REVIEW: Everything Wrong With A 5.0 Coyote Engine

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everything wrong with the 4.9 i6?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chikendagr8 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rares1244 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right everything wrong with a coyote 5-liter whether it's a boss or an f-150 engine um we got a little bit experience with them uh this is a boss 302 that was swapped into a 05 mustang that we picked up i got it running sounds great um there really isn't a pile wrong with it just just a few things one it's really really big two um none of the parts are ambidextric so left cylinder head is the left right is the right not like the ls we like really getting complicated swaps like the mercedes and the led where things have to go on backwards um but there's no point just talking about it if you remember the silverado video we picked up an f155 liter and um there's definitely something wrong with that one so we're gonna head over to scott at north town who's got more experience about the coyotes than i do so we're gonna tear that one down with scott go over why he thinks it's a great engine and why he thinks they're better than ls i'm going to argue him on some points and i'm going to agree with some points let's get into it here we go [Music] all right so just in case you guys were wondering what was going on we bought the mustang because it had a brand new coyote boss 302 in it but they couldn't get it running so we're gonna put the holley system on the mustang get it running beat the crap out of the car for a while then pull the engine out put it in the bronco in the meantime this one came up super cheap and this is a 2013 f-150 so this is kind of the least desirable uh coyote engine because first gen lowest horsepower they had a few small issues this one seized that's an issue oh no fram still in business even after the internet loves to hate that filter was not on very tight i suspect somebody had that off the only thing it really shares is the the block the heads are completely different it's got sodium filled valves different cam shafts the crankshaft is the same but the journals are hardened a different way and are balanced different with the different pistons and connecting rods it doesn't have oil squirters the coyote does it doesn't have this cool intake either that increases the torque no drops torque increases horsepower one of the two um anyway let's pull the pan off see what we find here we go so lots of filings in the oil lots and lots of filings [Music] [Laughter] that's funny that's pretty crazy look at that so it's not just cummins that do it ford five liter does it as well bolt came loose perfectly not damaged at all tip of it bent a little bit as was coming down the cat would have bent it over but um yeah both came out never had it before in my life now i've had two in the last two months crazy okay so again not gonna lie i'm kind of green to the coyotes and the ford gas engines other than my hatred for the 5'4 but it's got here what did it do make you tons of money that's what it did but these are actually really good engines and we thought that rather than me just spouting off stuff we'd talk to scott who does all our engine building on the channel and uh get your opinion on why the 5 liter is better than the ls or is it lot of good there yeah i actually haven't done too many of them i've done done a few for the local dealership this is one of the better ford engines yeah yeah that's good that it doesn't uh come knocking on your door you do a lot of power stretch right yes yes i try not to nice so if you pop the hood and you open the hood it's a very nice clean engine even though it's really big and that's because of the two camshafts on the top three generations uh generation one was eleven to fourteen generation two was fifteen to seventeen and generation three is eighteen the current generation one had the biggest issues and that was the connecting rod that's both what i've done i think i've done three or four every one of them so they can't carry on it seems to be the only issue we just update everything mostly connecting raw bearings i get to them before they blow it so it's the bearings that they go it's it's the bearings uh and the clearances between it they have updated bearings for that the ones i've done personally i've gotten to before this has happened what's the telltale sign noise noise yeah it starts to make a rocket starts to bounce off i don't know if the dealers are automatically doing the change when a certain amount of kilometers come up or i just get the job i want to see that before into a service manual like that 50 000k rotate your tires change batteries 150 000 rebuild your engine i have seen a couple a couple videos on the gt500s too that the they've had the same issue with all right let's get into it see if we can save it there you go [Music] yeah these things are stuck on there because the stucco [Music] yeah sure put my old space on this morning [Music] we got a little bit of sludge build up is that typical what do you think and and it's kind of discolored into it usually the discoloration is usually what i see from the synthetic okay uh synthetic is really popular to run in these engines i think calls for it from ford uh that's because the phaser they want thinner oil that goes through the small filters that they use for doing their cam phasing that's controlled by oil pressure a lot of that sludge i see is usually from the synthetic usually short drives it doesn't get up to temperature properly it will actually crystallize and we'll start to leave small deposits all over and that's why i start to see on the pistons in the oil rings uh very common most people don't get to see that side of the damages that synthetic things could it's not that it's bad it does too good but it's not meant for a short drive vehicle here it's funny this is a different color than this the drivers is like a light brown yeah passengers dark like a cherry red almost and not as much sludge on this one this one is like a tiny bit whereas this is a lot worse yeah it's really hanging up in there that's weird yeah you should see all around the campus stuff too all the build up all the crustiness on that side you can see it's crusty and it has it's flaky right on this you can see where it's gummy just from it sitting there and pooling you can get the gumminess on it and that's just from the synthetic oils [Music] so you've been a fan of ford all along and four six is my favorite engine okay it's bulletproof uh very easy mods to do to it every engine has their problems but the 406 is pretty much the top of my personal list no cam phaser single overhead cam 46 lots of power and all the for all the mustang guys cobra mustang guys 2001 they'll understand where i'm coming from best engine one thing that we didn't touch on is that this five liter isn't ford's first attempt at a dual red camp uh i don't know all the engines out there but they did do a real good engine i think in the town cars also the marauder i think had it in it and it was a dual overhead cam 46 non-cam phaser engine but they really went messy with that because well they have two versions of those engines and some of the cam gears on it are non-keyed and slip on so even the timing on that gets very difficult too um but that was a really really good engine all right a lot of hot rod guys on those ones then they went to the 542 valve almost essentially the same as the four six very very my new differences nothing really crazy bore size obviously i'm sure i'll get lots of posts about that but as terms as machining identical engine okay very easy to work on lots and lots of mods uh typical only problem i really see in those engines are the lifter boards in the head uh if regular maintenance isn't done lifters start to clog up lifters go solid and then breaking out the side of the head and then i just weld them back up re-board out and it's fixed then the three valve five four is when it all went around then the abortion oh yes uh not a fan favorite of mine i've already stopped working on those engines no fixing for them they had a single overhead cam three valve engine and the problem in my opinion and from experience of working on the spring pressure wasn't fixed on it so they were pushing up on the cams which was uh wearing out the cam caps and then the small fibers and the small pieces of that would get clogged in the cam phaser filters which would then cause all the canvas or problems okay so they do offer a kit where you can put the caps back on re-bore out your cam caps and put actually an insert bearing kind of exactly the same bearing as you'd find in your bottom end just smaller actually the same bearing is what they do in atvs it's just an inserted bearing p series bearing but it's a very very expensive fix for an engine that should just be found in the junkyard that's it but they're all fixed with two camshafts they're all fixed as long as you do your main okay all this synthetics which again in my opinion uh has its places in the industry um but little things like this was just a ticking time bomb there are tools to set and time everything can't just do it without a couple blocks of wood to keep stuff in places no no no nothing like that i typically just let the dealerships do that i do all the machining oh look at the dirt yeah he was off-roading or something [Music] like a different kind of sludge it's like never seas it's not that scary when you get into it the other worst thing for an engine is switching manufacturers of oils yeah because every nowadays a lot oils are so modified by the manufacturers that one oil does work for the other so you get the typical value shopper i call them the guys that go to the walmart and the canyon tires and freaking sam's club or whatever and they switch over all the different oils integral take it to the chick tube that's you recycled oil so all these different plants don't mix together so one chain drives one camshaft and the second camshaft the intake runs off of the exhaust a lot of these cams are hollow cams because that's where the oil pressure goes through yeah so if the pressure is on the center and you do the two ends you can bend the cam or possibly break the cam okay so yeah you'll see how much it comes up off the screen pressure too like it'll lift quite a bit oh should have started at the same time i hear a lot of grunting over there yeah okay i don't work out with you [Music] nothing more canadian than chinese cups and mastercraft first i'll just double check that the all the caps are numbered because you definitely don't want to get those swapped and then have to worry about trying to figure out which one to lose in the right place yeah it's a huge squeal two you don't want to mix them up because we just added eight hours to your rebuild oh you just hit it with a hammer oh okay trying to be gentle oh you just hit it with the hammers that's how it works [Music] uh i have seen or have heard of rocker arms popping out from over revving okay but i'm not sure if this in this generation uh has had a problem you got it [Music] yep you're taller oh that's what it is yeah i'm short and compact i can see you holding in the grunt i can see in your vein in your forehead see there you go i'll [Music] it's not that bad oh that's definitely fixable yeah there's a little chunk missing right there well scraped anyway i don't think it was bouncing around long before it let go nope i think it jammed up pretty quick so it being up against the side of the throw would you be worried about the crankshaft being bent or warped it could possibly have all the tools to check that yeah so we'll check for a bend we'll check it all over especially miking it for size okay but we can rule all that stuff out and even if it is bent i can straighten it so the second and third gens came with bigger valves yeah they're not much you said no it was like 34 or something something like that 0.3 or something like that but there's been no issues like with the diesels cracking on the heads that you've seen in between yeah are pretty good especially the five liters even the four sixes i'm the only cracks i see are the lifter boards that's it they're pretty pretty good oh yeah she's chunky down there yeah so it is cast iron borer so i think in 2014 they went to the nick of silver 13 15 15. they went to the next cell cylinders okay so because two of the engines i've done already are they still bores so you can't do anything not repairable well you see the line there i sanded off the carbon so you can see the color difference a lot of these engines even like the 5'3 chevys they're all casted in sleeves so the sleeves are actually on a mold and the engine is built by pouring the cast around the sleeves so when i get into it when i actually start boring to do repair sleeves they're bumpy because that's what holds the sleeve in better surface area stronger right so i'll bore all this out but it doesn't feel that bad i feel like we could probably do one or two oversizes uh probably one oversized so we have two options we can either sleeve this one cylinder bring it back to stock and reuse all the parts or we bore and hone the whole block and turn it into an actual five liter because it's only like 4.96 or something like that and then they round it up so it's not a true 5 liter the only thing with that though which is a common misconception even 350 is a lot of people say when they board 30 over and stuff but now they got a 355 and so it doesn't work like that if you replace with factory pistons if we were to put bore this all over say 30 thousand when we replace the factory pistons they actually bring down the compression height for the oversized bore okay so it's still by math the numbers are still equating okay but they compensate because computers are really touchy when it comes to stuff especially this generation uh even in the 355s you go 30 over well it's compensated in in compression distance yeah so the top of piston is actually decreased so they're not changing really the engine okay it just sounds good i think in the first generation even though it's a cass leaf they had issues with it working so going going oblong and then burning oil so that was fixed in the second gen and then third gem they went to plasma transferred wired something or other so it's i think they like weld a sleeve in there something like that that was a that's the latest gen so 2018. so by doing it that way they make the sleeve even smaller so then it's actually it's a 5.02 or five nine it's an actual five liter yeah so see if that holds up but yeah let's uh take this head off knock the pistons off and see if any of them are oblong yep if that's an issue i think that was an issue with the first gen now it's a nice cute engine yep just still 10 times better multi-layered gaskets there are tortuous bolts so like the engine i came hard uh you said that one of the bolts backed off i thought so yeah in most torque to yield applications i don't usually see bolts backing off okay just because they are designed to really twist and they have a lot of compression on them right right i don't often see that let's do a little up tightening and see if that wasn't really good now if we see damage on this bearing it might lead us to kind of explain what might happen so that's what i don't like seeing i really don't like seeing the bearings come out i get that often when the bearings stay on the crank some people will argue that the suction cup from the oil will hold it in yeah but i really don't like the sign of that okay and if it happens on other ones then that's why i started looking at some of the rods okay uh there's enough tension and crush on these rods that they should stay in there so that fretting that's in there is a sign of it starting to seize up okay uh it's not lack of oil it's not a chunk that went through when you start to see like the little bubbling and the fretting in there okay that was it starting to get ready to tighten up typically in little oil i don't see it on this one or your oil pumps on the front uh so if there is an oil pump issue it'll start at number eight first it doesn't mean it's impossible that this could happen if this one was maybe a little bit tighter than the rest of them okay uh it is possible maybe something got stuck in the old gallery i will finally put this piston out if that bearing stays in there too uh and what we can do is we can torque this back up and set our mic and see uh see what we have right so this was the biggest problem with the first gen and the second gen they did some sort of yeah you said a centered center that's a castle rot or centered forged rod and then they never had an issue again so these are i-beam right yeah in a lot of these situations when we have a cracked rod like this they offer oversized bearings but what happens is that the uh out the housing bore is what changes so you can't like a traditional rod say like on a 350 i can cut the top and bottom and resize the rods on these you can so they offer a tooth out oversized bearing on the outside diameter so then i can resize these rods and put good bearings in and then i get to control the crush that's on that bearing okay now all this is fixable as long as it's not over limits see yeah don't like that again that this is just my opinion yeah um but to see uh a bearing fall like that i'm guessing when we take number eight we probably won't see it see the build up you can even see it inside the ring see how all the oil the oil drain back is getting clogged up yeah you can see it around even the middle section of the rings and that's usually a really good evidence of synthetic running okay if you use quality conventional oil yeah on regular old changes you don't see that synthetic is like that and if when it gets really sludgy it's from different oils you've been used all the time okay and again not that as bad well yeah two couch 22 because you need the synthetic like they call for synthetic oil for the phasers but then you get prolonged oil changes which leads to the sludge and whatnot so we made a video a long time ago oil is cheap do more oil changes it's all it comes down to yeah so this one this one does have piston squirters i think uh second and third gen don't have it because ford figured they could save some money and not use them and i don't think it's an issue like it i don't think it's a problem typically in a lot of these performance engines too we block those off because uh it will actually create a imbalance in the engine okay because you have force you have weight on the engine you get any type of drag applications or race applications they put windage trays and they're trying to stop any of that oil from getting on the piston right that's just more of a a longevity on the manufacturer's side of things say that again ford yes design something for longevity try to keep it cool uh but it doesn't necessarily always mean it's a good thing ford is very known for having good ideas but not completing the ideas my ford truck and me we can go almost [Music] anywhere [Music] [Laughter] so something's going on there yeah oh man that's i've never had that before where i can't pull the bearings off of the crank no so that that was about to get tight so i wouldn't say it's an oil pump only because i have good faith in these front driven oil pumps now another common problem is aluminum bearings and aluminum bearings on synthetic oil a aluminum bearings are softer yep and b synthetic oil is very aggressive and is known to to uh be aggressive on aluminum bearings and aluminum surfaces yeah which can lead to a situation that exists too yeah i'm not i wouldn't point at the pump these pumps are just about fool proof i've never seen a pump fail okay um so it would either be an oil problem either oil which is common because they burn oil yeah every engine on synthetic burns oil okay you see it a lot in like the lamborghini's ferraris it's in their standard practice that you have to add oil i would say it's probably just a mixture of high mileage aluminum bearings or granite oil i bet it was burning oil i ran it low yes i think that's what happened yes that's stuck on oh there we go there you go i've never seen them that stuck before yeah look at all the yeah look at it see yeah see the top of the bearing starting to come off yeah so she was close yeah so like and you see it right there there is a couple different situations that that's there uh i would be more uh focused towards it being the aluminum bearing and being beat on possibly running out of oil uh just lack of maintenance it was a part of the f-150 so it was probably stolen yeah yeah i like this you can see the material hanging over the edge there it's a ford steel crank uh the funny thing is with aluminum bearings when they do start to tighten up and and spin it's almost like a lubricating surface until it gets too hot right and then once it gets to that funny temperature i think it's around 515 or something like that they'll actually wear out the crank i see a lot of times when overheated pistons that the piston actually wears out the piston pin and the piston is a forged piston it shouldn't be like that right aluminum when it gets to almost boiling temperature yeah it gets very hard and then we'll take out a crank oh there's a chunk in the bottom of the pistol yeah give you a little bit of transfer here too [Music] okay so um these are six bolt mains so you got one two three times two um but these are way bigger than an ls big flat washer on the side of that compared to a little eight millimeter bolt or whatever it is now let's check the out of round which is what might be able to forgive this guy for running low on oil if it just started burning it like crazy well we'll start we start from direction of rotation or thrust so we have a zero we have about a half thou but that's at the top of the travels for rain travel so we're at about foul there at the top and then we'll get down at the bottom of it but that could just be a little bit of sludge on the bottom so i'll pull up a little more so we're at our almost zero zero zero zero it's got about a thou of outer round but i wouldn't consider that uh unacceptable that could just be a little bit aware from pissing ring groove uh and i also only just did a quick snap the edge yeah just how about this broke that's just a little bit of sludge in the bottom so you get about half that with the bottom there but that could also be the damage when it takes an impact like this it can really deform so you're at zero that way so you're a half thou tight there zero a couple tenths tight so it's really it's not horrible i wouldn't say that that had anything to do with any type of oil burning and that stuff okay these pistons when they start to heat up they will conform to that cylinder pretty fast yeah yeah and i'm sure you probably got your comments but this is a sun and dal more gauge i see a lot of comments about the green and red indicators on here but that's industry standard just you know scott still cares what you guys think i don't know there's like small till just like you gotta screw those guys so comparable to the five three i'd say let's say the five three of its time or even the 60. it's definitely a very well designed engine take into consideration the variable timing and stuff but everything to do with a coyote is like twice the cost of an ls yes which is the downfall on it which is why so many more people are doing the ls's than they are this like you said if you put the same amount of money into an ls as to hop it up as you do as a coyote you get more with an ls because everything is so much more cheaper and there's so much more support for it than there is with the coyotes other than blowers and stuff for the for the mustangs but money aside if you put the same components on these engines as you know as your ls your lt engine you'll be 10 times further ahead of this now i have nothing against chevy uh they're a great engine but they're still old technology old push rod engine yeah they make great power they're cheap to make power um but this is the way of the future yeah and the nice thing is now that we they have been around for a decade now that they are starting to become available and you see engines like this and whatnot so yeah so if you guys um we really don't have any plans for this engine uh we're not gonna put this one in our um in our project we wanna go find a bronco but uh borders are closed and everything's rotten around here uh if you want scott to build this engine for you um we can set it up with a standalone system um and make it run so that it's ready to go drop in whatever you want so if you want um you can go through debossingquiries yeah definitely comment down below if there's other engines you want to kind of see this to a little bit of science behind it not too in-depth but you kind of understand what's going on um and what you're getting and if we got something wrong or if you know of any other problems listed down below it's always helpful to everybody else reading the comments that's like okay they missed that and i definitely don't know everything and i don't pretend to know everything that's not what you told me i'm still i still learn every day there's always something different that comes in so if you guys can teach me too by all means um i'm ready to learn otherwise thanks for watching um kind of a longer video on on why but we wanted to get in the nitty-gritty as to uh why the coyote why scott thinks the coyote is better than the ls um so yeah thanks for watching um get up there find one fix it and uh get filthy
Views: 559,246
Rating: 4.8226318 out of 5
Keywords: ford engine review, ford mustang, 5.0 coyote, 5.0 coyote review, 5.0 coyote engine, 5.0 coyote specs, 5.0 coyote f150, 5.0 coyote gen 1, 5.0 coyote gen 2, 5.0 coyote gen 3, boss 302, boss 302 vs coyote, boss 302 vs 5.0, boss 302 differences, f150 coyote, boss 302 vs gt, 5.0 vs 5.4 f150, 5.0 vs 4.6 mustang gt, 5.0 vs 4.6 f150, coyote vs ls engine, coyote or ls, coyote 5.0 vs ls, coyote swap mustang, coyote swap, 5.0 swap, ford f150, dohc, dohc vs sohc, dohc engine
Id: fX4trGWQzXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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