Why I'm Not A Ford Fan

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so here's the number one reason why i don't like ford i like touching things and four does not want me touching their things does that make sense [Music] okay so to get a better understanding of my dislike for forge you got to know some stuff about me and i am originally a heavy equipment mechanic i worked in construction before mechanics i understand how things are put together i built my own house i built this shop i poured this floor and now i'm working out of that shop i have a couple patents i designed a tool i understand how things work and i don't work on cars for the most part i've always worked on heavier equipment off-road excavators farm equipment agriculture and pickup trucks i don't really touch the cars and have pretty well no experience of boat cars so i can't say that ford makes terrible cars i'm not a fan of ford because they really don't want guys like me working on their stuff their stuff is designed to bring back to the dealer ford uses a lot of specialty tools that um they do on purpose that the dealership has that guys like me just don't want to buy or afford or stock when we don't work on the stuff every single day i also don't work on current vehicles uh current stuff is as you know is getting more and more advanced and basically i like the dodges i actually say on the screen take me to a dealer because something's wrong i'm not a dealer i'm not up to date with the latest technology or the new service bulletins or anything like that my era of expertise is from about 10 years ago the guys that have pickups that that kind of want to work on them themselves it's not running right they bring it to me i fix it i take a look at it and we go from there now that being said uh let's talk generally about the 2000s to say 2010s let's talk about that decade right now it's 2017 that's kind of that era that i see those vehicles coming through the shop they need a lot of work done to them but they're utter warranty people buy and use pickup trucks for work things like that ford made in my opinion made much better quality stuff in the square bodies pre 1996 pre the triton pre the the rounded edges if it was a square body i love the old square bodies the um we had a lot of them at the shop that i used to work at uh friends of mine had them we all kind of started out with square bodies my first truck was an 87 s10 um and that really started my love affair with mechanics it was very simply put together i with very little uh experience on working on vehicles i bought a haynes manual swapped a couple engines in an s10 basically put two trucks together and built an entire truck that started my love affair for mechanics i got an apprenticeship started working on heavy equipment um agriculture story a lot of tractors loved how you can split a tractor to get out the clutch it was easy to work on but none of my introductions to fords have been pleasant um things like not labeling the fuse panel box now you guys say they are labeled they are not labeled in the pickup trucks that after 2000 i haven't seen any fuse box lids that are labeled all i see is a bunch of numbers and um you have to go in the owner's manual to see what number does what fuse now we're in heavy equipment vehicles we're in heavy equipment shops our hands are dirty now you've got to go wash your hands open up the manual to find what fuse does what you get the owner's manual dirty you got to go rooting through his glove box it's a waste of time every other maker labels the fuse box right there and you can just look oh the the horn's not working it's the horn fuse done out the door and and 30 seconds basically you say don't even worry about the bill it's it's already just you're good to go ford no i i spent 15 minutes doing it i got to punch out i got to give you a bill for it so the main pickup truck engines that i've seen and worked on is the 54 tritons and the power stroke diesels and both of them were a disaster i watched a buddy of mine by next to new f-350 dump truck with a six liter in it and it was still under warranty and he had about fifteen thousand dollars worth of warranty work done to that truck and it still wasn't right he goes okay i'm gonna i got so much time into it um they must have fixed it by now i'm gonna keep it uh now that it's out of warranty it should be fine i'm gonna cross my fingers i don't have enough money to buy another truck i should be fine no sensors leaving them with no starts tow bills and down time and ford would not will not fix a problem that they know is a problem the head gaskets were going stud it no no they'll put the oem head bolts back in again and when they're waving out you as you drive away well good luck and that's not how a company should treat um customers now you can say that okay international built those engines the power strokes has nothing to do with ford bull if ford was not at the design table with international then they're bigger idiots than you guys are giving them credit for they need to know what's being designed they need to have quality control into anything that they're putting their name on it at the end of the day two people will two out of three people will say it's a ford issue not and the other person will say no it's an international issue yes they cut their ties but it took long enough um after that truck of my buddies was broken down enough he went back to ford and said i i can't have this truck it's it's it's a lemon and i i want to trade it in for something else ford didn't want it they said no we won't buy the truck off of you even though they themselves did roughly thirty to forty thousand dollars worth of repair to to that truck um that was a huge loss as a young guy starting out if you're eating a forty thousand dollar bill on a truck that you paid thirty forty thousand dollars for that that's insane and now you can say okay now we've spent lots of years of uh diagnosing these engines okay if you do this this this this and this you can bulletproof it they're excellent engines that may be so if you have 10 grand to throw out a power stroke and and say okay i have a bulletproof engine fantastic but i don't think that a maker should be allowed an automaker should be allowed to make something that needs ten thousand dollars of backyard mechanics expertise to get it bulletproof to make it reliable they can charge for that that it's just not right and people tell me oh go check out powerstroke help yes go to i've checked out lots of powerstroke help videos and none of them make me want to go out and buy another ford i i don't understand um the tritons the two piece spark plugs you've seen me make the videos on the f-150s um the two-piece spark plugs get a better plug put more after 120 years of building engines you should know how to put a spark plug in it and you can't tell me that an engineer looked at that cylinder head in the early tritons and said you know what maybe we should put more than two or three threads holding the spark plugs in uh some guy says oh if you tighten it to the perfect torque and and you you do it at the exact right intervals you won't have an issue i countless stories of spark plugs hitting hoods and okay well let's just put 20 threads in there and then have a two-piece spark plug snap off and you're still swearing to me those are stupid idiotic little problems that shouldn't be there in the first place now i've got to give forward credit they are number one in innovation they will come out with a new idea but and they're ahead of their time for everything the new trucks are backing up hooking up trailers um all sorts of little gizmos like that they are ahead of their time and and it's brilliant because their marketing the average person will go into that cab and say i love this cab i love these these buttons and i love the backup camera i love that it parks itself but they won't actually know to go and pop the hood and say this is a giant freaking mess of wires and hoses under there but i'm the guy that's working under that hood going this is a giant friggin mess of wires and hoses on there um the f-150 there that i swapped the engine in the injectors cam phaser and two other sensors all use the same plug so if you're and the way the wiring harness is i didn't take the engine apart that somebody else tore the engine down and had me finish up the job i plugged everything back in again i had a no start like that's weird everything should everything's plugged in every every wire that i seen had a pl got plugged into somewhere well the whole harness was off one plug number um the the the four injectors the one plug was right at the back of the head and then the other three injectors were plugged in to the wrong injector and then the cam phase was plugged into the number one or number two cylinder whatever it is and stupid why would you make all the same plugs that's just idiotic to me but those are the kind of things that frustrate me as a mechanic and we'll tell customers i don't want to work on your ford because i can swap an ls engine into a pickup truck that that uh you've seen me do it on the 07 silverado that was in here i did it in half less than half the time it takes me to do it on a ford so i see a ford come in and say okay you know what a couple small little issues i can i can fix that and i can make a decent buck on it the parts are outrageous and then it takes twice as long as you think it's going to be and at the end of the day there's not very much money left over because you got to give the customer i'm sorry but this simple job costs like 2 grand to do and i thought i could do it for less than 500 bucks take things like the hangar bearing on the two-piece driveshaft and the f-150s ford welds the yoke on the other side of the hangar bearing so when this 30 hanger bearing goes they make you buy the entire driveshaft and that's fine there's enough companies now making aftermarket driveshafts you can pick them up for 5 600 bucks still it's a 30 dollar bearing that it should be replaced and and gm's you slide the yoke off you can get the hanger bearing put it on put the yoke back on it's done that you can say okay you know what your truck is is rattling and shaking like crazy 60 70 bucks you're out the door again and you feel good about it rather than saying you know what ford wants eighteen hundred dollars for this drive shaft and i still have to put it in so your build just for a thirty dollar hanger bearing is over like two grand if if it broke before aftermarket companies were able to start making these things so if you're wondering why there's so much hatred for ford it's that me and ford's just don't get along that they want their stuff to go back to um uh the dealerships uh anything on a power stroke other than regular maintenance you gotta pull the cab and and everybody says oh it's only two three hours to pull the cab yeah but it's four five six hours to put it back on again you gotta recharge your ac you gotta line everything back up again it's a two-person job it it it's a giant pain in the ass and and they do it on purpose and and i flashing a computer you could very easily take hp tuners their gm says here you go do what you want with our computers you can swap it do this increase the power use your computer from this van and put it in this pickup just just wipe the program and upload a new program forward it's not gonna happen you need special interface tools um it just it's just doesn't make mechanics fun anymore the old stuff love it i had a mustang um the old pickup trucks i loved the looks of them seven threes were great engines anything after 2000 keep it and basically if you guys want me to we're talking about this today the shop is busy enough i'm basically going to say if it's 1996 or newer i don't want it in the shop i don't want to work on it but anyway that's my experience as a mechanic who's dabbled in a little bit of everything i've rebuilt boat motors quads um it's all on the channel building a race car built my own trucks that's not to say that gm is perfect and that every line is better and i also understand that everything in europe is a different grade and a different quality than everything that we get in north america um little fiestas and and focuses that they've that they have in europe fantastic little cars little diesel rangers beautiful um the crap that we have over here i don't understand um i appreciate a lot of your guys's comments down below we've had comments from i love i got to read some of them but anyway um we got comments from service managers saying like i i know where you're coming from parts are a pain in the ass every caliper on every every fx2 fx4 lariat king ranch everyone is a different caliper you can't just swap calipers um and and i had a buddy who had a three or four year old truck couldn't even get a caliper from ford and it's like okay well that's just the way it's supposed to be no that's stupid that's down time i need my truck i need to get to work i need to pick up the kids from daycare i need my vehicle that's why i give you a lot of money forty thousand dollars for a pickup for like a a low end pickup i need to get to where i'm going past the 80 000 kilometers when it's out of warranty um if that makes any sense to you guys comment down below um i've had people say i know where you're coming from i see this and then i get comments from four guys who are just die hard forward guys who i don't know why ford does an awesome job at marketing they just think well that's the way a truck's supposed to be you know 180 000 kilometers on it it's supposed to be garbage because even though i've taken good care of it and replaced the manifolds and and and listened to the exhaust leak for years and years that's just the way that it's supposed to be and i'm gonna go out and buy another ford because it's a beautiful cabin and it's got beautiful buttons and it's exactly where i want it to be you know the bed isn't practical because it's six feet high and you can't grab anything out of it but it just looks so nice it's like it's not practical it's not it's not economical and i hate working on them so anyway thanks for listening to me ramble and try to explain the last video was just a funny story if you're still watching the last video i think we're going to take it down because i got the wrong idea i talked about working on an aerostar and people think i was comparing an aerostar to my s10 it's not it's just that the s10 was my first introduction to gm and and the aerostar was the first introduction to four and it was just black and white but anyway we made that video because the shop that i used to work at has nothing but ford's die hard ford guy um but they had an f550 that went through two 6.4 liter power strokes dropped the valve into one something else happened to the other and uh they ended up putting a cummins in it we made a video on the nice common swap but we were asked to take it down because he makes a very good living at fixing power strokes and it doesn't make sense when he pulls out his own power stroke and puts the cummins in the ford it's still all power stroke badges on the side of it but that is a 100 pure cummins six cylinder engine and that f550 driving around town so because that was a prelude to that video because we were asked to take it down we took down the whole part about the coming swap but we kind of left that and it was kind of an unfinished video on on uh on my hatred for ford and and i just it grinds my teeth i just i just hate i i'm gonna say it i hate ford i hate working on fords i hope that clears things up for you guys a little bit we're gonna leave this video up comment down below let me know what you guys think or if i'm crazy oh one more thing and i'm g i like gm because a lot of their parts are interchangeable i took the three-quarter ton silverado front end put it on my tahoe i like the look of it i can just unbolt it bolt it back on takes very little time but they're not perfect they have lots of their own issues and that's why i pulled the six liter out it's terrible on fuel and put in the cummins in that too that's why i pulled out the 5.3 i had a head gasket go it happens they're not perfect they're a much better platform to work off of and um and because the parts are so interchangeable you can stock some parts laying around and and actually get to using them and it's not just that specific cereal break of that specific model and that specific year on afford okay and look like every maker is making it so that you have to take it to a dealer which brings it to a whole new level that guys like me will be out of work if i had a shop and i saw it with the heavy equipment i i started on my own shop the second i quit the dealership i was out of date um i don't have the retraining i don't have the tools i don't have the updates and it's going to be the same way with the automotive sector we are little shops like mine are going to disappear because we will not have the updates for and we basically the automakers will make it so that only they can work on their own equipment once it gets to self-driving and electric cars that's it like my dirty hands are are gone hopefully i'll be an old man by then but that's kind of also why i'm i'm switching from working on vehicles to just building cool stuff and this youtube thing seems to be going okay thanks for commenting guys and uh yeah
Views: 900,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, powerstroke, ford review, ford problems, diesel engine, common problems with ford trucks, 6.7, 6.4, 6.0, 7.3, why i hate ford, triton v8, ford triton, f150, f350, f250, ford trucks, built ford tough, ford powerstroke, everything wrong with ford
Id: 8Avl4w_orws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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