Tower Defense X Admin Trolling... | ROBLOX

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is this what the majority of my game does is just stand here what are you guys even doing you have roox is in game no the tag I'm joh Roblox right there okay I'm just going to hide among this crowd I got to hide in the crowd of AFK people oh no oh my God they're all fall me I can reset reset I bought myself time oh my God wait I want do the Star Command really fast oh get here to do c please start I think that works yes yes I Jed him oh my God yes I did it y I did it I Jed them all yes I did it oh my God I'm so damn Pro I wonder if we can win uh Christmas mode by myself with this Tower there we go I won the game yeah all right I drain my out as you can see when I talk I don't have I'm dve Roblox next so I'm in disguise I had this account since I was 12 years old I don't remember adding this dance what the hell who doing endless me I'm rank two may I join yes two out of four we have two out of four under M where are you I see you doing unless two out of four I have a Powers so we can win why the hell is our character like that why is there two thick legs no you don't yes I do zip it Happy Meal you know I can let you k can't get you uh damn my brain just died from trying to read that all right cool Sager yes you ain't got X okay I just said I a you ain't got to X in no plush Admiral you guys want to do any of this okay unique join us we have we have four out of four don't yes he's level two I'm level admin AR join me I promise you I'm not lying are those FES or birds are oh those are crows arra AR M AR the group says all XD just join me bro just join bro it's not going to cost you much if I'm fake you can just leave I don't think bro is mod bro said bro okay AR and plush follow me I spell that so poorly oh my God AR we need we we we need AR we we need artl okay God this okay I need to really update this so play don't deal with this this sucks I I I now learn how bad this is okay there we go we have AR on no that plush nuclear G me no ar ar yo who got in yes yes yes yes easy reach oh no no P nuclear ke me again oh I know he he's in uh someone uh someone Dr uh dropped out all right uh Arch just uh left us all right I'm going with plush nuclear gaming okay I have a bunch of am Powers but I don't know which one to do um I'm going do play all because that's kind of funny oh I forgot do this y I got a bunch of Raiders oh I want to see how far we oh my God I got more than 50 Towers no yeah look how many Rangers I got whoa so you were saying nice try dude is he is he saying I'm not admin are you saying I'm not admin what x oh my god dude thanks how x boy D bro you cannot cheat like this this is oh to be fair does it does does look like hacks I'll put things in speed three uh oh I can't put things in speed three I'll just give a bunch of ways okay I don't know if we actually kill all that um I actually got a micro bit here let me uh yeah we just micro I don't know if this mini Ranger is actually going to do much maybe he is I got a micro I got actually micro for one come on R your grenades come on rer grenades that's all I got come on come on oh my God we actually did that you know Rangers actually isn't a bad tire when you use Aden like this huh oh I forgot I just upgrade the rest yes that's what I do I'm just going to upgrade everything yes that's what I'll do there we go casual $2 million all I got to get a bunch of lmg so that uh we cannot die to spawn stuff do you guys have DJ place it here what are you doing no I said over here oh he bought the to BT skin thanks for buying the to skin though I just going to skip me a few ways oh wait PL Doctor Is In oh I may have skipped too much oh uh I might pose an issue oh I forgot pour my out I goes to PL doctor we beat him easily why is he placing these rail guns like this reach the other side H we are losing yeah these guys are booking it I'll call in a few ac130s there we go we have the h130 and it's going to help out a lot there we go two of them in a row about out way hey guys see you don't lag out there's so much going on I need speci 413 dude there is so much going I don't that this guy is even moving plus just now even moving I think we crash plus yeah we probably crash hey hey you guys see this hey you guys see this oh uhoh oh God we're going to call it a we're going to call it FN a this guy's like here PL hasn't moved at all PL hasn't moved at all dude he's just stay completely s we we have cr his PC oh my God complete chaos dude complete CH okay we need a few more ac130s and a few more a10s uh even making three but I don't think it should be much of an issue uh BL is still not responding dude call it support call it support we're need ground support now call there away oh God we're going to die H4 30430 spam there spam that SP that oh God oh God come on come on go R dogs are going to do R dog come on come on red dogs die die die okay all right RoR down now it's just P how many Ace oh my God we have so many Ace in 130s where is plush plush is still not lost connection though plush is still not lost yo MK2 is down MK I see is still alive though but look at his heal just getting complete didn't even go to his rage mode thingy oh my God we made the other guy leave dude we made that Wing guy quit before plush plush is still connection are you alive oh wait he joined back yeah I forgot I uh I put I put that in the game all my Rangers are completely kill I will lag down and kill look at him sliding look at him slighty all right the only one to make it alive is Calamity and anti- Golem but uh I'm going to stop spawning cuz I want him to respond it this oh wait dude we got Movement we have contact yes he's moving movement he's alive he's alive all I for put on Goliath yeah I don't think ranger is actually going to do much at this point guys place out the fence my Rangers are doing it they they're barely doing damage I'm barely doing damage and I bumped the hell out of Ranger no uh I'll call on 10 my a 10 where are you at there we go there's A1 there's a 10 they will Target the uh strongest boss in G oh my God that's a lot of stuff uh lives lives lives lives lives lives lives lives just going to uh Auto Clear just give me a bunch of lives yeah there we go uh let's go to like the billion number we can take it yo he's alive he's back alive plush plush is alive yay he did it die oh those RAB oh my God those ravages are shredding through my Rangers no that's it I am cooked we are cooked for the Rangers that they are useless I can't do anything the faith lies within you plus nuclear gaming yeah uh his realter cannot detect stealth do something we are dying losing men left and right spr it up back it up what are we going to do oh I forgot we have 2.6 billion up well 2.5 but yeah we need more HP I think oh my God is that the one and only and only in TI of his X stealth multiplier x with 20% boost of speed and full on Shield we're going to die oh my God I forgot it does that I forgot it does that hey guys we are cooked even though he has all these rail Gunners it's just n oh my God look at all the stuff we are losing oh my God that is so much HP but it doesn't matter we still have two billion health no my re he just step out of one ra he lost I lost an entire bon in the front plus Back It Up This Is War this guy's saying more Health as we haven't even lost a billion Health yet dude we are fine oh my God we're actually taking now wait is that a billion this is 19 million Health only yeah no this just m we going to die we can take it we can take it no we can't oh my God is that anti 200% speed boost we are going to die do something take chat is this real more HP quick no I think we tank that yeah know we're going to tank that yeah just a casual 5 million Health oh yeah dude Spar oh my God we lost so that was a huge Chu of help that was a huge Chun of he dude yeah I forgot these guys have light dude we might kill that damn our issue is that we have all of our defense in the back well everything spawns in the in front over there ooh I forgot I put in stealth play Guardians in here oo that's not look good wait you tell me this dude barely hit the like button what the hell I'm Banning you for my game hey you guys want to see something funny yes yeah on Wave 100 uh all the eradicators come oh my God mkiv is about to do the ultimate Chris Brown smack down attack with his Ary oh my wait he only Target that much wow dude what an know nice combo we got specters rolling in we have a lot of stuff I think plush is going to lag out again yeah plush is probably not going to survive that long here oh wait dude we died to the spawns whoa look at all the stuff I won oh wow easy are you for how does this guy not know I'm Ming yes
Views: 449,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S6DpMS9G-Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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