Throwing Giant Spheres in Teardown..

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Hello everybody welcome back we are taking a dive into tear down to see what the community has been up to the solid sphere Summoner is the mod we will be starting with today created by Genesis allowing us to summon a metal ball of various sizes trust me it's cooler than it sounds I swear to God here we are on our handy dandy Minecraft chunk look at that sphere created it is destructible that's pretty cool oh throw the balls into the if I hold it down does it become more powerful what the heck the screen's shaking all right praise for impact you got to be kidding me what was that how did that do more damage that it was slower that time it did more damage oh we have a huge options menu here as well screen shake when charging allow summon if colliding yeah always summon that thing oh my God there's so many different types you can have a different colored sphere red sphere has red particle effects I see ah very nice ah this is what I was looking for the entire time we can increase the size right now it's 12 voxal greater than 30 will lag all right we'll see about that I'll be the judge of that he wasn't lying about the lag I don't know why I didn't believe him at first it even lags when you look around this tree cannot survive this I refuse to believe it all right let's try the smallest possible voxel one literally one that's not a ball that that's a cube my bro all right Steve you asked for it stay right there I'm charging up my one voxal attack yeah you got to be kidding me all right Steve you've pushed my hand too far I'm going maximum size I think the game's going to crash wait a minute the game didn't crash yet oh my God the perfect 100 voxel sphere it's so detailed myter Compu hates this this is what it looks like from the inside this is so weird get me out of this thing every chunk I take out of it my FPS goes up drastically that's crazy bye sphere you've served me well yeah keeping the sphere around like 10 that's that's probably best case scenario in my opinion all right here we go ah this is the thing I was missing the mass multiplier multip that thing by a billion oh yeah there we go all right now we're doing Max charge Steve say your prayers you're going to need it where you're going oh I'm sorry I think I may have made the ball slightly too heavy I got to go after it where did the ball go I'm going to find it oh my God it got through the stone too no way where did this ball just go did it roll off the map the ball lost somewhere within the Chunk we don't know exactly where it went oh wait the never increase the ball Mass oh no that one perfectly still I think Genesis did a really good job on this mod it's fun to throw the super massive balls can I get a strike nice you can just walk into stuff I didn't even realize you don't even need to Sho to shoot it you just walk around destroy stuff with it oh yeah yeah pardon me pardon me how do I get out of here dude another really cool thing that dropped recently is the Roblox Doors mod for tear down hopefully recreating as close as they possibly can to The Doors game mode reach the door 100 but be careful something bad can happens I'll be the judge of that oh my God it's so rainy outside turn down the Rainy Ms I can't see welcome to Roblox every everybody where's all the gravity are they supposed to be other players are we supposed to be role playing gameplay I'm on a real Roblox server right now don't be fooled this is real I'm actually not sure where to go here but we're going to we're going to figure it out can't go that way I already look that way you can't go that way these guys have like little sayings what are you looking is he supposed to be saying what are you looking at man shut up man I'm going to turn your face all yellow stop looking at me y'all are weird you being weird bro don't make me shoot this sphere at you don't make me ah look what you BBE do all right it's time to go through my first door all right I found something boys it's technology get out of my way these guys are trapping me this is really like a live Roblox game I'm ready to begin my journey into the unknown a not you again how did I get stuck with this freaking guy what are you doing dude there's nothing wrong with me stop holding that next to me I didn't do anything wrong I swear I didn't sin I didn't you're making me uncomfortable let me out of here someone let me out of all right we're good hello anyone home I found this key here if I am not mistaken that's the key to this lock okay yay floor one achieved just got to get through a 1,000 or 100 or so doors I should be fine there's nothing bad that's going to happen to me give me that key that's mine watch this I think I'm doing pretty good so far what is that ignore that we don't need to pay attention to that I will not be tricked by this trickery you're not going to scare me game okay maybe you will I'm so good I'm so good right now that I'm chilling that was easy give me a real challenge please is anyone here I think I'm winning I think I'm getting very close I'm just so talented I'm I'm probably at room 99 right now this is definitely room 100 come on I got to speed run this let's go what was that what is that sound I have nothing to do with that oh oh God no no I'm getting chased by something just don't stop I'll be all right I feel like I'm approaching the ending oh God what's falling on me what the heck is that why can't I get through this door get out of here the FPS is just getting worse the farther that I go you got to delete stuff too you know you can't just keep adding endlessly you failed the last thing I would like to highlight today is the vehicle player model which allows you to see yourself finally in third person in all glory when you are driving such a vehicle I'm actually really curious to see if this works with my mine cart oh my God it does look it that's me I'm in there this is the mine cart that I made a while ago okay it looks like the vehicle position isn't 100% correct all right that's not my fault I didn't know that they would add this in the future if I did I maybe I would have fixed it let's see about the big mine cart this is cool though oh my legs are sticking out the bottom I think it's safe to say this basically works on anything anything that you can get in and drive we have unlocked the invisible boatmobile and tear down achievement collected the really cool thing about this is if you go to the mod and click on options in the mod menu load the ragd doll viewer map to see what your 3d ragd Doll will look like I see it organizes every ragd doll that I have wow I have a lot probably way too many I think the easiest way to change your appearance is hitting F1 by default and then you can actually just search through different people yeah yeah yeah show me all the goods I want to be businessman and you can also favorite them set random ragd doll yeah let's just get random that's so sweet and now if I go into my car as you can see I am the man that has been selected this is a normal vehicle don't be alarmed this is actually so sweet I feel like a lot of people are actually going to like this with that I would like to thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next video thanks thank you and good night [Music]
Channel: Bandi
Views: 105,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BandiRue, Bandi, teardown, teardown sphere, teardown sphere mod, teardown solid sphere, teardown doors mod, teardown roblox doors, teardown player model, teardown multiplayer, teardown gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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