How to get mods on the shrek update NO DISCORD

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mods mods are a really really fun way to like play the game and uh of course once you get banned it's not really fun anymore so I'm going to show you guys this bark mod menu so then you guys won't get banned uh I've been asked a million times while I'm live streaming on Twitch how do you get the bark mod so in this video I'm going to be showcasing the bark mod um and uh yeah I'm going to be showcasing the mod and how to download it and I'm with my friend uh Kirby right now for the two player mods so yeah um I'm going to show you guys normal mods and then the uh the two player mods so anyway let's just get straight into it first mod we have is the airplane uh what's cool about the bark mod is once you click it you now have a description on what it tells you to do if you want to change the settings there's a settings button right here you just click this to find the mod that you want and do all that uh so we have airplane do a that do a like T pose and point your thumbs down like this to like decide which direction you want to go so like this so up so I have it up down and then you go down so yeah uh that's airplane fly pretty much the same thing just with joysticks the uh right joystick makes you go up and down on the y- AIS and the left joystick makes you go um x and z on the yeah that access uh platforms it's pretty self-explanatory but what I really really love about the bark mod is that you have clouds it's one of the best designs I know of because all of them are just blocks with RGB um so yeah clouds are pretty cool uh yeah uh Rockets uh you hold down the grip and you have a rocket and you just decide where it goes yeah all that uh Bubble Hit where you want to go what did you just say what did you just say so the bubble basically you just hit where you want to go uh grappling hooks you grab these and then you hit the trigger and then you're literally Spiderman hold on hold on hold on give me a rock monkey actually no never mind I'm trying to do something hold [Music] on um nail gun it's the left thing you hold down the the trigger and then you let go then you get these nails basically it's like rock climbing you grab onto these nails so yeah it's pretty cool no no no no so yeah th those are nails uh speed boost you can control speed boost with the settings but yeah it's just a speed boost and when you turn it to 10 it's actually a pretty insane one uh wall run basically the real life version of a spider monkey uh go on any surface and you will now stick to that surface unless you push really hard then you will do that uh you can go upside down go like this and yeah you basically just stick to the surface so that's cool um gravity you can control the amount of gravity you have in settings but right now I have zero gravity pretty self-explanatory you can control gravity no slip let me go on mountains to show you guys this no slip basically you can walk on slippery things but when you don't touch anything you still slip so guys I'm not modding it's literally just skill guys guys it's just skill so yeah that's some no slip all righty now now I have slippery hands literally the exact opposite whatever You Touch Is Now slippery so yeah uh zipline hold down the right trigger and then let go there's now a zip line that appears so you now have a zip line zip line down it pretty self-explanatory um no Collide it automatically turns on a fly uh you can now like non- collide with walls you can go through walls all that stuff um automatically turns on fly I like turning on platforms and then disabling fly because I don't really like fly because I have dcon drift so instead you can have platforms and you'll just fall through everything so that's a extremely cool one no Collide is off and once you turn off no Collide it teleports you back to where you were I personally don't like that potions blue [Music] potion makes you tinier red potion vice versa makes you bigger so yeah uh checkpoint I think is really really cool click your left trigger to summon a checkpoint run away from it right trigger is to go back to that checkpoint a pearl it's literally just like a little ender pearl guys this is not edited this is the sound what happens when you teleport that is literally the sound that is literally not edited in at all you can see for yourself bye by downloading this mod man okay now this this uh is when the two-player mods come in so you can help me out here uh this is the boxing mod basically uh when someone punches you you go flying it's just the punch mod so yeah hold on quickly quickly go in the mountains go in the mountains and uh tell your friends to do this you can also control the punch strength people have in the settings so if if you tell your friend wait wait wait wait try get through wait if you tell your friends to hold your hands just straight up uh something fun you can do is you can turn on sh my butthole what you can use that and then you can just drop down and you'll go fly so that's a really cool one wait I don't have plat on all right here you can punch me now stop hitting my booty cheeks what the heck so you can punch me now if you want okay uh next mod is also a two-player mod it is telekinesis uh tell your friend the point at your head to like just point like this so point at my head with with your thumb [Music] out this if you want to try one more time try try it again oh there you go you had it you had it there we go so yeah you could tell your friends to point at you and then that work that that happens then they can control you will be there forever all right I'm just kidding all right uh next mod we have is x-ray basically uh so Kirby go on hide somewhere I can still see him through the map I can see him going into clouds right now all right Kirby you can come back down you can just watch him all right you can come back down now you can come back down now you can come back down now all right so yeah that's x-ray teleport basically make a triangle with your hands and then you'll teleport to wherever you're looking at through that triangle so yeah that's teleport next is piggy back tell your friends to give you a thumbs up so Kirby quickly give me a thumbs up stop touching me so quickly give me a thumbs up like this and then you can grip and then you are now on their back so like if you look in the miror you can now see me on his back so that's piggyback uh next is fireflies you can hold this down and you'll see a firefly and it will go and circle around the other player and last but not least Kirby I will be right back I'll I'll be right back okay Kirby I'll be right back okay my headset will probably die oh all right see you then all right don't leave we could just play you can video it later hang on I I'm literally I'll I'll literally be 5 seconds and the last one is join a BK code once you click on this it will join a BK code just like that and you are now joining our spark code so uh yes that is an unbannable code you cannot get banned in that code because it's a bar code all right I'm back what do you want I'm back and uh yeah that is all of the bark mod menu I also have yeezy's camera mod I will also tell you how to get the yeezy's camera mod uh and the computer Plus+ utila all of that working stuff so it's going to be a quickly long video where are you hold up let me quickly find him thanks to my trusty bark mod I can find him he's somewhere over there so if [Applause] we [Music] hold up all right guys this is going to be the first half of this video uh now um so yeah this is the first half of this video I'm going to switch to the computer to show you guys how to download the mods really really really what what what's this it's hot oh uh so uh yes super super cool gamer transition let's go okay you guys once you are on your PC or laptop um so you do have to have Gorilla tag on your computer uh I'm not sure if it has to be steam VR or not but I use steam VR it does cost money I'm so sorry but this is the only way so basically uh once you do that go into the browser and you are going to click the first link in the description and it's going to pop up with monkey mod manager 2.3 latest um you're just going to download this and and once you've downloaded it go to your downloads and then click on it right here which I've downloaded it a long time ago so yeah um it's probably going to say uh it can't find it just um click on gorilla tag and click open uh it will pop up with this so what you're going to click is belet X utila and then click on computer Plus+ and that and uh that should be it do not download this spark uh once you do that click install and update and yeah then you can just get rid of this for now you can close this window uh yeah then you are going to go down to the description and click the second link into the description and it will pop up with Kyle scientist right here and download the bark mod menu uh once you've done that uh go into your files uh you're going to have it in downloads uh click on on this go to your gorilla tag go into Belin X click on plugins and what you're going to do is when you have um your uh bark mod you're just going to drag it in here so as you can see right here I have my BK mod and yes I'm going to show you a few more things uh that you guys need to download if you want okay uh after you do these two go back to GitHub um and search up you're just going to search up which I'm probably going to have that in the description but I'm not sure um you're going to click on that you're going to click on latest and you're going to download this yizzy cam mod v2d L and do the exact same thing you did with um with the bark or yeah the bark mod you're just going to go to the downloads grab it and drag it in here so it looks like this um um so once you have all this stuff you should be good uh once you open up gorilla tag you should have all these things uh if not um and if you guys have any questions um comment down below what um you guys think is easier or if you guys have any questions and I will make an extra video on that also if you are a twitch or YouTube Gorilla taag shamer um I will teach you on how to get the um the stream the yeah the stream thing the stream OSD thing so then you guys can see the code um if you guys aren't streamers uh thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you guys in the next one all right streamers if you are still here go to your browser and click the link in the description which I'm just going to pop up right here uh I'm pretty sure yeah here it is um you're going to click the link in the description and it will pop up right here uh it it's called small changes by shiny gorilla uh you're just going to click on stream overlays and do the exact same thing with the bark and the easy camera mod just pop it in there and there you now have it so uh yeah hopefully this uh video worked out for you guys and it really helped so thank you guys so much for watching and if uh if you guys have any questions leave it in the comments below and we'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Views: 198,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kqcuj6NTsfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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