Reviewing the rift mod menu @Chillz_Vr_Real #gorillatag #vr #viral

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hi guys and in today's video I'm going to be showcasing the rift mod menu yeah before I start to get the mod menu watch this video by this guy if you get banned using any one of these mods I'm sorry but it's not my fault and you can't say to gorilla tag anything about this video so first I'm going to start with customization options so we have other mode configurations you can adjust your SP your fly speed your movement speed your slide control strength and your arm size uh uh sorry you can change the theme of the body menu I like I I like keeping it on default trigger Pages um I think I don't quite know what that does button sound to CH change you can click that to change the sound that the buttons make change PC menu background I don't know what that does either change Arrow type I like these uh but I keep it sorry I keep it on this one so next I'm going to show the room settings so we have disconnect which disconnects you from the room you're in join random room which joins you into a random public Lobby I think uh Lobby hop so if you don't like the lobby you're in it automatically uh puts you into a new Lobby less laggy servers does exactly what it says it brings you into a server that's less laggy bypass bad name I don't know what that means and auto join private which joins you into a private code I don't know if it there can be people in there or not next I'm going to show you the safety mods so we have um anti report Forest um that means when you get reported it doesn't do anything game object anti- report I don't know what that means fake Oculus menu which when you click it you can click uh grip to go into your Oculus menu or to make it look like you're in your Oculus menu which is pretty cool anti mod Checker I don't know what that means anti mod Checker nuke I don't know what that means an anti moderator which means when a moderator joins you automatically leave disable network triggers I don't know what that means disable finger movement when you click your buttons your fingers don't move so that's pretty cool disable AFK kick which means you don't get kicked from the game when you're AFK disable quit box I don't know what that means and disable AC crck which I don't know what it means sorry and then there's movement mods this is going to take a while so normal platforms normal platforms you as you'd expect they're quite smooth uh drop platforms pretty much the same thing I don't really know the difference right now I can't see a difference key keyboard movement which doesn't work right now uh speed boost pretty good be be oh my God what's the wait okay sorry guys I'll be right back I'm back where were we okay so we have speed boost which is just nor normal speed boost in the configuration you can adjust how strong it is is um slide control so mountains you can control your slide fly RG um how does this work I don't quite know sorry I don't quite know how that works oh my God this could take a while velocity fly I don't quite know how that works slingshot yourself so this oh my God why do I keep activating that I oh yeah so you hold these and you you hold your grips and you sling show new slingshot really far that's cool jetpack monkey you hold your triggers and you go in the direction of your thumbs is what I found uh this is quite cool it's quite hard to control though car monkey um I don't think it's working up and down don't think this thing works either a lot of these don't work no clip no clip does not work some of these mods don't work I'm sorry guys but um yeah play Bas movement I don't know oh yeah that means when it looks like you're walking around in your play Space C4 doesn't work checkpoint checkpoint work I don't know oh I'll be right back okay I'm back again uh so well we've done that okay so um teleport [Music] gun I'll be right back again okay I'm back for like the fourth time now um so zero so I'm not I know what that these are fine this is cool reverse gravity you just do that uh turn off bro zero gravity no my menu there we go okay and you fall back down um low gravity oh my God what's happening oh that's high gravity zero gravity low gravity is just really low gravity quite obvious um turn these [Music] off okay guys I'm back for the fourth time and I'm not doing movement while again that is so weird Okay play mods before I do these I'm going to put my camera there so you guys can see it cuz these are really weird so Ghost Monkey this this if I click uh this button I'm not actually in my character right now um I can show you that in first person look at this so it's B uh Ghost Monkey look at that that is weird and I'm banned so that so there's going to be no one else in my Lobby see that that's weird that's really weird anyway um oh my God how do I get that back okay um oh my God what am I doing okay uh we're back oh my God sorry guys okay we're back um in invisible monkey that's just byebye that's cool SP monkey I like this one this is cool I like it for videos oh how I turn off delayed rig so when you move it's really delayed and it's really cool long arms I already have long arm so these don't do much uh grab rig okay take five I'm back we're going to do this one more time or no not one more time but until it works so player mods so now we're going to do faster turn speed um I know what that means but I'm not going to test it right now flick tagger that just means you flick tag easier flick jump you flick jump easier hands and head that's cool I find this looks pretty funny um head and hands I don't quite know what this means oh wa that's weird Okay fish arms this one's pretty cool you have to make your arms inverted for them to look normal and this is what my arms look like when they're normal um freeze arms that's your arms are frozen I think your fro Frozen you're not frozen but your arms are that's cool spin head head spins that's cool size changer um uh that's what buttons it oh what buttons are they oh yeah that's cool make I can go big and small go tiny can you even see me hello I don't think you can see me oh wait you can hi I'm here hello okay um let's go back to normal gool big monkey oh my God I'm I I am a very big monkey ah there we go uh small monkey um hello big mod menu hi I'm small monkey all right oh my God oh my God where do I this is hard sorry there we go fake AFK position that fake [Music] AFK uh fake left dead controller fake left fake left de fake Left Right does the same thing loud hand tops when you hit the ground it's louder quiet same thing but quieter no hand tap cool down which means the sound happens exactly when you hit the ground and that's it for these ones now we're going to do visual mods visual mods I think these are really cool so charms I don't quite know what this does traces that traces are the players are bad though hand traces I don't quite know what this means beacons I don't know box Escape I don't know what that means um let's go back um I like red crumb snake I don't know what these means get changer draw mode I don't know time changer but this one's cool I can change the time of day for YouTube videos this is what I use for YouTube videos a lot actually cuz I'm always recording during daytime and usually I just use this so that's really cool activate rain starts raining where is the rain there we go low quality low quality floor and then moove trees which means I can can get a tree here um my god get and I can just go right through it I find that cool anyway that's that's it for for the mod menu oh sorry entity mods request bug ownership um don't know what that means request bats request check for entity ownership entty Escape grab bug grab bug get the dog the bug grab bat B the bat uh grab B don't know what that means grab bug gun bug gun I like this one uh oh oh that's weird um you have all of you have so many I'm not going to go through all of them uh sorry let me go back um overpowered mods there's a lot of overpowered mods there's self AA I don't know what that means set Master Tag Ura um tag gun experimental you can shoot people and tags them Tagle an oyal grab glider grab all gliders grab all um SP every glider float gliders respawn gliders Matt Matt or acid or acid self which is in the basement map for acid make red win actually no the thing in the basement that's gone now make red win means make me win cuz I'm red well actually no it means in the beach you make the red team win and there's also blue plus plus one red score for Beach plus one blue score and reset game in beach so they're pretty cool um I don't know how to spell the how to pronounce that this first person camera which is what I can use with yeezy's camera mod right now um I find that pretty cool that I can use that in a mod menu um unlock competitive Q which unlocks competitive accept to I don't know what that means grab all info I don't know what that means either launch City rocket which is really cool and I'm going to show you that right now let me speed up going there [Music] um I just disappear oh oh wait look the rocket the rocket it's launching oh my God oh my God that's so cool that's really cool guys um let's go back to Forest to complete this mod oh let's continue um restart game which restarts your game which I'm not going to use obviously quit game which just quits which I'm not going to use again and then they join Discord server but I don't have Discord so it doesn't matter and yeah this disconnect from the lobby and that's it thank thank you guys so much for watching Remember to watch this guy's video from this guy on my on his channel that's it for today bye
Channel: MrRedMonke
Views: 424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Agz6tz8axEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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