Outpouring | Jim Raley

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you good morning how we are you ready to praise the Lord [Music] enjoy it [Music] loaded [Music] I will see I wish i [Music] No [Music] no shadow shame [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he has such fun mama I will raise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you excited to be in the house of the Lord is solid oh he's so good [Music] he's carving on the clouds kings and kingdoms will [Music] every chain will break its broken hearts to Claire signatures [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] the same [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can stop you can stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was slain for the sins his m'lud brakes still works [Music] [Applause] they're Denis who can stop we can stop [Music] we can stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] and what can make me whole [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me what [Music] [Music] and what can make me [Music] Oh precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it makes me more [Applause] Delfy [Music] [Music] she's nothing nothing nothing nothing gee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you feel what I feel in this room right now somebody say that's Jesus [Music] let's take a moment right here and just welcome him here in this room heart defense our mighty God Prince of Peace everlasting father he's in the room today so the Lord we just take a moment and we just welcome you here thank you for your presence thank you for your business [Music] you go before I know that you've even gone to win my war you come back with the head of my enemy you come back you call it my victory all I did was face [Music] all I did was worship all I did was bad Oh all I did was stays [Music] me so much better [Music] rady [Applause] that's you go before I know that you've even gone my war your love becomes my girl [Music] leads me from the door [Music] Oh so much [Applause] [Music] so I'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] save me [Music] [Music] you left you really do to your [Music] [Applause] [Music] you me [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Music] much better [Music] [Music] so much better [Music] all I did was praise I did a wise worship and it was bad [Music] and we'll stay still is that your testimony [Music] you're my defense No [Music] [Applause] you make such beautiful out of the ashes makes us feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even the things that look like chaos [Music] even the things I've made a mess on my lap are even the things and look like ashes you make beautiful things in Zephaniah sense then you rejoice over us with same give rejoice over us with singing when's the last time you let the Lord sing a song sings songs of deliverance songs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] doing oppressing [Music] it's a new day it's a new [Music] more knees [Music] benign [Music] he's lighting up with a new day [Music] in the press you are making [Music] in the soil now sir man you are breaking [Music] in the crash [Music] in the press [Music] not sir [Music] so why [Music] trust [Music] they [Music] Oh Oh [Music] in the fresh humor me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are breaking [Music] you want Oh [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] and the key [Music] [Music] Oh Jesus [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus [Music] so make me enough make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be I came here with nothing but all you have given me Jesus when I thought I lost me you know where I mean you really try me too your blood you picked up all my pieces with me back to get them you are you know what there's fresh oil flowing in this room step up your hands and say when I called out in-laws she come on an anima harsh I picked up all my pieces [Music] come on somebody raise your hands and say [Music] in this room [Music] yo he's doin it the closer she when I go is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all shout killed see [Music] - still [Music] the seas will roar [Music] I sing for joy No my visa - see shower [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] listen I've been traveling so much I've been preaching on the oil and I can't get out of it David said in Psalms 90 to 10 I shall be anointed with fresh oil and I'm telling you the devil didn't want you to know it but there's fresh oil being poured out all over this room I'm telling you you're walking out of here with fresh soil you're walking out to do with the fresh good morning you're walking out of here with fresh glory you're walking out of here in fresh perspective you're walking out of here with a fresh fire get out of here with fresh get your attention [Music] [Applause] there's got one that is greater than your problem-solving somebody raise your hands before the Lord and say I receive it somebody say I was seeded I have for me today I receive come on let's pray they come home father's your name we can't sir at this room at your name at their broken hearts are healed this morning in this place at your name on a clear the depression has to bow before the feet of Jesus Christ anxiety has to go and where he has to flee this place Lord God we declare your name demons tremble at your name he is run this morning we declare Liberty life and freedom healing and wholeness over your people in this place today for you are here in the midst of us and we receive your healing hallelujah somebody right now begin to claim what you need for your life this morning began to thank God we are healing thank God for your breakthrough thank God thank God thank God all the road - heard the Holy Spirit say to me that your banks giving is gonna unlock your next season you being thankful right now is about to unlock the new thing that God is to a garnish I understand there I will look around because everything you said that's what yesterday man situation seasons david was anointed and in the book of 1st Samuel chapter 15 or 16 of son he had a head of oil poured over him that's as much as nine quarts he had to stand there while that oil was poured over him and periodically he went through his life pastor Don and he would receive fresh in order it was just one time that he was anointed but he was a teenager but periodically in his life God would do something fresh I want to tell you there's something fresh about to happen in your life God is doing something fresh in this room you know I'm listening I'm gonna be sensitive to the Holy Spirit but I want to tell you something David had a promise and it was 15 years in the process 15 years from the prom from the proclamation the anointing until he was crowned king of Judah now watch this he wasn't crowned king of everything yet just Judah in all of Israel didn't come until 22 years later but in 15 years he was crowned king of Judah you know what you two means Judah means praise even though he didn't have it all he praised God for the part that he had God said I gotta make you I gotta make you King of praise before I make you king of anything else God said I gotta make you King my praise you got place people right where you are you never praise me for what I've already done maybe you ain't tired at all giving you a lot - instead of waiting Oh Bart that you got right now appraiser I want you to Oh son you out here get up here comes down my dear bah-bah-bah so divine appointment it all changes this is the day that the Pasteur's broken this is the date that the past has gone it's over you're never looking back and doc said I am releasing a new a new claim doc said you ain't got it all but you got part of it but you got part of it the holy Styx hours are pray for you today I'm declaring everything dogs gonna happen I'm declaring that that's skeptical that sceptical spirit that is come in the mighty name of [Music] [Music] raising you want never heard of you I should wholly for back again this is co-chair don't you coming over you woman of God and No the Lord praise get the lord of rays shuttle another come on Bessie don't help me the Lord said get ready I'm about to work the Lord said can ready I'm about to move said get ready I'm about to accepted the Lord said get ready get ready everything he promised you it's going to come to pass the Lord said get ready as you approach 2020 she shouted tor is moving raise your hands and say the light said you've been in a process the Lord said everything that you've been through and every step that you took has prepared you for the next season in your life the Lord said there's more in you there's more than your wife and there's more future in you than you ever dreamed or imagined the Lord said you're going back and doing it all first again the hungry again they're getting annoyed and again the Lord said it's a fresh thing this is the leader at Calvary Christian Academy and I release it in order to go over you man of God from the top of your head to the soles of your feet Sam but scheana what what's your name Michael Michael you better get ready son the Lord said that he's gonna give you the desires of your heart the Lord said he sees you hunger the Lord said he sees you first the Lord said he sees your desperation the ones that is indeed a sort of performance for you the Lord said it's pursuit hallelujah doughnut said you don't praise the besieged you praise because you're in pursuit the works and he sees that yet after him the Lord says he sees me to pursuing him noise describe question is you can say more occupation today [Music] I don't somebody raise your hand [Music] raise your hands I got obey the Lord the spear the Lord said you have climbed higher you've exceeded your own expectations this thing's you dreamed about and the Lord took you into it but the Lord said the journey has taught you and the journey has made you and the Lord said there is new glory coming in your life its glory over your family its glory over your children it's go over your grandchildren because it starts at the hand even when you went through trouble you stay connected even when you into trouble you didn't get better even when you went to summer you stayed in the glory and the Lord said he's gonna reward you for you at least user the past [Music] with a higher the Lord say he hadn't brought you through what he's brought you through to lead you where you are right now the Lord said he didn't bring you through that trial didn't bring you through that trouble he didn't bring you through that rejection he didn't bring you through that pain to lead you where you are right now but I fear the Lord say there is something fresh coming on you woman of God come on you ain't even got to touch them the Holy Ghost is all over this house there is something you can say whatever it is that is [Music] dancer yes yes yes yes [Music] Halas moving in this Oh me [Music] raise your hands the Lord said things are getting ready to tighten up in your life things are getting ready to come together things are getting ready to come together in such a way that you don't know it's gone the Lord said get ready you about to see some things that's gonna force you to say didn't he do it people around you are gonna see it and they go no it's God people around you are gonna see it happen and they're gonna know it's God you got people coming in Turkey them in a mighty way I'm telling you the devil schemes are broken the devil's plans are broken the Devils agenda is broken man of God this is a new date for you just like David got fresh soil that sums 9 into 10 the Lord said this day there is fresh soil being poured over you there's a fresh anointing and it falls like rain on you now it falls you are directed by the Holy Ghost no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper you are a man of God you are a man of purpose you are a man teachers secured your pastures your present is faithfully picked up all the pieces let me tell you what I see breaking right now I see addiction breaking right now if you're struggling with any kind of addiction if you're addicted to prescription drugs if you're addicted the things that are negative in your life get up here right now nicotine addiction is being broken alcoholism is being broken y'all don't play I got a pain right now let's go play with it let's let God move hallelujah I'm told you took a dick she can break that pieces right now in this house hallelujah hallelujah I need you to shout like this your daughter coming up here I need you to shout like it's your son coming up I need you to shout like it's your husband I need you to share liking somebody you love you gotta fire we reintroduced to your purpose trouble charge everybody to know depression [Music] something there somewhere in this line right here I heard the Holy Spirit say that your your behavior your addiction has clouded you and you have forgotten who you are because it's become all about the addiction but the Lord said today he's about to reintroduce you to who he called you to be he's about to reacquaint you with who you are who you've been being it's not who you are where you've been being see the enemy you've been masquerading that the enemy have since you've been wearing a mask that saves you we're gonna break that addiction off for you and in the next season you're gonna come the woman God's called you to be you're gonna be the mother God called you to be you're gonna be the sister God called you to be you're gonna be the man God called you to be addiction does not have the final word addiction does not have the final word that's gonna break in the name of Jesus somebody raise your hands and see it pastor John you are you [Music] [Music] me you are [Applause] [Music] so [Music] the Lord there's some of you in here and the devil said I'm gonna have your marriage the devil said I'm gonna have your marriage but we got to break the hold of the enemy on marriages right now Holly if you're here in the ether like the enemy has been trying to work overtime in your marriage I want you to get rough in here right now God's about to change the pain God's about the ship to think come on won't he do it Church I said won't he do it I said won't he do it Maya bring up a pill the stage I'm on the stage I need somebody to sound like it your marriage see that my higher higher shade I'm not high stop right here stay right there go around the Lord said to stop but you don't throw you don't get anyplace but I need to stop with this lady right here coming on the higher yeah raise your hands you've been desperate had yeah yeah yeah there's been desperation in your season the Lord said stop her right here because she's desperate the Lord but you know what your your desperation is what's gonna lead you to your breakthrough hallelujah I'll release victory over your life I release peace over your life I release the power of God over your life I take authority over every attack against your mind over feelings of unworthiness over feelings that you're not enough I release over you woman of God a brand new season I speak the power of God over your marriage I speak the glory of God over your life in the fire shut up where's master donut cutter ah bah-bah-bah coming up your pastor don't [Music] shada by hotseat I'm calling a new love story right here you hear me I said I call a new love story I call a new season I call new strength a new power you can't have to smell it's devil you can't bring stress in it you can't bring drama in it you ain't allowed you're not even allowed devil who do you think you are you are not even allowed you are not there's a woman of God saying right now you're not even allowed this America agents were allowed we wait the attack of the enemy and we release the supernatural somebody better give God praise it's gonna study together it's gonna work the fussing stops the arguing stops in the name of Jesus you learn to love one another are the name of Jesus restoration to these marriages devil you won't have them you can't have our children you can't have our mates you can touch them in the name of Jesus at least power is your life and over your children the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is Punda by higher on my house shot I got his Lula shame a mime about Cassie Todd and I are yeah yeah yeah yes in the name of Jesus least these that passes all understanding in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus don't even let the enemy try your marriage will be stronger your family will be stronger you're gonna be a strong man there's gonna be a strong woman you're gonna have a peaceful house you're gonna have a joyful house victorious I call it for somebody that receives it see my mama see that behind see a mouse or a mama Connie come stand right here Connie come stand right here mama mama mama hallelujah raise your hands as you come Connie the Lord said you've been walking with him for a long long time and the Lord said you don't know it but your walk is influenced in your family you you said then you said oh that's just grandma that's just that's just grandmother that no no the Lord said you'll walk is influence in your family I declare every one of your children every one of your grandchildren I speak in faith that they will bow their knee to Jesus Christ they will call them king of kings and Lord of lords Connie the prayers that you pray have not been a wasted the times that you have cried out for your family have not been wasted and I tell the devil he can't have not one of your children I tell the devil he can't have not one of your grandchildren and Connie I'll release over you the glory of the Lord the devil tried to take you out a couple years ago the devil tried to take you out because he knew that you were interceding for your family and he was trying to get you out the way but dog said I kept you because I'm hearing your voice and I'm hearing your prayer so Connie there is fresh oil coming on you and Ronnie right now in the but Jesus somebody better get the come up in your pastor Don what's God say until you come home I feel like the Lord is moving across this room I feel like the Lord is moving across this room I saw a lady baby way back there in the back I think you have a name tag or something on the right here you can forget that you come up here shine under somebody clap like I called you out and you're about to get a breakthrough come on somebody clap like I called you out of you about to break somebody shout hallelujah right here let me tell Clark something let me tell kimberly-clark that the head of the Lord is on you let me know kimberly-clark that you are not invisible let me tell Kimberly Clark that God knows where you are thanks good seasons in your life where you felt invincible there's good seasons in your life where you wonder if the Lord even knew your story and even knew where you were but God said I told you from way back in the back to let you know Kimberly Clark I'll put a nametag on you so this way the doctor call you by your name you cannot know where you are [Music] [Music] come stand right here bringing right here the blue you darling that's right hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there's an inner healing taking place right now the Lord said he's wrapping you up the Lord said he's healing you from the inside out the Lord said you needed this moment you the Lord said that let all but let that let the past go the Lord said there's an inner healing hey I release over you peace like you've never felt in your life maybe you've never been in anything like this but I'll release peace from the top of your head come on that's the peace of God coming on you right now somebody give the Lord brains give the Lord a praise Shannon and out of my sweetie I'm gonna most of us eat about Sheena my love my hi-c no no no no moco shut up my my mind Shayna nothing in my house sign speak pain oh I speak peace over this pain right now I speak peace over this pain right now peace be still peace be still coming a lady right here in the red come on honey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you said yourself should I shut up yeah yeah I'm gonna pray for you right now in the name of Jesus I can't so every assignment over those that you love and I speak breakthrough in the mighty name of the Lord because the Lord knows where you are he knows where those you love he is at high speed power and deliverance in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus whole lotta boys the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus all I've ever bow scientist all in the room in the name of cheese called rabbi ma ma si di mine in the name of Jesus Oh my mom I must see my Nana mine in the name of Jesus Shah Baba ba soul in the name of Jesus all of us SeaTac you're gonna see what you've been playing for in the name of Jesus you're gonna receive every single word in the name of Jesus please right now [Music] [Applause] raise your hands I see goddamn luck enjoy in your life joy in your life you don't need to go back anymore and who disappointed you alright things that let you down the Lord said you gonna have joy in your life joy unspeakable and full of glory every attack of the enemy breaks off for you I declare you and your children shout serve the Lord with gladness in the name of Jesus sure my mom acedia my mama mind call you know destined only honey that's the glory ice feeling that's power that's great too come on somebody give them a great big shout I want you to come on [Music] what's your name [Music] Emily's walked in with pastors gotta have a ran for my life the reason that I the Lord said him religion Rebbe God is directing your steps give anymore you're not gonna walk by yourself anymore Emily God is long time ago is about to release a fresh anointing from the top of your head to the soles of your feet I declare that Emily we in this room that has felt like they and what's going on there is supernatural direction coming the releasing even warmer the car woman of power over the destiny threshold somebody run engine shouting there Jesus I hear the Lord say that there are some people in here that you have had a spirit of fear so much so that it's almost vexed your heart you don't even know why you're dealing with this fear but God is about to break fear off for you right now if you'll come stand right here in the front get right here right now see you see you pastor don't that's gonna use you to break this Shannon I don't know mama hi oh that's gonna use you you're gonna pray you gonna take this my pastor dome and you're gonna break every spirit of fear cuz you had it like nobody almost ever seen in my life we're breaking the spirit of fear you go to bed you get up you got that the enemy is invading your mind with anxiety and with worry but fear is about to break in the name of cheese fear about the future what's your name let me tell you something you've been worried about the future you've been worried about what's to come you better raise your hands right now cuz I'm breaking that fear off for you I'm breaking that name so you've been worried about what other people think you've been bound up by folks but the Lord said he's about to break that influence off of your life and you're gonna become everything God called you to be the Lord says he put his hand on you and you forgot about it but now he's reminded you that he knows where you are and it's been fear because he's been separated from him and the way that you need to be connected to him but the Lord said now the children close to him all that fear is about to lift off of your life and I'm telling you we'll be a woman of God you will be a virtuous woman you will walk in power you will walk in a party people around you will see you serving God and I release the anointing the Lord said you got a race and you're gonna run it and I look great fear of [Music] how did you know that here can't stay here I want you to raise your heads and I want you to declare that say fear can't stay here now I won't get it give gone and shout past your doors gonna and is written the Word of God says the God has not given us a spirit of fear but love and power and a sound like every demonic stronghold of fear of the old life of a of mind in the name of Jesus there Jesus Christ we were given perfect love fear filling every place really go [Music] [Music] [Music] behind we break every spirit of fear we break every spirit of fear we break every spirit of fear let me tell you what I heard the Lord say I'm gonna be obedient to the Lord there are a few of you in this room and you've had some big things that you've been trusting God to do and as of yet they have not materialized but you feel like you heard the Lord and you heard his voice making you a promise and that promise has not manifested wave at me if that's you the promise may be delayed but it's not denied and it may feel delayed to you but it's right on time to God just hard to come over here son how long have you been wanting a baby eight years okay so eight years you've been trying figures we've been trying and you've been trying everything shut everything including medical procedures at the highest level at the absolute highest level okay do you have your promise I'm holding I wanted Kimber to get on that right there there there's a promise right here I'm telling you that there's some people right now there's a promise you ain't God but I'm telling you in the next season you go hold it in your hands you're gonna see it you're gonna see it so the Lord said if you were to pray and the Lord said you were to pray from the perspective of somebody that held on until you got it that you're praying with a different perspective you're not playing now from a place of please please please you're playing from a place that didn't he do it didn't he do it didn't he do it and God said he's about to use your story to break the doubt off of this house Scott's about to use your story to break the doubt if God can do it for you if we if I can hang your wife a stone that was an illustrated message that was a point of faith and this place was packed and Sammy said give it to somebody who's holding out for a miracle that was Augustine November 30th 2017 I handed that to you unbeknownst to you God had already moved because this baby's birthday was the very day that I handed you that stone so you're y'all ain't listening to when I handed her that stone that baby was born that day she didn't get the baby for about a year and two months but you were trying to buy you went in faith to buy some little bitty that baby infant shoes and you couldn't find any so but you wanted to get some adidas so you bought a nice and I'll take whatever you got so you got a size five and when that baby came to you what size was she satisfied I'm trying to call you that why you're asking today [Music] so father in the name of Jesus I declare and decree to see from your perspective that you love us and that's your care for us and that's already ahead even now even now our faith rises to know that you have for us and you are making a way that is promising is yes and amen and we grab is the very thing it is shorter fine this savage thank you for your faithfulness thank you for your love thank you name of Jesus I played off down worried and we say dime takeda and thine is the power forever and and ever somebody shout his dream [Music] for tonight raise your hands for today from Houston you thought you were coming just to play the hobo but the lark dart the does jello come on see I had to say it wrong again but you you thought you were coming just to play the cello today but the Lord said you came for a divine appointment he told me to remind you that his hand is on you the Lord told me to remind you that when you play shackles fall off the Lord told me to remind you that when you pray trouble lifts out of the room that the influence of the devil is broken the Lord said he's moving in your ministry but the Lord wants you to know that he's about to move in a personal way for you there's some things that you've been dreaming of there's some things you've been desiring and you haven't had it yet and you said Lord win and the Lord said just like he was faithful to Josh Gordon a key already he's gonna be faithful to you the Lord said oh yeah yeah yeah the Lord said you worshipped him before you ever had an oboe there are yeah yeah yeah the Lord said you worship them before you ever had a cello come on the Lord said you praise it before you ever had an instrument the Lord said now get ready he's about to reward you he's about to supernaturally move in your life set your head is amazing because it is done your body Oh dangerous you're gonna be dangerous to the enemy you're gonna be dangerous to the works of the enemy man of God I call glory and oil over you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet I'm the spirit realm every step you take they're gonna be gushing hallelujah there's gonna be anointing all in you through you and round about you your best days are in front of you I release the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] Lawson you know where [Music] the Lord said now I'll make myself real to everybody you just stuff up your hands as oil coming over you right now all in the Bible represents the Holy Spirit and the anointing the Lord said heaven is opening and while your worship in oil is about to come all over this house I said I said it's about to come all over this house oh no no no no my mama sing attach to each other there comes you reintroduce me to [Music] we'll now make up do [Music] all I did was come over Asia and he's a known in your right now you're gonna see your children break it through yes you are [Music] your son is gonna be delivered in the name of Jesus there's a promotion coming on your job in the name of Jesus that financial listen you don't early to just worship come on let him move [Music] now just let her play it while she plays there's oil that's gonna fall across this fruit display a play under the Lord honey [Music] [Applause] [Music] couple just raise your hands and receive see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all I did was great all IQs worse [Music] I didn't try to be good enough he's not asking you to perform singing against [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] last time come on [Music] was to lift your hearts to the Lord right now to sleep [Music] when peace [Music] whatever my god come or whatever my love [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so Lord we pray now is before we pray that you would seal everything that you did in this moment we declare that people walk out of here with fresh oil and new anointing we thank you Lord for divine supernatural interruptions but I began to fill it in first service but it was a time but thank you in this moment you brought the people who needed this time with you and God we're not gonna wait the praise so we're gonna praise you right now for all you did somebody give Him praise come on come on come on I'm will everybody just sit down this for a moment nobody leave if you leave we actually have somebody in the sound booth and they have water balloons and they'll throw them at you coming if you're grateful to be a part of a church where God actually moves where I begin to get stirred up and almost everybody has stayed and what a few people slipped out but that just shows the magnitude of the hunger that constantly exists and lives in this church that's a testimony of the people that come here that desire the Lord to move how I'm gonna be come to Calvary because you know there's gonna be moments like this where the Lord can have his way guys there's some amazing things that have happened in this ministry dome what's gonna preach today pastor dome but don't don't fret she's in Palm Coast tonight if I want to go she'll be preaching there maybe but she talked about love honor and positivity that's our core values that's who we are and you know we started out here 22 years ago this month pastor Don I celebrate 22 years as pastor they're calibrated and I think the glory is greater than it's ever been our reach is larger than it's ever been in fact tomorrow morning I'm riding over to Orlando we have a campus there maybe you're not there but if you walked in you would think you were there because it's just like this campus or a little bit smaller level we have six to seven hundred people that meet there now every single Sunday you only give God a shout for that we've had a pretty big miracle this this week we had an opportunity to get one of the best but I think to be one of the best pieces of land in all of Orlando right down from the interstate but then a few hundred feet of exit ramps it's right there it I can't tell you the whole story because we're in the process but they've accepted our offer and it looks like it's gonna come to us give the Lord a shout [Applause] [Music] we're taking Orlando we're taking ormond we're taking palm coasts we're taking this mother beach man who wears next that's all I'm looking for but we're gonna have a vision meeting and we'll take care of some business I believe it's September the 8th and it's gonna be at 6 o'clock in the chapel and if you're a member and you'd like to be a part of that just hear what we're doing you can show up at the chapel and I'm gonna talk about it but how many of you are excited for Orlando and Calvary and Orlando one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the continual generosity of this house through the years you have been faithful and there are tithers in this room who have consistently given to God there's promises in the Bible that can be claimed by people people who give the Bible said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness see the Lord said I'm not gonna fit on your list he said I won't be somewhere in your process he said I'm preeminent he said I came before anything so you can't put me forth on your list you gotta put me first he said them if you seek me first everything else Matthew 6:33 will be added unto you our Western mindset says I'm gonna get everything I want and then I'm gonna add God to it but the truth is if you do that you'll never see everything you really want and everything you really need but if you'll put God first so if you've not been tithing that's your 10% throne I have tithes all 30 years of our marriage we're about to celebrate 31 years Wow 31 years we've never once talked divorce not even once murder several murder several times come on but never divorce but we have put God first so today if you're not at either I would challenge you to join pastor Don and I because you can't take someone somewhere you've never been this is what we live the second thing is this today God moved today God moved in this town Pastor Don I want us to sew in at this moment I want us to give no less than a hundred dollars not because we're trying to by God sometimes we give in gratitude and so so a pastor I don't have a hundred dollars well reach over in your neighbor's purse maybe she's got it come on no you know I'm kidding but I want you to so today if you can't give a hundred dollars the above your time just give us closer as you can't give something maybe it's not your week to time I just challenge you to do it I didn't fight you to do it because I'm telling you when you learn to give from a place of gratefulness you open God's hand in your life to be able to provide for you I challenge you today to just say Lord this offering even though I know you'll bless me when I give I'm not giving seeking a blessing I'm giving because I've already been blessed how many of you would admit you've already been blessed so you can give you can give online can you bring up the giving screen in the bad guys you can give on your phone you can give on your phone oh there you go look at them you can text to give and maybe the Lord will speak to you to give beyond $100 maybe you don't have that to give maybe you don't have anything to get guess well we still love you with all our hearts amen you're still precious to us but just give today you by livestream some of you haven't taken your eyes off of that screen why don't you give up today and I believe that the Lord will bless you I want everybody take your offerings and hold on before the Lord right now come on pastor Troy why don't you come up here and pray over people as they give you know I came here 22 years ago he came with me I've actually I've actually known him longer and I've known pastor dome but I like her better come on y'all but I like pastor Troy a lot pastor Troy has faithfully served us in our finances and had been our executive pastor he's been more than money but we could have done what we've done without his guidance in our life how many you think God for pastor Troy we kind of him and Anderson and their team they oversee the direction that our finances go and we are very integral about the things that we do and I don't always do this Troy I just felt like you were needed to pray a blessing over people today is there faithful to give because you and I have been on this journey time and time again we've seen God use these people to turn people's lives around through their giving you were sitting over there Lord said just bring pastor Troy out let him pray blessings over these precious people as they give and our friends by livestream y'all was giving on my phone when he called me but I'm gonna tell you God's gonna bless you so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pray over you and as I do I want you to believe this belief cuz this thing is real this building all we got Orlando it proves that it's real and it happens in this church but it also happens in your own life amen so father right now God we pray blessings over your people God as they give many of them are sacrificing God they're going out there and they're saying god I trust you God I believe you and got what we go out there in faith we've done it many times on my personal level my wife and I on a church level we've gone out many times in faith and said God word a desperate situation we need you God it's not that we want you we need you because there are many people right now in that situation good as they give today and as people give their time to get good I pray God that you begin to move in situations in their life they've been wondering if you're even there show them God that you're there and you're moving God and you will get all the glory of every situation and we thank you for it in Jesus name a man so just sit tight there a minute now I'll release you I'm telling you thank you for coming and playing your tuba hallelujah how much did you enjoy the cello this morning wasn't that amazing thank you for that everybody else just remain seated for a moment I'm gonna I'm gonna release you you know I've been I think thirsty night I was in Pensacola Friday night Panama City last night Tallahassee but I sure am glad I got back to Ormond Beach today how many of you are glad you made it to church today listen this Friday night we're gonna have Nathan Morris in the house we start his conference we're having Perry stone Nathan Morris and little Jim Raley come on somebody and Michael Coolio knows how do you believe it's gonna be a weekend of miracles pastor Anderson what time is this our Friday night six o'clock listen everybody else is coming from around the world they're paying to get in but you are free because your last name is Calvary come on so I want you to be a part of that last thing you know pastor Doran I always go to the back we try to meet the new people in our church if you will forgive us I actually have a celebration of life service that I have to go do and then I'm headed to Orlando to preach tonight so let me tell you Pastor josh is gonna be back there he's my spiritual son and he is a wonderful person my staff is gonna be back there and if you're brand-new we want to meet you can everybody stand across the room hallelujah can we just lift our hands and give God all the glory for everything that he did today father we raise our hands before you and we just tell you thank you thank you for the way you touched our lives thank you for a way that you were so real to us today there were many in this room God they've never in one time in their life ever been in a service just like this but Lord you showed them that you were real and God I pray that every prophetic word that came forth everything that was spoken into the atmosphere in faith and in the prophetic realm that none of it would fall to the ground that every part of it would manifest now we're careful to give your name all the glory now if you love the Lord and you're thankful 1 2 3 lift a shout before the Lord Pastor John y'all sing us out of here come on pastor Dunn god bless you everybody we love you [Music]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 9,753
Rating: 4.845304 out of 5
Id: xIrPJaoxUWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 58sec (6598 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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