so I stood up and I yelled into the phone I felt like I was like Caleb in numbers 13 I went Nick you tell them that God told us to start in Thessaloniki and if God said it we are well able to take the land we are well able to be able to go in what church here we are eight and children rescued around the world what is impossible with man is possible with God we've got all things are possible and nothing is impossible with God nothing and only God would have known eight years later the largest humanitarian crisis since world war ii would hit 85 percent of all Syrian refugees eighty-five percent of all of them would be crossing the border 15 minutes from with us where our offices are and by God's grace and because of our credibility we set up eight camps in Greece and we work with UNHCR we work with the Red Cross let me tell you something you know what you can be merry and an angel of the Lord says that the Holy Spirit will overshadow you and God will make possible what is impossible with man you can be a chick that was left unnamed and that's called you to do but all I'm saying to you is impossible is where God starts and miracles are what God does it's the currency of heaven it's the currency of heaven that's where it starts you're watching a special message by the inspiring author and communicator Christine Caine if you would like to receive more powerful teaching like you've just seen get ready God has a divine assignment for you a life that is far greater and more meaningful than you realize in Christine's latest two volumes CD teaching you will learn how to grow into greatness and how to be used by God to do the unimaginable this limited time offer means you can receive two of Christine's most requested messages it's not over and eternal youth and one powerful resource called your destiny now ask for these resources today with your gift of any amount to help share the gospel in every corner of the world by partnering with TBN call this number or visit TBN or RG / destiny now to receive your divine assignment I've never done this in 28 years of ministry and I have never done this not in any public setting but I thought this would tie in some of what the Lord's been showing us because for some of you God's going to awaken some things that he's spoken to you in the past now you who know me know that I am a word girl to the tee and if any word you have ever gotten is contrary to Scripture then it's not a word from God God never contradicts himself and God will never be contrary to Scripture but God does speak today there is no doubt about that God still speaks today and here I've got a fold right or I've been at Hillsong 28 years all of what I'm doing around the world today through a21 preaching teaching all of the different initiatives we've got a birthed in this soil and anchored still to this day in this soil always have been everything that I do and 20 years ago we used to have these nights over those 28 years they were called ministry nights and all these here represent on each different CD there's just packets you know on some of these CDs are eight and nine and ten words and that would be prophetic words and there's people in this room they're part of our Hillsong team that would give those at different nights and 20 years ago of all the words that I've gotten and I'm one of those people that listens to them regularly but one word that I have listened to are probably not exaggerating at all if I say 500 times it would be more the word that has kept me on track for 28 years and worked for 20 years since I got it when everything in me was challenged when everything in me just thought I want to give up when everything in me wanted to walk away when everything in me wanted to disconnect is just being part of life one word Mary said let it be to me according to your word and I'm gonna play it for you and the reason I'm gonna play it is because it's all come to pass so you won't need to take posture brain and stone him you know as a false prophet because it all has come to pass I was youthful I've director and I'm saying this because there's some people in this room and you've had some words and you've put them on the Shelf where you've forgotten them and you feel like either Elizabeth and you're old and barren you think it's over some of you are like Mary you're young and fertile and you don't know how it's going to happen and I'm saying all of this to say how it happens is all the stuff we're talking about and what the very ethos of this conference is to stay connected and to stay planted and to let your roots go deep because all I did was this word 20 years ago have pulled it out and listened to it and listen to it and just stayed on track and and I want you to hear it I'm hoping it's gonna work on let's see let's go sound really weird today still got the hand of God on their life I think everyone knows Chris is a great preacher but as more to her even than their matter of fact you could sometimes different you know that's like a natural talent that you have eloquence and speaking and so on but I believe God wants you just do not just arrest on natural gift the natural ability even though that God is used and will continue to use and become even more powerful other we've gone straight to and expand you and of ministry moving to the gifts of the Spirit reach it into people's lives you know having words of wisdom words of knowledge all of those areas and I believe God want you to step out to a greater degree in the gifts of the Spirit and a power of the Spirit and as you do so oh these guys going to cause you to have that supernatural elephant to your life and ministry and you are continually going to see people saved I want to encourage Christine to grow in God don't allow any any thinking or any attitude or any self come into it and you know limits a little do is limit you but just stay humble and stay close to Jesus and stay so and in like you have always been that's why God's taking you to where you're at now and that's the same thing that's got you from where you've come from to where you are now and is gonna get you from where you are now to where God's called you to go it's exactly that same sweet attitude that's got you this far they're gonna get you that far and as you grow spiritually and ministry wise all of a sudden something tries to pull you there so I'm something but that's my opportunity tries to put it here and this and what you're going to do is not just good thing but right things as you keep on the right course doing right things I believe God's when I open all the doors for you and you're gonna be mildly effective and you're gonna be a woman who impact your generation and you're gonna be an example of the women of your generation and many are going to rise up with the challenge might seem from your life take a whole to carry that man run so take a hold of that challenge to whom much is given much is required and I literally see as you run your life others like in a relay catching a hold of a baton and running with you you know and causing you to be a an example for many especially for women to follow why am I telling you all of this because 20 years ago see now we look at it and go well of course look what's happened and look what God is doing and how God has raised you up and what God's doing with you with women and where you're going with a 21 and your husband who was at the time not even in ministry but in business doing all of that you couldn't have picked that 20 years ago if you had a seen me 20 years ago you wouldn't have picked it but the key in all of that was you know what God let it be to me according to your word stay planted stay committed stay faithful stay loyal the enemy will come and take you off track but if you above all else make a decision that you are going to stay planted that you are going to say God you gave me that word I am NOT disconnecting I'm not going to try to make this happen on my own I will look foolish to the world I am prepared to do whatever it takes to see this come to fruition some of you you need to take some words off the shelf and you need to begin to believe God again you need to believe to see God to activate something in your life again you need to stop thinking it's impossible because you can't see it in the natural some of you have deviated and got off course because you said you know what it looks really ridiculous if I keep trying to do it this way if I keep trying to wait for God and God saying you know what a little pregnant teenage girl she looked really foolish when she said I was carrying God for 20 years I would come to these conferences and it looked ridiculous who would have ever thought that somebody like me from the back of black town that God would raise up to fulfill that word given 20 years ago but let me tell you something no word from God or the Word of God will ever return void God's Word will always always always prevail and just as I head I want to tell you this and I love when Pastor Paul received the offering because he said that the whole thing was around yes I wanted to run a lab because the Bible says look at this in the net Bible this version in verse 38 if these guys will put it on it says of Mary that Mary said yes I think it should be up that Luke chapter 1 verse 38 I'm hoping it comes up it will eventually but what it said is Mary said let it be to me according to thy word she says yes look at this Mary said yes I am a servant of the Lord let this happen to me according to your word some of you you've gotten prophetic words and you want to blog about them tweet about them tell everyone about them you want to do anything but go through the process to see that word come to life and what happens is she conceived but it was still nine months until it was birth I might have got that word twenty years ago it took twenty years for it to come to pass you've got to not ever give up on the promise that God has put on the inside of you no matter how ridiculous and looks but God needs you to say yes God needs you to be prepared to look ridiculous the Bible is full of people from Genesis to Revelation who said yes to God and who were prepared to look foolish when people would have overlooked them people would have pushed them aside people would have said no way it's not possible they hung on to a word and they hang on to the word and he came to pass Noah look foolish building an ark in the desert Moses looked foolish with a little stick and a Red Sea in front of him Sarah looked foolish at the maternity section in target at 90 years old the Israelites looked foolish marching around the walls of Jericho David looked foolish with a little slingshot and Goliath in front of him Esther looked foolish going to a king when she was not called the lepers looked foolish marching into Samaria Caleb looked foolish at 85 choosing not to retire Mary looked foolish as a pregnant virgin the wise men looked foolish following a star Peter looked foolish stepping out of the boat a woman with the issue of blood looked foolish grabbing the hem of His garment Paul and Silas looked foolish worshiping in prison the little boy looked foolish with my blows to fish and 15,000 people at Jesus Christ looked foolish hanging on a cross as people looked at him and said ha that's your Messiah that's the promise that's the king of the Jews he's the one well let me tell you if we have a generation that are willing to wait patiently because faith and patience bring the promise and are willing to look foolish and are willing to defy the logic and are willing to not get disconnected and are willing to not look slick and not look cool and understand commitment in a culture that doesn't understand loyalty in a culture that doesn't understand submission in a culture that doesn't just what would happen if the church did that because let me tell you something because they said yes and we're willing to look foolish this is what happened Noah and his family were saved from the flood Moses saw the Red Sea part Sarah did give birth to Isaac the Israelites saw the walls of Jericho fall David to defeat Goliath Esther stopped the Jewish genocide the lepers saw the Syrian army flee Caleb got hair bran Mary gave birth to Jesus the wise men found the Messiah Peter walked on water the woman with the issue of blood she Paul and Silas got out of prison the little boys lunch fed 5,000 and Jesus Christ Jesus from the dead on the inside Jesus said like this [Music] I love sharing the hope of Jesus with you and the rest of our audience today I want you to know TVN is a vital part of sharing the Gospel message around the world and because it exists I can come into your home right now to share I want to continue the good work of this ministry and I want you to support it too that's why Matt and Lori Crouch asked me to make this special resource available today with your gift of any size to reach the world through faith filled television TV and wants to send you your destiny now as their thank you this is a special blessing because it's two teachings in one I want to express how thankful I am for believers like you who make TBN a light of salvation to millions here's how you can get yours God's not looking for the most gifted richest best-looking people to take his love into the dark corners of the world he's looking for ordinary people that want to see the extraordinary today is the day to seize your destiny and receive your divine assignment Christine Caine and TBN have teamed up to present a limited time resource to our ministry partners this new series can open up your spiritual eyes to a new exciting future her power packed two-part teaching your destiny now can awaken your spirit to new opportunities and a clear future an eternal youth Christine talks about our desire to stay youthful it's not wrong in fact it's from the Lord you are created in the image of an ageless God and the Bible says that he has placed eternity in your heart start seeing yourself as God does ageless and destined for his best there's more and it's not over you'll hear Christine share the keys to a life lived at its fullest you have an assignment now it's time to be filled with the power to accomplish the purposes of God in the here and now give your best to strengthen and expand the reach of TBN for the spread of the gospel and for the glory of God's kingdom your gift means the lost and lonely can see and hear Jesus for the first time so call this number or visit T B&O RG / destiny now to receive the new resource from Christine King let's face it nobody likes to look foolish but maybe we should the Bible is full of examples of people who risked looking a little bit silly and in exchange for their faithfulness experience the supernatural it's just how God rules sometimes he likes surprises I think he delights in blowing our minds every now and then so consider this are you more interested in saving face than saving souls the world is full of lost and lonely people who are stumbling in the dark God wants you to be the light and to carry his presence to them and trust me nothing looks more beautiful than that yesterday [Music] you know I am married to the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet Earth this is my husband Nick everyone hears awesome and he really doesn't love it when I do that the girls are like I do you how do you clap for that okay so we've been married for 20 years and we're just getting started we're still on our honeymoon that's what we are and so I want you to turn with me in your Bibles to the book of 1st Samuel chapter 16 1st Samuel chapter 16 I hope you'll read the Bible because there is nothing nothing that will change your life like the Word of God it is what has totally transformed my life why don't you turn with me to 1st Samuel 16 I'm both Greek and a woman so I only speak three ways hard fast and continuously so good luck you were you won't go to sleep first time you're 16 the Bible says the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for saw since I have rejected him as king over Israel fill your horn with oil and be on your way I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem I have chosen one of his sons to be king but Samuel said how can I go if Saul hears about it he will kill me the Lord said take a heifer with you and say I have come to sacrifice to the Lord invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show you what to do you are to anoint for me the one I indicate Samuel did what the Lord said when he arrived at Bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled when they met him they asked do you come in peace samuel replied yessing peace I have come to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me then he consecrated Jessie and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice when they arrived Samuel saw earlier and thought surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at you can underline that if anyone in the room has got a paper Bible highlight it on your phone the Lord does not look at the things people look at even in 2016 the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart then Jesse called a dad and had him passed in front of Samuel but Samuel said the Lord has not chosen this one either Jesse then had Shama passed by but Samuel said nor as the Lord chosen this one Jesse had seven of his sons passed before Samuel but Samuel said to him the Lord has not chosen these so he asked Jesse these all the sons you have there's still the youngest he King David appears on the pages of Scripture for the very first time it doesn't even have a name he's just the youngest makes me feel pretty good about my past being unnamed David appears in Scripture there's still the youngest Jesse answered he's tending the Sheep samuel said send for him we will not sit down until he arrives so he said for him and had him brought in he was glowing with health and he had a fine appearance and handsome features then the Lord said rise and anoint him this is the one Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David Samuel then went to Rama now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit of the Lord tormented him from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David simultaneously the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul what do you do when you get the anointing and the anointing leaves your leader but God still hasn't put you in position what do you do when you get an anointing as a teenager and the Prophet comes and declares and decrees what your future is going to be because this happens in 1st Samuel 16 and then if we were to go to 2nd Samuel chapter 5 we'll pick it up in verse 2 the Bible says in the past while Saul was king over us you were the one who led Israel in their military campaigns and the Lord said to you you will Shepherd my people Israel and you will become their ruler they're speaking to David when all the elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron the King made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David king over Israel David was thirty years old when he became King and then it was another seven years because became king of Judah at thirty until he became King of the entire northern and southern parts of Israel what happens when you're anointed at seventeen but you're not a point until 37 because we have a generation that thinks the God works in an instant snap and upload world which means I get the anointing today and I've got the position tomorrow but there is a precedent in scripture that says there is always a period of time between anointing and appointing in this case it took 20 years between the moment that David was anointed and the time that David was appointed there was 20 years 20 chapters 20 years in the wilderness dodging Spears because it was in the process of the 20 chapters in the 20 years that David became what he already was David was anointed to be King at 17 but he had to become King and that took 20 years and 20 chapters until he was appointed our problem with our generation is we don't understand the difference between the process of anointing and appointing and we prematurely try to take a position because God has anointed us and if we are going to do what God has called us to do in our generation we've got to understand that there's a difference between anointing and appointing yes God is limitless but God is limited by what he can do through you by your commitment to the preparation process and we need a generation that is committed to the preparation process we have a limitless God that wants to do unbelievable things in our world but we need a generation that will dare to go through the process because we have a generation that understands gift but doesn't understand anointing and a gift does not break the yolks and chains the prophet Isaiah tells us it's the anointing that breaks the yoke a gift will entertain a gift will fill a room a gift will dazzle but a gift means people will come in in bondage and they will walk out in bondage you can be less gifted but more anointed and anointing breaks the yokes and chains and bondages that bind up a generation we need anointed ministers not just gifted ministers but you know how anointing comes through crushing anointing comes in anonymity anointing comes in obscurity anointing comes when you're unwanted when you're uninvited when you're unemployed it when you're unrecognized when you're overlooked anointing only comes in the wilderness and we have a generation that's trying to bypass the wilderness therefore they're bypassing anointing and therefore when they step onto a platform there's only gift but no anointing so people come bound and leave but if we're going to see a generation set free we need a generation committed to being anointed and going through the process of anointing you know the generation keep asking me a phone the generation that we've grown up in we wear this snap and upload generation aren't we like I wanted to do a little test so I took a little photo and I just put it up because it was amazing I wanted the world to see what was going on and so it was so powerful what what God was doing and so you know how long ago thirty five minutes ago I put up a picture and from all over the world thirty five minutes later people are I've got look here from Colorado and from I'm just looking at my friends that have commented from from Nevada and all over the world from Australia from all over the world people have commented on what's happening in this room tonight right now they're watching me on television all over the world because that's what we used to we used to real-time it's happening and and we snap and we uploaded over 40 million uploads a day on Instagram hundreds of millions a day on Facebook because that's what we do snap and upload that's all you know but the truth is I grew up in an era when there was no snap and upload that's not how you got a picture like I take a picture and immediately I see I see the image and I mean we are the generation of hashtag selfie we love ourself is and we go out and we make sure we go outside and we take our spontaneous most natural self we make sure we've got it at the right angle and then we put it through the right filter but it's my natural just just hashtag blessed just spontaneous me you know and what it is praise the Lord just humble me anyway hashtag so but we're so used to it cuz that's what we've grown up him you're watching Christine Caine acclaimed author preacher and founder of a21 campaign when there's too much distraction when you're carrying too much baggage and when there's not enough of you to go around you can restart today you can understand what it means to live faith to faith grace to grace and glory to glory now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose it's all in Christine's 4-part CD message moving past your past ask for it today with your gift of any amount to share the love of Jesus with others by partnering with TBN simply call this number or visit T BN o RG slash moving past I grew up at a time when what we thought was radical was was this thing right here this this Polaroid thing man this is like next-level I'm trying to okay this was this was the next level like when we took a picture Oh what's happening let's see if this works I'm hope everyone say cheese where's my people because they're telling me this should be got all these lights on and apparently it's supposed to be working on pressing buttons I'm pressing everything this one is a upgraded version of the one that I had back in the dark ages but we would take this picture oh there it is here it comes my I mean now back in my day in the church they thought this was a sign of the end times this is like this is it we've gone over to the dark side here it comes and then this would come out and then you would hold this thing and you would have to wait for three whole minutes like my daughter's take a picture in there like mom and like four seconds later this they're like so bored they just throw it I know it's sort of like a bit retro now and it's all become trendy again but basically you go I can't believe it mum by this time I've taken ten pictures and I've done my little filters and I've got it all worked out and it's awesome but you know we thought this was revival we thought it was a Holy Ghost revival the second look at this they just keep coming this was like that the Second Coming was eminent and then we had to wait for three four five minutes we'd walk around like this have you got an image have you got an image it was awesome well I'm even older than that we thought that was revival they get to wait three minutes well I grew up in a time many of you wouldn't know this because this is in the era of the dinosaurs this thing is called film oh yeah Scott film old-school so back in my day you would actually have to physically exert yourself and you would have to put this in an ancient archaic you find it in archaeological sites in ancient Egypt called like an old school camera and you would attach this and you will put it in the camera and then you would take photos and then when you finished you would take the roll of film out you'd put it in this little container here then you'd put it in another little um another envelope and then you take it down to Walgreens and and then you would begin to pray and fast because the fact is you didn't know what you took a picture of you didn't know for worked out you were praying and fasting that two weeks later when you are going to go and pick up your fro love film and all the photos then at least one in the 24 might have worked out and it wasn't your foot you didn't know you had to wait and you know what happened between the time you dropped it off at Walgreens and the time you had to go and pick it up this then went to a photo lab and then they would take this roll of film and they would put it in this thing called a dark room everyone say dark room and they would shut the door on the dark room and they would take this roll of film and they would put it through nine chemical processes now the trick was you could never open the door to the dark room because if you opened the door to the dark room and the film had not yet been developed you would expose the film and you would ruin the image so you had to allow in the dark room through the chemical processes the image to be formed on the film so that then when you took when it was fully developed you could then open the door and you could bring the pictures out and the external light would not destroy the image because the image was developed in the darkroom so what we have is a generation that does not want to go into the darkroom in order for God to develop his image on the inside of us God says I'm taking you in and I'm gonna put you through a series of processes where I am going to Forge my image in you now if you want to open that door prematurely and get the spotlight on you if the light that is on you is greater than the light that is within you it will destroy you and so God says I want my image to be forged on the inside of you and what we have is a whole lot of us we just want to quickly put our image out there and see how many likes we get and Jesus says would it be ok if you go into the darkroom and become more like me than worry about who likes you would you become more like me and allow my image to be forged on the inside of you would you do that so God says yes I'm limitless but I'm limited by how much like me you will allow yourself to become because our world needs the reflection of the glory of God our world needs an anointed generation not just a gifted generation if we are going to see yokes and chains and bondages break in this generation then we need the anointing of God and the anointing happens in anonymity the anointing happens in obscurity the anointing happens when you begin to crucify your flesh and you don't do what all your other friends are doing at your age not because you're a nerd because you're a Christian but because you're holy and you want to become like Jesus and you begin to say I want the anointing of God see I'm hungry for a generation that hungers after the anointing a generation that hungers after holiness and purity because what we want to do is our world is desperate our world is sick our world is dark cool Christianity is not going to cut it anointed servants of Christ are what are gonna see this world turned around and used for the glory of God in our generation and so what happens here I want you to know that destiny and purpose dreams they're not an instant snap and upload I'm believing and I prayed for every one of you in this room that the Holy Spirit is gonna speak to you and drop destiny and dreams on the inside of you but here's the deal it's not about my dream my plan my purpose God's looking for people that are willing to subordinate that to his dream his plan his purpose it's not about self actualization that's not what Christianity is about it's about becoming like Christ and fulfilling the purposes of God in our generation you know what the Bible says of David it says David when God was looking to and fro he God was looking for a man after his own heart not David wasn't a man after the heart of God he had God's own heart and God's looking for a generation of young people that have got God's own heart not just the heart after God but his own heart God's looking for his own heart in people so I'm 50 as I stand before you today and we look at the global work of a21 the global work of preparing women and what the Lord's doing in and through our lives and ministries but it's taken 28 years I want you to know there are no overnight successes see because you and I live in a celebrity culture where we are just looking to be the one that's chosen like the voice like the greatest this and the greatest there and Jesus goes I don't do it that way I'm looking for a generation that's willing to go into the dark room a generation that's willing to serve in anonymity and obscurity and allow the image of Christ to be forged on the inside of them see what happens is we see things in real time but God develops character over time and we confuse that we just think this is all happening in real time but God says no no no it's over time and what happens is we don't need a powerless church we need a church full of power but power comes with anointing and anointing comes from crushing and crushing happens in the wilderness and what happens is we don't need a cool church we need an anointed church jesus said the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because he has anointed me coolness will not take you to your destiny anointing will and we need a generation willing to crucify our flesh take up our cross and follow Jesus and be like him that's what we need a generation that is willing to die to self that's what we need otherwise we are kidding ourselves and we're playing games and I'm telling you I'm only looking at my second half and I'm not looking for popularity what am I still doing youth conferences on a Thursday night because I'm looking I don't know where you are but you're out there there's hungry young people hungry young for you I just need one of you one of you that says I'm willing to to die to self for the course of the gospel I'm willing to be holy as he is holy I'm willing to be consecrated set apart separated I'm willing God Here I am send me I was that kid in this crowd Here I am Lord send me so here we go the Prophet comes the King's time is over Saul is finished and so the Lord sends the Prophet to the house of Jesse I want you to understand this it's God that chooses we don't get to choose what we want to do he says I have chosen for myself a king and when Jesse parades his sons in front of the Prophet the Prophet says the Lord has not so you need us to understand this in the body of Christ I don't wake up and go well I think I will do this and I want to be this and everyone wants to be the celebrity superstar and nobody wants to do the serving but you see we don't get to pick God has chosen and he knows best and he has wired us up for what he has chosen us to do and some of you are exhausted and frustrated because you're trying to be what you were never created to be you're trying to be who you were never created to be rather than being who God has called you to be everybody is called to something but we're not all called to do everything and the fact of the matter is in our celebrity culture we think there's only one or two things we want to be because we think it's all about the platform and so we get obsessed with I've got to build my platform I think how dangerous is that how about you build the kingdom and let God build whatever platform he wants to build how about you just build the kingdom we all want to move forward yet none of us likes change we want to grow but the process seems to take forever yet God loves us too much to leave us as we are millions feel that way right now they feel stuck desperate and they want to let go of their past and be free from their past most importantly they need Jesus that is where TBN comes in TBN was built for one reason to broadcast the good news to hurting hearts everywhere I'm so grateful this network exists and I know you're grateful for the programming that's always on to lift you up and encourage you please support TBN with me today your gift of any size to reach millions through television matters to the Lost and TBN wants to send you my series moving past your past as a thank you here's how you can get your copy you see others taking big steps you think the world is running ahead of you but God knows you are right where he wants you to be you're perfectly positioned to grow and become a world-changing agent of his love but what's holding you back if your past keeps stepping into your present now is the time to call a new teaching series called moving past your past by Christine Kane is now available to partners of TVN this electrifying teaching reverses the lie spoken by the world a lie that paralyzes the lost and believers alike that your past defines you Christine shares four messages to help you unlock a new vision for today while delivering hope for every day to come now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose see God in a new way and let go of everything holding you back in moving past your past Christine shows you how to walk away from the disappointments failures and wounds of yesterday she'll inspire you to restart begin each day free from the last and use your spiritual confidence to focus on what Jesus is doing in the present CBN needs your support to take the gospel message around the world and you're giving ensures broadcasts like this one keep declaring the good news your gift makes a difference so call this number or visit TBN dot o RG / moving past to receive moving past your past on CD by Christine game [Music] God develops us over
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 5,134
Rating: 4.8350515 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine take a risk, christine caine passion, christine caine undaunted, christine caine interview, christine caine story, christine caine vapor, christine caine shame, christine caine hillsong conference, christine caine prayer, christine caine exposed, christine caine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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